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what does /pol/ think of Albania?

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what does /pol/ think of Albania?
White illyrians
shithole were criminals come from
shqiperia etnike
niggers of europe
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Allahu Ekber

shqiptar je?
We try not to honestly.
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pure caucasians and therefore white

Thanks for being the niggers of my country as well as Europe, and being ~50% of our country's prisoners
Interesting and mysterious country, language, and people. But most Albanians I meet in Croatia act exactly like Jews.
saudis are pouring in big money for anything islam related

they are just trying to get a piece of the action

you do know what "niggers" means right? because the last time i checked we are white as fuck
I don't.
Then why do you mountain Jews let so many in?
I think they have to pay extortionate prices for tourist visas to Chile too. It's fucking obscene, fuck Chile.
absolute shithole
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In what way? Are they frugal? That's because they have to save up to drive and get to Croatia. Which is pretty costly.
Subhuman muslim niggers ruining Switzerland.
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Cool flag but otherwise no fuckin idea.
you're either diaspora or an impressionable underage moron

> flag
It's funny given how related we are that you would fall for literal memes
Most Albanians in Greece cause trouble
idk what they do outside of Greece.
Albania's tourism slogan:

I have a Greek friend who was telling me a story from his time in Athens. He was at a large gathering with all of his family, and he was speaking to a man about something, when his uncle walked up to him. He thought his uncle might want to join in the conversation, but the uncle just looked at my friend and spat in his face. He chased after his uncle and said "What the hell!?!? Why did you spit in my face!?!?!" And the uncle said, "because you were talking to an Albanian." True story.
Apparently, anyone who is anyone in Greece has at least one Albanian slave.
Pretty much the same.

mountain criminals with dreams of grandeur
I have 2,1 for working and 1 for sex.
Stinking muslim hive.
white muslims. Roaches also
Is a country that shouldnt exist
Not really, it's more about their extremely high in-group preference. Which isn't a bad thing per se, but nobody wants such a group as immigrants in their own country.
Albania might be fine; the people aren't.
checked and keked

Like what?
wat? you do know that over 40% are christians right? I'm an roman Catholic myself. and nope nobodys running Switzerland
It doesn't
the Balkans are the biggest meme
i know. i lived for 5 years there, playing professional basket, but i think greeks and albanians are fairly similar.
the dirt on my shoe has more human features than an al*anian
well that was fucking funny
Your dream

A lot of Balkan ethnicities have an inferiority complex that they project on to others.

Says the Bulgar

> t. diaspora
How would you know? Either you're genetic trash who lives in a low income neighborhood or a criminal yourself

I feel you. Croats assimilate pretty well here.
yea some of them assimilate very well
I like Ghegh highlanders. Tosks are subhuman.
It's because most are either diaspora or impressionable idiots
no you don't. that shit was a thing in 90's the 1million albanians in greece are making good cash and living a comfortable life
What does the sex slave do when you're not having sex with it?
You might as well put it to work around the farm as well.
More efficient that way. This is why Greece is bankrupt. Poor usage of Albanian slaves

Exactly what I mean. What would some Georgian random know about Albania, to know Tosks are subhuman and that Ghegs are good.
Albania true greeks not like them half roach half greeks.
Do you pay debts?
What the fuck is this place? I just came here from /r/politics to see if there was anything of equal or greater quality, and I come here and I don't see any shit but fucking racism and islmophobia. all of you are fucking degenerates. Is this the trash can of the internet? what would drive anyone to come here to be with such trash? this is why all boards should be strictly moderated by those of high moral standards. There is no decency here. What the fuck even. I just can't. I can not.

