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What happens if the Saudis go bankrupt?

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Thread replies: 267
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Will Trump's arms deal still get him paid?
All of Saudi Arabia's money is oil, but not all of the oil is Saudi Arabia's.
Unless they adopt a service-based economy or find another cash cow soon (they won't, because of competition on both accounts being superior and more trustworthy), not all the arms deals in the world could save them from being the Venice of the desert: steady IV drip of eager tourists pumping through the bloodstream of a dying corpse.
However, from Canada to Cambodia, every country wants guns. The demand for those won't stop.
Call your gas stations and ask where they get their oil from and stop filling up car if it's from a mudslime country. At least boycott SA.

Let's do our part!
man, a small tribe we set up for oil became this big deal and it curls and dies as soon as it's export runs out
>What happens if the Saudis go bankrupt?

Saudi is presented as a wealthy country.

Truth is, many of it's citizens are very poor. The wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few, usually those related to the King and Royal family of Saudi.

Bankruptcy would likely see revolution and a break out of war, and the end of the rule of the royal family.
they pay with us money.... they sell oil to US in US money and buy weapon back ..
same as they did with poland they made them build the weapon hitler used to invade poland but no one talk about the ford industry and all
Welp, great. More refugees.
The commoners get boat load of benefits probably. They'll never complain as long as they got loads of money.
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Chaos is coming.

Petrocash we'll get free oil
They do get all sorts of gimmies
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Every now and then the Government hands out cash to the citizens to keep them happy. There are videos on youtubes of Saudi Arabian citizens dancing and going ape shit over their King giving them money to buy a rice cooker.
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They don't fucking know. The gas station gets it from a supplier, which gets it from a regional tank farm, which is supplied by an oil refinery, which receives, blends and refines crude from all around the world.

Pic related, though outdated. US domestic production makes up a large amount of our use. Saudi Arabia makes up about 11% of our imports.

So, the arms deal to Saudi Arabia....we basically sold them the gun that they'll shoot themselves in the head with?
America will bail them out, on request of Israel.
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Currently,they can't

They have almost $1 trillion in the US and they own shit tons of international corporations, if a miracle happened and they went bankrupt, and all their owned companies with them, expect the car gas to be 400% more expensive.

Anyone who says that " when oil runout " bullshit knows shit about economy, they aren't this dumb, they owned lots of companies as a backup plan

pic related
>in our lifetime Saudi Arabia will degenerate into a giant Metal Gear Solid 4 LARP

What a time to be alive.
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*sponsored by Academi
>What happens if the Saudis go bankrupt?
either a)
They use nukes to hold the world hostage.
or 2)
We laugh.
won't work, cuckodl
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Look at the right hand corner of the picture!

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will that get them as much as the oil though
Lol. We've been bankrupt and we will be bankrupt in 2020.
Bankruptcy doesn't mean shit
Then it becomes another warzone, and the US will invade iran to get its oil. Fucking stupid but true.
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/pol/ - candidate Trump
nu/pol/ - president Trump

Lol I lost at this one, mostly at how true it is.

Regarding the Saudi question it really seems like its the right time to invest in non saudi oil futures. Just think that every single oil based dictatorship from South Sudan to Russia would give up their right hand to see Saudi in a state of civil war and total destruction because that will mean going from a long economic crisis to unimaginable riches in a single week.
>tfw nu/pol/ doesn't realize that we originally memed Trump because he was the most Hitleresque
I'm supposed we get most of our oil from here, and what's even funnier is we won't run out before everyone else dies. We still have massive reserves in Alaska and Canada still has a fuckton in the arctic. Oil won't run out until my grandchildrens children die.
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Can't see this happening since they're like the third biggest in sovereign wealth funds. The rest of the world would have to go bust too.
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Common misunderstanding of bankruptcy. You're not bankrupt when you have negative net worth, or when your outflows exceed your inflows. You're only bankrupt when you stop paying your denbts.

US still does (by taking out further loans, lol) so we're not bankrupt.
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>service based economy
It doesn't create wealth, it's a scam.
Less money for the poor, the poor will riot, saudi will be the new syria
isnt every saudi literally a billionaire? how can you go bankrupt? how stupid are muslims?
That's only going to be become more U.S. domestic dominated as shale and natural gas extraction gets better and better. We will not have to give a damn about saudi oil for our own purposes within the next decade or two.
I believe Saudi Arabia ranks 3rd or 4th on total military expenditures by country.

