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Conspiracy theories you believe in

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Thread replies: 275
Thread images: 53

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The majority of dumbass american posts are falseflags by faggots from Europe, every single post you make is attached to your name and if you ever fuck with the wrong people it will come back to bite you.
>sandy hook
>OP being a faggot
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the joy lane and news anchor shootings feel like psy ops 2me, idk about the rest
I know something was fishy about this with this but I'm not completely knowledgeable outside of steel memes. Enlighten me
Most people willingly do that in the open on kikebook and twitter, along with the geolaction of where they thought it up and with the 5 closest people tagged. They don't need to track people on 4chan to collect info on people, it's probably not even worth they effort when they can literally just go to any social media site and browse.
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omg that poor burn victim on the left
Seth Rich
Project ????(that one where the ship disappeared and reappeared with the sailors grafted into the ship)
Niggers not being able to use the stargate.
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>Project ????(that one where the ship disappeared and reappeared with the sailors grafted into the ship)
say waht now
>golf rumors
please someone tell me what this shit is
Holocaust numbers are vastly inflated and the majority that did die came from typhus and malnutrition from supplies getting cut off towards the end of the war by the allies. The rest is for sympathy or to shout people down with claims of anti-semitism.
Eric Rich
Philadelphia Experiment

That pornography is engineered in order to manipulate the behavior of the public.
Seth Rich*
Nailed it. I was feeling lazy.
>every single post you make is attached to your name and if you ever fuck with the wrong people it will come back to bite you.
How though? IP?
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>9/11 inside job
>ayy lmaos
>ayy lmao technology being used by governments
>Seth Rich
>2D waifus aren't good for you

That September 23rd thing is a solid maybe.
Philadelphia experiment
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>Sandy Hoax
>Batmanclan Satanic band shooting
>Nice Truck non-attack
>Everything that is happening in London (actually not happening_)

Fucking ALL of these so-called 'terror' events, are all false flag events, and staged drills or hoaxes, acted out with crisis actors and 'terrorism' hoax creators in the government.
I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.
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You ever see building seven my nigger?
How can a white boi like me even compete with sea doggos :(
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Disclaimer: I think the official story is the surface level truth and that Islamic extremists hijacked planes and flew them into buildings.

The involvement of Israel/Mossad is HIGHLY suspect, however. Look into the 5 Dancing Israelis who were arrested on 9/11 as well as the circumstances surrounding Nick Berg's execution, as well as his concrete connection to one of the 9/11 hijackers.


If it gives the public a reason to want to kick Muslims out, I don't care if they're real or not.
All of them except flat earth
JFK was assassinated by the bankers.
Not really a conspiracy but i thought of this myself after learning about ISP laws being changed.
>Illegal for ISP's to sell consumer information
>Google is massive supercookie and data analytical company assisting govt or other entities
>Wants more information so branches out to gmail, youtube, etc
>Creates Google fiber (ISP)
>Now they can get significantly more information legally because Google has their own ISP, allowing them to access consumer information.

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This is Richard Gutyar. Mossad agent, married to another Mossad agent. He is a key player in the manufactured "terror" incidents in Europe, his most famous op, was his crafted 'cell-phone' footage of the peaceful truck in Nice, held up as video evidence of the 'attack' In fact, his shaky amateurish video, showed nothing. Technically, it showed a truck driving slow down the nice boulevard, hitting nobody, hurting nobody.
This is Pallywood, otherwise known as staged hollywood in palestine, making Israel look like the attacker and escalator. It exposes Palestinians making the Israelis look bad in media. Notice how i have proof to back up my claims.

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>If it gives the public a reason to want to kick Muslims out, I don't care if they're real or not.

As usual, the sheeple (including us) are like 20 steps behind the zionist masters who rule us. Look at the (fake) bombing at the Arianna Grande concert in England....