Also why does this website look like it was made in 1994? do you people really enjoy posting on such outdated shit? if you value your precious anonymity then I would expect that you would try to go somewhere with sophisticated coding and security. this isn't even fucking https.

fuck you guys
I like how they defend their giant marihuana plantations with machine pistols and rocket launchers from the police
We are not socialist faggots who spend like no tomorrow. So we don't have debts to pay off.
get out of here kiwi
not true at all. as an albanian who studied and worked in greece i can guarantee you that greeks are friendly af,and most of them dont even give a shit where you are from. and then you have a bunch of ignorant nationalists who you know....do shit like that
shqip shqip shqip shqip


shqip shqip shqip
huh? half of the population is orthodox
Tried to get an albanian girl to sleep with me. She didnt want to. Now i think theyre stupid
how weren't you Catholic
kuq e zi flamuri
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You called?

>Says the Bulgar

We are better than your compatriots in every conceivable way, so yeah.

You wanted opinions, you got some. Now you can use lube and shove them up your ass.

Did you somehow expected ANYONE in the thread to have positive opinion of you fucks ?
don't worry hun you'll win the next war...maybe
How would I know that albanians cause trouble outside of Greece?.. Because I'm outside of Greece where they cause trouble.

Take your criminals back!
I hear it somewhere, then googled and found out that ghegs are catholics and tall and that tosks are muslim manlets. I think I found out about it from one of the ancestry forums when looking for something, don't remember exactly.
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Get off the internet, Rangi. Your whanau are in poverty again.
shqip shqip shqip


shqip shqip

Did you move to a anglo county because life was to hard cry me a river mate and pay debts faggot
All the lists point at a muslim majority with about 15-20 % Christians. Are they somehow wrong?
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You have to go back.
he said ruining
This is a croat not a shiptar

You can't be smart and have pure shqiptar genetics
95% of them in my country are criminal scum, the rest are currently too young to steal(under 1 year old)

Also they call everyone that dislikes them a Serb for some reason.
Will do s-sir
well it's fucked up because we are registered as muslims in the gov since birth, and its hard to identify who is and who isn't and its hard to identify what form of Christianity albanians fallow. when i say christain i mean "orthodoxs, Roman Catholics, and Protestant" however the majority is orthodox like the rest of balkan
Says the disgusting Slav-Turk-Albanian hybrid identity crisis freak

> 95%
give proofs..
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shquip shquip shquip shquip shquip

shquip shquip shquip
that would mean mass executions in most of Europe and a whole lot of subhuman holocaust tears.
Already triggered like the monkey you are

Predictable shiptar behavior
well it's bad when we grow weed but its ok when Netherland does it
Growing weed is illegal here, dickhead.
how do you get the weed?
by buying it
from albania? :D
wait what? lololololololololol ghegs are from north, and ghegs are the ones that immigrated in Europe and gave albania this shitty reputation. they are muslims. except 3-4 cities. very small cities. and the tosks are half muslim half Christian, but the tosks emigrated to USA and Canada, since the early 30's. the rest is permanently living in albania causing 0 trouble whatsoever
Skanderbeg was a pretty cool guy who literally didn't afraid of anything.
It's a bit shit you guys underplay his Christian heritage now. Aside from that I know little but have heard a lot of bad
no im not somehow wrong. my whole family is registered as muslims and the gov won't let us change that because apparently that only is decided and signed when you are born. according to the stats we have 0 atheists while there is what we call some sort of atheist conference/meeting every 2-3months
Albanian is a very mysterious country and their people are very interesting. Some are Germania blond tall blue eyes and some are immigrants from Gipsy countries.

Their language sounds like nothing else. Very interesting
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when fyromites invade a thread you know its gonna be funny
>t. shqiptar

i recognize you faggot
Your Internet not fast enough to upload non-ants pictures?
False, north western Ghegs are Catholic and real pure dinarics illyrians.
Don't care about your reputation.
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The Greece of Europe.
I really like the flag
But Greece is already the Greece of Europe...
ippy shqippy shqip

shqippy shqippy shqip shqip shqip shqip
that's a funny meme because you lost the war, America, nato, and UCK fucked you in the ass, and you'll never get in the European Union without recognising Kosovo as an indipendent country. you are pretty much fucked.
how do you know about gegs and tosks based georgian kavkaz broder
Please leave Podgorica :)
That's really generalizing
Most people in North are poor

>we are white as fuck

This is considered white in Albania?

