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Syria General /sg/ - SAA Icecrea Break Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 74

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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Palmyra Jun 5
>Mosul Jun 5
>N Syria/Iraq Jun 4
>DeZ Jun 4
>Raqqa Jun 4
>E Aleppo Jun 3
>E Ghouta May 29
>E Qalamoun May 26

Developments Jun 6
US-led forces at Al Tanf say they carried out fresh intentional strikes on pro-Assad forces June 6th. Unclear how many of 60 troops killed
>DeZ: IS fresh attack as they attempt to get to 137th Artillery Brigade Base
>E Aleppo: SAA enter Raqqa province after liberating 6 villages from IS
>unconfirmed:SAA cuts off major supply route in E Ghouta
FSA ANNOUNCES "Battle of the People of the Homeland" AGAINST PKK IN N ALEPPO CS
>SAA captured new points from IS in E.Hama
>SAA foils IS attack on E Homs
>Pictures of Iraqi forces torturing suspects in Mosul emerge
>April gas exploration deal b/w Qatar & Iran ignites GCC crisis
>UK gov refuses to publish its own report into who funds UK extremism, as it's focused on SaudiArabia

Previous: >>128797496
dawlat al-islam baqiyah!
Based Drumpf BTFO'd you sandniggers

Can DeZ hold while SAA captures the 190kms between Palmyra and DeZ?
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>muh S-400
>muh shiite militias
>muh Russian ally

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>I fucked up the title
Too sleepy for this shit
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Kurdshits call themselves Anti imperialists, yet they cooperate with moderate beheaders and kosher Trump dick
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Yes, of course!
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I'll be ok lad.
Media Personnel Abu Islam al-'Iraqi (May Allah Accept Him) who Carried out the Istishhadi Operation on the Outskirts of #Zanjili Neighborhood West of #Mosul

good night /sg/
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>#Saudi Arabia gives #Qatar 24 hours to comply with 10 demands. Or else.
Via @faisaledroos
Iran doesn't get it yet it seems.
It seems complicated. The americans and their kurdish dogs want it. All ISIS terrorists in Raqqa might have been sent there. Theyre sending ISIS terrorists to take it then hand it to the SDF rebels in some mock battle.
Bu...But Hamas is Anti assad
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I'm not a good goy, I swear
I just wanted to get rid of the illegal immigrants and bring back the jobs
Fuck. Serbia 2.0.
WW3 incoming lads.
die for israel cuck
even if Assad wins the Islamic Revolution will not end
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I fucked up too snusbro.
Not anymore. Things are back to normal between Iran, Syria and Hamas since 2015 or so.
"screw the shed, i'll take the cuck tent".

I wonder where I'll be sent. Baltics? Caucasus? Iraq? Syria? Boring guard duty in the arctic?
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>cease broadcasting al jazeera
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>Theyre sending ISIS terrorists to take it
When they send their terrorists, they are not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing bombs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.
the guy in the thumbnail looks like an orthodox jew with his curly hair on the sides
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So is Tamim our new pro-Assad boy?
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Like the Romans before me, I seem to see the riber Tober, foaming with much blood.
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>I wonder where I'll be sent
Underneath Trudeau's desk, for.....reasons
you will be sent nowhere
Wow the newspaper mentions México
you will all be punished when you step before your creator the compassionate
That thing on the e will me with rage

I wonder if SDF will take so long with Raqqa SAA will have time to work their way up from the South.
And its not in a good way Carlos....
Even for nuclear wsr threads was sensationalist trash.
>radiation will kill everyone and those it doesn't kill will wish they had died
Hiroshima and Nagasaki still have two million people living in them, and they were DIRECTLY hit, the surrounding countryside is completely fine.
Will Qatar make it?
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Pray for Tamim.
When will s-400s be able to fuck up an american airplane?
There won't be nukes, people aren't that dumb.

Those were literally the 2nd and 3rd nuclear weapons ever built. They are far, far, far less powerful than modern ones.
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So is the famous Sunni Unity finally going into the trash?
they were only hit with one each though, and in Threads, a nuke hits a nearby RAF airbase and Sheffield aquaduct proper
it is very sensationalist, and flawed as it's based off the square leg exercises, but the point that nukes are some nasty shit still stands
It seems like its turning into Baathism + MB + Shia vs zio-wahabism
I'm not denying the areas directly hit, and maybe the surrounding 10, 20 miles would be fucked, but it made out civilisation returned to some sort of cavemen feudal society.

