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So, there was a thread earlier about this massive collection

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So, there was a thread earlier about this massive collection of disturbing, clearly-illuminati-made videos designed to corrupt children. Well, from this channel I randomly came upon another, which is Beeble Kids TV. Trying to find some more info on this I checked the 'Cooperation and Advertising' link on his channel, only to find that it leads to a gmail account called "[email protected]". Intrigued, I searched "mister beeble" and came upon an e-book called "The Itofit" which depicts, basically, a surrealist, children's adventure into the land of "It", but rife with erudite wordplay and irony. I look up the author, David Anirman, and he's got several other books. The smoking gun, though, is one entitled "Masques: Poems of Privilege, Pillage, and the New World Order", which suggests a lot. In the bio, however, there seems to be a mildly revealing political stance of whoever this is. They make reference to the oil bubble, 'the bush league', and polemic against the U.S government. Perhaps something outside of the deep state? I'm getting the feeling that this traces back to the hyper-intellectual factions of the neo-liberal establishment who bear affinity with goddess worship/dionysus mystery cults/satanism. So, to take a step back we have:

>a disturbing channel named Beeble Kids TV, managed by a user with a gmail account "themisterbeeble.com"
>Mister Beeble is a character in an obscure, recently published CHILDREN'S e-book - without any kind of flourish or fanfare - titled 'The Itofit"
>the author, David Anirman, published two other books, one being in explicit reference to Illuminati conspiracy, the other some kind of esoteric treatise about psychedelic consciousness and humanity's 'true' past
>'''''his''''' website is, titled after one of his books, https://www.skycloudmountain.com
>upon further inspection, it appears 'david anirman' is actually recently deceased (1934-2015)

Anyways good luck. Just found this wanted to share.
Fuck off with calling everything "Illuminati" made

That's what triggered you? Calling this illuminati? OK, take a fucking look at that image in the OP. There is something seriously wrong and people should get to the bottom of it.

You can scrap what I say; my conjecture doesn't matter. What does, however, is my find, because I don't think anyone else is aware of it and it's a MASSIVE clue. We're dealing with REAL PEOPLE now. Not ghosts behind fucked up youtube accounts.
Wow, I'm looking at these videos now. What the fuck is this? They have so many views but I've never heard of them, must be kids on mobiles watching them or something. Seriously what the fuck..
>They have so many views
because they have 'frozens elsa' in the title

There's this other channel, though it's not aimed at kids, and I can't really make heads or tails of whether or not they have ill intent.


Basically darkly subliminal erotic audio but with some content aimed at /pol/ users specifically.

The thing is, though, they're utilizing the same methods as the videos aimed at children, and they describe, cryptically, but at times lucidly, their techniques and conceptual frameworks for doing such. They work within qabbala and alchemy, trying to trigger emotional responses with the appropriate symbolic stimuli to induce a desired behavioral change in whoever is watching/listening at the time - but it's all heavily calculated and researched, which is the disturbing part; knowing the mind inside and out, and how to manipulate/exploit it. You'd need to read up through their g+ profile posts to get caught up with it. I only skimmed but that's a partial gist.
>as a kid had that cool stick figure animator on mamamedia
>now its this
there are made by an AI
I didn't know this was going on, it's like it's some very dark side of youtube, but these channels have many millions of views, this shit is flying right under the radar, this is astonishing. This shit needs talked about now. So far there are three channels I've seen.
Colorful Club
Beeble Kids TV
Kids Home MLP
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everyone has failed to notice he has watched part of the punishment one
What if there was an AI making MOVIES that reprogram your brain
Just fuck off with the /x/ new world order shit and present this as what it really is: degenerate filth targeted at children to make them grow up into whores.
it's probably a mixture of little kids and viewbots

They use same characters. Joker mask is used as avatar. Pretty sure same people... The bradberrys
I think it's less about the Illuminati and more about lazy Indians trying to make a quick buck by reusing cheaply/quickly made assets in Flash, and using Youtube's royalty free music library. Kids are curious about naked girls, kids love violence, kids love nudity (I wonder what a boys weewee looks like heehee, or a girls china!). Kids are weird, kids click on clickbaity Youtube videos. All it takes is some Pajeet a few hours in Flash, and the ad money comes rolling in. Keep in mind, a lot of kids probably watch every last Youtube ad, that's more rupies for Pajeet.

I hate these questionable children's videos and want YouTube/Disney to act, but you're going off the deep end here. Take it to /x/ with this nonsense. All these conspiracy theories are going to just detract from the actual problem and influence less people to take it seriously.

Can we just talk about how this shit is flying under the radar? Dude look at these views.
Its funny too, how youtube will ban and go after channels that want to speak their own opinions that don't align with their beliefs, but do nothing about these vids.
5 gorillions views

Ayyy goy
Dude this isn't some weird conspiracy. There's hundreds of these Spider-Man Elsa channels on YouTube making obscure naughty shit because they know kids will watch it. They're doing it for the money, they literally rake in millions from this shit. Come back with a better conspiracy
I know how fucked up these are but if you keep acting like a retard the (((mds))) will come and shoah the thread again
We need a word for this type of cartoon, dig deeper, there must be a dozen or more of these channels all with millions of views.
Without a word it's going to be hard to rally people to investigate.
Dude these same makers have multiple channels. They have robbers stealing children for fuck sake and children getting run over and cut by scissors. These are some sick fucks

Like I said >>130891904
there's bigger fish to fry and I brought home quite a catch.