The Saud family is all too ready to return to an ironfist rule thats typical of mudpeople countries, be it theocratic or autocratic. In addition, I wouldnt put past the Royal family to consider "hurr time to expand the caliphate" in order to brew nationalism and remove rival muslims
hope they get glassed
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The opposite really. Oil revenue has prevented them from really investing in any decent diverse economy. They are low skilled as a populace and too proud to become skilled. Not letting women work is a major drag. Education is more about prestige than actual learning. Billions are spent on 'research facilities' that will never be competitive compared to the free west. The locals are so used to either no taxes or low taxes that they freak out over the smallest change. They import westerners for skilled labor and they import south & south-east asians for low-skilled labor. Which leaves them with nothing, just sitting around on government welfare bitching about Islam. Meanwhile the actual oil producing region is made up of Shia who hate the rest of Saudi.

Go look at how Saudi has handled Yemen and you'll understand just how shitty they are as a nation. They literally have to hire mercenaries to upkeep their equipment. Saudi Arabia is a country with tanks and jets losing to khat-chewing peasants with ak's and if asked why they suck their explanation is that "they arn't being given the best equipment." It's a nation that abjures self-responsibility.

Makes some good metal though.
Civil war.
They own a shit ton of foreign corporations and are currently spending more money to buy even more.

So they'll probably be afloat for some time after the oil runs out. But i doubt they will be able to sustain a sound economy for long if they refuse to let their women be educated and go into the workforce.
yes, but since it's a kingdom, aren't those companies private property? why would they give their money if they don't have to
Do you mean why the royal family would give money from the companies they own?

Because they would be facing civil war if they didn't. Gotta keep the populace fed and happy-ish.
They will have civil war and then they will be separated into 3-4 parts.

>If I can't touch it, it must not have value
>Call your gas stations and ask where they get their oil from
I've got an electric car desu
Call your electric company and ask them where they get the oil to run the turbines that produce electricity from
Croatia is an exporter in that field. All our power basically comes from hydroelectric power plants and our nuclear power plant
Oil is used for vehicles because it's an easy-to-handle liquid. Coal and natural gas are cheaper than oil and so are favored for power generation, and the US has both in abundance.

The only true wealth is power.
retarded camelfuckers. instead of wisely investing all that money, they spend it on camel races, gold-plated cars and elevators, and retardedly opulent palaces. what would you expect? before discovering that they had oil, these people were bedouin goat fuckers living in tents
>money comes from thin air, surely people pay with kisses and prayers

Foreign ownership is a very fragile income source.

Yes, as long as jewish globalism rules it's a good income source. But if jewish globalism collapses it will get taxed to shit and all ownership will revert to nationals.


Go and look who has the 5th largest

Sovereignty, go look up the meaning of the word.

Foreign ownership exists as a shaky privilege, dependent on jewish domination of international politics.
>country full of retards living off of oil money
>only ever "invested" in military and architecture
>going bankrupt

color me surprised

You didn't even bother reading the article did you? The Saudis aren't going to run out of money any time soon unless there's a total global meltdown.
It's the same bullshit as chinas economy crashing soon. Doomsayers have been saying the same shit since the 90s but couldn't see Isis, late 2000s recession' and syrian civil war coming
More importantly, can we start shipping muslims back before it happens.
I had to take a taxi a while back, and all the taxis round here are either muslims or gooks. I was talking to the guy, who looked paki (but born here) and he was telling me about his get-rich-quick investment schemes, his ultimate aim being to live in Dubai (I know that's not Saudi, but there economies seem pretty similar).
I think a lot of muzz would like to live in the region. If we can get them to fuck off there before the shit hits the fan, that would be a win.
you must be 12 people pay for the promise to do something you know much planning and spot checks go into anything nowadays
>they aren't this dumb

You assume wrong. I had to deal with Saudis for the last 15 years. They are mentally on a child level. The Quataris are better but not by much.

My biggest fear is that all politicians and people in power assume that the Saudis aren't dumb. That SOMEONE down there must have some kind of plan even if it's not obvious. This assumption is completely wrong.
Coal powered plants are basically limited to Africa and shitholes like that now. USA, not even once
>Doomsayers have been saying the same shit since the 90s but couldn't see Isis, late 2000s recession' and syrian civil war coming

Doomsayers have been calling the obvious since the 90s and missed all the projects that had been kept hidden from public eye until it was too late.