I mean, the entire rural community would be completely unphased by this, infact there'd be a higher demand for food, so their businesses would boom. Also, generators exist, so the bullshit about electricity being gone, ESPECIALLY from hospitals is a load of shite.
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The Homs/Hama salamifront situation.
Seems the goal of SAA is to threaten to cut off the roads leading away whilst simultaneously applying pressure all around.
Once Hama is purged we will see blitzkrieg gains to Suknah.
what a horrible coalition
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Hope not, SAA in DeZ are fucking up clean map lines for after this shit is over.
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Fresh OC
Reality is reality. Gotta make do with what ya got.

That's why I side with the ZioGulf Burgers despite their numerous issues.
Yeah, welcome to the Arab World.
This isn't even a good troll, nobody like ISIS, even Al Nusra/Qaeda/Taliban think they're hipster faggots.

...they haven't met your mum yet.

Israel funded Hamas to fuck Fatah.
made me chuckle
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reality isnt Fallout 4, anon

I used to be on the Assad train but after this latest incident of him trying to destroy rebels in his own borders forcing the US to intervene I just can't support him anymore.

I'm an FSAmissile now.
I know that
MB are by themselves and shouldnt be associated with the Shiites or Baathists

lol get fucked
>it's a city kike thinking he's relevant episode
Without "rural drumpftards" you wouldn't have any food. The urban needs the rural, but the rural doesn't need the urban.
All this shit is in the past. Their charter has evolved, their political structure has evolved. It ain`t the same it was when it was created.
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It's time to Raqqa and Rolla!
...please kill me.
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New pic of the tiger
I think thats an Israeli meme to make it look like the Palestinians cant do anything. Fatah was fucked by Arafat,he really did destroy it with his peace talks. Iran has funded Hamas since the 1980s.

Former Assad supporter here. It's hilarious to watch Assad crash and burn but seriously we can't let this guy get the Sarin gas codes.
Oy vey, this goy doesn't like us.

We're gonna have to do something about him.
> MB are by themselves and shouldnt be associated with the Shiites or Baathists
Thats not the case right now. Im not saying what should or shouldnt happen. Iran called Qatar within hours of the saudi conflict. Turkey and Iran are working together too, and Hamas is back with Iran.
Iran and Syria see this current war as a threat to their existence, they wont throw away any help.
lol you should really get fucked tho.
Reminds me actually

