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/pol/ Meta Thread

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Thread replies: 193
Thread images: 64

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flags macro.png
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Do you want more flags?
bumping this thread. Would be nice to see antifa flags.
Those are mostly faggot-filters. Like the dude-weed, feminist, BLM and Rainbow flags
Oh yeah blm too. It makes the conversation more interesting when people ironically wear flags
NATO flag
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south park.jpg
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This flag would be perfect without the text
Yeah if your going to do a flag system you might as well go all out and do a ton
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at least some of these should be added
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french flag please
Byzantine flag?
Mexican empire flag pls
Oh shit Golden Dawn
State flags! Imagine the bantz.

Greek Orthodox and Iron Guard.
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Moultrie Flag
Only if US gets state based flags and Canada, Sweden, and Germany get ISIS flag.
the was the French flag after 1814
>Mexican empire
Are you me?

Still, I'd pick the first empire over the second. I think it was more meaningful.
I went heavy on american libertarian style flags, and then fascist identitarian types, since that is what most of us are, and we can mostly appreciate the nuances. It might also drive interest in people actually getting involved with say generation identity or something.

Then Blue lives matter for policemen
US Army flag for military people
Flags for white africans
Flags for buddhists and hindus
A flag for japs
A flag for jewish diaspora
Fuck off taco bender. Mexico is no empire. It's a 3rd world shithole.
This and SPQR
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yeah its breddy good
If I can't get the Jew flag, life isn't worth living.
Make the American flag selectable
Antifa flag now pls
>flag of the Kingdom of France

Oh god, I love you.
no falangist or monarchyst flag?
Weren't the emperor of Mexico and Peter II of Brazil cousins or something?
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This might be cool, but is more roleplaying tier like the pirate flag, and doesn't indicate ideology like the other ones
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Why are you so upset tonight anon? Did you run out of jewish cocks to suck?
You should've posted the superior one
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Army Flag.png
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I can post high quality versions of any of the images in the OP if anyone wants some.
And/or the Sovereignty Flag.
The antifa larping has potential
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Yeah, I think state flags for american posters would be nice.

That would be great for banter and to help facilitate regional discussion for US posters.

I would like having my florida flag
Most of the meme flags are already american, it would be cool to get something like the identitarians or the South Africa one.
and one fascist flag is good enough imo, even tho the others are more aesthetic.
we need an alaskan flag
I'm actually suggesting state flags for the 49 US states. They already have one for my state, Minnesota.
*the other 49 US states
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State flags would be fun.
No, less. Nazbol should be all that remains.

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+1 for Rhodesia flag
Those referring to nations and organisations are fairly pointless IMO. Definately most of the stuff toward the top.
In that time, Mexico was more powerful than u.s.a.

I think having the hezbollah/ISIS flags would be good for Syria General threads.

The Jihadi one in there now is really the Jahbat al Nusra banner. Which I actually think looks nice, but for accuracy we're missing.
libsoc flag when
ancaps get gadsden AND ancap flags baka
more left wing flags
Why? You have the gay flag, why do you need another gay flag?
Like what?

Please contribute any suggestions, I thought about it and couldn't think of any more left wing flags.
If you're gonna have some you may as well have them all.
Allow custom flag drawing.
Pirates were simply proto-anarchic illegalists anon. No role play about it.
see >>130111781
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I want the original US 13 star flag
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Red ensign and flag of Quebec would be nice
best korea flag

also anitfa
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Could you post a picture of what you would like to see, please?

When you google it they're all different
I only added Cascadian, Acadian, New England and Roman. Most of the others are bullshit
forgot pic
>Red ensign and flag of Quebec would be nice

I would take the glorious Red Ensign over the fucking leaf any day of the week.
/pol/ is a christian board you heathens

repent your sins and bear the one true flag
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they are all just variations on this really which is to be expected since antifa isn't one cohesive group
Just hate how Pajeet can hide his nationality now...

Should be national flags at all times. This is kike trickery and dissenters are being banned. New flags are a fucking disgusting (((joke)))
Most of the others as in the national ones or are you saying that most of the flags in general are shit?

If it's the former then I feel you, but if it's the later, I still think we need ancom and Strasserism.

Ancom is popular and strasserism can represent most of the socnat lot.
Join or die would be a wonderful addition
I want the double flag system. I know thatb80%of the nazi flags are mart sharters and 100% of the shit posters are emus and leafs but still.
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I put Antifa, and feminist, And a dude-weed meme flag.