These are literally books MADE BY THE OWNER OF THAT ACCOUNT. So, if you want a glimpse into the mind of someone who would make these videos; go right ahead.


The content is simply too disturbing to have been randomly put together with money in mind. There's literally sound files of children screaming that play through this video.


I'm wondering if there's actual child abuse going on in the background.
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>We need a word for this type of cartoon
Lewdy Toons
Ah yes, glad to see all you guys waking up.

How deep down this rabbit hole do you want to go?


Take your pick.
This is really weird! Another weird phenomenon is porn on YouTube
Search up " new lunar 2017 " porn shows up
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What in the actual fuck?
Pedotube is the best one
Pfft. Perfect.

You dumb fucking idiot. If they wanted to rake in ad revenue, that could be done without the researched and calculated attempt at making genuinely disturbing content. There is a seriously sick mind behind this whole operation, and I just gave a clue that literally, LITERALLY POINTS TO NEW. WORLD. ORDER IN THE BOOK TITLE! I mean, it's so on the nose! These people are into the occult, they're educated, and move around in high society circles (look up the bio).
I think elsagate would catch on the best for some reason. It's going to make people more curious, pedogate will probably confuse people with pizzagate.
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It's got an image to go with it too
wouldn't surprise me if op set this up as a ruse, a play off the creepy yt channel to sell shitty amazon books. The plan would take months, even a year or more to execute but you'd make tons of dosh all while trolling /pol/.
You're forcing this conspiracy theory, you suck at ARG. You're too obvious with it.
Elsagate has been used for this topic, there is a great Discord group with people looking into this, it didn't just start today.
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How the fuck is this for children?
You assume the man who wrote a book that has a character named Mr. Beeble in it is running a children's YT channel.... based on the fact... it shares the name... of a character.... in his book. You are seriously delusional. Seek help.
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Good work, image saved, will spread. #Elsagate it is?
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this shit is freudian as fuck

Some brief descriptions of this guys novels, just to add some kindling to the discussion surrounding this and add some further context to who we're dealing with:

>Sky Cloud Mountain
>>Let history drop behind as we explore the sacred confines of a temple city built by a race that was here long before us; before our species was even a glimmer in the Cosmic Eye, and whose work is still evident, usable, and heuristic. Dominated by a mountain, sculpted as a pregnant women, with a lion at her feet and a rearing serpent behind, the site is still alive with eddies of spiritual energy. Between the colossal lady and lion is a saddle in the mountain beautified by mazes of stone, sparkling sand terraces, and the gardens of windswept splendor with the rock everywhere seeming to be incised with aesthetic, undecipherable hieroglyphics. The site is beautiful, bolstering, and enlivened; geometrically tuned to the cosmos, whose forces it appropriates to utilize in various ways. Join in as we uncover a few of the marvels of an authentically magical place with a psychedelic consciousness adapted to tuning into the ancient mysteries; giving a new dynamism to the on-going story if a truly scared mountain.

>Masques: Poems of Privilege, Pillage, and the New World Order
>>All is fair in love and warIs unfair for evermore Masques is a classical poetic treatment of the dramatic events occurring around the world from 2001 to 2004, focusing on the mistakes, misdeeds, and misanthropy of the United States government and the entrenched interests supporting it. The work is a political polemic whose dynamic is summed up in the title: Patterns on the Masks of Deceit, Geb, the Gods of Globalization, the Horsemen of John, and the Bush Leagues.The oil bubbleAlready in troubleWill be rememberedJust by rubbleLeft behindBy who couldn't findThe power to use it

Likewise, there are writings on his site, skycloudmountain.com, and previews for each of his books.
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Fuck the satanic child molesters. They need to be publicly slaughtered
What the fuck. Are they trying to get kids to play under cars?

Bravo my good man. Let me buy you a pint.
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>Elsagate has been used for this topic, there is a great Discord group with people looking into this, it didn't just start today.

I come here every day and this is the first I have heard of it.
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I was watching that when I was a kid.

Mods ban these threads often. Seriously though dude, go on YouTube and just click around through some of this shit, it's all right there. And lots of it has been up for months.

Here's a quick jumping off point:

You are fucking psychotic, Jared.
Thanks for sharing anon.
>Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go play in the traffic.
>You're forcing this conspiracy theory, you suck at ARG. You're too obvious with it.

I'm not forcing anything you dumb. fucks. It's in plain sight.


Wow that's something diabolical you've cooked up but guess who it helps out in the end? Yea, look away, nothing to see here. It was just a ruse and that guy behind that channel isn't in any way heavily intrigued with the occult/and or satanic ritual abuse (I mean, c'mon, this whole thing stinks of it; it's got every marker and making of ritualistic mind control/abuse).


Did you even look at or through the books?
What is their endgame. If children watch their degenerate cartoons what will they hope happens?
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who is that on left?

You honestly think that just because a character in a book shares the name with a YT channel that the author of the book runs that channel? Shit man, I just found JD Salinger.
Just a general breakdown of society I'd think, that's their goal and this is one of many aids of doing it.

What do you think genius
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Oh god. I remember watching those when I still had dial up. Has it really been that long?
It's about control. They're programming people to make them easier to control.
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This post was unnerving
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I'm going to be posting #Elsagate threads here.
And why the fuck would the mods be deleting these?

Happy Tree Friends wasn't aimed at Kids though. Shit, Hot Topic carried HTF merchandise.

