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Black Pill Thread

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Thread replies: 310
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>If every single western politician is (((controlled))) in some direct or indirect way, what is the solution?

Civil war, but it will never happen. These kinds of problems have been around since before the invention of cuneiform writing.

>So what will happen? Sounds like you're implying there's no hope.

Essentially we actually need a cataclysmic scenario in order to start over. The apple is rotten to the core and needs to be thrown away.

>But people are waking up.

The (((Alt-right))) wants to "preserve western civilization". Think for a moment, what does that even mean? It means enlightenment values, aka exactly what the Jews want. What counts as "Western" these days to the average person has now turned into pretty much anything liberal, which has been the root cause of our downfall. Within reason sovereignty is nice, but with nothing but nihilistic individualism society cannot be maintained.

>So become authoritarian?

Even if you were to do away with everything "liberal" the current stock of human beings have been out-dysgenic'd. Modern medicine is to blame for there being so many people who don't deserve to live. See the 3rd world population boom and the decline in world average IQ. Most people in the West used to harden as they grow on their own, like anywhere else. Now without effort you can remain indefinitely infantile due to our decadence. The "Beta" phenomenon. There were always outliers that became like this throughout history, but now the general masses have succumbed to this condition. There is no longer a rite of passage into adulthood, you can be sheltered and live comfortably. This is de-evolution. Everyone has a dandy-ol time being a degenerate well into their 50s.
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>I agree. You can especially see this in the cities where the worst of mankind is concentrated. Sometimes I think society just needs a reset.

Society does not need a reset, humankind needs a reset. A return to a type of hunter/gatherer/farmer society where if you were a greedy cunt you would be caste out of the tribe. Not to chuck away all our technology and such, but this is the type of social structure modern humans have lived in for 99% of its history. Cities are unnatural, unplanned and have brought more misery. A large portion of society can now just "live" and try to find trivial things to keep themselves busy with.

>So the Zeitgeist needs to be completely redefined? And the only solution is some sort of massive catastrophe?

Exactly, this is inevitable really. That's what I have been trying to explain to retards using "Blackpill" liberally. They have no broader perspective. "You're just trying to bring us down blackpill cuck!" When in fact I'm trying to explain the gravity of the situation.

>Has this happened before?

It's detailed quite nicely in the Sumerian Swindle book how Ubaidian traitors and merchants betrayed their tribe and started importing Sumerians to replace them slowly without any backlash. Even if you get rid of all the Jews or any similar group, you still have to get rid of the liberals, commies, kosher nationalists ect.

>But what about the economy?

There's more to life than just "the economy". Before interest came to be, before some greedy tribesman asked for more than he gave away, everyone had their fair share. Not because of a "gibs me dat" system, just because it was impossible for 99,999% of society to unfairly benefit, and if you didn't work at all (live like a welfare leech) you would die for not being able to provide for yourself. It's what commie pipe dreams are made of, except with actual work involved.
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The industrial revolution and the industrialized "modern world" that it created were a singular event in history with a clear start in the 19th century, a peak of wealth around 1960 and ever since an irreversable phase of decline (in terms of standard of living per capita).

Wealth creation is at its core mainly determined the "quality" of available energy and mineral resources. Unfortunately there is this natural phenomenon called "diminishing returns". Ever since we mined the first coal and started pumping the first oil, the Energy Returned on Energy Invested ratio of these resources has been decreasing. Likewise, the energy acuisation costs for minerals and essential resources like food have been going up and up as we deplete the cheap and easy stuff first. Oil is the MASTER resource, it's everything around you in the modern industrialized world. Without abundant and CHEAP (in money and energy-terms) oil we will economically degenerate back to a pre-industrial state.

The inflection point where we had rising standards of living is already long in the past. And no we wont have a renewable engery revolution since these energy technologies can't provide for their own energy costs AND run an industrial society. Unfortunately many people are blinded by an irrational faith in technology to see what's coming and don't even realize that technology is not a source of energy but just a way to convert energy-resoures into productive work. Once the high grade finite energy-resources are gone, we're only left with the sun and its derivative energy-types. And we will adapt accordingly.

You will not go to space in your lifetime. For now, this is the rock we fight and die on.
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>Then what happened?

Slowly but surely the tribes separated into two social classes, the Haves, and the Have-Nots. Obviously the haves dictated everything that happened, started foreclosing on farms and taking their tribesmen and families as slaves to pay off their debts which could not normally be paid. We briefly had a period where it seemed this dynamic would dissappear with the rise of the middle class, but since the 70s this class has effectively been culled in the west.

>So what’s then the ideal philosophy for society to follow if not an endless pursuit of prosperity?

Essentially we need to go back to Darwinian Eugenics, which in itself actually almost took off during the industrial revolution when it became clear to many we were spiraling downwards as a species. We have to do away with loans and financial manipulation, modern medicine that helps the genetically unfit and the imaginary concept of “human rights”. Many hardcore Natsocs and those that call themselves “redpilled” do not want to accept that modern civilization is what has led to our downfall.

>How do I prepare for the collapse?

If you’re in the west I encourage moving as far away as possible. Even remote regions in some 3rd world countries will be better off once the pot reaches boiling point funnily enough. semi arid, or semi tundra areas are ideal. Start a small group.
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Realize that to live is to struggle. Really internalize this truth in your being and actions and when possible spread it to others that you care about.

In the end the Natural Order will always prevail. Nature is inherently fascist. The modern world is a world that goes completely against nature and the results are telling. It's tearing itself apart.

Nevertheless you as an individual can always choose to go against the flow and struggle and persevere while the rest of society rots and withers away. It's not an easy path, but you go on because you know that you are in the right and that in the end you will be vindicated.

Exactly because the modern world is so self-destructive half the battle is just weathering the storm until the whole edifice has degenerated so much that we can rise and deal the final blow.

Live to live your life correctly and that will bring happiness to yourself and those around you.
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>This is all very morbid though. Don’t you feel any empathy for those that might perish? Don’t you want to save them?

Most normies base their opinions off 9gag memes. That’s why I say let it all burn in hell. I’m not sacrificing anything for such sickly people. It would just be arrogance at that point. Maybe some like Hitler thought there was a possibility because there was no internet, otherwise all hope ended there.

>This thought process makes me feel like a psychopath though.

Nah. The psychopaths are the ones who do not understand these simple concepts. I used to think everyone was a normie - when in fact, we were the normies all along. I cannot imagine living like the average western individual today. I used to laugh at the “wake up sheeple” crowd until I woke up. It was depressing for a time, but now its just funny really. I started digging into all these nationalist movements but found out they were all just another strain of the Jew virus. I can’t believe I fell for the Trump meme one time. I realized my mistake roughly 6 months before the election.

>I’ve come to realize all these political events, elections, movements ect have no true effect at all on where we’re going. Do you agree?

Yeah brother, here’s a good analogy; it’s like kabuki theater for the goyim.

But for those that have realized this and those that have been convinced; you are part of a small fringe that might outlast this event and can then ensure another chance for mankind as a whole, a chance for your descendants at the very least. For us to eventually reach the stars, we need to come to terms with this.

Stay strong, prepare, and good luck.


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Also, this is quite the opposite of nihilism. Nihilism is not giving a fuck. I very much care for the future of my race, I am a practicing Calvanist Christian aswell. Like the great flood we need to wipe ourselves clean. I firmly believe we have never strayed this far from our morals as the entire world has succumbed to secularism and nihilism, worshiping ideals rather than nature.

t. posting from an isolated Karoo farmstead
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Thread theme

Have sex
Have children.
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>implying a baby shitting contest will 'fix' western civilization
Yay, another one. Bumping for interest.

SA Anon, whats your opinion on the whole North Korea getting more aggressive and the EU getting weaker? Sounds like some promising cataclysm if NK doesn't get instantly destroyed by a single US bomb.
>Implying ending your bloodline is in any way helpful.
NK for all its memey troubles is the latest target of the kikes.
>b-but I care for muh race
never get tired of you retards
try reading your book and that part where it says races don't matter and you shouldn't discriminate or try to preserve our own because you're all yahwehs children
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>getting worked up about trivial things such as religious debate
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>try reading your book and that part where it says races don't matter and you shouldn't discriminate or try to preserve our own because you're all yahwehs children
Please point out in the scripture where Jesus said race doesn't matter, or are you on the "nice jesus" train that likes to pick and choose.