The event was so carefully crafted, the media coverage so carefully crafted, that the brain-dead zombie 'fans' who listen to this music, adopted, and embraced, like a rapture, the 'one-love' reaction of the other(Katy Perry) stars. They used the event, to strengthen their libtard open border views, and now they hold those views like a religion (and their hatred of us, their hatred of any nationalists)

>Oh wow, looks exactly like a masonic initiation ritual,
>What an amazing coincidence

Argentina does not exist. Have you ever seen anyone who has been in argentina? yeah. Only the conspirators claim that argentina is real and that humans can breathe there.
frankfurt school, oil cartels, attempts at equality
Israel slaughters thousands of Palestinians using high-explosives and massive air attacks, sometimes invasions of Gaza. (of course the world looks away, fearful of being 'anti-semitic')

I don't see how low-budget Palestinian propagandists could do anything to make the Israelis actually look worse, than the real stuff they Israelis, actually (genocide) do??
thanks CIA guy!
>go fuck yourself you filthy kike.
Deep State Killed JFK.
The NWO is real and they are communists
The media really is fake/manipulated
Education has been hijacked and corrupted
Almost everything you are told about everything is a lie.
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I believe in the Seth Rich, PizzaGate, and 9/11 conspiracies to an extent.

The fact that people genuinely dismiss the idea that politicians could be involved in assassinations or organized child sex rings despite both things being proven to occur on an almost regular basis confuses and angers me.

Also, MKUltra and Monarch, but they attract so many paranoid schizophrenic lunatics that it's almost impossible to determine which aspects of them are real and to what extent.

That reminds me, there was something recently about unlisted youtube videos with Monarch programming shit in them. Did that ever go anywhere?
Bumping this
Its good the
israelis do that. Gaza and those terrorists are attacking them for no reason other than they dont want jews there (something you probably agree with). Israel allows muslims and palestinians to live there. Hell they have a palestinian general, palestinian supreme court justice and a bunch of other high ranking palestinian's living in their country. How many Jews live throughout the rest of the middle east? And yes, during the Gaza-Israel conflict (which is still ongoing) in 2013 i think it was, palestinian media had a HUGE impact. They would only show pictures of injured kids and put out articles saying Israel bombed school in the middle of the day. What they forgot to show were pics of palestinians using kids as shields, putting them on fences so that ISrael wont bomb them, the videos from inside the schools of palestinian teachers showing how to kill Jews, and the massive stockpiles of explosives and weapons embedded in those schools, along with terrorist cells. FYI they bombed those schools as night after hours to minimize damage, but its a terrorist cell, so of course people will be in there. You are victim to the Palestinian bias in the media. Of course it affected the campaign
President Carter and President Kennedy are the same people.
The good thing about these ones is they are mainstream now.
Titanic sinking was actually the Olympic
also, Stephen Hawking was replaced after his death in the 90s.
4chan has been isolated for a long time m8
Nazis fled at the end of the war and created a civilization under Antarctica. They have extremely advanced technology.
I love that one.
Isn't it the theory that golf isn't actually a real thing people do and it's just a plot to make the world seem weird.

Have you met anyone that actually plays golf, anon?
One I noticed for myself was the CIA took over all the conspiracy websites on the internet in the early 2000's.
They were great in the 90's and then they were shilled and ruined beyond belief.
This ones pretty good

thats the most retarded shit ive ever heard, and yeah i have its a pretty common activity among middle age men.
its so damn obvious too.
2006 volleyball incident
>soy laced currency
>golf rumours
>hollow earth
>despair code
>The NWO is real
Okay, that's not even a conspiracy theory, it's just geopolitics + finance industry
>and they are communists
>Almost everything you are told about everything is a lie
Not really. Half truth - perhaps.
I noticed Pornhub and others started shilling Blacked and incest stuff even though I didn't watch it.
Clearly part of the globalists and their promotion of racemixing and degeneracy to thwart the rise of nationalism.
>thats the most retarded shit ive ever heard
Hello newfriend. Haven't looked through flat earth threads yet?

psyop that niggers are violent murderers? Anon that is real life.
No one cares what you people think... fuck
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holy crap, what a shitlist
Meh, I fuck my cousin on the regular. It's amazing to be honest. The biggest loads I've ever blown have been with her.
Justin "Fidel" Trudeau
The human race was brought to planet earth and the and most religions are just different versions of ancient recollections passed down from many generations.
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Fuck you i do and i dream of cnn reporting on it

I dont think im a fanatical as some but SOMETHING about it is off. I dont think oil was the main driver, but the campaigns were. Im sure it was to drive nationalism and support for an invasion.
That or it was all insurance fraud, and the wars were just to cover that up.

>seth rich

I believe trump IS tightly in communication with russia but i dont think there was any collusion and i dont think putin is running him. I think their trying to work together to establish a more global peace...or at least less hostility.

