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/nsg/ 卐 - National Socialism General

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Thread for discussion of the Jewish Question, Race Realism, National Socialism, Anti-Communism, Fascism, Traditionalism, White Nationalism, and European Identity Movements. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.


卐 PASTEBIN - http://pastebin.com/vPZPyDhK 卐




>The difference between Fascism and National Socialism

>Nordic Frontier - Nordfront's Podcast **RECOMMENDED**


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ϟϟ 3rd Reich image archives ϟϟ
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>RABBI Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat explains why Hitler hated Jews.
>Endgame - White Genocide
>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Jewish financiers and the Russian Revolution
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism
>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy
>Miscegenation illegal in (((Our Greatest Ally)))
>Jews pushing immigration for white nations
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
>Jewish Supremacism
>Noel Ignatiev
>Mainstreaming white genocide
>Sarkozy on forced misecegenation
>Ben Freedman on World Zionist wars
>Alon Ziv promoting interracial couples
>Alon Ziv defending Jews refusing to breed outside their race
>The Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism
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卐 - Jews in High Places
>200 Years together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
>Germany Must Perish by Kaufman
>The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine
>You Gentiles by Maurice Samuels
>Steinlight: 'The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Democracy'
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Communism was Jewish - Communism is Jewish
Communism's Death Toll, and the Jewish Role in Bolshevism
A Jew in Mao's China
Jews and Marxism - Socialism - Communism
The Jewish Bolshevik Commies
The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine
Jewish Communists
Jewish Founders of International Communism for the One World Order
Jewish Pre-Eminence in the Political Left/Communism
The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime
Jewish Activists Created Communism
Jews and Bolshevism
Jews and Communism
Jewish Bolsheviks
Jewish Bolshevism
Jewish Faces in Chinese Government
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>Stalin's plans to invade Europe, proving Hitler's invasion of Russia was preemptive:
>See also: "The Chief Culprit" by Victor Suvarov in the ebooks archive:
>Polish massacres of ethnic Germans (Note - most bodies discovered as Germans invaded were in an advanced state of decay, thus, the common excuse "they were killed BECAUSE Germany invaded" can't explain why they were dead for so long; many killings involved elaborate desecration, dismemberment, and mocking disfigurements of the bodies - things not done is haste)
>The Jewish lobby, (((Stephen Wise))), (((Morgenthau))), and FDR
>The Jewish lobby, (((Bernard Baruch))) and Churchill's 'The Focus'
>Britain's promises to Poland
>Why Germany Invaded Poland
>Polish atrocities against the Germans
>Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows Death Camps
>Hellstorm - Post-war Genocide of Germans
>The Rape of Berlin
>Hitler's War - the Allies caused the war
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卐 - BOOKS (1)
>Oswald Spengler - Prussianism and Socialism
>Alfred Rosenberg's Criticism of Spengler
>Karl Marx - A Critique of the German Ideology
>Martin Heidegger - Ponderings Books II–VI
>Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (English)
Ford: http://nationalactionlondon.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/adolf-hitler-mein-kampf-ford-translation.pdf
Stalag: http://endchan.xyz/.media/a18332e643d7cb83515627b693496fc0-applicationpdf
Kindle: http://my.mixtape.moe/ktzprb.azw3
EPUB: http://my.mixtape.moe/uucnjk.epub
>Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Deutsch)
>Adolf Hitler - The Words of Adolf Hitler
>Adolf Ehrt - Communism in Germany
>Gottfried Feder - The Program Of The NSDAP The National Socialist Workers' Party And Its General Conceptions
>Gottfried Feder - Das Programm der NSDAP (Deutsch)
>Gottfried Feder - Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery
>Gottfried Feder The German State On A National And Socialist Foundation
>James Mason - 'Siege'
>ORIGINAL National Socialist speeches and essays (archives)
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卐 - BOOKS (2)
>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:
>Collection of Waffen SS and Military ebooks (in progress)
Pamphlets published in English by the NSDAP explaining aspects of the German system.
>Social Welfare in Germany:
>German Youth in a Changing World:
>German Economic Policy:
>German Law and Legislation:
>German Education Today:
>German Labour Service:
>The New Order - Collateral Reading
>Tomislav Sunic - Art in the Third Reich: 1933-1945
>The Triumph of Reason - The Thinking Man's Adolf Hitler by Michael Walsh
>Arthur Bryant - Unfinished Victory (1940)
>Prominent British historian writes a fairly objective prehistory of WWII
>William Joyce – Twilight Over England
>Twilight Over England compared the evils of Jewish-dominated capitalist Britain with the successes of National Socialist Germany.
>Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932, Eckart-Verlag
>Arthur Pillans Laurie - The Case for Germany: A Study of Modern Germany
>a view of National-Socialist Germany by a Scottish scholar inside Hitler's Third Reich.
>Leon Degrelle - Campaign in Russia: the Waffen SS on the Eastern Front
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Martin Heidegger.jpg
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卐 - BOOKS (3)
>The Works of David Irving
>James Bacque - Other Losses
>James Bacque - Crimes and Mercies
>Savitri Devi - Gold in the Furnace
>Savitri Devi - Impeachment of Man
>Savitri Devi - Defiance
>Maurice Samuels - You Gentiles
>Henry Ford - The International Jew
>Wayne MacLeod - The Importance of Race in Civilization
>Israel Shahak - Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years
>Matt Koehl - The Revolutionary Nature of National Socialism
>Colin Jordan - National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future
>Kevin MacDonald - Cultural Insurrections: Essays on Western Civilization, Jewish Influence and Anti-Semitism
>Kevin MacDonald - The Culture of Critique
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You can be a guest worker or a tourist, but you can never be a full citizen with full rights in an racial ethnostate if you aren't the recognized race/ethnic identity of the nation in question.
okay, i see.
one would get deported if their race did not match up with the nation's i assume?
It wouldn't happen in the first place unless already authorized. But in the hypothetical, probably
Not if that person provides value beyond their immediate and long-term cost. Decisions are made in the best interest of the ethnostate.
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Yes, if you had no permission or business for being there. That's obvious in terms of a racial ethno-state, right? The concept is the opposite of civic nationalist cosmopolitanism.
>long as fuck OP edition