Bump for the based Afrikaner.
never get tired of you retards
enlighten us, leaf, do you allow yourself to be murdered by bigots then? the bible says don't discriminate, but what do you do when somebody discriminates against you with lethal force? you defend yourself of course, like it says to do in the bible. fucking hell, canada.
>The (((Alt-right))) wants to "preserve western civilization". Think for a moment, what does that even mean? It means enlightenment values, aka exactly what the Jews want. What counts as "Western" these days to the average person has now turned into pretty much anything liberal, which has been the root cause of our downfall. Within reason sovereignty is nice, but with nothing but nihilistic individualism society cannot be maintained.
That is alt-light, alt-right actually stand up for whites in USA not just shit tier notion of western civilization
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Without memeing, I think hastening the decline of it all would make for a better result in the end -- that we may storm our way out of this coming dystopia for the prosperity of our future generations.
>withdraw all money you have in the banks, buy a decent safe to store cash. Also buy some gold since cash is not a long-term store of wealth.
>completely withdraw from being a consumer of anything more than basic needs
>satisfy all debts to avoid usury and interest profits for debt-generating super-corporations that inflate/bloat the economy
>chop up ALL credit cards
>move to a remote location, preferably with a family to start (or already started)
>contribute to the local economy by trading goods/working for local businesses, even if it's for chump change -- all to feed your family

Following Varg's advice in one of his more recent videos: REVOLT against the modern world. The suggestions above are also advice from him, and I agree.
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Let's name some some "alt-right" figures.

Gavin "buttplug" McInnes
Milo "Gay kike" Yiannopoulos
Alex "avoid the JQ" Jones
Richard "gayness is whiteness" Spencer
Paul Joseph "Nazis are bad" Watson
Donald "I love the jews" Trump

the list goes on.

Modern conservatism is now about protecting gays from Muslims. The slippery slope is not a fallacy.

If you unironically refer to yourself as "alt-right" you are nu/pol/
>not taking the memepill
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Do realize I'm not saying give up all hope, but do be prepared for the worst since things aren't going that swell. I'm saying do not let your guard down with a false sense of momentum. Always fight as if cornered, prepare for the worst case scenario. In the meantime, yes sure, vote for the most conservative politicians, but don't rely on them.
Yep like I said that is alt-light. Except for Richard Spencer these don't even call themselves alt-right after hail gate, try to keep up.
Also I like how you did not even ask me what I meant and just proceeded spouting your rhetoric without actually trying figure out what I am saying. Very disingenuous.
the only 1 on that list that's considered alt right by anyone on the alt right is Spencer and the gay thing is 1 comment taken out of context.
>Le based Alt-right cultural war m8 xdxd

If you could remove your Jewish overlords tomorrow that would be dandy, but I think we all know that stands no chance in happening. Until the masses come to terms with the JQ (which will never happen) we will slowly but surely decline. World government and dystopian centralization of power is itself a pipe dream which will also lead to collapse. The question is, will you be a content little lamb and vote for another "FUCKING BASTE" candidate like Trump or will you prepare for the future?
Revolt against Modernity or Ride It.
Varg's advice? Who's that?

You got a link of said video?

>that flag
>shitting on the alt right
>just as more or less all alt right figures and radio shows/ other media content creators have over the last 2 months been trying to spread awareness of the situation for whites in South Africa, both to try and garner support for the whites down there and as a warning to whites in the west
kill yourself you fucking nigger.
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>Putting any faith in kosher politicians
So you gonna completely ignore all I said and again just spout your rhetoric without even engaging what I said?
No I don't.
Indeed. While I do use my computer like now, I try not to make it part of who I am am. We are constantly stimulated by technology. This itself is also unnatural since we used to be able to just sit for hours and reflect, a form of "meditation" I suppose, but its nice to do it. I have a garden I go sit in during the late afternoon and just gaze out on the nearby mountains. I don't think about anything in particular, I let my mind wander. Really healthy and fulfilling.

The vast majority of things that modern society has brought is inherently bad. The only "good" things it has brought are directly or indirectly related with making life painstakingly easy and almost meaningless or just increasing world population to insane levels. The kikes would have us be dependent on them soon; once post industrial society hits and we become unproductive slaves to the state for our monthly food ration.
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>The (((Alt-right))) wants to "preserve western civilization". Think for a moment, what does that even mean? It means enlightenment values, aka exactly what the Jews want. What counts as "Western" these days to the average person has now turned into pretty much anything liberal, which has been the root cause of our downfall. Within reason sovereignty is nice, but with nothing but nihilistic individualism society cannot be maintained.
is an excellent point and this post sums up a lot of what I've been concluding recently. I was not aware it was called the black pill.

I'm curious about your end game. I'm all for a collapse, but you talk about cities and civilization in a light that makes me not entirely sure what you'd hope for afterward. Do you want civilization to rise anew, or do you believe we'll belong in the tribal herds humans fall into upon adherence to animalistic urges?
Cannot remember which one in particular. Varg talks out of his ass a lot when trying to teach history, but the framework of his philosophy is not flawed.
Go to Youtube search for Fash the nation or daily shoah. This edgy movement is not just tied to /pol/ its spreading.
He thinks that everyone here is stupid
this thread is spooky as fuck
How in the name of all fuck can you believe that hurting/killing people is good for the fucking world? Bloody hell, you 'pill' people are threats to the entire world.
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America and the West is cucked beyond belief. The JQ is still a taboo everywhere and will remain a taboo. Enjoy the ignorance is bliss attitude and hope for a cultural change pal with "THE ALT RIGHT XDXD", but until America has a revolution nothing will change and the best we can hope for and surviving the storm that comes with this decline. Where we're going has not drastically changed the last 25 years.

Your political choices in Europe aren't that different either. All politicians in the West are kosher, none are unapologetically nationalist because people have been fed altruistic propaganda for 60 years.

Nations pre 1800s were all Fascist by today's standards. I've given up on any notion of the "rise of a meme nazi army" we're spiraling towards a reset at this rate, and the natural order is fascism once the reset has happened.

This is just realizing elections and political movements is just bread and circuses. Whoopdy doo, we elected Trump. Turns out he works for the Deep State now. There was no revolution in America after this betrayal, the last place in the world where citizens are still armed.

It's time to turtle up and weight for the inevitable financial collapse or when we reach peak oil.
because the majority of the people shouldnt exist in the first place
It is unnatural that the weak survive the trials of nature
>The edgy movement

Oh the cringe.
>How in the name of all fuck can you believe that hurting/killing people is good for the fucking world?

I'm not saying I want it to happen, it's just going to happen on its own. I'm trying to save as many here as possible by saying get out of the cities.
Monarchy and the elimination of the idea of human rights is LITERALLY the only way to save western civilization at this point
Appeal to nature is a shit fallacy you stupid faggot

Even still, why should we emulate what lesser animals do? The fact that we care for our sick and weak is what makes us humans. Are you suggesting that our women eat us after we fuck? That's perfectly natural and many species do that.

You see, humans have this thing about them called civilization. It's unique to us. You aren't gonna find a parallel in nature because we set the standards you goofy fuck.

Stop being a wehraboo bc it's the only kind of "group" you can be a part of that hasn't been infected by "women and normies." Your grandpa would be fucking ashamed of you.
The French Revolution was the beginning of the End.
And who are *any* of you to decide that? Look, I'm not a tough guy, I'm no badass. You aren't either. And yet you probably believe you survive a collapse, an apocalypse. What, because you have guns? Because you took some boxing or wrestling classes?
Humanity survives and thrives through love and care for each other. If you want to live your life full of hate and spite and misery, that's your problem. There are probably people out there who would love you, but, you refuse to accept it.
>ignoring everything said
>just focus on one phrase and use the most generic insult
A sign of true high IQ ubermenchen
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I'm not anti-tech, I'm anti-automation and urban living. Cities as we know them today have only been around since the mid 19th century, when cities reaching hundreds of thousands of inhabitants really started to become common.

We should grow our own food, not rely on other food producers. Over specialization creates a society without purpose for many.
Monarchists and Fascists have daddy issues. They literally just want a big strong daddy to tell them what to do rather than take destiny into their own hands...because that would mean owning one's personal failures.

Fuck you.
nigga oil will last forever
I would rather not want destruction and death, but so many people do not deserve to live and are anyway dying slow deaths themselves. Suicide rates have skyrocket, life grows meaningless for many in the cities. Soon those living in post industrial society will just be receiving their monthly ration to "live". What is society when it has no purpose and is ruled by greedy kikes? Bring the rotten structure crashing down by the gun or just let it collapse in on itself. In the meantime, rediscover your true nature, not that of an ant, but as survivor.
Fuck your liberty.
Many are too stupid or mischievous.
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Because cities are inherently self destructive because they are unnatural.. The countryside would remain unaffected in the long run. 99% of our history has not been like this. I do not wish for us to suffer under the Dystopian future (inevitable unless we topple the governments) so I'm just saying be prepared, don't just rely on politics because its a kike's game.


Retarded Jew demoralization thread you mean.
If all animals on earth decided to let their weaklings survive and spread their weaknesses further down the line, then no species would have been successful. We only were able to survive because we're smarter, I suppose.
And they'll die by their own hands bc they're stupid. Why is that any of your business.

I like the guy above who's like "buy a farm, live with your loved ones, fuck everyone else."

You are an edgy faggot. One day you'll grow out of your 1488 phase because you'll find that you don't get pussy because of it or you'll kill yourself from the crushing loneliness. Don't talk at me like that when the one in the most danger is yourself.

