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Mike chen btfo the we wuz kang nigger faggots

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Thread replies: 314
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> Dropping red pills left and right about how scientists proved ancient egyptians weren't black because of a mass grave containing no negros at all.
> dindu's nig noggin and crying white man rewriting muh history everywhere!

I thought ho chi minh died
The tide is turning for the we wuz kangs faggots
this guy has some red pilled videos desu
This is why i fucking love the chinese. They have a special kind of autism that priorities truth and directness over feelings. Mainly because they dont have empathy. Which works out sometimes.
oldest human remains found in eastern europe so none of the we wuz kangs shit
yes he talks right over all the 'we wuz kangs bs' and the facts he says hit home.

It's not "autism." It's common sense. Facts didn't use to be disregarded for feelings. The last decade that's not been the case for whatever reason. That shit needs to end though.
He did a video on that and it also startled the dindu 'we wuz kangs' faggots.
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>niggers in one of the top comments even claiming that Cleopatras mother was African

Oh fuck this is hilarious
He is only saying this because the Chinese think they were the Ancient Egyptians.
wtf he never says that and i never heard a chinese ever say they were egyptian
negrocentic ideologies know no bounds
Yes, in this instance. But stay in china for a while, you will get what I'm saying.
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Seriously, these comments are comedy gold. I usually only see the "WE WUZ" posters, not actual kang posters.

This is a gold mine of kangposting
>niggers know nothing
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good vid
>whites can only make white
and we can make basket ball
and coco butter
Well, that's technically right, since Egypt is certainly in Africa.

Also learned that there were redheaded and blonde egyptians. Interesting. Never really thought about it.

Could have sworn I learned from somewhere they hated hair, so they'd regularly shave everything off and use headdresses though.
2 million and 1 subscribers.
>jump cut
>jump cut
>jump c-
>jump cut
>jump cut

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Yeah, but you know they mean niggers. Also, cumskins getting btfo
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Queen Tiye's Dad
yes and mike chen even does the 'ok' symbol with his hand really quick at the beginning f the video. idk if he is secretly trying to subconciously rattle the 'we wuz kangs' faggots
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i bet you do envy the asians getting to say and do what every one pretty much thinks like that jap guy did about IQ and beauty and race
that gook's accent drives me up a fucking wall. he mispronounces half the words he speaks too.
>whites get skin cancer in a week
das rite
>that supposedly hate us
it's almost as if the majority of white americans don't actually hate blacks or something weird
I guess white people WUZ KANGZ then
>Africa area was not the beginning of mankind
>Egyptians were of European decent

the nigs are taking a beating lately lol
dozens of countries, cultures, and eras and they cling to only one of them that they didn't even completely "own".

I can't say I blame them though as it's the only civilization on that continent that ever sort of went anywhere.
is it any news tho? i mean niggers building piramides and getting to go all the way to europe and asia like get the fuck out
Give it a little time, Black Panther is about to supercharge it.
There were afew nubian kingdoms, but not all were nubian.

The blonde red hair thing is more due to the hykops or something invading the place for awhile.
This the food review guy?
He shoipd know that the red and blonde hair is contamination. They weren't black, but they we're white either.

what the FUCK

I knew this guy from his chinese food channel "strictly dumpling"

so he's redpilled as fuck huh, nice surprise
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If you guys haven't seen this already, google image search "european people history"

Really makes you think
Weren't white either I mean. They were probably just brownish-white. Look at Egyptian Copts for what they probably looked like.
i never saw the video of the jap talking about iq, beauty, and race
oh I've seen some screen shots lol, the stupidity is on 11 in social media with these people
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>They have a special kind of autism that priorities truth
What the fuck were white people doing in that climate though? I mean physically how? Did they just have rampant skin cancer?
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das rite u gon and dun it now you lost a subscriber lil chinese bitch
Clearly a black african
ur id, i swear it says niig3r
jews hadn't invented cancer yet.