Lina said that she knows people who work under Issam, and that they all hate him.
>and Hamas is back with Iran.
Where is the evidence
>Turkey and Iran are working together too
Yeah, why is this? They spend the entire civil war doing fuck all apart from occupying a strip of Syrian land and now suddenly they love Syriran.
>be rural farmer post WW3
>all the airports are gone
>the sun is blocked out
>the lands are being swarmed by radioactive city slickers
>the soil turns to shit from radioactive fallout
>crops cant grow
>everyone starves
>get killed by a looter over a kitkat
Lina is an attention whore
See he has prayer beads, and you folks accuse the Tiger of being gay.
They realized that Saudi cancer has no place in the world
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No, you Charlie, he doesn't like you.
Jesus, not this again. I posted you a link from Press TV the other time you didnt like it. OK, you hate Hamas we get it.
All`s i noes is that Qatar is da biggest pimp in da sandnigger region, and now dat pimp needs favors from all dem flavours of bitches out there.
USA being undiplomatic retards
Is Lebanon Christian now or Muslim or what?
mmmmm let me bathe in Assadists tears. TICK-TOCK dirty persian motherfucker towelheads
Hamas more like HamASS
we're buddists
i do like him Tbh, i'd probably drink with him
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It'll have to remain your little fantasy.
More like LebANALon
The link you posted just said they congratulated the new leader, but never mentioned about arming Hamas
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Anal really is disgusting. Jews trying to push Homosex.
What is the best outcome for Syria? And what realistically do you think will happen?
Don't feel bad fellow Tayposter, that kike-lover lied to all of us.
a fucking tree
That america Will collapse after getting BTFO everywhere
Assad remains.
NATO fucks the middle East again.
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Not gonna lie, I probably would too.
I'd like to see the autism in 4k Ultra HD.
>DEVELOPING: Both Saudi and UAE just threatened jail and fines for any Qatar sympathizers on social media.
>America collapsing
Not gonna happen, not as long as there's another enemy to invade
Drumpf was still your best option. Shillary would have glassed Syria day one, at least Trump is playing with his food.
Cmon Iran isnt like some Western govt where they publish their spending to armed groups.
In every military parade Hamas thank Iran for the weapons, they congratulate each other and have an official office in Iran. What more evidence do you want?
Don't really get the point of it either, Tbh. There's a perfect whole made for it right there.
DESU Trump is doing what would killary do if she was the president
>In every military parade Hamas thank Iran for the weapons
And more excuses for Israel to attack palos and accuse iran of sponsoring terrorists
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>That america Will collapse after getting BTFO everywhere
And you'll fall soon after with no Amerilards to buy burritos ese.
Mexico is already a hellhole
>And more excuses for Israel to attack palos and accuse iran of sponsoring terrorists
Ok we get it you hate Hamas, but Iran supports them and is following a different approach with them.
Saudi claims 5 years prison and 3 million saudi riyals to anyone that supporta Qatar on social media.
The mexican economy isn't completely dependent on exports
I wonder if the cartels would gain power since there'd be no one stopping them from shipping their shit into the US or if they'd lose power since the CIA would stop funding/supporting them
Those insane demands and now this shit, I guess being ebin ruthless is what they are best at. What amazing, wonderful and rational allies burgers have there.
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>DESU Trump is doing what would killary do if she was the president
No m8, she would have a couple extra thousand boots on the ground right now after the le gassed childrunz incident, and Assad would be dragged through the streets just like Gaddafi, don't forget her words after watching the video....
>We came, we saw, he died
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L-Luv u 2 fampai.
What city do you live in?
I've never been to Mexico but I've seen Juarez from El Paso, pretty shit from what I could see desu.
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dumb kike lover
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Despite sounding like a total keyboard warrior (im actually typing with my mouse), i have to admit.
If he acted like he does online i'd probably not be able to contain my rage.
Alcohol and politics doesn't go well together with ideologically opposing fuckwads for me.
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>No m8, she would have a couple extra thousand boots on the ground right now after the le gassed childrunz incident
Trump is doing it now, he even called Assad an animal
Evidence or didn't happen
>The mexican economy isn't completely dependent on exports
I was just memeing lad.
>I wonder if the cartels would gain power since there'd be no one stopping them from shipping their shit into the US or if they'd lose power since the CIA would stop funding/supporting them
They'd gain power, there's more than one place to get weapons from, you just have to go further south.
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Ya i'm beginning to rethink the orange orangutang. Fact that he is so lousy is actually making him look good in my eyes. Mostly because he's fucking everything up. He's an idiot, but he's the perfect idiot at the right time and the right place. And the world will never be the same.
Anyways, goodnite /sg/
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He's not conducting a full scale ground invasion, at this point you can bet she would have.
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Goodnight ya'll
Good night lad.
He is literally sending troops to Syria, doing airstrikes against SAA and waiting for the perfect moment to invade, hope Russia don't let them Cross the line
Good night snus.
> Evidence or didn't happen
You think Iran has never helped Hamas ? Are you seriously this retarded?
if you cant easily talk with someone whose politics you disagree with openly, you're not any much better than a screeching feminist or a salafist with a machete
I don't really "love" Jews. I mean, they're religious, so I automatically consider them at least one tier below me on the rationality scale. But the amount of hate they get continuously throughout history is so disproportionate it's literally hilarious to me, that's why I play it up. So much of the world blames all their problems on Jews when they don't want to self-reflect.


And DESU I respect that guy in that video more than I respect most people, and I've never even met him, because his mind inhabits reality and deals with reality. That's something a lot of people do not do on a daily basis.
Maybe in the past, but not anymore after they discovered that Hamas is Mossad
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>But the amount of hate they get continuously throughout history is so disproportionate
I truly wonder why
Good video by our Syrian friend "Syriana Analysis" on the kid Omran Daqneesh :

They allowed things like usury that were considered evil at the time.

As it turns out, it's actually a good idea and all those idiots chasing them out for being satanic were morons holding us back.
> Maybe in the past, but not anymore after they discovered that Hamas is Mossad
Do you have evidence Hamas are Mossad?
Thats as retarded as the saudis claiming Hezbollah are Mossad.
>But the amount of hate they get continuously throughout history is so disproportionate it's literally hilarious to me