>sandy hook
I hate talking about it because i have an elementary schooler, but theres alot thats wrong with it though

The most compelling evidence is the math regarding ovens, and all the inconsistent articles written

>illuminate/lizard people/x-files theme song
I do not think its far fetched to think that the nwo is now, or that theres a handful of people or a family running the world

>norwegian archive bot/script
Watched it reply within 20 seconds yesterday
Pic related
really activated my almonds as well
ok, its the fucking earth still, flat, hollow, or a fucking sphere.
cia you gotta get better at this.
wait til she hits puberty!!

anon you don't understand how many retards are out there who are drawn to conspiracy shit, you're just seeing the end result of community decay + more retards finding easier internet access
>Girlfriend suicides

Explain or link please.
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Oh fuck off. She's 26.
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haven't let you basement yet?

I've played golf. TONS OF PEOPLE DO
Area 51
New world order/power elite collusion/illuminati/whatever you want to call it
Controlled and monitored population brainwashing
legitimately spooky
Not even that, but done intentionally to kill opponents of the federal reserve act so they could jam it thru
And they say Finns have the best memes
Also fuckery in antarctica
Sandy Hook
News Media is almost entirely false
Elites trying to figure out a way to immortality via strange science
Coming of the Anti-Christ and the Mark of the Beast
whats in Antarctica?
Is it odd that I would very much enjoy being pulled in by the FBI, sat down in a room, and read a transcript of every post I've ever made on this shithole? I bet it would be pretty funny. I doubt the agent reading it would be able to maintain composure.
>being this American
I explained to you what "the golf rumour" is, burgertard. I am well aware that golf is a real sport.
Old civilization
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Can someone explain wtf the theory is on the fuckery in Antarctica without shitty Nazi fanfiction?
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This is the only thing you really need to know.
pic related.
I can't believe that vault flooded after Wikileaks used the picture for the Vault7 series.
There must've been more in it than they said.
There were daily threads here before it flooded too.
The Anti-Christ
Aliens live among us
lol after posting I was like wait....
Muslims did 9/11
Ur cousin doesn't care about you, he lied
Building 7 is the smoking gun
Something fucky
Some politicians going there for meetings
Weird topography/landscape anomalies
It's odd to me that Nazis had any interest in it
There's just something strange and different about it and how it's discussed by the international leaders and politicians
What is it?
It's a very deep rabbit hole anon.
The earth is flat. It's obvious
>muslims and palestinians

Yeah those are one in the same, dipshit.

Israel a good boy, he dindu nuffin.
>She's 26
Weeks or months?
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Conspiracys are just ways to let the populace fantasize and never actually know. The truth is probably much more boring than what people believe. Youre being played. The game cannot be beaten. Go to bed trolls, or am i the troll?
>there was something recently about unlisted youtube videos with Monarch programming shit in them. Did that ever go anywhere?

Bumping and requesting info on this again, please.


>anyone who doesn't share the same opinion as me must be shilling
This. My mom's best friend from high schools ex husbands second cousin was married to someone who worked at Sandy Hook. Scouts Honor.
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I'm trying to find the pic to the original story, but they say the elite are awares of some temple in Antarctica and within the temple there are some weird pictures of the past, the present, and what they believe is the future.

Weirdly enough they put some of these pictures out for the public in this 1995 Illuminati Card Game which seemed to predict 9/11 and some other strange events, even some that are happening now. IIRC the pictures they possess are life-like, but the ones on the cards are cartoonish.
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I NOPED out of that shit so fuckin fast
I remember this. I have it saved on my old phone. Screen is broken and i need to get it fixed.
Ancient civilizations under the ice.
Nazis went there after the war.
Ufo sightings by US Navy boats.
Obama and John Kerry went there a week or so before Obama left office.
Buzz Aldrin went and then tweeted the "we are all in danger. It is evil itself." some think it was because he was shown deep earth inside of a mountain. He soon died.
Time travel clouds.
Google maps blocks out areas of Antarctica.
Google map it and see the weird as names of places on it. The Rothschilds have an area named after them. Why would they claim land in Antarctica?
Fuck off with your pedophile fantasies you stupid kike
saw this when it was first posted. it looks like a film student experimenting with what they think MK-Ultra stuff is.
Is it bad to open or is it just creepy?

there's a lot of conspiracy theories out there that are more feasible than they would like you to believe
What vault flooded? I missed that.
>OP being a faggot
>A conspiracy

