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Syria General /sg/ - Anglo Pride World Wide Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 326
Thread images: 143

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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>E Aleppo/Raqqa Jun 7
>Palmyra Jun5
>Mosul Jun5
>N Syria/Iraq Jun4
>DeZ Jun4
>E Ghouta May 29
>E Qalamoun May26

Developments Jun7
>E Ghouta-SAA liberates 80% of Hawsh Al-Dawahra town from JaI
>DeZ:SAA stands its grund as IS still pushes for Panorama Roundabout & Tal Sanouf
>Palmyra:SAA souround Arak gas field and Arak town
>Raqqa:SDF capture E. Raqqa neighborhood + 3 villages
>Turkish proxies announce all-out offensive to defeat Kurds in Aleppo province
>Lavrov:US so called"Deconfliction zones" do not exist!Only Ru,Turkey,Iran signed a deal with Damascus approval
>US strikes SAA in Tanf, 2KIA, some eqpment dstrd, SAA will continue offensive
>iraqi forces liberate 21 village on the Syrian border, expell IS from Al-Baaj region
>Tehran attack:12dead,42injured, IRGC blames Saudi Arabia
>Iraqi Kurds plan independence referendum on Sep 25
>April gas exploration deal b/w Qatar & Iran ignites GCC crisis
>Turkey approves bill to send troops in Qatar
>UK gov refuses to publish its own report into who funds UK extremism, as it's focused on SaudiArabia
>Saudi airstrike Presidential Palace in Yemen's capital Sana,Houthis ready to cooperate with Qatar
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MAGA 2017

previous >>128932966
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based sand nigger. fuck that drumpf guy ami rite guys?
Prev >>128932966
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>post yfw Qatar nuke Riyadh
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The sad part of /ptg/ memes is that they don't even bother to mock anything about /sg/, but simply invent things, like the frog having a saudi flag, while /ptg/ are the ones sucking saudi cocks with the billion dollar weapon sale.
There's another poster in the other thread spamming with similar pictures as well. Why do this?
>who the fuck is spencer
>why jewish hat and saudi t-shirt isnt on the ptg frog
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Stop raiding us and we'll spare your shitty anti-american circlejerk.
our memes won us an election, your memes are nothing
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You are cancer. We don't ride anyone. Get out.
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Would be nice if these unidentified aircraft keep bombing the shit out of the SDF to keep them occupied with Raqqa.
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of course you do, portubro proved it like a hundred times, you're the cancer of /pol/
what is there to raid at /ptg/? it's just a bunch of rebbitors typing awwooo and circlejerking their unconditional love for president guttermouth.
r/The_Donald shills should've been banned after April 6th
Sorry laddo, wasn't deliberate, I saw us on 10 and made a new one without declaring because I didn't know whether I'd have time to declare, make and post the new.
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I'm from the other thread. Actually trying to find out why there's a consistent spammer in BOTH threads...
>the /sg/tard can't defend against this
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Guys look at this pic. Indistinguishable evidence that putin is actually controlled by jews. WHAT A FUCKING KIKE!
I'm nowhere near spamming retard
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Ik rite XDDDD free kekstan
Guys is reddit down i can't browse the_donald
I honestly thought I liked Assad but this has shown me the necessity of the FSA.
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>retarded manuel proving anything
haha u guys are pathetic, hope you all die like good goys in ww3
Look how many jews it took to take him under control tho.

This what?
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Hello first timer
Now I hate Anglos even more
This is all drumpfs fault I swear.
So the contextless posting of a picture that has nothing to do with the thread is not spamming?
Color me surprised.
Just stop trying to sow dissent. No one wants it and you're just a nuisance. Tell your buds the same, faggot
>our memes won us an election, your memes are nothing
You LARPing on an anonymous Cossack dancing tips forum didn't get Trump elected, you probably stayed at home on Election Day eating and randomly screeching "AWOOOOO" at your family, and your family was wondering why they didn't kick you out of the house 6 years ago.
woke af
Look at the image again, it clearly has to do with /sg/ and how it's a cancer on /pol/. One on-topic image is not spam. Sorry that it triggers shitskin lovers like you, but thats the point.
Actual Lybian? How are things there rn?
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''i'm a nationalist and a globalist''
L I B Y A you fuck
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>The British were standing firmly behind the leaders of their former colony during the crisis, despite the popular animosity towards them. General Headlam of the British military mission in Baghdad was quoted saying "the government and people have good reasons to be thankful to Colonel Bakr Sidqi".
Reminder that the Anglo supporting
Kurdish ethnic cleansing of other ethnicities isn't new
What has he actually done to show himself to be a globalist?