This stuff is a bait and switch of copyrighted characters engaging in super weird shit, in order to trick parents into looking over at their kid and going "oh it's just spiderman" but spiderman is injecting stuff into Elsa's butt and cutting her body parts off and peeing on her.
I've been lurking in that discord for a while now and they actually seem to give a damn about this stuff and trying to do something.
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forgot: his songs (the few i know at least) are the typical "yolo, just dont care, relax and have fun. everything is chill" kind of music. also the same markings on his mask as on that kid in your other pic >>130893241 is pretty disturbing dessu
Disney has club 33, I repeat, thirty-three, like the masons favorite number showing the connection to those guy. Remember all the popular MKUltrad teeny stars coming from Disney. And how are people MKUltrad? They are tortured and abused until the personality breaks, and creates new personalities to cope with the thing to protect itself at which point the new personality/personalities can be shaped. They probably use some drugs to enhance the effect while also building in a trigger to bring the desired personality to the front. Like giving them some certain shirt before the abuse starts or whatever. And since those kids have to be groomed/abused to be superstars you can be sure they think they can not only create the next superstar willing to promote their agenda, but also give all the pedophilic elites some fun time by letting them do abuse the kids. quit pro quo

no coincidences so many of their stars have some mental collapse later in their career.

a week after pic related was released FBI released the pedosymbols by the way. any chance someone got pissed?

also note: A bear, fat hairy faggot, snuggling with a barely clothed young boy

now why do i bring this up here? i find it extremely weird those are mostly disney characters. disney usually is extremely butthurt when it comes to copyright, but those dont seem to bother it at all. makes you think.

also thread of interest
He's not joking guys, I tried it.
>What do you think genius
My guess would be to create future generations of anti-social violent immoral people. If you can corrupt their youth and innocence you can destroy society. But why do they want to destroy society unless they want to replace it with something else. It may even be deeper than like like the anon said a money laundering scheme or creating children more programmable once they enter the school system.
You have links? I looked up the twitter.
>They are tortured and abused until the personality breaks, and creates new personalities to cope with the thing to protect itself at which point the new personality/personalities can be shaped.
This is exactly what I was thinking except in this case applied to children.
Guys, this shit is an /x/ tier overreaction. Yeah, the thumbnails are all kinda fucked up, but that's just to get the kids watching. Nothing in any of the videos I've seen so far have had anything really that inappropriate in them outside some fart jokes... I don't really get the syringes though, but maybe they just want to be edgy for views.
What the actual fuck. Is there any way we can meme this to go away?
Every time I see these threads posted we never really get anywhere. We still don't know who the fuck is making these and why and it's yet to really break into the normiesphere. I think a famous YouTube did a series about them but I can't remember who. Either way they're sick and and whoever is making these needs to be gassed
How do we make this go mainstream? Any big enough youtubers to make this thing blow up if they reported it? Shit even if the MSM at least brought it up it would be a huge help.
Know Your Meme has an article on these videos
I know this is sarcasm but they had a little kid being eaten by 3 zombies with gore and later turning into a zombie himself. WTF

These videos claim to change your eye color. It is a new fake fad that is appearing up more and more.
>10000 views/hour
holy fuck pol should start making some
"Elsa and boyfriend buy guns for race war"

"Elsa shoots DARKIE who tried to grab her"

"Spiderman hangs a black who tried to molest a white woman"
One way is to keep a thread on /pol/ up at least once a day. This site is popular and some 'reporters' like to troll the waters for a scoop. There are yters who do the same thing too.
If you have a twitter account, use it. Post an image or two with a link maybe and include #Elsagate. Retweet and favourite others doing the same.
Lastly, tell your local news about it so they can post a "LOOK WHAT OUR CHILDREN ARE BEING EXPOSED TO" sort of video and it'll spread that way too.
Make sure as you do all this to keep illuminati bullshit out of it, at least until this becomes more popular. Don't fall into the same well-intentioned trap /ewo/ have.
I bet those videos would get banned so fast while the other sick shit continues to be allowed. I will order the costumes.
I already decided I'll be trying to push a thread a day on this. Very suspect if the mods are really deleting the threads though. My sister is going to learn of this asap, don't want my niece and nephew anywhere near it.
>looks like he watched about a minute
checks out
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Yeah I forgot about that step. If anyone personally knows a parent or guy with a younger brother, make sure to tell them so they can be more careful about what the kid's watching
mods are not banning, but they ARE moving them to /bant
I've seen both happen
You browse lit.
It belongs here. It is political. And it's not exactly an outlandish conspiracy theory when there are literally thousands of videos and billions of views while simultaneously managing to stay off the radar.
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what the fuc
"genowhite and the 88 gorillion"
guys seriously stop looking into this, its nothing, what a bunch of idiots... seriously, you are so dumb, its obviously nothing, trust me, I promise and swear
>Frozen Elsa's butt exposure
wtf i love the joos now
been banned. expecting another.

i agree. the OP on this one is a fucking loony, though... these far-fetched conspiracy theories are just going to make people think it isn't real or serious.
>new world order