Sorry Mehmet, but you don't stay white after several centuries of T*rkish dick munching, you willing faggots.
My name is elvis.
I make the best Burek of whole Elbasan
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all i see is dinarics
Shittiest country in Europe.

worst place in europe. you are white indeed, but like 70% of you are unironically muslims. this is the worst. i can see you on the street and mistake you for one of us. behind closed doors you dream of jihad.
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The niggers of Europe.

Such utter Islamified scum that you're only considered European due to proximity.

If you're Albanian or part of its even more disgusting diaspora, do the world a favor and fucking neck yourself.

The world has no need for tracksuit roaches.
again as i told you that's just fucked up statistics. we we're forced in school once to organise two different parties for christains and Muslims according to the papers. 10 muslim kids had the christian party and the rest of the class 20-30 guys with 10-15 christains had to do the Muslim party.
>t. i can see you on the street and mistake you for one of u
True. Most people think I'm German from appearance but when I tell them I'm Shqip they get offended. Why?
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>UCK fucked you in the ass
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how do i migrat to denmark
please leave shkoder :)

Pls make visa for denmark

I am elvis from Elbasan

>Roach diaspora

You are worse than even the most feral of niggers. And you take pride in a shithole you couldn't get out of fast enough.

> Islamified
Understandable have a nice day
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no african dna in me boiiii

>Balkan scum in Aussie lands

Don't know who the fuck you are, but you also need to go back.

Honorary leb
> serbs defeated serbian infiltrated army
I am Elvis from Elbasan. I make best Burek of neighborhoods. How I get visa to denmark

Albanians deserve to be killed by slavs and greeks. Filthy roaches is what they are
heard on internet somewhere, don't remember exactly see >>128574316

>t. tosk manlets
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lol wut? Our prime minister is named Edwin, My name's West, My brother is named Charlie, My dad is named Alex, and my mother is named Summer. mehmet? nah. and where the fuck did you find that picture wait ill show you the real albanians
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I made you a new flag. You're welcome.
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Fun fact: Jim belushi is shqip

Does he look Arab?
the fuck you're talking about nigger?
Basically a bunch of white nigger criminals
Life is rough and we are born c
Hard breed. It's the only way out.
no we don't. its 60% muslims and maybe even 50% as i said we are not allowed to decide for our own religion in our passports which sucks. and albanian mosques have been fighting against the idea of a new islamic state. they even paid for an tv ad like 1minute long explaining the shitty ideology isis fallows and why we shouldn't look up to them
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>My name's West, My brother is named Charlie, My dad is named Alex, and my mother is named Summer

....Did your family just get American TV from the 80's or some shit?

Miami Vice #1 new show
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lol always funny to see diaspora being nationalistic but still won't move back tot their shithole.
My name is Elvis and I make best Burek from Elbasan
why the hell do you and your mom have weird American names?
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gonna go with my swedish buddy desu
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Good, when are you guys leaving?
It's common.
I have an American name and my family too

Ever heard of Jim belushi
Yes he is shqip
made me genuinely laugh
well i mean Kosovo is indipendent everybody is happy and without agreeing to what kosovo wants, without recognising it as indipendent to join EU you have no future. if you don't recognise them you'll have no jobs and become just like albania but if you do everybody's gonna flip out. fucked much?

well i will give you that maybe your people in your own country are alright. but those living here are absolutely the worst, close ahead of kurds and turks. criminals, sjw shills, muslim shills, the whole package.
Because he's American you fucking clown.

Interesting past, uninteresting present/future
No He is shqip and my name is elvis
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after im done babysitting
wtf u talking about? elvis isn't even used that much in Elbasan. its mostly used up in the south, and burek isn't Elbasanis dish. its an national one. I haven't heard of people from Elbasan emigrating to much countries other than greece and England ???
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Moment where people will make the difference between Kosovo and Albania.