Pick one
The ice wall
>Deep State Killed JFK.
According to Putin
The NWO is real and they are communists

The media really is fake/manipulated
It's really sophisticated propaganda, what would you expect they have been perfecting it for a century
Education has been hijacked and corrupted
Probably true, it became a cabinet level department in 1979 for some specific reason
Almost everything you are told about everything is a lie.
The is a kernel of truth in that, like there is everything, a smidgen if you will.
I'm not bullshitting you guys but the last time I saw Sandy Hook mentioned in a thread, this EXACT post was there "I have a cousin... I can assure you it really happened." This was like weeks ago.

Friggin CIA
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>Soy becomes sentient.
my sides
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both. blasted my ear drums with creepy yelling sounds. instantly got bad vibes and goosebumps all over. way2spooky4me
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Trump confirmed Jewish puppet. Pic related.
Global warming is mostly a scam

Sandy Hook - not that it didn't happen necessarily but there's something very wrong about what the official narrative says
It's important to know when you>>129547829
are being bullshitted.
go back to your safe space faggot.
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I just watched it. Probably one of the most creepy videos ive seen.
Just google building 7

Most people don't even realize a third building fell on 9-11 (not your fault, the media doesn't like talking about it).
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Read number 4 and 5
Clearly you have never hit a deer with your car. Blood, brains and hair everywhere. Its not painted but there's spots.
I haven't had this pasta in a while, yummy.
Anyone who uses the word "sheeple" unironically is retarded
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navy seal gif.webm
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Get on my fucking level you POG ass poser bitch.

Collapses at free fall rate. Wasn't hit by anything
found one.
But why the encoded links in comments on YouTube Kids videos that go back years?

Here's the other one I have saved.

Some think it was Atlantis and there is the fountain of youth there mixed with frozen viruses that will be let out when mankind tries to live for eternity and wipe out the human kind.
Wealthy people like John Rockefeller and Stars like Elvis or Michael Jackson fake their death and with their wealth or connections join a secret society of immortals that's on an Island or underground, and its an entire parallel civilization that watches this one
I found this
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>global warming is real
>slowly melting the glaciers in antarctica
>elite leftist inner circle begin shilling solar power, electric cars etc
>otherwise He will be freed from the ice

Bilderburger Group
Bohemian Grove
Pizza Gate
Seth Rich
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Not a conspiracy but vegan is healthier than not being vegan. Its fact.
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>all the low iq itt

You hit an animal going 70 they will pop like a water balloon.

Run people over going 35?

not so much.
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Im jewish, yes but i dont get offended by that shit. Im confuzzled though, are you a self hating Israeli?
I missed the fact that they are in comments on Youtube kids videos. Are they linked on videos that have related subject matter? Like for example the other video has reference to the Little Mermaid, so my guess is it would be linked to similar content or a variable piece of content with some connection.
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not at all, i agree pallywood is a thing
I unfortunately can't seem to find it =(
>that pic
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Fires don't bring buildings down

How many airplanes crashed into it?
Why would you defend some shitskin muslims? Pallywood is actually something that is harder to disprove than to prove.
says a fucking leaf
thanks anon
the same amount that crashed into building 7
Zero planes crashed into building 7
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As for me, I believe Pallywood, Holohoax, Sandy Hoax, 9/11, Seth Rich
That shit made me sad. I'm almost crying here.
The nigger was already old, why?
The one I still believe in, is that no planes hit the twin towers and that free-energy technology was used to destroy the towers.

I'm pretty sure this and others like are mainly bait replies, but Sandy Hook actually probably didn't happen.


This, actually. Hell is real, angels and demons are real, God is real.

Porn pacifies

LMAO they deleted my thread! just as I said they would
holy shit.
So someone just made a bot that looks for URLS in 4chan posts and archives them?

Thats pretty dope
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KB Thread Archives(Even just reading the OP's, will be useful):


These are not "Theories".
>you mad whiteboi?
>Conspiracy theories you believe in

Global warming/climax change is a hoax

Jews are trying to end Whiteness and Christianity. I honestly don't understand why, it seems like we would be preferable to Muslim shitskins, but it really seems like that's their goal.