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can you give an estimate of the requirements?
stuff like iq and education?
As per need at any given time.
I doubt such a person would be allowed to populate by the way. Also, I'm doubtful that someone in this hypothetical would be allowed. Unless they're not stealing jobs of others who live in their own country.
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https://medium.com/athenslivegr/its-been-two-years-since-the-golden-dawn-trial-kicked-off-9525366daf97 (recent kvetching)

>Golden Dawn trial still ongoing
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>Collection of Waffen SS and Military ebooks (in progress)
thank you so fucking much for posting this OP. Ive already read Leon Degrelles and another book called "the forgotten soldier", but i was lost on where i could find more. Appreciate it mein bruden
Deportations only happened if the individual in question was viewed as a criminal or potential criminal.
The racial citizenship law applied to aspiring immigrants.

Never forget the Jew-bloods who abandoned their familial bloodline/religion and swore allegiance to Germany as their true family and fought in the Wehrmacht and SS

okay, thanks people. got the answer to my question.
Sieg heil!!!
Glad you like them. I'm addicted to 3rd Reich military history / militaria. If there's such thing as a "Wehraboo" that would be me.
Hail victory, Russbro.
Stealing a job would increase the cost of having them there and likely mean deportation unless their value is simply incomparable.
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There are going to be some things for which a nation would always need foreign guest labor:
>language and cultural instruction for business and diplomatic purposes
>diplomatic military training / exchanges
>international commerce
>international scientific cooperation
Normal things of that nature. I don't imagine it would ever be seen as positive to be inviting in foreign manual labor; when is there ever a need for such a thing except under corrupt capitalist practices?
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A World War 2 era cartoon from the German magazine, Lustige Blätter... Jewish tentacles around China, Russia, England, and the United States
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Okay anons, I need to know. Would a National Socialist USA be able to keep the Constitution (not the current butchered version, the original as the Founding Fathers intended)?
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I suppose in a situation where the nation is well enough off that no one wants to do manual labor. Sort of similar to how we use migrants in the US as farmhands except explicit and regulated each year by industry and need.

A country with any male unemployment shouldn't be importing labor though. Unless it's an industry that is too dangerous and/or reckless for precious white lives.
Perhaps. Every amendment after the 13th would likely need to be heavily revised.
>capital "W"
White people are not an ethnic group, there's no such thing as the "White nation". There are Croats, Frenchmen, Scots, etc. and that's it. The term "White ethnic state" is meaningless. You Americans need to stop with this LARPing Nazi bullshit since you're too ethnically mixed at this point. It's over or you. You can't merge dozens of different European nations and pretend that it's one "White nation", it's not, it's still a bunch of mixed people.
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Not it in its entirety, since we would likely establish some form of Positive Christianity as the official religion. Freedom of religion would still exist, however. The US version of democracy would be dismantled, likely with small-scale local democracy in place to handle basic civic affairs of cities and small rural communities (the kinds of thing the national government isn't efficient at dealing with). Gun rights would be preserved. Many other rights would be preserved, but modified so they can't be subverted the same way they were in our nation's history.
>well off enough to never do manual labor
I don't think there's ever a time where that actually happens in any population. There is always going to be a majority of people who are never suited for intellectual pursuits above more physical pursuits. If one tries to construct a society of "philosophy and leisure" you wind up in a degenerate spiral like Rome, with a massive plebian or slave underclass with a different ethnic/racial identity than the minority ruling class. This is never a stable arrangement for a nation, and inevitably leads to miscegenation as it always has in history. Its good for the strength and moral character of a nation to have our own farming/labor/warrior stock as the foundation of the economy and social structure. Everyone should be healthy and connected to the earth and their physical ability, even those who are the "thinkers" of society.
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>“Freedom” has become an insane fetish, a crazy, illogical shibboleth toward which everybody bows, regardless of whether it is real, responsible freedom such as America knew during the eighteen-hundreds, or the wild, murderous, vicious libertinism masquerading as “freedom” of savage Africa and the American “left.” We of the National Socialist White People’s Party believe that Western Man necessarily moved left for a thousand years, away from the total tyranny of the right, until he reached the “golden mean” of a perfect balance between the need for order (and some government) and the need for liberty. We believe that that ideal political golden mean was reached in the American Constitution – not the filthy, twisted thing the present Supreme Court has made of it, but the original, magnificently balanced government of laws and checks devised by our inspired Founding Fathers. - George Lincoln Rockwell

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Omg thank you for posting this, I've been looking for this a long time
You can have personal rights and liberties in a national socialist.
In the end economic rights are few.
Now if you incorporate national socialism into a fascist organic state you can cycle from the more authoritarian phase of the state to a fully free one depending on whether either are needed at the time.
America's ethnic groups are color based. There are white Americans and black Americans. We would simply be called Americans if there were only whites. Europeans aren't white until they immigrate to America. You're simply Europeans. That's not meant to be an insult or me trying to say I'm "more pure" or something.
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>there are no white people
You're right in the sense that "white" is vague a post modern, post-colonial conception of race, but wrong to deny the existence of race and assert that "only ethnic identity exists". There are clear, discernible racial sub-types within a hierarchy of racial categorizations. Call them "Europid" or "Aryan", or whatever label you like, but "white" as a label for "people of European extraction" is a clearly recognizable racial group. No one has a problem recognizing who's "white" when it comes time to "hate whitey", something obvious to anyone who has ever lived under multiracial conditions or traveled abroad to "non-white" countries. You can argue semantics on what exactly to call us, but Europids are universally recognizable as a race and set of cultures, just as Asians or Africans are.
You absolutely can. In a solely White ethnostate, cultural identity and communities could actually include specific origins instead of needing to band together to maintain the illusion of majority.
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What do you guys think of this?

I lifted this from random anon recently. It seems to purport to show that support for Hitler and prevalence of Catholics seemed to be regionally inversely proportional.