Stopped reading there. Pizzagate should have been the wakeup call for you tinfoil fucks.
Elsa and Spiderman debunk the holocaust
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Would I be jumping the gun if I am already suspecting the seemingly inevitable?
Pic related.
Lurk this thread, seriously. You'll see why.
abstract merchant?
Jesus. What if they dox IPs to capture the kids already affected by their brainwashing. How easy would be to initiate pedo actions on kids that watched it in their favorite YouTube cartoon. We can litteraly be looking at a way to find kids, brainwash further while they hide them away, launder money with YouTube hits. The ultimate pedo tool. Fucking disgusting.
Couldn't resist.
But this is so crazy I'm waiting on the "aliens" theory. The ai theory was already brought up in this thread.
Let's not allow this to go out of hands throwing it out there for normies to see before we have gathered more intel. Otherwise expect these pedos to start covering their tracks pretty quickly
t. Ahmed
i need a break
I saw a FB video last month from some 3rd rate news site. Was about 2 minutes long.
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#pizzagate made news

This has the potential for a much, MUCH greater impact. We're talking about THE megacorporation, google, complicit with this violent, sexual, disturbing content aimed at kids and doing nothing about it when so much of a stink has already been raised internally on the site itself. If advertisers and the MSM were forcefully fed a wiff, they'd have to report on it because the imagery itself is soo shocking to just about any single adult human being with a heart and soul. There's no way you could mask indifference to something that deeply upsets on this kind of level. It's essentially a line that's crossed. They'd be breaching trust to the American populace by acting indifferent to what would move anyone to horror, and it's right there, in plain sight.

We should pressure news correspondents through twitter, email, facebook with public and private messages featuring this kind of imagery and explain the context/background. Already a few have picked it up, so it's not entirely fringe. The BBC themselves ran an article, but still there's not enough exposure, when the potential for more it is, truly, massive.
Part of their thing is getting away with it while letting people know. Fucking sick m8s. Goddamn turbokike faggot pedophile Anthony Weiner still isn't in prison. They let Hillary get away with fucking everything while Comey cleaned up the mess. What a shitshow the alphabets are. Literal traitors.
Sauce for the scat video?
Man the ethan bradberry ass in the air scene was amazing
What did that girl do to her eyes?
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Oh I see it alright. A bunch of paranoid kids LARPing about the spoopy illurmaneti. There's no way this nothingburger could possibly backfire.

Are thumbnails seriously all it takes to get your dumb asses on board with something? Because I'm considering making my own horseshit conspiracy to see how many people fall for it.
I didn't make the image, but I'd say it wouldn't be too tricky to find using search and related videos
A few years ago Disney claimed they weren't going to keep enforcing their ELSA copyright for fan-made videos. I'm pretty sure they didn't mean these however. To me that is the biggest sign something is fucked up. No way Disney wouldn't shut this down if they weren't complicit.

Considering mister beeble, in that book, is a pastor preaching to little kids, I'd say the coincidence is too much. Also, as I've said before, the guy explicitly makes reference to illuminati/new world order theorizing and occultism in other writings. It's not an out-of-left-field suggestion; the guy runs in the same circles as what I'm accusing him of, so it's very, very likely that it's him.
If we make some nice infographs and provide enough examples,we can redpill a bunch of PARENTS. Imagine how fast this would spread on Facebook if some larger parenting groups got word of videos trying to corrupt their children.
what the actual fuck is this shit?


There are far worse examples, really
What's with the colors? Are any channels innocent? Are these videos on YouTube kids?
Yes although some were taken down when parents started waking up to it

This guy's a fucking idiot. Don't listen to him. Open up any one of these videos and you'll hear literal sound files of children sobbing and screaming. It's undeniably fucked up, and anyone seriously conjuring up le dorky boogeyman in the midst of this is a total, fucking, loser.
Tracking the children that watch it/subscribe to the channel?
The videos need to be archived, and what a fucking task there are THOUSANDS of them. They need combed over, and if this story blows up, many might disappear, the ones with the best evidence or leads.
Well the baby ones that intentionally teach the wrong colors and numbers have a pretty obvious effect on the developing brain. The character videos shatter the archetype that formed in the mind when they enjoyed the canon version of the characters, like instead of spiderman being a goofy hero he is now a prankster pervert. Elsa goes from strong, cold and independent to flirty, slutty, mutilated every which way. I think they do this to teens as well with the pop stars falling from grace after a time of being idolized by fans.
HTF and the like were explicitly their own content and not catering to younger demographics via popular characters.

With that said
>That fucking one where the Moose has to chop off his leg and chops the wrong leg
I don't have the drive space and I don't want the party van ride either
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Excellent work, anon
Replying to my own post, but does anyone know the best way to record youtube videos? There are many options, anyone just want to let me know one that works well?
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Make sure you guys read the channels before asking useless questions. Discord KSTZE
I was just going to say, "But you wouldn't be breaking any laws."
Then I thought about how dumb that would be to say. We don't know what we are stepping into here.
Ive been trying to figure out whether they are trying to market to kids via the ELSE and SPIDERMAN keywords... or if they are simply trying to hide their stuff in plain sight, because the millions of videos out there make it more difficult to isolate or enforce.
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Right, crazy YouTube videos. A global conspiracy is leaving a breadcrumb trail for bored kids on an imageboard to find. Bilderberg has it's hands all over this. You solved it Nancy Drew.

