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Brit/pol/ - Corbynistas ejaculating edition

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Thread replies: 345
Thread images: 82

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>Current seat predictions:: CON 362 (+32) LAB 206 (-26)

>Mass brawl in KFC sets off edgy police

>Thousands make fake claims they were at Manchester bomb concert to scrounge free tickets

>Corbyn: 'No deal' in hung parliament

>Farage accused of being pivot of global revolution

>Sturgeon "in denial" that indyref2 caused poll drop

>Wikileaks: Corbyn surge like that of Trump / Sanders

>BBC Question Time 01/06/17
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>Money is abolished
>Everyone is forced to go on welfare
>Every year there is a forceful culling of white people under chancellor abbott.
>If you have land you will be killed and your organs redistributed™ to keep the NHS alive
>Men are forced to work in Labour camps to pay for Diane Abotts weekly portraits.
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It's just not gonna happen lads this is typical Tory tactics, I said and many said weeks ago, the polls far apart no one bothers to vote for the Tories as foregone conclusion, close together they will have to vote.
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>i-it's all ok, m-mummy will win...
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Stop wanting to kill foxes.
you lot ready to quit your jobs and work in one of Jeremy's Northern sweatshops for £10 an hour (before taxes)?
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If May's majority is not significantly increased then this election would have been a total waste of time.
You do realise that even if every YOOF in the country voted it wouldn't make the blindest bit of difference because they all live in constituencies that are already Labour dominated right
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Reminder that universal suffrage was a mistake.
>‘Bread and Circuses’ is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader—the barbarians enter Rome.
Good thing I already voted Tory.

Also remember that we have FPTP. Labour's voters are all in concentrated areas. High % does not equate to seats.

Seriously though, it's coming down to the wire, and I'm getting pretty scared of Corbyn and co being anywhere near in charge.
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If May were to fall because of losing the election or achieving a disappointingly small seat gain, would she be replaced by the left or right of the Tory party?

Laugh all you want, Tories are going to win by 10-15% and you'll be the one with egg on your face, it's happened before it'll happen again.

It's just impossible for Labour to be anywhere near 35% +
Where can you go to..
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Wanting to bring back fox hunting won't get you laid.
Do we trust the polls?
Are the pollsters accurately reflecting turnout intention?
Will the YOOFS actually bother to vote this time around?
Will the Labour vote be sufficiently distributed to win them enough seats to win or hung parliament?
Will Labour votes be too concentrated in safe seats to affect marginal?
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t fascist
I unironically am coming around to a property-based franchise

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Fox hunting shills are losing the culture war.

The last right-wing Tory leader was IDS, and he was thrown out by the party establishment

If she increases the majority she stays, simple as that.
>I didn't watch Question Time last night, was it any goo-

Friendly reminder that Corbychev isn't winning no matter how hard Momentum millennials shill the prick.
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Why are foxes good exactly?

This is like the weirdos in Australia who advocate against shark culling; fuck sharks
Hmmmm. This election was seen as a historic opportunity to destroy Labour - a small increase will be an embarrassment for May's premiership
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Orcs are pretty based engineers tbqh, they practically started the middle earth industrial revolution, too bad faggy gay shit like magic means hippy cunts didn't get BTFO
I like it when the kikes identify themselves.

It's still a mandate to carry out her manifesto for the next 5 years.
Lads, just graduated with a meme-tier degree, what should I do with my life? (except end it)
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Will Commissar Corbyn legalise it, /pol/?
Pretty sure losing to a left-wing party would make them move to the left to try and win voters back

It makes no sense though, Britain has been acting fairly right wing recently

Must be the polls getting it wrong
>Makes a reasonable suggestion
>Gets booed

Classic QT, surprised Russel Howard wasn't on the panel.
What's the degree, lad?
Fuck foxes, but a free vote in parliament was a really silly thing to put in the manifesto. Just do it, it's not like you need a democratic mandidate to go "vote with you conscience on this issue" in the commons, and with how much opposition there is to ''''''blood sports'''''' all it did was lose votes.
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get acquainted with using a label maker
>Do we trust the polls?
>Are the pollsters accurately reflecting turnout intention?
>Will the YOOFS actually bother to vote this time around?
In greater numbers than in 2015 but they won't hit 60%
>Will the Labour vote be sufficiently distributed to win them enough seats to win or hung parliament?
>Will Labour votes be too concentrated in safe seats to affect marginal?

