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Bahrain closes both air and sea borders with Qatar

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Thread replies: 382
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>Bahrain announces it is cutting all ties with Qatar

>Bahrain has closed its airspace to Qatar

>Bahrain decided to sever ties with its neighbor “on the insistence of the State of Qatar to continue destabilizing the security and stability of the Kingdom of Bahrain and to intervene in its affairs”.


More middle east war on the horizon?
They've been at odds with the Qataris since the '80s. Not surprising. The Saudi's won't let their bars and whorehouses get fucked up.
>BREAKING: Saudi Arabia severs all ties with Qatar, closes off borders

Holy shit.
BREAKING: Bahrain has given all Qatari diplomats 48 hours to leave the country
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BREAKING: Egypt has cut ties with Qatar as well - @skynewsarabia
>BREAKING: Egypt has cut ties with Qatar as well - @skynewsarabia

is it happening?
Someone needs to tell them to stop being so racist and keep those borders open.
Saudis and Egypt just did the same. Wtf did Qatar do lol
Al-Thani crime syndicate going down.
have some leftist triggering memery, op! https://streamable.com/te2b8
What did he mean by this?
BREAKING: #Qatar citizens are given 14 days to leave Saudi Arabia following the severing of all ties ties
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Possible happening inbound...
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BREAKING: Qatar has been expelled from Saudi-led coalition in Yemen - @zaidbenjamin
>BREAKING: Qatar has been expelled from Saudi-led coalition in Yemen - @zaidbenjamin
BREAKING: Qatar has been expelled from Saudi-led coalition in Yemen - @zaidbenjamin
>BREAKING: Qatar has been expelled from Saudi-led coalition in Yemen - @zaidbenjamin
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BREAKING: United Arab Emirates has joined Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Egypt in cutting ties with Qatar

UAE too
>breaking news! Irrelevant middle eastern shithole shit talks larger middle eastern shithole
What the fuck is going on.

All confirmed btw

Can anyone explain this?? Do we even have Qatari anons here?
Looks like Qatar is being kicked out of the big sunni boys club.
Jesus, did Qatar tell an off-color joke or something? All of his friends are telling him to fuck off.
wait what
Bahrain is a pretty based country
Please keep all the conflict in europe, I didn't ask for this

Complete BS.

>Qatar and Iran partnership.

Not in a million years.

What I'm reading is Qatari intelligence was found spying in Saudi.

You dun goofed
Saudi Arabia is already getting its ass kicking in Yemen, no way will they invade Qatar too.
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Sounds like the Qataris should be worried, Muhammad.
You're going to be the invader
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Doesn't Hillary have 2billion in Qatar?
So, the World Cup will be moving to the U.S., right?
>BREAKING: Saudi Arabia accuses Qatar of 'sponsoring terrorism'

HAHAHAHAHA, The nerve of the saudis
dude bahrain is 51 km (31 miles) from one end to another
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IM NO EXPERT but as far as I understand, the Qatatris support groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and the other Arab states dont. Saudis and co have had problems of their own with extremists and are angry at Qatar for giving them protection, there have been rumors of a war, possible invasion of Qatar by the other Arab states to force them to stop funding and political support of extremists groups.
Qatar likes Erdogan-Morsi style islamists in suits that try to get elected democratically, try to run the country, obviously a lot of the stuff Al Jazeera shills for, not perfect but you can work with them and imagine them in the 21st century some day

Saudi Arabia is prehistoric and genuinely evil
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(((Word on the street)))
What's the ASU like these days?
Hopefully Trump just says "fuck all of you" and just stays out of this, while selling guns and making us rich of course
what did Qatar do?

Did a Thani rape a Khalifa princess?
Qatar is a tiny peninsula sticking off the end of the country. Not exactly analogous to the problems they faced in Yemen.
I don't see how that's relevant if Saudi Arabia is providing air support
This rumor of invading Qatar has been going on for a long time
this is just a ruse to take away the 2022 World Cup hosting rights
fucking insane to think a group had the balls to take over the holiest site in Islam
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No, but this happened
Anyone remember the videos of the people of Bahrain trying to join the Arab Spring back in 2011 and the government just shot them. No failed state here thank you very much.
Wtf ? I love Qatar now
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On second thought this "source" seems sketchy.
Er, anon.