Right now theres Commie, NazBol, Anarchist, BLM, Democrat, EU, UN, the Fag-Flag, Hippy, and Tree-hugger.

I think that's enough to be honest...
That's Juche bruh. Best Korea has their own flag, right? Either one would be a fantastic shot posting flag though.
Yeah its juche, the ideology of best korea

thats the flag of the workers party of korea, the best and only party in North Korea
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Yeah, I like the old american revolution aesthetic.

It's radical but sacred since it's the foundation of our republic.
When and why the fuck did this happen? I was gone for a week and now all these flags show up.
yes to more flags
Why not add shitloads? At least strasserism and ancom should be added on top of all that. I don't know why you are taking a conservative approach.
Right. I guess that would make more sense as a selectable flag given that we already have nk as a flag.
Why the fuck is there a mudshit flag but no Christian flag?
Mostly the ideology ones like the egoist shit is ugly and obscure, and a lot of the new ones like hippie are indistinguishable.
None of those Jussie terror flags please, unless that gets the users a spicy ban
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I am a retard.

That flag would be epic though
You got another good christian flag?
I agree with the ancom and strasserist flags though
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The Lone Star Banner
all state flags honestly
Need the flag of the Vatican
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They are all shit so you might as well just keep adding more shit. When shit is your decision, the more shit the shittier.
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Here you go
that's already a location based flag though
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The original is better.
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I want to be able to select it though. Just because I don't live in Vatican City does not mean I should not get my religious flag, cause this Templar flag sucks
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Fuck the new flags
Fuck the country flags
We just need the old ones back, and ID's gone.
More than that, we need active moderation to shift all the shitposting to /bant/
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British Fascist is like guilt free nazis
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I like it
> no hezbollah flag
>no SAA flag
>ID's gone
ID's are the one thing on this board that aren't bad you nigger.
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For Diaspora Jews
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Syria already has one
wtf dis flag my man u high on bleach?
Why are there so many haters
No flag for Kentucky though. They're not even a real state.
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Pipe dream, but I'd love a Spanish Falangist flag

where am I from?

Would be perfect if it wasnt a liberal shithole.
>ID's are the one thing on this board that aren't bad you nigger.
All they do is keep idiots arguing when there is no longer an argument to be made. They give a false illusion that people aren't samefagging.

ID's are a cancer, they only belong on slow boards where people don't bother with this kind of shit. It's a step away from the recipe that made 4chan great, it's just namefagging lite.
Join or Die would be a perfect flag for me. Rhodesia would be fun, too, if just to see more Rhodesia posting.
if antifa get a flag then so do anticom
I'd like to see state flags.

cool flag but it will look like shit at 16x11


Cascadia would be nice. the CND logo isn't doing it for me.
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How hasn't anyone suggested the Yugoslav flag?

More flags infidel

Nobody gives four tenths of a shit about all your different flavors of anarchist

Anarchists are children
t. samefag.

They don't belong on small boards because samefagging doesn't happen/affect much anyways. Big boards on the other hand will always start replying to shit once a certain amount of replies is reached. It prevents OP's from bumping their shit thread unless they go through the effort of changing a million IP's. And considering how concerned this board is with single post ID's, it is a GREAT example of threads whose only purpose is to farm (You)'s. If people were smart, it would be great to start shilling for those kinds of threads to be ignored.
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MFW not enough skater/skateboard sticker logos in image map
there should be something other that that you're right I don't really like it

are there any variations so we can still tell if somebody actually from there shows up?
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fuck no
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Falangist flags when
Would be nice if "Nazi" was changed to "National Socialist"
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Pol flags.png
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as much as I love the new England and Cascadia flags they aren't really political or theological
So right now I'm thinking to add
>The Christian Flag
>Nordic Resistance

And maybe
>Golden Dawn
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>They don't belong on small boards because samefagging doesn't happen/affect much anyways.
That's my point, they don't interfere with the discussion there.
> It prevents OP's from bumping their shit thread
You don't even know how bumps work...
> And considering how concerned this board is with single post ID's
If the thread is good, it doesn't matter who starts it, if it's bad the janitors/mods can still see the ID tags/posts and remove it. You need to report bad threads regardless of who made them or under what conditions.
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Remove the kekistan flag. I don't want the fucking redditors that care about this meme tier shit flooding here in even more drones.

