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Brit/pol/: Vote UKIP Edition

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Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 78

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>Current seat predictions:: CON 362 (+32) LAB 206 (-26)

>Mass brawl in KFC sets off edgy police

>Thousands make fake claims they were at Manchester bomb concert to scrounge free tickets

>Corbyn: 'No deal' in hung parliament

>Farage accused of being pivot of global revolution

>Sturgeon "in denial" that indyref2 caused poll drop

>Wikileaks: Corbyn surge like that of Trump / Sanders

>BBC Question Time 01/06/17
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When will our people stop being fucking cucks and start deporting non-Whites?
>go for curry last night
>have a beer and glass of wine with it too
>order spicy curry
>go home
>wake up in middle of night with major cramps in stomach and extremely dry mouth and headache
>go to toilet
>extreme burning pain
>brown waterfall comes out
>literally smells like what I ate but of sour acidic poo as well
>this carries on all fucking night and day

Indians are really disgusting if they do this for pleasure.
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Makes you think

Latest IpsosMORI/Standard Poll:

Con 45% (-4)
Lab 40% (+6)
Lib Dems 7% (nc)
UKIP 4% (nc)

Down from a 15 point lead in their last poll.
>Tories in 2015 3 points behind
>Still won majority

>Tories 5 points ahead
>Brit/pol/ is shitting themselves

You're all gaylords.
Sounds like a good clean out pal. I turn Madras into solid hot bricks at this point you need to up your game.
5 points ahead in polls that overestimate YOOF turnout significantly no less.
Reminder that both main parties love uncontrolled migration.
Reminder that both main parties will give us a shit deal with europe.
Reminder that both main parties will ensure that immigration stays at least in the high 200k range for years to come.
Reminder that both main parties are dedicated to Orwellian levels of spying on this countries citizens.
Reminder that both main parties will keep us part of the European Arrest Warrant, meaning out citizens can be dragged before foreign courts.
Reminder that both main parties support abortion.

Reminder that the status quo wont change if you keep fucking voting for it


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He's right you know
Yep but its a shame its pointless to vote for anyone else since they never win.
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Not with that attitude.
Thread is split

Use this one first

give me a nazi paki
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I've had acid reflux since I was a child. Hence why I was vegetarian from 4-20 years old. Just started a new job where I'm sitting at a desk for 12 hours a day. I get massive gurgles and stomach twists. When I shit it's a single plug flying out and then a noise that only japs in 1945 would recognise.

Feels so good after that.

Just got off my break, walked past one of those LUSH shops, where Topshop girls and gay guys buy bath stuff. It had an electric sign in the window saying:

Dear 16%
We hate fox hunting and think it's cruel
Love the 84%

How gay
Yet they don't campaign against halal slaughter.
"Islamophobia", wow this bullshit word is in my autocorrect functions wtf
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Mazel tov!
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Anon, I trust you have my vote in the upcoming general election.
Reminder the NHS and Welfare shouldent exist. let them die on the streets
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Reminder that universal suffrage was a mistake and if you vote for Corbyn you are a disgusting parasite who has no right to claim love for their country.
>‘Bread and Circuses’ is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader—the barbarians enter Rome.
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>have guaranteed win
>don't bother standing

why is farage such a panzie ?
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>England for the English
What did he mean by this?
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>He's reading this thread right now
>He doesn't want to defend his weed farm with Automatic rifles

you might just be gay
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This in a truly free country a hard worker would be able to pay for all the needs of himself and dependents. Free from the burden of taxation
He would lose by an even larger margin than last time.
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>Corbynistas think they can win with 40%
>The Tories have 45% which they completely ignore
>Shy Tory factor ignored
>risk of Corbyn ignored
>low youth turnout as always ignored

It's gonna be one hell of a night.
indians are our great imperial brothers

>t. queen lizzie
he wants to stay in Brussels while the negotiations are taking place. if he is an MP in Westminster, he will have zero chance of influence.
that's his reasoning anyway, make of it what you will.