>due to lack of melatonin

is that why niggers are so lazy, they have so much melatonin they are sleepy all the time. I'm sure the coon meant to say melanin.
moreover blacks from America are west african blacks who had as much to do with Egyptian history as the Nips do
It wasn't a desert, for one thing.
Why doesn't he mention King Tut at all?
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Still can't beat the Genghis though.

t. -1% Mongol.
Look up the Fertile Crescent
is not video a study i believe guy works as a teacher at a university and english one i believe got in some shit for what he found out still works there i believe
The funniest part is that Black Panther's been like that for quite a while now and is just now going mainstream.
The thing that makes it even funnier than that is that the only way an african nation managed to get so far ahead was a giant meteorite crashed there giving them access to 99% of one of the earths rarest and most precious bullshit scifi materials. Then throw in a little magic because of fucking course and you have Wakanda, land of kangs. (as written by two jews to cater to an emerging black power fantasy market).
>green eyes
>he's a nigger
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> truth
only when convenient for them
chinese are shameless cheaters
I was wondering if anyone was going to notice that, he definitely meant melanin.

The jokes tell themselves at this point
The tide was never on their side.

Nobody, besides themselves really believed that the Americans Negroes are relating to Ancient Egyptians.

Granted the Ancient Egyptians had a darker pigmentation compared to your regular modern European, but Tyrone and Shadeequa from the hood are not related to it.
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Remember that the nigger failsafe when they get BTFO like that is to just say something like "science and history is a system of white supremacy" or that all historians and scientists (even the none white ones) are just racist.
Top fucking kek.
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I have been watching Mike Chen food videos for quite a long time and to see him on /pol/ is a real surprise.

I am starting to feel that Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) will be are best allies in BTFO Jews and the WE WUZ KANGZ pro-nigger propaganda.
> melatonin


ha ha

we lack the necessary pheromones to get accepted into their hives
naisu desu
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high iq right there
We do not need to live in the hive together but our hives can attack a shared enemy... kikes and their mongrel army of niggers.
that is correct. i have seen related comments like that in his comment section
We don't know who is her mother, and some say she could have been a local, therefore african.
Anyone else going to troll these niggers?
well with their numbers you are bound to hit a genius far more often more if you run breeding programs like they do
name few of chink "geniuses"
>tfw remember when jump cuts were all the rage back in YT early years

Glad that cancer has been put into remission for the most part.
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>muh red and blonde hair

chemical reaction of iron oxide turns the hair red, for blonde sure there is a chemical reaction for that as well.

still niggers are not kangz and never will be.
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>TFW when the civilization that you keep clinging to as proof that you arent a worthless subhuman was actually run by genetic mutant cave monkeys who used you as slaves even then.
as if i didnt know egyptians were not nogs.
it's pretty self evident.
why should i care about this chinklet?
>they're great because they're autistic and have no empathy?
are you openly admitting whites are so pathetic they put feelings over the truth and that truth is just an autistic thing to search for?
man fucking off yourself bro
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>melatonin got me like
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>live to 30

I don't think cancer was a major issue back then.
So ur with ur babby mamam and yur gettin sum fuk wen dat phone rang. U pick dat shit up and some nigga on the end be sayin "Egyptians r not black"
U tell ur bitch wat this crazy mudda fukken be saying and she say "but we wuz kangz

Fellow Neanderthal-Aryans proving their value once again. Love it.






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>white people can't survive in the sun cause of muh melanin

wtf is Mediterraneans or are they niggers as well

That statue has the same fucking facial expression as Ryan Gosling always has.
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Asians - based until whites feel threatened by them
>none of the references are from niggers
>it must be false
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Destroying revisionist history and the false KANGZ narrative of black supremacists.
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Niggers confirmed eternally retarded

Niggers confirmed to never invest a single interesting thing

Niggers confirmed worst race

Type "kangz" to laugh at niggers
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Based chinaman, able to build civilization, railroads, infrastructure. Now taking on greatest task of all, putting dindus in their place while giving zero fucks.

