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Eyes Wide Open /EWO/: "Comfy Socks" Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 139

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Multiple senators wore the socks in pick related

These socks seem to be exclusively available on this website

Chairman of this onlineshop is Sir Phillip Green

This friendly guy also lend his private jet to the McCanns to tour around

And he seems to also get along really well with Bill "I put my dick everywhere I shouldnt" Clinton
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the most recen threads
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The politicians which work for international banking jewry are blackmailed pedophiles.

I guess after being tortured by spooks they went mad and started to embrace their pedophilic upbringings.

Disgusting freaks.
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At least I'm not needed to bump the Flint thread
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there is a good chance the politicians were abused as well as kid
kids that get sexually abused often try to reanact this with fellow other kids after it happened as they think this is just normal behaviour. i believe this is pretty similar to MKUltra. during MKUltra you abuse and torture someone long enough for their personality to break. a new one will be formed that will either forget about all that traumatic stuff, or even kinda enjoy it to cope with it and not go crazy. they probably use drugs to steer or enhance the effect, and probably build in some trigger (like wearing a special shirt every time for the torture resulting in the desired personality coming out whenever you will). the new personality then can be shaped much like the issue with kids i mentioned in the beginning, telling them its the normal thing to do, making it believe they MUST follow that guys orders as everyone doesetc.
now if a kid gets abused (MKUltra or not) this will kid will automatically think this is normal, and since this is the normal thing to do they continue the "tradition" when they are adult themselves. im fairly sure most of those people among the so called elite are victims of ritual and sexual abuse as well and are just continuing the tradition.
So by doing this they allow themselves to be blackmailed and controlled, while also grooming the next generation of the "elite" to take over some time which will continue the cycle

this headlines alone are enough to burn the whole thing to the ground
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Scalise was strongly against humantrafficing and childdiddling

Scalise gets shot, and Pizza gets send to his office

He was then brought into the same Hospital as Seth Rich, the MedStar Washington Hospital Center

The shooter is also known for abusing his fosterchilds
>In April 2006, Hodgkinson was arrested for battery, domestic battery and discharging a firearm, after he allegedly physically assaulted his foster daughter and two of her friends.
>A St Clair County sheriff’s department incident report said Hodgkinson threw his daughter around a room, pulled her hair and hit her. He then punched a female friend of his daughter in the face “with a closed fist” and struck the woman’s boyfriend in the head with the stock of his shotgun, before firing a round as the man ran away.
>Almost a decade earlier, another foster daughter living with Hodgkinson and his wife, Suzanne, had killed herself at the age of 17, according to the Belleville News-Democrat. The daughter, Wanda Ashley Stock, doused herself with gasoline and set herself on fire inside a car.
what the fuck? who burns himself as suicide? why not taking a hose and just redirected the exhaust fumes into the car or let it run in a garage or something? use the shotgun of the guy to make it quick. but fucking burning yourself? Maybe murder instead?

Also Trump brought his personal Physician to scalise

Furthermore weirdly congresscandidate Lindy Li seems to have a connection to the shooter.
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They presumably deleted the headlines for a reason.
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Bumping. Yesterday I had a thread with someone ACTUALLY FROM SANDY HOOK. I know the memeing, this guy posted proofs. First time I've seen SH proof of residency. Made some pizza related accusations. Pic and threads related. Check them out.


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Thanks famalam
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Brad Wenstrup helped treating the wounds of scalise directly after the shooting until the ambulance arrived and probably kept him alive
He was also quoted for saying "It’s just as easy as ordering a pizza, to order a person.”
the choice of words is no coincidence. possibly /ourguy/

the same doctor who was responsible for seth rich, jack sava, also is in charge of scalise.
sava also appears to be on the guestlist together with the podestas

he talks about in the beginning how it is normal to get shot and be relatively fine and later get into shock and collapse explaining the critical condition.
this article talks about why a gunshot to scalises hip, not just any hip, but scalises can be deadly
here it says he was in good spirits, and even called his wife and talked to her. scalise was on the verge of collapsing but instead of insteantly operating on him and stabalizing him they let him talk in piece all chilled out with no worries?
they already set the narrative up to make it seem like its normal if he dies
this bitch even already talks like he dead

guess so. and you really love that nime anon right? like i probably saw you posting a gig worth of pics from it.
Never seen shit like it before. Wasn't a PG thread either just about sandy hook DNA incongruencies. Any anons from that thread ITT? Where is based canadanon and anime reaction dude?
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I wasn't in any of the Sandy Hook threads, but I do enjoy my anime reaction images.
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Muh nigga. Got any cowboy bebop reactions? My taste in anime is fairly plebian. Bebop, gits:sac, and black lagoon are my jam. Battle royale manga I have in hardback compiled forms. Regardless, keep on keeping on anon.
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about sandy hook:
>rumors of a sex ring
>album depicting ritually abused children
shit screams pizzagate to me

i enjoy them too. occasionally i still one
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Sorry, I generally only save pictures of best girls from each season.
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you guys are faggots, all of you. I posted some damning shit yesterday and didn't get a peep out of any of you homos. I literally linked Max Maccoby and his sister Izette Folger and Nora Maccoby to the CIA with ACTUAL PROOF and none of you faggots even had enough patience to comb through the info (it wasn't even that much) seriously if you can't even dissect small bits on info you need to gtfo of these threads and lets the grown ups work in peace. Go find a kike doctor to give you some adderall if you can't handle the info
Yeah there could be something there. Sometimes I feel like we are living in the Truman show. 1% of the American population is what ~ 3,500,000. That's plenty of people to pull some real janky shit. Just with the media alone.
I'm gunna try this one more time before I give up and flee to 8chaim or voat (fucking hell at this point im alsmost considering r/conspiracy)

Okay, here is where it starts. DO ANY OF YOU REMEMBER THIS WOMAN.