>implying we don't want Turkey to join the EU now

Serves the cunts right.
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mummy is beautiful
Lads, why do Labour always have the most incompetent people showing up for TV interviews?

It actually seems that whenever they go on, they always and I mean always get utterly BTFO by their interviewer.

Tories that go in, in contrast, tend to have better arguments, better at deflecting, staying cool under pressure etc. Just in general they seem much better trained for media

He's not Indian his accent wasn't Indian.
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>tories exposed and are being tried for corruption
>still vote tories

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*sees this picture*
*does nothing*
*sees Amanda Holden's cleavage*
As I have said before, I am no socialist, but that image assumes no means testing.
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This one is older, fuck off
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We're only a few years from mainstream arse-cleavage
>tfw working away from home all week so won't get to see the massive lols and bantz on Brit/pol/

Could be for the best though, fast moving threads on 4chan are absolute dogshit. At the risk of sounding like a hipster homo, 4chan is always better when it's less popular
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>Run completely horrendous campaign
>Win with an increased majority
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It's already been used you moron.
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We all know blokes like you
Labour don't have any competent politicians
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Still something a bit chavy about her.
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Feels good to know there's no way we can lose
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I'm pakistani British and just as British as you and I

Because a party with ideas as shit as Labour's doesn't attract competent people.
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>tfw having to decide between the Tories and the SNP
White people love playing divide and rule. Let's not play their game.
>implying Labour are strongly in favour of means testing
UKIP is just being used to sinkhole young/suggestible voters who would otherwise vote against the theresa party in the 2-party system we unfortunately find ourselves with.
If you are going to vote then vote tactically according to your constituency.
I'd cum all over her back, that's about it
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The Welshman cometh
>implying they're not in multicultural modern tolerant britain

you wouldn't want to wind back the clocks tot he wrong side of history would you anon?
>>implying Labour are strongly in favour of means testing
I never even mentioned Labour or any political party, what are you on about?
>and then a noise that only japs in 1945 would recognise
o i am laffin
Any socialist party should be, because welfare leeches harm the society as a collective.

>voting for Wee Jimmy Kranky
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>commies can only afford sticks as weapons

really makes me think
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*leans towards you*
welsh conquest was a mistake
Good lad, supporting the rapist community, well done.
She grinds my gears but goddamn
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britpol won't be too bad, the sticky will be far worse. Maybe we'll even have a normal britpol and a comfy, slower britpol simultaneously.
I'm voting for Monster Raving Looney lads
>still won the war
fair enough you were referring to the image i posted, but my post was mainly directed at Corbyn supporters, but it applies to anybody who supports a big welfare state.
Hitler has only got one ball
The other is in the Albert Hall
His mother, the dirty bugger
Cut it off when he was small
It's already dead, you thick cunt, why even post?
...applies to a welfare state that doesn't implement proper means testing - the two are not mutually exclusive.
Well this is already happening thanks to the transition of assets to NHS Property Services Ltd

NAZBOL is a left/pol/ meme to try and "convert" /pol/ to leftism. All it has done is make people on lefty/pol/ more right-wing.
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Nice to see another vegan on here

They stll have a good few days to lose that lead because of DUDE FREE SHIT LMAO.
absolutely gutted i missed the this week live thread last night

Check the post time you fucking retard.
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you mean capitalists won the war then BTFO you out 40 years later into ANOTHER capitalist nation
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I'm an unironic NazBol.

Capitalism a shit.
Niggers also a shit.

It's the most logical way.
I would like you all to know that I would have sexual intercourse with her
Brit/pol/'s days are numbered.
I did you utter fucking cockgobbler.

Just stop posting, there's enough dumb pakis here already.
If Farron believed in doing the right thing for the country, he would drop the lib dems out and tell everyone to vote Labour. The LD presence is jus splitting the left vote and letting the tories win.