Albania is not a religious country. There are 20% muslims living in Albania tops.

People feel more Albanian than anything else.

Albanians are the most racist nation of Europe. I've been traveling a lot and made up my mind. They only stay and marry their own.

Kosovo albanians are far different from original albanians that hate marxism and modern communism.
bebe rexha is albanian. dua lipa is albanian. jim belushi is albanian. Niko pepaj is albanian but they look pretty white if you ask me
And we would have even less of a future by actually joining the EU. Please.
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Good, never come back. :3
funny because germans couldn't even fuck a small country like albania in 44-45. they would kill most of the normal avarage man and not the partisan soliders. the last german left germany alive in either 28 November or 29 November of 45
Mostly negative opinions. I think your christian population is ok, at least some of them.
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I just hope that the rapebabies in here realize that you'll also be the first to go when Europe snaps.

>But we wuz European

No, you're sandnigger rapebabies who have chosen to live like them.

Your time will come. Make no mistake of that.
And you would've been obliterated if it was a one-on-one conflict.
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Language and compatibility with old Illyrian.
>Showing kosovars

Topic about albanians
Shqipëria will always stay Shqip
Terror attacks in Shqipëri: 0

Denmark on the other hand..
Shit country
Shit neighbours
Shit people
Shit peninsula
Give back Northern Epirus you scum
This is a fucking problem with albanian names. People adopt a lot of meaningless hip names that aren't albanian at all. this needs to change
especially the asylum seekers. visited Kaiserslautern for fun last October. Albanians were fucking disguising compared to germans but they caused less more trouble than the Syrians did. the ones that came we're the poor families, when you have a stable job and a good pay this shithole isn't worth leaving
I love though that no one in Europe likes them either, most hated people in Europe except from gypsies?
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Give bj greek
ckemi op :^)
what about toni blerim and bil klintonit ?
Only in Kosovë
Blerim means Spring, and should be used
Gypsy version of Italians
this is what a christian cuck living in a muslim country talks like. a total bent over faget. dues vault infidel
are you retarded?
albania is 80% muslim
you need to kill yourself, unfunny faggot
nope. we never had American tv and American shows started around 2005. my daughter is named Hannah and my ex wife is named Julie and my current girlfriend Sarah. and nope nobodys joking. a good amount of people do still have old disguising names but most of the people born after 90's have european American names. it could be that my parents studied and met in Connecticut and after that moved back to tirana but still most of my friends have cool ass names
No Burek for you then

Ilir, Blerim, Ylli, Bujar, Bardhi,...

Stop using cringy old american names.

I've even heard someone name their boy Hitler.

Could cucked western europe even dare to do this ?
Siptar siptar siptareee, pojedes mi govno bre! Pojedes mi govno to, ti siptare znas sto!
Post pics of Shqip girls
What is the relationship between Christian & Muslim Albanians?
Your country got cucked by italy before ww2 happened you have no right to speak you dirty shitskin
Clinton and Rugova
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King Zog of Albania, the mighty Mustache
hes from Korce albania. and we have American names because both her and my dad we're born and raised in USA. but the point is Albanians are using cool names now lol
It's spelled shqiptare
>Are you retarded?
>albania is 80% muslim

You still live in the 20s ? Have you ever been to albania ?



Check these videos you ignorant cunt.

This is what Albania is
Fuck off skopjian Slav bastard
I make Burek and never see Muslims and burkas
me jep nje (ti)

Notice anything on the video ?

Pro tip : no blacks
at least half of albania can't watch that because it's haram
>Muslim AND Degenerate
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>Check out all these great videos of my home country

Then fucking go back to it, you roach.
hejj xd
>Pro tip : no blacks
yeah but it's got albanians instead...
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>"""""""""""""greek""""""""""""" women

Go back to reading your Kike books, I believe it's called the Bible
We wuz Aleksandër the great
France probably has more Mosques.
Bunch of losers who come here and live out of our social welfare with their families and 12 kids. Also they never learn the language
Germany has probably more mosques
nobody cares about religion, and we celebrate both christain and Muslim holidays. we live in the same neighbours, eat the same food and basically its a cool happy place
I would never live in your shitty country, don't worry about that.