Is this accurate?
I like the addition of the flags to make it more obvious.
>doesn't actually happen
I agree, but in a hypothetical sense, a nation dedicated to eugenics would come to a point where the high IQ, highly educated population would be wasted on manual labor. In that circumstance importing a subrace to fulfill that need would be acceptable, so long as citizenship is never on the table.

What a beautiful system.
Might have something to do with catholic guilt. It's hard to reconcile the fact "thou shalt not kill" with "Stone the disobedient son" - I.e. Positions of authority are Biblically exempt from law by other laws but this isn't well understood by most Catholics who have the IQ of a doormat.
Well it has been shown that during medieval ages germans forced many jews to convert to catholicism, many catholics in germany at the time were ethnically jewish, but noeone was the wiser.
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Stop betraying the 25 points.
I often think about this, about choosing between "specialized" social roles vs "generalist" social roles. Personally, I made career changes toward freelance and sub-contractor work, and walked away for being part of the corporate world so I could live a more physical life. It was soul crushing to work at a desk 60 hours a week, even though it was well paid. For whatever reason, I can't do without either physical activity or intellectual activity. Its easy for me to say this combination is ideal, but that might just be a projection of my own temperament. I do wonder though if a society is strong when its members are "overly specialized", such that there's no adaptability or interchangeability. Does that make society stronger, or more fragile? Do weaknesses / flaws propagate faster when there's too much specialization?
College is a necessary part of female development as is attaining a skill. Female skills outside of the home become necessary in times of crisis when the circles of responsibility expand "home" to the country as a whole and "public" to be the conflict abroad. Hitler literally lost the war because of his resolution to keep women at home.

It's also a crucial weeding process in matching high quality females with high quality males.
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1488 https://youtu.be/rFC4qsjpfEs
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>Hitler literally lost the war because of his resolution to keep women at home.
I should make a drinking game out of hearing the same list of myths that never die no matter how many times we debunk them.
>he lost the war because he removed jews from the workforce and it was a brain-drain
Jews were less than 1% of the population
>he lost the war because he removed women from labor
There was only a 10% drop the duration of the war, the benefits and support for women to stay at home was extremely popular with women, and women were predominantly stay-at-home everywhere in the world at the time
>he lost the war because of high debt
The debt to gdp ratio consistently fell from 1933 to 1945
>he lost the war because blah blah blah
He didn't lose the war for any one of these reasons, these are bullshit myths like "women make 70 cents on a man's dollar". But we still hear them in every thread, and will for the rest of time.
You are talking about rigid environments, not people. Eugenics doesn't mean specializing necessarily as genetic randomization makes it nearly impossible to pinpoint or predict that. Maximizing genetic potential in all areas means that jobs like throwing boxes at a distribution center simply won't be fulfilling to anyone except outsiders.
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hey krauts, anyone how that webm of "here's to you" but with nazi symbols in the beginning and becoming more and more degenerate? I have it stuck on my head
Quick question to you or anyone who might know: Where can i find information (pdf,vidya,infograph, etc.) about the Waffen SS training, or even Wehrmacht training? Im really curious as to what kind of training regiment they were put through and how it turned them into ubermensch.

Bonus: Information on Panzer school and/or training
You are talking to yourself. Hitler was unwilling to commission women to service the way he commissioned men. If you have every woman either rearing children or working in the war effort, things would have turned out quite differently.

Granted, education and skills should be kept as a contingency plan, but should exist nonetheless.
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>Hitler was unwilling to commission women to service the way he commissioned men
lol k
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Don't you think we're on the verge of genetic engineering, and won't that be a completely different set of considerations? We'll have to choose:
>specialization society
>generalist society
Really hard to find those materials since laws were passed to destroy such materials after the war. Almost no translations exist in English, so knowledge of keywords in German is necessary to search for them online, but they exist. Found some before in archive.org


There's also a few on Murdercube:



And some torrent collections of "Paladin Press ebooks" floating around

>You are talking to yourself.
lol, no I'm talking to you.
>Hitler was unwilling to commission women to service the way he commissioned men
I assumed you meant labor service, but you seem to be implying generally, as in, into the war effort to some greater degree? I fail to see how that would have helped, since most allied countries that tried to recruit women experienced disastrous results, and mostly used female labor in traditionally male roles as propaganda devices. Women are not as valuable as men in hard labor or combat roles, this is objective fact.
No, they're not inversely proportional, you can clearly see it's way too coincidental the territories are exactly opposite, therefore is the same picture with changed colors, but wrong information, remember there is evidence of Nazi priests.
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You're awesome man, thanks again.
>National Socialism General
Y'all a bunch of communists.
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wtf i hate natsoc now, thanks snek meme
sheeit good argument cuh
Freedom-hating fascists is what you are.
You don't even know what a fascism is faggot
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For me, it comes down to this. I agree with a lot of what you guys are saying, but I'm still worried about governmental abuse of power. I like things like freedom of speech that allow people to criticize the government without fear of repercussion, but obviously the Founding Fathers weren't talking about stuff like public nudity or porn when they created it. I'm actually a pretty strong supporter of states rights, I think the federal government makes way too many decisions that would be better suited to smaller local and state level governments. And I'd like to think I have a balanced view between civic duty and freedom of choice, I think a man should have the freedom to pursue prosperity for himself, his family, and his nation (provided it's not through illegal or harmful means such as drug dealing) but he also has the duty to take up arms and fight should the nation draft him. I like the limited democracy the Founding Father's envisioned but I hate populism.
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>low energy bait
Enjoy your (you)s I guess
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IB / Martin Sellner + Kameraden in Berlin , yesterday , pls support your local einprozent.de
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jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo jerry cucks btfo
muh freedumbs. muh liberty. muh constitution.