in the past, they were no better than Gypsies, mate
thieves and liars
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You are exaggerating lad, I'm not a shill for Trump but he isn't doing a ground invasion, and he hasn't deviated much from the Obama policy, with the exception of the recent airstrikes and increased Kurd support. Shillary would have went all in by now and no one would have questioned her because she's a leftist and a woman.
His approval ratings are too low to go full Iraq/Afghanistan mode on Syria, he can barely push his agenda through at this point, he can't afford to start a full fledged war there.
fighting a war they lost 30 years ago isnt enough evidence?
>Thats as retarded as the saudis claiming Hezbollah are Mossad.
Funnily enough they do claim this and most of the fucking Syrians in Sweden (I was born there and visit a few times a year) claim this and call hezbollah "the devil's party"
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> fighting a war they lost 30 years ago isnt enough evidence?
So Hamas are Mossad because theyre fighting Israel? Youre even more retarded than Carlos. By your logic Hezbollah and Iran are Mossad too for trying to return Palestine.
Hamas was allowed to grow in Gaza back when the Israelis had complete control over it to undermine Arafat and the PLO and create an internal Palestinian divide
always with the flag insults
have i ever called you a moor loving spic?
>he isn't doing a ground invasion
If sending troops to northern Syria is not ground invasion,,, then i don't know what the fuck it is
> Funnily enough they do claim this and most of the fucking Syrians in Sweden (I was born there and visit a few times a year) claim this and call hezbollah "the devil's party"
I know, btw im Arab too (Lebanese Christian). A lot of arabs fall for this : hez are Mossad, Nasrallah is a CIA agent, Iran is helping Israel. Same goes for regular Westerners with Palestinians and their resistance (hurr durr Israel created the resistance).
This is a chronic problem I'm seeing a lot these days. The concept of tolerating differing opinions is dying out. The left pushed it too far, and now the right wing backlash is going to swallow the center (something you're therefore admitting to helping with as we speak).

Moral outrage is the name of the game these days, I see it every day here on /pol/ and deal with it every time I'm forced to share a room with some left wing loon. People act like they're entitled to a society where everyone is morally agreeable to them, and those that aren't are removed.
It tended to be the other way round, historically.
> Hamas was allowed to grow in Gaza back when the Israelis had complete control over it to undermine Arafat and the PLO and create an internal Palestinian divide
That doesnt make it Mossad. Israel miscalculated their growth maybe, but Iran saw the chance and funded them to gain a window with the Palestinians.
Zero evidence and dumb arguments
Considering how pervasive anti-Judaism (I fucking hate the term "antisemitism") was in the past, I'll take their accounts of "thieves and liars" with a mountain of salt. Remember that simply practicing usury was considered 'theft'.
it's not to the same degree
there's much more breathing room here with Trump than there would have been with Clinton
under clinton, the noflyzone would have been instituted countrywide and Daraa and DeZ would have been lost already
Not saying they are Mossad, I'm just pointing out why some people might call them that. And honestly, seeing how they betrayed Assad -who was their biggest supporter in the middle east- just because their sunni Saudi overlords told them to, they might as well be Mossad
>implying usury isnt theft
> Zero evidence and dumb arguments
Says the guy that links an article from 2002 from some random dude that hamas is mossad and Iran still continues to fund them and have an official office for them.
You really think Iran is run by drug cartels.
Is Sisi based or a kike?
Remember when Trump said to the bitch that she wouldn't be able to handle Putin
Also, taxation is theft.
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>no Russia visit yet
Im not defending Hamas at all, they betrayed Bashar becoz they thought they had Morsi and a new MB FSA leader in Syria. They miscalculated.
When Morsi was gone, they backtracked. Apologises to Iran and Syria, Iran doesnt hold grudges and accepted them back. They have huge problems but to call them Mossad is just cheap and ignorant.
I posted this JIDF link and you ignored me
Saudi puppet. Dont get the guy arrested.
>tfw he can get arrested for insulting saudi
>tfw we can get arrested for calling someone a monkey on reddit
The alternative is pure charity.

We already know that doesn't fucking work. Come one, you're not a commie are you? You know relying on altruism alone is a bad idea for accomplishing something.

Usury applies the same principle that underlies most successful societal elements: appeals to self interest in a way that is socially beneficial as a by product.

Technically this is true. But since virtually no one would pay taxes voluntarily, there is no choice.
Jesus fucking Christ man, will you believe israeli sources about Hamas? This is how Israel works, by deception. Thats like posting Saudi sources about Bashar alassad. Cmon man.
He's a low IQ nigger
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>nordbot doesnt archive Israel news links
Worked in Libya. Also, I don't know but I assume the Taliban banned usury.
Yes, the Taliban are such enlightened and successful people.
Israel sources always say that iran supports Hamas and wants to gas 6 million more
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Is it true he was born in Harat alyahood? Or just MB rumours?
Usury is banned in islam. But even here most banks have interest rates etc.
Jane Garvey (presenter) "They (Saudi Arabia) are also believed to have very strong funding links with groups like so called Islamic State"
Amber Rudd "Well we've managed to reduce that, the funding links, and make sure their influence where it's bad is going to be limited."
Amanda (member of public who phoned in) "Well I'm just astonished Amber Rudd has just admitted that Saudi Arabia fund ISIS."
Amber Rudd "No I have not!"
Jane Garvey "No she didn't actually. She didn't say that."
Amanda "She did. She said reduce. They're helping them reduce funding for ISIS."
Amber Rudd "No no there's no way. I'm so sorry. I have to correct that on the record. I have not said that."
Jane Garvey "I suggested that actually Amanda. But carry on Amber Rudd."
Amber Rudd "Well there was a time in the 80s when there were concerns about er Saudi Arabia funding mosques that has..that is not done anymore..."
Emily Thornberry "Well how do we know that? You won't publish the review."
This is referring to an 18 month old review into the funding of extremists. Amber Rudd then says it's one of a number of reviews and was never intended for publication.
"Gosh why not?" Someone responds. And another asks for it to be published and for us to have the difficult conversations as Theresa May promised. Jane Garvey then switches to asking about the threat level.
So... What do you think?
Link to audio source http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08sks3v
"X has Jewish origins" is the biggest islamist meme ever about anyone they don't like
Let's archive it