Remember guys, poll herding doesn't real
-t. (((respected polling experts)))
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Polls are improving and they don't even take into account the 'shy-corbynista' effect
Get an internship as a toilet cleaner
Anons and Anonettes: The Queen.
>tfw you realize LoTR was a warning against post-modernism and industrialization
What's the degree?
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>Found the paki
Sociology, it was a long painful ride.
I got NEETbux for the first time today, lads. Jobseeker's Allowance. I felt ashamed going into the Post Office, but I have no choice right now.
No, Saruman (a white man) taught them how to make the furnaces and giant cogs and shit.
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>girl on the left
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Go on bennies because are jezz will win.
He's said before that he thinks it should be made available for medical use. Not sure what he thinks about legalising it for recreational use
ASDA for you, lad.
They're not
Most people probably advocate some sort of control on fox populations because they are cunts
Making a sport out of it and using packs of dogs (which has traditionally been dominated by the upper classes) is what most people don't want
>tfw the girl you had a crush on as a teenager puts some Corbyn pro-Paris Agreement shite on your Cuckbook feed

i don't like it lads
Yes, then tax it. Enjoy paying £50 a gram for government-issue bud.
No, because if he does win the tories are going to spend the next four years fucking up any and all progress he tries to make.
Tories about to get BTFO because of the South Thanet cheating.
>Shy Corbinista

No such thing
Andrew doesn't do Daily Politics on Fridays any more, hasn't done since the show returned from winter recess. They used to be the most comfy editions.
Ouch. That's not the most salvageable. Your best bet is to take up a trade or get a certification in some engineering or medical field.
you literally just posted all these in the exact same order in the very last thread, must you do it all again?
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Leftists are vocal, there is no shyness.
Correct. Quite funny how her and the conservatives bought into their non existent hype. All that they had going for them is that they're not quite as terrible as Labour.
>trusting (((women)))
>video doesn't show the panel's response
suspicious, i bet they expose him as a retard but that didn't fit the editor's narrative

Even a 20 seat increase is a good mandate for her and means she will never lose a major vote.
Why hell is voteing labour.

I know no one who is voteing labour

Even the labour supporters I know are voteing conservative
people actually believe this is a thing. when you can get socially ostracized, or have a brick through your window for being openly conservative.. mental gymnastics
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Angus Robertson in particular had a go at him.
RIP, sure you could get a job as a councilor for the yooth or something, or get a salable Masters Degree.
>Government weed
God, that reminds me of last year when our radical Left parry said they wanted legal weed but only if government had a monopoly on it to prevent private companies profiting off the sale of it
I hear sales is a decent option, not too sure i could put my heart into selling people shit they dont need all day though

fuck off abo you shouldn't even be in here

Jezza is /areguy/
Good advice if you want to help the export industry tbqh. We are crushing the SEK and thus UK exports is getting POUNDED.
No, they just went off on one about how immigrants are great and lovely, completely ignoring the paki's point.
Legalizing marijuana at first raises the price and then lowers I below the original street price as supply increases
T. Americlap from a legal weed state

They all will vote Tory once they are in the quiet of the voting booth, now there is a real risk of the cunt winning.
Anyone got a YouTube link of the Paki from QT last night
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Theresa May is safety. Theresa May is security. Theresa May is Britain.