Traveling, stop crying.
That's not true. We work hard. I own Burek business in Elbasan and make lot money. Also I speak fluent 6 languages.
You guys are very quick to turn on the weaker ones once you do a little better.
better bible than fucking quran, mehmet
Guys I'm making a pepperoni pizza
If I visit Albania, will I be stabbed by the mafia/nationalists?
shqip shqippity shqip shqip
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>he thinks the people want to join EU
Europe's roaches

Fucking everywhere, reproducing like nignogs, hard to exterminate, you cringe at the sight of one.
Also, they larp as slavs.
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>1941 Ocupation of Kingdom of Yugoslavia
>Kosovo region
>Serbs are almost only majority in places that were under German militarry ocupation
>Everything that was under Albania is cleansed

Really activates my ganglias....
maybe it is fucking bad that instead of giving our kids albanian names we are just using "cringy old American" ones but when it comes to that everybody has the right to name the kid whatever they want. i think it happened but idk
We can take your country in a day so stfu
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I LARP as German because I'm blond blue eyes albino nigga

No one ever thinks I'm Shqip
Better than flat chested random slavic from a made up country chicks


He was, on his mother's side. Do you even read books, toothpaste ? The world isn't only orange
I like gypsies, we tought them to sing our patriotic songs and pick up recyclables, best minority ever if you ask me
o me blesh 1 pic :^)
When they first came here they larped as Italians.
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>I'm just a tourist

Now I just know you're full of shit, Mehmet. You're literally embarrassed about being called out as a diaspora nigger.

You're more embarrassing than your average T*rk. How the fuck does that even happen.

You're fooling no one, you 80IQ inbred, pedophile worshiping cunt.

Lies aside, you *still* have to go back.
Albania, Albania
You border on the A-dri-atic.
Your land is mostly mountainous
And your chief ex-port is chrome.
Germany probably has more Albanians
Albania didnt exist back then my friendo
his family was Greek
toni bler?
Yeah man just look at the Bulgaria they are sure having it nice in EU... The only reason why they are in EU anyways is because they are on black sea and across them its Russia...
you are cringy as fuck and you have no idea what you are talking about.
London has alone more mosques than whole balkan
Nobody reads that in Albania chicken eagle.

Don't confuse Albania with Kosovo. You have killed them in the name of "christianity" they become the contrary. It's your fault.
I'm trolling with Burek part but everything else is true.
london has many albanians
HAHAHA. Hilarious pic.
should i get this as first car?
Nah we are mostly in USA and Switzerland
nope. you won't. you'll just find a bunch of albanians talking to you in greek and giving you drinks. its almost like a tradition. they like you. they buy you a drink.
I am in Albania and I started to read Quran, but got bored after like three pages. Not good work tbqh. Idk how the original is but the Albanian dub sucks.
>not mercedes

No he isn't. He was born in the US so it's only normal he got an English name.
> fier
enjoy your kidneys will you've got them kid
>You have killed them in the name of "christianity"
no we didn't kill terrorists in the name of christianity, idiot
albania is not a nice country
very ugly!
Dirty goat fuckers
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Is being a pathetic sad sacks of shit part of the Albanian identity?

You broke after the 5 minutes T*rks invaded, converted into their religion despite everyone else resisting and to this very day you're one of the very few nations to still suck roach dick.

Can anyone explain to me what makes Albanians such a pathetic tribe of people?
people's don't but the gov does.
of course the EU won't magically turn them rich over night but they're definitely benefiting from it

Incest. You can recognize an albozerg even before they open their mouth and start speaking that disgusting excuse of a language.