I swear to god all generals are fucking retarded. Trump general is retarded and syria general is just as retarded.
Actual Labian?
he never even said that faggot
English is shit tier language anyways, I identify it as Lybya
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Funny that Trump doesn't even see the contradiction here.
It serves no purpose. Just a picture to garner (You)'s.
Just stop.
>kinda hungry for Swedish Fish too
i hope assad gets hung within the week. Saudi arabia will invade iran and qatar and make them submit. Its all for the greater american empire lads.
>it's another episode of redditors calling other redditors redditors.

purge all generals.
Trump never grasped the concept of transitivity
It serves a very specific purpose, to illuminate the fact that you fags are subhuman and have been shitting up our thread for months. If you don't want to get triggered then stay in your own safespace and leave us alone.

Grow up and stop idolizing ASSad
I never use reddit trust me faggot
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Who the fuck you call a fucking redditor?
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>stop idolizing ASSad
I can't stop
Damn, I wish my nation was as scrupulous as Israel.
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/sg/ came from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/syriancivilwar/

these threads are cancer
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>Grow up and stop idolizing ASSad

>Lord pepperoni nipples the third.
[spoiiler] all of you fucking general faggots [spoiler]
Ka-52 ATGM footage, from Palmyra region.
Government in tripoli is falling apart they can't even provide money to the banks so people can withdraw their money
Other then that it's okay
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>Saudi arabia will invade iran and qatar
>Iran Population 2017 estimate 79,966,230
>Saudi Population 2017 estimate 33,000,000
>Kurdistan Region to hold independence referendum on September 25, 2017
That's not /sg/ my man
Serves them right for siding with Saudi over Qatar.
>can't detect sarcasm and think's hes clever.
>is a redditor being a namefag.

fucking disgusting.
Now you're devolving into pokes at my supposed character instead of looking into your on self and your own mistakes. Such as it always goes. I'm just looking for some civility, but you can't even argue against posting a clearly inflammatory picture, so what else do I expect. As I said before I'm trying to get to the bottom of why. Don't care of the factions involved, just why and your responses speak volumes.
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>mfw I haven't been on /sg/ in several months

How goes the war?
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>s*audi arabia
>can't deal with shitskins tribesmen in yemen
>invading iran
>probably will get btfo fighting their own terrorist ally in his sphere of influence
go back to your circlejerk thread
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You have no idea where it came from son.
So what happened to that 'ultimatum' SA gave Qatar the other day?
The whole point of the image is to call into question the character of the people who could support a shitskin dictator over the president of the united states. I'm glad you're smart enough to figure that out. There's hope for you yet.
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>back-water nation with american fish boats taking over a nuclear power
>Implying /sg/ isn't a circlejerk
The only difference between /sg/ and /ptg/ is in /ptg/ they just ignore you. That's the only difference.
slow but increasingly in Assads and the SAAs favor
boom boom
pew pew
SAA wining, FSA losing, ISIS getting raped, US crying, Erdo doing crazy shit

As always
no this one is the frigate council is a us proxy the other one GNC is the one mainly supported by qatar.

Rejected by Qatar, huge military mobilization on the country with Turkish support.
>ignores it anyway and just responds with an image like a libtard.

pathetic. this is what happens with all generals it gets filled with self important retards who tripfag / namefag.
>The only difference between /sg/ and /ptg/ is in /ptg/ they just ignore you.
No dude, /ptg/ claims shill for anything remotely anti-trump.Nice that you agree that Iran will btfo the Sauds though
>this level of delusion of grandeur
no wonder all your allies like to shit in your face
you guys literally lost the country you invaded and ''freed'' to fucking iran
u can't make this shit up
they don't even need to use their population they just need to give more arms to the houthis and they will do the rest.
>this one is the frigate council is a us proxy
Say again?
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>stop idolizing ASSad
What's not to idolize? He is a nationalist and a secularist defending his country from the Saudi/UK/US/ISR axis. His country's armies are out there everyday slaying moderate and non-moderate beheaders funded and trained by the aforementioned axis. And to top it all off, he is married to a beautiful and based woman and he is soft-spoken, gracious and eloquent in his interviews. He is nothing like western leaders who bent over to the kikes. Assad is the last hope for humanity, anon. Once you accept this fact, you will change your life forever.
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I hope you die painfully for shitting up this general for weeks.
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A gift, now stop being a kid
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I've gone in there a few times and debunked civic nationalism and they all ignored me. I didn't even do it in a troll way.
Its funny because that guy is actually swedish
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Thats all you have?