They are hollow and meaningless. Right now you're free to have your people erased by the state and free to be subverted by jews. No thanks
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>but I'm still worried about governmental abuse of power
There is no form of government in which abuse of power does not occur. There is no form of government in which corruption does not occur. Checks and balances don't prevent these things. Absolute power doesn't prevent these things. That being said, political culture -- the cultural values and collective temperament of the members of any given political order -- are the only force that maintains that particular order in the manner in which it is intended. When you look at the US, for example, and the historical manner in which is has been subverted and degenerated, you see a number of repeating themes:
>heterogeneity of the population, racially and ethnically
>weak political unity arising from an excessive (even utopian) reliance on voluntarism
>contradictory foundation values; after the civil war, the internal contradictions between decentralization and federalism began to swallow the original framework
In short, the "intention of the founders" lasted roughly two generations, than obliterated itself in the Civil War. The curve we've traveled since that time has moved deliberately toward oligarchy of a historically embarrassing type. There is no point, except perhaps within the first generation after the war of independence, that the US ever came close to embodying the ideals of the Republic as it was depicted in theory.
>freedom of choice
I truly that no American who buys into the patriotic indoctrination truly has a sense of what their freedoms represent, or that there are costs associated with each one. We are trained to think of them as nebulous positives with no downsides. If you haven't yet, you really should read Alexis de Tocqueville; its far, far worse than even his most pessimistic views at the time he was writing. This nation is a disaster of historical proportions: ZOG isn't just a meme.
Sieg Heil, meine Herren.

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, ugly kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth as much as we do, you should right now join the Moon-Central Discord-Server. Introduce yourself in #nsfw-introductions to get un-kiked!

https://discordapp.com/ Get an account, use this code: JfW5mn6

1, 2, 3, 4 We declare a race war!

Sieg Heil
>freedom to criticize government without fear of repurcussion
desu, most people are qualified to vote, let alone criticize their government. People are sheep, conducive to emotional manipulation, lies, and fear. The mob is too easily weaponized in our kind of system; people are too easily radicalized against themselves for this to be considered a virtue. I would gladly give up the right to "freely criticize my government" if it meant getting rid of the CNNs, Fox, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, and all the rest of Hollywood and the Lugenpresse. What has any of this done except tied a noose around our necks, and worked to slowly smother us in our own stupidity?
>freedom of speech
The "euthanasia" you always hear about in anti-natsoc propaganda lasted for a year. It involved the euthenasia of people with permanent, crippling mental illness, especially those who were a threat to themselves and society and needed constant care (schizophrenics, the mentally retarded). It ended after Hitler bowed to public outcry and popular protests in Germany. A nation can have a "dictator" and still permit free speech that isn't subversive or degenerate in character.
>freedom to pursue personal prospertiy
This was the basis of the National Socialist worldview; this was their goal in protecting "producer-centered capitalism" and eliminating investment banking based capitalism.
>civic duty and freedom of choice
Freedom to choose what? How you get high, or what kind of degeneracy you harm yourself and society with? Freedom to choose weed or whisky? Most of the time "freedom of choice" refers to something hedonistic and pointless. I would rather have a healthy society where every member was needed, had dignity and a sense of destiny and meaning, than being "free to choose between 100 types of soft drink, whether to fuck little kids or farm animals, and what to be addicted to".
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Yeah, we definitely screwed up in the Civil War, we should have just let them leave, the cultural divisions had been developing for some time and our half-assed attempts at reconstruction just left the South bitter about defeat to this day. It is unfortunate that the Founding Fathers did not deal with this issue at the time, instead leaving it to fester and blow up into a full blown war later on. But I still believe that the nation can maintain traditional values while remaining a republic, not the current populist republic that appeals to everyone regardless of status, but the republic that the Founding Father's envisioned, with a publicly elected House of Rep. but an unelected Senate, and more prerequisites to voting than just existing and being old enough.
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I guess my question to you then is this: if every great philosopher since Aristotle condemned these forms of "democratic" government (limited or otherwise) as the most degenerate, unstable, suicidal form of government -- why did anyone in the Englightenment think it would be any different when they did it? If you see clearly where we wound up, how at every turn the worst intentioned members of society craft rulings and ammendments to completely fuck us and turn us into something worse and worse over the decades, why would you want to return to some earlier stage, thinking you could avoid degenerating again in a similar fashion? The forms of government that last the longest against the entropy are more authoritarian forms. In all human history, everywhere in the world, the most short-lived form of government in the democratic kind. I just don't get why anyone wants to set us back 200 years, and watch it all unfold all over again.
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I mean, the Roman Republic was pretty successful for 500 years, and while we're in a bit of trouble now over the course of a little over 200 years the United States republic has gone from a small colony that barely beat the British to a superpower with a global hegemony.

Part of the issue is actually one of size, the USA is a damn big place, big enough to fit 27 Germany's into it, I don't think any centralized rulership could administrate it effectively, and it seems like we're already on the brink of balkanization from the efforts to do just that.
When was the last time /nsg/ met a jew irl? Not sure if I ever met a shapeshifter, tbph.
Just a bunch of niggers.
In a national socialist state, Anime should be banned?
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>while we're in a bit of trouble now
Seems like the issue here is how the more subjective nobs and dials are set in your perspective; the only way to change that is to study more history, to have more detail in the image. I can make one sure prediction for you: We're not recovering from this. The only question to concern ourselves with from here on out is how badly we let it get as this paradigm dies. What does it become next? Either it becomes a globalist plantation of Jewish inspired horrors, or it becomes something like what they envisioned in the Third Reich. If we don't deliberately act to shift it toward the latter, then our race is slowly suffocated and bred into extinction, and the world becomes the Jewish "negroid Asiatic" empire promised them in their prophecies. If we live inside romantic fantasies about Americana, we die out. It's as simple as that. Hopefully enough of us realize it and wake up from that opioid haze in time.

>When was the last time /nsg/ met a jew irl?

Worked at an exchange firm in upstate NY, full of kikes. Was around 4 months ago
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No. Unless it's that hentai shit, or the stuff where the male is a sissy.
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It should be allowed but used for propaganda
>When was the last time /nsg/ met a jew irl?
Spent 20 years surrounded by them from birth until I graduated university, then spent another 10 working with them. Big cities are crawling with them.
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nah honeypots are so 2013
>Big cities are crawling with them.