...What's wrong with killing sandniggers in the name of Christ?
Sheffield has quite a few, the local drug and sex trade is dominated by them. I think they're from Kosovo though.
It looks well conserved,if there is no better alternative why not?The price is right.
Because Christ was a sandnigger....Duh!
albanians existed since the beginning of time they just had different names. pellazg, Illyrians, and then albanians
So, what languages then?

Why would I lie in a website like this ? What's the point ? How could a çun Tirone like me, live in a shithole like yours or any better ?

Are you mad because Tyrone boned your sister ?
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Not all of them converted. Albania has the least religious muslims, even Muslims are just LARPers.
is this the history they teach you in serbian school

salam alayikum diaspora

makina duket e mire por nuk i di cmimet si jane ne shqiperi

me fal po a vjedhen shpesh makinat ne shqiperi?
Skanderbeg was a great Albanian hero.
Is OP Kheg or Tosk?
yes I can't read that shit either. it makes 0 sense and it's too much... the Bible is way easier to understand and makes way more sense if you ask me
I don't like them much but i surely respect them for being that nationalistic and united, there are many in Brussels.
Yeah and i sincerely thank you and everyone who is trying to stop our cucked government from joining nato and eu
turkish rape babies

absolute degenerates. i know a woman from albania who worked what you could call a middle-class job, left her husband and child and moved to my city, and now works a minimum wage job while slutting around town. despicable and i am sure that if she ever gets custody of her child they will both be a drain on the system

albanians should stay in albania and not mix with human beans, much like latvians
Which Bible? The orthodog and the cathlick sucks. The Mormon one though, then were talking.
that's because quran is plagiarized bible, like a shitty chinese copy of something

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>Why would I lie

I don't fucking know, you're clearly terrible at it. Even asking why you'd lie hints towards you trying to cover your tracks.

Here's the thing:

1.) No one grants Albanians tourists visas. No one. Fucking NO ONE.

2.) Albanians don't have the money to travel westward as tourists

You're fucking lying about not being diaspora scum. You're the fucking niggiest, Mehmet. The absolute niggiest.
Albanians are turks

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This vid related


Apes stick to each other as well. Once the american empire is replaced by the chinks toniblers will be drowning in the Adriatic.

the people you killed we're avarage county people working hard to feed their kids you fucking idiots. and you we're lucky that the rest of albania was under communist regime and that kosovars we're not touched because if they did then the people would be stronger than the fucking government and because enver Hoxha was a tosk dick
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Why do you talk down on poor people?
Miserable fuck.
im just still not sure if i should go manual or not
mormon bible isn't even a bible, it's just a fictional book written by some guy having schizophrenia
se kam iden vidhen a jo smerrem shum me makina desu
Shqip s have visa free travel with EU you monkey
Tell us the Latvian story
>the people you killed we're avarage county people working hard to feed their kids you fucking idiots
yeah sure blerim, they were good goys they dindu nuffin
This. The guy was a known liar and charlatan.

merre manual per ndryshe je nje auto-brinar
no they are actually from Kukes. everybody hates them. even in albania so it alright
I would say don't be an American,but judging by the number of Americanized names in this thread i do not think it would offend anyone.Either way driving is supposed to be a pleasure and not a grind,so i would go for the manual.

...I don't speak sandnigger, Mehmet.
>if you don't recognise them you'll have no jobs and become just like albania

in all honesty this is the height of shqiptar patriotism. to know exactly what an utter shit hole your home really is.
Its still fun to read though.
>implying you couldn't say that about all the holy books.
Your children will.
Moroccan soo second language in Danish schools
annoying, materialistic and arrogant

literally trash
*tips fedora*
Like all other euros?
Isn't the Old Testament the best read?
Isn't it weird how Europe literally believes in Semitic folktales? Its kinda sad...
exactly why tf would someone lie in 4chan lol. hes mad at Albanians because he thinks we are "middle eastern" and Mohammed boned his mom
You guys know that pretty famous picture during the election where this pretty hot girl is rocking the "Hillary for prison" shirt? She's Albanian, and the cousin of this Albanian girl I know. Also, why do all Albanians living the the US have a long nail on their little finger of one hand? Odd.
why do all albanian boys end sentences in 'ja qifsha rrobt/pidhen'
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Both books are made by Kikes to indoctrinate goys with morality and behaviorism.

