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Brit/pol/ - Enough is Enough edition

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Thread replies: 328
Thread images: 108

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>Online solidarity pours in over London attacks.

>Police arrest 12 asians in morning raids:

>London attack: Theresa May says "enough is enough" after seven die

>Graphic footage from London terrorist attack

>Van drives into pedestrians on London Bridge

>Knife attack after car mounts pavement in London

>London attacks: 'multiple casualties' after incidents at London Bridge, Vauxhall and Borough Market

>Man hunt launched for three terrorists as men with '12in hunting knives stab pedestrians' after mowing down up to 20 people with a white van amid reports of explosions in third attack in ten weeks

>Security services were warned about Manchester attacker FIVE TIMES but did fuck all

>One of the London attackers was reported to the authorities several times - nothing done

>"Man told not to be Islamophobic by man literally being forced to cower for his life during an Islamist terror attack."
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Vote Labour
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Aaron no!
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Vote Labour
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>clearly just an error
>doesn't show the rest of the sentence
>these retweets kill Tories

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Reminder that r/t_d is not welcome here.
Can't wait for the Cuckfeed shills to cry about the latest Trump tweet.
So is Brexit happening or not?
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>enough is enough
it hasn't even begun
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REJECT (((the mainstream media)))
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>basing your vote on what celebrities think
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Reminder labour supporters are worse then pedos and dog shot combined
what odds would I get on no british deaths from the other night?

so far only one canadian confirmed. at least one other dead is australian, one french probably. attacking london is daft if you want british people to die.
Looks like guns really turned that sticky situation around and saved a lot of lives today in the States. Guns are so fashy and based. Git r duuunnnn
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Trebs fuck labour
There's bound to be at least one. Who's going to take that bet though?
Yes, but to what degree we dont know yet.
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nth for the deluded young uns, wogs, redditors and hope not hate / momentum types who have put me off Corbyn, labour and their supporters permanently who are all going to absolutely lose it and really worry their families come Thursday. Can't fucking wait.
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Only watch the news to see what brainwashing is being pushed today.
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I remember when Ricky made fun of celebrities getting political on his XFM show. How things change.
Top tier slagfu

The American our police shot in the head by mistake might die
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Reclaim London WHEN?
May isn't being destroyed on police funding and I'm seeing no real Tory fight back. How are they letting Corbyn of all people dominate the day on security???

May made a speech today attacking Corbyn but it was nowhere near big enough. Probably won't even make it to the six o clock news.
He probably didn't want to turn up to essentially just promote Liam's latest solo effort.
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All my friends are suddenly switching from Tory to Labour, you don't want to be on the wrong side of history do you?

Vote Labour.
Not Bomber Rimmer is the worst tripfag. Rightly So is the best.
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Digits confirm
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My Grandad voted Labour, both my Dads vote Labour and now it's my duty to vote Labour.

Fuck the Tories and their racist views and horrific cuts to public services
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Who looking forward to the absolute shambles that will be the attempt to remove Corbyn after he's lost?
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Daily reminder that cuts to the police and Theresa being home security are responsible for the attacks these past few weeks.

Facts: Tories arm Saudi Arabia the nation responsible for exporting Islamic extremism.

Fact: On Thursday by voting Jeremy Corbyn you are voting for an end to extremism in Europe
Daily Reminder: Labour and Tory HQ are running double shifts to get ready for the election. Vote UKIP to show them they still have support. Hell, spoil your ballot if you've got a good idea on how to do it. Anything is better than voting for Mummy May or Comrade Corbyn.
>play guitar
>that sounds strange
>suddenly starts swinging it around
>sends it into the crowd
>it's a bomb
>anime poster
>labour voter

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How do we stop the cheating Labour nonces?
Emily Thornberry actually had a very decent performance on LBC this morning on this very topic.