America might have just given the go ahead for a Saudi lead takeover of the middle east
>have slaves
>gun running for Clinton and Obama

shit is happening.
This man is lying, Trump was clearly bribed with a sword
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Qatar actually funds ISIS along with Saudi Arabia. They just always had different agenda
>Saudi accusing anyone of funding terrorism
Dem titties
I actually went to secondary school with her.

>A hot princess is never gonna leave everything behind and risk her life to be with you

Feels bad man
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BREAKING: Saudi Arabia accuses Qatar of 'sponsoring terrorism' - @The_NewArab
>BREAKING: Saudi Arabia accuses Qatar of 'sponsoring terrorism' - @The_NewArab
BREAKING: Saudi Arabia accuses Qatar of 'sponsoring terrorism' - @The_NewArab
>BREAKING: Saudi Arabia accuses Qatar of 'sponsoring terrorism' - @The_NewArab
BREAKING: Saudi Arabia accuses Qatar of 'sponsoring terrorism' - @The_NewArab
>BREAKING: Saudi Arabia accuses Qatar of 'sponsoring terrorism' - @The_NewArab
What the fuck
Bahrain is just a Saudi puppet state. What's going on?
America probably came in with a much better offer, we buy their shit and invest in them and they stop funding the terrorist.

I always wonders why ISIS decided to become so bold with their attacks lately
I think they're scared of Corbyn. He wants to make the Saudis and their funding of terrorism a campaign issue down the stretch, when has anyone else really done that? Maaaaybe the french left have like once?

this is the rest of the gulf throwing qatar in front of them when qatar was already the unpopular kid on the block, it will work with some percentage of westerners, like I can hear Trump giving a weird speech about qatar since the all-knowing all-seeing all-powerful muslim brotherhood has always been a meme with the republicans
There used to be a website called stopqatarnow. It's gone.

If it makes you feel any better she left him so she could whore it up in Las Vegas.
The biggest Murcan base in the ME is in Qatar btw
In all seriousness, she looks cute.
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Please be war
not an argument
exaplin the gas line
oil futures NOW goy !!
Note how this all goes down after Bilderberg has just finished convening...
by the way, is their any news on that? if war breaks out and we are not involved do our troops just escape and burn everything or stay put?
What does this mean for the Qatari turkey pipeline?
they ended up divorcing though. dude should have stayed in bahrain, and converted to islam, that way he could've fucked her, and been a member of the royal family.
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It's because of this comic, IT'S FUCKING NOTHING.
/pol/ fags are probably the most uninformed jackasses on the internet
>#Syria #DeirEzZor General Issam badly wounded, RUAF attempting to evac 11 Minutes Ago @ Deir Ez Zor from #SAA #SyrianArmy
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that pipeline never made any fucking sense anyway
there was no reason for it to go thru Syria

Iraq was right fucking there if they wanted to keep it landbased

and the competing Iranian pipeline went right thru the Mediterranean anyway so that was an option too
We have some serious military hardware in Qatar.

This is disturbing
Exactly, they are all accusing Qatar of creating instability in the region.
> accused of funding terrorism
> shut down borders
it;s fucking nothing
They hold the base, (hopefully without shooting) while burning documents and getting equipment out.
qatar secretly spying for the houthis? wtf i love qatar now?
>red qatarbar
go back to Iran
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Retarded meme that suggest gas pipelines cannot be built over mountains.
Dude, there's a fuckton of oil and American military bases in those countries.

Remember last time what happened when Iraq invaded Kuwait? If anybody strikes another country and it disrupts the flow of oil, there's gonna be a huge fucking war on the way.
> spotted the ISIS sleeper
I hope MI5 bags your ass
Are you saying there was never any proposal to create a Qatar turkey pipeline through Syria?
the big difference between Qatar and the rest of the Arab states is that Qatar supports the Muslim Brotherhood and nobody else does
basically, everyone else needed an excuse to isolate Qatar and the alleged spying is just that
t. jew
seems far too bias to be taken to any sort of credibility
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Hey dumbasses this is what the Gulf States agreed to do when Trump visited them a few weeks ago

This is all about Saudi Arabia moving beyond oil expanding into the global economy, and these are the rules we told them they have to play by if they want to be part of the (((global financial system)))
The woman are.
Seriously, the Saudis are losing their grip on the Middle East.
First Yemen, now this.
Iran must be really happy knowing they don't have to lift up a single finger and just wait out their rival's collapse.