Based Chinaman, immune to racecard having been through more racism in modern history than all Wewuz's combined.

Based Chinaman, immune to muh soggy knee, forcing women and men to work to death, teaching kung fu to both sexes no breaks! Racka disaprine!

Based Chinaman, immune to Kangs herstory revisionism having been around minimum 10,000 years.

Based Chinaman, immune to Mohammed because they are majority Athiest country and high enough IQ prevents belief in invisible wizards who set fire to shrubbery.
anb4 fact are raciss kek
I once read a niggers argument for there being no white Egyptians online, it literally went

>"So what suncreen dey use?"

Ladies and gentlemen.....the nigger.
how are the dindus going to cry racism against the chink?
Now that this guy is saying the ancient egyptians weren't black, people will listen
chinese claim that they are everything
that is unrelated.
>reads one article about red ochre
>wants to say iron oxide to anonymously make himself feel smart

I love Mike's food channel.

so... you be saiyan... WE WERE KINGS!
What the fuck? I thought this guy made food videos. Is this the same guy that made those ramen videos?
they dindu nuffin
>for blonde sure there is a chemical reaction for that as well.
for blue and yellow too,
>maybe there are gold haired mummies too!

i read this comment earlier today and almost posted a response to him, but i didn't because this guy is an uber dindu faggot
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just repeating what I heard in a Varg video
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Asians for the most part have been ignored in the oppression Olympics. It was a fundamental mistake by the Jews not to paint them as white. So they basically get free reign to BTFO other minorities without the "your a racist" backlash.
The reality is that the Chinese (and Japanese) are a supreme people on par and even surpassing whites in some regards.
I believe he said melatonin, the ancient Egyptian kangz would go into hibernation like phases under the shade, it's how they could survive where the wide awake whiteys couldn't
good point.
is it possible for us to use asians as information vehicles.
kind of how milo plays the gay jew card?

theyll also be less likely to fold in zionist propaganda like ben shapiro

They have to be that way otherwise it becomes just all so tiresome for them.
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The Copts of modern Egypt are going to be the people who most look like the ancient Egyptians This isn't news.
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audible kek

That was just a guerilla marketing campaign by that company.
Asians truly our greatest ally

We just have to nuke them every once in a while so they know it
now for all seriousness
egiptians used to have all sorths of people on their society but very few black smanaged to reach any sorth of power.
curiously with the egitp failed because black tribes started ransacking their society kek.
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what happened on June 11th at 8pm for that massive spike? was it this: >>>/gif/10765606
>Assassin's Creed was revealed June 11th
a new game set in Egypt causing a 100m searches for WE WUZ KANGZ.
inb4 niggers say white people were egyptian slaves and unironically justify it because it was a very long time ago
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yes this makes the most sense based on science, but a shit ton of american blacks are brainwashed with negrocentric ideology so these kinds of video make golden comment sections
what racism were chinamen subject to?
pretty sure they are on par with a lot of whites in every way.
>colonized indonesia, taiwan, singapore, vietnam
I wonder if dey realize there wuz slave owners in Africa and their own people sold them off into slavery...
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you think this is a joke??? do you honestly believe ancient Egyptians has red and blonde hair?? that's just as fucked as niggers say they wuz kangz
That nigger has to put down the crack pipe. Seapeople? Wtf?
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Some of this guy's videos can be pretty spooky.
The point is that asians work hard and make sacrifices.

Dindus focus on hoops. 3 points! Swoosh!Naice!
Mongols, Qing Dynasty, 2 Opium Wars, Japanese Occupation, coolies etc etc





>not realizing that the US has been going further from the truth
>thinking people have an accurate portrayal of things when confused about who you are from birth

I believe kikes have almost destroyed individuality.
That's fucking beautiful.
this dude is pretty comfy. his channel is OK from what i remember
Bahahaha get BTFO eternally niggers and nigger lovers
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They all look asian, or maybe we all look asian when we die and are ghettoly preserved?
Just the Japan 'thing' is enough to rankle them.
Rspe of nanking, round eye railroad slavery, global factory slavery, glorious leader ethnic cleansing etc.