This, for 2% of the population they congregate like rats in big cities
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I just remembered I did actually meet one. He actually had the star of david necklace, lel. He was nice on the surface, had a mormie job.
That's because they've spent centuries buying up properties and dealing in ethno-nepotism to make colonies out of financial centers.
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Yep, they always live in gated upper class parts so they dont have to be around the very shitskins they bring in
And I thought ancap was the only retarded ideology
no, the American constitution and the country itself is founded upon liberalism. As natsoc rejects these ideas, it would be hard to see them keeping the constitution.
I-is that y-you Bomber Harris?
Did they look obvious? Did the nose know?
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As long as it's not the degenerate kind.
That hair is gonna get pretty tangled when she takes the gun off her shoulder.
>For me, it comes down to this. I agree with a lot of what you guys are saying, but I'm still worried about governmental abuse of power.

NatSoc isn't always authoritarian, American NatSoc as described by Rockwell wanted to keep the republic and the general balance of powers while only changing a few amendments that would prevent Jews and other people from usurping the government through corruption, iirc the details are vague but I think they would be close to things like the Anti Corruption Act along with requirements of White representatives only. Even adolf Hitler talked about the balance of powers in his book Table Talks

Read the selections here: https://pastebin.com/YKtQk68c

> I like things like freedom of speech that allow people to criticize the government without fear of repercussion

Rockwell criticized Hitler for burning books and outlawing forms of speech.
>Did they look obvious? Did the nose know?

Yes, most of the women look like turks honestly, the men have the usual features of the big fat bottom lip, disproportionate face, non matching black hair, the nose from the side looks like a number 6, (its more defined if they're older). But its crazy how big the nepotism is, like every Jew knows every other Jew and they hire each others kids or family members as interns or higher up stuff. very easy to spot if you've studied Jews. The hardest ones to spot are the "gene stealer" ones, I'm talking the redheads and blondes, ashkenazi types. Its hardest in the women, but the one thing I've found to stand out in them is their massive fucking eyes, they pop out like a hard nipple and make them look like crackheads
>Rockwell criticized Hitler for burning books and outlawing forms of speech.
No one is perfect. I wonder how many things Rockwell compromised on just to be more appealing to an idiotic American audience. I know he wasn't a believing Christian, despite promoting it.
Another thing is the Hitler Youth which were basically a generation of men and women who knew how to fight and kill like real soldiers, if a government was abusing its power the entire country could rise against it if needed
There are basically 400 of (((them))) in my town. One of the oldest Jewish communities in my country. My so-called "best-friend" is one of (((them))). The girl I fell in love with (even though is essentially makes fun of me in every way possible but I don't care) is one of (((them))). My former archenemy was one of (((them))). How could this get any worse?
Agreed, people are so fucking retarded today which in some ways is good since we can use it to our advantage, propaganda and appeal to emotion are the only things that can get peoples attention these days anyways.
Most retarded lolbergs don't.
Do you guys really support a totalitarian goverment? If so, why?
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Hitler Youth was basically the mandatory Boy Scouts of Germany yes? Helping boys grow into men? Of course, Boy Scouts has turned into a degenerate shitshow, but before it was very good.
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Sounds like you have a lot to sort out in life m8.
I sometimes wonder if there's any point in trying to fight for whites in North America at all, or for any vestige of this society. It's hard to want to sacrifice anything for a people that have proven for hundreds of years now what dishonorable, cowardly, vicious trash they are. When was the last time the US or anyone in the Anglosphere was on the right side of history? When was the last time we fought for anything meaningful aside from our financial ties to (((them)))?>>130386687
Lurk moar. All that reading is there for you to answer most of your own questions on your own.
Kek, neat. Sounds like CNN staff. What does non-matching black hair mean?
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>Hitler Youth was basically the mandatory Boy Scouts of Germany yes?

So much more than what it is today

Watch the video, the caption is a little cut off but if you have an IQ over 90 you should be able to read it

>What does non-matching black hair mean?

It just doesnt look right, like you can tell they aren't European, a southern european with black hair you can tell, an Iberian the same thing, but with a Jew it looks off, they have the white skin, but the curly hair and the disproportionate face just ousts them, that's their sign. Its a curse really
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>I sometimes wonder if there's any point in trying to fight for whites in North America at all, or for any vestige of this society.

In all honesty I kinda feel the same thing, I've become sympathetic towards Varg's perspective of "the problem will become the solution", he talks about how eventually with all the migrants in europe the system will collapse and out of it hopefully a new government will rise. I'm hoping the same thing happens to america in places like California where they just passed single payer, the state is half a trillion dollars in debt and they're planning on giving fall-of-the-roman-empire tier amnesty to all the illegals. California is a shithole and it collapsing in full would be much easier than trying to reverse all of it.
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Why does spekr hate authoritarians so much?
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forgot pic
What is spekr? Also authoritarianism is the most redpilled way to go.
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Hey guys I wanted to make a thread on this question but I figured you are the only people I want an answer from

What would Hitler think about the MGTOW movement? Is it degenerate to be so afraid of betrayal and divorce that you spend your days sleeping with sluts from bars?
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It's another political spectrum site. All the authoritarian questions were dumb as shit. The questions aren't balanced to how important they are. Like some dumb question can compete with a question like racial equality and move the ball the same amount.
>Is it degenerate to be so afraid of betrayal and divorce that you spend your days sleeping with sluts from bars?

Yes, being afraid of shit like that is retarded, it wont happen if you marry a good person and make sure you keep your relationship healthy, and if youre a man and you can intimidate (in a respecting way) your wife she wont think about it
Sounds about right. Those political spectrum sites are gay as fuck. Usually run by (((ancomms))).
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What does it mean?
MGTOW is for men who can't get girls.
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wtf i love progress now
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Trips of truth!
It means they only see half of the picture

>Jewish Faces in Chinese Government
literally every guy who gets married thinks hes found a 'good girl' though

Forgive me for saying this but I'm a recovering sex addict and have slept with 3 girls who had boyfriends, 1 woman who was married, and 1 divorcee. I also fucked a hardcore conservative christian, then she talked about god and how her church was going on a retreat then five minutes later she was sucking my dick.