The Syrian gas attack wasn't carried out by the government, and the good majority of the news that comes out of Syria is fake.
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>Muh Russia is a DNC-crafted lie
>Seth Rich
>Jews are trying to end Whiteness and Christianity.
It's atheist Zionists. Jewish Racial Supremacy. It's a short sighted, nihilistic obsession of super rich families. Similar to communism.

Good job on this compilation, doubtful since you must have your own interests, but also thankful.

Are you thinking of exposing all this outside this autistic site?
I live in a golf course so I see people golfing daily almost.
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>stab wound fucking

Hang yourself, Frank
Tell me about the beetles
>atheist Zionists
A lot of Rabbis are in on this stuff too. I've seen several cases where Rabbis were going out of their way to support feminist and BLM movements.
>>norwegian archive bot/script
>Watched it reply within 20 seconds yesterday
>Pic related

Is this a conspiracy or just something the owners/mods did to keep traffic away from ((((them))))?
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Adrenochrome. Hunter S. Thompson wrote about it in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Dr. Gonzo says he got it from a client who's into satanism and facing child molestation charges.

"Hunter Thompson" was also named by Paul Bonacci during his testimony for the Franklin Coverup stuff as having been present and filming child abuse and snuff involving him and two other boys that took place at what is believed to be Bohemian Grove.
I don't believe so. The codes are really basic, but ones found in comments on Youtube Kids videos led to a Twitter account with a second code which led to the unlisted videos I linked earlier.

The weird part to me, at least, is that supposedly the youtube accounts associated with the encoded youtube comments has been doing so for like two years.
It's pervasive in all facets of culture really, including Christian churches. I suspect it's more about them being influenced/brainwashed by Zionist culture, than them being in on it. Frankly, the ultra rich elite society Zionists hate traditional religious Jewish culture and want that destroyed too.

But I accept some Rabbis are Jew Supremacists, yeah.
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Found the golf shill.

Fuck off, shlomo, we're on to you.
Buzz Aldrin is still alive. Do you mean Neil Armstrong or something?

>Satan is real and his minions are doing evil on earth
>the religion that teaches this exact doctrine and brought this knowledge to all of Western civilization is an attempt to forward that same satanic goal

This is a new level of retarded, although I believe what he says about DMT being a way for the soul to enter and exit is largely correct.
Government is putting fluoride in our water
Bush did 9/11
Where's the "Blacked.com" watermark?

looks like typical /x/ larp shit to me
Everyone but me gotta learn about the Bre-X conspiracy
I have no trouble believing this is real.
I might have confused the deaths but this was the tweet.
Hitler escaped to Argentina
Isn't this the official FBI story or am I mistaken?
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Buzz Aldrin is a disinfo shill, just be aware of that.
He leads people by the nose with shit like that then never actually says anything to keep people guessing, and its likely red herrings.
>Golf Rumors

Lol well done.
Paul is dead
The cryptoquip in the video description is: "To sit in solemn silence on a dull, dark dock
in a pestilential prison with a life-long lock
awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock
from a cheap and chippy chopper on a big, black block." Quote from The Mikado apparently.
No, all the retarded posts are made by the stupid fucking indoctrinated inbred fat wankers ameritards really are
fake tweet

Not a conspiracy theory.
I don't think so. They've uncovered FBI files which murkied up the exact location of "Hitler's" death. The FBI still keeps their stance that Hitler did a suicide in Europe
Through IP and browser fingerprinting.
I've flicked through the documents about Hitler on the FBI's site, but i'm not sure whether or not they're full-blown "Yeah, he escaped to Argentina, the KGB lied."
Hmmmm. I guess it isn't a conspiracy.
Mainstream media, schools, and even governments still say Hitler died before his trial.
>>/mlp/ where you belong
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After learning that our retinas are showing us an upside down image of what light refracts off from, then our brains flip the image back over, I started to think we were living inside a hollow universe. Soon fell apart due to logistics of traveling, but still think of it from time to time as kinda silly/shower thought it was. Odd that we're the only planet in our system with a magma core, and that we're not able to pass through our core to the other side of the planet. Pic related kinda, where as our earths core was actually the walls of the universe, and the universe we look up and out towards was actually more of our sky as we think of it.
Yeah well, those same schools, MSM and Governments say that diversity is strength, demographics don't matter and black people are persecuted by the police.