Also, what a pointless fucking argument you've contributed.
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The ZOG puppet globalist elite and Royal family will migrate to Britain, London, where they' have billions of dollars worth of top real estate, and where most their children already live. They will continue to get richer as they have the top Jews managing their money in trust funds.

For the 99 percent of Saudis who aren't connected to the Royal family,they will be looking forward to a long civil war, which has been brewing since the house of Saud decided to make the Shia minority in KSA a permanent underclass.

Saudi Arabia will descend into a proxy civil war, with the oppressed Shia minority, backed by Iran, Russia and maybe China, battling control of their own territory(which is where most of the oil reserves in KSA are located) and Makkah. The Sunnis will have the military backing of Israel/UAE/US and every sunni Wahhabi terrorist group. Eventually KSA will break up into several states. It'll be like Syria, but 10 times worse as KSA has more weapons in circulation than the whole of the Arab league. We will have an even bigger migrant crisis. Nothing good can come from the destruction of the Saudi state by low oil prices.
Well what happened to Greece after they went bankrupt? They have to pay their debts to the kikes ... urgh sorry I meant "USA"... hhehe....
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Will "muh clean coal" policy make a difference? We're phasing out coal in Europe
>from Canada to Cambodia
The USA needs to move towards a more service based economy then!
Their cheat codes stop working and they'll mostly all just disappear
So basically, Europe will have to go completely nuclear or be in the dark forever??
What's the source of this article? If they run out of money, their own people will revolt due to them being muslims and not having bribe money to stay calm and sandal skate.
Hydro, gas, renewables, etc are all options. Coal's really not an option (for obvious reasons)
The House of Saud has been cutting those benefits steadily for the last half-dozen years or so because they know that the money/oil is running out soon and they are trying to string shit along so their kids have to deal with it instead.

You still don't understand the concept of sovereignty. They only control anything of value through their wealth funds as long as jew's strangle hold on the white world persists.

Money is paper. Nations trade you goods for paper only as long as they obey jews.
how you manage to piss away that much oil money idk.
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I want to laugh but I don't know that I can.
They better hope there are minerals to expoilt.
I think those are in Afghanistan though.
There are literally zero resources there but for oil.
>There are literally zero resources there but for oil
I'm looking forward to the inevitable gulfnigger crash
>Coal's really not an option (for obvious reasons)
It's an option. Being out of political favor is by no means the same thing as not being an option. Europeans in general would do well to remember that.

They can't stop hiring Instagram models to fly over to their minaret so they can poop in their mouths. Its too addicting.
Look at Yemen
Saudis are totally incompetent in war. And they try to fix the incompetence by throwing loads of cash on all problems.
They probably will go ISIS before collapsing, after what we can only hope that Iran will step in and fix that mess.
>service-based economy
This is almost as good a meme as the "post-industrial economy" meme.

Bottom line: If you don't produce shit, you won't be paid shit.
>It's an option
It's really not one. Not only does it ruin the environment, it also kills the entire fucking populace around the power plant.

We have more than enough hydro power and might build another nuclear plant so I don't really give a fuck about coal in general desu

This could actually mean the end of terrorism as we know it
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>What happens if the Saudis go bankrupt
Oil prices skyrocket.

Oil dump happened because the US wanted the saudis to do that. In order to hit both Russia, Iran and also Venezuela.

Oil goes up in price.

Venezuela rebounds, possibly under a new regime because the current one is failing. The new regime potentially more neutral to the US.

US will move heaven and earth to control the oil in there, the new saudi arabia (of south america).

4d chess folks, what can I say? Where were you when Trump secured US dominance for this century?
>>What happens if the Saudis go bankrupt
>Oil prices skyrocket.

Actually, the Saudis go bankrupt and the oil price slumps even more as the Saudis would be required to rely even more on oil revenues... thus increasing oil production and reducing prices further due to oversupply.
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>We're phasing out coal in Europe
Says who??? At least in Germany we are increasing our reliance on coal massively. Coal is cheap, it is abundant in Germany and it provides hundreds of thousands of jobs.

We are also pushing the e-car industry in order to increase demand for coal power.
The weapons deal was essentially an the US giving them the opportunity to purchase in the future.
We aren't loading up ships full of weapons and shipping them over there.
>Where were you when Trump secured US dominance for this century?

Lets not forget goading Europe into sticking to the horrendous Paris nonsense as another blow against the EU, while abandoning it for us. They get an albatross around the shoulders and we get freed of many burdensome regulations. I love it.