At least there's UKIP to split the racists' vote a bit, but not to the same degree. A cuntservative victory is almost certain.
thats because real indian food isnt the curry you eat
thats what makes i good lad
you're not wrong, but i'll still use the picture even if it is imprecise and hyperbolic. it still encapsulates this major flaw of people being able to vote for endless bennies.
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>capitalists won the war.

Also Putin is NAZBOL.
Hitler had micropenis
/pol/ is overreaction central.
>lurk normiebook to get the feel of the regular world's idea of politics
>see someone wanting a handout from Corbyn regarding her student loans
>studied for 3 years before the student loan rise, then 1 year after
>£45k~ debt
>everyone is going 'me too!' and 'sucks too have so much debt and not be able to save up' and that 'the government should waive the fees for the value it gives in education'
>have to close the tab before I start saying it's their own fault for studying pointless degrees, not using those degrees to get a good job

Fucking idiots can't take any responsibility. I have student loans but I'm not expecting a hand out.
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It was an hour ago you stupid twat.

Can't even read can you, seems you are the paki.
>If Farron believed in doing the right thing for the country...
>The LD presence is jus splitting the left vote and letting the tories win.
so he's already doing it then
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The tide, is turning, maybabies, get ready for the, progressive, Alliance!
I didn't know he was Japanese?
>but I'm not expecting a hand out
well done friend
,,,,,,,,,, the post ,,,,,,,,,,
I agree to some extent, communism, socialism, capitalism, all systems of government have to be compatible with the system they run on (humans), since it is human nature to take advantage of free shit and not always be totally honest, any system must account for that.
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>Wow look guys we surpassed a dead irrelevant party
Blydi idiot who made that knows ffwc about when to sharpen an initial consonant...
What do you call a Scottish socialist without a saltire?

A tory.
Proud to be English, proud to be Black.

How can you pricks say I ain't English when I was born and raised in London, right where the Queen and PM lives?

That's right, u can't.

queer cunt
Holy shit Daily Politics was pretty good today

>Paul Mason versus Toby Young arguing about Corbyn's moral compass
Any past data on this question from other general elections?
English is an ethnicity, you are not that ethnicity.
>capable PM
Fucking ell lad on top of that its all the pakis and gypos and wogs coming over here and taking our jobs do they need a fucking safe space fucking ell lad bunch of snow flakes cunts fucking cunts wog nog pakis lads cucks nog wogs chinks pakis brexit nige wog nige dacre fucking nice cuppa lad
English people are niggers anyway so . . .
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Ethnicity is a stupid word mate

Race is a construct made by the White guys
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I am writing, not speaking. The main reason the police can arrest people for tweets, or come down on 'social media' messages, is because things written online are still technically 'publications', almost like micro-pamphlets, rather than simply 'speech'. The CPS is so politicised now, that if they can't get you for posting on 4chan a.k.a. 'distributing hate literature online which incites violence', they will twist about in some mental arabesque to get you for hate 'speech' even when nothing was spoken. The laws are outdated.
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great english walls still standing 700 years later

Dumb nigger
i can not stand akala
>Proud to be black
>race is a construct
pick one
It's why I can't stand Labour. Stuck between a rock and a hard place atm due to Theresa May being utterly dreadful.

Enjoying being restricted to your military base since your fellow Americans keep raping? Fucking weeaboo nonce.
>im english
>but im also jamaican

multi-racialism was a mistake, two identities flicker when convenient to do so
Nah senpai I don't play UKIP games
Fucking comrade corbyn cunt brexit nige boris banter wog nog pak brexit nige wog pak brexit lad cuppa mummy may nige dacre murdoch lad cuck cunt lad wog nog
Every day I lean towards wanting a Labour victory just to spite the Tories.
>It's why I can't stand Labour.
i like you anon
being nationalistic is for losers anyway lad dont worry
This is getting beyond a joke, what will it take to bring some of these people to their senses? I know there are plenty of stupid people out there, but there can't be this many who actually think that Labour's tax plans are reasonable.
>not holding contradictory views is a UKIP game
Fuck off bruv why don't I deserve a bit more money growing up round these ends is tough times mate
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Which MP has the biggest dick?