Not to mention that they say that the holocaust happened.
>faust = non-fiction

Goethe's version, yes.
"Hitler died before his trial" is/was a way to calm down the mass
THIS. I think UFOs are just Nazi aircraft. Also I think Vril is real and Vril-ya/Nazis are among us.
John maus im crying
>URBAN MOVING SYSTEMS did 9/11 (Dominik Suter)
>Jared Kushner is a closet Bolshevik who named his startup after a Trotsky Commie term (Cadre)
>Dov Zakheim was the Zionist head of the White House during 9/11 and is one of the most dangerous threats to Democracy here
>Kurt Douglas murdered at least one gentile girl, this is common to break in Jews in Hollywood. Many times, like Mathew Broderick, they dont know what is happening. See also, Patton Oswalt's wife being sacrificed; the Olsen Twins sacrificing Heath Ledger via pills in their apt
>the Rothschilds oversee the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye, that's why the Israel Supreme Court, funded by Dorothy Rothschild, features this structure predominantly
>JFK's murder was symbolic of the ZOG deep state telling WASP/Catholic power that control had seceded -- Deep State has controlled ever since
>Trump and Clnton daughters married into Jewish blood lines before election for leverage and protection when next 9/11 occurs
>as many /pol/aks feels, next 9/11 will occur in Southeast US, and be a biological weapon that kills a million citizens, via final Israel/Saudi false flag
>Hollywood is a massive psyop, but it milks ideas from "artists" to continue mass distraction, nd rewards said artists handsomely
>porn consumption is being saved for every IP and matched to identities for later, subversive use, tbd; most porn sites are proxy data mining sites
>Endgame: Greater Israel becomes the new America, and America becomes the Middle East
Yeah I heard about the glasses test thing. Doesn't really help much with the idea, besides saying something along the lines that our brains are the only thing telling us what is "real". Since perception can be tricked, it's up to our brains to figure out the mess. Interesting they kept using the term "adaptation", when speaking about how we interpret our senses. Throws me back to the possibility we're programmed AI learning through a neural network from mistakes and taking the best generation results. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opqIa5Jiwuw 1st thing that pops up I saw recently about neuroscience, and how our networking is basically what we see as highly advanced computer coding. Inputs can be watered down to 1/0's, given enough routes, you can map out a brain to create artificial sentience. The problem becomes, if we are a programmed (HURR MATRIX), and we become actually self aware that we are, what becomes of our program? Stepping near pseudoscience and what not, but imagine it like the stories, where the main character becomes self aware they are the protagonist of the book they are reading, and they cannot do anything but continue reading till the end of the book.
what pisses me off about this, even if it is 2 niggers dying, is that it's still a random old man. He probably said bye, love you, to his wife and children before going out to the store and telling them hed only be gone for 20 minutes. On his way home hes walking down the sidewalk when suddenly this big black nigger comes out of nowhere and starts spouting about his girlfriend. Then he pulls out his fucking gat and tells you you're gonna die. Think of this dudes family. Fuck this guy.

Also what is the reasoning behind sandy hook being faked?
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OY VEY!!!!!!!
To enforce stricter gun laws/remove second amendment
Good actors are hard to find these days.
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Oh fuck, reasoning, not what makes you think it was. Yes >>129560378 has the idea to further dearm the citizens, that's rather clear. I had an alternative idea, as how the media is being told what to do, that they are trying to make whites enemies of the state. Take it back to 9/11, muzzies are now #1 threat. Threat has to have a face, which is muzzies, so every time you see a muzzy, you are programmed to sense danger or fear. Speed it up a bit, and start to program people to see these threats are gun induced. We are at war, they are shooting at us, we are at them. Speed it up a bit, and now you have the war done with, but still have people programmed to induce fear/threat with muzzie, which subvertly is connected to guns (war). Since they have programmed one side, all they need to do now is change the other. The shift now becomes white males. A few incidents occur at planned times, to push that males are now the threat, are now the terrorists, are now the muzzies with guns that want to kill you. They are programming the US youth to think that white males are terrorists that will snap at any given moment and kill you. This alienates an entire race, to the point that you can divide and conquer them. The game was to split up the powerful race, they are doing so, the next attack with unite them under the masters flag permanently. Jews win. Conspiracies are fun.
Why repent? You're living in Hell.
I think that it's just 4chan's collective autism going nuts. I was in those threads too.
I ain't falling for your mind tricks CIA.
Oil. Near endless quantities of it.
>p/o/l is a CIA psyop.
>Holocaust numbers are vastly inflated and the majority that did die came from typhus and malnutrition from supplies getting cut off towards the end of the war by the allies. The rest is for sympathy or to shout people down with claims of anti-semitism.