I have heard it claimed that it may be even comparable to the post WW2 boom, I doubt it but there are many parallels.
>an educated burger decides not to meme and spew bullshit
Nice post man, appreciate the information.
You belong up there with the archive nord
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>we could have genocided a bunch of mad inbred goat fuckers and claimed SA instead of Poodia.

They'll ride a camel
no you sold them the weapons that they will use to avoid paying for the weapons with because they will bankrupt themselves and go full sandnigger mode.
>"Europe’s energy utilities have rung a death knell for coal, with a historic pledge that no new coal-fired plants will be built in the EU after 2020."
100% carbon-neutral electricity by 2050 is the goal

More dead Arabs too.
how about gas? It's based, cleaner and has higher energy density AFAIK.
Redpill me on gas bois
Germany is building coal power plants right now as we speak.

A good chunk of Saudis work for the government due to family/friends connections and are low skilled.

The nation will crash and burn into a fire once their oil runs out as the rich will escape while the others will die off in a civil war.
>Country with shotloads more easily accessible oil than any other country goes bankrupt in world heavily dependant on oil

Yeah fuck off.
>what is venezuela
>How can I go bankrupt if I have a lot of money?!?!?!

By spending more than you have
no terrorist funding.

Or worst situation they switch to terrorist economy and live of ransom.

hence Saudis have to be pounded in to the ground.
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I'm so stoked.
Which they won't do.

A socialist shithole.
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More refugees and more land for Israel. It's a win-win goy :)
Just more anti-Trump FUD

>kebab is better than a socialist shithole
Go home paki scum
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When Saudi Arabia goes bankrupt:
yummy sand is yummy.
>Which they won't do

Which they already do and are forced to continue to do

Literally a faggot
>what is socialism
looks like a fun future battlefield
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>how about gas?
It's cool if you've got some of your own or it's not too expensive to import

Yeah, I know about that. By the way

>"It means being able to stay here in my home. It means I can build a house here with the money that I've earned. Without brown coal we'd lose most of the jobs in this region."

also means he'll die of lung cancer or something like that
>The nation will crash and burn into a fire once their oil runs out as the rich will escape while the others will die off in a civil war.
They don't have to run out of oil, it's basically a giant welfare state, they are burning reserves because oil income is lower than the cost of running the country. If they tell millions of Saudi neets and unproductive government employees they aren't getting paid anymore the country will collapse. They have about 2 to 3 years at the current rate. They could sell a trillion in assets to buy a few more years but the royals would probably rather flee with that.
>deficit of 10 to 15 % of GDP in 2017
>deficit of about 20 % of GDP in 2016
Gas yourself nigger, shitskins fuck things up even without socialism and with vast natural resources
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>Well there's still plenty of time until th-
>It is in 3 years.

Now I feel I'm growing older
All the songs that I have sung, echo in the distance
Like the sound, of a windmill going round
Guess I'll always be a soldier of fortune...
>"I drive a truck to the grocery story MAGA amirite guys xD"
off to reddit lad

It's funny how they had loads of time and even more money to build a sustainable economy (if that's even possible in the middle of a fucking desert), but no. Sandniggers are subhuman
>If they tell millions of Saudi neets and unproductive government employees they aren't getting paid

They've already laid of plenty of workers, scraped projects and not paid what they owe the workers.

They're a disaster waiting to happen, their economy is so fragile it's amazing they refuse to see the need to innovate. Unfiltered arrogance.
your really dumb believing Venezuela is about socialism and thats why its collapsing.

Venezuela did the mistake of letting Russian strategic forces use there airbases witch made the amernigger deep staate throw a tantrum and now they are starving Venezuela to death.

Your murderd Chavez with cancer and now your make everything you can to murder the population.


t. RTard

fuck off
Well call your charger and aks were he gets his electric

Venezuela is one of the founding members of OPEC, you fucking idiot.
based medpack, dont join the EU tomorrow
(or any time for that matter)
In case anyone hasn't been paying attention, the reason there's been so much propaganda against Russia is that they've agreed to take Yuan for their oil, and this threatens the petrodollar cartel.
Reminder that when the Saudis fall, we fall too. If the Saudis switch from dollars to rubles, they could destroy our entire economy overnight. There'd be hyperinflation and our bonds would go to junk status. The rest of the world would be better off though, because they could stop, in essence, paying off our deficit for us every time they gas up.
Honestly I hope this happens.
the royal family has a huge problem then, I will just go back to my tribe and live happily herding camels and growing dates
french nuclear power plants
and in the Schweiz the opec has its HQ hence your a fucking opec nigger/ mountain jew
>europe and china will buy SA oil in rubles
Are you a retard or a burger?
I think it's more about the constant wars and terrorism they are waging. Imagine when the saudis go bankrupt and isis dies off with a month.
>and in the Schweiz the opec has its HQ hence your a fucking opec nigger/ mountain jew

