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watch this before you vote edition

>Current seat predictions:: CON 362 (+32) LAB 206 (-26)

>Mass brawl in KFC sets off edgy police

>Thousands make fake claims they were at Manchester bomb concert to scrounge free tickets

>Corbyn: 'No deal' in hung parliament

>Farage accused of being pivot of global revolution

>Sturgeon "in denial" that indyref2 caused poll drop

>Wikileaks: Corbyn surge like that of Trump / Sanders
https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/870372661154779137 (embed)

>Election Leaders debate 2017
[YouTube] BBC Election Debate GE2017: Corbyn, Rudd, Farron, Nuttall, Robertson, Lucas, Wood (31May17) (embed)

>BBC Question Time 01/06/17
im a fag
>Wikileaks: Corbyn surge like that of Trump / Sanders
>Election Leaders debate 2017

jesus imagine what theresa will look like by the time she leaves
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>BASED brit/pol Theme
>Corbyn surge like that of Trump / Sanders

One of these is not like the other.
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Knock Knock

Who's there?


Olga who?

Olga mad if I don't get off this loop.
How come half of Europe has nationalised rail? How come our rail is run by nationalised foreign companies? How come the French govt owns stakes Peugeot, Renault EDF etc.
Ever get the feeling you've been lied to and they just use the EU as a convenient excuse for everything?
Reminder to not ignore that Islam is actually a problem
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What do you all think of the evaporation of the promised Tory landslide? I'm torn

(a) Tories achieve a true landslide, politics realigns

(b) Tories get a small majority, the Blue Blairites denied the total victory they desired
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I'm sure she'll look exactly the same as she does now when she loses in a weeks time m8.
watch "I, Daniel Blake" lads. It's important to britain
>(a) Tories achieve a true landslide, politics realigns
realigns to what?
Literally where?
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Reminder: I told you guys exactly one month and one day ago to get into ETH whilst it was still at 80.

You could have made thousands from a relatively small amount if you had just listened.

Check the archive if you like. You didn't listen. All you had to do was listen.

t. 21 y/o, made more than £60k in one month

I'm literally house shopping this weekend
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Who told you about that?
>Muh bad Brit Rail
>Muh bad union days.
>Muh highest prices cos Wi-Fi and shiny train on some routes.
>Muh Beeching was a God.

>I own the rails.
>The health
>Your money
>Your mum
>Your bum
got in at 40, fucking Kraken takes forever
You don't age much in less than a week lad.
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I will remember to not ignore
like a wet bag of shite?
xth for turning britain into best korea.
If the Labour party dies, then the Tories will eventually split (as they no longer have a credible common foe) and the former Labourites will join the leftist faction. Then you might well get a proper Peter Hitchens political divide: social conservatives/patriots vs Blairites
Gonna need context behind this one lad. I do think UKIP could win a few seats, but the problem is how rigged things are in favor of establishment parties.
And yep i was agreeing with you in that post you reffed.

>BASED rag dolls and weed on the canal. Fuck off Ted Heath who sullied the name of boats.
.. or nothing changes
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a face only a mother poster could love
is living in a canal boat cheap? Should I do this?
>BASED Loach.
>BASED Looking for Eric.
I have no idea how or why some of you un ironically support Labour. Its like what u even doin here?
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>What we found most interesting is Duff's assertion that the Commission is already at work on a plan B that should follow a breakdown of negotiations. The options could range from a commercial pact under Art 207 TFEU to a full-blown association agreement under Art 217. Nor would a failure to agree an Art 50 deal preclude the possibility of the UK rejoining the EU under Art 49 later on. All these options would be more costly than an Art 50 agreement.

Reminder that we will be literally Ukraine tier thanks to Brexit.
Fuck no. You have to move x amount of miles per week or w.e and the gov doesn't want people living like this and so make life difficult in all ways they can.
>We'll never die

I mean we survived fucking Mandy and blair.
Politics naturally divides into two broad factions. It has happened so many times before:
Cavalier vs Roundhead
Exclusion vs Divine Right
Reform vs Ultra-Tories
Pro-corn law vs anti-corn law


If one faction dies, the surviving faction will always eventually split.
fucking why
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I think a centre party will form around the Libs, and left of the Tory centre and the right of the Labour party
>tfw no Strong and Stable leadership
I'm voting Labour because I'm not a gullible faggot.