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Thank you for your hard work.
Fuck m8 post again. Sorry i didn't catch it yesterday. I was kinda consumed with >>130686066 and sandy hook proofs. Ill give you my analysis (whatever its worth) ITT
Innocents at risk front org? Post some shit. Ill read it bro
CIA connections to comet ping pong

>Izette Folger (pictured here with Alefantis)
>Izette Folger is on the list of advisory board to “innocents at risk” probably another pedophile cover up organization like NCMEC
>Izette folger and her Sister Nora Maccoby are CIA AS FUCK
>Their father is cryptojew Michael Maccoby
>Alefantis is GREAT friends with Michael Maccoby, whose son is on the Board of Directors for Haitian orphanage, Friends of Orphans
>Laura Silsby, convicted child-trafficker got her children from Friends of Orphans, according to an interview with her lawyer Jorge Puello (wanted child-trafficker)https://archive.fo/ox7Fa#selection-423.0-425.82

and Im sorry but you need to watch the whole video. She goes into detail about growing up in neighborhood thats 80 percent CIA blah blah blah her dad is a literal MKULTRA doctor frankfurt kike whos father was a rabbi or someshit
Interdasting. The silsby connection to Amber alert and child trafficking is some of the strongest(albeit circumstantial) evidence we have.
while there is a shady connections between the maccobies and alefantis, i didnt see the proof for CIA involvement of any of them. its likely one or multiple of them are, but if you posted it i oversaw that
you have to expect to post multiple times before something is picked up
people have work/slide threads get int he way, etc
i would bet $100 that robert steele is involved with maccoby since they are CIA

you have something new about innocents at risk?


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>She goes into detail about growing up in neighborhood thats 80 percent CIA
wasnt that the area around CPP? remember some talks about how the whole area is controlled either by saudis or CIA via some proxies
the evidence of her attempting to smuggle children out of haiti is far from circumstantial
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>didn't blow up until after the election
Really makes you think.
>skippy goes to /pol/
nevermind that less than 1/3rd of EWO discusses clinton, connections to GOP like hastart,
wait why am i replying to a shill?
DC is one giant pentagram. Errrbody CIA
>5:54 mark

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im far more concerned about the position of CPP, the CHILD center and the White house in relation to eachother to be honst
about the pentagram. a normal pentagram defends from evil, an inverted one is said to invite it. a broken/open pentagram symbolizes an offensive approach. this one is inverted as the 2 spikes point north, and the one points south
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Timestamps are always a treat.
nice find.
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go read the google reviews for the child centre. I can't find the screenshots I took but I posted them in the old threads months ago at the height of this pizzagate hysteria when these threads were going lightning fast
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I appreciate your ironic shitposting.
>These people treat the children and infants really bad...do not put your child here!!! They are really aggressive with the children. The lady in charge bruced my 5 year old by grabbing and squeezing his arm...she is being sued for that...

>Despite all this negative stuff that happened a long time ago that these people wrote,this daycare is improved with everything since then. My son has been there since he was 11 months and he is 3 getting ready for Pre-Kindergarten. This daycare has help my son with his speech, listening skills, identifying his numbers, letters, and colors, which he has improved very well, and has help to get accepted to very good schools too. I would recommend that your children to come here because the teachers and manager do care about the kids well being, and to do their best to get ready for school.

>I didn't even want to put a star daycare sucks in all categories for a daycare center the staff is unfriendly never smile mean and the director u cAnt talk to and I came in one day And a staff was pulling on a child the food is crAppy and the fruit and I was told it was catered from somewhere I couldn't even find the place on google my daughter came home with her bowels back up from the food all I can say is DO NOT TAKE YOUR CHILD HERE. My child was out sick n she came back n all her supplies was used times I picked my child up with cold running down her nose crazy right well my daughter is in a better daycare now

when you guys are done watching the video I posted plz help me disseminate info far and wide. We need to astroturf our own shit like Infowhores and rebel media Jews do

You guys need to READ into her father. HE WAS A FUCKING (((ANTHROPOLOGIST))) and (((PSYCHOANALYST)))
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so the father was CIA, and their kids are at a high position at some NGO (innocent at risk), another one at the board of directors of the board of directors at the haitian ophanage "friends of orphans" another one was alefantis lawyer and another daughter is the one in the interview.
thats a great find anon, but you really have to work on the way on how you present information. i had to read through your posts like 2-4 times to get the picture and relations

pic related about silsby
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Yeah, uh, I'll post it to my Twitter feed in a bit.


arol Ross Joynt, author of the 2011 memoir "Innocent Spouse," published by Crown, first excerpted in Vogue, also hosts her own long-form interview program, The Q&A Cafe, now in its 15th year, and is a full-time booking producer for "Meet The Press Daily with Chuck Todd" at MSNBC in Washington. Over the course of her broadcast career she was a writer for Walter Cronkite for four years, and a producer for Charlie Rose, David Brinkley, Ted Koppel, and Larry King, and for its brief two years on the air she was with "USA Today: The TV Show" as Washington Bureau Chief and "Life" section producer.

Prior to joining MTPD she was at "Hardball with Chris Matthews" for a year, spanning the 2016 Presidential campaign season, primaries, debates, election and inauguration. Immediately before joining MSNBC, Joynt worked in the magazine business. She was with Foreign Policy as Vice President of Communications and supervised staff media training and the launch of FP Podcasts. She came to FP from Washingtonian, where she was Editor-at-Large from October 2011 to October 2014. She wrote several hundred articles, including the monthly "Behind The Scenes" feature, and dozens of her photos were published in the magazine. From 2007 to 2016 she also wrote a weekly column about Washington power, money and social life for the New York Social Diary.
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we're gonna uncover global paedo epedemic, all you have to do is wait!
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Saturn with the eye is an obvious one.
>they know about our digits
with the love is love motto pictured
These are psychopaths. There's no question in my mind. You can identify them just by looking at them. Physiognomy is real and we have evolved to be able to sense it - did anyone else look at a photo of these women and immediately get the sense that they should be avoided because they're dangerous?
i try to make the maccoby link more digestable by ordering the information. however im missing some sources:
first something that shows izette folger is related to the maccobies. also the connection from max maccoby defending alefantis in court. saw this claim but no source.
maybe it's because of that stupid fucking fag flag you are using. how could anyone take you serious?
The smiles seem either fake or malicious, but that may be confirmation bias.
lol you are an angry fucking bitch. just shut the fuck up.
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Not just their smiles, although that's a big tell. Their chins. Their noses. The space between their eyes. The deadness/soullessness of their eyes - their faces are smiling but their eyes are not.