Vienna, Schweiz

Oh vey! It is the Battle of Morgarten all over again!
If the saudis go bankrupt Saudi Arabia will be a new battlefield for ISIS with plenty of willing batshit crazy islamists wanting to join
>not all of the oil is Saudi Arabia's
1/4 of the world oil is Saudi and is cheap as fuck to get, yes there's more places with more oil but not at that cost
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and what you account for


DieOpec Negger sind immer noch in der Schweiz!
Nothingburger. Saudi stability and existence is imperative for the petrodollar and if you think that US won't go at ANY length to secure it, then think again.
count on Israel to take over funding.
they are getting their shit pushed in by low oil first because they dont care about profits, they care about supplying themselves.
But yeah, what >>130653033 said
what would Gaddafi say to that.
Not sure what you are trying to get at.

The OPEC headquarters are in Austria.
Not saying it would happen, but the threat of doing so gives them a lot of negotiation power. They've got us on a leash.
And honestly, the Russians have massive gold reserves (proportionally) compared to us. Rubles are not as trash as dollars so you can't pretend there's no appeal.
>They've already laid of plenty of workers, scraped projects and not paid what they owe the workers.
>They're a disaster waiting to happen, their economy is so fragile it's amazing they refuse to see the need to innovate. Unfiltered arrogance.
It's worse than the media reports as well, they had to cancel recent austerity measures, not because they could afford to but because civil unrest was starting.
The whole arms deal exist because so russians and allies can find american weapons produced recently in the hands of ISIS, and then Trump can abandon Saudí Arabia because they're traitours.
Then why did America save Iran's economy with the Iran deal thereby ruining Saudi Arabia's gamble on low oil prices?

Then they should've continued the sactions, then Saudi Arabia wouldn't be in such a predicament now.
Niggers shouldn't have dropped oil prices
Support automation. Self-driving cars and more automation in the unskilled-labor field will cause foreigners to leave your country. Same in mine.
>the Iran deal
Obama's legacy and EU pressure
The ME, the Caribbean and Central America are the only areas with oil fired electric generation
russia trades resources in euros, dollars and yuan - because it suits their needs of imports and trade.
Iran wants to sell oil to europe for euros
The saudfags have many different choices. Considering that they want to sell the potential growth to China (get market share from growing market)
They will never pick ruble over yuan especially knowing how shit the ruble is.
>oil goes down
>ruble goes down
>saudi gets DP'ed
>PUBG2: Saudi Boogaloo
Then the US obviously wont go to "ANY length" to secure it if a little pressure from Europe can destroy the "petrodollar"
Yeah, this more than anything.

Frankly it might be the only way the US can ever get off its debt addiction and actually re-build a real economy, not one based on consumption, memes, and feel-good industries based out of silicon valley.
>what is labor

i mean its not like the worlds most evil country in history proved that you can have a whole economy based on service

civil war between royal families.
What? Out of oil?
Be real!
well the thing is they have dollar, so it means if we kill the dollar we kill the source of power and kill the war in its wake.

So the USA whats your plan on replacing the dollar?


Join a great american union with the southern staates and make a new currency? If they take you after trumps chimp out?
saudi debt to gdp growns by 10-15-20 % per year, if oil dips around 30 and stays there their economy will start shrinking rapidly too so 3x20 + a lower GDP will get you something like 80-90% debt to GDP. They could very well go belly up
> not killing self when forced to do incredibly mundane task of collecting grapes and herding camels
Japan has 190% debt/GDP
US has 90%
Spain and Italy over 100%
They spend too much on luxury, they just have to cut spending and they are back on their feet.
>Redpill me on gas bois
Have to deal with Putin to buy gas
>Japan has 190% debt/GDP
I am pretty sure that Japan uses a Japanese bank cartel which holds large parts of its debt.

The US actually has a debt to GDP ratio of 108% right now, but about 30% of those is held by itself (Fed, US state pension fund etc.).