You remind me of those muslims with the signs that say "SHARIA IS TRUTH FREEDOM CAN GO TO HELL"
>not understanding your own limitations

>buying the enlightenment meme that everyone deserves equal treatment (especially subhumans)

>believing the liberal meme that anyone can do anything with hard work

>not understanding natural hierarchy.

Libertarians are arguably worse than liberals because they un-ironically believe everyone is equal. At least liberals implicitly understand niggers and subhumans aren't the same as them.
“Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites…in proportion as they are more disposed to listen to the counsels of the wise and good, in preference to the flattery of knaves. Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere; and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.”
-Edmund Burke

~200 years ago people realized this important notion in society
>If you want to live your life full of hate and spite and misery, that's your problem
we don't, we care for the ingroup, and are either neutral or hostile towards the outgroup, just as nature intended.
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Le Pen lost, Germany will be led by Schulz, Trump is a good goy and the majority of "le based alt rigth xdxd" is now what that PJW faggot would call "alt-lite". But at least they have FUCKING BASTE black Trump supporters amirite??

If Trumps betrayal and overall the past events in the last 20 years haven't caused mass revolt, people have effectively been pacified. Don't get me wrong, I still hope America and Europe will have the revolution, an armed one, not a "le based cultural xdxd" one, but its looking very unlikely. "Meme magic" isn't going to help you here. Do not associate yourself with such pointless movements that get rehashed by (((figureheads))) such as those I've mentioned.
>because that would mean owning one's personal failures.
I never seen a libertarian to own up to their own failures they don't even admit that their failures are failures, they think that it is virtuous to be biggest degenerate in the world.
Read the OP posts and realize its the opposite.

>Not realizing that 99% of our history was like this and that with the decline in world economy some have begun to relapse to our true nature.
Again you just ignored everything I said
Half of the memes you are using came from Alt-right and you are not even aware of that. The "((()))", "based black guy in Trump hat", and I am pretty sure "black pill" all originated in Alt-right.
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This exactly. We are lucky to be living in this very interesting time period. Some are quite sad they aren't living at the height of the West's prosperity ("wow man I wish I was born in like 1910" hur) but we have our own purpose in planning to restart things right, and hopefully this time, during the next cycle, ensure we finally learn from past disasters and touch the stars. This is much more fulfilling than just enjoying the fruits of a brief golden age.
nice to see my meme being posted

>posting on 4chan
>not a subhuman

Pick one faggot

How am I a libertarian? People are obv not equal. I believe in live and left live without buying into some bullshit EXTERMINATE THE WEAK meme because you're an aspiring school shooter. Being bullied in school must have sucked huh Eric?
Only solution is using the system to screw over everyone else and make everything for yourself
The only reason you hate jews is because they are right and understand this
Cities are natural in that as technology improved so does complexity of society because less farmers are needed and there is surplus labor/ new professions form or slavery.

You could argue that fixed settlements are fucking unnatural too.

Probably this. It's just intelligent enough to pique interest but stupid enough to be demoralization thread.
>Humanity survives and thrives through love and care for each other.

Outside of close family, that isn't true at all. Humanity thrives based on need for each other. You need me to do X and I need you to do Y. This gives us both more time than if we both have to do x and y. The ability to specialize and exploit comparative advantages is what makes us thrive.
FACT: most edgy authoritarian fags in here are the way they are because they believe their ideology will somehow give them carte Blanche to start killing randomly when shit hits the fan. Killing people is overrated. Just play video games. Stop being a loser and blaming others.
>use shit tier lolbertarian insults
>someone calls you libertarian
makes you think
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This. /nu/pol seriously, wake the fuck up. Some of you sound no different than the commie neo-liberals. You're latching onto a politcal party and not seeing that this isn't a right vs left issue. Image related was from a thread earlier. Posting is here for relevance.
You outed yourself.
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Listen. It's time to put to put the Pepe down and realize white nationalism will not rise in mainstream western politics after 3 generations of altruistic propaganda. Yes, there's been a slight rise of "woke" lads and such but it will never be enough to retake political positions. It takes 1% of the population to start a revolution. If you want to save what we have with the "alt-right" movement, it's just big enough for that, but if you aren't going to use force, it's time for flight and to wait out the coming storm.
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>Monarchists and Fascists have daddy issues.
Monarchists is a Jew meme.

Fascism is a 'patriarchal society' based on the fact that all societies outside of Africa are. Sorry sweetie.
the only way is through terrorism and war
memes are only means to pass the time till we find a crisis that we can use as our opportunity
you must learn this Lithuania
what we need is a return to gemeinschaft style society, as opposed to the now gesellschaft.

But you already said it. It would be impossible in current conditions. Humanity has grown slothful and hedonistic.
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>I believe in live and left live without buying into some bullshit EXTERMINATE THE WEAK meme

>Nature is a meme
>It's time to put to put the Pepe down and realize white nationalism will not rise in mainstream western politics after 3 generations of altruistic propaganda

Black pill faggot thinks we're going to stop being white because "muh PR"
Nature is anti-life. We know of only one place in the universe that it exists in, and even here it has been wiped out to near-extinction around 5 times.

Also, appealing to nature is not inherently good. Rape is natural, cyanide is natural.

White people seem to hate the jews the same way the niggers hate us. It's a jealousy thing more than anything. They have higher IQ and are more successful. The end.
>Nature is a meme
Nature is the classification of the world around us and a basis for ration thought in the West.

Your pathetic beta tears (((Black Pill))) is a meme.
Nature would be to let them die of their own accord not to line em up in firing squads you edgy faggot
>Cities are natural in that as technology improved so does complexity of society because less farmers are needed and there is surplus labor/ new professions form or slavery.

Not so natural when cheap energy runs out or when natural disaster hits. I'd like to see how the natural cities outlast a little ice age or a slight reduction in food production when the majority of humans no longer produce their own food. We aren't evolved to be like ants.
>patriarchal and daddy issues are the same thing

Not at all. I'll quietly tend to my sheep knowing that hell is falling in on itself hundreds of kilometers away from me. I hope those with foresight get out in time before that however.
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>Nature is anti-life. We know of only one place in the universe that it exists in, and even here it has been wiped out to near-extinction around 5 times.
Nature is new.

You're a scared little faggot hiding beneath the covers because the Universe is big and you're so wittle.



All black pill threads should become Pierce threads from now on to shut down shills.
>Monarchists and Fascists have daddy issues. They literally just want a big strong daddy to tell them what to do rather than take destiny into their own hands...because that would mean owning one's personal failures.

You are laboring under the assumption that everyone is as capable as you are. Look around. Observe. How does the average person act? What is it they want? They want to be free of responsibility and the weight of the world. The question for you and I is, what system keeps them under the control the ly want while at the same time keeps the leaders from stepping on us. That's the position the fascists and monarchists are coming from.

Yes, yes, it's arguing over which form of slavery is preferable. All I personally know is the direction we had been heading looks like a hell of confusion to me.
You're not directing your energy correctly. If you are truly a WN, you need to realize that playing the kike's games will always end in your loss.
The alternative that the SJWs always blame is WASPishness. It is not patriarchal but based around the family unit. The atomic family unit. There is nothing patriarchal about that because it is not supposed to be a heirarchy but a network with the political interactions (Women were verry prominent in local/national politics) that stabilize and regulate it.

What America became is however a centralized and demented society.
You live on a farm? Jesus dude, your job is more dangerous than being a cop these days. Good luck tjom
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To you they are princess.
When have I suggested that?
Wtf are you even talking about?

I'm explaining that nature is not our friend, never has been. The reason we are making it today is because we fought against what is natural.
It will take years and it seems impossible today, but that is how it always is. Fighting is never easy there is no use in whining. The point is to never give in to black pill... At least try to look into actual Alt-right like Fash the nation, Daily Shoah (early episodes are a bit libertarian, but they come around later), or Richard Spencer besides shitty twitter screenshots.
>will never happen
are you shitting me? Tons of nationalist testosterone is flowing thwough male european balls.

>we need to start over because I am a whiny little bitch and believe their propaganda

Honestly I am a radical rightwinger and I think of myself as a "higher human" in the Nietzschian sense. Half of my Kameraden in the Bundeswehr know that I hum or sing SS marching in Feindesland at least once a day. One of our instructors has some serious nationalist tendencies he hides. Its easy to see. I guess most people know it. Others openly call antifa subhuman in the army. Most dont give a flying fuck as long as no looser is in sight who would tell the oficiers that someone said something mean.

We have enough good man left. Not as good as in the good old days obviously. But the number is growing.