Everything just looks off to me.
that shows they work together, not that they are related.
however i found the source about maccoby defending him in court already
woops. That confirms that they are family
ah okay, im retarded oversaw the the part where it states the children. anyone looked into anne berglof?

also why is friends of the orphans apparently not showing anywhere a person affiliated with them on their website?
Bullshit, i went to school with Philip Green, are you implying he's a pedophile?
>anne berglof
who dat
nvm im sleuthing her rn
found the board of directors thing. apparently i was on the wrong friends of orphans website

at least he is affiliated with them

What is up with people that wear childish/funny colored socks at work? I used to work in a government institution (non USA) and noticed that a lot of the younger people and interns working there wore purple, red, neon etc... socks along with black suits and ties.

Is that normal? are they "sticking it to the man" or is it a sort of code?
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make the picture big, and look at the symbols one it anon

also: pizza and coke= kids and cocaine?
Hey guys
This might be off topic but I saw transformers last night , the premiere
And there's like a 14 year old girl in the movie , they portray her as some stray girl whatever
Doesn't matter
I realized how SEXUALIZED they made the girl in the movie
They had her bending over, moaning, there was this one scene where the drone or the camera arm went over her and she looked like this


So like her head and her legs spread out , while sitting of course
And she was sweaty as tuck

It was making me completely uncomfortable and knowing that Hollywood fucker pedos must've been behind it

Yeah, never saw those at work.
reddit pls stay on topic
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Recap of the Maccoby connection

around 5:50 Nora Maccoby talks about her growing up in an almost all CIA neighborhood making it very likely her family is involved in that as well.

Izette Folger Sister of Max and Nora Maccoby
>children: Anne Maccoby Berglof, Izette Folger, Nora Maccoby Hathaway, Max Maccoby.

She is also at on the Advisory board of Innocent at Risk which is an organisation to "fight" child eploitation and human trafficing

Max Maccoby brother of Nora Maccoby and Izette Folger, defended in Alefantis and Brock in court
and is on the board of directors of "Friends of the Orphans"

tl;dr: this family with CIA background and connection to Alefantis have an awfull lot of connections to Childprotectionservices. really makes you think
Now this is the weird part. She is posting shit to seem like she's concerned about deepstate pedorings. hmmm

respek famalam
holy shit this is a goldmine shes actively rooting for CIA over FBI.
>tfw you are smarter then CIA and you know that its all a game of charades and both are pedo enablers who blackmail eachother into submission
pls try the next time to order the info as well and provide sources. would make the stuff a lot easier digestable and saves work and time.

but that thing is really weird. is she maybe the black sheep, or in that case the white sheep since the rest of the family would be black sheeps, who didnt fall for the MKUltra childabuse stuff? are they using her as a front to seem like they care?

I read your stuff, great work IMO, keep up the good work

I would have commented but I am new to this pizzagate investigation topic and there is so much stop to read and look up
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go back to your medically induced sleep Mr Podesta
>Social Secretary to the French Ambassador


I connected another CIA jewess to Orlando and Bataclan like a year ago it was all on 8chaim

thanks bro I appreciate it
For fuck's sake how deep does the rabbit hole go?

Every single time I think it can't get any worse, my fellow humans find a new creative way to do something even more evil and set the bar even lower.
pretty scary senpai I'm certain this bitch was also part of the fucking french falseflags we need to dig
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pic without the chat on the right so noone gets mollested by anyone.

shit, oversaw that secretary shit, but the pic is very worrying as well
Thank you for helping to protect the people and for exposing these fucking disgusting pieces of refried shit

Is there a good compilation about this stuff?
I really want to translate it to portuguese so I can expose the terrible Brazilian arm of this international shit.

Brazil up to 6 years ago was a disgusting fucking pedo playground

One of my friends became a mall manager some 10 years ago in a large Brazilian city (salvador). The look does not look like a typical Brazilian so when he was touring his mall, these shady motherfuckers would come up to him with Menus featuring CHILDREN to purchase for prostitution!!!!

Luckily the Federal Police cracked down hard but the beast is strong in brazil and must be stopped!

You are a true hero my friend!
It is international, pretty fucking hardcore invasive here in Brazil

Big time problem with Italian, German and British tourists coming down here to fuck kids
I could find you with this pic by checking mutual friends out of everyone on that list
But you're doing a good job
Be more careful next time
Brazil is like a globalist testing ground for their NWO agenda. They psyoped you guys into racemixing and trannyism a long time ago. Not surprised that pedophilia is rampant. Its sad
oh shit nigger I don't think this bitch is joking
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note how the guy says all those missing kids left voluntarily? how does he know if they are missing? did he find them, ask and then released them again? or just a "nothing to wory goy" speech?
another possibillity that those kids were put into places of people who do some dirty work for the government as for example hodkinson, the baseball shooter who abused his foster kids and drove one into suicide by burning herself and hitting the friend of one of the foster childs and shot around with his rifle and was still allowed to have (foster) kids and guns afterwards apparently.
or the CPP falseflagger.
they gave these kids to such people, knew they were suffering and because of this know they left voluntarily because they didnt want to be abused by those people they were given to on purpose

http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/234326971.html?akmobile=o (this article is weird as it is literally just a headline and one line essentially saying the same)

thats why i deleted it quickly again and uploaded one without that part but thanks for the warning
people often wear flash just to stand out from their coworkers

Correct, Brazil is fucking awesome (nature,beaches,everything grows) and fucking repulsive at the same time (tranny, pedo)