This situation has happened before, basically defend the base guard the fences, get any of our nukes out of there.
Maybe it is related to the raid on Huma's house in Michigan, and the emails?
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>pic related
Of course there was a kike involved in all of this.
I'm not suggesting that at all.
kek, you have literally no idea about who I am
Don't we have bases all over there? Who are we going to ally with?
That is definitely not built to US code. 3ft minimum cover and there needs to be ditch erosion control in place.
Man I love these Muslims. They cause so much trouble wherever they are
Hopefully pull out and leave Qatar to its own defenses.
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They are definitely going to war
Hosts US Central Command base -
Strategic relations with Turkey -
Only land border is with Saudi -
World's 3rd largest gas reserves

Could do with a bit of war.
Qatar/Turkey suppports Muslim Brotherhood. Saudis/Bahrain support Wahhabis.

There is no difference for us but there is for them. Authority over durka leadership and all. Plus who gets an upper hand in leading syrian jihadis.

Are you dense? It's the whole reason the US funded, trained and armed rebels in Syria.
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here we go bois....take the pop-corn....Im ready for the ride, arent you?
Dat fucking global energy supply tho
Wasserman huh, sounds familiar
No one. There was always spats like this in the past (the Arab Spring was much worse imo). Qatar is the home base of United States Central Command, so it's not like anyone is going to invade the country

US will just stay out of it and let the kids settle their bitch fit
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how the shit is this not higher up in the catalog

Link to source.


If real, it means the Saudis are getting sick of the Qataris financing the Muslim Brotherhood, which is seen as an existential threat by every other Gulf state.
most definitely the Saudi-lead coalition, both Egypt and Saudi Arabia have basically worshiped our feet for the past few months under Trump/Republicans and their are rumors that Qatar is in bed with the libreal/democrats
I wonder what Al-Jazeera's take on this will be.
>Breaking news! Retard from a country that lost a war against emus doesn't know shit about anything
I know, I meant which side wins. The Assad sponsored one or the US one
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Hello Again /pol/

THis is what is going on for those confused.
Quatar has always been very close to HRC and thus had much more influence in the region that it ever should.
It did some quite underhanded things that pissed off the neighbors.

Now that DJT is in control
A long enough time has passed for Trump to be directly implicated since his visit to Saudi
While there DJT let the neighbors get back at Quatar and it served DJT's interests as well as payback for supporting HRC.

The walls are closing in and her friends are getting hit hard.
HRC is not sleeping well.

Can answer questions if you wish
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what the fuck is going on

this doesn't even make sense
I've seen the North Korean flag more that this.
If anyone wants the link to this story... I didn't even know this was going on.

Looks like they're throwing Qatar under the bus for funding ISIS. Its a good plan to stay alive for the time being.

Maybe Trump told them to blame someone or he'd take them all down when he went to visit.
Terrorism getting ass blasted? Is that what is happening?
redpill me on muslim brotherhood vs wahhabis

>stupidity: The post

The positions Houthis have in Yemen are mostly mountainous. And Yemen has the second highest weapons per capita in the world, after the US. Taking Yemen is very different than Qatar.

In fact, Egypt fought a war decades ago and it was dubbed by some as Egypt's vietnam.

Saudi isn't sending its army to fight fully. They are fighting Yemen like the US is fighting ISIS in Iraq, through proxies with air support.
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This is almost as tingly as election night
shut the fuck up
Saudis are the biggest funders
it's because Qatar is starting to side with Syrian gov
They stole the world cup. Fuck those guys.
You're an idiot.
The Bahraini's have been dealing with Shia insurgents for a very long time, the Qataris help the insurgents a little bit. The Saudis need all of the bars, whores, and degeneracy that Bahrain takes a blind eye to for a pressure relief valve. UAE and Egypt do what the Saudis tell them to. Look for Kuwait to join in soon. The GCC is run by Saudi.

If Quatar/clinton gets btfo Assad wins.