>liberal stuff was bs in the first place

Yes and no, the first terrible thing that happend to Evropa was "the idea of the good" by Plato (inb4 Nietzsche parrot, I acctually had that idea before reading it in Nietzischan books, but obviously I would be a fool most likely without his books and related stuff)

The downfall began since then. That doesnt mean that everything that happend was bad. We invented nice stuff and we did progress overall. We must reastablish the power over Evropa. The political system is only a tool. If you see a political system as the goal itself and not power. You will lose against the kike. The only goal is power and the political system is a tool.
Thats one reason I admire Hitler in every single way but do not call myself a national socialist.
Karoo though, not Transvaal.
This is why blackpill is for retards and low-energy losers. Sage & ignore.
That's exactly what they are arguing is on the horizon. Starvation and collapse. Even the leftists think it's coming, they just think the cause will be different.

Do you have an insight you could share to offset the premise?
Listen, it's not about demoralizing it's about priorities, you can take part in politics still, but in now way *rely* on it. I do not understand these people who believe anything can be done through processes like elections when the other side is entirely opposed to you. It's us vs them. I still hope for "le ebin day of the rope xdxd" if something happens that causes it, but until then it seems my odds and my descendants odds are better to just retreat to the countryside and wait until the kike empire collapses from within, being inherently unstable as it is.

When King Nigger won the elections twice, were the neo nazi chimpouts, burnt cars and massive protests against him? No, the commies, antifas, libtards and non-whites tend to chimp out at any given moment. If you wish for prosperity - how are you going to achieve it with these scumbags? At best it's extremely unstable process that can't be ruined by a (((coincidental assassination))) of the President or any other major political figure and the hell breaks loose. It's obviously that as long as the cancerous enlightenment ideals with equality being the worst are propagated non stop and poured onto the whites, the decline is unstoppable. How can one fix it with all these gullible morons, who are so eager to gobble up this kike propaganda? Just red pilling is not enough, the kikes will push even harder to expand their empire. I sincerely stopped believing in any kind of political solution after the kike expansionist wars in the middle east, now it's more and more obvious that violence is the answer to this madness. Down with egalitard horseshit.
See pic in>>128168024
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>You're not directing your energy correctly.
You're not in my league faggot. You're a black pill demoralization chan geek, probably here for my little poney. You have no idea what direction is.

>What America became is however a centralized and demented society.
Thanks to Europeans and Brits bringing their degenerate kike culture to our shores. Marxism and Fabian socialism and the rest weren't born in America and still haven't taken hold fully, like in Britain.

>durrr what are you talking about?
>I'm explaining that nature is not our friend, never has been.
You're a fucking moron. No wonder you black pill. Nature is what we are. It's technology. It's everything outside of your delusional little fucked up fantasy world.
The mechanism of the delusion is natural, but living for it is just a rejection of nature and reality.
Ted Kasinski was a baby boomer loser retard living in a TV reality.

>The reason we are making it today is because we fought against what is natural.
We never fought against nature, we learned it. Hence the etymology of the fucking word "nature" you stupid little shit.

Shut your fucking mouth from now on and lurk more. You're too stupid to talk with real /pol/, and have no ability to rationalize basic thoughts.

Pierce - what's the most important thing in your life
You probably wont remember me from yesterday. But i must say, taking the blackpill ended my depression. Now im just excited for the upcoming "events"
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Kill yourself loser. You're pathetic and weak.

Give up your pills and chan memes and embrace the Overman.
Right now the most important thing is raising consciousnesses of your people, it is reminding them that they are a group with their own interests and that there are other groups that will attack your group. That is what Alt-right and /pol/ currently doing and it is working.
We don't fight against nature - nature *is* fighting. There is no such thing as 'unnatural' - that is going against the cosmic order. Star systems are natural, planets are natural, ecosystems are natural, civilization is natural - an another adaptive complex system which evolves and goes extinct when it's only true purpose - increasing the rate of entropy - is done.
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>You're not in my league faggot. You're a black pill demoralization chan geek, probably here for my little poney. You have no idea what direction is.

I'm a farmer.
I dont know what to say this is honestly the most informative and best written post that i think i have ever seen and ive been on here for years.

You are someone who truly understands the gravity and concept of the situation, and not to mention the only solution that can anwser our problems.

I mean day and day out i see countless posters offering their solutions but yet every single one is ethier inconciveble or a downright compromise, this vison however that you have shared is aggreeable and achiveable.

We are currently going through the kali yuga, and all we can do is go with the flow and prepare for the end result that beckons.
And as one we will rise like a pheonix from the ashes ushering a tribalist sytem based upon the fundaments of social darwinism and that of nature itself.

That is our only true hope, people can call it defatism or blackpilled all they want, but i call myself an optimist looking foward towards a new begining.
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Derek, is that you? I know the population of Saffers who frequent /pol/ must be small, and the proportion of those who could write such thoughtful stuff far smaller still.

>we didn't evolve to be like ants

but we did evolve the ability to reason even if we didn't know how to explain it pre civilization

Just because cities are a logistical nightmare for a human mind due to the incredible amount of variables doesn't mean they are unnatural. It just means they have become too complex for one individual to manage.

In fact they seem to be natural in that they follow efficiency principles. The less distance between consumer and manufacturer decrease entropy or expense in that system.

It's logical to build settlements near resources like rivers and oceans for both trade and production. It is logical that wealth would congregate there and in that the complexity of the settlement would increase.


Go on ya!
I'll freely admit that I always looked forward to watching things burn as well.
Something about the chaos is so cleansing.
Fuck you Amerifat. Keep your bait to trigger leafs
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I think I do remember you.
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>I'm a farmer.
For (((Monsanto))) no doubt
>I'm a farmer.
Comfy, I was born on a farm
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>Amerifat wants to larp as a WN
>Doesn't want to pick up the rifle, doesn't want to preserve himself
>Thinks playing the kike's game will make a difference.

Oh my. Please do realize you're making a mistake in priorities.
Fuck you Muslim. Your time is coming. We're going to take your black pills and lace them with ebola.
Allhamdullilah you will beheaded by Prophet Trump. I see it as clear as i see Merkel enriching my street.
Just cause you are redefining the word nature doesn't make you right. Also, your tony robbins video isn't doing shit for your "argument."

Strawman more, enjoy.

I never said I was afraid of the universe. I was saying appealing to nature is a fallacy. And I don't fucking blackpill. You're confusing me with one of the other South Africans.
I give no shits about lazy people or gibs or "MUH DEGENERATES." People suck. I don't associate with shitty people and can ignore them. If they do the right thing or the wrong thing is of no concern to me. I do what I believe is right because of my own sense of honor. I only care about letting myself and my loved ones down, not some abstract concept like MUH RACE

I just said that here.
>Doesn't want to pick up the rifle, doesn't want to preserve himself
That makes no sense. I don't live in South Africa you stupid fucking nigger. We can have all the rifles we want and everything we want.

That's why you call us "fat" because our land is fat and our future is fat. We're the only country not totally taken over by Marxism and we're not going to die for you or shoot random people. That's what niggers do.

>black pilled South African
Even Putin
Indeed. While you don't have to go 110% /innawoods/ right now, it's always good to be in a state of relative independence, and in a small closely nit community. It is such values and societal composition that will survive a collapse and reclaim what is left once the dust has settled. Hopefully the kikes will be gone with it, their degenerate little empire burned to ashes.
nice pic. kinda depressing that people aren't looking that stuff anymore, they just obsess over trump
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>something Muslim
I called it. Muslims pushing black pills on whites
Not Derek unfortunately. I have met IRL friends on here before from when I was in uni. It's nice that saffers can get to know eachother here.
Good luck surviving when other races use you as a cash cow for their rent seeking and there is no one to back you up.
>not implying im a refugee cosplayer as well

Gib Asylum pls
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>Just cause you are redefining the word nature doesn't make you right
I'm using the actual meaning of the word. You're using it to mean trees and bugs and wind and shit. You're a fucking nigger. Of course nature scares you.

> tony robbins video
Here some MORE Dr. William Pierce for your thread.


Violence is allways the answer if your oponent thinks he is dominant.

>swallow kike propaganda
how is that a surprise?
The "little man" is not a smart man. Complaining aboput how stuipid people are or how they are scum is not only useless but contraproductive. By that you go against your own people. You have to accept propaganda and learn it yourself.
Because its not the people who swallow but they higher people who push it. Its about the active/agressive human. Its about the higher human. They decide what happens.
The main kikes are higher humans and they are dominant at the current point.

Accept it, and fight exactly this in the first place.
Look at what Hitler has done, he did it exactly right in the beginning. He kicked out all the kikes and started reshaping the population.
First you get rid of the dangerous thing and fix the wounds after the threat is removed.

There is no need to drop a nuke to remove the threat + a high percantage of your kind.

>no chimpouts
this chimpout behaivor is against civilization (civilization, yes or no is a completly different question but we have to deal with the current situation.)
That is why nationalists rarely do it, the "little man" is looking for some sort of leader. This mindset established itself over the past 3000 years.

And ofcourse all the ideas of equality, fair rights, human rights etc belong in the deepest hole we can dig. Thats not the main point here.

What we need to do is:
1. Find the root(s) of the problem we want to solve
2. Accept it and drop all self delusion
3. Find solutions for the problem in question
4. Figure out a solution
5. Learn the skills needed for executing the found solution.
>We're the only country not totally taken over by Marxism

You've gone from 90% to 54% white in the span of some 50 years?