Even when Nick Ferrari pointed out that Diane Abbott, who would be home secretary, should be the one to do the interview instead of her, she didn't fluster.
How do you think May would react in this situation?

hahahahahahahahahahahaha fuck off momentum shill
So which one of you is going to suck my cock for a potato?
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My granddad would roll in his ash if I voted Tory.
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when you vote Labour this is what you say YES to
>just a few months ago the prospect of a britain united under comrade Corbyn was a pipe dream, with it becoming even less plausible after he spilled his spaghetti on the QT nuke question
>after London is hit by two terror attacks in a short span of time, May goes full old person mode and comes out with the tame response that "the internet needs to be regulated"
why is she throwing her advantage only days before the election
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>"Man told not to be Islamophobic by man literally being forced to cower for his life during an Islamist terror attack."

That one was brutal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxTTa2e1IbQ [Embed]
> numale : don't say that you fucking idiot, it's not muslims
>Not putting money on 400+ Tory seats. I'm not sure how people are still this retarded but few people want to admit to voting tory. There was a hype train of acceptability but that disappeared with the manifesto.

Screencap this post.
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UKIP are utter wank

you cannot be serious if you think they stand a chance but vote for them anyway if you must, atleast it isn't a vote for Darth May.
It's stupid advice as well. Completely ignores how FPTP works.
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Muslim men hate us because Hijabi women dream of the BWC
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Fuck Gervais. An American friend of mine once made a joke reply to some of his atheist bullshit on Twitter, and he sent his hordes of teenage fans to dogpile her.
Disgusting piece of shit.
Latest Tory party political broadcast lads
>murder 60 million people
>did more good than harm
pick one
In Scotland? She'd rightly have him shot dead.
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>Having taste
pick one
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They're right, enough is enough...

Vote Labour
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I love my president.
Labour super majority when?
Every Islamic terrorist attack does wonders for them in the polls.
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A vote for labour is a vote for sexually frustrated women who love getting dominated because they're surrounded by betas? Should I switch from UKIP to Lab then?
What sport should I play at yorkshire uni lads? currently thinking about


Played a lot during school/college, probably not good enough for trials

>Rugby League/union

Never played and im a skeleton

>American football

Tempted to try this as I might have more of a chance to get in the team


Never played but hardly anyone turns up and they are desperate for players

>Fencing/Clay shooting/polo/.22 shooting

not god the £££ for it I think
I love your president too, senpai.
How cheap.
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throwing this election...
I thought their manifesto was solid. But yeah they're chances of gaining anything is slim.
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>UKIP are utter wank
Only option we have sadly. At least they are anti-Islam and want less immigration.
Oi you know what to do mate
What does Karl think?
I does actually, the Manchester bombing did not hurt their poll ratings, if anything it helped them.

Unite are snooping on postal votes before the election, completely illegal
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>Female leaders
The Eternal Useless Skin Around Vagina
Just call him a fatty sow.
I'm not saying there won't be a large Tory majority, but the support public support disappeared after the manifesto reveal because their manifesto was complete and utter shit, and a complete slap in the face to any real conservatives.
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Why is there so many Labour shills on this thread?
REMINDER that even if Labour close the gap entirely, simple electoral geography will hand the tories a working majority of ~3

REMINDER that Labour aren't going to close the gap and that the tories will win 385 seats and a 15% lead in the popular vote
Lectures are over.

Someone will post that boring Reddit 'proof' that we've been infiltrated by Momentum, no doubt.
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He's became every single thing he hated back in the XFM days. It's almost fucking Alan Partridge tier in how pathetic he's become since social media. Glad Smerch and Pilkington don't bother with him anymore, they're far better, even if they're both probably raging lefties as well.
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Being anti-Tory =/= pro Labour.
I am pretty sure he is talking about quantity of the postal votes returned, which tend to favour Labour, rather than their actual content.
I love him as much as I hate the Mayor
why do you post this same inane question in every Brit/pol/ thread?

Daily reminder if you vote Tory you are voting for more cuts to the Police

Austerity does not work
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>Katie uses Linux Mint

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Cricket sounds comfy
Karl was at least unsure about what side to vote for on Brexit. And he also has a hardline stance on the death penalty. He's probably right-leaning overall.
I don't get the obsession with Gervais desu, the yanks lap him up and fatty boi Corden.