Rules 1 and 2 should really apply to the bulk of 4chan. FRANKLY it used to anyways, but /pol/ has attracted the worst of the fucking normalfags and now I can go to twitter and it's a bunch of faggots talking about how much they love /pol/ and how it's their personal army and PRAISE KEK XD WE ARE LEGION BE AFRAID

It's fucking cancer and honestly there should be a bigger push to minimize all the faggots who want to raid for their five minutes of fame
>being so ashamed of their 3rd world shithole country they cower behind any other flag
I'm looking at you, poo in the loo.
i know they'd be mostly blue blobs but US state flags would be fun
This is just some ole bullshit that will allow Leafs to put on a disguise when the Day of the Rake arrives.

Its not a good thing
This is the flag of most successful EIC.
Half of them look the same. It's be pointless.
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>tfw we only have the UNS
Not enough Star Wars Galactic Empire sigils
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Just sayin'
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>> It prevents OP's from bumping their shit thread
>You don't even know how bumps work...
>get mobile phone
>bump with it
or my personal favorite
>wait out the time limit and bump
>have your own personal conversation until you hook somebody

It happens all the fucking time and it's niggers. Mods are dumb and this place was a LOT better when it attempted to moderate itself. Inclusiveness was a fucking mistake, and it's why I believe removing visible sage was the death of 4chan. Because people are retarded and are going to respond to shit ANYWAYS but at least even newfags knew you could sagebomp a shit thread into the ground.

The point is that the community needs to be able to police itself to SOME extent and when it comes to the "1 post by this ID ;)" shit, or the OP is circle jerking, it's much more obvious with ID's. Otherwise, they hurt fucking nothing. Nobody gives a shit about ID's EXCEPT for the OP. Their effect is negligible, but when they are useful it's nice. They hurt nothing otherwise.
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inb4 autism.
For some reason black nationalist shows up as blm. I think there should be separate blm and black nationalist flags.
Just get extra flags plugin you nigger
Never knew minarchist flag looked so gay. What a disappointment.
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France isn't an empire anymore either. They use ta could tho
You give them an inch, they take a fucking yard.
I'm libertarian and 14, just can't 88. Socialism is gay. Its a struggle because sometimes I think maybe natsoc could be right.
As former US Navy, I'm sure as fuck not going to fly the US Army flag. It's a sibling thing.

how is cascadia less political than the COnfederacy? I mean other than the fact it's just stoners larping?
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I was thinking instead of the golden dawn, maybe the flag of the spanish empire?

I figure that might be something for all the spanish posters, I'm not sure if they would like it though?

Rather than a "mexican empire" or something
>other than the fact its just stoners larping

You answered your own question.
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I like this one
Yeah if nothing else, these flags make filtering the fucking retards and the trolls super easy. Before you had to generalize by country, now they come out and identify themselves as retards, even without having a leaf.
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not enough religeous cult flags in here

eg: Aun Shinrikyo Doomsday Cult
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more cult flags
I like this one
Hezbollah is Lebanese though
Land of the Shining Truth (Aum Supreme Truth)
I have been asking for the British Union of Fascists flag to be added so yes please, I'll take the cancer of the others for that alone.
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Heavens Gate Flag
no, this is shit. I want to know what country people are posting their retard opinions from
Would love a Rhodesia flag
Mah nigga
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I wonder what kind of posts would come from people choosing the East German flag.
Nazbol probably
Monarchist flag please
I'll take the SS and Roman flag, please.
Anarcho-transhumanist, or some sort of transhumanist or futurist flag would be very welcome I think.
Yes more flags. All flags all the way back to the Macedonian Empire. Name Bran Flags. Communication Flags, any flags just for trigger value!
would love to see more separatist flags
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Lapua Movement
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Legionary and Hezbollah please
Yes. Falange has to be there.
Needs more Happy Science
>that peruvian kkk flag
but why?
I don't understand the use of the yin and yang symbol for technocrat flag. Wouldn't the circuit diagram symbol for a transistor be more suitable?
Old SA flag!!
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beatrix smug.jpg
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I would use the GDR flag for Beatoposting
Plz add flag for nihilism!!
>Mexico is no empire
Damn you for making me defend Mexico. Learn some history. For example find out what happened after "Cinco de Mayo" and who eventually rolled whatever that was into Mexico again.

Damn you for making me defend Mexico.

Check also Brazilian Empire and Grand Colombia and then curse the Federal Department of Education.

Damn you for making me defend Mexico.
I want the Texas flag and a trump flag.
Also this
Yeah. But we have a geo flag and a custom flag.
Thread posts: 193
Thread images: 64

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