What's your reaction going to be a month from now, when it's fucking nothing? Again? You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same damn thing over and over and over, and expectig a different result.
It may not be what he says it is, but how can you even consider this being nothing?

what do the numbers mean?

if you look at >>130894489
in the one in the top left and also number four down you'll notice there's the same amount of balls and the pic is taken from same angle.
yet the videos are made by two different channels, hardly coincidental.

these numbers are a conscious decision, but what do they mean?
Miickey adultery & suicide

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reminder that OP thinks a character in a book runs a YouTube channel

Is this seriously your 'fight'? You're going to nitpick something so evil that's right in front of you? Whatever man.
We really need a new less faggoty OP. I almost want this thread down so we can start a better one.
also these numbers are really common
and less common

it's obvious it's a form of labeling, but i don't see the pattern.
>thousands of people make retarded videos with clickbait topics such as elsa, spider-man and gross out humor to make insane ad revenue from the millions of little kiddies who's parents just park them in front of an ipad all day
>one of these thousands of people wrote a book once with the phrase new world order in it

absolute autism
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These videos all have disturbingly common themes. No matter what country they're from, no matter if it's animated or live action, no matter what account it is uploaded from.

>baby is being taken care of by someone
>baby gets in harm's way by either falling down, falling off of something, being run over by a car, being kidnapped, etc.
>parent or guardian gets on the phone and mutters fast-forwarded gibberish and calls the police

I can't think of any reason why this theme is common or what it hopes to accomplish. But with the colors...

>baby is happy
>color is presented as something that harms the child, like a syringe being injected into its body like here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3gXwHo8bNI
>harm is over
>baby laughs and is happy again
>repeat the harm and the relief for each color

Hypothetically, a grown pedophile in a Spiderman suit could kidnap a child who views this content daily and the child wouldn't think anything was wrong because of all of the kidnapping videos they've seen, and the pedophile could use needles on them and make them bleed, and through the videos they've watched they will have it in their minds that everything is okay even after being harmed.
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Have you seen /pol/s track record for detective work? Name one conspiracy that's gotten the lid blown off by us. A real one, not made up basements or imaginary assassins.
literally just fuck off mate nobody wants you here
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>that pic

You cannot possibly be this stupid.

Read what I wrote. His gmail account, 'themisterbeeble' is in reference to a character in a book written by an author who wrote another book about the New World Order and a host of other occult topics. The man does not ramble either, but speaks with erudition. Not to mention the fact that the character itself, mister beeble, is a pastor, preaching to kids in what is a surrealist, children's book (as I've already, tiredly, outlined before) taking place in a loopy, seuss-like forest.

>themisterbeeble@gmail, owner of beeble kids tv
>mister beeble, pastor in book about children, the itofit, by an author, david anirman
>other books by david anirman (only two) make reference to occult topics and new world order conspiracy

It's so on the nose. C'mon.
People hand their kids the iPad because it's much easier than being an actual parent. If you wonder why kids watch this junk there's two reasons for that: firstly the videos are made to bypass content filters which is why they use children's properties and nonsensical titles, and secondly kid's love this kind of bizarre shit. Seriously if they think you're not looking the first thing they'll do is watch Family Guy or similar program. I don't understand the appeal but they can't get enough disgusting edgy "humor."
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You see some of the bot comments? Totally meant to sway parents into thinking this is a ok video for children. Imaging being a parent just checking to see what your kids are watching and you look in the comments. "Oh ok good. It's ok for children." Parent continues to make dinner. These sick fuckers know exactly what they are doing.
That.... actually makes sense.
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This is how it starts. A thumbnail here. A shitty YouTube video there. People start to question it, then the kids shut down the bad thoughts with name calling. Seems like every couple of months one of these threads pop up, and it always leads to the same conclusion.

But sure. The nth times the charm.
You could be right. I'll admit that. Still, if you've learned anything from the gate of pizzas it's to never go straight to DA LUMINATEEE when investigating something if you want the theory to survive.
Well, isn't that how zombies work in each movie
These videos are often so long.
How many people do they have making them?

And yea, it's clearly conditioning of some kind. Definitely seems to be trying to make kids unafraid of needles. Can't seem to program out the initial pain though, so they leave that in there, the baby cries after being poked. But always happy afterwards.
>these numbers are a conscious decision, but what do they mean?
I would think the language used is more significant than the number. 'crushing balls'
Have you watched the videos, 2-3 layers deep?

They could easily make stupid, low budget, G or PG themed videos for that purpose. These videos get into really dark themes of being drugged, kidnapped, suicide, abused, or hurt. Ask yourself why they would do that? Are those really themes little kiddies chase after or find entertaining?
I caught that, the comments section always has them.

I mean, look up the videos yourself. What exactly do you have against us being peeved by this? I really can't imagine anyone nitpicking something so obviously evil unless they were somehow involved with it. You picking and prodding the people looking into this instead of the thing itself speaks volumes, honestly.
I have a young 3 year old cousin who would watch these children cartoons on youtube on his ipad. You'd be surprised how good he is with that thing. He could easily get to these videos via the related videos and watch a whole slew of them before the parents notice. I can't imagine how many other children are watching these especially with 5 million views per video
/bant/ /r9k/ and now /pol/ is now talking about it

I was going to cut that stuff out but was already too excited about my find and tried to rush writing everything out. Tried to delete the OP moments after posting it because I felt my speculation was pretty loose and weak. I admit that.

All I was trying to do was make a thread that would last for a while to get some discussion going about a potential lead.
It got moved to /bant/ before because of hotpocket mods
It needs to blow up. But it's a shame, thousands of videos may be lost and never seen again. As sick as they are, they need archived. I don't have the means to do it. I thought about it, stupid idea. You would need someone who can write software to archive this much.
It is our solemn duty to redpill as many people as possible on the degeneracy in YouTube, innocent children are being influenced by this filth, and we must reveal the sickness in our media by any means necessary. Maybe we should post something on the_donald?