Fuck Corbyn the Commie Cuck and his party of weaklings. The Tories are the only party that can Make Britain Strong Again!
Gondor had massive engineering projects in all of its cities, and everyone had enough furnaces to equip vast armies in plate mail and swords. Orcs didn't do anything anyone else wasn't doing, there were just doing it uglier.
What made you decide to major in Marxism?
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Lib-Dems dropping shocking redpills on the water supply
>shy corbynista effect
The shy tory effect is strongest in years when the left is most vocal and aggressive
The left is currently the most vocal and aggressive it's been in decades
If its legalised then I imagine people will also grow their own too, for a lot cheaper than whatever it sells for in the shops
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If Labour win, can't wait to see the £.
People crying about the Paris agreement need to fuck off, it isn't proof Trump is a climate change denying faggot (which he is mind you) it's just proof that he is actually keeping campaign promises, if his voters didn't realise this then they can only blame themselves.
This, it happened it 2015
>Now do I reeeeeaaallly want Ed Miliband as our Prime Minister?
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Odd zoom.
Been reading up all parties manifestos lads only one that makes complete sense is the UKIP one but obviously they won't win so it's down to the tories or labour. Don't know what though the only thing the tories have to offer is less immigration and better brexit whereas labour wants to increase wages, recruit more border guards and improve the NHS. What one out of the two is the better really struggling to decide.
Look up about 30 posts
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Was it actually the greatest political commentary of the last century? I was always told it was just a story. Makes sense that its true meaning would be suppressed considering the redpills
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>Americlap from a legal weed state
Have you experiencing an increase in terrorism?
Was blue-pilled and wanted a career in helping people lol, the system has chewed me up and spat me out a fascist instead lol
>Let a London copper get stabbed by a Muzzie and let Manchester get SNACKBAR'D on her watch

Sure, lad.
Have you had a stroke?
it's too late for are Nige to run for Thanet isn't it?
>You'd be surprised, when voters get taken for granted things happen.

True .Neil hamilton found that to his cost in 1997
>won't appear on TV
>now boycotting radio interviews
What is she scared of?
Corbyn is one of the weakest candidates I've ever seen
She should be running rings around him

>I know no one who is voteing labour

And I've never heard anyone in real life say they're voting for Conservatives.

It's almost like political opinion is highly polarised by groups!
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Corbyn going for the kill

Latest IpsosMORI/Standard Poll:

Con 45% (-4)
Lab 40% (+6)
Lib Dems 7% (nc)
UKIP 4% (nc)

Down from a 15 point lead in their last poll.

Fuck the torys and heir elite backers. Fuck the Jews that back them. Fuck you little Englanders for not voting for a true anti establishment corbyn.
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I'd like to flush out their fox holes.
>tfw we are RAPING your yuropoor trade
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>giving in to the demands of 'big dope'
Of all the people to point out how much estrogen there is in the water supply, I'd never thought it would be the Lib-Dems.
Tolkien always claimed that LOTR is not allegorical, but I just can't read it without seeing his views on the environment, state-power and western civilisation all over it.
If you britfags elect Corbyn you may as well allow Sweden and France annex you into a cuck super state
It is weird. Avoiding the debates is probably, on the balance of it, an acceptable idea. But it's suspicious when you've been running on a 'stability' ticket. Avoiding the radio inteviews is indefensible.
Not Commandant Corbyn's socialist utopia it wouldn't.
thinking of voting for him desu
I agree anon
I sell people mouth fedoras to help them quit smoking, my conscience is clean.
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>this is a 10/10 in britain
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She knows she can't lose. She doesn't have to waste her time "debating" a cuck like Jeremy "gibsmedat" Corbyn. She has a country to run.
>rees-mogg has an instagram

>south korea
>posting commie shit
Vote green for meme factor
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How do you find it? Im pretty interested
wtf I love lib dems now

t. guy who spammed /pol/ with Assault on Males documentary about xenoestrogens 5 years ago
Corbyn is based, he's got my vote
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For all you Orcaphobes and Uruk-Haters - you fucking disgust me.