You're literally voting because someone made a meme and you thought it was funny... you're worse than a dumb lefty imo.

You're likely under 25, low pay job, no adequate housing, etc, and you aren't voting Labour? Fucking moronic.
That is true.
But don't go house shopping.
My pill to you:
>House prices collapsing you'll be stuck in negative equity.

Any more tips Anon?
Because you can't be a cog in the machine if you're off swanning down canals like some modern day hippie, can you?
Why didn't we do what every other country does and merely pretend to be following the rules? Like Hungary showed with the refugees, they can't do a fucking thing if we just don't listen.
Just keep making money with our membership, who cares what they say. Our real immigration problem was the shitskins anyway.
This is the ultimate aim. If politics divides along the issues that truly matter (sovereignty, identity, social issues, immigration, multiculturalism), then people will have to choose one or the other. Judging by the British social attitudes surveys, they will broadly make the right choices.

Right now its just 'muh NHS' vs 'muh long term economic plan' memery
the UK is a fucking MESS. There hasn't been an actual lefty government in years
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Wait til house prices collapse further.
could say the same about tory voters tbf
>I'm voting Labour because I'm not a gullible faggot

I'm dying over here

tell me more about how Corbyn's proposed government will be able to fund their proposals, other than by plunging the UK into catastrophic debt and giving away the falklands and gibraltar.
>Why didn't we do what every other country does and merely pretend to be following the rules?

Because our two main political parties are rabidly Europhile?
You're right, in a way. Certainly not an old fashioned class-based leftist. The UK has been ruled by people who are economically centre-right but socially left for about 20 years
>the UK is a fucking MESS. There hasn't been an actual lefty government in years

It could very easily be argued the same for the right. It depends entirely on how you wish to categorize which is left and right.
Until we get a party that lets us vote against the (((moneyed interests))) then we don't have a real choice.
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we need someone who is left economically but right socially

a,,, national socialist maybe

ashame a certain party ruined that label FOREVER in the west
>I'm voting Labour because I'm not a gullible faggot.
>you're worse than a dumb lefty

Anon, I...
buy guns and vote ukip ARE NUTT will save the NHS and bLOW UP the EU

0 female genitals will be mutilated in the making of this government
It's the economy stupid! Socialism retards the economy someone has to pay for all that free shit. Don't tell me it's all be costed for, no one knows how many people will go for free uni. Corbyn is prepared to fuck brexit up and give those eu fucks what they want. And he doesn't want to set any limits on immigration. Why the fuck are you here?
Honestly I'm coming around to accelerationism. Part of me wishes that the result of the referendum had been rejected just so the British people would snap.
Oh so all the other parties in all the other governments were eurosceptic?
It's not like we're just a bunch of soft touch cucks is it?


what did this say niggers
Nor a right wing one. Tony Blair ruined politics.
Have you heard of Maurice Glassman's 'Blue Labour'? Or the writings of Phillip Blonde? If someone ran on their platform they'd sweep the country
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>watch "I, Daniel Blake" lads. It's important to britain
Yes, watch it. Watch it and see the victim mentality that these fucking people have.
>Ring up a call centre looking for bennies
>Proceed to get shirty with the minimum wage phone drone on the other end because you can't get her tax money quick enough
This is the first few minutes of the film, and we're supposed to feel sorry for this main character.
>Be single mum
>Be late to bennies meeting because you couldn't be bothered to find out how to get there before the day of the meeting
>Get sanctioned and scream at the Jobcentre employees while they try to help you
Yeah, so hard done by. Zero personal responsibility.
>Be single mum again
>Decide to buy my kids some new clothes instead of food or electricity because they have to look good at their new school
>End up pouring baked beans into your hand and eating like a pig in a food bank because you're too stupid to realise that THE FUCKING CAN IS ALREADY A CONTAINER AND BEAN DELIVERY DEVICE
>Be skilled carpenter
>Supposedly can't work because of heart attack
He actually could and should work after a heart attack once he's home, but nevertheless...
>Make furniture and ornaments competently
>Give them to the aforementioned feckless single mother instead of selling on Etsy or eBay
There you go, you actually don't need to watch it.
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>Dad died in february
>Grandmother (his mum) died a couple of days ago
>inherited a bunch of money (not property) from both because of reasons
>interest rates are shit
>house prices are massively inflated