FSA lose all their suppport and everyone gangfucks ISIS.
Will the U.S. move Central Command?
>A long enough time has passed for Trump to be directly implicated
Implicated in what? Was this a typo?
both are extremists, but wahhabis are also funded by (((them))) more heavily than brotherhood
A year ago before the war they had 0 control over the country

Now they control 70% of Yemen

How is this getting your ass kicked?
It's only just begun lad. This will be bigger than Turkey coup happening.
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F U C K ? ?
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Thanks for explanation
you give no reasoning though
MB less extreme, anti monarchy, believes in democratic process albeit not in liberal democracy.

Saudi's wahabis are loyal to monarchy, more extreme in social rules, anti democracy.
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>Saudis accusing other states of supporting terrorism

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>Please invade
Please invade
>Please invade
Please invade
>Please invade
Please invade
>Please invade
Please invade
>Please invade
Please invade
>Please invade
Please invade
>Please invade
Please invade
>Please invade
Please invade
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>qatar airlines flights are already avoiding airspace

looks like they've known for some time
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any chance this could lead to a war? i need a new happening in my life.

Both sides are claiming who's the only true """moderate"""" form of Islam. Nothing new.
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Oh sweet. Can't wait for more comfy desert warfare pictures.
so the saudis side with israel? and the US? what's the end game?
Qatar is oppening sides with Iran you fucking idiot
that's why sauds and puppets are getting angry
They just bought 100 bills in weapons.
This is just like in Civilization when you reject a demand with one nation and 10 alerts pop up straight away about broken treaties with everyone else.
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All my doompauls have been in a hodl pattern

Market cap is skyrocketing save doompauls now!

>The dispute between Qatar and the Gulf's Arab countries started over a purported hack of Qatar's state-run news agency. It has spiraled since.


>The hackers also purportedly took over the news agency's Twitter feed and posted alleged quotes from Qatar's foreign minister alleging a plot against the country by other Arab nations. It said the small, gas-rich nation had ordered its ambassadors from Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates withdrawn over the plot. The tweets were later deleted.

>Sheikh Saif Bin Ahmed Al Thani, the director of the Qatar's government communications office, issued a statement saying authorities had launched an investigation.

>"The statement published has no basis whatsoever and the competent authorities in the state of Qatar will hold all those (who) committed (this) accountable," Sheikh Saif said. The statement did not explain how the remarks made it on state television.

This can actually be less dramatic than it seems just from the cutting of ties. But the middle east is fuckin batshit, wow
Ended relationship with Qatar
Saudi Arabia is best friend now
That kitty
More like dick in your ass faggot.
>oil back to $100

Thank you, Jesus!

CNBC is confirming, this is real, it's fucking go time
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to expand their economy to more than just oil, they are doing basically the opposite of what Venezuela is doing
greater israel obviously
US still is in Israels puppet no matter what nu-pol says
Trump was still the better choice by far though
Basically, Qatar is switching sides and so all the teams are figuring stuff out
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No matter where they're from women are all the same
Ever seen Wag the Dog? That's what this is all really about desu
Didn't Trump recently tell the Arab League to get its shit in order?

Could this be it?
fuck off dirty wahab rat
Do you think it's gonna be war?
Not the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia. It's the Saudi government that has ties to Israel.

Goal: Contain Iran. Saudis don't really care about Palestinians.
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>saudis need oil price to rise otherwise they're fucked

Iran + Qatar fighting Saudis, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and UAE....dam dis gonn be good...I'd pay to see it.
Muslim Brotherhood is political Islam, so they get their Islamists voted into office like Morsi in Egypt and Erdogan in Turkey

This is something very bad for Saudi because the monarchy isn't hates the idea of losing power to Islamist ideologues. So they are a threat
what are you reading
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OH SHIT, I bet this has everything to do with the email leaks a few days ago that show Obama-era people had taken bribes from Qatar in exchange for political favors. Get ready goys Qatar is going to be public enemy number one.
wahhabis are who did 9/11
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Tell me about it.
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oh shit
fuggggg :D
This is accurate.
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Okay I'm out
no, it's saudi arabia backed by (((them))) getting angry

cute how they went to war with fracking and ended up fucking themselves even more in the process
of course the saudis are the biggest funders, I'm saying they decided to save their own asses by laying all the blame on qatar.
This is already a red flag.
Quatar is more connected than you know with (((them)))

U.S positions will not be touched.
No matter what happens to the rulers, they know not to get the US into this publicly.
Even though they are behind it