Orcs have been integrated into British society for many years - here is a picture of two not doing anything wrong. It is their right to practice their culture and worship Sauron. If you do not like this - then you are the problem, not them.
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Commies BTFO
If you're in North East Somerset, who else would you vote for?
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No thanks, young man. I will vote for a based civic nationalist instead.
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Corbyn is a weak communist cuckold. Theresa May is the only strong leader left in British politics. She is the only one that can save us.

thats why you are a cucked britfag prob a remoaner
>She doesn't have to waste her time "debating" a cuck like Jeremy "gibsmedat" Corbyn. She has a country to run.

>wastes all her time talking to "real people" (pre vetted focus groups)
>i'm to busy with brext negotiations she says in a plymouth factory

>offer less immigration

Fucking hell lads next week could be one exciting night on brit/pol/.

Who booked the Friday off here?
Is he the guy who BLACKED Amber Rudd?
He's a ((tory))
me but for my gf's birthday
>guy on DP just called the Tory right anti-immigration xenophobes

He wasn't challenged at all, fuck the BBC honestly.
the press backs him he is a Zionist shill get red pilled mothafucker

You gonna be on britpol on friday night or nah?

May is a haggard old fart. I have stronger bowel movements.
Tories are based. I bet you're a poorfag.
>I just can't read it without seeing his views on the environment, state-power and western civilisation all over it.
Was he outspoken at all politically? It would be interesting to here his views. Also, I agree. Orwell would have chopped off a limb to write allegory like that. Was Tolkien hiding his power-level so that we could stumble on this message organically?
No, i'm voting corbyn because the economic recovery hasn't worked for everyone
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I booked the whole week off lad.

Thursday night*

Work harder, you lazy cunt.
How the fuck is even labour gaining popularity? Last time I've checked May wasn't as much of a disaster and brexit will happen regardless.

Off for the week.
vote ukip or ill molest your waifu
>tfw the polls are clearly bullshit but they'll inevitably lead to a fresh flood of 1PBTID Momentum shills and redditors by mid-afternoon
This chocolates look amazing, what are those?
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unironically the best thing I ever did. tried patches and gum and never managed to quit, smoked for over 12 years. was out of work and applied to mouth fedora shop not knowing first thing about the daft things.
3 days later I had quit.

spend at least £30 on your hardware and go to a local shop to try flavours and different nicotine strengths to see what works for you.

They are making the polls close so that people worry that Corbyn could win and are not so apathetic to vote anymore.
>booking the whole week off

kinda makes you think

>borrowing so much that you drown economic growth in debt
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Tunnocks Teacakes
I wish there weren't exit polls so we could have a Sunderland 2016 style HAPPENING again.
I have to take it off as I'm counting in the election.
>tfw brits have to rely on pakis to make obvious arguments
If the Tories don't spend the next week shouting about this garden thing they're thick as shit.
>mouth fedora
Kek. Took me a minute
I've worked hard all my life, i went to cambridge. I don't want benefits, if anything i'll be paying out more in taxes because i earn quite a lot, but I think people like me should pay more tax

May is a train wreck. Every time she appears on TV the Tories lose support. Every time she stays off TV they lose support.

Serves them right for backstabbing BoJo and putting her in power.
coming from the roach who's whole government is turkroaches making decision for them
He was quite a private person, but he wrote hundreds of letters to friends and colleagues which were published after his death. You can get a fairly good idea of his views from reading them.
He loathed mass-industrialisation at the expense of our countryside, and was very skeptical of democracy and politicians in general.
Tunnocks Teacakes desu. They are a bit of a meme, the chocolate is too thin and the marshmallow too gooey but I will be scoffing them on election night nonetheless.
t. champagne socialist

>be conservatives
>repeatedly fail on core pledges
>doesn't matter because labour are the alternative
>rely on brexit to push through manifesto that attacks core voter base
>be autistic robot PM that won't go on TV
>wtf my 20% lead is diminishing?!
>cutting spending
>increasing demand

Pick one.
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UKIP are actually going to win a seat now in South Thanet
The Greek people are indistinguishable from turks
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>Progressives and hard-line Socialists in Britain still fighting for a £15 minimum wage despite the negative effect it has

We should have a minimum wage, but having it above £9/£10 is retarded. Why do people not see that if you raise the wage to £15 then the person who was making £15 before has to be bumped up, and so on and so forth until it becomes useless?