Saudi Arabia is downgraded every year or so because its only revenue source is oil and it looks more and more likely that oil prices will not rebound in the near or mid term, i.e. not in the next 5yrs or more.
>thus increasing oil production and reducing prices further due to oversupply.
They have negative revenue right now.
At this moment they sell oil cheaper than it costs to get, and live off their massive money deposit.
They cant sustain it any longer will have to actually start making money again.
The thing about those countries are that they have diverse and overall healthy economies (okay maybe not spain and italy).

Saudi Arabia is entirely dependent on its main export oil. If the prices keep being low and they can't get out of an expensive bogged down war in Yemen while Iran starts exporting oil to Saudi export partners, and the saudi population expands and demands welfare programs.

Oh and to top it all off everybody in the country is indoctrinated with Wahabbism.

But yeah, they just need to "cut spending". Problem is, they can't.

What about me?
>At this moment they sell oil cheaper than it costs to get, and live off their massive money deposit.
This is not correct. Scotland is close to being out of the game, Saudi Arabia just makes lower profits.

they should make another mercenaries: playground of destruction title with this as the premise
The fed is a PRIVATE BANK.

Saudi Arabia has a simple job pull money out of the ground.
It's not diverse but it's pretty comfy.
>This is not correct. Scotland is close to being out of the game, Saudi Arabia just makes lower profits.
When you factor in paying for the Saudi wlfare state they need about $100 per barrel to stay afloat.
>Japan has 190% debt/GDP
not only does Japan actually produce something (unlike gulfniggers), it also owns way more than it owes. They could pay their debt off tomorrow if they wanted to/had to
Yes that's the problem. They only have oil to rely on. Even if they pull in gigantic amounts of money they will still go bankrupt if they spend more than they get in.
>it also owns way more than it owes
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>When you factor in paying for the Saudi wlfare state they need about $100 per barrel to stay afloat.

This is correct, although I think they target around 75 dollars a barrel to get to 2% budget deficit, which is manageable.
All out war in the middle east history is going to repeat it self just sit back and watch the fireworks
>sit back and watch the fireworks
>implying we wont be drafted as NATO soldiers to go die defending the Saudi royalty
>Not only does it ruin the environment, it also kills the entire fucking populace around the power plant.
>This is what watermelon leftists actually believe
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I would jizz
Then we on the same boat meet you in Dubai
they look ok, actually they look like they're doing pretty good
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>they look ok, actually they look like they're doing pretty good
8% of GDP budget deficit are not sustainable. And with the current oil price going down again, there is no way they will achieve those 8% this year, it will be again above 10%.

That is why they are IPOing their state oil company... at least they have been trying for a year without success.
Saudi Aramco is supposed to be the first trillion dollar company... but I doubt it. I think 2 trillion is highly overvalued.


A divide between Saudi Arabia’s ruling family and executives of the kingdom’s oil company over where to list the company’s shares is slowing the march toward a planned 2018 initial public offering, according to people familiar with the matter.

Executives at Saudi Arabian Oil Co., known as Saudi Aramco, are pushing Saudi Arabia’s king and his son, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, on the merits of listing the state-owned oil company on the London Stock Exchange. Executives believe that listing in the U.S. would expose the company to greater legal risks, including from potential class-action shareholder lawsuits, according to these people.

But the Saudi Arabian royal court favors the New York Stock Exchange, according to the people familiar with the matter, in part because of the kingdom’s longstanding political ties to the U.S., and because the U.S. market represents the deepest pool of capital in the world.
>I will just go back to my tribe and live happily herding camels and growing dates
Not sure that's feasible anymore given your current population size. Maybe if your tribe arms itself and builds a compound to keep the ravaging zombie hordes out.
You forgot to add the petrodollar.
If the petrodollar goes tits up, US is completely fucked.
>if the petrodollar goes tits up, US is completely fucked

Not really
Oil will never run out, regardless of physics economics come in play too, as oil gets rarer or as new technologies evolve the push will be greater for alternatives. We never ran out of whale oil for the same reason, resources are finite so that pushes for other resources as an alternative source of energy.

They have no money to use service when they don't have oil money. They don't know how to manufacture, research or develop anything. There is no hope for them. Maybe they will do successful investing but hopefully they will burn.

