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Roman Catholicism vs. Eastern Orthodox

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Thread replies: 67
Thread images: 41

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Roman Catholic here. Why are you Eastern Orthodox and not Roman Catholic?
The superior spirituality and the authentic and undiluted way of Christ of course.
I'm not, but I sure as shit respect the orthodox over protesticucks
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doesn't change the fact jesus is a massive cuck
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I don't like the SJW twist the church got recently

Orthodox are ok
Why are you not Mormon?
>Jesus is a cuck
Jesus was the most perfect Jew, you idiot. Since Jews control the world, the best way to ensure security for the white race is to out-Jew the Jews, and the only way to do that is to become the Jew. Jesus's path must be followed
If you still believe in Jesus in moder day you're living in the past you shill beta
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Hahaha hilarrrrrr
But I still love Varg. He's an interesting cat, dog.
Oh look it is a hindu , lets all laugh at him.

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disgusting christkike
Because I haven't fallen for the heresy of Papism

getting mad boy ?


christ was a kike then he died how can he still be a kike ?
>getting mad boy ?
>christ was a kike then he died how can he still be a kike ?
you're so stupid
your shitty stories are pure garbage

What the fuck is wrong with based pastor anderson preaching against faggots ?

>you're so stupid

You cannot even understand that jesus was there from the beginning of time , how can he be a kike....

talk about stupid garbage stories

> What the fuck is wrong with based pastor anderson preaching against faggots ?
he's not based
he's a christkike
>You cannot even understand that jesus was there from the beginning of time , how can he be a kike....
because he's not god
he's a jew imposter
>talk about stupid garbage stories
why would I click your shitty links, you dirty christkike?

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you stupid christkike
your dirty jew jesus is nothing but a filthy fucking perverted kike
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if you want to get under this guys skin, just remmeber to call him a stinky jew, only jews, and those who fall for their propaganda hate jesus christ.

post the 9/11 pictures and cheer for the death of americans again you crypto jew-muslim.

Not gonna respond to a bot anymore
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you're so stupid
please don't
The Catholic church is the true church! The only church!
divide and conquer
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i really don't like steve anderson after his hindu videos. it shows a lack of understanding of the spiritual mysteries. the man needs to read the gnostic gospels.
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jesus is not equivalent to buddha
jesus is a dirty jew
I'm ashamed and embarrassed that so many fellow /pol browsers worship a dead jew on a stick. You are open minded about conspiracies involving the elite, yet you are fucking retarded when it comes to spirituality. Pantheism/panentheism is the only logical spiritual position, fuck your christianity
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yes rabbi, keep spouting the jew memes you've fallen for, keep showing your true colors, an ignorant pile of nothing.

you and jews have a lot in common, you both hate christ. you sucking baby circumcisions with your rabbi friends crypto jew?

everyone point and laugh at the crypto jew.
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tell me what I need to do then in order to make you happy, kind sir, because clearly you are my knowledgeable superior
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stop treating Krishna as an Idol, learn his teachings, forget his name, only focus on his teachings, and realize these teachings have been spoken in every single country and culture, except maybe islam, because them's some goat fucking weirdos.
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you're regurgitating jesus beliefs and your cosmology image is irrelevant to your disgusting order to me
you know nothing of veda or its teachings
you are simply trying to convert me to christ because you're a dirty christkike
>you are simply trying to convert me to christ because you're a dirty christkike

>Implying we would not rather see you in hell
>>Implying we would not rather see you in hell
it's that why you think I'm a demon? what do you really think? am I possessed by satan? just how insane are you?
>Not being part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
It's as if you're trying to get sent to Hell
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what rules do you think I have violated?
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>it's that why you think I'm a demon? what do you really think? am I possessed by satan? just how insane are you?
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I know why you think I'm a demon or "satanic" - it's because you were taught or learned so
"satan" is a jewish concept
>FromSatan, fromLatinSatān, fromAncient GreekΣατάν(Satán), fromHebrewשָׂטָן(Sātān,“adversary, accuser”).
biblical jewish garbage

it was you bringing up satan retard i only said i would rather see you in hell
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why do you think I should be in hell, you dirty christkike?
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i don't particularly care if you think you're not following Christ, if you follow krishnas teachings you are already following Christ and his teachings whether you like it or not kike. and its about that simple.

but obviously you're not following a word of anything. you're just acting like the kikes you hate, and not realizing your own hypocrisy.

by the way, you dropped this.
You're the niggers of Christianity
why do you go to every Christian thread. Just fuck off, seriously. You're wasting your own time and just being annoying. I don't even understand why an Indian is so anti-Christian. Did a Christian dude steal your girl?

The autism of this website man

In any case, I'm Orthodox because the Orthodox Church has stayed true to the ideals and beliefs of the Church. Catholics have added to the faith, Protestants have subtracted
Because many on /po/ also browse /k/ and they are massive Slavaboos who want to larp.
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you're so stupid
kṛṣṇa's words are distinctly different from jesus' tripe
why don't you just leave instead of subjecting yourself to dastardly anti-jesusjew memes, you sinful christkike?
>why don't you just leave instead of subjecting yourself to dastardly anti-jesusjew memes
because I enjoy talking about my faith. Why don't you do something productive with your life instead of wasting you every minute shitposting on a mongolian basketweaving forum?
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>>>131246828 (You)
>>why don't you just leave instead of subjecting yourself to dastardly anti-jesusjew memes
>because I enjoy talking about my faith.
THIS IS A POLITICS FORUM you stupid christkike
>Why don't you do something productive with your life instead of wasting you every minute shitposting on a mongolian basketweaving forum?
do you even know the definition of "shitposting", you filthy christian kike?
this website isn't mongolian, nor is it devoted to "basketweaving", not is it a forum

you are on the politics board of 4chan you stupid christkike
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ok christkike
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no, you're a spiritual failure.
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>no, you're a spiritual failure.
Cultists go with cultists.
is it that dirty pastor banned from britain? I haven't looked
steve anderson is a spiritual dud to be honest.
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yes, reincarnation is in the bible whether steve anderson thinks it is or not.
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>not Roman Catholic
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there's no such thing as a christian who is not a "spiritual dud"
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they both go to hell
gnost christianity is the ultimate redpill
gnosticism is dualism
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Revelation 19
10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God
14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
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Thread posts: 67
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