The fuck do I do with this? I can't just have it sitting around gathering dust.
Things we need:

Nationalised Rail
Nationalised energy
More industry

Other things we need:

Patriotic Values
Immigrants assimilating
And a left wing gov will help how...?
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We must end the defamation of Adolf Hitler
The examples that you gave are, yes.
wow this actually sounds pretty good

why isn't this a thing?
ideal party would be economically left, socially conservative but with acceptance of climate change and pro environmental policies
You are not an economist.
>>Give them to the aforementioned feckless single mother instead of selling on Etsy or eBay
did you even understand the film?
You had Blair-like governments (notably Bill Clinton, Paul Keating) all throughout the western world at that time. Blair didn't ruin politics - Blair was made possible by a very mistaken zeitgeist which may have ended in 2016 (centre-right economics, globalism, multiculturalism, social leftism)
Buying and selling classic cars is a great way to make money. Fix a few minor things and your off. Unless you know fuck all about cars, then go for a mutual fund or someshit.

this should have more replies because it is true, the state of britpol
It sort of (sort of) is. People like Umunna have taken interest in his ideas, read his recent essay in the New Statseman. Glasman also met with May just before the election, irrc.
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corbyn will win, your shitty island will collapse and be partitioned
I don't know. Why don't you tell me what you think it was about, friend?
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Most of the core countries have simply ignored EU rules when it's suited them in the past. France is notorious for not giving a shit.
We take rules too literally, other countries see them as vague suggestions or as challenges to reverse engineer and beat, F1 style.
literally this

why isn't this a thing
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>may have ended in 2016
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When is the debate?
That's irrelevant, you don't need to be an economist to know socialism doesn't work. Look at Venezuela for fucks sake. Also pretty much every economist thinks cutting spending and taxes is good for an economy. So i don't know wtf your point was.
Blair didn't ruin politics, he ruined the world.
Besides the environmental stuff. This sounds like my idea of a nightmare.
France is infinitely more invested in the EU than we are despite having a very large % Eurosceptic electorate. They're not a good example just because they flout certain single market rules.

>We take rules too literally

Isn't this the whole argument about the EU vs common law though?
Change of this kind can takes ages and can often zigzag as the old order dies.

The French Revolution happened in 1789, the Bourbons were restored in 1815 - but would you deny that despite this 1789 set some profound ideological forces into motion?
Good call. Shame I don't know shit about cars.
My sister's ex-boyfriend used to do up classic cars. Pity it ended badly, that might have been handy.
So YouGov's new ((election model)) now has CON at 42 and LAB at 38.


A slightly higher lead than the one on May 30th, but still not enough for a majority.
Who's this pooftah?
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>It has been suggested that the name 'Blue Labour' came from a reaction to an opposite trend in the Conservative Party called Red Tory, but was also chosen to suggest a hint of sadness, nostalgia and loss.
he couldn't use technology and didn't know anything about the internet.
do you realize that many people fit into a niche where they are only good at one thing? He was a good carpenter, and could have gone back to work if the government allowed him.

you buy ISAs

you want index-linked "passive" funds. Get and American tracker and a Global one.

passive is the key bit
>but still not enough for a majority.

Buy something expensive like a proper fancy ass camera that gives TV-quality footage and then rent that shit out for a couple hundred a pop through the companies that exist for this reason.

Obviously you'll need to check insurance and it'll take some time to recoup the initial payment, but if you can secure a good stream of clients then you'll break even soon enough and then it's profit all the way.