Ying and Yang
im gunna post another thread on here about the CIA connection and im using this in the screenshot
The Shooter, Hodkinson, had a list of targets but didnt shoot anyone on the list?
is he miserable at aiming? is the list fake news? or is that a list with targets he isnt supposed to shoot because those are (((theirguys)))? a threat like "you are next"? or the FBI giving an unofficial warning like "we heard there something, be carefull goys"?

furthermore hodkinson seems to have dissappeared months before the shooting
where did he go? certainly not targetpractive. was he maybe snatched up and MKUltrad in that time?
feel free to do so. was planning on using that post as OP for the next thread, bu it wont hurt i guess
If it's DC wouldn't the problem here be niggers.
Doing Gods Work
> keep it going guys I'm posting in twitter
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This is one of the few things on /pol/ that still creeps me out

There are so many powerful people involved that they will never rat on each other and are willing to do anything to protect their secret
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yaya use it again after the thread dies or for next /ewo/


WE ALSO PREDICTED THIS (pic related is proof)
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Disney has club 33, I repeat, thirty-three, like the masons favorite number showing the connection to those guy. Remember all the popular MKUltrad teeny stars coming from Disney. And how are people MKUltrad? They are tortured and abused until the personality breaks, and creates new personalities to cope with the thing to protect itself at which point the new personality/personalities can be shaped. They probably use some drugs to enhance the effect while also building in a trigger to bring the desired personality to the front. Like giving them some certain shirt before the abuse starts or whatever. And since those kids have to be groomed/abused to be superstars you can be sure they think they can not only create the next superstar willing to promote their agenda, but also give all the pedophilic elites some fun time by letting them do abuse the kids. quit pro quo

no coincidences so many of their stars have some mental collapse later in their career.

a week after pic related was released FBI released the pedosymbols by the way. any chance someone got pissed?

also note: A bear, fat hairy faggot, snuggling with a barely clothed young boy
There seems to be a phone number (301) 785-1534, MD, USA Daniel Crum, anybody want to call this guy and ask for a delivery ??

And there is an ID# 572233520 at the top

mean anything?
I'm satisfied with my find right now and im gunna go crack open a cold one and ponder if this is worth getting suicided over while the alcohol hits me.

I'll come back in an hour or 2
Imagine this: every night when you go to sleep, you wake up in a different body, somewhere far away. While in this body, your preception is dimmed, your senses dulled. Every night, you are given a choice: do what we tell you and have sex with this beautiful 10/10 and be a bazillionaire, or don't and be eaten alive by otherworldly creatures, have your name run through the mud, and be tortured every day for the rest of your life. Don't judge these people too harshly, because you have no clue what kind of world they're living in.
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he ran over a kid before and was left of without any charges. he had a debt to pay and the false flag was the payment.
also his father is an actor
as well as he himself seems to be too, or at least in the movie business

this all hints towards the connections to the higher ups. they didnt just choose some random guy

also the trafficcam shows there was prior knowledge to this incident and they made sure no footage will be found

ask for a cheese pizza with walnut sauce. 4-10 slices with some dominos on pasta on the side. what could possibly go wrong?

if you decide to go out, dont go alone at least if you know what i mean. but its better to not go out at all

Is the 10/10 going to be my wife or I just fuck her? Do I get a Billion dollars?

Then the guy asks if you would also be interested in a hot dog and tells you he will kick in a free handkerchief
>otherwordly creatures will eat you
so this is a containment thread
sage and report this thread, guys, just more /x/ tier spam
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtAuWQHgUvo&t=2235s
Edgar maddisoon Welch is also connected to all that haiti shit
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>a small remark of a random dude makes everything else in this thread unvaluable
what kind of retard is this guy here?

i dont judge them, i just want them gone and stopping with the bullshit. i hate them from the bottom of my heart, but i just want this bullshit to stop one way or the other. in the end god will judge them either way.

who wouldnt take that offer?

Proof that Edgar isconnected to haiti
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holy shit. how casual the kid talks about it amazes me, and destroys me at the same time

this is also pretty devastating.

god damn satan

delete this anon. these are the kind of posts that get people v&
In my town there was a girl in the 60's who burned herself.She was crazy from the fathers daily beating.
Guess burning alive sounds like a nice way to go out after a level of torture.
Remember how rifles from bataclan came trough the fast and furious operation?
No. Im the one who posted that (flag changed caz im on mobile)

Quick rundown pls
Just wishful dreaming on his part. He would be too afraid of acting upon it

Who would be afraid?
ATF operation to check where guns from the US ends up. They let some tens of thousands of rifles go across the Mexican border.
Basically they lost track of everyone except from when people have left them at crime scenes, usually on American boarder guards or cartel massacres.
But at least one of the rifles used in Bataclan came from that operation, tracked trough serial number.
my friend...he knows powerful people are behind this.

A few years ago, an entire chartered flight from Germany was turned around cause the cops received a tip from interpol that it was a plane of pedos.

True enough, there were only middle age/retired german men on the plane.
Simply fairytales.

The kid on the right is Alefantis btw
Who will know if you get kidnapped right now that you disappeared because you had stuff about pizzagate?You will become one number in many.Anonimity can backfire too.
>"traficking children again?"
>"Now the whole neighborhood is doing apparently"
>"All the best people do..."
doesnt matter. they see this, they get him and then act like they would have stopped some massshooting, get a raise, and present themselves as heroes
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Where is that image from? Also, what does the rooster stand for? I remember someone asking about it in a previous thread.
They would probably just stuff his car with a few keys of crack and shoot him in the face...

Or throw him in a favela and have BOPE gun him down in some crack den
This looks like some Brazilian macumba shit.