Statistically one of them has to be 8 inches+
Fucking nonce brexit wog nog ponce cunt banter cuppa wog nog paki page 3 paki wog murdoch nog comrade corbyn pak nog cuppa
What the fuck?

I SAID SENPAI. Fickin gay Japanese shit

Because labour seems to hire people that have souls
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Will Theresa May take up the challenge from are Jez?
David Lammy
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Is corbachev gonna take my garden lads
>t. newfag
you're not from around here are you jamal?
You tories wonder why everyone knows you a racist bunch


Everyone seems to be wilfully ignorant of the fact that you can raise corporation tax as much as you want, it doesn't mean they'll fucking pay it.

Where are Labour going to get the extra ~£30+bn when the corp tax receipts fall?
nah, just tax you through the arse for having it until you let one of his mates build a council flat on it and have a paki move in
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>are Jez
it was never your garden. it belongs to the state.
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ill kill every paki before they come near my garden
>vote UKIP
why bother? they're just another grey party, infiltrated by double agents and destroyed from within by LibLabConistan.
>complain about liberalism for 10 years
>actual non liberal PM possibility
>go back to supporting liberalism
Fuk no you niggas are a bunch of EDL mandem tbqh
>Vote UKIP Edition
A vote for UKIP is a vote for Corbyn
this fucking diqusts me more because she is wearing the flag as a headscarf.
And what's wrong with Reddit mate

Just because they're not from the 18th century

because no matter what happens, we have Brexit and they have not.

The Tories are pushing through all the unpopular shit they couldn't normally do because of small majority bullshit
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enjoy your visit
Have to pay £4500 stamp duty, will probably be used to bring in more refugees, sorry lads.
not in a tory safe seat, then it's a vote for encouraging right wing polices and UKIP again in 5 years time

But I love Liberalism anon.

I have JS Mill's face tattood large on my back.
So? The choice is clear:
From the magic money tree mate kek nog nog pak nog dacre sargon nog pak nog ahmed nog
Just don't understand why you hate us senpai?
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>when atheist liberals post on Facebook: "my thoughts and prayers are with the families" or "my heart goes out to the families of the victims"

Does anyone take these platitudes seriously?
>thinks any party in the UK is genuinely liberal
Proof enough, back on the boat you go.
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Kenssburg BTFOing the Tory immigration policy
>voting Tory

hello, reddit!
must be wierd being the only white guy for miles. oh wait you make your own enclaves cos the gooks hate you.
Mayb the LIBERAL democrats u dumbo haha
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no statist cunt is takin me garden
I was born here idiot

I'm more English than you probably
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What makes you think I hate you?
>South Thanet Tory candidate Craig Mackinlay charged over election fraud

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1 post by these IDs
If the lib dems dropped out of my constituency it would be guaranteed to go to the theresa party...
Diane Abbot
someone said to me this morning: "Oh yeah, Manchester, I'd forgotten.. tee hee."
>thinks the LibDems are actually Liberal or Democratic haha
This. Labour has an unstable senile old marxist who hasn't grown out of his student politics as leader, who has taken the party away out into the reeds ideologically. This should be prime time for the Tories to stand firm as you know, actual conservatives. In other words, they can actually move to the right. What do we get? Some stuttering robot autist leader frightened of her own shadow who calls an election for a reason that is still beyond me then drops her spaghetti at every oppurtunity while she watches her previous lead of 15-20 points fall to about 5.
Desperate to put down the black man don't understand it tbqh