>http://independent co uk/news/world/anti-soviet-warrior-puts-his-army-on-the-road-to-peace-the-saudi-businessman-who-recruited-mujahedin-1465715.html
I know, but as far as I know only Libya actually did it, and I'm assuming the Taliban. Saudis seem too involved with money to ban usury.
rape babys are so laughable. hahahahaha losers
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>Slight increase in troops = full scale ground invasion
Phåm, you should lay off of the mescaline.
>you were right

WEW, lad.
Nordic bot is back
do you think that's not a step for ground invasion?
I really wish America was more intelligent in its application of its power. They're the only Western global power and thus my only choice, but goddamn do they do stupid shit.
Technically usury is haram in christianity too. Its only allowed in judaism when dealing with non-jews.
worked in Vietnam
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>Says the guy that links an article from 2002
To be fair Mexico is a few timelines behind most of us.
>Nothing personal Carlo.
is it true that mccain was raped by a bunch of vietcongs while KGB was laughing?
>you will never be a UN soldier in Korea, raping as many qt koreans as you want
Is rape really necessary?

Do you not believe in love? Or are you just a racist who finds Asians disgusting?
>(Lebanese Christian).
I thought I saw you once say you don't practice Christianity, but that your family does.
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Khalid bin-Walid executes 6 of it's ex-leaders:
>-Abu Obaida Qahtan -Abu Tahrir Al Ordoni -Nader Al Qaseem -Nidal Al Bareedi -Khaled (Nidal Al Bareedi's Nephew)
A few hours later CJTFOIR (USAF) strikes the group.
>For the first time #US airstrikes on #IslamicState offshoot in Yarmouk pocket in south western #Syria' Shajarah town
These very same leaders were reportedly mentioned as the ones who "apologized" to Israeli officials for some stray mortar shells.
Fuck - are you a bot?
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>Salamiyah - NDF at dawn infiltrated a ISIS area, Killed 6 & Captured 1 MG Mounted Truck then returned
No, I'm a forever alone ugly bastard, but if one of them chose to be with me that would work too.
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>I'm forced to share a room with some left wing loon
Can't believe you would talk about yourself like that Charlie.
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i get the feeling this is a /ptg/ invention
Archives most mainstream outlets, but doesnt touch Almasdar or any israel news stuff
I'm not sure I've ever articulated any left wing positions in this thread, so I dunno where you get that idea.

Or does being a shill for the Rothschilds automatically make me a lefty?
It really made me think
Can't say I've seen israeli links posted here often, and when they do it's more regional news than far left clickbait shilling.
Cpl. Klinger, please
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>NDF infiltration teams
Is the american flag your bot?
He is still a two-bit flip flopper who has been fucking over nearly every position he's promised. Especially in foreign policy (the reason why nearly all of us hate him now)

Literally one level below Obama
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As I said, his approval ratings don't support him going full war mode in Syria, it simply won't happen. He'll continue to prop up his little Kurdshit pets, and run an occasional airstrike against a pro-Assad militia, but he will not go Iraq/Afghanistan mode.
It was debunked. He wasnt even captured n tortured at all.

I cant fuckn remember the name of that very famous site, that puts up tasks for crowdfunded money...damn. i think its asssociated with gotnews (???)... fuck.my brain right now.
Who, what?
the government doesn't give a fuck about approval ratings, and when trump started attacking assad, the same (((media))) started praising him
mccain has a deep hatred for russia, the only explanation is that KGB agents laughed when he was captured
Why do you say that?
Ayyy, I made that one.
Your posts come off as libtard tier with a good amount of neocon splashed in as well.
Leaf Charlies posts are part sincere and part troll. Which is the best form of trolling. He mostly wants (you)s and /sg/ tends to provide them
I mean I'm "liberal", but with how far the left has swung i dunno if "liberal" is really associated with the left anymore.
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Seems like those pics of Qatar running out of food were saudi propaganda, or Iran and Turkey managed to send them food.
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Explaining it kind of ruins the interpretive/contextual magic of it all but, yes, this is what's happening.
Judging by the crates I'd say they just stocked the shelves.
Yes, because salted beef is exactly what you need in the desert.
so qatar is getting desolated because they decided to get closer to iran?
i really hope that is the case so Iran can grab them by the balls and be a fuccboi
playing both teams Tbh
Is Deir Ez Zor kill soon?
I imagine it's that and not taking out Assad.
Could be, but they even have string cheese, so all is good.
No it was Russia