Only nigger-tier countries are based on services. Other countries are based on manufacturing and creating technology for tomorrow.
How so?
The FED has been flooding the international markets with dollars that only floats against the petrol and other currencies on the grace of the petrol deal.
Who would want dollars after that since the American industry is in China.
The dollar might not crash completely but it will lose 50% for sure.
We made too many Metal Gear memes.
Petrodollar is a meme to shift blame away from Israel.
>Spec Ops: The Line 2

Money represents value, so if they provide valuable services others will be willing to pay them money for it. You are right in the sense that it requires first that there is an excess of food being produced, to create a service based economy. Does Saudi Arabia farm on a sustainable scale or is their population inflated from the oil money?

They'll never pull the transition off to a farming based civilization which thrives on services, the IQ is far too low.
No the FED has not been flooding the international markets with dollars that ONLY floats agants the petrol and "other currencies" on the grace of the petrol deal

The reason is that the international trading of oil accounts for only a minuscule fraction of international money flows. In turn the quantity of dollars traded PER DAY is five times as much as dollars traded YEARLY in international oil trade.

You're watching too much Youtube.
was this trumps plan? Sell them shit until they collapse, and thus end their sponsorship of terror? 12d chess desu
It's the other war around, he sends them a shitload of expensive stuff and doesn't get paid if they go bankrupt

Trump approved drilling in Yellowstone, where there's 70 trillion worth of oil. It doesn't need to be transported by saudi tardbags either, which means no more spills.
Why would they become bankrupt?
Spend more money than you have combined with low oil prices
I thought they had trillions to spend on terrorism and corrupt politicians?

This is what I've been telling people for years but they all think money is magic, socialism works. Venezuela wasn't real socialism though! BLAAAAARGH

We'll see how they react to the collapse of Saudi Arabia, I'm going to stock up on popcorn.

He's not retarded, the first rule of business is get paid then deliver.
The rest of your are having a hard time paying attention. The Saudis might as well be a royal Jewish family parading as muzzies in order to usher in Greater Israel.
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>the kuffar actually trusted us
They also have to pay for the saudi neets and the war in Yemen

Can't have it all

>He's not retarded

I think that's still being debated.

>the first rule of business is get paid then deliver

Not when you're dealing with another country then deliverance first and then you have credit in the country you delivered to.
Give me some sauce.

Europeans backing off imperialism and colonialism after WW2 has been disastrous. Not just for whites but also for those unfortunate creatures that would be much better off under white rule.

Africa needs to be recolonized for humanitarian reasons.
Let the Chinese exploit Africa for a few decades. The black man will long for the day the white man was kind enough to colonize his poor country.
Source on international money flow

I'd be interested to learn more about the structure of the Saudi welfare state, if anyone has a link. Can't find one. Is it like a universal basic income principle?
No because there are very poor peopke there too that work cleaning or building and they pay them like 2 dollars a week
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That's not saudis though

The people who work manual labour is usually brought in from countries like Egyptians and Palestinians
So dollar trades worldwide/day are 5 trillion as of 2016
Petrol trades worldwide from OPEC are 100 billion/day.
Am I missing something?
Migrant worksers only I believe
I was thinking more along the lines of creating an international, pirvately-controlled, sleight-of-hand cryptocurrency that runs on plentitude rather than scarcity, designed and used to reduce the amount of goods traded for dollars, until this and other simultaneous approaches cause a bubble of it's own. The aftermath would see a massive drop in the dollar's value, because no matter how much 'wealth', aka numbers on a computer is created through hedgefunds and derivatives, it's worthless if the amount of stuff people are willing to trade for it is too small.
Dubai eats a lot of resources, it will crash and burn real bad.
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I can't wait for this to happen
Saudi Gear Solid: Guns of the sheiks

Implying the blacks will survive a few decades of China having its way with Africa.
Maybe its not as bad as you make it, what if china is solution to the African problem?
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I still find it ironic that an anti-drinking society built the world's biggest bottle opener.
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But it is. Chigger = Master Race.

To bad they will still have AIDS though.
>I still find it ironic that an anti-drinking society built the world's biggest bottle opener.