Brazil is 47% white as comparison.

Burgers are hilarious in that they believe they aren't cucked yet they've been one of the most heavily cucked and still proudly die for israel.

But hey, least you elected fucking BASTE Trump amirite?
One of the few places we can. Saying nigger on twitter will get you a nice fat 150k fine these days.
I obviously forgot
6. execute your solution
Whites are being punished by God for going against him.
Secularism was a mistake.
I have to laugh at those who believe Putin is "Le based uncorrupted white Russian leader xdxddxd"
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Dude just cause I'm south african doesn't make me a nigger. Lurk more, learn about the world, post less and you will make less of a fucking idiot out of yourself.
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Only intelligent person in this thread unfortunately.
Very much so. Secularism leads to women's rights, women's rights leads to minority rights, minority rights leads to gay rights so on and so forth.
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1,000,000 white men could cause every nigger, spic, and Jew to go extinct if we wanted, make no mistake about it.

Arabs would be harder because they can actually exist without sucking off of us in the desert.

Germany is the size of fucking Texas and rocked the entire world because they woke up. Imagine what is coming.
I was born in a default middle class family on a big city, and I think because of that I'm fucking spoiled as hell. Everything is too easy and convenient, so far I didn't need to fight or struggle too much to get what I want.

Point is, is it normal for me to desire being born in a simpler lifestyle of a farmer life just to have a taste of what's like to literally build your own legacy from ground up?
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Very true.
>Monarchists and Fascists have daddy issues
sounds like a simplistic thought. are you sure it can't be a bit more complicated than that?
>needing a skydaddy to keep you in line

humans were a mistake

I live among nature being a sheep farmer. I'll take a guess and say you're a city slicker.
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I know you're a nigger. You talk like one. You fear nature and only subhumans fear nature and make it out to be something bigger than them.

I bet you worship a Jew god too.
I'm not talking about race at all. The unfortunate reality is that the actions of the masses and the elites do in fact affect you and yours.

OP seems to be of the opinion that it's a house of cards that will soon crash and the best thing to do is to take care of your own in the short term and consider a different system should you be so lucky (or unlucky) to survive into the long term.

I am of agreement. It seems to me that the masses are squaring off into the globalist-communist camp and the ethno-nationalist camp. Neither of those are particularly appealing to me personally, but I do see the second as the least worst option.
I hope a revolution comes in America, but I'm preparing for the worst.
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>I live among nature being a sheep farmer. I'll take a guess and say you're a city slicker.
You're nigger on a white man's farm.

I bet the sheep are out to get you right nigger?

Run nigger run, nature is everywhere!
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>pagan LARPER
>Beleve that somehow there was nothing and that became something

>Not acknowledging right or wrong even though 6 years olds have such capabilities.
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Fucking LARPERS.
Life today is easier but more complex and unfulfilling. Way back when life was harder, simpler and more fulfilling. It's like if you find yourself playing vidyah, it's pretty boring if you play on easy. See this post again and reflect a bit more.>>128162697
jesus is that real
Why did god punish Eastern Europe with communism then?
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You were the mistake.
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>Know you're a nigger
Atheist actually.

Unless you worship allah, you probably worship a jew though, seeing as jesus was a jew.

Also, if niggers around you talk like me, you got some pretty impressive niggers around.
Literally none of those are alt-right figures except Spencer, who is already on his way out.

I'm inclined to believe this is a shill thread now. Nobody fucks up such basic information.
That is some old /gsg/ meme
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Yes that is pretty much what I'm saying. As long as you have a plan to go somewhere if shtf and you are in good company. In the meantime you should be doing well. Learn some trades, talk with people about this low key, be as independent as possible. Those who are weak-minded do not want to realize just how hard things are. Stay positive about the future even though you carry the heaviest pill.
More than likely it was because of excess drinking culture. We aren't supposed to get drunk rather only drink in moderation.

Same reason that Southern Italians and Irish aren't successful.
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I don't drink alcohol.
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>Also, if niggers around you talk like me, you got some pretty impressive niggers around.
You talk like an angry 13yr old beta, bro. You're a fucking joke.

You think nature is something foreign like a nigger does.

You're a beta nigger attacking white people on /pol/, and it's probably why you're using a computer instead of eating other niggers. Good for you!

Pagan LARPing is just as cringe as Christians who think everything will magically work out if they do nothing when even the Bible disagrees with that notion. In the past, the
>we're all one in Christ
meme worked because stability and propriety was enforced with a sword and spear. If you fucked with the established order, you were either starved to death or outright killed. Non-Christians were forced to play nice in Christian lands, or else they were dealt with like old trash. These days, Christians just roll over like beta bitches and let all the evil in the world steamroll over them because they think being weak is a virtue.

Not that I think worshiping a tree is any less ludicrous.
Cool thread.

In my opinion we are living in the age of Israels birth and ascension.

This involves their expansion, securing their existence while pushing forward a divide and rule agenda globally aiming to destroy large singular nations and replace them with fractured and weaker states they can manipulate and/or defeat with its military.

Only until this incredible project is finally complete will we be able to hope for a better tomorrow with what ever remains of our people.
Charlemagne is the reason Jews control Western Civilization and buy out their monarchies... Well, that and his "faith"
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Wow you sure showed him.
No actually I like what you said, couldn't agree more.
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>Cool thread.
>In my opinion we are living in the age of Israels birth and ascension.

AHAHA! Jew like black pill threads. Go figure.
gimme tldr of black pill pls, i cant read long texts anymore
Didn't jews live as second class citizens in the slums at the time?
Very subtle. Here's a (You)
Fuck Nature. I want the world to reflect humanity, not humanity to reflect nature. I hope that someday we replace ourselves with machines that think the way an ideal human would think. To perfect an ideal and to destroy our natural urges and compulsions.
Just read my first few posts.
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Yeah, it's great. BTW, these broad-perspective, philosophical discussions are why I come here. You won't get this on Reddit, that's for sure.
You wrote a lot about the need for a wholesale restructuring of society and morality (the rules on which society is based), and that the reason society is tearing itself apart is because it attempts to exist in opposition to nature. You made a point of the absolutism of nature, that nature is is inherently "fascistic" or meritocratic because to survive in nature, to influence it to serve one's ends, one must follow a specific course of action, i.e. adopt a specific morality.
I don't know what exact philosophical direction you're coming from, but it sounds an awful lot like Objectivism - a VERY widely misunderstood worldview that has found rather few serious followers, perhaps because it takes some pondering to really wrap one's head about it as it's so contrary to the fundamental philosophical and ethical premises we've all been (((fed))). Have you read Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead, or Ayn Rand's various essays? The new morality of 'rational selfishness' she presents, or some variant of it, might be just the 'reset button' we both think is necessary.
Many people on the right are hostile to Objectivism because they think that rational selfishness means mindless, individualistic hedonism of the sort that is destroying the culture of the West. It doesn't - the key lies in the word 'rational'. Is it rational to fritter away one's life in pursuit of meaningless pleasure, to turn oneself into a lifelong spoilt infant? No. Objectivism teaches that true selfishness is to understand one's nature - a human being, with intelligence and honor and dignity - and to act accordingly. It absolutely BTFO's the entire premise of the Left (that humans are helpless, sinful creatures who require and deserve to live on the sacrifice of their betters), and is the only logically coherent, reason-based answer to nihilism I've ever read.
I think OP wants society as we know today to crumble, but meanwhile you should form your own community with family and friends to prepare for the blow.
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No that's Jews claiming victim status AGAIN. The ghettos of Jews were Kosher for them. They did it themselves.
So you are saying you are a non successful non drunk?
Is this daily now?
Depends on your definition of success, I'm quite happy with my life.
Ever heard of nuclear energy and electric cars?
>we replace ourselves with machines that think the way an ideal human would think
Worshiping technology?

Nihilism is believing technology will solve everything. It has brought pollution, despair, and destruction when abused. You cannot worship something that can be both bad and good, you cannot base morals on "progress" because it can be both bad and good. You are the nihilist seeing value in something so vain.
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>I'm quite happy with my life.
You're not happy. Christians are fearful little mice.
I'm not christian, where did you get that?
your ID >>128174674
and what happens after that?
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>nature is a fallacy.
Labeling the world around you is a (((Fallacy))) goyim. Take the black pill and move to a modern Commune.
>people literally bumping a copypaste blackpill thread
fucking summer, i swear. this is worse than the asses and elbows guy. nihilists are trash. weak will, low testosterone, etc
People will live as tribes and communities, that's why OP is encouraging everyone to gather friends and families, leave the cities and form a community in the countrysides.
>posts a charlemagne image
>suddenly christian

Come on, you are better than this.
Do you think this is nihilism? I thought nihilists just didn't care.
Why the fuck would you do that otherwise? Who the fuck would admire that backstabber if not for Catholics?