Not only that, but the insistence on raising Corporate taxes is disgraceful too when your neighbour (us, Ireland) has one of the lowest in the world.

Does this man have no brain?
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Really makes you think

>yes you vote ((tory))

>top 10% if earners already contributr 50% of income tax receipts

Tell me more about how the well off don't pay enough tax.

We should just harness JS Mill's spinning grave to fix our energy needs.
Yeah i suppose i am
What did Theresa do to fuck this up so much?
>cutting taxation
>increasing demand
Pick two
Teacakes. We always get them around Christmas time. They're class desu. The biscuit at the end is the best part.
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we're pathetic
please nuke us

>"Tolkien was a devout Roman Catholic, and in his religious and political views he was mostly a traditionalist moderate, with libertarian, Distributist, and monarchist leanings, in the sense of favouring established conventions and orthodoxies over innovation and modernization, whilst castigating government bureaucracy; in 1943 he wrote, "My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs)—or to 'unconstitutional' Monarchy."

Yep, he was based. There is no way LoTR isn't allegorical, even if it is inadvertently.

Not defending austerity.

Just wish one of the parties would occupy a middle ground between indiscriminate Tory cuts and Labour's make-it-rain manifesto.
Thank you! I'm going to try to see if I can find any around here. I like trying new things.
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What does he have to say this time around?
Theresa May has not mentioned the IFS report on Labour's manifesto
She has not mentioned the garden tax thing
She has not reminded people of Corbyn's woman's hour interview
She has not mentioned her solid past in negotiating at home secretary
She has not made a compelling reason as to why she didn't debate (even though there are good reasons why debates are shit)
She has not been strong and stable.

She's Hillary levels of energy, and I'm scared that the Corbyn cabal could take control. This is what autism does to politicians.
The manifesto was a pile of misery, she backed fox hunting and generally had a shit campaign.
people are actually listening to what corbyn is saying now, and realising he had good ideas

meanwhile may is revealing she has no fucking clue, the only solid policy she has is fucking shit no one wants, and she is a coward

Basically in the spotlight corbs is flourishing while may is wilting
I don't understand what pol has against Corbyn other than labor/Tory team think.
He actually has some very sound policies. He may be a communist personally but that doesn't mean the entire labor party will push socialist policies or that he can't be an effective democratic leader.
Take your damn team hats off pol and think for yourselves, you can be just as collectivist as the left sometimes.
>This cunt on DP

>implying UKIP will win it
>implying Labour won't win it
That's not big enough though is it? Because you can't expect the bottom 50% to contribute a huge amount. So realistically the top 10% need to be contributing more than that.
Furthermore that's just income tax, other taxes like VAT affect the poorest more. Tories have cut taxes for the richest so now working class people are average £1,400 worse off whilst upper classes have more money.
if raising the minimum wage has no negative effects on employment and the economy, why not raise it to £25/hr and we can all be rich??!

ask this question seriously of people who support the £15 minimum wage
So you'd vote Lib-dem/Labour/Green or some faggot called Shaun Hughes instead?

Fucking idiot Tories trying to character assassinate Corbychev when his shadow cabinet are the low hanging fruit.
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UKIP will win hartlepoole
>cutting taxation
>increasing income equality and raising money for state services

Pick one.
Doubt it. They might do it if ALL the Tory voters now switched to UKIP following the news, but I think it's more likely that the vote will just be split between them. Consider how low UKIP are in the polls and consider the fact that in 2015 they had the Farage factor.
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They're not m8.