Thanks for proving this place is just as toxic as trump general.... like all generals..
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Look in the mirror, its /sg/ that has been shilling /ptg/ for months. You're reaping what you have sown.

we had israelis, FSA supporters, turks, kurds as regulars in the general my friend
the thing is, most of them got tired of losing and shitposting and only come here from time to time
the government of national accord we call them the frigate council since they couldn't enter tripoli via the airport so they had
to rely on frigate to get them in a heavily guarded naval base.
lmao based general warfare.

syria pedes vs trump pedes fucking epic :)
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I love new guys
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I'll take over where they left off
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You're trying so hard it's fucking adorable desu
/sg/ are fucking losers, they cant win a war against us because theres no shitskin dictator to save them
maghereboi is going to kill u before that, he don't like competitors
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>"W-w-we're bigger than you stupid goys"
pergunta irmao. vc eh o famoso branon que participava das geolocalizacoes de bases de treinamentos de rebeldes?
/ptg/ should never have been allowed after the election, what a cancer they are now
Top kek.

Is it tru Gaddafi's response upon hearing of civil unrest/war was to open the national armouries to the people, expecting them to defend him? I heard that happened, but it seems implausible.
I can destroy anyone at anytime. I merely go easy on you all. I've been lurking for years waiting and building up for this. I won't leave without a full blown war.
>literally using shareblue memes
get fucked faggot
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>it's a /ptg/ vs /sg/ spergfight

Fun to watch isn't it? It's like an autistic screeching fight to the death
/sg/ is different
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>/sg/ in full damage control as they get bred by alpha /ptg/
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I believe that this is some outside influence doing this to the popular generals on /pol/. That's what I have gleamed over the past few days. I chatted with someone else from this general who had the reached the same conclusion. It's not moreso general vs. general, but an outsider trying to just cause dissent to further mess up /pol/ and probably in the end dissolve the generals altogether because of "circlejerking" and "non-politics talk."
See >>128957164
It's just an inflammatory picture with a MAGA at the end of it. Now I love my country and stand behind our leader, as any self respecting patroit of their homeland would. This person however doesn't. It's just a covert op by someone who simply doesn't.
I respect you all for what you believe in and don't want any ill will to be between anyone, but to the dissenters and other faggots behind them, you won't get rid of 4chan. Simple as that. You Lost and will continue to lose.

>tl;dr disruptors and shills have no credence anywhere as long as you all don't give it to them
it happened my father's friend got his hand on a sexy ak 74 back in the civil war i was so fucking jealous
There was no army only an air force. The strong tribes supported him. So he knew with the tribes and with air power he would win
but then...
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>unironically believing this
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>against us
Jesus Christ, it gets even worse
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It's the same autist claiming we're raiding /p_tg/ coming here day after day.
P and huzzah for moar infighting amongst moderate headchoppers!
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Can't you just general retards fuck eachother and get it over with. You people need to get a room
Nope, no idea what happened with him
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pic related; you.
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pic related; you
I would if I was gay
Libyanon, that bird you send to your friend on the border must be dodging bullets constantly, you should post at least once a day just so we know you're still alive, we get nervous for you lad.
How are things going right now in Tripoli?
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You forgot this
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Wow, you got me.
>/T_D/ tier
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[stares in greek].jpg
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>Reddit-tier meme

Anon, just stop.
>This person however doesn't.
Standing up to opening anti-trump cancer means I don't love my country.
>some outside influence
The only outside influence are the shills who co-opted /sg/ into using to spread anti-trump propaganda. Evapolack and portubro BOTH confirm this and they are as trusted as it gets on anti-shill strategy.

