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>American security company Airborne Tactical Advantage Company

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>American security company Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC) buys 64 Mirage F1 from France.
So private armies have their own air force now.
Militaries San Frontiers when?
They already had 11 Hawker Hunters, 6 IAI F-21 Kfir, 2 Aero L-39 Albatros and 1 Douglas A-4 Skyhawk
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But srsly tho
>a well regulated private militia
i dont see the prob..
Haha, this is only the tip of the iceberg jabroni.
In Afghanistan every ISR aircraft I flew on was operated by PMCs. Most of them had some sort of ordinance.

So youre saying they are approaching Rhodesian levels of airforce. Hawker hunters sound right, just the rest are upgrades of things like allouettes.
>"America first"
if the normies realized the level of what PMC's actually do in the ME and Afghanistan they would probably freak out, and if they found out our salary, they def would!
Whole American government is a private organization. They attack whoever they want, federal reserve is secret to public and so on.
wats ur salary man?
Is the job tough?
That's fine, I know when push comes to shove, they are still our guys.
it's not a militia.
it's a commercial entity that fights for whoever will pay them.
im not saying it's a problem.
i'm just saying a militia is something completely different and you are a retard.
>Is the job tough?
I doubt you can even have a family with a job like that.
At one point i was 150k but the contracts go thru cycles, and were in a famine time right now. However with Trump as pres I expect them to pick back up in the next few years. You have to remember that the budgets are set years in advance, so right now were working under an Obama budget.
My job can be tough, but for the most part its really really easy, I work in logistics.
You and your BF can adopt one of my bastard half thai kids from Pattaya if you really want.
$400-1000 a day usually tax free.

Those were atleast numbers from 2005 Iraq
Agreed, hence why I switched over to that side. Also the 3 in 3 out schedule is pretty comfy. Just enough time to get sick of either CONUS or site location. The money is outrageous, but I won't send a paycheck back.
government contractor
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Better you being dragged through the courts for opening fire on a bunch of people stuck in traffic, than the Israeli forces at the UN. See why you exist, now? Also, so companies like Monsanto dont get raided by activists etc.
For my company/job I yank $1250 a day. Work day is usually 5-7 hours long depending.
I dont like the 3 on 3 off, I sometimes go 6 or 9 months with out a day off.
I get it I do, but I have to make a living and they pay buku bucks for me to do that.
chef at wendys? did you include bonuses?
whatever if there is no way they would take the goverments side if it ever became tyrannical + it prob wouldn't have money to pay them since its the people who are paying the taxes

well its Afgan and there hasnt been a major conflict there for a little while now. I imagine them taking pot shots from >1500m killing mudshits

Damn, is the job riskier or easier than a conventional army?
3/3 is the rotation Unit/Company likes us at.
Head chef, of course. But in my down time I like to fly around collecting waveforms and delivering those to the good boys and girls below me.
yes we're constantly under IDF (indirect fire) you get used to it
rotary or fixed?
Fixed. King Air for right now.
>whatever if there is no way they would take the goverments side if it ever became tyrannical + it prob wouldn't have money to pay them since its the people who are paying the taxes
>implying mercenaries don't fight for tyrranical governments
Read some African history
I would make an MGS reference but I didn't get the story
uh oh I'm guessing they are related to clinton/soros.
>11 Hawker hunters
for what purpose?
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ok you probably flew me back to BAF to go on R&R
I dont got enough soul fo dat brotha
+ youre comparing failing african countries to the USA
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>if the normies realized the level of what PMC's actually do in the ME and Afghanistan they would probably freak out

you mean training isis?
>you will live to see U.N. Squadron become real
Feels great man
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>we're constantly under IDF

anon, I...
It's possible, but we only seat 5 max and 4 of those seats are hard crew loadouts. Right now we are at BAF, KAF and MeZ. Was at Shank....but fuck Shank.
A lot of people in that field buy their own fighters

is the chance of dying higher than conventional mil?
>anyone can remember the story
but if we are moving along the mgs time line we are pre-war economy. Where war replaces oil as a major global industry with PMC(private military corperations) catering to middle eastern, south american and african in-fighting and rebellions. The PMCs eventually replace the US standing forces and armies.
i heard they are hiring drug cartel members, former african soldiers who involved in genocide. nothing they do will surprise me.
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was at Shank 2013 - until we shut it down
I hate you morons that don't post any sauce.
not really, prob about the same
on some of the bases, esp when I was in Iraq, they had Africans pulling security. It was kind of shitty because as soon as the shooting started they would be the first ones in the bunkers. But they do this to say "hey look we only have X number of troops in the AOR" and they dont tell you that they have 10k contractors doing the same job
Call them what they really are. Mercenaries. They go for the highest shekels. Defense contractors my arse
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do you remember the oasis burger!
going to post some random Shank pics!
Awesome! Hopefully the private airforces won't do drug tests.