This is fact though, not theory.
Permafrost melted and partially flooded the seed vault
Computer chips are reaching the processing speed of the human brain, 10 ^ 15 calculations per second.

We may not be AI, we may just have our conscious brain and our subconscious brain, and the subconscious processes things before delivering it to the conscious in a way the conscious can understand.

Possibly just the right brain?
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top lmao
>rise of nationalism

You do know nationalism was created 200 something years ago to fuck with non-colonial european empires, right?
> conservative
> flat earthers
sounds about right.
I have a cousin who went down with the Twin Towers and he assures me the government didn't do it.
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I'm a legit believer of ancient alien theory.
Good detectives don't believe in coincidence and all signs point to extraterrestrial life visiting man in the ancient past.

We not 10, 15, 20 or 30 thousand years old.
Humanity is much older, and he been reset multiple times for coming to close to achieving so called "god-hood".
Repeatedly cut down an abused by galactic invaders as humans eventually always wise up and learn they aren't really deities but flesh and blood bags of meat like them but with more technology.
Growing frustrated that humans are no longer worshiping them as they should the aliens simply wipe the earth clean, sparing only a few humans and leaving them with absolutely nothing once again.

Damning them to the so called "stone age".
We now live in the age of man, free of aliens and their meddling ways, humanity loses its training wheels and is put to the ultimate test of time.

Also please don't try to convince me I'm wrong about this cause its too fantastic and I don't want to believe fuck all anything else cause that would be boring as fuck.
Heh, what a shit "doomsday" vault.
Yeah not sure I can divulge too much into that, as I said most my shit is just outer viewings and at best, armchair science. It's also a topic that even leading professionals are having problems with, which means some pleb like me doesn't get the basic grasp on their level. If you head back to computing, I think of subconscious like booting up a computer. The computer has all the software to run the OS, yet can't reach it till it boots up, however, it already has pre-programmed commands to access the OS in the boot up sequence. How does it know to run these boot up commands before accessing and running the main OS, why can't it go straight to OS main screen. Lacking in terms here, but sub-c I see as the core bootup commands that lead into main-c to be able to use the OS.

Rather bad analogy I guess, and perhaps AI wasn't a good term. Though calling oneself a program would have to imply we aren't organic since it would be in a sim. Another section that interests me is death. It's the greatest taboo to living, where we are hard coded to try and escape it. It's something in that coding that instinctively doesn't let you do it. Something that is preventing you from ordering that operation. I think one answer to life lies with death. However, how can we see that side without going ourselves, or that it does exist, a zero-conscious state. Akin to being before you were born, your consciousness was zero, and in death, you return to that, or not, but cannot find out without taking the trip. Fucks with you.
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flat earth
Wiping out for not worshiping them sounds awfully like a human trait. Perhaps the Universal Masters you speak of as aliens, were just the 1st cosmically sentient humans to transcend to what we see as a god. They retain our traits but evolve way the fuck past us to a point we can't even start to comprehend as possible for ourselves. However, they treat us like a game, or like pets. When we get too unruly, it comes back to remind us where we need to be heading by your terms a "restart". The game to it is to see if we can carve the same path they did, and transcend to a "god" status.

Bill Cooper the most red-pilled man to ever live.

Hollow Earth and many more that I can't be fucked typing right now.
cartoon network psyops?
open video to learn the truth
9/11 was an inside job
USA, EU still supports terrorism.
Refugee crisis is to hurt national conscience of European peoples.
Greek debt crisis was engineered by foreigners and traitors to steal resources.
FYROM is Soros puppet state
Ukraine civil war was started by EU/USA
Putin did nothing wrong
Trump did nothing wrong
Assad did nothing wrong
World elite wants NWO/one world government
Obama did coup in Turkey
Greek forest fires of 2006 started by Turks, supported EU/USA.
2008 global financial crisis was started by USA on purpose
Climate change is not real
Anti-white propaganda in USA is a thing
Bush knew there are no WMD's in Iraq
Jews really think goyim are inferior and must serve them
Internet/entertainment media designed to keep us dumb
Erdogan wants to create Neo-Ottoman Empire
MSM lie all the time
Global elite network of luciferians, satanists, pedos, cannibals call them what you will, many celebrities, leaders and influential people are members... they believe the Antichrist will come to lead the world and are preparing it for him.
nigger its made up. there is no such thing as adrenochrome
White women worshiping the BWC (Big Whale Cock)
Trump is a Russian plant
There is an organized clique that aims to eradicate floppy disks. Think about it: fifteen years ago these were ubitiqious, now you can barely purchase a device with a floppy drive or a floppy itself. You could make a case that HDDs are quite similar to floppies (a memory disc in a protective casing) and guess what, the narrative now is that they should be replaced with supposedly superior SSDs. Even "save" buttons, once universally associated with an icon of a floppy disk, are now slowly abandoning that design; after taking away our floppy disks, the conspiracy shall eradicate even the memory (pun intended) of them.