If theres a disrupter it's probably you.
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Based Gaddafi.png
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>ywn be given weapons for free to fight for the jamahiriya with no military training whatsoever
it hurts
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>"l-le u-ur maymays ARENT muh tier of standurd :DD"
>me an intellectual
>racemixing with /sg/ shitskins
yeah no thanks
/pol/ generals need to get their own board...

fuck off
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>You have no idea where it came from son.

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nice MEME fellow KEKISTANI
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that was epic my fellow pede, you really got em!
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Go away

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This guy
How much do they pay you to shill against trump?
>/sg/ thinks race mixing is okay
Yes yes, you dirty bunch of apes. Ooga booga indeed. Syrians very whtie indeed bix nood
Saudi's will be backed by Egypt, there will be a great Muslim war and it will start Aug. 21 after the eclipse.
Indeed, it is of some wonder that a bunch of dickheads from a soggy wet Island could rule the fate of the World for so long..
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Syrians are White
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I'm 10 times the American you'll ever be and you ptg globalist imperialist shills disgust me. Fucking up Afghanistan is one thing, its sucked, its always sucked, it will continue to be a breeding ground for terrorists for the end of time, but your pro-Trump neocon faggotry just wants to make every single fucking country THAT DOESN'T NEED TO BE a terrorist training camp into a terrorist training camp.


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/sg/ doesn't need your consent m8
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refer to >>128957886
thanks that was funny
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>no argument as to why the meme is bad
>unironically falling for the asian "women", meme
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Now say it without whinning
you generalfags are literally calling the kettle black. You have namefags running about and you do nothing about them
>thinks everyone who hate /ptg/ is hillary supporter
no thanks to you faggots /pol/ is now filled with le epic redditors, every thing you faggots do is fucking cringy go suck milo's limp dick.
kek they shot one of my veteran bidrs but i still have more.
i am okay m8 i rarely leave my home i finished my last semaster and i am just doing my assignments at home so you don't have to worry.
the us proxy government managed to kick gnc militias out of tripoli but still it's falling apart in here they don't have and they can't protect the people
armed robbers and car jacking are happening almost every day. but they can't get me if i stay at home :^).
loyalists are still armed they are just waiting for the LNA to help out.
fun thing in 2011 in bin walid the last stronghold for the loyalists they fucked the rebels so bad with the atgms they kept crying to nato to bring soldiers. they only captured the city after the loyalists ran out of ammo and after the rebels kept shelling the city non stop killing a lot of civis.
I once had a cat with a moustace that I called Oswald Meowsley.
Don't you sleep?
>based /ptg/ on goers call out the b*ll of /sg/ on race mixing with shitskined syrians
>retarded ger "man", anon posts asian "women"
what did they mean by this?
You should go to Germany as a refugee, free gibs until Libya returns to pre-NATO invasion levels of stability.
I get nightmares I don't sleep to much
>@128958832 { 404 (You) not found }
Why are you defending trump general based syria pede?
>muh PTSD
Anon, sometimes 4chan needs an upvote button
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>I can destroy anyone at anytime. I merely go easy on you all. I've been lurking for years waiting and building up for this. I won't leave without a full blown war.
What kinds of nightmares?

Got memed into trying Valerian tea to help me sleep. I'm 3 mugs in and honestly it isn't doing anything for me yet.
It needs harder moderation, to remove retards who are going to pol to share some jokes and memes.
You cucked Rhodesia.You just have got what you deserve
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>not understanding satire
That's what i look like irl. yOU think you would say this shit to my face bitch boy? And your little bitch ass back-water "nation", of iran
I forgot to ask you
Is the movement to rename Afghanistan to "Khorasan" among Tajiks and Hazaras big or is it a meme?
>i-i-im j-just calling you out for race mixing
see >>128958522
nah not planing to leave my country and family but maybe i will go out one day to finish my studies.
here are some videos of rebels getting rekt by atgms.
I don't get all pussy and join some group or get addicted to oxycontin.I just don't sleep that much.

Like if I didn't shwack who I needed too and he kills me instead. Thats pretty much the recurring theme.
A bigger meme than the Bog rundown.
Count the amount of post of these /ptg/ shills against Israel, you won't be surprised
> if the statistics moor says it, then it must be true
Implying government and Taliban (and all other the other rival groups) will ever agree on something there.
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What happened to the World Trees?
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>gets btfo with an actual argument
>can't recover without a poorly made meme made by some NEET
>gets proven wrong
>starts namecalling
typical braindead assad worshipper
Has anyone ever mentioned that you talk like you're straight out of Generation Kill?