>CNN Exclusive: US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news behind Qatar crisis


It's always Russian hackers tb.h
ISIS would need more men than they've ever thrown at the city to take it, 10,000 at least.
Checked. Fixed.
>http://edition cnn com/2017/06/06/politics/russian-hackers-planted-fake-news-qatar-crisis/index.html
>the government doesn't give a fuck about approval ratings
You realize you are talking about the most narcissistic US president in modern history? He literally embodies the term, he's the smartest guy with the best people, (not as smart as him) he's got the best cabinet and the greatest generals, (the generals don't know as much as him) and the greatest business sense of anyone in the world, (believe him).

>and when trump started attacking assad, the same (((media))) started praising him
Meme airstrike is not the same as a full fledged war.
it's more likely they'll just owe Erdogan and Rouhani some favors, but nothing huge like military aid or whatever against KSA or israel
with those digits? No, Deir Ezzor will live in for another year

Oh, those crazy Ivans. What will do they do next?
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Its because of Hamas and the MB (according to the Saudi FM).
See this
>What will do they do next?
They'll probably hack the British election fa.m
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>tfw you spent all your time and money arming terrorists abroad and forgot to arm your own country
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Those evil russians hate democracy
Basically they're trying to become Oman.

It really is true that betrayal stings worse than an existing enemy. The Saudis don't do shit about Oman cuz it's not worth it, but the minute Qatar does it....

Either way they deserve to go down.
those ""meme airstrikes"" are helping ISIS
I know that, but you can tell he really believes what he's saying, he just says it in a way for maximum (you) effect.
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>tfw you have to side with the people you wanted dead

No they didn't. They bought 25 billion dollars worth of Patriot missiles.
What is Assads favorite soda?
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> tfw when you dont need to arm your country cause you can go full neo-Ottoman.
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>I mean I'm "liberal", but with how far the left has swung i dunno if "liberal" is really associated with the left anymore.
Protip, it is.
>Basically they're trying to become Oman.
Oman doesn't support groups labelled as terrorists though, they just try to mediate and stay neutral.
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Weak gets ladDeZ
Will last a thousand years
The idea those strikes help ISIS is laughable. They bomb ISIS around the clock every day, but they bomb the loyalists twice and somehow that means they want ISIS to win?

You sound like your brain has been programmed by Sputnik.
Sarinade. He personally sees that each of his drinks are hand crafted and made to perfection before drinking out of the can
So what is the US's end game in this relating to this whole fucking mess?

They're against SAA with supporting the FSA in regards to the Jordanian and Iraqi Border,

Yet they assist the SAA in the Aleppo province via SDF and i think the SAA has sort of a mutual respect with the YPG.

Yet the US assured Turkey that they are against the PKK which is basically YPG, yet stationed US troops along the border of SDF controlled Syria and the Turkish border.

It's so fucking confusing I think they don't know what they're fucking doing.
>implying the ((USA)) didnt implant bugs in the launchers for when they want to jam them
literally logistically impossible for Turkey to transport a relevant force to Qatar
i don't even read sputnik tbqh
Thanks for telling me something I knew when it happened, still not a full fledged war ese.
he struck me as more of a mr. pibb kinda guy
I mean in the sense they play with both the Saudis and Iran.

Oman doesn't really do...anything. Well, they do let the Quds Force slip over the border into Yemen. But other than that.
>Bomb loyalist
>ISIS attack in cohesion
>loyalist have a hard time fighting them off
>bombs didn't help
Oman can go neutral (better geo location, less gas/oil, more local pop, agriculture etc. ) Qatar cant and theyre too deep in the rabbit hole from the previous Emir to back off.
because full ground invasion would cause ww3, but doesn't mean they are not planning it at this moment
Then we agree
> literally logistically impossible for Turkey to transport a relevant force to Qatar
Thru Iran, anything can happen.
US troops in Damascus is guaranteed war with russia
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>You sound like your brain has been programmed by Sputnik.
Better Sputnik than CNN under the Obama years, which is what you sound like senpai.
>Also there is nothing wrong with Sputnik
the tears of children
Is Mr. Pibb even still around?

