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German and russian problem

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Thread replies: 188
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Be Russia:Destroy Eastern Europe
Be Germany:Destroy Western Europe
Question how do we deal with these 2 countries, eaven till this day they bouth fuck europe from bouth ends west and east.
No matter what conflict those bouth fucks constantly destroy Europe, and try to enslave other nations.
Fuck Germany and fuck Russia, die in hell bouth of you.
2 plagues of Europe.
shut up and keep paying your taxes, fag
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>Keep paaying your taxes
I will
But you know what is funny?Eaven afer your goverment brainwashed you and told you shity history in school you still seem to not lost your urge to destroy europe once again, and congratilations you did it, you once again fucked up western europe.
Meanwhile Ivan on the other side of the end fucks Ukraine like pedophile who was left alone with 5 years old child.
Bouth of your countries are cancer of europe.
at least a latvian who doesnt beg to be under german boot again
at last*

When are Germanics and Russians gonna finally unite and subdue all these pesky butthurt-belt slavshits, I'm growing real tired of them
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Those fuckers genocided Prussians and Galidians,after that made our people into slaves
for 700 years how can i trust the fuckers after that?And Ivan is eaven worse unlike germans who actualy built something here (Riga) russniggers only destroyed everything, raped and stealed, fucking subhumans.
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question for Russians

do you have a face like picrelated, when some slavshit from the butthurt-belt accuses you of being the "cancer of europe"
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Not a slav you mauntain kraut in denial.
Also russians are slavs it is kinda ironic for yopu to say slavshit and praising russniggers.
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>mauntain kraut in denial.
you mean slavs
>the Netherlands having more muslims than germany and belgium ever

russians are slavs, and you are a slavshit

it's very simple

because when people think of Latvia, they go "Oh it's like a SHIT Russia, huh"
Hanz, why the fuck are you so butthurt over Baltics? Even we don't care anymore.
>le destroyed eruope meme :^)

/pol/ is not for you anarchist children.
it's the natural progression of the eu, my friend

these lands must be subdued and ruled directly by us, also they keep talking about muslims so much I'm thinking we should turn them into a reservation for muslims
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>and you are a slavshit
I literaly just posted map of slavs in Europe and you still seem to not understand it.
FUcking idiot.
>Oh it's like a SHIT Russia, huh
Russia is shithole when compeared to us, they are poor faggots and without gasprom and old soviet military they would be compleatly irelevant country, heck without gass they would live like africans.Also russia is about 70% white at this point, moscow is full with chinks and tatars, if this keeps on goving Riga will become more russian city then moscow.
> riga will become more russian then moscow
> implying this isn't because all the "pureslav" latvians ran away to clean toilets

fine, you wnna get annexed that's fine too, I just don't want to see your rip-off flag ever again kiddo
> I just don't want to see your rip-off flag ever again kiddo
Our flag goes back to 13th of century so fuck off faggot.
> implying this isn't because all the "pureslav" latvians ran away to clean toilets
Okay but you are anglo rape baby, you are anglo saxon.Also those people who go to western europe are worst of us, we don't need them, we send them to west becouse thy are trash people.
Now you get it my anglo saxon frend?
I feel angry at you by using a German name at this ostrich call him by ostrich names like Adolf.
> "we" "SEND" them


you'd need 50kg of chains to tie down 80% of somewhat good-looking latvian chicks, so they DON'T go and prostitute around in europe (which by the way ALWAYS starts with a "semester abroad")

whom are you trying to kid here, kid?