I've never heard anyone in a conversation actually use shwack before in my life.
this is what happens when you try to assimilate reddit, they probably managed to shill themselfs better than any mossad agent could do it
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This is still the best meme I have
Did I recover?
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>mfw assad hung by a GREAT american male within the month
shit tier. Fucking peasant. I laugh at you down from my kingdom in america.
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Even the pigeons respect him.gif
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>they can't get me if i stay at home :^)
Stay /comfy/, praying for you lad, stay safe.
Looks like dark souls ash lake giant trees who holds the world
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It was pointing out your hypocrisy caring about race-mixing when Ivanka is literally married to a kike, but I guess I should have expected that you wouldn't be able to notice.
Pic related: another meme.
Do you know any Afhgani/Iraqi vets? They use shwack all the time.

Hence why its used in a fairy tale version of the Iraq War, perpetuated by Rolling Stone.
Let's reconquer it, except this time kill the inhabitants.
>I have confirmed the SDF is under attack by Syrian Regime forces.@DefenseIntel @CENTCOM
>I am confirming SDF says they were bombed. I think the early reports may have presumed it was Regime. Now it is "unknown."

Seriously guys, who bombed the gibmedats gommies?
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>>mfw assad hung by a GREAT american male within the month

I still remember the last guy who said that.
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photo (1).png
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>he has to use memes to win arguments
i wish i voted hillary
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It's true tho anon. Many have wished what you wish.
I only know guys who are there currently, or were in the past few years. Got one of those nice Pakol hats as a gift. There's a phone number on the inside that I want to call one day.
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Turkey :^)
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some engineering student.jpg
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ey man, have your "exams" finished yet?
Pakol hats are the shit. Good Halloween costume additions.
Could also be US, during Mosul siege friendly fire on Iraqis was also a thing.

Is there an aftermath pics/dead kurd pics, or something like that was never provided?
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Nah, tomorrow i have one, the Friday another, the Monday another, a the next week too.
Mine is fucking itchy though. I feel like wearing it too long will give me a rash from scratching.
Oh shit nigga. Dis some sort a isomorphic shit
makes sense. assad isn't interested in fighting them us-backed gibsmedats at this moment.
>gaddafi killed in 2011
>rise in non arguments that very year
Its the dick-sized lice that come with anything from Afghanistan.
thanks m8
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At the moment
Given that they are claiming Der Ezzor which he cares a lot about that might change

I read something about PMU being formed in Qamishli and Hasaka with strong Irani support and the Nothern Aleppo Rebels about to attack Manbij and Ayn Al-Arab, SDF/YPG will have some bad year desu
>you're the cancer of /pol/
We are a part of /pol/. You are Reddit.
unironically the best philosopher on youtube right now
i feel you bro i just finished 2 assignments and i still have 3 left that i have to finish by the end of the month.
I seen it by "Persian Nationalists" who think that Persians should unite against their "Pashtun and Azeri oppressors"
>PMU being formed in Qamishli and Hasaka with strong Irani support and the Nothern Aleppo Rebels about to attack Manbij and Ayn Al-Arab, SDF/YPG will have some bad year desu
stahp that makes me hard af tbvh
> evapolack and portubro
Congrats on trusting a moor who fudges statistics and a polish weeb who posts nothing but "can you feel it, it's the 3rd impact all over again!!!!"
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keep 'em coming
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Also, what is with the Libyan pan Africa meme? I honestly have never got it at all, the Berbers tend to keep to Morocco/Algeria/Tunis, Arabs to the east tend to keep to Pan-Arabism but Libya always pulls this Pan-Africa shit, why? You have nothing to do with the negroids in the sub-sahara, yet you have a pan African flag, Gaddafi constantly advocsted Pan-Africanism, it just doesn't make sense to me. It would be like Britain leading a Pan-Scandinavia movement and changing our flag to reflect that.
Allah Souri Bashar ou Bas!
maybe turkey will also step in against the us-backed gibsmedats. maybe this incident is a taste of what turkey intends to do. or maybe it's just an accident, as ivan pointed out.
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there was some roach arguing with me for two whole threads a few weeks I told him Iran was going to fall apart soon and he didnt believe me and talked to me like i was crazy. are you still here, roach? Maybe he remembers the discussion
power grab for african resources
Haven't there already been forces like these formed from Qamishli and Hasaka? Both things like Assyrian protection forces, tribal forces, and in some cases, old men. I heard they're being used in the Palmyra front.
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illegally downloading my molyneux collection???
d-don't tell me ur not willing to share anon... sharing is caring :3
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Exactly, and now add PMU from Iraq with SAA in the area
stephan momaneux looks like she'd make great dinners
The Assyrian party got cucked by the YPG
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n-no muh gaddafi was a liberator not an imperialist
Thats turkish "turanists" tier movement lad
he's better than whats going on now but he would have fucked Africa till it was dry