End game is a laundry list of things really but:
>Create another US puppet in the region
>Oil pipeline from Qatar to Turkey to weaken Russians Oil/Gas monopoly on Europe
>Weaken Irans and Russias influence in the region by knocking out their ally
>Further destabilize the region as a whole so that Israel has more justification on their Golan Heights claim
>Some other things that escape my mind atm
I am so fucking confused with arab political alliances
People they wanted dead on a spike are now thier allies, and people who fought side by side are now gearing up for the ar against them
They want to destroy ISIS and would like everyone that isn't allied with Iran to just shut up and get o their side.

In a war with 4 sides it doesn't work like that.

The main thing that fucked shit up was a couple years back when Obama had two options for Syria: use the YPG, or back a Turkish invasion of northern Syria. The later was the safe option in terms of keeping a NATO member happy and o good terms; but, Erdogan wanted a no-fly zone over Aleppo as part of this operation. Obama didn't want to attack Assad, so he refused and went with the YPG.

Which chocie was better ultimately depends on who was going to be part of the Turkish attack force. If it was going to be the Turkish Army, then that was the obvious choice and Obama is an idiot. If it was going to be like Euphrates Shield, with Turk-backed FSA, Obaam made the right call since the FSA turn out to suck complete ass and are completely useless.
If anything the US is trying to goad the Syrians to start a war
more than likely dr pepper Tbh
Dr Pepper is white and based.
Russia will never go to war with fucking AMERICA over Syria. If the Korean War didn't do it, Cuban Missile Crisis didn't do it, if Vietnam didn't do it, if fucking Afghanistan didn't do it, Syria will never do it.

I love Assad but all of the people in /sg/ that really think Russia is going to pop off with the US over fucking Syria is deluded.
Sri Lankanon, haven't seen you lately much lad, although I'm on second shift this week so I'm not on my regular /sg/ hours.
How is everything going?
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>they do let the Quds Force slip over the border into Yeme
If those are the US's goals
Holy shitc have they fucked up
They have lost thier most powerful ally (Turks) russia is gaining politically in iraq amd syria will be united in a year
CNN is much more reputable than fucking Sputnik. Then again, most outlets are more reputable than fucking Sputnik, so thats not saying much.
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we wuz game of thrones an shiet
youre insane if you think Iran will risk its own neck for Qatar. At most, Iran will secretly sell them weapons via black market to attempt to prolong the conflict. Iran hasnt directly intervened (as in they havent moved their military) even in syria for Assad, their best friend. no way they get so risky for Qatars sake, and they probably know Qatar is a losing cause with the large US force there. They wint invst much time or effort into qatar.
just like assad himself
>If the Korean War didn't do it, Cuban Missile Crisis didn't do it, if Vietnam didn't do it, if fucking Afghanistan
all of those provoked by america :^)
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Even as an Arab, I dont get it sometimes. The Middle East is all shades of gray. But there are three constants:
1) Israel is a cancer, always working against arabs. If you support something and Israel supports it, youre on the wrong side.
2) saudi regime is the 2nd worst regime globally (after Israel) and is a cancer too.
3) the nationalist kurds are backstabbing gypsies.

Everything else is debatable and changing.
the question isnt if Russia does something aggressive, it's how much will the US do
Russia have been incredibly restrained when it comes to the US and Turkey this whole war
>has russian troops all over syria
>russian units in joint operations in syria
If usa attacks syira, russian units will also be wiped
Russia will lose EVERY thing it has gained political in the last 2 years if they let that happen
If it wont be a full war it certainly will mean a far far more militaristic Russia, while being a joke of the world
CSTO and ErU will be nothing but even more of a joke
Given the naval blockade, it is literally the only way in. We know this.

The northeast of Yemen shouldn't even be coloured, it's such a desolate wasteland anyone can walk around there and do anything. There's no firm frontline to stop the Iranians from waltzing over to Houthi territory.
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Rate the average SAA and their fashion sense
>Korean War
Pretty good lad
Mostly studying
So i camt shitpost 24/7 anymore
Soon i will be back to my normal shitposting schedule
What are they saying in the caption?
Based Triple Canopy lad just laid down the final argument on this matter.
He did it, im guessing
Google MiG alley
They already have, theyve called Qatar within hours of the conflict and gave them full support to use their airspace and to deliver food supplies. I mean Iran is already arming the Iraqis, Syrians, Hez, Hamas, Houthis, cmon whats Qatar on this list?
>Soon i will be back to my normal shitposting schedule
Good to hear m8.
they wanted to bait russia and have an excuse to start ww3 but didn't worked out that even douglas macarthur left
It says "terrorist"
The Korean War was blatantly caused by the communists, the US was not the aggressor.
I don't give a shit about Iranians getting killed. It's when the USA hit the Syrian airbase that I was disappointed.
>the US was not the aggressor.
fake news from the 50's doesn't work here
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>CNN is much more reputable than fucking Sputnik.
Because (((they))) say so riiight?
That is....utterly ridiculous. There is literally no evidence that's what happened, this is just you hating America.