Its not as loud as dindu, also chinaman doesnt cry about it 400 years later.

It happened, chinaman got over it.
i cant wait for the chinese to finally take over and start treating mudslims and niggers the same way they treat them back home.
Why are white "people" and ching chongs so obsessed with history?
East Asians prioritize truth until it affects their societal standing. Then they fall into line like ants and believe in big beautiful state of loving big brother.

But outside of that they'll be straightforward about how fucking incorrect "WE WUZZERS" are
I thought this was just a creepy pasta.
migrating to watch this comments section. watch the RAYCISSSSSSM accusations against gookman.
>East Asians prioritize truth until it affects their societal standing.

And White prioritize fantasy because it affects their societal standing.

Everyone's under some delusions or another, that doesn't mean all delusions are similarly good or bad.
All I'm seeing is "WE WUZ KANGZ".
Fake science show.

So is veritasium btw and some of the crash courses, fake science is some weird post modern "see, even smart people are fooled!" bullshit. Some are only accidentally fake, like those cartoony ones where a quarter of it is some guy doing big maths, not so much that they made a mistake but it's more likely they had a misconception. Some of the soft science ones are accidentally fake as well, but they're of course right for the same reasons feminists are.

BTW anything Green brothers without crash course is not fake news. Pure biology, chemistry and physics.

Beware of fake science shows, that's the height of post modernism, making you believe objective reality is something it isn't right down to historical revisionism.
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>what happened on June 11th at 8pm for that massive spike?

Look at picture. Here lies answer.
Uga buga.
I don't get the pea brain thinking of these people, even if they were black, what is that on you? what have you accomplished. Fucking insecure losers riding on the coattails of sucess of others.
Half-Chinese here. The Chinese diaspora throughout Southeast Asia is very similar to that of the Jews in Europe. Ethnic Chinese often do way better than native Malays and Indonesians, and tend to live in their own ghettos/Chinatowns. When times are hard, these districts are usually looted by the natives when they chimp out. The obvious difference is that the Chinese have a very large and powerful homeland backing them up. I distinctly remember my dad coming home one night when we still lived in Shanghai and ranting at my mom for a solid half hour about how his Chinese clients lacked any kind of customer loyalty.

If you think the Jews are bad, imagine Jews who are really good at engineering and math instead of legalese and art with a burgeoning superpowered ethnostate. Then have them live under one of the worst communist regimes to really grind down their empathy.
because they have some thing to learn and be proud of?
Because Kevin, Tyrone, and Chen will die one day and Kevin jr will say "remember Tyrone?" And Chen jr will say "Tyrone who?" And Kevin jr will say "nah forgrt it"
those fucking comments are too much

Just focus on the most ancient evidence dispelling the KANGZ myth that later whites invaded and took over Egypt from the blacks.


Sea People really happened, not long after the Battle of Khadesh. Both the Hittites and the Egyptians employed a lot of foreign mercenary auxiliaries in the buildup. When they declared a great peace and friendship afterwards it left a lot of unemployed fighting men with nothing to do.

Then a decades-long seismic storms of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and tsunamis happened. The environmental impacts actually caused a lot of the plagues listed in the bible, and the waters of the Sea of Reeds to recede and come rushing back in to swamp the Pharoah's chariots.

Anyway all across the Mediterranean and Asia Minor and Levant etc were affected. You had roving tribes who had lost everything raiding damaged capitals, everything fell into an apocalypse. On Crete there are settlements high in the mountains where people retreated not just from tsunamis but from raiders, these settlements are well-hidden and extremely defensible.

The seismic storm, famine, disease, and the Sea Peoples destroyed empires like the Hittites, Mycenaeans, Mitanni, etc etc. It weakened and ALMOST destroyed the Egyptians, they had a bigass boat battle.