I figured it out when ZUS (Polish equivalent of Social Security) reportedly puchased several hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of floppy disks. Now, the dominant narrative is that ZUS is bankrupt and people under 50 cannot count of getting any benefits in their old age. While it's understandable that fringe opposition parties would make that claim, why would mainstream politicians go along with it? After all if it's true, they are the ones to blame for not doing anything about it; it's like CTR or Shareblue suddenly started to spew out pro-Trump propaganda. It doesn't make any sense unless you realize that ZUS is the last major user of floppy disks in the country. The conspiracy doesn't care about careers of its patsies, or even the financial security of elderly Poles - all is expendable in their plot to take away our floppy disks.

I believe that the crazy niggers are right when they say that white people are aliens. Think about it for a second. Wherever whites go civilizations and order sprouts up. People live higher quality lives in white countries. When whites run shit things get done. And whites are stupid enough to allow the other into their places to partake in the bounty. Now look where there are blacks or browns there's always a problem. War and violence. Blacks and browns can't do anything without riding the white mans coat tails. Yellows and reds can have nice things only if they have a tyrant ruling over them. And when white people go to war they go all out.

-crazy negros on youtube
wow anon i think you might be on to something
>reddit largest psy-ops operation

I'd believe it
This, I tried to buy a stack of floppy discs and got a lot of push back from the best buy employees. Something's up for sure
Interracial porn is orchestrated for political reasons. Which doesn't mean that there is not a economic reason behind it too. It's both things at the same time.
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probably a larper but an interesting theory none the less

My conspiracy theory is that OP is a fag who molests little children. Pretty much a typical democrat.
> chinese footjob suicide forests
> golf
the blood would be lower down
plus the front came off right at the end
blood can't penetrate plastic/metal
>The majority of dumbass american posts are falseflags by faggots from Europe,
I actuallly believed for a while that americans were just memeing whenever they said something incredibly stupid since you literally manage to do it about every topic in pretty much every thread.
It's a nice lie, but let's just be honest, there is something incredibly wrong with your people.
i play golf, it's ok. you spend a lot on getting good and equip and time - then you have to find time to actually play
but when you make that shot, it's so much more satisfying that flipping a bottle on a flipping bottle mobile game.
9/11 was REQUIRED to give muslims a victim status
you see
every terror attack against whites
every white kid killed
and muslims get more victim status and money
t.co and out.reddit.com and facebook link rewriting creates a shared supersession (along with wordpress and tumblr etc) - all these shits sites fake you out with "security" and ask you for a cell number
burner cells are getting more regulated, either way it's fairly easy to identify someone via their hardware, session, cell, wifis etc.
Ol' mate clearly has not heard of the Prudential building.

>The Prudential was heavily damaged during World War II, particularly during the Warsaw Uprising when it was hit by approximately 1,000 artillery shells, including a single hit by 2-tonne Karl-Gerät mortar shell, leaving only the steel framework. The artillery damage bent the construction sideways, but it survived the war and was featured on numerous anti-war posters.

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9/11 was unironically an inside job
NORAD thought there was a training excercise ongoing, pentagon bound plane shot down by pilot disobeying orders to stand down, pic related shows girder in opposite building to tower due to explosive force, molten metal on video, at scene, in reports, jet fuel not being able to melt steel beams, passports magically floating out of said building, BUILDING 7, and to this day not one leaked camera from pentagon drone (from the few -nearby- cameras its been determined it was a drone)

MKultra too but thats not even a theory, look it up, try not to be ill they tortured people.
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