This is brilliant, we should implement it post-haste.
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>I really can't imagine anyone nitpicking something so obviously evil unless they were somehow involved with it.

This shit right here is exactly what I'm talking about. Your feelings are not an instrument of deductive reasoning.
I am guessing half of the veiws are bots telling from the comments but even 2.5 million, no even 100,000 kids watching this mentally damaging especially to young impressionable minds. I stomached one 20 minute episode. It had no morals, no real comprehensive story, and just filled with degenerate behavior. Seriously brainwashing young kids to be retarded sex objects.

lets not get this stuff associated with the don. god knows how (they) would spin that
I'm glad you made the thread, if you don't mind keeping one up just toned down a little I think we can reach a lot of people.
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Now, the shills are already out in full force. Most people are calling them out, so that's a good thing (note the 'lol OP retarded' over the book character thing- it's the single thing they can criticise him on, nothing else). We can, however, make some progress.

Infographics. Pictures such as the ones in this thread, describing/showing these videos, but simpler. Tone them down, make them digestible for normies, easy to read through on Facebook. Make as many as you can. Distribute it to your family members, particularly those that are parents/trust you enough to know you're not some spaghetti-flinging autist. Warn them, particularly if their children are young. Make it THEIR problem, and they will spread it for you.

We NEED to get this to Facebook. Break the Normiesphere. Once it does, it'll spread like wildfire, and no one will be able to stop it then.
Last week, I flagged and reported most of these videos and Colorful Club channel. Absolutely disgusting stuff. Depressing to see they're not gone. I wish people would be better parents and not let Youtube babysit their children.
holy fuck he's not joking
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We need a direct line of contact to Archive Viking.

That wasnt presenting its stuff as normal, it was suposed to be shocking

Almost three million moderate conservatives browse the_donald, it doesn't matter how (((they))) would try to spin it, it would explode overnight, and Trump would be forced to bring down the hammer. It could redpill MILLIONS on the deep state, we should at least consider it, if nothing else.
just go on /x/ for conspiracy theories and bring your tin foil hat with you and just like what >>130893106 said it is just degenerate filth targeted at children to make them into fucking retards because it is all about money and those type of channels get a shit ton load of money for making that degenerate bullshit.
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>use adblocker(adsense revenue)
>remove chrome(firefox)
>remove playstore(f-droid.org)

what the fuck is this shit
what the fucking fuck

You know it's bad when we are posting on



and we are legit appalled and revolted by what we are seeing on


what has the world devolved into
how are we, the open asshole of the internet, now the voice of reason and morality, the only ones who care about defending the innocent?

boggles the fucking mind
You're damn right. I have a friend with a little brother who loves spiderman, and if it turns out the kid came across those vids he'll be pissed and ready to spread the news too
Many of them have been up for a year or longer. Many have comments from parents saying wtf this isn't for kids, I'm reporting this. But they don't get taken down.
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Super baby tv seems to be nothing but injection videos.
A good place to start would be to categorize different channels with whatever sort of theme they may have.
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thats not that same, as classic cartoon violence, the videos discussed are levels removed from tom and jerry and road runner and itchy and scratchy, in dementation and potential nefariousness

>Your feelings are not an instrument of deductive reasoning.

Take your own advice and realize this is bigger than the alt-right.
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Okay yeah there's something very very bad going on. A concentrated attempt to just Ruin Children is not out of the question. Evil stuff.
This is some serious next level shit
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god damn

>youtubevideos are now paranormal wew
Fucking sick
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>and we are legit appalled and revolted by what we are seeing on
someone didnt pay attention to /ewo/
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4chan is an inherently contrarian fringe site, in this day and age the preservation of traditional morality is considered fringe. Think about that for a moment, the Weimar Republic is nothing compared to what is to come. Hope isn't yet lost, the pendulum is swinging, soon it'll break. We need to stop this, we need to redpill the normies, we can't let them hurt children.
The longer ones won't hold the attention of normies. They need to be short, impactful. Leave them asking, saying 'what the fuck?', leaving all sorts of comments.
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You sir, are a man of class
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nice, but make it a better resolution.
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>not letting rhett and link babysit your kids
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get this man some digits
>how are we, the open asshole of the internet, now the voice of reason and morality, the only ones who care about defending the innocent?

This is what the world looks like on degeneracy.

Enjoy your stay in the Weimar Republic, anon.
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Some interesting related videos
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It's all aimed at exposing kids to degeneracy at the youngest ages possible to get them even the least bit interested. You know the old saying "hook em while their young."
Did you get that from vietnamese?
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>keeps showing up with the same batch of pictures to continually tell people to stop whatever they're doing
>won't fuck off
Have you considered offing yourself my dude
Wtf is Weimar Republic?
Leave three or four of the channels (from most normalfag-friendly to least) and just say
"Look what's happening to Youtube! There are several 'children' channels with sick, illegal content and millions of views and nobody's taking them down!"
Short, concise, and leaves plenty room for the average parent to react in disgust then share.
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How is the creepy YouTube video larp not entirely catered to you paranoid idiots?