The problem is the lefty media thinks it can influence the 70% of people who no longer consume it. They cannot.
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It should be £100 p/hr tbqh.
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If I was posting under a British flag you'd agree, it's true.
Just found out I live 2 miles from Jacob Rees Mogg

shall i go give him a visit whilst hes out campaigning

what shall i ask
I don't agree with much of his politics or opinions but God damn he's so adorable
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I miss these days lads

take me back
>thinking this is anything like Clinton/Trump

90% of earners only contribute 50% of income tax.

I agree about VAT, cut it to reduce the burdon on lower incomes and encourage spending.

We should tax people the absolute bare minimum, rich or poor, not how much we feel they can afford.
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Yep. Won't be as exciting as Brexit, but it will be nice to see the end of socialism in the UK as a political force.
Why he voted for the Snooper charter
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>The Lord of the Rings is often thought to represent England during and immediately after World War II. Tolkien ardently rejected this opinion in the foreword to the second edition of the novel, stating he preferred applicability to allegory.[102] This theme is taken up at greater length in his essay "On Fairy-Stories", where he argues that fairy-stories are so apt because they are consistent both within themselves and with some truths about reality.
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idk mang they're up against this

>raising money for state services
>throwing money down a well
>burning money to keep warm

Pick any, they're all equivalent
>but it will be nice to see the end of socialism in the UK as a political force

The only way this happens is if Labour falls under 30%, which almost no poll shows will happen
yuropoors are subhuman islamic spawn

Nope, this the most generous manifesto in living memory, if they can't win with this socialism is dead in Britain and Labour will lurch to the right.
Voting split between Tory-UKIP will give this seat to Labour

Also that UKIP guy looks like a weirdo

Conservative shilling started immediately after the 2015 general election result.

I think it was newfags who couldn't handle supporting anything but the winning party and didn't understand beforehand that UKIP wouldn't win.

No it won't the Tory will still win.
>go for curry last night
>have a beer and glass of wine with it too
>order spicy curry
>go home
>wake up in middle of night with major cramps in stomach and extremely dry mouth and headache
>go to toilet
>extreme burning pain
>brown waterfall comes out
>literally smells like what I ate but of sour acidic poo as well
>this carries on all fucking night and day

Indians are really disgusting if they do this for pleasure
whats funny is how every time theres a major election the bbc get it wrong without fail.
>general election
they always say the opposite of what happens

Most people don't fancy having their council tax go up 300%, that's one reason he is hated.
Tories will poll 12-15% ahead of Labour on the 8th and will win a 60+ seat majority.

The shy tory effect will be stronger this year than it has been in a generation.
It has been 45 years since polls /didn't/ overestimate Labour.
Labour polls strongest among students and the unemployed, both of which have low turnout and both of which are concentrated in areas that are already Labour strongholds.

Don't fall for the 'close election' meme.

>babby tier digestive system
>that's one reason he is hated
>40% in the polls
>funding healthcare is equivalent to burning money

Heartless bastard.
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Look at their manifesto.

A vote against that is a vote against socialism incarnate, a return to the 70s of three day weeks etc
surely this is a meme. curry has never given me the shits, but the last three times I ate dominos my shit was coming out like lumpy gravy.
>roads are a waste of money
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I'm eating toast, like. You could have saved me that mental image, anon.

Yep he'll get 40% of the vote guaranteed.

Give me a fucking break.
You've been culturally enriched . They must have forgotten which is the hand they wipe their arse with and the one to use to stir the curry
>f-f-fake news

Kek this liar.
>Hung parliament predicted
>Claimed remaining in the EU and Hilary was certain
What will Dimbleby say next Thursday night lads?
yeah maybe, I will stick with peshwari or korma next time, I love spicy food but this isn't worth it.

Not a member of any party, never will be.