Crazy how pic related basically foretold this
Srsly, fuck that place. Mortars every 5 mins, shit facilities and worst runway I have ever seen.

Heard the bugle alarm a few times there as well, butthole puckering factor of 11.
Is it easy to work as a contractor if you did POG shit sitting behind a computer

In other news water is wet.


Providing service to their clients, training for military and testing stuff for military equipment manufacturers.
Mirages are old now, they should have bought Rafales instead
Private company that does dissimilar combat training and acts as REDFOR for USN and smaller countries.

Literally nothing of interest going on here. Fuck you for getting my Ace Combat hopes up, OP.
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I remember I was at the DFAC by the Jordanian's compound once because it was burger night and they had the decent home made burgers. And the sirens went off and I could hear the rounds hitting all around me, and Im just thinking fuck this is it, Im going to die because I wanted to get a cheeseburger. But yeah you remember the 130 that slid off the runway and burned up, that shit was fucked up!
Jesus its like you're reviewing a hotel resort and not a battlefield
thats what I do, Im a POG, and I make good money doing it, no shame in my game
You talking about Afghan food shack approximately 4 square feet with goofy shit all over the walls?
Be American
Die for cheeseburger
Nearly did gods work anon
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yes! they had they Krgy girls working there, I knew it was time for R&R when they started looking like 10's
What kind of computer-y POG shit should I choose when I enlist if I want to do some contractor shit like you're currently doing?

my shooting knee not work so good compared to my think-brain
It's easy to forget about the over watch that's keeping you safe when they're 25K feet above you. Don't worry, we make our own ASVAB jokes on you clowns all day long.
Fuck that noise, I think it was like 2011 when a single round collapsed the DFAC roof in on some folks. No worse than the UAE Bee huts that went up at BAF tho.
If you ever get a chance, go North, get to MeS, Germans got a 5 star DFAC up there, the fucking chef puts baby shrimp in the eggs in the morning and fresh pastries. >>130951295
Yeah, I'm a lil nancy who likes nice living conditions.
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i was waiting for an Aussie to shit post me about it! >>130951628
Honestly anything with computers would be a great start, whats really important is a Secret or TS clearance, thats where the money is. I worked with a computer systems guy who literally would just tell people to hook up to the printer all day. I was like doesnt it get annoying, and hes like yeah until I look at my bank account.
Make that much working in Sillicon Valley and I don't have to put my life on the line.
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I'm a EMT-I and Surgical Tech...do they pay more for medical staff? Going over there would look amazing on my resume, the money sounds amazing, and I hate working on old people.
holy shit thats fucking awesome if real
I heard MeS was awesome! I remember when the big draw down was happening they were planning on closing that place down, but considering its relatively safe location and how its located next to a major rail head, I didnt think it was going to happen. When Shank "shut down" we all knew it was only a matter of time until they opened it up again and sure enough people are back there. I moved on to Iraq. Its fucking Disney World here compared to Afghan, I have my own room!
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you would have to be an EMT-P with a few years under your belt for them to even take a look at you. But if you really want too, there are opportunities for your line of work all over the ME, SEA, and Africa. I know as a EMT-P on a PSD you would make about $800 a day, regardless of missions.
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>twf Strike Commander becomes real in your lifetime
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Yeah man, the Germans pay the local warlords not to fuck with them. So in MeS, you drink, tan and fuck around on off time. I only went to IZ while I was in, but shit was on point. Nice hooch, decent food and the missions were fun as fuck. Sadir city was a nightmare to deal with back then, but the RoE was basically a shoulder shrug.
Hahaha and then you spend half of it on rent!
they dont even fuck with us anymore, I havent seen a legit IDF in almost a year. yeah its 150 outside, take the good with the bad.
how does one get this job if he's not from a nato country?
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they now have a larger air force than Canada
Which job are you referring to?
apply on websites, i work with alot of people from the balkans, african and south america. unfortunately your not going to get paid like the americans but it will still be pretty good money
yeah, but everyone hates silicon valley faggots.
you fucking faggot
Hell i just wanna shoot people and get paid big bucks while residing in an air conditioned base
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Rand squadron awaiting the new wings!
That's not too bad honestly. I could totally go back to school for EMT-P and get experience. I'm kinda shocked they are not looking for actual hospital staff.
Balkans? Hellooo
>Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC) buys 64 Mirage F1
Source on that? That a boatload of planes for that operation.
Well I work in a TS realm, so only Americans on my crew, but there are tons of jobs for other nations over there. I'd say learn how to drive a truck or be a warehouse type person for the cushy life.