Its a very interesting subject and I'm surprised that nigger knows about it.

Nah its his-story senpai, not real history. Esau be spreadin they tricknology to keep the original man down so they can keep stealing our melanin and using it to power their cars.
Heard about him here https://youtu.be/xYiLmS2l384
man they could of made a decent BP movie without all the pandering cool but all the talk its gonna be hard to stay engrossed with the voice box shreddingly blatant pandering.
if you set the query even finer to seven days it shows for related topics:
1. Reddit - Website
2. Assassins - Topic
3. Assassin's Creed - Video game series
4. Black - Ethnicity
5. Black Panther - Comics

Hair color? Seriously? That's old shit.

How can you do a science video without mentioning the new DNA study results? What kind of science reporting is this anyway?
asians are our autistic little brothers. it is our responsibility to keep them and watch over them (and keep them out of our lands)
>in BTFO Jews
Chinks will fight the jews in places like hollywood, but don't think they're allies.

How does any IQ factor into exploding man hole covers?

>2 Opium Wars, Japanese Occupation,
How the fuck were those racist?
they want to call themselves the middle kingdom, let them prove it.
>japanese occupation wasnt racist.
are you memeing or something? not the japanese thought they where the superior race in asia, they killed millions of chinks by using shovels, that occupation only showed how inferior the average chink is.
Mr689 is a dirty nignog.

We Wuz Hanging Off Treees and Sheeet. tReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzz!
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Oracle believes it's customers are racists! They hire more asians than any other race for their sales force. Litigation underway by federal gov't. These hiring decisions are "data driven" just like charts.jpg

"Decision Science" is one name for Oracle's activity that is having a genocidal effect (see veteran employment levels, see veteran suicide rates, know that there are people who believe they profit from what you see).

>why you should care
How do you know your charts aren't (((science)))? Are you a data scientist who understands them OR are they convenient to your worldview so you except them without knowledge?

If you actually want to defeat the Globalists you need unity, THICC HEAPING PILES OF UNITY.
Nordicism bro. It is the absolute truth.
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>that occupation only showed how inferior the average chink is.
>commie chinks killed 20 million of their own people
They do it to themselves.

There are alot of wars based on ethnic conflict, but I really doubt the japanese occupation of china was ethnically motivated.
if kangz are so great why is niggertrometry such a lightly developed math?

Why do african americans even care about the egyptians? They're from western africa thousands of miles away from egypt

Have they ever heard of Mansa Musa? He was west african
it literally was. they thought that they are the superior asian race (which is true after the mongolians raped china/korea) and that all of the others are inferior to them
20-30k people eaten? wtf...
Is it a siege?
Don't forget their holy war to release asians from the grip of the white man.
nah, after they conquered the town the conquerors decided to bring the meat back into the menu lad,.
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Ayo. Hol up. We wuz smokin' dicks n shieeeet.

He gots chinky eyes.
>dont have empathy
Yes, Chinks do not have empathy. It astounds me sometimes how much they are incapable of it.
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Checked brother!!
I'll take your word for it, I just don't think their racial supremacist views against the Chinese were the whole drive for the occupations and war. not disagreeing that it factored into the sentiments.
I thought it mostly it was that they were in an expansionary phase and not russians or koreans or Aussies were gonna stand in their way. they rapidly got industrialized and wanted to flex their muscles.