You're a weirdo
we all die in the end nothing matters give up on white people and western civilization there's no point in trying dont even bother you'll just fail anyways
there's a reason the term blackpill was coined as a derogatory phrase. faggots like OP wearing it as a badge of honor or something just shows the amount of cancer and newfaggotry on this board. sage blackpill threads
>I don't know what exact philosophical direction you're coming from, but it sounds an awful lot like Objectivism

Might be. I came up with this view one night while brooding over the poor quality of discussion within the spheres of talk I'm in. I had a chat with a friend of mine and we came to this conclusion.

>Have you read Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead, or Ayn Rand's various essays?

Actually haven't, I might very well due to the recommendation though.

>Many people on the right are hostile to Objectivism because they think that rational selfishness means mindless, individualistic hedonism of the sort that is destroying the culture of the West

It happens so often in these kinds of threads. It's either they misinterpret my viewpoint as some sort of depressed rant or that people do not want to fully comprehend the battle we are fighting and realize this golden age is but a blip on the radar. It's scary, but you should not be afraid.

>It absolutely BTFO's the entire premise of the Left (that humans are helpless, sinful creatures who require and deserve to live on the sacrifice of their betters), and is the only logically coherent, reason-based answer to nihilism I've ever read.

Indeed. The way the mainstream here on /pol/ is so opposed to it shows that leftism and liberalism, which we so oppose, has already seeped into our core values. It shows just how far gone we are.
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>I thought nihilists just didn't care.
That's the Big Lebowski's "nihilism". That's not what it means.

It was a prophecy of the coming hipster.
The last man.
Have you ever considered that technology advancements are going hand in hand with mass surveillance? I'm hoping you've been around long enough to know (((who))) is monitoring you.

In fantasy land:
>I hope that someday we replace ourselves with machines that think the way an ideal human would think

In reality:
>I hope that someday we replace ourselves with machines that will think the way an ideal goyim would think

Our technology advancements have become corrupt for the majority, but not for the few.
the black pill and nihilism are in the same boat
>i dont care
>i do care, but nothing matters anyways so whats the point in caring or trying
a good solution to the black pill is the iron pill. also black pill is caused by insufficient and/or tainted red pills
does it oppose to socialism of any kind?
>People will live as tribes and communities
heh for how long?
how do we manage to stop civilization/ppl to go back to what it was before?

if my engrish doesnt make sense its becaue im braindead atm
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Genes live forever though. You'd want to do everything possible with your actions to ensure it lasts. If even one of your past ancestors fucked up it would be a dead end. Hence why preparing for the collapse is the best you can do right now.
I actually post that picture because it triggers most pagan LARPERS.
Back to rnihilism.
When I have time. Don't expect it to be daily.
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How about we all man up bois?

Honestly? I have no idea, I'm rather happy now and wouldn't change things.
Society rebuilds itself ,since our degenerate fat and the Jewish International Empire has perished, and hopefully with the values that survive does not make the same mistakes as before, and we can finally end the cycle of collapse. I'm pretty sure we have not strayed this far from our morals in history before, neither has our destructive capabilities been this far reaching. When society collapses, again, it will be the most drastic one we as a species have ever seen. Hopefully we learn from it.
>how do we manage to stop civilization/ppl to go back to what it was before?
it will destroy itself, I guess
>Hopefully we learn from it.
Don't be so optimistic about that.
>you cannot base morals on "progress" because it can be both bad and good
I would argue that the nature of Man is a productive being. The nature of an eagle is to hunt, the nature of a horse is to graze, and so on. The nature of man is to produce - to win his survival from nature by reshaping it to serve his ends. An animal's way of life is in inherently cyclic, or stationary: graze, sleep, mate, bear young, over and over, day after day and age after age. Man's way of life is inherently progressive. He starts with nothing, shapes a stone tool, uses it to kill animals, gains leather items, uses the time bought by eating his prey to make more tools, and so on. Or, on a higher level, he starts with nothing, gains an education, invents something, builds a business, all the while striving, ascending. To co-opt the joke, the meaning of life IS the better mousetrap - or the better salary, the better piston engine, the better symphony, the better scientific understanding. Man is progress, through and through - but freeriding on the boons of progress bought by the efforts of others will not bring him any meaning or happiness. He must support his life by his own effort alone, if he is to act according to his nature.
>copy pasta

It's no pasta. It's paraphrased from a very interesting conversation I had with a friend. It sums everything up well.
You don't understand the black pill at all son.
One must still be positive.
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>muh evil humies
Yes I agree to an extent. I'm not anti-tech, I'm anti-automation and decadence.
we would have to kill a lot of people to achieve this
meh this will never happen bruv
Look unto history and tell me when we learned from our mistakes.
>we would have to kill a lot of people to achieve this

They will kill themselves, no worry.
i plan on having a very large amount of kids with a quality female. i would like to have just one son, but i have very good genetics so i feel pretty much obligated in this day and age.
some form of "collapse" is inevitable, but at the end of the day you cant forget that we are white. i've been feeling that things will likely turn out much better than a lot of people expect. the most important thing to remember though is the nonwhites (especially kikes, race traitors and their mongrel spawns) must be eliminated completely

look hun, the black pill is another variation of the "green", "purple", "brown" pill etc was a piggyback off the red/blue pill meme. and if you're talking about the guts from berserk version of the black pill then you're just wrong. you're simply pushing an ideology and spreading information that you perceive to be true, trying to predict the future and convince people itt to act according to your predictions, sweetie
Even if you look at history as cyclic, we seem to go up higher each cycle. Break your bones they grow back stronger, in a sense. Perhaps in the next cycle we will leave this rock, but right now it does not seem we are not ready.
You mean war? After WW2 Europe literally cucked itself. I wish humans didn't learn their mistakes at this point.
>the most important thing to remember though is the nonwhites (especially kikes, race traitors and their mongrel spawns) must be eliminated completely

Then do it.
>Even if you look at history as cyclic, we seem to go up higher each cycle. Break your bones they grow back stronger, in a sense. Perhaps in the next cycle we will leave this rock, but right now it does not seem we are not ready.
Yes, I do think so too.
Although getting to the higher level of the cycle again will take some time after a collapse.
I would be glad if the legacy of anti-racism and the politically correct just vanishes from history.
*it does not seem we are ready
I can't wait for post collapse and establishing a military dictatorship with my bros
Such is the struggle of life.

Be happy you get to live during a golden age however, even though its in decline.
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That's not the origin of nihilism that's the etymology. Nothing-ism -- ism, originates with Nietzsche works.

You need to listen more and have less opinions.

>nihilism defined
Be sure to bring alot of brute force and guns.
Yeah, I understand completely. Actually, I've been writing something meant for starting a thread, on the thoughts of Ted Kaczynski. It deals with this precise question - the danger of technology. I'll post it here:

>Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, was a mathematical genius who was accepted to Harvard at 16 and became a professor at Berkeley at age 25
>Killed 3 people between 1978 and 1995 with mail bombs, targeting individuals involved with modern technology
>Lived as a recluse in a remote hut, teaching himself survival skills
>In 1995 promised to 'desist from terror' if either the NYT or WaPo published his manifesto, 'Industrial Society and Its Future'
>Caught when his sister-in-law and brother recognized his beliefs from the manifesto
>Against his lawyer's advice, refused to plead insanity, as he insisted he was not insane

The manifesto: http://editions-hache.com/essais/pdf/kaczynski2.pdf
What it boils down to, in my understanding, is: (1/3)
Uh I thought Nietzsche was against that way of thinking, I guess I should dig more.
no, I need manpower more than weapons
a single person with guns is only a better target, not more safe
>Humans are naturally 'designed' to approach the problem of survival by means of a 'power process', consisting of goal -> effort -> achievement.
>This process applies to power over nature (material production) and power over people/society (building relationships, defeating rivals etc).
>Being cut off from this process brings listlessness, depression, irrational anger, descent into hedonism, and so on - much like a bird whose wings have been tied, or a predator in a tiny cage.
>The 'power process' can be further broken down into three categories:
>1. Goals whose achievement is guaranteed with minimal effort
>2. Goals whose achievement is within reach, but require the exercise of one's full mental/physical capacity
>3. Goals which cannot be achieved even given one's full capacity
>Only type 2 goals bring a sense of fulfillment, confidence, of one's own worth and right to existence.
>In addition, the 'power process' must be implemented with autonomy - that is, the individual (or a small, familiar group) must select the goal himself, take control of the process of working towards it, and reap tangible rewards at the end.
>For primitive man, the task of mere physical survival required constant type 2 power processes, with relatively high autonomy; thus, although his life was materially impoverished, he was more fulfilled and possibly happier.
>But for the vast majority of people in modern, industrial society, only type 1 and type 3 goals are available, due to productive and social technologies.
>Productive technology (Industrial Revolution) makes his physical survival trivial, requiring minimal (or even non-existent in the case of a welfare state) skills and effort to put food on the table.
>Social technology, such as the ubiquity of 'niceness', customs, manners, marriage etc., not to mention declining standards of morality and achievement, make retaining his social status trivial.
>pic related
yeah it's the kali yuga and it's coming to an end. these are things that happened since the beginning