better than Jihadists though honestly
My mistake, it was Sootoro I believe. I definitely remember them being flown from Qamishli airbase to Damascus to take part in Palmyra.
it was a good idea by just investing in african countries he won the support of the african leaders, they were the only ones who rejected an outside intervention in libya.
it turned out blackies were more reliable then other arabs.
and take a look at assad every other arab country back stabbed him. never give your back to arab leader.
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>Syrian women
>Not whites
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s-s-stop tarnishing the name of daddy gadaffi, he dindu nuffin.
Thanks God she has a kinda normal eyebrow
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>I told him Iran was going to fall apart soon and he didnt believe me
It will fall apart because of that 'Qatar - Saudi and friends" conflict ?
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I'd take it on a case-by-case basis.

The fucky eyebrows are part of the fun, though.
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post /ME/ qt's
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RIP Gandalfi, the wizard that single-handedly kept the hordes away from middle-earth.
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>I-I was only being satirical ironically
No, you're just retarded, don't get the two confused, I know that's hard considering you're mentally challenged, but you have to try.
You are the definition of cringe, and the pathetic memes you spam here every day are proof of that, you have no real arguments, and no knowledge of the situation in the ME outside of a Fox news mindset, and when you brag about looking like a young Alex Jones, you prove how much of a faggot you are.
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>when you have even more but somehow got tricked by the kikes into sharing it after you got it by yourself
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Watchin black hawk down
Yeah those guys are Pro Assad while Sutaro is Pro YPG
gaddafi was the biggest scumbag out of all the secular arab leaders

better than jihadists but still a massive scumbag
why do you guys support a kike puppet?

assad family is only in power because mossad help stage the coup that put hafez in charge

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>You are the definition of cringe
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>Having saved pics of men in your PC
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There is literally nothing wrong with thick eyebrows
GTFO, I was in Trump general up until we won the election. You're just some newfag.
>Syria is a puppet of Israel
Thank you for enlightenment, Burger king.
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There are STILL Wahhabist shills on /pol/ in 2017. Why?
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Lucky fag
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I save these to remind myself what i'm going for. Only young bull alex jones i save.
wow, you have no idea how quickly middle eastern politics change
I mean back then Iran actually funded terror
>assisting Israel in helping Iran
you see, right there
all this shit changed
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There's no possible way that could get confusing.
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i like Dima's friend.
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So, you're aiming to be a guy cucked by a jewish wife and stole your kids in the future?
where is she so i can go commit war crimes that i'll get away with
desu i miss the old flag it's was easier to draw.
some of these facts are memes. the free gibs are not true newlyweds didn't recive money and a mother didn't get 5000$ when she gives birth.
but we didn't have any taxes and healthcare and education were and still free even though the quality dropped
even collage students were given a small monthly support.
>tfw no eyepatch gf
no no i just want the body and the political mindset. I'll be bleaching latinas and very light "blaq" girls. I would do syrians too but they aren't very common
read my link tough guy....

>implying anything ever changes

but regardless....assad family is in power DIRECTLY BECAUSE of kikes....LITERALLY a kike puppet regime
for the pic
Lads, stop giving (You)s to the shills
I don't know how to help you further
She is in Damascus. I used to know her name and visit her fb from time to time. I gave up on her when I realized I will never fight headchoppers and therefore would never be good enough for her.
why live, anons?
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Bravo, Gaddafi.jpg
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Really though he fucked a lot of places up with his foreign interventions. Definition of "heart was in the right place but your head wasn't"

Ireland goal: British government sees all the fancy RPGs and liberates the 6 counties
Ireland reality: Both Loyalists, Republicans, and non-partisan civillians get blown to shit, as well as some mainlanders who had nothing to do with it.