> (Yin Ziqi had besieged the city for a long time. The food in the city had run out. The dwellers traded their children to eat and cooked bodies of the dead. Fears were spread and worse situations were expected.
>At this time, Zhang Xun took his concubine out and killed her in front of his soldiers in order to feed them. He said, "You have been working hard at protecting this city for the country wholeheartedly. Your loyalty is uncompromised despite the long-lasting hunger. Since I can't cut out my own flesh to feed you, how can I keep this woman and just ignore the dangerous situation?" All the soldiers cried, and they did not want to eat. Zhang Xun ordered them to eat the flesh. Afterwards, they caught the women in the city.
>After the women were run out, they turned to old and young males. 20,000 to 30,000 people were eaten. People always remained loyal
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So much this
>lack of melatonin
Whenever I look in to /pols claims that Egyptians were fair skinned white people it turns out to be bullshit. This is the same fucking shit as niggers claiming they waz kangs. Don't make up fake shit.
This is just as retarded as the WE wuz niggers

Ancient egyptians were nordic? LOL

Look at jews. they remain the same. ALL people in that area are semitic. They are not even south european.
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Ayo....zzzz....we wuz....zzzzz.....kangs......

yeahnah i hate you with visceral, immutable white-hot intensity
wow that guy is fucking slanty eyed
we aren't even that bad

Yeah in all likelihood they were probably more or less the same camel fucker types they are today for the most part. Its just funny winding the niglets up because next to invented melanin superpowers pretending to be Egyptian is their last bastion of self worth.
oops forgot my flag

Cleopatra is from the Ptolemaic dynasty. A Greek family
how did red hair get from egypt to the german barbarians but skip the mediterranean
Damn, Jackie Chan dropping red pills left and right
We Wuz don't have a place in the chinese dominance hierarchy so there is no need to accommodate their point of view. At all.

I love this shit. My ex girlfriend and her bitchy white-feminism roommate loves this guy and I can only imagine how butthurt the both of them are right now.
I am 99% sure Egypt decided to stop being racist, and let niggers in. But then it turned into an ancient Zimbabwe, so the Romans came in absolutely annihilated the 'new Egyptians' because the Egypt was a joke at this point.

Wouldn't it be ironic?

EVEN if Ancient Egyptians didn't stem from Europe, they will simply be from the fertile crescent - i.e. Arabs.

What do Nogs not understand about this?

Arabs definitely do not consider themselves black and would probably Ackbar you if you implied they were the same as some Sub-Saharan spear chucker.
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It's autism. Chinks don't understand how to have proper social interactions.

Pic related - Chinese corner store in Australia. They tried to explain to him the social taboos and he just couldn't understand their point - Niggers steal, therefore no niggers or dogs.
Give it a few years, and you'll find out that we're not even the same species.

>tfw Liberals have shut down scientific research into Ancient Aboriginals and their Denisovan links because "muh cultural sensitivity"

The narrative would be shattered if it turns out our theories on African origina and many "First Peoples" turns out to be incorrect.
how can he get away with this?
just kidding fomrer beyond science supporter here, but be can't let him get the nuclear codes

Come to Australia.

Then again, I think we have the highest skin cawncer rates in the world.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA god damn it this has to be one of you fags HAAHAHSHDSDFSGRREG
im thinking about going on a killing spree killing every mudshark and nigger i see
>european people history

What the fuck?!

same with "American inventors" and "American mathematicians"

WTF google?!?
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North east asians have always been good brah.

For what ever reason they tend to lack the spark to create new innovations but when we give them stuff they master it and even find ways of improving them that we whites didn't think of
But that's the good kind of autism.
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>mudshark and nigger

wut? Are there niggers and mudsharks there too?
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>comment section now full of autistic /pol/ memes

God damn you fucking faggots spilled your spaghetti all over the place.
so the white romans and greek homos rekt real africans even way back then?
Wait til mudpie mike does an episode on special soup #5.
His Uncle Luk says it's good for libido.
>skin cawncer
you guys spell out your accents?
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How do people even think that Egyptians were Bantus? Is that that famous American education?