our country is small as fuck and we only have 17 million and only like 4 major cities out of which 3 are infected beyond repair
Don't wory after few years it will be your woman who will prostitute in eastern europe when imigrants turn western europe into shithole.
I tnhik, Latvia must be devided between Russia and Germany.
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My opinion of Australia is that you should stop stealing our flag you Slavic scum.
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Pledging support to Latvian side.
Be Latvia: suck cocks in Munich brothels and clean shit in London toilets after Friday curry.
you mean Austria, my flag looks nothing like yours
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Give it to us, the true neutral
In the times of the Russian Empire, Germany and Russia were greatest allies. We need to bring back those times and reunite to fuck the European Union and all the cucks. The current establishment is unnatural and degenerate. Only a strong and conservative brotherhood between the two nations will prevail and allow our peoples to recover from this degeneracy.
Said russia the bigest shithole in whole europe with somalia tier coruption, but who still suport their corupt goverment, and when people try to speak out they get arested by idinaja russija, you are subhumans nothing more.
>In the times of the Russian Empire, Germany and Russia were greatest allies
American education
>Poland being butthurt about a united Russia and Germany
Lel I wonder why? Don't worry Pshek, part of you will be German and part Russian just like the good old days.
You've got two choices
>be culturally enriched by Mohammed
>be culturally enriched by Boris
>Implaying ivan will not be culturaly enriched as well
Go to moscow, you will see what i am talking about.
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Fuck eaven brits are better then these 2, thanks for helping us out in 1917.
eastern europe is already fucked, but atleast its pretty comfy
>eastern europe is already fucked
Says that and posts balkans
I think you don't understand the diferance between eastern europe and balkans mate.
Why doesn't Baltics unify into one federation?
same shit desu,eastern europe cannot compare itself to northern or western or even mediterranean but atleast it has deep rich history
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No problem. Those Russians need to step off.
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>same shit desu
no, balkans are south east europe, eastern europe is north east europe, learn the diferance.
>eastern europe cannot compare itself to northern or western or even mediterranean
Yeah thanks to ivan we are poor if not for ivans comunist dick we would be eaven better then western euros.
pic related before ivan ocupations.
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Becouse unlike yugoslavia (South east europe) where serb culture is dominant, we here in baltics (North east europe) have diferant cultures and languages.
Sounds like you guys are fucked
the languages of poverty?
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why do you blame eastern europes current financial situation on ivan, i know that communism was lower than dogshit but nobody wants to work harder to fix what their grandparents broke

als if you didnt notice t.bulgar
Said slovenia, Estonia is allready on your level and soon will outmach you, don't act like you are any better off then us faggot.
>hy do you blame eastern europes current financial situation on ivan
becouse Ivan is literaly what destroyed Eastern european economy.
>Said slovenia, Estonia is allready on your level and soon will outmach you, don't act like you are any better off then us faggot.
in what way are they destroying it right now?
>in what way are they destroying it right now?
What is crimea, what is east Ukraine
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>tfw comparing poor people to poor people
so they're not destroying any of your land, right?
get off of your lazy ass and work to better your motherland
I mean I know you're a useless nigger, posting here first thing in the morning, I'm just telling him that I find his holier than thou attitude funny
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y do u care? like it's not your business. hohols were like asking for it anyway.
going to work at 10 coming back at 9 have to cover my friends shift
Crimea became few times richer after leaving Ukraine, subhuman.
>so they're not destroying any of your land, right?
USSR sent russnigger colonists here, many of whom eaven after many years of living here still can't speak any Latvian, how do you think that makes me feel?Should i be happy about russnigger failed atemt to colonising Baltic states?Let me ask you something do you feel great that south USA is full with mexicans that can't speak any english?
Ivan was the only guy who invested anything into your village when Swedes and Germans pulled out in 2008. You're like a Zimbabwe negro ranting about white people that came and stole everyhing he had.
Funny how Ukrainians your slavic brothers who you where lokking as brothers, now have earned name hohol in your country and they are new enemies, it's like you subhumans need a common enemy just to not kill each other, look how great does russian propoganda work, making brothers enemies.
Ren TV mutch?
(btw this video proabably will be blocked in russia so change your country in youtube)
>going to work at 10 coming back at 9 have to cover my friends shift
>working on weekends
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lmao @ comparing THE international language with some worthless shit spoken by 1 million people who will die out in 1-2 generations.
>communism was 20 years ago m8 stop complaining and work
>rusniggers dont speak latvian because guess what? theyre russian not latvian
>dont expect them to speak latvian in a country that they own
>mexicans work hard and cheap,they cant speak english but it doesnt bother me because i dont live in the south,in the north mexicans speak english,work hard,cheap
yeah for the prise of corpses of young men of bouth Ukraine and russia.
> "now" have earned name hohol
how can people be this uneducated?
also austria created ukraine to fuck with the russians, it was nothing personnel but they're a joke country
>worth it
I think "Bitch spitted bitches of war" is more apt.
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>eaven after many years of living here still can't speak any Latvian
Because russian culture is richer and more superior in any ways. They just don't see the need to integrate to a weaker culture.
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Ukraine have the 2nd highest mortality rate on the planet.