Trump gave the nod on the plan
No surprise to anyone in in the field

The Arabs love trump
They had to clean house of the Hillary Arabs in their midst
maybe Qatar actually is funding ISIS?
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What did Qatar do though, someone please explain
Qatar was hitting well above its weight. Assholes got pissed. Much of this is just show. There won't be a war and Qatar should call everyone's bluff.
they are all funding ISIS
no, it's that Qatar is opening ties with Iran so Saudi and friends are screeching
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Preparing a freedom delivery, courtesy of U.S. of A
Yeah fuck that guy!.....
Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyiW3acN2ug
Good, I hope they go out of business.
the only country in the middle east not funding isis is Iran

Is this the consequence of the leaked e-mails from Clinton (the new ones containing Qatar shit)??
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Okay guys here's the most likely reason


>Four Arab countries led by Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic ties with Qatar and moved to close off access to the Gulf country, escalating a crisis that started over its relationship with Iran and its support of the Muslim Brotherhood.

I'm as surprised as all of you are. Saudi Arabia accusing others of supporting terrorism is unmatched hypocrisy, but that is what those sandniggers are saying.

Anyway, this is good regardless, division between the Sunni faggots will only bring peace to the world, as their concentrated efforts to fund worldwide terrorism will go down since they have to be weary of each other. Hopefully Iran can make profit of this situation and BTFO all of them.
oh look a reason for more refugees now...germany/france/sweden will be super happy.
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Damn. It was easy.
Its middle east ww1
What did quatar do to start this?
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>Qatar will host the 2022 FIFA World Cup

well according to Wikipedia, they funded rebel groups during the Arab spring debacle, and are trying to basically disturb the middle east order by advertising itself as this tropical oasis that is better than Dubai.
Why would the Saudis fund a group that put the entire royal family in their assassination list?
they have been fighting alongside saudis in yemen

except it turned out that qatar was heloping the yemenis secretly

then it comes out that Qatar has been backstabbing the entire ME for the Clintons etc.
I saw a Qatari anon respond on a trans-kids thread a few weeks back. His flag looked like a chocolate bar
Funny, no mention of it on Al Jazeera (English) yet.

Hillary was running weapons through Qatar, some of which ended up in Libya, I believe, and money was going to the Clinton Foundation.
Guys I am high and I just woke up... is WW3 starting?!?!?!?!
Who gives a shit.
Canada you should know, when your enemies kill you, you win
>What did quatar do to start this?
It didn't act like a little bitch like the other states. It was resilient and didn't take the subtle hints to be submissive.

I'm 100% pro-Qatar right now.
Yeah they need to know how to use it as well. Which if the Yemen war has told us anything, they dont.
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not good
finally some good news for Qatar
you were rare before that happening

>can anyone explain why there always CALLE in the captcha ?
Even if you are just some schmuck, this is the way things are actually going.
Wrong, tactical assault emu shipments will be going up under Australia's new policy
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that's like asking why NY jews funded the third reich. They are using it as a tool to eliminate the opposition
Sorry, it's just bugging me for some reason.
What is going on guise?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?11111one1
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Only if Iran mines Straits of Hormuz.
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Airbase won't be touched. They know pissing off Trump will only result in everyone having their oil taken away.
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Markets open at 9:30 AM sharp, so if you don't have a trading account you have until then to get one.
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and I'm 100% anti-tripfag
This so much. I believe people who go "muh pipeline" are just new and looking for an easy answer.
> generic sandnigger tweet
can you provide some context? Is he the foreign minister of Qatar? A Qatari journalist? Member of the royal familly?
For a live stream?
Conditioning us for the normalization of spanish as an alternative language.
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The spice must flow
So. They are being watched. They can't shuffle weapons off to IS anymore.

They need to use them for 'legitimate' reasons.
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NOT HAPPENING: USAF Al Udeid AFB is in Qatar (I've been there.) The Saudi's and Qatari's have always hated each other. The Saudi's aren't gonna do shit because they're not in charge. WE ARE!
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tanks in 30 min
>Qatar is tired of Qatar's shit
Who cares about world cup there's a big us military base there
If Trump makes them leave then yeah shits going to hell
he works at a thinktank apparently
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From last fall:

Lagardere makes explosive munitions.
Qatar is the largest shareholder in it.
Lagardere has close ties with Teneo and the Tiger group of shell companies.
Qatar (and saudi arabia) runs Muslim Brotherhood.
Through Muslim Brotherhood they have a registered pool of future “moderates”/martyrates
Qatar bought Bataclan 2 months before the massacre.
Spoke with French security officials beforehand.
Details of the massacre were covered up at the investigation level (most convenient point of power to control).