Sierra Leon goal: Liberate former colony from foreign influence and unite the Sahel in peaceful co-existence
Sierra Leon reality: Bunch of niggers raise hell and go on a massacre spree across West Africa, preferring to leave mutilated victims rather than corpses to send a message

Zimzesia goal: End white minority rule and redistribute the lands back to their ancestors
Zimzesia reality: Hyperinflation, mass famine, senseless killing of anyone who opposed ZANU-PF rule

Philippines goal: liberate an oppressed muslim minority from the oppressive catholic majority rule
Philippines reality: Islamist niggers causing all manner of hell to this day, regularly raiding and destroying christian places of worship.

I mean, you could see what he was trying to do in all of these but it always ended up absolutely shit.
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Post your Tiger's /sg/
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I have one for you too
Why not fight? You some sort of pussy?

all of that will always be better than roaming gangs of jihadists
b-but sierra leon didn't have any jihadists
he wasn't perfect no leader is perfect gaddafi did a lot of retarded shit but still he was a lot better then most leaders.
>when your dad will never be this cool
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We don't have headchoppers here and I know nothing about fighting. I fired a gun once and I have taken some tai-chi. I am totally useless to Syrian qts!!!
>talk shit about Israel for 40 years
>never actually threaten Israel in any real way
but like i said....forget that,you can't deny that mossad put assad family in power...Ergo,you faggots support a kike puppet
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just retards.
i'm not a retard
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mf kid face.png
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>Saudi Arabia and Israel are enemies of Syria
>/sg/ pepe has a yamaka and KSA shirt
>Sierra Leon reality
>when a bunch of rebel forces start mutilating and murdering people and in response the government soldiers start doing the same thing
If anything in a long way gone is to be beleived
but he will put his weewee in your pooper.
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I accept
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no. terrorism, ethnic divides and internal power struggles will tear it apart.
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Wasn't aimed at you, my love.
>Israel enemies of Syria
>literally put Assad family in power
what did you mean by this?
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What are you on about, laddo? It had literally zero jihadists. Gaddafi Naïvely funeded a bunch of niggers who just pillaged, raped, and maimed the country.
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Can't wait until school starts back up after summer and you have to focus on your homework instead of sperging out on an anonymous image board about how le alfa male you are and believing you're making a difference in the world.
I basically get paid to post here by shitposting from work every day, that's how comfy I have it. I have nothing personal vested in Syria, I'm here for the discussion and banter just like most of us /sg/ regulars, and to laugh at the sad lives of brave keyboard warriors like you.
>Your generation was a mistake
Making new.
Honestly it's getting hard differentiating between obvious bait and T_D faggots.
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I suggest you read Hafez biography lad, you are the biggest hater of Israel - "The puppet of Israel"
>refuse to acknowledge the link i posted

wew,kind of makes you wonder just how assad has been able to stay in power..doesn't it?
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moar :3
you are calling*
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And do memestrikes
yeah, you piggy backed the memes off people like us, nu-fag
i didn't know we were disregarding what he did my bad
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Of course, goes without saying lad.
I forgot... we literally are keyboard warriors...
you are getting baited
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i suggest you read the link i posted
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>"W-we meme a guy into president"
>Implying that Clinton didn't lose by herfself
>Implying that any other thread here did more against ISIS that the entire "Le Alt-Right" shit
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>read my link
are you serious?
Your point is that jews helped him to get in power but i think war against Israel while in power redeems it, dont you think?
No m8, I'm making a fool of a poor troll because I'm bored at work and I find illustrating how sad of a life he has entertaining. I'm usually on daytime burger hours /sg/ and this fag shills all day with us. I'm taking over for snusbro on embarrassing him for everyone's enjoyment.
/ptg/ actually believes they are constantly being raided
still based af to this day
also pol memeing was partially how hillary lost it herself
no one took her seriously after "pepe is a hate symbol"
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you insisted so much, i just read it. now i wanna pic related.
the type of people who drool in /ptg/ all day are the people who flooded to /pol/ after that happened though.
reddit ruined /pol/ quicker than it ruined /b/
with /pol/ it was overnight
they honestly believe oldfags trolling them is shareblue or ctr
fucking morons
*Daytime /sg/ burger hours
His digits > your digits
Kek shuns monsterbrows.
Thread posts: 326
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