The lady to the left is nossa senhora aparecida
The chicken or rooster is used as an offering to the african gods, usually in conjunction with alcohol. The fact that she is white and not black means black magic

No idea Satan nr 2. A cock maybe?
Or more realistically an awakening?
And some old thread, no idea which.
Phoneposting, filename may be searchable on 4plebs.
Also note the Native character in the bottom

The black entity with the magic mushroom staff probably refers to SACI, a one legged brazilian trickster that fucks with people in the woods
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i thought alefantis is a rothschild, who is that woman then?

does anyone know in which hospital brock was brought into? every article just says "local hospital"
for some reason i suspect MedStar, the same seth rich and scalise brought into
asked in the previous thread but noone seemed to have any info
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how do we know that its not you and your friends shitting up this thread with /x/ tier bullshit?
Like Rothschilds aren't human? His mother I'd think. The fat one is an aunt or something.
I remember eric holder and janet napolitano being behind that shit with the guns but dont remember it being connected to bataclan. Shits crazy im willing to bet that they use fast and furious guns for other falseflags (or just aiding and abeting controlled terror groups)
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Alefantis father is friends on facebook with some dude from trilateral comission
Many of the symbols are found in Umbanda

mix of Christianity, roman beliefs and african religions

The symbols represent entities

Post proof that the kid on the right is Alefantis
Interesting. I'll look into that more. Some anon posted a green roster logo of a company in a thread a few days ago. I didn't save it, maybe someone else remembers or saved it for comparison.
no kidding, that does not look like a typical 60s photo
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The symbols around the aparecida figure are probably based on Umbanda, they represent entites

Different offerings are made, but always includes a roster or chicken
If theres any anons who remember the /human trafficing general/ threads theres some ports near the sandy hook town. Also a weird daycare/artsy place just down the road from the "school" it occurred at.
looks very anderson cooperish with vanderbilt there
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pic related is by the way the logo of the CHILD center from >>130828483
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The description on the youtube video also mentions her interactions with China and Rumsfeld, she's part of the Clean Energy Movement
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Pic related is Umbanda?
Shes the one with the toddler farm.
Not even subtle.
Fookin assholes.
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Excellent work on these threads & the /HTG/ threads.

Did a few KB threads that relate to all of this:

1) http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/120374919/#120374919

2) http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/107255602/#107255602

Thread Archives:

The lip tv also hosts Oliver Stones son Sean Stone's show buzzsaw. Its typical alien/fringe bigfoot disinfo mixed in with some truth. The really wierd thing is this, remember that Max Spiers guy who died

He was working on exposing Michael Aquinos pedophile shenanigans, he was talking about how sean stone was connected to it all.

First off, im certain that Max Spiers was a bullshit artist (or a schitzophrenic) peddling retarded ancient aliens tier disinfo, But... i thinkhe stumbled on something legit and they took him out because of his decently big internet following (hisfollowing consisted of retarded ass boomers from above top secret and jewlikeproductions)
yep written right there UM BANDA in the center
also have QUIMBANDA lower, an offshoot of UMBANDA
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Sorry man your threads always look like they have all this potential and then you spend 50% of the time shilling your past threads AND "upcoming topics" going I don´t even know how far into the future. You have to realize it was not the "doxing" that killed you, it was your own fucking MEANDERING
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from the same website where the above video comes from
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would anyone care to elaborate on this idea? Really activated my almonds. I know some people say it's /x/ but I think its interesting to think about the motivations and framework behind the abuse and symbols. Maybe it's all playing dress up but the ritual stuff just seems so specific
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I've been out jaegering, so I don't know if this has been posted yet:
If you told your kids to subvert and destroy the neighbours, lets call them Harringtons or something, would they do it? Would their kids? Would the grand-grand-grand-kids? Hardly-fucking-doodely.

IF however you followed a religion and was strict about it, rituals and symbols and _real beliefs_ tm about it, then yes, your graaaandkids would fuck that neighbour family up at least a couple thousand years into the future.

Could be actual occult reality, but another and very workable explanation is that it has to be religion, a belief system, for their plans and agenda to have survived since at LEAST 200 years ago, more likely x thousands years ago since the cult of Mystery Babylon, maybe even the "bloodline of Cain".
well, the thing he says about the decissions is right i think. they can either comply or suffer, but this isnt an excuse since they are still the enablers and perpetrators.
about the ritual stuff. im fairly certain the supernatural is real.
for example alien abduction and demonic possession have a lot in common (reportedly, i never suffered from either so i cant tell of course)
>unableness to move or speak
>general sense of fright and threat
>violent sexual acts
>runs often in the family
now either what we think are aliens are demons, or what we thought back then are demons are aliens. i think some of both. there are probably aliens around, demons, demons the aliens brought with them from other planets, and a lot of stuff faked by the CIA.
now whats really curious is that people report the abductions being aborted once they (try to) say or think about jesus christ which makes me think that at least those "aliens" that abduct people are demons.
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>3:22 long
>ends with the words "god please help me"

I just had a slice of cheese pizza and I'm laughing at you autists so hard hahahaha
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You hear about that RICO case yet?
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Ahahahaha what RICO case hahaha?
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Looks like I have a lot of reading to do, but all of these different cultures/civilizations have reoccurring themes. I believe in the saying, "All roads lead to Rome" and that Rome never actually fell. Even just looking at the dates on Umbanda and admittedly a brief overview of it, it seems like another spawn of Rome.
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Just a rumor, and allegedly not PG related, but have a read:
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Those eyes though
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Get out shills before it's too late.
damn trevor moore and crew are awesome, that covers a lot of what's been discussed in this thread
that makes a lot of sense, the reality of the occult aside, the belief and perception of investment are strong enough to keep it going
that's an interesting idea, especially the similarities. Had never thought about that, and the family thing too

thanks for the replies, lot to think about
godspeed anons
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Umbanda is part roman, spiritualism, christianity, african religions

check this out
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who is that in the middle? she looks like she is about to burst in tears.