>Pic related of a scrib with blue eyes
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They don't understand that people migrated throughout history. It's understandable, given most of them are born and die never leaving their gang ridden ghettos unless it's for a trip to prison. A good number of central europeans originate from migrants trying to escape the huns for instance. People move around.
is he going to do a video about the caucasian mummies found in china as well?
>They were believed to be negroid

No, they never were
try blonde braids
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>whites lack melatonin

What did he mean by this ?
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Heyyall billybob and billyjoe looookaie hair

wut duddn fit to makin a sense is howa deez nigras thinkin they a egyptian

icain't see it. I mightculd see how theyn like ourn keend
>North Africa
>Caucasian origin
North Africans are white
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They werent Arabs but they were probably genetically close to them because they both spoke afro-asiatic languages.
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Not, just according to Herodotus.

We have Greek and Carian inscriptions in Egypt and Greece, and Egypt mentioned having Karkisa (Carian) mercenaries, so did Babylonians.

Even before they had them Egyptians and other Near Easterners employed Sherden who probably came from Sardinia or somewhere in Europe as mercenaries and royal guards, giving them huge swaths of land
Maybe those were white slaves in the mass grave? Look at the sphinx it has a black face.
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Sea People's were a tropical Hyperborean branch related to the cromagnid Gauncha.

Few know this.
Chinks lie all the time - try to close a business deal with one. They just hate niggers.
Mike Chen is so fucking based.
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Muhammad was black, the white man made up the rule that it's unholy to show pictures of him because they want to censor the fact that we wuz prophets

Please spread this image of Muhammad so that the whole world can know the truth
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so... even when they wuz kangz they got their asses kicked by whitey?

>we ownz hair colors

the race
we weren't very nice to them desu
Love Mike's videos, always get a good laugh when hes btfo'ing someone/thing
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No one could.

I've often wondered if it wouldn't be best to just resurrect him and let him go to town in them Middle East again.
Is he straight though?
i'd fuck him
but it's true that many asians have awful looking dicks with lot of thin veins, disgusting circumcusion scars and wierd brown or purple colors, sure some have good looking aesthetic dicks but so far the majority is just gross
Is there a sadder existance than that of Afro-Americans. Its only them that perpetuate the we wuz kangz myth since they dont have any roots they can cling to. This is what happens when people lose their identity.
Stand up and be counted, go with the Ku Klux Klan!

If you hate niggers, jews, spics, arabs, faggots, commie scum as much as we do and you want to raid some tranny server once in a while, you should join the official Moon Central Discord! White people only. Introduce yourself in #introductions to get unkiked!


1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!
Join us and lynch a nigger tonight!

The Triple K Mafia

P.S Fuck Niggers!
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I saw a video where an African American female professor spoke about the Kangz stuff, especially with regard to the Ptolemaic dynasty. She said she used to have to explain how there was no evidence whatsoever that Cleopatra was black.
Then she started talking about how one day she noticed that nobody really knew for certain who her mother was, and how she was literally shaking with excitement and shock. Why? Well, because not knowing who Cleo's mother was means she *could* have been of sub-Saharan origin.

This is the level of retard we are talking about.
>he actually thinks egyptians were blue eyed cuckolds
>i don't understand how to have proper social interactions
I won't accept inferior european boot-licking culture. I don't give a shit about niggers or gypsies.

Being a fucking sheep is having social interactions?

No surprise your entire board is full of low-IQ retards and awful revisionism.
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I wonder where else those wily Whites traveled?
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I'm sure some of them did have blue eyes, they're definitely uncommon but not totally absent in modern North Africa, Middle East and even regions like Pakistan
Obviously it's misleading to keep referring to them as 'European', like the Chinaman in the video does.
However, how hard is it for black Americans to understand that part of modern Egypt is literally in Asia? Or that North African populations have historically had much closer ties, genetically, to Iberia and the Near East?
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Girl from the Northern part of India.

India, was conquered by Ancient Aryans. What's going on here Kangz?
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that's a fingol moonface not an aryan
or were the ancient aryans fingols? we wuz
Niggers let cattle piss on their heads to turn their hair orange. So nigger theory is back on lads, kek.
>How does any IQ factor into exploding man hole covers?
He fucking lit it.