Allah said Muslims can't drink, Allah never said that he himself doesn't enjoy a cold beer now and then.
>You know what the business world thinks of you? We think 100 years ago you were living in tents,
chopping each other's heads off and that's exactly where you'll be in another 100. - Syriana (2005)

Bet summation I've ever heard of the future of the middle east, except it won't take 100 years.
>To bad they will still have AIDS though.
I laughed.
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>receive trillions of dollars in oil money
>be broke
you have no fucking clue what youre talking about in regards to coal.
actually, what is the source of that gif?
KSA is still doing money as their break even price is under 10$. It is just that they need more money to pay for the welfare. They need something around 70-80$ From my souvenirs !
you know Trumps arms deal was a fraud anyway? it included stuff that had been agreed years ago, plus stuff that they only say they are interested in looking at - no actual new commissions, no actual new contracts, no actual money to change hands or goods to be delivered - it was a flim flam scam, as usual with trump.
Gotta use coal because they were naughty with gas
Why doesn't the US just annex the oil fields and turn the rest of the country into a DMZ? We would of effectively conquered the world
>saudi is going to go full theocratic sandnigger and that's terrible
>i sure hope the other theocratic sandniggers fix this!
what the?
I'm surprised Saudi Arabia even made it this far.
I remember about ten years ago reading an article that basically said the Saudis had all kinds of problems finding foreign companies to work and to construct buildings for them. Because it turns out sometimes they just don't pay the bills when they don't feel like it. Word of that got around, and big companies like Siemens etc. refused all offers from Saudi Arabis for contracts.

Well, the old king is dead now, but as is country is still run by his thousand bastard sons, it's still rotten to the core.

Retard detected.

Must of the gasoline is the same shit and most likely even comes from the same pipelines. It's only the additives that makes it a "brand" for example, Chevron with Techron. That is it, other than additives, the base gasoline is the fucking same for most stations.
They will blame everything on the west.
>USA was the one who wanted oil from us!!!
>We didn't do anything else but sell oil because of USA!!!
>Bomb the infidels!!!

They will just turn into ISIS-tier terrorists with no real state.
rare flag
Hopefully Islamist funding will slow down and then ultimately stop. Liberals suffer 2nd defeat after the fall of communism.
not really. the US Dollar may be tied to oil, but we also have other major sectors of our economy that are equally as valuable. the petrodollar hit it's peak importance in the cold war, and in fact, the cold war is the only reason we started using it at all.

That said, we are also a huge food exporter, and while our manufacturing sector is not what it used to be, what little we still do manufacture here is still desirable, and then there's our military and weapons. we make up the biggest part of shit like Nato and the UN's military budgets.

petrodollar collapsing would hurt us for sure, but it wouldn't kill us. We existed before it and we can just as easily exist beyond it if we play our cards right
>We made too many Metal Gear memes.
No, we must make more.
Okay, that goes back to my original point. You can't call up a gas station and ask "Does your gasoline come from Saudi Arabia? If so I won't buy from you". Gasoline stations are many steps removed from where the crude was pulled out of the ground.
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ok I answered
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>tfw 2020 is in two-and-a-half years
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lol these german nazis

I live by 3 Coal Plants. I am stronger than ever.
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>mfw saudi subhumans are at a 25 billion trade deficit even with their ludicrous 10 million bbl/d oil production
Arabs truly are a lesser species.
>Will Trump's arms deal still get him paid?

We could always take the payment in oil directly. Hell BP has a refinery ship they can just fill up refine on the way and top our navy off.
>Being this impatient.
Were you too young to remember Obama in his first term anon? He was Mister Friendly until he got his second term. That's what Trump needs to do. He'll rebuild the economy in the first term and then he'll have a powerful economy for what comes next. That sounds kind of Hitleresque to me.
>He'll rebuild the economy
He won't do shit. The next cyclic financial crisis is bound to drop in the next several years and he'll have to handle the consequences, just like Obongo.

Depends. First prices would drop as the Saudis pump as much as possible to try and stay afloat. Once they fail beyond that we stick the BP execs on a boat and invade towing them in right behind to get at that oil.
lol good luck with that, the contract wasn't signed with oil as payment.
What reason? We actually filter out all the Mercury and stuff and use it in this thing we still have in America called INDUSTRY. But I know that's not an option in Europe (for obvious reasons). Doesn't Germany have to pay people to take their shitty renewable energy at peak periods?

They will just blame white people harder.

Meh we like oil.

/sag/ is going to be great when this goes down. I cant think of a comfier conflict than one where you want every side to fuck each other up as much as possible and know they've got the weapon stockpile and funds to pull it all off.
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A middle eastern country bankrupting itself on monuments rather than building continually towards a better future? Color me surprised
If this does happen, isn't this going to escalate the greater israel project?
This seems purposefully engineered by the jews for a land grab.
>published in 2015
/pol/ is stupid
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