Time to make proxy voting illegal.
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>that thing is at the top
Unlike the rest of britpol, some people here are capable of rational thought
>Implying anyone rightwing can participate on YouGov for more than a month with the constant cuck propaganda.
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I'd read a lot about a hung parliament the past couple of days.
So are you saying that that is basically bullshit and can't happen?
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ARYANS are sociable, intelligent animals. Studies have shown that they are able to solve problems and, unlike young ANGLOS grasp the permanence of objects Their natural behavior includes living in stable groups of 30 or so that employ a social hierarchy lead by a fuhrer. The ARYANS in a given community all know and recognize each other. Their communal activities include attempting to destroy Europe and searching for pumpernickel, running around, building homes for refugees, and resting.

Once the ARYANS have attained refinement weight, they are loaded into crowded trucks that offer no protection from extreme temperatures, and many ARYANS die as they are shipped to processing facilities.

The most efficient of these facilities kill some 8,400 ARYANS per hour, the result of a high degree of automation. Machines run by ANGLOS automatically stun the ARYANS and scald and shave them. First, ANGLO workers strap the live ARYANS into leg shackles on a moving rail, from which the ARYANS hang upside-down as they move on to baths of electrified, boiling water, which stuns them. This is ostensibly for humane purposes, in order to render them insensible before they are locked into a centrifuge, but some observers believe it is done merely to immobilize them to a degree sufficient to make further processing easier, not to desensitize them. The stunned ARYANS move on to a mechanical chamber that extracts their blood. After the ARYANS bleed out, the exsanguinated waste material is ground up to be sold as sausages.

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Because Theresa May is right.

Enough is indeed enough.

She needs to go, willingly or otherwise...
Not her screenshot. She uses an iPad.
Reminder that both main parties love uncontrolled migration.
The Tories want to fuck us over with immigration for business interests
Labour want to fuck everyone over because of "muh immigrants
Reminder that both main parties will give us a shit deal with europe.
Reminder that both main parties will ensure that immigration stays at least in the high 200k range for years to come.
Reminder that both main parties are dedicated to Orwellian levels of spying on this countries citizens.
Reminder that both main parties will keep us part of the European Arrest Warrant, meaning out citizens can be dragged before foreign courts.
Reminder that both of the main party leaders campaigned to keep us in the EU.
Reminder that both main parties support abortion.

Reminder that the status quo wont change if you keep fucking voting for it.

Presumably he's fine with you having a huge image folder of some degen porn star
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Quality > Quantity
This is true, had my last exam 2 weeks ago


>sleaford mods
WTF I love labour now
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Targeted 'idea challenging.'

Londoner eh?
Whats a nice flat go for there
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Saw Miley Cyrus at that concert last night after cleaning her act up.

KStew will be the same. Bet you a tenner she drops this grotty bisexual hippy act and ends up married with kids past 30.

Why would you vote on behalf of a pig?
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You're going away for a long time, ARYAN
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Im probably not even going to bother watching the election night, we all know whats going to happen.
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You know I actually think that's what she's doing. They're deliberately throwing it to derail brexit.
There just no other explanation for the garbage campaign she's been running.
It's so bad it has to be deliberate.
>Stephen Hawking supports Labour
Something about him just makes me think he might just be in it for the NHS
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>posting Preuße made memes
>Celebrities lean left

kys Daniel

>All people who live in white gated communities

huh makes me think
He's from Manchester and his dad worked on the rails for a bit, he's probably a Labour voter, even if he is right-leaning generally.
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I used to want to vote for those nasty right wing Tories, but then I took a long look at my life and I realised Corbyn was the right prime minister for me.

Vote Labour.
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if history is repeating itself then where the hell are all the flags and utterly damning speeches that eternally BTFO the joos ?
False equivalency.