Even if we will carpet bomb their cities it will only improve Ukraine in the long run.
>Ivan was the only guy who invested anything into your village when Swedes and Germans pulled out in 2008. You're like a Zimbabwe negro ranting about white people that came and stole everyhing he had.
I can agree that germans civilised us, becouse before them we lived in mudhuts, (For the price of 700 years of slavery and many ded men)
But you russniggers didn't bring us ANYTHING
of worth.
lmfao the butthurt belt is LITERALLY on suicide watch
they rekt you up the bumhole, they can be honorary europeans just for that
why would a colonist country speak the language of the country its colonizing?
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Well they are still our brothers, it's like some of them have that rebellious younger brother complex. I love them and their culture though.
are you taking it to a race track or are you gonna sit in traffic in an impractical car?
the uk will never fall

but if you promise to cuck the eu ill turn a blind eye ivan
>Because russian culture is richer and more superior in any ways. They just don't see the need to integrate to a weaker culture.
Yeah culture like wearing addidas, and drinking cheap vodka and eating cabage every 9th of may.And going on the streets of Riga stealing and doing crime that is russian culture, Moscow street in Riga that is full with russians is shitiest part of Riga and it's full with russians, every where russians become a mayority becomes trash.
>communism was 20 years ago m8 stop complaining and work
all Russians do is complain about how they are oppressed by Baltic fascists and not work
>rusniggers dont speak latvian because guess what? theyre russian not latvian
Who the fuck cares who they are they should be happy that they are not in ovens right now
>dont expect them to speak latvian in a country that they own
top kek
>mexicans work hard and cheap,they cant speak english but it doesnt bother me because i dont live in the south,in the north mexicans speak english,work hard,cheap
cuckold nu/pol/tard
also Russians don't work, all they do is drink and complain. Why do you think they like Soviet Union so much? Because back then they could rent seek after populations that actually made something.
need I to say anything else?
> anglos turn the blind eye
oh yeah like that's gonna happen, thanks for the laugh
Yeah man, I heard that russians from baltic states are stuck in the 90s. I have seen that already in Brighton Beach. That's strange to me.
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We all know who is pulling the strings and manipulating the financial and social fabric of both countries
>also Russians don't work, all they do is drink and complain. Why do you think they like Soviet Union so much? Because back then they could rent seek after populations that actually made something.
need I to say anything else?
yeah I also played gta4
do you guys work?
> populations that actually made something
except it's widely known that Russia and Belarus were the only net positive contributors in the USSR

Latvia didn't make shit in the USSR, just like Latvia is not making shit in EUSSR. Only the excuses have changed.
But you've got the Paris Accord to save the world!!
>do you guys work?
Of course I am not Russian
oh lol!

This is sample of rich culture.
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>Be Germany:Destroy Western Europe
When has this ever happened?
do you like being a security guard at a grocery shop?
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race track and also picking up bitches downtown tho my dad wants me to get something else cuz he's super european and says that german cars are the best
Kek, no one works in Lithuania. It's the most rapidly dying country in Europe. The place is completely devoid of any industry since the end of terrible Soviet oppresion.
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Are you sure about that?
Nah man I have seen it with my eyes. I thought it's a satire in GTA, but some of them still do wear tracksuits with dress shoes and thick gold chains. These types don't exist here like since the 90s. American russians are very strange. Also a lot of them have jewish background.
the audi rs 6 is the best car
yeah and even a bigger lot of them are jews from various butthurt-belt countries
holy shit, the sheer fact that your proofs is some meme-tier cartoon that looks like it was part of the nu-age latvian education program, but I distinctly remember studying about worthless states that russia had to support during the ussr days, and you can't really talk about my bias there, because that was an austrian institution

ussr didn't collapse just because there were SO many EPIC AND BASED countries that were being held back by Russia, it was quite the opposite
Why are you projecting? Butthurt much?
Top kek, lets see that GDP growth Ivan
Depends on the taste I suppose.