Qatar has given to the CF. Huma has ties with the Muslim Brotherhood which Qatar supports. But, other than that I’m not sure. Also this:
>The wife of the former British prime minister, Tony Blair, exchanged 19 emails with Clinton over four months in 2009 as she sought to arrange the meeting on behalf of Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al-Missned, an informal but influential ambassador for Qatar on the world stage. After initially suggesting they shared a philanthropic interest in disability charities, Blair added: “I am sure the conversation would not be confined to these issues but would be about the US/Qatar relationship generally.”
Saudi govt doesn't support terrorist. Every single faction of terrorists in the region is a clear existential threat.

Saudi Arabia, particularly its holy cities, is the ultimate prize of many of the factions like ISIS, AQ, Iran, etc...
Look up his twitter page, you uncultured savage.
He broke the story of the hacked Qatari ambassador's emails.
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Always remember to archive

>https://theguardian com/us-news/2015/jul/01/hillary-clinton-lobbied-by-cherie-blair-qatari-royal-emails
Weed is for niggers.
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Well there is one piece of good news for them
What is the best way? Etf, mutual fund, individual stocks ? I don't trade futures, but Id like to capitalize on this.
DOES NO ONE REMEMBER THE EMAIL LEAKS A FEW DAYS AGO? They source at the time said that it is expected that the hacker will release all the emails soon.

I smoke it once in a while. It's fine.



Qatar is supporting Al Quaida & ISIS.
So probably they are gonna fuck this country
based archive bot
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Thanks sweetie :-)

America stands with you based Qatar.

Friendship ended with House of Saud. Now Qatar is my token sand-nigger
Yemen is the poorest country in the region, barely has a military, and in a middle of a massive Civil War. Saudi Arabia backed by 7 nations, thousands of African mercenaries, and US support (logistics and a naval blockade of Yemen), still managed to fuck it up.
They don't stand a chance in Qatar.
Can you be any more of an obvious sandnigger? I hope CSIS bags your ass
>Bahrain cuts all ties with qatar
>SA cuts all ties with qatar
>Egypt cuts all ties with qatar
Middle east is like a game of crusader kings 2 irl
>"Alright Ahmed, are you ready to invade those Qatarian bastards!"
>"You bet Mohummad"
>"Hey can i join?"
>"Sure brother, all can join an- wait a minute your Qatarian"
>"I know i am, I denounced Qatar too!"
>"You can't denounce yourself!"
>"Yes i can, and i just did!"
>my id
>my post
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So, Qatar has been "fighting terrorism" alongside a coalition of other ME countries all while they have been allegedly funding and supplying weapons to ISIS and Al Qaeda?
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jail next for biggest loser?
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I don't get it Poland, is this part of your master plan?
>Salafists supporting other Salafists
>wtf how?

Hello babby, allow me to explain Middle Eastern geopolitics. In the Middle East, your Islamic sect is literally the most important thing in your life. It's much more important than your race or country.

That is why Arab Shiites have no problem allying themselves with Persians to fight Arab Sunnites, since people of your sect are the only ones that won't betray you. It's why a few decades ago Iran and Iraq were waging wars on each other with Iraq gassing Iranian civilians and committing other horrors, yet now the Shiite government is completely friendly to Iran and they both work together against Gulf Sunni influence.

Saudi Arabia, Al Qaeda, and ISIS all have the same sect of Islam, that is Salafist Islam, they all hold the same beliefs and the same goals (extermination of Shiites and rule of fundamental Islamism). They're all in bed together and put up this show of "conflict" to fool you that they're not allies. So be careful, when looking at the Middle East and judging who's allies and who isn't, just look at their Islamic sect.
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UAE cuts all ties to Qatar
It looks like the jews have found a new target to throw american soldiers at.