There are dozens of reasons to condemn Islam which are good on their merits. You don't need to make a stupid Nazi argument that just ends up making you look silly or stupid.
I can't believe Hurley from Lost is only 17
Preuße is better than you.
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>lily allen
>russell 'don't vote' brand

top kek
because the deal was done this weekend. Cambourne and the party grandees are throwing May under the bus to defend the Tory legacy 2010-2015, and regroup for another post-financial crisis election come 2022.

Order of events
>Deal is done this weekend
>Coordinated attack via proxy steve hilton (representing Cambourne) and signalling the media what's about to happen
>Corbyn does his part, forcing...
>May to respond and say that she has done a good job on policing and terror, which brings us up to...

this evening there will be a leak from inside CCHQ showing theresa may had to be argued down from cutting 40k police because she felt violent crime and terrorism were 'unrealistic concerns to most voters'. she's done.
Now that is an un-comfy statement.
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Muslims, do we need 'em?
I'm not sure, he never makes a move
Interesting, given Corbyn's track record on jewish issues
Are Russians also called Asians in the UK? Most of it is located in Asia.
Who is best to follow on twitter for over the top virtue signalling?
In london

every thing is fuckked

In london

every thing is fucked
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God I hate how lefties inject pop culture into everything. It's fucking embarrassing. Can't they act like adults, instead of shoehorning Star Wars and Harry Potter and Doctor Who into politics?
Is there any hope for a Liberal Party that will actually control immigration and not shit on your civil liberties?
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Why would it? Didn't they oppose Brexit? That makes them blue pilled..
I'll watch but I'm not gonna like it.
It's utter bullshit hans. The media zeroes in on (((polls))) and (((projections))) that make it seem like a close election because that's the most exciting thing to talk about on television.

In reality, anything other than a very significant tory majority is astronomically unlikely and an outcome where the tories can't form a majority government is virtually impossible.
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I am never going back there. You'll have to kill me where I stand, I'm never going back to that Blood Refinery - you'll never turn the crank on my centrifuge ANGLO BLOOD.
>assassination implied on 4chan
save Tezza
Labour needs to win.. worse is better.. we need things to be much much worse
So will Corbyn win?
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No. All parties support 400,000+ immigration a year, even UKIP.
She looks like the final boss in a pro-fishing game
Britain is a blue-pilled nation
>all those rappers

What is it with the west and decadent negro worship? Radio 4 the other day called Stormzy the 'ultimate endorsement'

seriously what the fuck, these people are just blacks hopped up on coke and repeating poorly composed slam poetry into a mic set to music?
To be fair this has been the most uncomfy and least entertaining election in recent memory.
>he believed the /r/uk shitposting

2015 except with UKIP bars in the opposite direction
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No. An economically liberal party wants lots of immigration to power the economy, and a socially liberal party just wants muh diversity.
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Says it all really if you are a degenerate vote for Labour
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>blocks your path

lol at that picture. fuck me lad
Lol Stormzy, some dumb fucking nigger with a shit name, Eddie Izzard and his fucking high-heals, what a party of degenerates.
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>Preuße is better than you
orcposting.general.jpg (3896 posts)
I heard his poll ratings rose
That can't be true. That is utterly insane.. for what purpose?
anyone who bases their vote on what a singer they like says should have their voting rights revoked until they prove they aren't a retard
I haven't been to /britpol/ since the Brexit vote, what's gonna happen?
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If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders - What would you tell him?
And plummeted.
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>tfw hate the tories but equally hate the vermin, working class or celeb hateful scum that back labour
>muh dumbledore's army
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You're a Blairite cunt.
Any white woman
dumb frogposter
Tories will win between 350 -390 seats

May's latest speech:

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No, will Duterte rid Mindanao of muslims?
>Is there any hope
3% GDP increase by 2030 according to IFS and white genocide.
she looks fun to fuck desu. probably easy too since she's a 5/10 on the left and therefore drowning in betas. what's your point? are you mad because Nanny isn't here to give you wankies and there aren't any girls at land management college? Fuck off Rupert
>people are unironically going to vote Labour after getting fucked in the ass repeatedly by ISIS
There are no words.
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Fat fucking paedo pseudo-intellectual cunt. I hate this faggot so much.
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I'm not sure that'd be great
Students and shitskins aren't people
>2015 was my first election
"Asians" in UK refers to South Asia. So India/Pakistan/Bangladesh.
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It is an equivalent comparison. #notallnazis
Mug GDP... JFC who cares..
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Right. But still, why would terrorism push faggots towards Labour? Or is that just shills shilling for shillings?
>Just drop it mate, it's not worth the effort.
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file name
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Unfortunately she was talking about anti-islam hate speech and that is why she wants to introduce laws restricting internet encryption levels - so the Nazi's can't collude to talk bad about the Muslims.
yeah you
>JFC who cares..
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I have maybe 20 reaction pics of her. Enough to wind people up though.
"You're a big guy"
>Mohammed Sarul-Islam
The state fears a nationalist response far more than it fears random acts of terrorism.

The state can withstand a ton of terrorism but can't withstand a nationalist revival.
Sadiq Khan is loved by leftists, liberals, Blairists, the media, the actors, musicians, comedians

So how can you say that he's not doing a good job?
>But still, why would terrorism push faggots towards Labour?
it isn't???????????????

You're really basing your judgement of British politics on one American and a bunch of students from /r/unitedkingdom?
Corbyn is speaking in Gateshead tonight a seat with a 15K majority...

Says it all lads, they are fucked and they know it.
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You're not even the best Elsa poster
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Good British name

What the fuck does thst even mean, you pathetic eurocuckolds
>Mohammed Sarul-Islam
Oh for fucks sake

Spoilt ballot lad it's the only option
Go back to ptg you fat fucking cunt.
Cardiff is cucked regardless of anything. Students fuck it up. Didn't they vote to remain? Whereas the rest of Wales (mostly) was leave.
Shrug, cunt.
>loved by leftists, liberals, Blairists, the media, the actors, musicians, comedians
aka Londoners
He just visits safe seats to look more popular than he is
>So how can you say that he's not doing a good job?
Because he's loved by leftists, liberals, Blairists, the media, the actors, musicians, comedians
Reminder that Enoch Powell was /ourguy/.
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corb is going to fuck IS up m8
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Let him enjoy his last few days. Would be funny if he refuses to resign after the election though
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Oh no. Who is?
quick question, how many deaths do you think free-market capitalism is responsible for. Not like the starving to death ones, or disease - like Coca Cola killing unionists, or HSBC death squads in SEA etc. How many roughly? I'd count private prisons and certain (((wars))) in that too. not to mention people who died because companies paid off scientists to lie about the safety of their products. or the hundreds of thousands who die at work - sure you gotta work (and get killed at work)! but only like in communism you gotta die in a gulag.
Muh 60 million is just a canard used by the (((neoliberals))) to prevent you from ever considering voting in your own interest which if you are like most people is Nationalist Socialism with racism added to personal preference (i like a medium high amount). Muh 60 million, muh 60 million... what does that sound like to you? remind you of anyone?
My ex is going the dozy fat cunt.
imagine being this guy
play football, u dont have to play for the uni side, i play 7 a side weekly at uni and its just intramural lad
Serves you right for fucking with lightning cunt.
Also Atlas held up the heavens, not the world.
Hasn't he said several times that regardless of the election results, he will not be stepping down as leader?
The university students frighten easy, but they'll be back again, and in greater numbers
Reminder that Enoch was conservative and kicked out of parliament by Wilson the labour PM
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The Elsa poster who has a lot more than 20 or so reaction images


>A former Plaid Cymru councillor in Cardiff could find himself in a key position to become a Ukip Assembly Member after a meeting of the anti-EU party's national executive committee.

>Mohammed Sarul Islam was a Plaid member of Cardiff council between 2004 and 2012, representing the multiracial Riverside ward.