>Globalist slant


>Appeals to morality


>Starting with the conclusion and working backwards


>Calls to action based on the evidence of literally nothing

Check Check Check Check Check

All we need is the tripfag "insiders" and we'll have the classic /pol/ fanfic.
So is it lewdytoons or #elsagate?
#elsagate already exists, very fringe and still pretty unknown but it's there.
Lewdytoons is a more broad expression, many have nothing to do with elsa or spiderman.
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I would tell you why I know you're a kike but you might start running out of ideas you fucking filthy rat.
Pre-NatSoc Germany.
ok. this is the thing that totally convinced me that this thing is more than a "cute toys channel"

I think youtube is doom
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The next generation is going to be pretty fucked up
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>mixing colors
>drive truck to crash a white man
Nothing suspicious eh? Full blown porn videos on fucking YouTube. Jesus you're such a cuck.

Have you watched these fucking """videos""" yourself?
There isn't much loonytunes content so I'd stick with elsagate; more chance of it being taken seriously too.
>90 million views
Literally how? HOW? FOR FUCK'S SAKE?
My god...
I hope who ever made this video rots in hell
>1 million views
OKAY GUYS seriously what the FUCK we need to get serious and spread this and raise awareness.

The thing that makes this a big deal isn't that it exists. It's that the target audience is children, that millions of children are watching, that they're easily found simply by searching "kids videos" and clicking around a bit, and that the videos play normal happy music so that parents won't necessarily know their children are being shown rape, abortions, scat, kidnapping, etc, and that youtube has done NOTHING.
Click farms in India/China
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>inshallah, believe harder you stupid infidel!

Wait, don't tell me. Their master plan is going to be written on a handkerchief.
Shit is more fucked up than I thought
>e;r video making a review of a movie gets taken down by hatespeech
>shit like in this thread is ok by youtube standards

holy shit the jewery going on is not even funny anymore
are the jews behind this
How? Its been up 3 months and over 600k views??????

Are you fucking dense? This is not normal, and it is subconsciously warping the minds of children, we need to end this.
Somebody make a new thread. You'll probably do a better job than I can and more people need to know about this shit.
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>tfw 4chan sends Youtube's stock price to 0
how the fuck is the first thing if I search for spiderman on YT, the fucking frozen elsa ?

what ?
That easy, everyone can do it. They try using small screen video so they can bypass porn and youtube restricted mode
Help me push these threads. I'm starting tomorrow.
We should probably make a pastebin for future threads with:
>normalfag-friendly 'shallow end' vids
>fucked up 'deep end vids'
>archived vids in case they get pulled
>how to spread awareness
>hashtags to spread
>infographs big and small
Holy fuck this is literally child porn how the hell is it on Youtube???
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Hold my beer /pol/ there is actually a lot of coincidencea between this videos and a serious killer/child kidnappers clans, I don't remember where I see it but I gonna find some info related, if some can help me I will greatly appreciate it.

All that shit work's whit the YouTube algorithms soo there is a relationship whit YouTube evading to delete these videos.
Better phrase it in such a way that it's politics related

Mods have been deleting these like clockwork all week.
Oh yes, it's totally normal for porn with hundreds of thousands of views to be up on a site that is specifically kid friendly, for weeks, possibly months without any of the higher ups knowing. Kneck yourself you slimy kike
New Lunar 2017 is quite fuckey as well, not as fuckey, but fuckey none the less and deserves spotlight. But it's not #elsagate.
It's no coincidence the two are pushed so hard together. That way kids will search spiderman and elsa and be greeted with these abominations
Its pretty fucked up and the bots they get to comment are just weird.

We need to find out who's behind this
Im sure it was reported though out of that 600k people, how is it not taken down form the reports?
Some user determined that they were made by some bot accounts in south asia to farm ad revenues
Fucked up but nothing to do with the nwo
>We need to find out who's behind this
Well smartass. Who work Youtube?
Can't we get that on another board? Sucks to have all those threads deleted
Nork ad revenue scam with the added bonus of doing the good old commie subvert the minds of the american youth thing

you can all stop now
maybe bot views? just report it guys
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It's just a couple fucking injection videos and some scat roleplay. Calm down perfectly normal childhood fun. What next you gonna wanna ban SpongeBob? Stop wasting your outrage and go to fucking bed, it's late!!
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You want to really end this? Give your kids some real toys and not a damn tablet. The internet isn't child friendly. Its a dark and fucked up place. Everyone with half a brain cell knows this.

People need to make better parenting decisions, instead of shifting the blame on the media, teachers, internet, etc. Take some responsibility.
>disney hasn't DMCA'd those videos
yeah they've been moved to /bant/ where they die immediately, because /bant/ is a small board where no one gives a fuck

/pol/ was right again!

>> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Wojcicki
It's not is it? I'm not skimming in case it is. Bad enough I embedded that link already.
I sent Richie from Boston a message on youtube about this. If you believe there is a conspiracy to corrupt the youth check him out.
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What if i tell you... here is REAL cp on youtube?
thats why it stries channels with 50k subs that show boobs for 3 seconds right ?
Macron probably jerks off to this

Yea none of this proves anything and you've yet to make one convincing counter-argument.
Guys a pastebin would really help here do I need to do all this myself
Should make a cripplekikechan board with this

I know, that's why I homeschool my kids and phone-post in the dead of night, but this shit... I don't want these sick fucks preying on my nephews and nieces, or anyone else's kids for that matter. We need to get this out there.
actually I have found CP on youtube.
Cow Chop's bringing attention to it as well

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Sometime, i really hate chink SOOO BADLY.
>white genocide

Those are the main conspiracies.
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The counter argumemt to what? The globalist conspiracy with tied together by the youtube channel named after a childrens book character? How soon until youre screeching moking gun confirmed in all caps?
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Just report to the companies YouTube has their ads put on those videos.
And wait for another massive boycott hitting YouTube monetization.
I'm sure you did, but please tell me that shit didn't really have cp. I embedded it earlier.
If I made some Spiderman cartoon on Youtube it would be taken down in minutes for infringement.
shhhh youre talking to a shill
look at his posts here, hes obviously diverting attention for some alternate reason than what hes stating

Just ignore this guy he's a turbo loser whose probably alcoholic and lives some shitty, miserable life. I really am kind of astounded that someone would be as tone-deaf as this to what is unmistakable evil. It's like, man, get your shit together.