checked. i think the HRE also didnt really vanish.
Holy roman empire(1st Reich)>Germany before WW1 (2nd Reich)>Germany after WW1 (3rd Reich)>EU (4th Reich). All of them share a similar political structure, a political leader from somewhere around germany (mostly at least) and a spiritual leader from the vatican/rome, the pope. You also see this relationship at the end of WW2 for example where the vatican provided diplomatic passports for the nazis so they can escape without being bothered showing they were on the nazis/HREs side.
Another hint that the EU is meant to be that is Charlesmagne, or Charles the great, first emperor of the HRE. The EUs HQ in Brüssel is the Charlesmagne building, there is the Charlesmagne prize, and there is a charlesmagne coin.
Furthermore america most probably is modern day babylon, witht the whore of babylon (lady liberty) being its icon.
However Trump possibly conquered Babylon for the remainings of the nazis/HRE while the HRE apparently is run by the masters of babylon, the satanic kikes.
since the EU fell into the kikes hands they probably went elsewhere like tthat you are hinting to
Holy fuck that's hard to watch. Goddamn. Who is uploading these?
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I blame the Russians for exerting some kind of undefined influence.
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I've got some old stuff about Sandy Hook
This is a good point. The idea isn't far fetched at all either. As an example, everyone on /pol learned about ideological subversion and that religion was on the earliest to go (also that it's our savior against it). It's one of the highest form of relationships a person can make in their life. We live by it, we kill by it, some will even kill themselves over it. It develops a set of moral beliefs and infects our consciousness until we become one with the teachings of a religion. That can be for better or for worse.
Guy who posted the original photograph i found more on Izette Folger and the msnbc lady to her left

So an aunt of Izette, Abigail Folger, was a Tate murder victim. A. Folger donated money to the Height-Ashbury clinic which is credited with distributing psychadelic during San Francisco's "Summer of Love". She was an acquaintance of Manson who is exposed as a MKUltra asset in many documents online. There are many conspiracy theories about Manson that paint more of a CIA op than a murder conspiracy. But that's old news. Izette best friend is Carol Joynt. Carol's claim to fame is that she and Charlie Rose won the national Emmy Award for "Best Interview" for a one-hour prison interview with Charles Manson.

Its the first comment on this voat thread
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Digitally colored.
>don't post the sound it makes
but its so comfy to listen to. who doesnt like to chill while listening to screams of souls being tormented for all eternity?
forgot link
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and where is the relation to this thread? or are you just shilling for views?
make a video about pizzagate, and maybe then we will click it
Someones been going to CC's
Fuck off
Still no play by play on the shooting. Immediately afterwrd, all the congressmen acted like they didnt want to be the one that spilled the beans and now the story has disappeared.

Already it's as if the shooting never happened. The cop stbbing in flint is the new distraction, guuaranteed the same CIA niggers are behind it. People are so fuckng pathetic, to keep believing this crap.
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So It happened. Mexico's Gov used Israeli tech to spy some mexicans. He name of the appli is Pegasus.
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>The ether field chronicles
Coming from a Christian standpoint, this shit is easy to spot. This lady is just the other side of the same coin. She is into transhumanism.
It would have needed to be that way though, since Brazil is mixed with all of those religions. The only solution to not having endless conflict would have been to mix all of the religions, which is probably going to happen on a global level at some point in the future, too.

Something happened between the beginning of the Dark Ages until the Age of Enlightenment. I'm just not there in my history yet to be able to speak in confidence of what it was.
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Fun Fact: There is an interview with Manson where he states that he did the world a favor when referring to the Tate murders.
who are the tates? any relevant persons? im not familliar with the manson case desu
Look up Roman Polanski anon. Sharon Tate was his wife and a Wiccan.
polanski was some sick fuck that raped an murdered right (i think even underage childs)? and if that guy finds someone that marries him and doesnt uncover his deeds i guess she really deserved us and he did us a favor with that. whats with mansons other murders? are they seemingly random? are they high profile people? did he say how he chose his victims?
Charley never admitted to talking the girls into murdering people. If I remember correcting he kind of just affirmed that the world is a better place without the people who died.

>whats with mansons other murders?
The people who were killed we apart of their cult probably anon.
so mansons is /ourguy/?
Not really, he should have went full John Wick on them and systematically brought the whole fucking thing down. He was also probably an MKULTRA victim.
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It's almost like he used the same tactics the deepstate used, have useful idiots do your dirty work for you. He underestimated his enemy.
that would explain why he is always depicted as such a monster and absolute evil maniac as opposed to most others that just dissappear in history. they hated him probably for using their methods and thus slandered his name as much as possible.
Check this out.
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i just wanted to start some comfy anime session to ease the stress anon. i will listen to it a bit, but for now not completely. this shit puts a strain on me
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he talks how he ALWAYS did what that guy told him to do. that sounds like MKUltra to me. but at some point apparently the human nature set in and he developed some desires of his own and wanted the other guy to do something to him. he didnt want to and he felled like being treated unfair and cut his ear off apparently.
but the interviewer is an idiot. already involved himself, raising his town and not just letting him manson finish his line of thought.
Around the 11:00 minute marker is very telling information. The Hells Angels had connections with our CIA.
man, he always talks like he knows some mindblowing secrets and hints towards it, but never just says what it is. thats frustrating
He keeps referring to his life changing at 10 years old.
>Being in jail
>Being in your world
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whenever you think you hit rock bottom the ground suddenly opens beneath you and you fall deeper down the rabbithole
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justin from canada at a gaypride parade with a man next to him a week before getting arrested for pedophilia charges
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justins foundation logo
If you look at things from a "which topic gets most shilled" standpoint, those topics are: 9/11, GMOs, vaccines, Pizzagatr and Sandy Hook. These are their lines in the sand, so we can be sure there's plenty more to find out about.
pretty much. even though they seem to have mostly stop shilling pizzagate. like it was a lot worse in the beginning. i think in this thread only 3-4 posts are shill posts which i find truely odd. maybe they realized shilling draws too much attention.
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Finally finished watching that. Really interesting. First thing that came to mind after it was over was
>the power of suggestion
This charles manson interview shit connects to maccoby btw
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>1 in 10 chance to hit the right finger
>3 times high profile people hit exactly that one and no other.
debunking is easy if you take things out o context right? like the context that they all attend "artprojects" of the artist the wallwriting is from
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I posted a pic of maccoby with some msnbc lady whos claim to fame was her interview with Manson. Manson is alsoconnected to Isette Folger through Sharon tate or something onesec ill pullit up
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Include this to your picture.
The lady you shooped over in your tilted picture is this:

Some anon on voat
>So an aunt of Izette, Abigail Folger, was a Tate murder victim. A. Folger donated money to the Height-Ashbury clinic which is credited with distributing psychadelic during San Francisco's "Summer of Love". She was an acquaintance of Manson who is exposed as a MKUltra asset in many documents online. There are many conspiracy theories about Manson that paint more of a CIA op than a murder conspiracy. But that's old news. Izette best friend is Carol Joynt. Carol's claim to fame is that she and Charlie Rose won the national Emmy Award for "Best Interview" for a one-hour prison interview with Charles Manson

Over their entire lifetime. Don't forget that, you paranoid retard.

I guarantee you can find pictures of me as an adult with a bandaid on only my middle left hand finger. I cut my hands all the fucking time. Probably at least 10-20 times a year. So the odds that I randomly only get a cut on my left middle finger over the course of 5 years is actually very high.

But knowing that you're a paranoid shut-in that never leaves the house or does any physical labor, I'm sure you never get cuts so this all seems alien to you.
ah, yeah. saves some explaining. thanks for the idea.

ah shit, forgot about that. thanks
Carol Joynt is her name. She is a msnbc journalist with impressive career (by good goyim standards)
You're latching onto one aspect, it's the bandage combined with everything else that lends weight to it.
its pretty hard to cut your middle finger on accident due to their positioning being covered by ring and index finger. you usually cut your thumb or indexfinger as they are the most exposed to the knife when holding something to cut. also i didnt see any pics of them ever having a bandaid elsewhere. probably because they never do physical work since they have bimbos for everything
I could latch onto all of them, because every single listed thing is similarly stupid in a similar sense to that. It's not some bigger picture that all adds up, it's a mountain of shit that you try to disguise as legitimate by making the pile as big as possible. It would take forever to debunk every single dumb fucking thing you guys put forward, so people just don't bother and let you chase your own tails. It's a waste of energy to talk to conspiracy theorists, because explaining why they're dumb 100 times gets old when they will just(as you put it) latch onto something else and ask you to prove it wrong when the reality is they should be skeptical of it to begin with, but aren't.
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>It's a waste of energy to talk to conspiracy theorists
yet you are here. really makes me think. give brock greetings if you happen to visit him in the hospital
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>I could latch onto all of them
Explain why this homosexual would use this image as his Twitter picture?
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But these are political figures, and high profile ones at that. It's doubtful that they would cut that specific area nearly as often as your average person, particularly if it's bad enough to necessitate an adhesive bandage.

The more interesting question is whether or not they are wearing bandages on that specific digit in close temporal proximity to an Abramovic event. This could be cross referenced to publicized dates or leaked emails.
oh man
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You think you're hot shit, dontcha?
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WTF. should have clicked the pic earlier. who is that girl?
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I don't know, I was just referencing the band aid. It says Beach Plum, maybe look that up for more information if you're interested.
Nigger i confirmed that alefantis fucking lawyer and his familyare all CIA gtfo. Franklin scandal, dutroux, presidio, its all real
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>otherworldly creatures
What creatures? What do you mean by this?
Holy shit this was the fucking party Alex Soros was at with his faggy red shoes
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Don't forget, this all dropped at the same time. It's almost like they are baiting. "The signs are everywhere. Sometimes you just have to take a second look."
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the red shoes are probably meant as mobile version of the red carpet. the meaning behind it is as i believe either their bloodline which they walk/ride on to success as all the celebreties and high profile people are someone related to each other, or for the blood they spilled to get where they are.

pic related is some poster for the german rapper "cro". didnt think much of it until this shit started the (cum?)panda mask, the red shoes, the hand gesture he makes is also prevailant among masons.
there is another pic (i post of him right after this) that has him wearing a disneyshirt, disney i referenced in >>130837734
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Drawing stream bump
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>That upside down cross
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... all the backs turned to him.
that picture is fucked up
shit, didnt even realize that. his songs (the few i know at least) are the typical "yolo, just dont care, relax and have fun. everything is chill" kind of music
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it's the viet kid with mcdeez and mckeez, and unfortunately pretty popular
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where is that?

>traumatized child and victim of a brutal war getting abducted by mickey mouse and ronald mcdonald to be MKUltrad is a popular motive
wake me up pls.
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Probably OTO crew. Crowleyism and all that jazz, Luciferians at their core.
A Hollywood gate was talked about a while ago. The mods would probably take those threads down but I'm sure you'd find a lot of connections through there. Especially since there's photos of them everywhere and they love flaunting their face at parties.
well that makes this>>130877219 even more disturbing than it already was with the cross and batman pin and whatever he's looking at
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Who made that video? Who is the man screaming and why? Where and when was this recorded?
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in the youtube video we expect it to be john skippy podesta, relating to the pic probably at CPP. it was both first uploaded at that worldcorpo website. i dont know any more about it but its disturbing how similar those videos are.

i really loved eminem, and im sure the old one was cool. but he got fucking MKUltrad or something some years ago, probably during his rehab (remember kanye sperging out and getting send into a mental asylum?)
an anon mentioned how anonymous alcoholics programm derived basically from some aleyster crowley brainwashing thing he published years before the alcoholics anonymous was founded (diary of a drugfiend). the AA program supposedly overtook a huge part of aleyster crowleys work unchanged.
>Astrum Argenteum, auch bekannt unter den Namen Argenteum Astrum, Argentinum Astrum (Latein für „silberner Stern“), Astron Argon (griechisch für „scheinender Stern“) oder abgekürzt A∴A∴, war bzw. ist ein magischer Orden, der zwischen 1904 und 1907 (je nach Quelle variiert das genaue Jahr) von dem britischen Magier und Okkultisten Aleister Crowley gegründet wurde.
like alcoholics anonymous.