Not sure how many folks you get to shoot at though, only like 1% of military are trigger pullers. Air conditioned, yes, but when you're not in the AC, it's hot as donkey nuts.
The company is contracted for US military training missions. One google search could have figured that out.
Turkroaches should be exterminated.
Nobody in this thread realizes that ATAC isn't mercs but trainers. They run redteam flights with a wide array of foreign jets; the Navy trains with them off the coast of Virginia. The Navy will decide to fly against a MiG or something, and the company provides that MiG and a pilot so that the wargames work. They also train other nations: Israelis are a big client.
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Ron Paul squadron has new machines: volunteer to defend the free world, anon!
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Governments will contract policing and domestic defence soon. Prepare you angus citizens
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Time to become a mercenary pilot
Just buy a blowout kit, fly over there, and I'm sure someone will snag you for employment.

Srs tho, there's a pretty large hospital at BAF. Lots of civvies running around in there pretending to look busy.
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Australian civil war soon
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What are some good companies to check out? I really might change my life a bit to do this. I'd be doing the same fucking job if taken as surgical tech.
How much do ya get payed to work in a warehouse?
And whats ur PMC?
Russian and ukranian pilots and jets were on sale ever since the end of the cold war, so anyone could buy an airforce on a pinch already. Its just awesome that americans are getting into the business as well.
I can only speak for the company I work for, which is L-3, they have been amazing to work for.

But I have heard good things about Garda, Honeywell and of course there is the massive DynCorp.

Belka did nothing wrong
I have no clue what a warehouse type person would make, I think it all depends on your job, location and country of origin. The least amount I have ever heard someone making over there was like 75K, and they were literally babysitting TCNs. I work for L-3 Communications. Good outfit.
DynCorp was a lot of fun in the cowboy days of the yugowars.
What did they do during yugos?
What about Saudi Arabia? They have a private army. Seeing as it's a kingdom and no democracy.
Unironically this is what Mattis did with his Marines in Anbar while were were trying to get in there to kill people.

Also, the MeS DFAC was shit as were all Euro DFACs.

Even the most basic KBR DFAC was better than that absolute dogshit.

The real redpill was our privately contracted DFAC which would literally cook whatever we asked them to if we put in the order ahead of time.
>L-3 Communications
Theres a lot of "communication" going on there, eh?
there were already PMCs running around with fully functional airforces

see: eithiopia-eritrea war where both sides literally bought an air force of fully maintained & functional MIGs and flankers, with weapons.

from where? who the fuck knows but it happened.
They were doing repair work, but it became notorious for sex trafficking. A lot of orphans were sold in that time, as war sucks.
I mean there are better, but when you go from eating shit rations on some shit FOB because they keep blowing up the trucks at the checkpoints, MeS food was fucking awesome.
Tons. Or should I say Teraflops.
State owned military isn't a private military, even if the state is a royal family.
I for one, welcome this new competitor to the previously monopolised market of violence.

Its about time the fat cats of states learn how to be lean and mean like PMC´s
ye i heard women were sold for 6-7k $

Well if a young man from Serbia ever tries to join, send in a recommendation or however that works
Would someone who has never shot a gun and has no experience what so ever be able to get hired and trained? Do these companies hire people with zero experience?
>ye i heard women were sold for 6-7k $
Or less. Much less

>Destination: Hell
>Reason for flight: personal matters
Roger that.
Some do, depends on the work, if you are doing some basic shit like moving boxes, you don't need training persay. If you are going for PSD or something specialized, I wouldn't count on it. Do yourself an American favor though, go get a firearm.
KBR DFAC's were good but I always enjoyed the european DFAC's much better.
NO. No company is going to take the time to train and qualify you when there are literally dozens of candidates with years of SOF experience looking for jobs.
There are schools to train you. Lots of them. Look in to weapons training. I know that much about this stuff....I'm really thinking of going to one now.

What would you merc guys suggest I get/learn as a hospital fag? Do I have to supply my own guns?
You can be hired to pick up boxes. for trained jobs there are dozens of people with skills already, and for untrained guards, they can buy Ugandan's ex military for nothing.
Damn that was fucked, at least that had a good ending.
My aunt and grandpa used to work for EU/NATO forces there as translators
They told me about eating burek in Zvornik as it got shelled by mortars. Hopefully it wont happen again, but it seems the Balkans cant go 50 years without a war
this, and the newest one is guards from Peru, for whatever reason!
Going overseas once KBR was gone was, to me, like having a 5 month long Ramadan.