I love european cars but still my dream car is Ford Mustang Eleanor. I just like the raw design that USA is so good at.
Greatest height of Russnigger culture
slavshit, whom are you trying to trick with your purchases that are LOANED to you?

are you an actual retard? you live in a village
>Austrian instetution
Yeah well and where did they take the datta from in the first place faggot?Of corse from pappers whitch where made by Ivan, you are a joke.
Also how can't you see the patern idiot?
Our GDPPC was higher then yours before russian ocupations, and you think it is not possible that we whent in huge surplus?
I'm not talking about the design or anything. Just that it's a roomy car that can go fast
I can see the pattern of the butthurt-belt having to dig into the history books to find a time when they were in any way relevant, and always having a bunch of excuses as to why they aren't.
Austrians are slavshits themselves
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>He still thinks that we didn't whent in surplus
Read the fucking pappers and reacerch on it faggot, we whent in huge surplusin USSR, Russfaggs invested the money in their own country that we produced.
True that, however the usefulness of speed is somewhat debatable at least in my country where top speed is 130 and that is only on some parts of the highway.

That power is still useful when you need to overtake those pesky Germans in their holiday trailers.
>government debt
that is fuck all
I have that face whenever someone talks about Ukraine as if it were a real country
> don't trust the russians on us being poor, LOOK and trust US

I'm really happy for all these shit stats you pulled together as a country for when you were preparing to get cucked by EU, but I'm really not impressed by them.

There's the FACT that whilst in the USSR, shitholes like Latvia got a WHOLE bunch of FREE resources.

Now what shitholes like Latvia managed to do with those resources, is make product that you wouldn't be able to sell anywhere but inside the USSR (like most commie products)

Then we see Latvians screaming about how they're better whilst taking out fat EU loans in 2017. It's all like a big joke.
Dude relax, come to Croatia, the water is warm already, we'll go fishing.

All this stress will kill you folks.
We have one chance to rid ourselves of the Russian problem here. We need to wait until Russia goes into revolution mode, then purge all Russians here. It shouldn't take too long. And the west probably wouldn't even intervene if they supposedly hate Russia so much.
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Not eaven meme countries whant to be your frends Ivan.
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Yeah they also managed to fuck up most of the factories they had been given by the ebil rushunz.
So basicaly 1905 and 1917 over again?
came back from pag last week, visited a friend for 10 days

let me shit on a potato-farmer in peace, thanks
>muh free resources n shit
we didn't need them, we where good enough before receaving them.
how much longer are the political prostitutes of east europe, going to try and "impress" anyone with how quickly they can switch "partners"?

like ok, we get it you're a whore lmao
They need to be preoccupied. Otherwise they will send some "little green men" to "liberate" us.
Yeah, you're right. We shouldn't have let the Jews take over our country. I blame Nicholas II.
do you really believe this shit?
This is some black africa-tier arguments. I mean i support your independence and i think that russians who live in Latvia at the moment should learn official language of the country (like everyone else all around the world).
But believing in fairy tales like that just make you look bad.
>Said fucking austria
The country that was fighting against prussia, then it allies german state, then it losses and hates it, then it joins new reich, and now it hates germany once again, you my dear austria are the biggest whores of them all.
>80% of politicians in USSR are jews
>Russia talks shit about how they didn't let jews take over their country
Russia will be around for a while. The EU however, being essentially a marxist project, will soon inevitably fall, leaving small countries that depended on it the most utterly ruined and devastated. Only to learn a simple lesson that one can only ever rely on his own people, resources and technology.
That's our secret mate.

You can't utterly ruin that which already is utterly ruined. We are in win - win scenario.
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More of this.
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austrians, you literally are slavshit subhumans:

Slavic settlement of the Eastern Alps

The settlement of the Eastern Alps region by early Slavs took place during the 6th to 8th centuries. It is part of the southward expansion of the early Slavs which would result in the characterization of the South Slavic group, and would ultimately result in the ethnogenesis of the modern Slovene people. The Eastern Alpine territories concerned comprise modern-day Slovenia and large parts of modern Austria (Carinthia, Styria, East Tyrol, Lower Austria and parts of Upper Austria).