Kim Il Sung wanted the whole country, Stalin trained him an army, he tried to do it, the US came in to stop him, China interveend to save Kim, MacArthur wamted to nuke the Chinese, Truman said "Are you out of your fucking mind?" and got rid of him. There's no conspiracy.
It's not fake, you simply wish it wasn't true. Luckily, your delusions don't change reality.
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>walking 800 km on foot through mountains carrying scud missiles
>the US came in to stop him
you just fucked yourself by saying this
on khat, anything is possible
Yeah, for good reason. They don't want to start WW3.

Russia will never, ever, in a million years, risk a global war with the United States. It literally would be the end of the entire planet. We have come so close to nuclear war before in much more dire circumstances and here we are now thinking that another Arab country is somehow going to fling them into WW3 is just delusional.

They will avoid contacting each other in Syria at all costs. Why do you think they only send Pro-Assad militias after US spec ops in "de-escalation" zones? Why not just roll up with a bunch of Russian armor supported by Russian air?
>They already have, theyve called Qatar within hours of the conflict and gave them full support to use their airspace and to deliver food supplies.
Thats merely business, making money off the crisis
>I mean Iran is already arming the Iraqis, Syrians, Hez, Hamas, Houthis,
All of these are worthwhile investments in the Iranians calculations because they bring results on the ground. Qatar has a 10k man army, upards of 30% of its military is not even Qatari and the US base alone is 45k troops. As I said, at most, Iran will sell them weapons secretly in an attempt to create chaos and sweet sunni-on-sunni violence. No way they move forces or allow Turks to cross forces from Iran to Qatar
>cmon whats Qatar on this list?
militarily futile and about to be overthrown
and why the US wants nuclear war against russia???????
it'd be a repeat of this
they dont
they just feel they have the bigger dick
This is true. If Russia attacks the US it will result in nuclear war. Russia doesnt want that, but it seems like some powers want the US to push Russia into that.
yes they do, they are pushing for war against russia in the media and trying to bait them in every front
Obviously russia isnt looking for a fight
But if the USA has a sudden rush of shit to the brain and invades
Russia will have to do something
If it just goes "deeply concerned" Russia will be a joke, and no longer seen as a world player
It cant lose here, with cuba amd Ukraine leaving, russia is have less and less freinds
There's no point in tryign to argue with me, you're peddling nonsense. Your claims are bunk by default because they're simply not true. I can't make you believe that you're wrong of course, btu that doesn't change the fact that you are.

I dunno how they got those missiles exactly. What I can guarantee you is the Iranians were technical advisors for boosting those things to the point theyre at now.

Also, they DID smuggle anti-ship missiles and other weapons in. That's just a fact.
>There's no point in tryign to argue with me
because you say lies, like the one when you said Iran wants to gas jews
There's this meme floating around /pol/ that Iran would help Qatar if the current situation worsens (which doesn't look like it's happening. In fact, Qatar appears to be losing legs to resist with after the closure of AJ offices in Jordan, even right after Erdogan called Jordan to plead with them not to).

The first is betting on Iran's willingness to stick their dick into a country which is, despite some shared economic interests, ultimately opposed to most of their desired regional architecture.
Sunni Islamists which Qatar supports may not like all of the regional governments, but they absolutely despise Iran on an entirely different level. For Iran to risk more international condemnation and focus, in a geographic area it can't easily hide its involvement in, isn't necessarily a good bet to make long-term when the party they're going to save doesn't really care for their interests. And can Qatar realistically resist? The country is the size of New Jersey. Any invasion would be a blowout. The Arab nations wouldn't get stuck in endless conflict, like Yemen. And Iran would be caught with its pants down.
The second question is whether Qatar would risk being seen by the rest of the Arab world as Iranian pawns. The Qataris, themselves not overly fond of Iran, know they would be burned in effigy if they ever kissed the Supreme Leader's ring. Even if Iran suggested it, Qatar would refuse 90% of the time. Qatar is not, and never has been, friendly with Iran. Much closer to GCC than what's across the water.

In short, there are serious stumbling blocks for Iran to do what people think they might, and too many reasons why Qatar probably wouldn't want to become pariahs by accepting, if they could stomach it to begin with, though the Qataris have gotten pretty good at that sort of thing.
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