Socialism will be rejected as it always is in Britain, we are not that sort of country.
well Dimbles is pro Corbyn.

>he'll get 40%
>even though his favorability is about 30% barely above the "dunnos"

>Thinking for yourself
>Voting for Communism
Any Nutella on that toast anon?
This. Youth votes will benefit already labour voting areas.

Who gives a fuck.
May made a manifesto where she just listed all of the things she'd cut, means test old age bennies and have a vote on fox hunting. She hasn't really put in a single positive policy. I don't really know why either, she must have the same team that from Cameron's era that knew to put "we'll make x amount of cuts" in the manifesto without specifying things, so after being elected in 2010 they brought in the 'bedroom tax' as part of the unspecified cuts and the fallout was over by 2015 where they also basically campaigned on "all the shit we promised to do but didn't do was because coalition", all she had to do hear was campaign on "continue the work of fixing the economy, strong negotiatingation team at Brexit, we haven't go around to all the stuff we wanted to do in 2010 but were stopped from doing due to coalition yet" rather than using it to anounce policies they must have known would be unpopular.
>one Blairite party and one former Blairite party now controlled by Trotskyites
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It's 10 o'clock and I can now announce our exit poll shows Labour wins by a landslide
Can someone please give me a quick rundown? Why are we supporting (((Labour))) with such passion?
Labour hires the most inept people.
>curry has never given me the shits,
It has more to do with the volume of the food eaten when people get takeaways. That and poor hygiene practices in the takeaway

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>and we can announce our exit poll prediction
>we predict a Tory majority with 45% of the vote and Labour on 34%

You don't understand what Blairites are do you.
Who do Russians support?
No, just Walkers crisps
I doubt they care.

Putin, he's set to get 65% + of the vote at the next election.
That is true, didn't he say a few days ago he thought the media were too harsh on Corbyn?
Anyway, they always go by the "exit polls" at 10 o'clock so I think he'll say either hung parliament or Labour majority.

>he actually thinks the Tory party are 'conservative'
sounds more like mild food poisoning than just the curry
>Work harder
Fuck you cunt, I just had major surgery and had to choose whether I wanted to vital prescriptions that would contribute to keeping me alive or eating food and having a roof over my head.
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See, watching the DP it's already happening, the media are going to tear Labour apart on their tax and economic policies, every paper next week will be daily showing on the front page the garbage policies.
Lefties really are still in full denial mode nearly a year later and think they can escape the bed they have made. Sad.

Give me a break, Thatcher said her greatest achievement was New Labour, that says it all.
Would be great for the Momentum shill tears

DESU I just want this fucking election over with already
Nice implication faggot. I love it how Drumpfsteiners adopted this meme anti-Semitism even though their orange idol is choking on Jewish sperm.
Corbyn is not a cuck who licks Jewish butt. It's the (((Tories))) who are in charge of that.

>he actually thinks Margaret Thatcher was a 'conservative'
so he's a retard then?
>Labour has an anti-semitism problem

so WHY THE FUCK would you not support Labour?
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Nippy day, was it?
Thanks love.

Can you make us a cup of tea as well? Milk and two.

Yep, Thatcherism is not conservative at all.


kek piss off
It's a joke. We're winding each other up.

There's a good chance we're all banned or persona non grata at the leftie sites we used to dip into politics, so we have to pretend.
I'm enjoying it

Suns out

People from both sides freaking out about polls

It's great
Just heading into town (York) to check out the Corbyn rally lads.
What should I heckle?
i hate dianne abbott with a passion and i want to see her fail at every opportunity
Here you go friends.


when dimbles came on at 10 on the 2015 night they called it for tories straight away, not hung

Their antisemitism problem stems from the party being full of Muslims
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my fucking face when Labour wins this election

State funding of healthcare is a waste of money.

Much better to have private health providers with state insurance.

Brit/pol/ = Shit/pol/

Stop being such snobby cunts

It was polled entirely as hung tho
who should i be happy to win besides UKIP?

idk who con or labor party means

is labor party commies?
>Yep, Thatcherism is not conservative at all.