Yeah, their agents will die of starvation because they'll be waiting in line with the rest of the 20,000,000 Muzzie immigrants coming to enrich your culture and your economy.
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No comprendo your post.
Did you mean to put "!!!!!!" Instead of "?????"?
Who is leading the polls for real?
I have no idea..
>bases argument on nothing
>claims victory

Yeah sounds like British people.
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>see the words free market capitalism, stops reading
You're wasting your time lad. Some people are born to be cucked.
>how many deaths do you think free-market capitalism is responsible for
0 because it's never been tried :^)

This is how retarded you sound, kindly fuck off back to whatever hole you crawled out of
>Mohammed Sarul-Islam
>We aren't racist, look at this BASED MUSLIM. The UK needs to both independent AND multicultural
When will the UKIP meme end?
>Corbyn tweets have his cult followers spamming bullshit
>Labour party tweets get very bad responses every time

It's a cult.
By doing what exactly? Making sure their new flat within his newly build communist tower block isnt color co-ordinated. Please just go back to r/U.K. or r/labour.
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"Where the hell have you boys been? We've been getting our asses kicked over here. Let me catch you up so we can get this train rolling again."
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Hmm, maybe. But post blacked pics is old.

Reminder that a jew Roche is the reason we have all this diversity. she says she feels at home with all the diversity now.
Soon. Might as well vote for them in the meantime. As bad as they are there are no other options.
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>he will not be stepping down as leader?
Yes but that happening in reality is another thing. If he refuses basically everyone except him, abbott and McDonnell would form a new party
Look at the state of that Paki nose. Ugly cunt.
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Who should I vote for, Conservatives or UKIP? No dramatics please.
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>not posting the real image
Tories have been since the start and will win this Friday, anyone saying otherwise here is shilling from /r/uk to try and scare undecided and UKIP voters into voting Corbyn.

Labour already lost, the attacks have been driving more and more towards conservatives especially the Sikh community who loathe muslims...

I don't know who's been feeding you this fake news.
>tfw trump is your president
You don't get any progress with socialism though. Companies competing and striving for profits is what pioneers new technologies and further develope the human race. The clothes your wearing, the device you using to post here, the Internet, your house, your car. All results of free market capitalism.
UKIP, see >>128590315
what's with all the pro-labour astroturfing? voting for cuckservatives is stupid but fuck am a voting for labour.
UKIP. Even a spoiled ballot is better than the Tories. Likewise for Labour.
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The world may be turning a blind eye to rampant Anglo cruelty but not any longer.
>him, abbott and McDonnell would form a new party
I would love this. Wonder what the name would be?
>blocks your Aryan
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But that's all she is known for. At least you post gifs though

Its not a cult its called having genuine supporters you moron
You will find very little people who actually support May and only vote Tory because muh Brexit
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i can't understand how bad at political analysis you'd have to be to see the attacks and think it was going to help May.

It is a cult, it's a pure cult of personality.
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Thanks straight-answer-bro.
Fuck off Momentum faggot
Being left wing generally correlates with being a bit interested in politics, but not actually interested enough to follow it constantly, so they tend to swarm in during an election campaign and will lost interest after this week
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Targeted 'idea challenging'. I was posting this link archived here (https://archive.fo/EAhRR) but somehow it got SHUT DOWN.... HMMMMMM.

>you now realise the crashing and burning of this Corbyn fad and its swarm of moronic students will take place in a 3 hour gap between 12am and 3am on the 9th
Social media is going to be like one of those shitty 'amateur aesthetic' disaster movies filmed on mobile phone cameras
Presenter on LBC is pure cancer.
Because Brits understand that the biggest victims of these are attacks are Muslims who may experience Islamaphobia due to the attacks.
And while the conservatives do love Islam, Labour is the best choice to protect Britian's most vulnerable community.
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>muh reddit reply spasm
fuck off, I was here before you and I've never been to reddit in my life, tell me more about it internet boy.
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>Stephen Fry is a straight person's idea of what a fat, Jewish, paedophile looks like.