Voting UKIP and Tories and shit.
Literally one Muslim guy does a mad ting and you niggas go on the offensive.
We wouldnt be british without our gardens lad!
Just bantz lad, at least from me. It's communists I hate.
white people vote UKIP and Tories because they're in our best interests
if you were culturally English then you'd do it too
Yes mate nice banter bruv very boris bruv you fucking (((daily mail))) subscribing, carol vordermann wanking, freddo eating pak fatty ahmed cunt nog
Apparently so. In the debate leaders were asked about security and they spent 3/4 the time filibustering with how sad they still were about the terror attack
Nah mate not true we all the same deep down tbqh
Yes mate vote (((tory))) like a good little merchant
Just send off my postal vote for "Open Borders". WE WILL NOT STAND UP TO WHITE RACISM
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>carol vordermann
Dont make me hard anon. its too much
fuck off you annoying mouth breathing jungle bunny
Pizza for dinner
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>Literally one Muslim guy does a mad ting
The poll from the Labour Party conference again?
I'm not vegan. I was vegetarian. Now I eat meat and that coupled with sitting at work all day is why I drop megaton shits

Of course they don't. Dass rayciss
See this is why racism is alive and well in this nation baka
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I want the best opportunities to work hard for my own income and support a family in my own home

UKIP here because I'm in a safe Tory seat
Man is jealous desu
>this thread
>replying to blatant LARPing
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abbott racist.png
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yes, it is
unless its homemade get out
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its part of our culture....
bet365 just changed the labour seat band to Under 201 now LMAO
Why the fuck would I make a pizza at home
whatever I'm done with this ting

You racists might still learn a ting or two tho so I'll post sum thing that gonna make ur white head whirl desu senpai

>we wuz
b8 confirmed
May and the Tories were on course for the best 2 years of their lives before she called these stupid elections. She was enjoying all time popularity, Labour was a shrunked force, and there was no real focus other than Brexit.

Now we have a resurgent Corbyn and while she will win it, it will be not as dramatic a blowout as hoped. She and the Conservatives mistook the support as support for the stupidest parts of the party. We only want the best Brexit possible and she looked like she was going to deliver. Now, it's a fucking shambles.

What should have happened is they focus on Brexit, get it down and by the time the 2020 election would have come about, Labour would have eaten itself, the LibDems would be totally gone and politics would have shifted. What's been done is to essentially give Labour another 5-10 years of relevance under Commade Corbyn rather than deliver its death blow and allow a party that really had British workers as its focus.
superficially similar, fundamentally different
makes me pissed the amount kf young people supporting corbyn, no wonder he wants to lower the voting age to 16
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This election is a complete shit-show. Neither party shows any degree of economic/social rationalization whatsoever, you either vote for a party that isn't doing anywhere near enough to conserve the state (contrary to what its name implies) and is prone to corruption, completely out of touch with the general population and more than happy to throw away what little culture/ heritage the UK has left, one of the things that gives people here a reason for being. Then on the other side you have a party that will create an extraordinary budget deficit despite the reduction in exports the UK will face due to Brexit alongside the loss of foreign assets owned by domestic companies for the sake of appeasing some cavalier students wanting more free shit as if they haven't already got state education, health-care, pension plans, and near guaranteed security for the rest of their lives. The fringe groups (and lets not pretend that they are anything but) UKIP and the Lib-Dems are stereotypes of either wing and will only cause more harm if elected which wouldn't happen in a hundred years.

This election sucks, that's all there is to it, and its hardly a surprise when every party is willing to sacrifice the future for a few seats, hell even the so-called "left" is now composed of people willing to fuck over the entire country for their short-term personal gain.
i'll give you some leniency and allow it to be stone baked
>pander to white 16-year olds by offering free stuff
>import millions of 20-year old """refugees""" who all register as 15
>1000 year Labour reich
I'm not sure I can wait a whole 5 years for another vote.

We've been spoilt. We won't even get to do the MEP one in 2019.
>ignoring the fact that Lib Dem voters will now vote Labour
>ignoring the shy Labour factor
>ignoring the fact that SNP are crumbling in Scotland and returning to Labour

Lad, Corbyn is going to be the PM.
literally shaking

just shows how uncultured barbarians brits are
it means they want the French, Germans and Danes to move back in.
>give white 16 yr olds free stuff
>import low skilled labour force to pay for it all
Rly tickles my tendrils

>shy Labour

No such thing.
reminder to vote UKIP for 2-yearly referenda on whatever people decide is an important issue at the time

Page 60 of https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/ukipdev/pages/3944/attachments/original/1495695469/UKIP_Manifesto_June2017opt.pdf?1495695469
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Take the black pill, friend.