In comparaison, the asians have always fought for blood, not religion and are much united.

It's also fair to say that words like "human kind" have marxist connotation and that's what's dragging down Europe to its end. It's amoral to be "proud" of who their are.


There is no need for visas, for Albanians traveling in Europe you ignorant cunt - go back to bed. This is not 1999, Albanians travel freely for 5 years.
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best map of the balkans
>doesn't know what a coke nail is

you filthy scum have 3! motherfuckin countries, still you keep coming here
rarely. maybe 2-3 cars a month
>doesn't know what Internet sarcasm is.
what does kosovar mean in kosovian language?does it mean anything in albanian? ottoman serfs..
the only latvian i know is one i worked with at a high school job. he was the son of two latvian immigrants and very lazy and stupid, and very fat. he would sweat even in the air-conditioned office. i can see why their most advanced technology is the potato
I've read the Jewish bible and that's the most interesting. There you can see that Abrahamic religions were at first polideityst
I hate /pol/
>unironically beliving in god
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it's good that he's self aware

only retards think patriotism is being delusional about your country
everyone does, we come here to torture ourselves because it's better than the IRL torture that is our lives
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>Not needed visa free travel since 2011

Just when you think the EU couldn't be more cancerous.

Still, changes nothing as you clearly don't live in Albania but are still diaspora scum.


Stop roaching out, Mehmet.
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...Why do you have a folder full of T*rks? Surely one can't be that much of an unironic cuck.

That's seriously concerning.
Well i would not know,i just know the Old Testament has that neat story about the riders of Apocalypse,and that the Quran ends with Allah backstabbing the Angel of Death and killing him while he destroys the world or something.Was never a religions person,but my autistic friend loved the things,however he skipped the Jewish one and read the Satanic one instead.
because it sounds fucking awesome yo
Almost all of the succesful "Turks" that served in ottoman empire were european Albanians. Google their names and you will understand that even muslim empires werent shit without european dna
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>ugly people exist
>this means all people are ugly
Tbh one thing Quran does better than bible is the final day. Its much more cooler in Quran
i want to eat shqiptar babies
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>Almost all of the succesful "Turks" that served in ottoman empire were european Albanians

Albanians truly are the masters of cuckdom. Sweden ain't got nothing on you, my man.

Albania #1 bullprepper
that shit was funny and i gotta give you that one
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why are albanians always shilling for albania on pol?

what's your endgame?
why would you want to eat shit?
b-but if he's good he must be dead..
The actual funny thing was when the dude wrote the verse where the Riders rise on a mathematics test and the professor thought it was death threat.
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Are you going to war? I heard that the Americans are giving you guns.
kek 10/10
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How is it cuckdom to infiltrate the ruling class of the empire thats attempting to subjugate you and then using its resources to weaken your neighbouring enemies? Turks weren't even allowed to step foot in Gheg territories and the the turks agreed to it like beta cucks
hahaha only gypsies name them self with these absurd names, there were some gypsy twins in my town called Euro and Dollar

neolithic people were not white.
He didn't say Serbian babies
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>How is it cuckdom to convert to your enemies religion and take part in their government and military affairs willingly

I know you're severely inbred and rocking that 80-IQ but do you REALLY need me to break this down for you?

Bantz and pol nonsense aside, you're fucking stupid.
lets make another thread :^)
a famous gypsy here amdi bajram named his son giani versace bajram
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Pic related is a neolithic man you moronic brain dead flea.
See >>128581814
White skin genes came from Neolithic people. Europeans were brown before them.