I basically survived off a Protein Shake when I woke up at night, because dinner was terrible, some kind of snack before a mission, then breakfast because at least you could still fucking get eggs.
Yep, though me and the wife had to make up a story as "I bought her and her passport from someone so that she didn't get pimped out and I grew to really like her" doesn't go over well.

I may have had a deep discount since the persons involved knew I wasn't going to sex-slave her. I know men who did that.
>Ancaps rubbin they hands like kikes right now
Peru has decent enough military training due to them fighting Shining path terrorists back in the 1990s and so on. They are cheaper then Colombians.
last time i was in the Stan they stopped with the eggs cooked to order...
these guys are all 5 ft tall and look like they were wearing a grass skirt last week. but they're actually good enough guys. I remember reading Peru was the least bleached country in the western hemisphere.
that was a great game
>t bleached country in the western hemisphere.
figured that was Haiti
I'm fine with hard boiled personally, plus omellette was usually a long line of legs
they have for a while. do you not remember all that footage of blackwater gunships strafing insurgents in iraq 13 years ago?
I'm still waiting for the great quake in SF like it's written in the manual
Haiti def wasnt bleached it was BLACKED, Peru has a super concentration of AmerIndian DNA
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Ok now does anyone know what this is?
this makes me so fucking happy

it makes me teary eyed

i truly believe an ancap society will be first achieved in the US (in about 100-200 years imho)

godspeed burgers
41st infantry regiment
ye ik that it was from operation joint guard. But what exactly is it? A medal or something?
So cool! I remember nearly getting hit by an a10's cannon when I was covering an armoured convey that they were strafing.

Funnily enough I recently saw a mig 21 for sale online, 200k... cheaper than a ghetto house! The jackals are born!

>This is bogandoff 1, I've got a visual on two merchants inbound
Getting my cdl next month. Any tips on how to make bank driving trucks for these companies?

lol they have bigger airforce than my country.
they dont really do that any more, convoy's are extremely limited in size and scope since their hight around 06-07. In the Stan they had local's driving their own trucks with A combination military and civilian security detail.
In Iraq its mostly the locals driving the trucks, anything above pallets of water or wood is going to be air lifted to where it needs to go. And even the convoys here are going to have drivers from the Balkans.
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>US Civil War starts
>Military command fractures
>Impossible to organize or sense loyalties
>Need reliable logistics
>Need reliable security
>Need soldiers loyal to their pay not creed
>Need to circumvent UCMJ to justify certain operations
But the govt won't hire private armies and instead would just say fuck it and live with that small example of issues. You're delusional.
You mean laundry and sucking shit out of porta potties? Or maybe walking around vehicles with a mirror on a stick?

ancaps everywhere are cumming buckets
locals and TCN's do that
>based military industrial complex!
What country are you from? I can identify flag
You are the first guy from Nepal I have seen posting in a long long time. When you had that earthquake you guys all disappeared. I hope you guys are doing ok over there.

>t. shit sucker manager

Or are you the omelet manager
They have American supervisors though
Training aircraft. A lot of third world nations don't have the time or money to put their own planes up, because they need them for use. So they send pilots abroad.
Thanks sen pai.
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>Mirage F1
LOL why not this its only slightly older
Is there any PC jobs i can do from home for the PMCs?
whats your point? They're mostly American companies here (99%) Why wouldn't even the most menial job have an American at some point in the management structure.
suck it up, get some experience, and go work over seas.
>adopt one of my bastard half thai kids from Pattaya
Turn them into ladybois and cumdumps?
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>Im going to die because I wanted to get a cheeseburger
Ahh I understand. Why pay this guy six figures because he knows what his life's worth when you can pay a local cheap af lol
It's a challenge coin

Basically any time you meet a vet they can coin drop you and you gotta pay for their drinks if you dont have one
Ahh I understand. Why pay this guy six figures because he knows what his life's worth when you can pay a local cheap af lol. Thanks for the heads up
I'm getting my AR ready right now. I won't have anarcho capitalism in my free land.
yes its ironic, but fuck those burgers were good!
yes! and if this dude dies they're not going to have to pay out life insurance for his family AND the american press isnt going to give a fuck about muhammed blowing up muhammed because he was driving a truck with some water pallets.
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Thoughts on the owners?

Whoes side would they back Incase of a civil war

Oh we Winds of Destruction now!? Sundowner where??
>challenge coin
Ooohoo they seem to be worth something
I also had one with a cool knight engraved on it.
>Jeff Stewart


>Whos side would they back Incase of a civil war

Whoever paid the most.

You really haven't grasped the concept of Mercenaries have you.
whichever side pays them more
Because a military jet costs a fortune.
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