Lowering the voting age is retarded. 18 is fine.
But stasser didn't
I think it does mean however that 2022 will be interesting. Labour will still lose but the question is what they do now. Do they double down on this new socialist streak, or do they try to oust Jeremy in the hope that they worm there way back into the centre?

The Conservatives will hopefully have to go into government knowing that 2022 might not be theirs unless they can make something of the next five years, Brexit especially. As for the other parties, I don't see much of a future for any of them.
>tfw had a college teacher who used to invite me into her office and talk to me for hours
>literally came and got me mid lesson to bring me to her office
>she'd spend hours asking me about my life and interests
think i was close to getting trafficked desu
>start a new party
get bored of your last act so soon?
yeah pics, asking for a friend.
iktf donkeybro, literally seething at a good number of people I used to like
>ignoring the fact that UKIP voters (13% in 2015) will now vote Tory
I dunno, you see as younger people begin to vote and become more interested in politics the 2.5 party system might change
what happened to her
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>When your aide tells you that Dresden is no longer a firestorm
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bloody amazing fams.jpg
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Why are you not a special constable, lads?
>it's another post about polls from someone who hasn't read the BPC report, hasn't looked into the changes organisations have made and doesn't read the tables

If people are expecting the same problems as 2015 they are in for a shock
If true, noice
Sort yourself out mate you're lying on an anonymous board.
nowt, she was head of the department so she could do as she pleased, i left after the course finished and she hugged me goodbye.
she always smelled nice and wore skirts
there was also another teacher who used to roll her eyes at me and bite her lips when she came in the office too.
sweating now
We don't really know which way it will go.

A lot of secret Tory voters.
A lot of young ppl say they will vote and don't.
reddit twat didn't realise /pol/ has IDs
deary me
Sounds like the kind of thing that happens when you act like a spastic or your parents tell the teachers you have autism or something

What did he mean by this?
Its still anonymous you fucking idiot
Stop watching porn and masturbating, you're all fucked up. Get a gf.
Yeah, you're ID is linked to your home address, you idiot

I already know your name and can work out what school you went to
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walks towards you(2).gif
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Possibly, but that depends on the state of the parties in terms of how the country shifts ideologically. Global politics is also begging to take an interesting turn. It will be interesting to see how Trump continues to affect how and who countries align themselves with.
are you all actually retarded
it was the same mong who was pretending to be black, came back with a new story under the same ID
i was best student so probably a sperg cunt ye
i dont watch porn desu

Definite suicide watch
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>pic related?
I just joined this thread. Sry no h8 intended
Why was Andrew Neil such a prick to Tim Farron yesterday?
>NOT voting labour
Do you think male high-school teachers in mixed and all girls schools have the largest wankbank ever
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Gold Top vs Skimmed
>Tim Farron
because he's Tim Farron
Lactose intolerant

lmao wtf what tory interviews have you watched, all ive seen is theresa may floundering HARD and making awkward jokes where no-one laughs, boris johnson absolutely flipping his shit, tories getting ridiculed on this morning etc, and rudd getting laughed at in a debate LOL WAT
>all pakis are nonces
>promotes male teachers wanking over young girls
why is pol so hypocritical
>Do they double down on this new socialist streak, or do they try to oust Jeremy in the hope that they worm there way back into the centre?
I think there are two irreconcilable camps within Labour:
>city residents made up of SJWs, commies, pakis (all Muslims really), and nogs
>traditional British working class
The gulf between these two just grows and grows as the internationalist outlook of the first group intrinsically damages the latter. Labour losing this election will see one part doubling down on Corbyn, with the other left twisting in the wind. It has already started to happen after Brexit. I think by 2022, there will be a crop of minor parties attempting to capitalise on this split and by 2027, the divorce between the two groups will be complete.
Did nuttal have a niel interview?
because tim farron is a terrible party leader. Norman Lamb would have done far better.
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When Corbyn wins and the Labour party takes full control - there is going to be another 8 years of THINGS GETTING BETTER.