He smelled gas coming from a manhole, and then thought it was a good idea to gather some children and light it on fire.
>video is linked to /pol/
>retards immediately spam the comment sections with /pol/ memes and upvote it to oblivion
>at the same time complain that shit like kek gets hijacked by normies

cancer is really only an issue of the modern age, like neurodegenerative diseases. Also, if you grow up in a sunny climate and are constantly in the open you will gradually get darker skin as a white person. The reason why white people get skin cancer is because of sunburn, which means too much sun at once. Atleast that's the case for >95% melanoma. I mean mediteranean people don't develop skin cancer that often, because they're already brown (inb4 mediteranean=/=white); but if you look at the skin cancer rates of australians....
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They will carry on what the white man has started.
How do arabs survive there? Sure they're not white but not niggers neither
So that you know northern africa isn't black
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that wasn't what happened retard

he put it up there in a fit of anger since he'd been shoplifted several times (from the same group of black kids and ONLY them)- the police knew exactly who they were but didn't do SHIT
Ancient Kings in Egypt were always European in their genes.

The "black" looking people in Egypt were mostly slaves who did the dirty work.

I'm surprised that the "WE WUZ" meme existed. The fact that Egypt Pharaohs were "whites" was already proved decades ago.

Sure you can say what you want, but the reality is still the same. Leftist tend to say just there cuckold fantasies without anything close to the reality. The left is just a bunch of mentally ill people who are not smart at all. Arguing with a leftist is like arguing with air. Both are always blown away as soon as you speak.
>Implying egyptians dissapeared
>When they are actually still there
>just took islam

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You do realize thousands of years have transpired since Ancient Aryans ruled India, do you not?

Of course admixture would happen.

This is probably the India you're thinking of.
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>actually thinking you watch over them and not vice versa
if u were not a retard you would no that this andro type is formed from living in the moutains and is literally is called alpine.
It's whites chimping out about imaginary blacks chimping out. Do you think nogs even watch some chink science channel?
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>that videos comment section
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give us a link pls would like to look into that further
but an asian owns this site, what does this mean?
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If you weren't a dumb ass, you'd know Ancient Aryans once ruled India, and Iran.

What do you not understand?
thx for posting my waifu !
>Do you think nogs even watch some chink science channel?
Are you trying to imply that they watch ANY science channels that isn't a comedy show, like big bang theory?
You mean rationality?
Yeah, they used to call it that here too before lefties flooded the world of psychiatry and mental sciences.
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Egyptians were Abos
cant they claim one of the western african nations that got rich off of selling slaves?
Loyalty to your country or loyalty to meng?
Chinks are hiding evidence of ancient white civilisation in their lands.
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>Want to rule history
>Want to
It's like the Sahara desert didn't separate the entire continent of Africa in half.
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>Adolf Hitler was black!. His real name was Adolf Yohila
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>lip smacking


terrence tao is currently the highest tier mathmatician and potentially highest tier thinker in the world currently
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East asians are bro tier.

>Hamitic (from the biblical Ham) is a historical term in ethnology and linguistics for a division of the Caucasian race and the group of related languages these populations spoke
>watch my based (((gook))) channel goyim where some based (((gook))) tells you what everyone already knows


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yoo what the fuck
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egyptians were abbos
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Wi Wu Kings
I don't disagree though.
Yeah, except for the neanderthal parts.
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I saw a DNA test on one of the "alien" skulls from south America, turns out he was Scottish, heh.

It's almost like whites created civilization where they were, then niggers and other subhumans came in and killed them, then the civilizations collapsed.
Really activates the almonds.
Regulates sleep cycle
Makes you a nigger
yess goy you wouldn't want to team up with other high IQ hominids to stop jewish nepotism! Yessss good goy, national socialism is about hating other races!
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Why do they want to be KANGZ so badly?

Didn't anyone tell them that Egyptians are famous for their slave labor?
Us copts are getting tired of We Wuz.
Nigga we DID.
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