I've lost all hope..... help
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Nice quads
God damn dude, I say you should use your ability to fuck to get a DECENT qt white grill and make babbies with. I mean it shouldn't be too hard right?
That's the best meme I've ever seen
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yeah its pretty good
kys Christfag
Racemixing, not even once
Dude don't start the fucking religion flame war.
The Asian + White pic below doesn't look that bad desu
>Stupid faggot doesn't know bible forbids racemixing

"A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD."
Deuteronomy 23:2
You fucking realize the pics are against racemixing right?
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enjoy your ban spammer
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better one

oh sorry you're right I just noticed >>130388555 totally screams "HAVE MORE WHITE CHILDREN" at me
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A BASTARD you faggot. As in a illegitimate child.
There is no jew nor greek.
The word “bastard” in Deuteronomy 23:2 is from the Hebrew word “mamzer”, which is defined as “a mongrel” or person of mixed-race.
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The new flags were a mistake
This desu
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hey hes bumping the thread atleast
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Now this is some fucking serious heresy we got there.
Are you the idiot that made the muh black angels thread a few days ago?
It's not off topic though. It's related to the 14 words.
Well he should be enjoying a vacation

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Let's see if I'm banned too
guess not
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hello bong :^)
>Out Jews the Jew
Gotta love Poland desu.
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ikr, the Jew certainly faces a challenge for his aryan counterpart
Why would you be b&
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Why is NatSoc architecture so plain? There were some really good ones (Olympiastadion, New Reich Chancellery), but most natsoc buildings are awfully plain, almost modernist.
>inb4 Volkshalle
That had an impossible design.
The janitor deleted my post too, and you never really know how they're going to react to things. This one seems to be fair.
Got to admit that I'm not a NatSoc personally, but I see it as a fall back position to move to if things get to be too extreme for anything else to work. I'm all about the 14 words though, its imo kind of the point of life in the first place, to continue on the struggle from one life to the next. By pure coincidence the missus is blonde haired, blue eyes and supports me in this path through life.

Here's my favourite song from the SS which is bright, cheerful and optimistic. I have literally no idea what the lyrics are though.

>most natsoc buildings are awfully plain, almost modernist.

It was neoclassical, not really sure why they did it. They were kinda the original Romaboos

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>but I see it as a fall back position to move to if things get to be too extreme for anything else to work

Thats kinda the position we're in now desu

>the missus is blonde haired, blue eyes and supports me in this path through life.

Thats amazing, have no less than 10 kids please
Totally agreed. Lore Lore Lore (I guess this is it, since I can't view the video myself because of (((censorship))) ) is an excellent love song, but my favourite march will always be "SS marschiert im Feindesland".
>natsoc are a bunch of weebs on the net
>Why is NatSoc architecture so plain?
That one building in particular was designed to be a bunker as well as an office building, so it's built like a fortress on the inside. Also, it was remodeled after the war by the Soviets, so it looks even more plain that it originally did. Any kind of ornamental brickwork on the facade was removed, as well as statues.
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Her: How many kids do you want?
Me: Seven
Her: But how many do you really want?
Me: Seven

We have this conversation at least 2-3 times week.

Heidi Heido, westerwald are great too.

Also gents:


Top one. Best 10/10 GOAT 13 minute set of multiple songs best played while performing Barbarossa in a WW2 strategy game.
my point is that it's hard to tell what girls will stay stable and loyal to you, that's the kind you want to wife.
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pic related does look neoclassical
>Heidi Heido, westerwald are great too.
of course. I'd recommend you also "Schatz, ach Schatz, reise nicht so weit von hier", "Drei Lilien", and, even though they're DDR-era, "Augen Gradeaus" and "Unsere Panzerdivision". There are no references to communism, so they work perfectly. Also, make sure to listen to the "Drei Lilien" 30 minutes collection, you can find that on normietube.
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Women need society to direct their behavior far more than men do. That's why feminism was such a brilliant weapon of mass destruction they dropped on us. When you remove the structure and authority from society, you disrupt the foundation of it: reproduction and the family.
But this one looks modernist.
I think historians are overreacting, and there were no natsoc architecture (at least it didn't have time to become an independent architecture form, unlike soviet socialist-realism).
You were allowed to build anything as long as it wasn't too degenerate.
Bear in mind how few building survived the bombings from that era. Germany was essentially leveled.

>Her: But how many do you really want?
>Me: Seven
>We have this conversation at least 2-3 times week.

I envy you, have as many babbies as possible pls

>my point is that it's hard to tell what girls will stay stable and loyal to you, that's the kind you want to wife.

True that man, you think there's any way to make them stay that way?
Just found a pre-1945 pic.
That stucco looks awesome, still a bit plain though.
I think most natsoc buildings look better in the inside than on the outside
jesus that thing looks fucking ugly
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Estimated destruction of German cities (source: US bomber command):

Berlin 33%
Munich 42%
Stuttgart 46%
Nuremberg 51%
Frankfurt 52%
Koblenz 58%
Aachen 59%
Dresden 61%
Magdeburg 59%
Bremen 60%
Hannover 60%
Mainz 61%
Kassel 69%
Kiel 69%
Bremerhaven 79%
Bonn 83%
Zerbst 80%
Brutalism is fuckin beautiful
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>most natsoc buildings look better in the inside than on the outside
[Citation Needed]

Concrete covered, spic infested, Jew controlled Los Angeles architecture looks better than that shit my dude
Come again?
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That's so awful it had to be done deliberately. That takes effort.
>That's so awful it had to be done deliberately.

This one is natsoc too, it looks like a brick-gothic castle
forgot pic
Are you referring to that thing I posted? I most sincerely hope you aren't.
Ah, here it is. Sorry.
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And this too. It looks ugly as fuck, like the 70s' British architecture (the brutalist kind)
You know what you're right
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jesus fuck man
>https://youtu.be/xxnOKOSe4zE?list=PL8YiYG8PC_lcM7nBHssoWFih0SbY_lk3y [Embed]
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Bread getting slow, when was the first time you got redpilled, what redpilled you?
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At least it's not covered with visible concrete
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You know I ask myself that question a lot, and I think it was happening really slowly since I was a kid, but I was indoctrinated with all the bluepilled public school bullshit, so I kept fighting it. Once I left to go work in the 3rd world, its like the dam broke and went all out. Later on through study and reading, I realized that thousands of very intelligent, completely rational people had come to similar conclusions, so I stopped feeling like I was a bad person for having such thoughts and embraced the redpills. And of course, one redpill leads to another, so it's an ongoing process until you die.
>it's an ongoing process until you die.