Get ready goys
You should be hoping you get your next welfare check for the heroin you're doing. Without them, you'll be sucking cock for money like your mommy taught you.
I was JUST going to post something about this. I thought I read somewhere that Hilary was trying to get asylum in Qatar because she has hidden accounts there or something
>When you lose the Penguin support
Shit it's all over
reclaim sicily when?

that was Bahrain
they're both insane and dangerous, but the MB is subversive and wants to install sharia through a democratic legal process, while the wahhabis are much more brute force straightforward extremists
> I admit I am an ISIS sleeper agent shill
>Qatar asked iran to protect it from saudis
Why did you personally denounce Qatar anon?
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Trump will make it in 2020 the same way Bush Jr. did....feels good man


have a (you)
Airlines always have those routes as backups.

Yemen would fight along side Iran because Iran is helping them fight the Saudis and Qatar would never ally with Iran. Egypt would stay out of it. I don't even think the Sauds would get drawn into it.
It's just like Civilization

apparently Qatar just built a Wonder and now everybody is against them

C'mon man, don't be rude. The little guy's having a hard time lately.
We better not get involved in this shit. Let muzzies kill eachother for awhile.
Never lmao
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Look at it another way.

Small M.E country
In which USA has the largest force
Get US allies to destabilize the country from the outside
Who do you think will run Qatar in a few months?

Make Qatar Great Again

More war = More migrants to europe.
Is that what you wish?

The US & (((Greatest Ally))) created ISIS.
It is a puppet
No one cares who gave money

Do you really think Qatar will put up a fight with all the US's allies.
When the US has more hardware in their country than they do.....

You mean America will Own you
i think we now know who's saudi's scapegoat
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not every major geopolitical happening has the clintons as a cornerstone u mongs
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This is our chance to retake the holy land! Join me brothers!

Saudi = Muslim Brotherhood. Wtf are you talking about. MB works with Sauds/CIA/Mossad in the middle east.
We just made a $350 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, we're already involved
>trump visits saudi arabia
>suadia arabia destroys qatar
>the country where hillary and co. have 2 billion+ stored
4d chess
there is in canuck speak, louser

In short: we won, you(the west) lost
>your Islamic sect is literally the most important thing in your life. It's much more important than your race or country.

This is not true. Some Iraqi Shias fought under Saddam quite loyally against Iran. Some Iranian Sunnis (Arab) fought against Iraq.

Azerbaijan, mostly Shia, has better relations with Saudi than with Iran.

Qatar is mostly Sunni but against Saudi Arabia.

>They're all in bed together and put up this show of "conflict" to fool you that they're not allies.
They aren't. AQ and ISIS have regularly bombed Saudi Arabia.

In fact their current crown prince has survived 4 assassination attempts by AQ.

>just look at their Islamic sect.
This is an idiotic view that you take to lessen the cognitive dissonance. The MidEast is too complicated for you.

There is a sectarian divide in Mid East but it's much more complicated than that. Oman, Kuwait and Qatar are all Sunni and don't mind Iran. UAE is the most secular and successful Arab regime and it is anti Iran, at least Abu Dhabi is.
Simple. Qatar is being sacrificed for Trump by the Sunni sphere.
>Not getting involed in a middle eastern war

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no ur mom
Qatar is using realpolitik. EVERYONE has given to the CF except me.

Both of you are full of shit. Him because Trump being bribed, and you because nobody fucks with him.
Saudi's cleverly played Trumpf like a fucking fiddle.
literally no one thinks you're him.
Which they've no doubt found due to their recent mass surveillance apparatus.
Saudi Arabia is now the dominant power in the middle east
No. You're just hoping so your faggot fantasy of getting assfucked by an ISIS member can become true. Go to Iraq or Syria if you want that. Just don't get caught.
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They're Ibadi you fucking leaf

>Implying Russian gas won't be fucked when the US gets going under Trump's energy policies
Fuck off Shareblue.
ur mum leaf
>S T E A L T H
Think the US will get it in the end.
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Its working.
why are you shilling for Saudi Arabia if you're not a potential terrorist ?
You realize that blowjobs are a stealthy means to get pregnant, right? Chicks do that(along with anal) in order to get knocked up without it looking like that was their intention.

Usually such conceptions are followed by excuses about condom's failing.