There are probably better ways, but some people with fancy stuff rent it out like that when they aren't using for some extra cash. Obviously make sure to look into this stuff first.

What result are you hoping for?
I've probably been here longer than you all, you stupid fucks.

Tell me more about how a Tory government will help you, yes, you...living at your mums because you can't afford rent, shit job because you can't afford training, shit prospects because you keep getting convinced to vote against your own interests under the guise of "controlling immigration", despite that having no chance of happening under any current party
yougov is wrongly assuming that more young people will vote in this election than they did in the ref or 2015.
top kek stfu retard.
even under we'll still be far "less socialist" than half of western europe and their problems are the eurozone, not "too much socialism"

venezuela failed because they tried to plan the economy put all thei eggs in one basket and the plan got fucked by increased us oil drilling dropping the global oil price.
same thing could have just as easily happened to a right winger.
I don't think that Britain's inevitable vote to leave the EU and a one term meme president are equivalent to the French Revolution. If anything they and Trump specifically, have been damaging to the wider backlash against third way-ism.

The fucking AMOUNT of shite in the media right now #yesallmuslims

I don't know, I've always found YouGov to be pretty reliable.

They were right about Brexit and the Scottish referendum.
in an ideal world, Corbyn PM and most Tory constituents vote UKIP instead
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>he believes that individuals radically alter the course of history

You're not thinking d i a l e c t i c a l l y , anon
>immigrants assimilating

how about no thank you? The less they integrate the better because it heightens wider opinion against more coming.

The last thing we want is extremely successful integration of third worlders so the libtards can point and say 'look, it works!'

I mean, they do that shit enough already, but don't have any actual examples to draw from except their rainbow make-believe world kek
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Although, admittedly, they didn't do too well on the 2015 general election.
Don't go house shopping. Some anon posted a link on here to housepricecrash.co.uk. I've been lurking ever since
Is corbyn still planning on arresting blair for war crimes if he wins?
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>ywn live here


>instead you live in a country that in under a week will choose badly implemented socialism and sjw cuckery with an incompetent home secretary and pm or go full 1984 mode where free speech is more kill than it is already and britain becomes ((global))

>he couldn't use technology and didn't know anything about the internet.
He didn't show any interest in learning. My grandad taught me how to use a computer. Why couldn't someone teach him? Regardless, his lack of computer knowledge didn't stop him from walking into a business and being offered a job, which he refused because he only applied to avoid benefit sanctions.
>He was a good carpenter
Yes, he was, and he chose not to use his skills to earn a living in whatever way possible. I mentioned the furniture and trinkets he was making for a reason. People eat that kind of thing up online and he could have easily sold them. Or he could have offered his services in the community. He was willing to do it for free, but not get paid for it.
>could have gone back to work if the government allowed him.
The government did not stop him from working. The government told him to look for work. A doctor told him (erroneously) not to work whatsoever. This would not happen in real life, and besides, if he was desperate why would he not have just taken the job he was offered?
I addressed these points in my OP. Did you not read it through?
The Tories suck, no shit. So why vote for something that is worse? Those socialist policies won't help poor people in the long run. Stop being a short sighted idiot, coyrbn wants to expand hate crime laws. You really think this shit would benefit the country?
art, wine, classic cars
If you can find a residential mooring for cheap yes. If not you have to move each week. You have to have the hull reblacked and anodes redone every five years. Also very cold in winter. I looked into it.
>This denial

KEK. Why can socialists never take responsibility?
even if young people turn out more than ever, it just doesn't matter because there are only a limited amount of marginal seats and UKIP voters are likely to switch to tories because they want to make sure tories get a majority for hard brexit. i would be extremely surprised if tories didnt increase their majority by at least 15 seats. also i have put a 2k bet on them getting a majority, and i put similar amount on Brexit (england to vote leave).
>if we give money to the poor it will make them poorer
>we should give it to the rich and watch it trickle down
this is such a tired argument these days, i don't know anyone who buys it
None of the problems that caused these events are going away, if anything they will get worse. As long as people view these things as problems, then the reactions will continue.