Aint that the truth, in all honesty growing up in a town that was 60% black and 20% hispanic redpilled me. Did anyone you know come to similar conclusions after growing up?
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Question for NatSoc, do you support KKK and your opinion on NDH (ISOC) Ustaše?
>do you support KKK

We don't support FBI honeypots no
Ustase was based, KKK is a meme nowadays.
>NDH (ISOC) Ustaše

were our guys
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>Did anyone you know come to similar conclusions after growing up?
Some did, some didn't. Some people got completely swallowed by it, and cucked themselves completely. Became drones, had mixed race kids, completely internalized the propaganda and became living memes. Half the girls I went to HS with wound up single moms of mixed race kids. The ones that were lucky (or had good enough instincts) to marry the right men wound up with drug addicted, pozzed children and fucked up families because they didn't correct their libshit beliefs, and passed it onto their kids. Exactly what Yuri Bezmenov described. A tiny minority of people were smart enough to wake the fuck up somehow, and are doing fine. Its terrifying to think about the ratios of those that got fucked by the system, and those that resisted it and saw their way out. No wonder we're getting fucked throughout the western world so hard.


>do you support KKK
spekr is made by libertarians to put you as strongly towards the bottom right as possible.

The entire site is a libertarianism shilling project and they're only slightly hiding it
Political compass seems to be a Libertarian Socialist shilling project. Notice how everyone in Gamer Gate seemed to score libertarian socialist. I had to try hard to score upper right quadrant.
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I felt that the 8values test was super biased towards right wing authoritarianism , the questions were honestly like
>a)Gas the kayaks
>b)race war
>d)typical left winger answer
I dont have a screenshot of my results but I got fascist which is fitting but I still support the race aspect of natsoc , I just wasnt 99% on the authority spectrum
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It's hard to get natsoc on that test. I can't remember how I did it finally, but there were things that were obviously in contradiction to documented Natsoc ideology I had to select to do it. Otherwise, it seems easy to get Fascist or Authoritarianism.
Based OP. Thanks for keeping this up. Do we have a discord?
>Do we have a discord?
Not at the moment. There are many around if you search archive4plebs
Hey, is this movie out yet where you live? Any torrents?
its coming out in the winter I think due to the 100th independence day being in December 6th
>it said lokakuu at the end being October 27. 2017
I would read the original book by Väinö Linna if you can find a translated version or watching the original movie since I've heard they are going to put some celebrities in that new movie
I'll see if i can find a copy.
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This doesn't look awesome? Brutalism is only good when done with good concrete and built by a good architect.
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Found one, for any interested:

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Looks dystopian.

It's okay for buildings to have an aura of authority, which is what made NS architecture good, but it still needs to fit in a comfy city.
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It's like a brutalist version of the Book Tower from Detroit.
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Behold, the ultimate in Brutalist Pukism
That's pretty fockin good
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Redpill on the Waffen-SS by Leon Degrelle
I am becoming more and more convinced that National Socialism, more specifically Degrellian or Mosley tier pan-European National Socialism is our only hope for survival.

There is a luciferian cult, the synagogue of satan, largely Jewish, that seeks to extinguish us. They will get their third world war and their mongrel slave race if something doesn't change very soon.
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yeah you are becoming more green pilled that red pilled , I believe after the red pill comes the green pill or the iron pill , both are pretty esoteric but both resist the illuminati/nwo
Someone needs to post the edit with the enlightened redpill.

>tfw becoming more ironpill
>Rockwell criticized Hitler for burning books
Weren't those books just pornographical ones made by the jews ?
Don't forget to show appreciation to your dad today ; it should be a given that you should always appreciate him every day

But with this absolute hatred of masculinity and fatherhood in today's age, just make sure you make this Father's Day with him great

Have a good morning at church /nsg/
Don't forget to hug your dad today
I love how 90% of memes try desperately to push you away from Natsoc, even though it doesn't conflict with any of those "enlightened" categories listed.
>Be a trad fascist falangist iron guard hindu aryanist environmentalist UFO chaos majickian, be anything -- BUT DONT BE NATSOC goyim!
JIDF never rests.
I have nothing against natsoc , fringe groups draw fringe people so I cant take it seriously atm but I believe that national socialism is the most natural way of governing if you want to achieve greatness for humanity
I'm just commenting on the pattern of how memes so consitently get manipulated to create bizarro, even absurd alternatives, then present them as "elitist" by comparison to natsoc. It's obviously a pattern indicative of a deliberate agenda to drive people away from it. I mean seriously, its more "enlightened" to have "UFOs in your mom's basement, and hang out with ET and the Illuminati"? It's funny until you realize there are people around here who read that then seriously aspire to identify with it, like the Styx fans and the x-tier anons who drop by to remind us that Hitler was a Rothschild agent sent to ruin National Socialism. For so many people, the indoctrination against Natsoc is so strong, even when they start to see that they were lied to, they'll do anything to climb back in that bubble of being able to dismiss it. Some people will believe anything just to escape admitting "the Nazis weren't literally Satan".

idk, just an observation. I've been here too long probably.
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Brutalism is amazing. It managed to become uglier than commieblocks (which are not brutalist, this is a misconception).
Commieblocks have a "tarditional" box shape and square windows.
Brutalism toke ugliness two steps further and dropped the traditional windows and shapes.
>pic related is shit, but more aesthetic than any brutalist building.
Jewish and communist authors, yeah. Of course, the kikes never mention which books and why, because that would ruin the image of Natsocs being anti-intellectual psychotic barbarians.
The decks are atrocious.
Why is ugliness a virtue to you?
Hello again to everyone. I really love these threads.
Hello again. I love them too. It's an island of awesomeness in a catalog of degeneracy.
>tfw Froghurt could be any one of us right now hiding under a National Socialist, Fascist or White Supremacist flag
Is this what old 4chan used to be like?
Pretty close to it desu
/nsg/ is literally the beacon of hope on a board perpetually filled with shit