Remember, its what happens right after the blowjob that the girl does when the guy isn't looking that matters. No one wants a mouth full of jizz unless they can get a baby out of it.
Ibadi are Sunni with a fancy name.
Because it triggers retards like you.
>didn't buy energy stocks at close on friday

$uwt should have a good day tomorrow
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Just apologize hoy fucking leaf
>literally no one thinks you're him.
I do
Its possible. We make a lot of money from war and even more money when our ally is an incompetent subhuman that loses hundreds of modern combat vehicles to a bunch of farmers with 70 year old Soviet weapons. Then they come back asking for more weapons and the kikes happily sell them some.
>invade/overthrow Qatar
>create a safe zone state for Muslim 'refugees'
>establish a Middle East NATO to protect them creating a common cause for everyone to rally behind.
no not mom
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Why does everyone want to bully Qatar right now?

*Obama created ISIS
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That would be brillant
>btfo the DNCs offshore bank
>new space to send rapefugees
>trump says,"look, heres a great place for them" calling the EUs motive into question
>but they must go to europe
That's, probably, the dumbest shit I've read in a long time.
>Iran's leader lashes out at Trump, Saudis for anti-Tehran alliance

>Saudi-led Alliance Moves to Blockade Qatar Over Iran Tensions ...
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There's bound to be exceptions. Even during the US invasion of Iraq there were Shiites fighting the Americans because not everybody might like the idea of a foreign country invading yours. They are still a minority

>Qatar is mostly Sunni but against Saudi Arabia.

Against is a strong word. I would say "against" if Qatar was ready to ally up with Saudi enemies like Iran against Saudi Arabia, but that won't happen. They're just mad at each other.

>They aren't. AQ and ISIS have regularly bombed Saudi Arabia.

AQ and ISIS receive a ton of their money through charity foundations in Saudi Arabia. Most of the ISIS attacks in Saudi Arabia were against Shiites, proving my point.

>This is an idiotic view that you take to lessen the cognitive dissonance. The MidEast is too complicated for you.

No it's not you fool. Just look at ISIS attacks in Saudi Arabia


First one was in parking lot, second and third were in Shia mosque and fourth was near US consulate. Saudi Arabia is probably happy that ISIS is killing Shiites in the country.

>There is a sectarian divide in Mid East but it's much more complicated than that. Oman, Kuwait and Qatar are all Sunni and don't mind Iran

They all work cooperatively against Iran. As you named it, it's a sectarian divide, which I'm explaining, and not a racial or nationalistic one. Oman, Kuwait and Qatar have all shown their anti-Iran stance by allowing Americans to have military bases. Even UAE allows America to have military bases in it and project an anti-Iranian sphere all over the Gulf countries. The level of anti-Iranian rhetoric you see doesn't matter, only the actions you see do.
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America lost quite a lot of combat vehicle to jungle people in Vietnam. Yemen is a tough terrain to fight in.
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Yeah! Fuck that guy!
Qatar and Saudi Arabia created ISIS through funding from the USA and the plans of Israel
>There's bound to be exceptions. Even during the US invasion of Iraq there were Shiites fighting the Americans because not everybody might like the idea of a foreign country invading yours. They are still a minority

Iran has a lot of Sunnis on their side. So it's not just exceptions.

>Against is a strong word. I would say "against" if Qatar was ready to ally up with Saudi enemies like Iran against Saudi Arabia, but that won't happen. They're just mad at each other.

Qatar supports MB and is moving toward Iran. That's not down to just emotions.

>AQ and ISIS receive a ton of their money through charity foundations in Saudi Arabia
False. Money that ISIS receives is extortion, taxes and oil money from fields they captured in Syria.

>Just look at ISIS attacks in Saudi Arabia
Killed a bunch of special forces in a mosque. And attacks against security and sometimes civies. You're not making any sense, retard.

>Oman, Kuwait and Qatar have all shown their anti-Iran stance by allowing Americans to have military bases.

Kuwait and Oman don't have much power. They are moving toward Iran diplomatically however.
Guy needs to lose some weight
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so literally no one
You're easily the most retarded on in this thread: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Abha_mosque_bombing
gg world

If iran mined straight of hormuz rouble would cost 13 dollars the next day
Observers monitoring Kuwait, Jordan & Morocco. Libya's Parliament & army are projected to adopt the same positions
I'm only guessing but I sense a row over funding not war
Anyone know how reliable this source is?
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