This also doesn't mention the basic fracturing of the EU along cultural/political lines (Visegrad and arguably Denmark vs France and Germany)
>walking into a business and being offered a job, which he refused
he wanted his old job back when he was healthy. His GP told him not to work. He easily could have a very demanding job compared to working at home.
>People eat that kind of thing up online and he could have easily sold them.
sadly he didn't realize that. His neighbour would have helped him with that if he had just asked. A lot of people on welfare feel bad asking others for help. Especially a hard working guy like him.
Venezuela has the world's largest oil reserves. They blocked outside investment because of socialist economics. They could have built a refinery but they didn't. Please stop arguing from ignorance thinking you know shit. Your not Irish are you?

I really don't get how rightys on po, will vote for a party that would expand hate crime laws. Its almost as if you're not thinking..
which bit of what i said is untrue?
Thanks anon
Are you retarded?
>Wants to live in North Korea
>Complains about authoritarianism
Vote 4 corbs lads my fave celeb who's reet loaded recons he'll be good for da poor persons
Come to bed eyes there Mandy
>nationalise an industry via forceful takeover to fund frivolous social policies
>in the middle of a trade war between US, russia and the OPEC nations of said nationalised industry
>price crashes, your country is now bankrupt
Venezuela is a textbook example of how to fuck up a countries economy. An economy which was praised by Jeremy Corbyn and members of his inner clique remember.
Poor people are financially irresponsible. Why do you think lotto winners always blow it? Giving them money won't stop them from being poor. Like its your own damm responsibility tonget out of poverty. I believe in a base level of welfare but more than that and its fucking stupid.

Also I'm not arguing for trickle down, don't straw man me bitch.
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>tfw thats how he will win
>mummy may
>not based
>cant even debate
>makes her own internet
>puts armed soldiers on the street
>censors things
>has news biased towards her

>Kim Jong Un
>strong and stable dynasty
>puts armed soldiers only at border and camps
>has own internet just like mummy may
>censors things
>has news biased towards him

the only difference is that the 2nd one isn't going (((global)))
Other pollsters give May a ten point lead
Nobody except yougov is daring to predict seats
It's all to play for
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Because we're above it all
tax is theft.
I like his haircut
>im torn
That time of the night I guess.
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not paying tax is theft
>he wanted his old job back when he was healthy. His GP told him not to work
He may have wanted a lot of things, but why should people be in the position to sit around doing nothing until they get what they want? A GP in real life would not have given him the advice to do NO work.
>sadly he didn't realize that.
Whose fault is this? Whose shortcoming is this? Is the Conservative government at fault for someone having no entrepreneurial spirit?
>A lot of people on welfare feel bad asking others for help
He had no problem being belligerent and self-entitled when chasing his benefits.
Please, just admit that the main character was completely unsympathetic and that the whole scenario was laughably unrealistic propaganda.
Alright lads, what is all this I'm hearing from my Labour loving uni friends about how Labour is now basically on par with the Tories?

I've seen them sharing Independent articles that are frothing at the cock because apparently some miraculous event has occuring and Labout have jumped around 20 points in the past 2 or 3 weeks.

Are they just swallowing leftist propaganda? Even if May starts floundering I don't see how that suddenly now translates into a massive swing for Corbyn.
>Tim Montgomerie
The sort of centre-right optimist (like Daniel Hannan) I find absolutely bewildering. If you don't think that we're rapidly heading off a cliff as a civilisation, then you're probably not actually right wing
Yes I agree they fucked up. But I wouldn't blame socialism, just stupidity and poor planning. Which happens in all manner of third world countries which Venezuela is.