What's wrong with AmCom? Just read the article
They have an anti-semitism 'problem' for the sole reason that they love muslims.
>well that's not what I'm hearing on the doorstep-

really isn't a fucking argument.
They have that in america and it doesn't work
Is Steve Coogan at that one?

If so, it is law that you shout "Dan!" at him obsessively.
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Ohhh I see I like that
Where's her nudes?

Interventionism, austerity and authoritarianism
Interventionism, rampant spending and hugely centralised 'big' government

We're basically voting on whether the dick that fucks us uses a red or blue condom.
Yea, and their corporations pay more tax, their NI contributions are more... and generally use less in the way of services.

BUT MUH POOR. No excuses in this country to be as shit at life as some people are. All the opportunity is there.

Rise of the welfare state made everything worse.
It is important that Labour sink at this election, nothing more.

That's pretty much it this time. UKIP will take South Thanet, like they should have done with Farage but rigged it to stop him.
Thank king nigger for that
You'll get them when you send proof of your vote for Labour on June 8th
Labour are commies
Conservative are right economically, socially centre
Everyone else is falling back into irrelevancy

No they don't.

What I'm talking about is what they have in France, Germany and Canada and it works much better than the NHS.
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Shotted for later reference. Pucker your anus on election day, faggot.
why does she always cover an eye? she dumb?
labour wont win. get over it
RIP Britain, wish I could it was nice knowing ya
wtf, first the fagbashing milkman, now the xenoestrogen redpills.
Are the Lib-Dems, dare I say, /ourguys/?
This Paddy is replacing every 'e' with an 'a'.

I don't care about culling, it's the fact that the hunt is done by breeding the foxes, letting one loose and then starving a pack of dogs so that they'll tear them apart.

They even train these poor dogs by starving them and dropping fox cubs into their kennels to fight for food.
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I don't care one way or another. It's just that you're so set in your ways that I'm hoping you slash your wrists on election day.

Finally, a reason to hope labour wins!
working class tory voters

does the sight of them make anyone else feel fucking repulsed.

Build your little montage, you'll be deleting it come Thursday night.

People who describe themselves as working class are mentally retarded, they just want an identity that doesn't exist anymore.
> when your policies are so shit you don't even turn up to a live tv debate to defend them
Nippon steel edge, m8. Folded 1000 times!
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>When your bait is so bad you only get a single (you)
They think they're "middle class" despite living in a shitty private rental with black mould in the kitchen and the estate being filled with spice zombies
fucking hell mate...
This can't be real
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Reminder that Tories and Labour can both fuck right off tbqh.
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Absolutely this.

Voting for are Paul
Fucking Reddit should be reduced to ashes
Because pretending to hate yourself while importing shitloads of your favorite brown skinned future slave caste does not make you a good /pol/ candidate.
I think it's clearly Corbyn.

Honestly, the Nutt has put me off voting UKIP. I just want are Nige back.
He's alright, he's no Nige but the party's manifesto is the only logical one out there. Would be a fucking tit not to vote UKIP.
Getting skeptical of any shots coming out of reddit, lately. That shot of the Labour subreddit brigading us turned out to be fake and gay.
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> someone on my facebook who is on the dole
> talking about how labour is so bad and they're voting tory.
we should cull the stupid.
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Here's my Isidewith results you cucked britbongs.
Do you guys even have a libertarian party? Seems all your parties are somewhat leftist economically even the "conservatives".
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Get gone swine
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Yes we do.png
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Google must be hard
Vote Tory or Labour then you emotionally-thinking fucking retard
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Well they aren't exactly very good ones are they lad.
>They don't want to privatize the railways
>they want any old degenerate foreigner to be able to vote in the election.
>And they want the bureaucracy of the EU to impose trade restrictions and blockades on countries they don't like; aka sanctions.
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