Fun fact those ''factories'' where not built foe Latvians but for your own colonists.We didn't need any new factories at that moment, but you needed them to get an excuse for sending in so many russians.
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get off of 4chan and enjoy live you faggot

you are independent since many years now and all you do is complaining about Germany and Russia
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>Serbia not changing colours
I love my country. Pure defiance (serbian: INAT) on borderline with stupid. We are surrounded now, like hundred years ago. Just like 80 years ago. Just like in 19th century. But we still live. And even you can occupy us but you can't break us. That reasoning can't be understood by Italians, Croats and Bulgarians for example, who switch sides like whores.
Neck yourself peace of shit.
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yet we are "of neutral" and surrounded by natocucks like you, so what's up bitchboy lmao
Translation:I don't have any arguments left so i will just say something irelevant yet verbaly insulting
> latvia
> independent

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Fun fact: Russians drink less than any of Baltic states.
I gues someone is missing anchull eh?
I love how the unplagued lativan bitches and moans as if he even is scratched by the problems we have.
Tell me, how many millions do you shelter, boy?

FFS Lativan Shitposters.
what "arguments" can you even have, when you're a NATOcuck and austrians aren't?

are you sniffing glue again?
Yeah well, when you have neighboars like russians you can't help yourself but to become alchahollic.
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Fun fact:

Russia rank 151 out of 163 in Global Peace Index:

are you retarded?
keep to fight Russia, german's slave.
You yourself created those problems, our problems where created for us.There is a diferance Vācieti.
Not as much as you slavshit.
> peace index

> neighbouring countries relations

so because muh ukraine shit the floor, russia is doing bad in the pece index? wtf i HATE russia now
Keep on fighting west, montgol slave.
Why is everyone in this thread calling each other a slavshit.
russians deserve a medal for making so many people this butthurt
go clean the stables, peasant wtf it's not breaktime yet
west kill themselves very effective without us.
Sure sure so ummm how is Viena doing?Do new Austrians feel good in there?Are they feeling welcomed?
Same applies to you ruskie.
dude vienna is one of the best cities in the world, luv it

how are things in your village?
Both Germany and Russia destroyed Eastern Europe.
for good reason*
proofs are in this thread
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>sees real stats from World Health Organization
>it shows that Baltic states consume even more alcohol than Russia
>h-here! have a meme statistic from some meme organization!
Sure it is.
>how are things in your village?
Doing preaty well bro.
We have already passed through socialism. West only begins this way.
And they're bigger and heavier so they will fall harder than RE and USSR.
Shut the fuck up, your country exists for pure reason to weaken germany, and it is not eaven an ethno state,you are krauts in denieal.
going to this house warming party of a 17 year old slovenian qt later who moved here to "study" (read:get bleached), finna bone her brains out tbqh

you got enough glue there for the weekend?
Austrian are slavs in denial.
Tell me how are new moscowians doing Ivan?
more like we're apex slavs and then not even technically slavs cause our dicks hang low and our eyes are green lmao get on my level subbie :^) XDDdd
Moscow is whiter capital in the world.
>Moscow is whiter capital in the world.
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>muh dick
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nigger Moscow population are 70% Russian.
The whole Moscow population are x7 of your shitty country ofc we have fucking muslims there, we had them since fall of Kazan.
What is your point? you underaged spastic cuck.
His point is that you are both poor and cucked by Muslims. I opened his video, saw those niggers praying in they shitty tongue and I burst out laughing.
>nigger Moscow population are 70% Russian.
I think if this continues at that point Riga will be more russian then moscow, in upcoming 40 years. (Taking in hand we will not genocide russians in Latvia untill that time)
>He really think that he can genocide anyone especially Russians.
My small region have more population that your country. Only thank to USSR you still exist. But there is not USSR more and your time has ending.
All support to the letonian fag, op you rock. Fuck this vodka drinkers.
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Take a look at the stats - russians are dying out rapidly (krievi = russians)
they can easy come back.
Be Russia:Destroy Europe
Be Germany:Heal Europe
I corrected you
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Leave them to it and maga faggit
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So we are the ones who will die out huh?
Realy makes you think.
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