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Bow down, you are talking to a descendant of Skanderbeg lineage. The ones that fought against the roaches that are fucking your sisters for 50 years.

Albanians :


Richer than Greece for 100 years and gets demolished by communism. History has not been in our favor for the last past decades, but we have been living and fighting for centuries. If you think 5 pictures on the internet can make up all of Albania, you're a tool.

Your country is cucked and feminine. Get used to it.

I am more white than you are, but I don't measure countries by "whiteness" like people do on this board, but rather by European Heritage; Roman Empire, wasn't all blonds chicks running around, Dani boy.

You are not seeing the world clearly for what it is.
well make another one then

no u
shout out to you
I ain't no Nordicist,but if you believe that Albania has more history than Denmark you are a little delusional
More like Skanderspic

no, thats not a neolithic man, its a WHG man from neolithic time britain.

No, it did not.The earliest white skin mutation was found 9.5k-11k years ago in Ukraine, from

It does not take genetics to know this.Today, the populations with highest neolithic are the swarthiest, and the ones with lowest neolithic the lightest skinned.

The study you posted is true about south WHG, which inahbited most of Europe.They received the white skin genes from the Yamnaya.

>Edwin, Uesti, Carli, Aleks, Vera
Except Uesti the other names are decent
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>Skanderberg lineage

Don't you fucking dare insult them, you T*rk rapebaby.

You're shitskin muhammed worshipping dunecoons.
This is a sardinian. They show up with most neolithic dna
Albania DOES have way more history than any nordic country and that is a fact. do your research. when Illyrians we're the best traders and pirates vikings weren't even a thing. or maybe Pellazget
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>It does not take genetics to know this.Today, the populations with highest neolithic are the swarthiest, and the ones with lowest neolithic the lightest skinned.

Only a retard who doesn't know about genetics thinks like this. The gene for white skin was introduced by Neolithic farmers, however it wasn't as useful in the South, and therefore it wasn't selected as much. If you have white skin, you have a Neolithic ancestor.

everyone with half a brain realised till now that he's a dispora shitposter and not danish

cringy shits
No writing system
No central belief
No colonised islands
Like before mentioned but without the no

Almost as embarrassing as a FYROM nigger claiming Greek heritage.


albanains have nothing to do with illyrians or "pellasgians".Its a nationalistic myth propagated by Hoxha.

No, it was not.There is no proof for this.Neolithic farmers looked like today lebanon populations.
The earliest white skin gene was found in Ukraine, way before Neolithic untermenschen invaded.
Sure,but trough the Middle ages,and the New Ages Denmark was a major player in European history,while your country ceased to exist.
and your a fucking moronic larper who knows nothing of the subject at hand. Does he look swarthy and not white??

Again, see: >>128583146
Icelandic people are the best scandis imo
true. because when we were number one writing was a thing in just a few countries. when you started making history the avarage 3yo could write xd
Well probably,but the Albo(also diaspora) addressed Denmark.
I would say Sweden,but today's Sweden really makes me think.

The language study shows similarities between Albanian language and old Pelasgians. That can't be denied.


Oh you are a NEET Greek living in danemark who accuses others for "traveling".
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Just because you dont actually know ANY world history does not mean it doesnt exist.


yes we do. thought the years we lost the language, and the identity so we started identitying as Illyrians and later as Albanians. if you would've Googled once you would know
>No, it was not.There is no proof for this.

I just posted the article that describes it.

>Neolithic farmers looked like today lebanon populations.

As the Phoenician-like population moved throughout Europe, white skin was selected. This is literally depicted in the myth of Europa, a fair maiden that is abducted from Phoenicia to Crete.

>The earliest white skin gene was found in Ukraine, way before Neolithic untermenschen invaded.

No. You are the untermensch by the way.
create new thread niggers
When did Danish history suddenly become a topic? We have no shame in our game until Prussia attacked in 1864.

Albania isn't even a European country.
should i move to denmark after getting my CS degree? are there any decent jobs? can u live only with english?
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