Also, I cri evrytiem guise
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I just hope this place doesn't go to shit like most generals do. Thank god we purity spiral because we know what happens when you divert even a little.
>Thread for discussion of the Jewish Question

Modern Germany is the answer.
Enjoy your country master race.
Yeah, very similar. Different type of average anons, but definitely giving me flashbacks.
>master race
Question: why do plebs never seem to grasp that it's the indefinite article, not the definite article?
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Hello and Good Night from crypto-NatSoc Philippines
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Keep em flyin
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I didn't understand the question.
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Didn't Philippines get ISIS attacking them soon after kicking the Rothschild bank out? ((( P U R E C O I N C I D E N C E )))
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I always assume its because no one really reads what the National Socialists published as far as their philosophical views, so everyone talks about "master race" like it takes a definite article, ie, "THE master race". They're very specific about their view that things like Bolshevism were degenerate and dysgenic, that they turned "once noble races" into "slave races". It seems pretty clear to me that from their perspective on race, any race could go through eugenic processes and become "masterful", or conversely, experience dysgenic processes and become "slave morality" races. I think this kind of view is even expressed in more metaphysical sense in the Torah, isn't it?

sort of, we're bombing the shit out of them though

what the fuck? degeneracy
/nsg/ has withstood the test of time
It was faster in 2013 but were maintaining what we have now given the circumstances
Most of the posters are /nsg/ purists or regulars and only go into regular /pol/ for shitposting and sometimes to drop tactical red-pills
I'm proud of being called "purity spiraler"; better to purity spiral than to impurity spiral.
Pretty much this
Truth is truth; it will never change: it will always remain pure
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Haha did you read Zero Tolerance or did you save that when I posted it?
This general has made me more chillax when I browse the rest of /pol/. Glad to know there are more people with my ideas that frequent here.
nah nigger, quads!

quads of truth confirm
remember kiddos, take one (1) iron-pill in the morning with breakfast and another with dinner

*the iron-pill is intended to rid you of Marxist conditioning
I saw it in one of the regular pro-degeneracy kvetching sessions Anglins groupies have on Daily Stormer bbs. That website is going to shit.
Our numbers are growing too. We have a higher average IP count per thread than /ptg/ by about 20 IPs. Granted, many of those are shitposters, but we're still growing. But we're still not as fast as /ptg/ which is suspect... I think /ptg/ has paid posters from Trump's campaign.
>I always assume its because no one really reads what the National Socialists published as far as their philosophical views

What philosophy do you follow when you choose to murder millions of people ? women and children ?
or is it all fake and never happened ?
So all our grandfathers are making shit up ?
Oh yeah meant to say quads lol.

Thinking of ironpills for breakfast... Off topic a bit but could be considered under personal improvement. How do you wake up in the morning and kickstart your day? I am always sluggish and an hour later regret not powering through. I live in 80 degree weather year round and feel sluggish until I get a cold water from the fridge. How do I punch through this unbeatable barrier?
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I was sarcastic
The best general on pol. The only place that I don't have to listen to retarded cuckservatives and niggers.
Bump for that
>space question mark
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Are we still on the topic of master and slave morality and racial eugenics, or are you just being a salty bitch for (you)s? Considering Jews played a central role in causing both wars, and thus, are responsible for more deaths than even the highest estimate of Jew deaths at the time, I'd say you have nothing to upset about: you got your "revenge" many times over. So, chill out and have a decent conversation instead of being a faggot.
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We have the best memes too.
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They are more gut humor
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Froghurt was the best meme ever. Froghurt are you lurking?
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Woah tier post
Pic related

Yeah, I can recognize shills and shitty arguments for a mile away; most of the time I falseflag while in normal /pol/ just for the shitposts. If you aren't already frequenting /nsg/; you deserve the shithole that is normal /pol/

I remember about a month or two ago we were barely scraping 30-40 posters average and now we are consistently hitting 60+ unique IPs
Feels good honestly; and I kind of enjoy the slower pace sometimes; leads to good discussions. Sucks when it drops to a crawl however
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That was fast lmfao
This. I don't view it as a purity spiral. I view it just as speaking the truth and standing up for those truths. The overwhelming majority who disagree are ignorant, cowards, or both
>Considering Jews played a central role in causing both wars

I'll bite. Fine.
So that legitimizes murdering children ?

I'm done here.
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I bumped the shit out of every thread and posted a new thread when there were none, I'm an extreme accelerationist. You probably have seen my tripcode before a while back.
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>Does murdering more women and children of group A legitimize murdering women and children in group B
Well, if we really want to get into the weeds on this one, the Jews driving the allies to bomb German women and children, were responsible for the deaths of EVERYONE in Germany, including the Jewish women and children you're so upset about. But God forbid a kike would ever be capable of confronting that inconvenient truth, amirite?
Yes. They'll grow up just like their parents.
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Jews acting righteous about the deaths of "women and children" always make me laugh. Is there a race that more openly fetishizes genocide, torture, and the mutilation of non-Jewish "women and children" than Jews do?
This vid always reminds me how fucked they are. I still laugh at it though because of the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIq09qhSsOk
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It's always a quick thread with you around my friend
>Be me
>teach my 7 year old nephew that everytime i say "SIEG" he says HEIL HITLER
>be with family dinner in restourant
>i shout sieg
>he screams heil hitler
>everybody is looking at us
Doing God's work friend
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Just uploaded a copy of Unknown Soldiers to the archive:
>Collection of Waffen SS and Military ebooks (in progress)

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Yall better be ready for the new thread starting at Lunch time. Jews will be hungry and we've got redpilling to do :)
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Let the new thread hit the floor let the new thread hit the floor let the new thread... HIT THE FLOOOOOR

Johnny has half a pb&j sandwich left. Yall better bump that new thread
Thread posts: 291
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