why do you call this a black pill thread? if you're going to go with the "color-other-than-blue/red" pill meme, at least go with the iron pill and talk about books and and self improvement and shit instead. when all this multicolored pill shit started there were plenty of colors, black pill persisted mainly because of shills trying to demoralize and/or d&c, but iron pill persisted because it's good, the same way the red pill did
>Meanwhile his concept of what is 'important' has widened dramatically, to encompass world war, the nation's economy, environmental issues, the seeming insignficance of his place in the universe and so on.
>However, his power to actually DO ANYTHING about these 'big issues' is next to zero, making them Type 3 goals.
>In theory, he could reach his full potential in his work, making it a Type 2 goal.
>But in a modern economy, all production is extremely large-scale, collective and hierarchical in nature, voluntary hierarchy or not.
>Thus, even if his job requires his full capacity, the individual man does not have autonomy. Hard work will bring greater rewards, but by and large he does what he is told as part of an immense machinery over which he exerts no control.
>In other words, his life is in the hands not of nature (which is indifferent but never cruel or irrational), but of OTHERS. The environment in which he must survive is not hard, immutable, comprehensible REALITY, but shifting, formless, often irrational SOCIETY. This is inherent in the nature of civilization, large-scale production and the division of labor.
>This may be remedied to some extent by the introduction of RIGHTS to society - the rights to life, liberty and property. These rights are principles, upheld by force, whose purpose is to insulate individual man from the whim and interference of others and leave him free to deal with reality, supporting his life by his effort (and trading the results thereof voluntarily with others).
>However, even a fully free society still faces the fundamental problem that large-scale, hieararchical action is INCOMPATIBLE with human nature (with exceptions which I'm coming to).
>Human action in the society becomes by necessity ever larger in scale an more hierarchical as technology advances. A single blacksmith could forge a plow blade, but a combine harvester requires a factory of thousands. And each of those thousands of workers is simply going through the motions set for him by engineers. Earning his wage is a Type 1 goal or at best a Type 2 with no autonomy, but designing and producing the harvester (not to mention organizing the vast productive processes which go into agriculture and the economy as a whole) is a Type 3 goal. And the engineers are simply going through the motions set for them by the scientists and business owners...
>Which brings us to an intriguing realization: there ARE people to whom fulfilling, autonomous Type 2 goals are available in modern society. These are the people who are so intelligent, capable and creative that for them the 'big issue' Type 3 goals, only dimly comprehensible to the average man, BECOME type 2, achievable goals which require full mental capacity. These are the Elon Musks, the Winston Churchills, the Einsteins and Dagny Taggarts.
(4/3) lol
he was against it. he was just good at pointing out the problems of the time (some of those problems being nihilism and such) and trying to come up with solutions. i really dont see why nietzsche is so misunderstood - i guess a lot of people just dont read his works?
>Thus we get to the central problem: humans fall on a spectrum of (especially mental) ability. When one is in a society built by and for the top 0.001%, the 99.999% are simply OUT OF THEIR DEPTH - not because they're 'exploited' or any such meme, but because the society is TOO GOOD, too advanced, too complex, too big, too fast, too efficient for them to handle. When the burden of survival is lifted effortlessly on the backs of a few by technology (this is about to become blindingly obvious with the AI revolution), the rest are left with nothing to do and no purpose, action or meaning in their lives. /pol/ loves to talk about how technological society is too advanced for most blacks, which is allegedly why they live off welfare and shit up the surrounding area. But what about when technological society becomes too advanced for 50% of whites? What about 90%? 99%?
>Kaczynski's solution is to destroy technology completely and return to a primitive state.
>Also has some great insights on the psychology and purpose of leftism
I really like the cut of your jib my dude
I see his problem, but I don't agree with the solution. A 90 IQ guy might have no place in a society where everything is produced by a tiny bunch of genius engineers who build autonomous systems, with everyone else relegated to machine minders or symbolic industries, but, equally, what an enormous waste it would be for the mind of a John von Neumann or a Bach to spend his days pulling up turnips in a muddy field. And anyway, why should the average be allowed a preference, but not humanity's best? We aren't falling into the trap of moral democracy here, are we? Here are a few possible solutions:
1. Total laissez-faire capitalism, or Business As Usual. This minimizes the problem without resorting to drastic measures. Everyone gets richer, the brainiest the fastest. Everyone has to earn a living somehow, but what constitutes 'earning' will get ridiculous as technology advances at a breakneck pace - imagine 'working' for 5 minutes a year by replacing a loose nut in an AI-controlled fusion plant, and thereby making enough to buy another 3 yachts and a trip to Europa Prime for your 202nd wedding anniversary. (The guy who invented the fusion plant probably owns a private moon or two.) Sounds great? Yeah, until you realize that owning a refrigerator for the price of a few days' easy labor would have seemed like unimaginable luxury to your ancestors 150 years ago, and you're not necessarily happier than them.
I think people just know him because of the "ubermench" meme.
2. Separate societies. Have two, or three, or whatever number of societies confined to different tech levels suited for different inhabitants. Society Alpha has the top performers, is constantly advancing and is in charge of keeping the rest of the system going. Society Beta might contain everything up to the valve radio, with complex manual labor (19th/early 20th century industrial work). Society Gamma might be limited to simple manual labor, with everything up to iron smelting. These sub-societies would have to be actively monitored by the system's designers and kept free of high intelligence individuals by abduction or genetic engineering. They would also have to be isolated, perhaps even kept secret from each other.
3. GAS THE BRAINLETS, TECH WAR NOW. Or, more likely, use genetic engineering or some other form of eugenics to place a lower bound on human intelligence in a given society, according to that society's tech level. This seems to be the solution most likely to arise naturally, when genetic engineering becomes widely available and everyone gives their designer babies 140 IQ.
wtf are you talking about? your probably a fat fuck, not even close to starving, obviously you have the privelege to sit on your fat ass infront of a computer writing shit on a board like 4chan. And YOUR telling the world is "collapsing", get out of your moms basement faggot, there are people way worse off than you and the world hasnt looked better than this in its whole history you fucking millenial. get out and work, get some perspective on life and the world
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>muh african children
Also, I can't recommend Atlas, Fountainhead and Rand's essays enough. Literally life-changing
He is a farmer in South Africa, he probably experiences more shit (literally and metaphorically) than you do you swedish cunt.
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Very interesting read.
sure thing baby
desu though i feel like overman is still the opposite of nihilism. like you take a very large amount of red pills and eventually you might bump into nihilism and get stuck on your way, so then the solution to that is the iron pill, and then you can keep going forward even better than before. this seems like what more of nietzsche was saying, although he did say plenty of other good things too
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still saying the world is collapsing means that you have zero perspective on the world, and your probably not older than 15 years
>dude blackpill lmao

You can choose to believe that jews are shapeshifting lizards with a hivemind or you can choose to believe that the USA supports Israel because both have interests in the Middle East and that anti-white Jews are just autistic liberals that have little to do with zionism as well as accept the fact that politicians like de Klerk sold out your country because they wanted money and not because Jews control their minds. Your choice.
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here's a top-tier book if you're a white man with good blood in your veins. this author has other good books as well that you can buy (pic related is only available on pdf)
great for that couple, why would i care? i have my own family, im not a fucking cuck going around thinking about others relationships
That's what I also thought about it. I don't know if people choose to be ignorant on purpose.
Nietzsche differentiated between active and passive nihilism. Overman requires active nihilism, which is the destruction of existing values... only after the idols have been smashed can the Overman have the space to create new ones... But then again Neitzsche died lonely and insane.
why would you even save that picture in the first place, you seem to think about this alot, do you?
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The real black pill is that The Powers That Be already control everything and there is no way to beat them. Just enjoy your life as much as you can instead of worrying about being Captain-Save-A-Planet.
Read the whole OP
>some form of "collapse" is inevitable
The collapse is being manufactured right now. Take a look at the world. Inflation, housing bubbles, rising debt, displaced populations, mass surveillance, terrorism for creation of more state control, etc.. and it's all at the same time and will collapse at the same time. When this starts to affect the unaware general population, the problems (((they))) have created, how do you think this ignorant group of people are going to react? They're going to accept whatever solution is put in front of them, and that solution will already have been worked out. Just like it has been with "we need more security because of terrorism" meme. It all equals to more government regulations and control.