remember how south park in one episodes has stan say to the AAs that this is nothing but a cult and he knows because he led on recently? suddenly seems a lot more real
>where is that
>sponsored by comet ping pong in georgetown
(Mirella & Dani Levinas - Georgetown) http://www.transformerdc.org/special-events/overview/collectors-view-2014
Social programs and false religions to get you to confess yourself to them so they can in return, blackmail you down the road I suppose. Scientlogy is a great example, L Ron Hubbard was good friends with Crowley if I am not mistaken.
why the fuck is some pizzarestaurant sponsering an artevent of tony fucking podesta? i would expect podesta would sponsor CPP stuff, not the other way around as podesta should have a shit ton of more money going on. but either way this shows that art is just moneylaundering
Not just for blackmail purposes but also to engineer you and re shape you how they want.
>art is just moneylaundering
True, it also demoralizes people, modern art especially.
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>from the same website where the above video comes from
>>>130847745 # >>130851193 # >>130878664 # >
What is this video? Is that the sound of water running and splattering what you can hear? Who are the men in it? What are they SAYING? Who is the screaming woman?

I am willing to pay anyone that is able to please answer and give as much information as possible, I do not think I could ever fall asleep without answers.
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the one screaming in there is a kid i believe in both cases. in the second video it seems like the kid is forced to shower either far too cold, or too hot. there are 2 guys in the second video, one who just keeps telling the kid to stay calm, its all good and "why are your screaming". thats probably some torture method to break the kids will and subject them to MKUltra without leaving bruises or anything. thats at least my guess.

>forced enema before anal intercourse

Interdimensional art collective is a giveaway name for an MK cult. This entire thing stinks of Skull and Bones MK Ultra mind control, I swear to god, look at that cast of characters. Andy Dick? Out of his fucking mind. Brittany Murphy? Inb4 muh spore fungus she was offed by these motherfuckers because she figured out what they did to her at Planet Pizza down the street.
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>thats probably some torture method to break the kids
Probably the first steps in the Shattering process.

This is one of the distribution centers you were talking about.

35.477457, -97.513324
pretty much what i believe

no anon, just no. get out. dont make this thread even more painfull.
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>distribution centers
elaborate please.
why are victims of prison rape getting their teeth knocked out? just for asserting dominance?

also you have an error. on the left upper text, there is a word missing
"...for the same <<<reason>>> prison rape victims..."
>dont make this thread even more painfull.
That's real life though. It's anon's job to look at the things the rest of society ignores so they can keep their rose tinted glasses on. We force ourselves outside of comfort to seek truth, even if it hurts us.

I have an old family friend that told me a story about her and her sister when they were young. When they were young it was around the MKULTRA days but I'm not saying their experience was related to the program, but as a result of their experience her sister did develop multiple personality disorder. They're both older now and her sister is normal. She's what most people would consider "weird" but she was able to function in society for most of her life after the trauma.
All right listen this can't be real abuse, I hope. If it were they would not be so utterly stupid as to record it, let alone bloody upload it to a public webpage.
Are you seriously saying you listened to franks bullshit and wasted you time sleuthing around and all you can offer is a shitty building with some faggy "street art"
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i dont know. a lot of criminals like to get some memories for their deeds. and i dont think they themselves wanted it to be uploaded. probably one that didnt want to play along and thus leaked it. i dont know

i know, but sometimes you need some slack you know?
I think those videos are disinfo purposefully injected into pedogate discourse on purpose. Kind of like how the shills used sandy hook truthers and took advantage of internet sleuth naivety and started disseminating pic related to make conspiracy theorists look retarded

>forced opening before oral intercourse
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>why are victims of prison rape getting their teeth knocked out?
It's so the victim cannot bite the dick off.
>an error
see, thank you anon.
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ah shit. i only had anal rape in mind. didnt think of the upper opening. god damn this shit gets more and more disgusting.

WTF? i hate Tony Hawks Pro Skater now.
but seriously. i think the voice in the one video really sounds like podesta. the way he pronounces the word. the kid also sounds really tortured and when the man asks "what is my name" im fairly certain the kid even says "john" to which he replies "my other name! what do you call?"
wish the kid would have just said "skippy"
but yes. could very well be disinfo, but im afraid the first video isnt
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So all this time Hugh Jackman was and is a pedophile that fucks and slaughters children? Bloody hell.
That image you posted IS disinfo. Fucking Leafs.
dgts'o truf
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guy makes playground. guy makes sculpture at airport. lady makes weird pedo art.
Where are those images from? I've seen similar ones before but can't remember where they came from.

>need some slack
I understand. I had to take months off from this before I could get back into it. I'm much stronger about it now though. Desensitized to a degree I suppose.
I literally said that pic related is disinfo you fucking faggot
>Where are those images from?
comet pp band posters
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Please don't shit up the last comments left in this thread anon.

Pic related is the Comet Ping Pong shooters dads IMDB page, the shooters page is gone, people were saying he was in a short film and played a guy shooting up a pizza shop in the movie. No idea if this is true at all but this picture is his dad, don't forget to read the pic and his connections.
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new thread

>Good goy.
Their instagram or something?
Whos making next thread and archiving these imon mobile. We needa archive everything
live music band posters
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i think those were pictures of the artist tony podesta likes so much though

the "something about pizza" probably was disinfo. pretty much everyone can edit IMDB if im not mistaken. either a troll or psy op. couldnt find anything beside the IMDB entry on that movie
or wait, i did find something, but nothing mentioned a gunman, or edgar.
>boy scouts
>"protect a child"
>foster parent

This checks so many boxes for proximity to human trafficking. I've stopped believing in coincidences due to this site. The GOP ballgame shooting earlier this week reactivated my almonds on this subject and I don't want it buried yet again.
The key was that they were made by that woman with split personalities from abuse.
archived threads are linked in that thread
>The key was that...
anon asked where they were from, not for a breakdown of their importance. carry on.
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