>newspaper with crusader in its logo complains about jihadis

Does nobody at the Express see the irony of this?
>[indecipherable normalfag centrist bullshit]
Yup and you can bet most of them didn't actually vote too
Bieber's looking more girly-girly every day.
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Would be funny. They would keep the name and the mp that leave would have to make a new party





Russian is an European ethnicity.

wow, justin bieber's new look is pretty edgy
>the cult of corbyn
Every single thing there is a product of mixed market capitalism
If you're in a safe tory seat, UKIP
If you're not, Tory
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True. I need to make more.
what irony, mong? the crusades were a response to the muslim invasions
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'Islamophobic' was a word invented by CAIR and the Islamic Brotherhood in order to silence dissent because of 'muh white guilt.' It's used to shut down discussion of how garbage the religion is.

The concept of compassion between humans is not in the Quran. They view kindness and compassion as an opportunity to exploit the "infidel" in the cause of furthering Islamic conquest by any means.

Kindness = weakness in the enemies eyes

Muslims have always been attacking Europe not a single period of peace

Secular Muslims support the moderates, the moderates support the hard liners and the hard liners support the extremists. Cancer spreads.

Making a twitter, reactivating my facebook. Some lad made a subreddit to collect the tantrums. It's going to be glorious.
And what do you think provides the ability and funding for the military to get these technologies? How is the military funded?
>enough is enough
>brexit is brexit
>fun is fun
what did she mean by these?
>enough is enough
>talks about things to stamp out "islamaphobia" online instead of doing anything about isis
jo stevens brah if you're from cardiff (or wales) you need labour in gov to secure welsh funding
repetition is key, repetition is key
i'm guessing there are supposed to be some full stops in that tweet, but i am glad Noel didn't go. it is just fake sympathy for people you didn't know. it's terrible that it happened, but they don't deserve an Oasis reunion just for being at a pop concert where other people died.

it would be a waste of an occasion for 20000 14 year olds to witness something that is a big deal for others but not for them. it would only promote copycat terrorists to blow up manchester so they could get tickets to the next Oasis shows.
he is dead mate and you are not. be your won man instead of cucking yourself to a memory.

>Implying I have a local mosque
>Implying I have muslim neighbours

I think I can count on one hand the amount of muslims I've seen in my area.
Pretty sure ukip says they want 0 net migration
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>Triple trips checked and Kekked
Is Simon Cowell /ourguy/?
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BEADY got what he deserved.
Khan is typical mediocre lefty but why do people hate him so much? Besides the fact he's Muslim but London is anyways as well.

Weird seeing a US President being so obsessed with a mayor of a different country.

Labour got wiped out in the last election you gombeen. Their knacker voters now back Sinn Féin and their middle class champagne socialists have flocked to the Social Democrats. It's only the laughably corrupt, work shy pricks in the public transport unions that still vote Labour.

Personally can't wait for Varadkar to put them out of their misery.
Ironic? Potatoniggers deserve their rep.
>tell me more.
It has a comfortable cuckold community. I belige you are a mod there.
>he thinks the spirit of world history is on the side of the stuttering autistic moral authoritarian mummy state
the salt will be blue come early Friday morning.
I'll be shocked if Corbyn stands down. McDonnell has said about himself he's been waiting all his life for this there's no way they are making way for the labour moderates.
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I'll bet you think you're terribly clever
Capitalize. Spread it anywhere you can, this is tasty but will expire quickly.

The faggot was talking about British politcs

Yes all those Muslims in the Baltics were invading the shit out of Christendom.

Debt, the same way all government functions (including money) is funded. Money isn't wealth, nations aren't families.

He didn't specify it was English Labour. You'd swear the British Labour party was the only labour party ever to exist by your retarded thinking.
>You'd swear the British Labour party was the only labour party ever to exist
No I wouldn't, but I would swear that this is Brit/pol/
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>stabbing in britain
>instant national news coverage for 72 hrs
>shooting in orlando in the home of the free, almost an hr has gone by
>not even a thread on this
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