>I've been feeling that things will likely turn out much better than a lot of people expect
It's possible, but only if we stop going off of feelings and accept what's happening.
Good pick. Esoteric Hitlerism is the ultimate red pill.
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>great for that couple
>literally being ok with Muhammed fucking your women
Back to plebbit
the situation isn´t that bad in sweden, we just had open borders for around 3 months, its closed now and we have one of the most sttricted borders in EU for the moment. Which is great
Fuck off defeatist either do something about it or quit your bitching.
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>great for that couple, why would i care?
Read the OP
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>isn't that bad in Sweden

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Bcё бyдeт хopoшo.
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pic related is maybe on of the best books you can read ever (i'm just talking shit since i've never read it, but i've heard good things about it). unfortunately it is not available, although there is supposed to be a reprint of it in "mid 2017" so probably between zero and a couple months you can buy/read it. i dont think it's on pdf anywhere either, but there was a copy on amazon for like $700 if anyone wants it (implying)

idk if you're saying that the rise after the collapse will be one of controlled opposition or not, and while that is possible, i dont really care to debate those things since what happens will happen so there's not much sense trying to predict certain details
the best thing to do is spread red pill amongst everybody and iron pills amongst whites. we can never be strong/smart/united/prepared enough for what is to come
If we end the fed there is hope. Otherwise will take a massive solar flare or something similar.
It's clear from the thread that there are multiple definitions of blackpill and that the phrase is still somewhat nebulous.
>OP and others: hardened realism
>>128168532: nihilism
>>128183101: magic

Next time it would be easier for others to understand if you say that you reached the next level of redpills, that the current society is utterly unsalvagable and that we need to start over as individuals. As for the others, no this thinking is not nihilistic. You are not your society.

Also that last guy is actually referencing a watered down version of the indigo pill.
Contrary to what you believe, Italians had been practicing usury for nearly a thousand years by then. Charlemagne was attempting to thwart Italian power in Francia.
What follows from that is the second class status of jews and their hundred expulsions and hundreds of massacres.
Just ride the tiger instead of standing in its way. Trying to doing the same thing.
This is why I laugh at trads who say having a wife and pumping out kids will magically "fix" the west. The global demographic shift is irreversible and in this era of global travel (ships and airplanes) there's nowherw to hide. Geography used to protect us and allow small, isolated pops to survive untouched. If we do what the OP suggests we are only delaying the inevitable. Do you think you can defend your farm from the thousands of human waste that will come to take it when they're starving? The literal end of civilization is coming, and it can't be stopped.
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Makes sense. That's why I want to go to the FFL, I don't give a shit about a "normal" life anymore, it will be my rite of passage.
here's another book pic for you to save for later at your leisure.

two more books that are good to read if you're an autist: how to win friends and influence people, and the 48 laws of power. these books, the former especially, will greatly improve your ability to interact with people, something that will be necessary if you want to achieve your highest destiny as a national socialist.

>just ride the tiger
this is good advice. ride the tiger, and then eventually when it gets tired of running you will be able to best it. the book is pretty good too
modern societies are complex, shit happens, wouldn't you say?
desu we have plenty of white people. the problem is the nonwhites
>The literal end of civilization is coming, and it can't be stopped
cant tell if you're another blackpill demoralization faggot or not. yes, the current age is coming to an end and there will be extreme change, bloodshed, collapse, etc. but if you lack faith in the white race and our ability to rise from the ashes greater and more glorious than ever before then you should probably just stop posting here and spreading your cancer, because you're worse than a nigger or a jew at that point

>During 352 B.C. a rudimentary public bank (known as dēmosía trápeza [96]) was formed, with the passing of consul directive to form a commission of mensarii to deal with debt in the impoverished lower classes. Another source shows banking practices during 325 BC when, on account of being in debt, the Plebeians were required to borrow money, so newly appointed quinqueviri mensarii were commissioned to provide services to those who had security to provide, in exchange for money from the public treasury. Another source (J.Andreau) has the shops of banking of Ancient Rome firstly opening in the public forums during the period 318 to 310 BC.[103][104][105]

Patricians were squeezing the Plebs for decades. But giving that power over first to the Equites and then to the Jews only changed who was doing the squeezing.
I understand that. That's another whole struggle. However as humans, we shouldn't be aiming to commune with nature, but to become above it.
>The (((Alt-right))) wants to "preserve western civilization".

The Alt-Right isn't Jewish doos. Maybe a couple of the civic nationalists are but they are at best alt-Lite.

> Think for a moment, what does that even mean? It means enlightenment values, aka exactly what the Jews want.

Kak. It means Christianity, the European nations and the Greco-Roman heritage.
I have relatives who were/are farmers. They live long productive full lives, and usually have happy well-adjusted families. Nothing worse than having to live in a shoebox apartment in a city of a million strangers all trying to fuck each other over for a buck.
>as humans
you sound like you arent white

ah, here it is
>I hope that someday we replace ourselves with machines
so not only are you a nigger, but youre a transhumanist as well. your god forsaken ideology is absolutely disgusting and your blood is a plague

Not ture:

Gubernare IS latin, but it's latin for 'control' or 'steer', or 'command'. a verb.

'mind' comes from the old English 'gemynd', and original Norse, for 'memory'

the rest is pseudo-taxonomical nonsense about US political parties.

There is NO accurate information on this INFOgraph.
It is because it's human. Humans have brought pollution, despair and destruction. But in the end, to be human is to strive for something. I agree that cities are fucking terrible for humans, as well as the lack of struggle, but at the same time we create technology for ourselves and our race. To be human is to look forward like an idiot while trampling everything else in the way. Vanity and greed. To want to know everything, have everything, do everything, etc.
>humans are bad
>To be human is to look forward like an idiot while trampling everything else in the way
>vanity and greed
why do you say things like this? stop projecting trash. not everyone is like this, you know
I really like that infographic. Is it your OC? Have you considered adding Rand to it somewhere?
no i didnt make it. all the book pictures i've posted are things that i myself did not make, i only saved them. i actually havent even read a lot of the books even though i mean to. here's one more before i leave
>muh mysanthropy
Please kill yourself, fags like you are pathetic.
alright last one srs now i'm leaving

not true at all:

Ad- (to )
Annhilatus- (reduce to nothing)
nihil -(nothing)

all before CE

'ism' is an English and used only up till the 17th century

nihilism is a word invented in the 19th century and was never used prior.

The only thing close would be a form of skepticism found in solipsism; basically, Descartes demon world without the demon.

this is the final redpill, that humans are the problem and need to hurry up and kill ourselves before we fuck the planet too bad
>Earth/Society are good
Oh wow
Let me fix that for you:

"To be Jewish is to look forward like an idiot while trampling everything else in the way. Vanity and greed. To want to know everything, have everything, do everything, etc."
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I feel the same way. In a way it is natural that it would all culminate in urban living, etc. as is just as natural that it will all collapse on itself. It is what it is. Human nature makes it so. I think the future will be a very reduce number of humans surrounded by robots and AI who will use technology to change their genes and the next evolutionary species of our species will come into being. After all, even if we kept the homo sapiens sapiens little game going eternally, it's always about evolution. Sure there is space for spiritual growth, but if you zoom out enough, it's just genes and dna trying to adapt all the time, there is no end game to life itself, i just the rules of reality and the universe playing out. I was really sad about all this in the past, now, I find it hard to not be calm and content. Truth sets one free indeed.
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Aye friend.
Agree. Civilization is great, but like all things, it is not sustainable I think. I would love that humanity would all be happy and comfy and we all would treat ech other with respect and lovingly, etc, but biological life at it's core is competition, darwinism, etc, so I do beleive that when the big AI and automation revolution comes and billions of ppl become redundant and those who have the most power have no use for them anymore, then humanity will be reduced to a very small number. Is this right? Is this wrong? I don't know, I know I will probably be a expendable one, so I just focus on enjoying my life the way I decided would make me the happiest (joining the FFL and shooting jihadists in the face). Feels good to discuss this thou, rare to find such honest discussion about human nature, etc. E-Hugs.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm happy to see that intelligent discussion can still be had here on /pol/ to an extent.
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I smell comunism.
Pic related is the last thing you will see.
This makes sense, but the replies that talk about ingroup/outgroup are more right. For example, if we could only ever have 1000 ppl alive at the same time, do you think ppl wouldn't fucking kill the fuck of the ones that bring nothing to their table so they and those that bring something they value into their lives could live? Truth is, resources are always limited, even if infinite energy, what about real state? Even if space colonization for real state, what about the time to put infinite ppl into other planets? Imagine that we would have infinite energy, and infinite resources. If we followed our natural inclination, we would be trying to outbreed each other like rabbits, then probably fighting for the nicest real estate in the universe. Human life is design to evolve, and evolving implies that the current species becomes obsolete. And there is nothing wrong with that I think, it is what it is :)
well, I would like to see what would you say if you were ruled by a dumbass, lel
French revolution was just the epicenter, it began far earlier than that with the Renaissance.
Also you are all delusionnal fags, there will be no coming back to traditionnal societies, technology fucked us irremediably, the only hope is to wrestle something good out of it to preserve masculine values.

I always laugh too when I see fags like going behind enlightment values when they are the main reason you are here comfortably and freely shitposting behind your computer from your rich first world country and not crawling into dust like third world peasants who are still submitted to various forms of feudalism.
You woud be a subhuman in a feudal society you dip.
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