We can cry till the cows come home about whodunnit but what's a fact at the end of the day is that this content IS disturbing and SHOULDN'T be viewed by kids. Amen.
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Jesus Fucking Christ, we need to report these channels and get this shit shut down. If all the popular youtubers I watch are always complaining about how easily it is to get their channels flagged for stupid shit, there has to be a way to stop this. Who the fuck has all this free time to make this fucked up videos. They aren't even funny in the adult sense.

Get the FBI involved if need be, this is insanity.
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I think this "new lunar 2017" doesn't go as deep. It really probably is just a simple ad scam.
But #elsagate has way too specific themes.
We're 11 posts away from autosage so we should make a name for a general
I propose /egg/ - ElsaGate General
Do it. I will join later. But remember Add pastebin and crime list.
Go to hell you sick fuck

I mean, I believe it stands on it's own, frankly. Your conviction to the contrary is nothing more than hot air invoking taboo this, taboo that.
fuck you
I'm on a phone and have work soon, I can't
Make sure it ties into politics too.
>Who the fuck has all this free time to make this fucked up videos.

Exactly, there are thousands of these videos. This runs deep, there is a cabal, organization, or government doing this.
Not only that kiddo, young child got effect by this.
I would imagine there's more "hardcore" CP on youtube, but this one is bad because it fits the description of all these other loosely related animated films but with a fuck in naked little girl "playing doctor" with some lady. It's both CP AND part of this whole network somehow.
Why does everything have to have the retarded ass "gate" on the end of it?
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Do you have anything objective to prove what you're saying? At all? Something other than your feelings and paranoia?

No. Don't backtrack. Own up to your tinfoil bullshit. Youre the one that said the author and the YouTube video are connected. Prove it with something other than character assassination or fuck off.

Fucked up kids is the price bad parents pay for poor decisions. It's on them.
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/pol/ is a strange beast living in a stranger world, anon....
from what I seen the videos are indonesian and they usually entail young girls held down and screaming while getting raped, fucked up shit and report the shit outta them
It's a clue searching for porns on this youtube
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Because /ptg/ (PedoTube General) is a worse name and the initials are already taken

Somebody who's on a PC make the thread damn it
It's just a way to rally people to a cause. Is it weird? Yes. Does it work? Yes. It's become universal, so we should use it.
>No. Don't backtrack. Own up to your tinfoil bullshit. Youre the one that said the author and the YouTube video are connected. Prove it with something other than character assassination or fuck off.

I made the connection. You've yet to do anything other than gawk at it.
opiates and other sedatives. god damn where is a right wing death squad when you need one. anyone that is involved with these needs to face a crossbow firing squad.
those who fights with anons, have to be care to not become an anon himself. if you piss into the ocean of piss, the ocean will eventually piss back at you
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Fucking awful helo crash.webm
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4K video downloader is free and has a "download all from this channel" option. the tools are there. my HDD is full and i'd need to go buy at least a couple dozen terabytes to do it my self, but I work for uber and can barely make ends meet.
Its much easier just copy the URL
m8, fuck these shills. illuminati/occultic symbolism has invaded every media platform regardless of what these morons want to believe so don't apologize for thinking this is connected, because it could very well be. but awesome find indeed
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How the fuck hasn't Youtube shut this down already?
These videos are being watched by babies and they're not satire. HTF is nowhere near as disturbing.
there's a clear difference between cartoon violence and fucking poopy pedophilic weird shit you know. and HTF was aimed at teenagers, these videos are appearing for fucking KIDS. if you would want your kid watching this because it's so le ebic then you need to be le killed
They arent 9 yo

Theyre toddlers 2-4 years old watching that rotten stuff
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The pre-hitler post Versailles german government. high unemployment, food shortages, jew/communist revolution, transexual prostitutes, mother-daughter brothel teams, thats what Hitler was disgusted by, and thats why he did what he did. We're in store for a whole lotta hitler'n if these trends today continue.
uh yes, your repetition of the same info you keep attempting to spew at me without actually watching any of the videos. Does this pay better than correct the record?
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Dixie is ready for the War of Youtube Aggression
boiler room is a nigger channel, neck yourself
be the one that does it. I'm assembling information right now to spread on Jewtube, kikebook, and instagoy. once I have a solid case I think I'll send in everything I've linked together to the FBI If I have enough solid evidence and actual leads to give them.
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this isn't r- real anon, please.
I can't right now, I have to leave this thread.
google making those sweet shekels on a kids filtered app

imagine the backlash if netflix kid mode allowed this kind of content
So in addition to the globalist Jews trying to destroy our society we also have to worry about satanic pedophile elites trying to destroy our society. Just great
>implying it's two different groups
>no tabs
Why even bother
I haven't seen any proof that it is yet and I don't want to assume without good evidence. It also doesn't make sense for the satanists to also be Jews
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MONEY!!! All of it!
>killed Jesus
>deny His divinity for 2000 years
>why would you assume they're satanists
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