You do want things to get better, dont you?
Wouldn't answer a single question properly without monologuing about his creepy upbringing.
why must may sabotage herself
i wanted a landslide victory, not a close as fuck one jesus christ
Lads just found out i failed my easy as fuck meme degree, what should I do?
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best post ITT desu
Want to drive of the cliffs of Dover with me?
Imagine my shock! when I see that guy in the background.
1000% yes
Vote Corbyn he'll pay for it
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>tfw when you elect a mong
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That "oh, they're both bad" bollocks only works when one party isn't openly giving speeches in front of pictures of Stalin, though?

If May or Bojo gives a speech in front of big banners with Pinochet's mug on them, then the balance is restored for such a comment to work.

While the Tories are still very much in the center ground when they should be moving right, there is no comparison with Labour's suicidal optics.

May has taken the Tories one single step to the right. Yet it's a massive cavernous leap compared with Corbyn.

We can expect fifteen years of Tory Party majority rule now. By the third term they will be so awful that people will vote for anything to kick them out. Which gives us about five years to come up with a new alternative that isn't socialism.
>not ride off on a scooter
not a single krep check mention. lad sort it out
Cause a hot female teacgee who sucks ya nob is your average 14 yo boys dream
Considering the aim of calling this election was to get a mandate any pressure on the theresa party is going to destabilize her authority.
>tfw when
I don't have enough money for that. Would be a proper laugh though. Could stream a Union Jack and be all symbolic while I do it.
I don't think that would happen because my general assumption would be that if they can't oust Corbyn, they will either bend or be broken. I think we would see quite a few people being replaced as candidates. That said, what I am wondering is what happened during the time that Labour began to convert into New Labour. Did candidates and MPs simply convert or was there a purge and replacement stage.

Your probably right about the gulf between the British working class and societies more vile elements. I think the question of Islams place in the UK will become particularly poignant over the next decade.
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Orcs are going to be part and parcel of living in Modern Britain soon.

Thanks to the Labour Party Outreach for Mordor Program we are going to be receiving an even greater number of Orcs to work in our shops and factories than ever before.
Because my parents were married before I was born.
Start a chaturbate account.

I make a great deal of money off of faggots and middle aged women just sitting there with the willy out
>I-it wasn't us you guys

Yeah, yeah
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I'm not denying that Labour is the more suicidal option here, though its really hard to bring myself to vote for any party when I'd regret any decision based on the assumption that they'd all be dreadful, you know? Don't get me wrong, I'm probably going to vote for the Conservatives just to piss off the smug urban settlers I used to know though it doesn't feel like it really counts for anything. I've been out of the loop since Brexit to be frank, all the propaganda on both sides and boards being drenched by this shit has drained me of the ability to care for who says what, Corbyn giving speeches in front of pictures of Stalin is pretty surprising - though again its not like I see it as anything more than an edgy stunt to appeal to the younger audience. Besides I could make a case for Stalin if I wanted too just as much as I could for Pinochet, such a shame that left-wing media is so overly dominant and right-wing media so un-professional and impossible to take seriously.
That's all asian from what I hear
That's why it's better to identify as white. Leftist cant say niggers are white but they can say any nigger is English, german, frenchjust because their shitskins parents shat them out on one side of a border.
>Proud to be English, proud to be Black.
>How can you pricks say I ain't English

dont forget a huge shift from UKIP to Tory is going to happen in the Tory target seats: http://www.electionpolling.co.uk/battleground/targets/conservative

any increased turnout of young people will be mostly just labour safe seats in london, birmingham, bristol and other urban places.

Can't see anything other than a Tory increased Majority in the commons. put £2k on it a few days ago.
meant for >>128133684
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