One person's spending is another person's income.
The fact that rich people are simply hoarding all the cash is not a good thing in the long run.
Hannan strikes me as being on a lot of anti-depressants and having listened to way too much Radio 4

he's also an idiot, but that's another issue entirely
>God I love England in May.png


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may was given a win on a plate and shes still fucking everything up

its almost as if she doesnt even want to win
I despise the social/cultural consequences of individualism, but I also think that anything other than individualism is unjust and tyrannical. It's an abstract kind of feel

>I despise the social/cultural consequences of individualism
Such as?
I though governments were there to help the citizens of countries? I guess you don't agree.
>Please, just admit that the main character was completely unsympathetic and that the whole scenario was laughably unrealistic propaganda.
every film is propaganda. La La Land was egoist capitalist propaganda. Doesn't make the points it raises unimportant.
how does this make you feel

I will agree with you that the way rich people horde money is becoming a problem. They could do something with that money and it would create jobs among other things. Some of these fucks think they'll live forever.
I think the problem is that the British government was too busy conning the British people, so they didn't have the time to con Europe. It all bodes ill for Brexit negotiations.
The way that capitalism (an outgrowth of individualism) tends to destroy social institutions (like the family and the nation state) that are important for human happiness.
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>frothing at the cock

> I don't see how that suddenly now translates into a massive swing for Corbyn.

it doesn't. he will struggle to maintain what he has

let me put it this way, 15 million people voted for either the tories or UKIP in 2015, and nothing suggests that any of these people will suddenly change their political philosophy, if anything Brexit shows a trend towards further nationalism with the result of the brexit ref.

even with a slight increase in young voters, this will not put a dent in the tories vote in virtually any consituency because they will not turn out in big enough numbers. all you will see is slightly bigger labour majorities in places like london, birminham and bristol, urban places labour already has safe seats.
hear, hear
>Some of these fucks think they'll live forever.
you do know that's the long term plan? all these fucks do that cryonic shit,

probably then they'll upload their conciousness into a central computer. they'll control us from mars with robotic armies. it will be real life hunger games. we'll all live on the poles as the rest of earth will be uninhabitable in 200 years.
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How enriched does this music make you feel?
> I believe in a base level of welfare
I believe in what we originally asked for and got, which was National Insurance. You pay in, things go wrong, you claim. You don't pay in, tough.
Some provision for unemployed youths (jobs would be a good idea) and support for genuinely disabled people (not those who have various conditions they could manage)
I just left Labour.
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I am tempted by the whole 'capitalism with a social conscience' shtick (ie the 'small change' that Curtis mentions), but it doesn't seem enough to solve the problems I mentioned. The way to do that would be, as alluded to in the vid, a rejection of capitalism (with a rejection of social leftism also being integral) The problem for me is that I find myself in complete agreement with people like Locke and Nozick in their defense of private property.

At this point I just hope that Hegel was right and some sort of synthesis will emerge
This. If you look at the London polls, Labour seem to be piling up voters where they're already strong
I was referring simply to what he says about collective action "the big idea" as he refers to it.
Just as a response to what you say about individualism and tyranny etc.
No social freedom, no economic freedom sounds like a blast. I've always wanted to live in a grey authoritarian superstate. Shit we're about halfway there all ready.

Labour also always overperforms in polls. Even if Labour are polling at 5 or so points behind that won't translate to the actual election.

Nobody is going to admit they support the Cons they never do.

But how the fuck has May even slightly blown the overwhelming lead she had? It's legit the blunder of the century if she loses. (or possible some very shady jewing wherein she deliberately blew the election to allow a Labour government to fuck us over in the EU deal).
You have severely limited experience clearly.

I bet you think people claiming benefits are all just lazy dole scroungers, etc? Or they're "faking"?

You're in for a wake up call one day, mate.
Why does this guy look like a Guy Debord?
Oh yeah and I believe the NHS should be to keep the nation healthy enough to work. Not to care for the elderly (family's job) pay for IVF (should have started earlier or pay for it yourself) or sex changes (an hero)
good goy
That shit is impossible. We haven't even worked out what makes us alive or how that would be put on a computer. I think it'sa silly sc fi idea like flying cars. Once Soros is dead hes dead.
No not at all. I know people who really on them. But they shouldn't have to, and they shouldn't be trapped on them.
Care workers: polski wants 40hrs, Brit wants 16hrs cos muh tax credits. Scrap tax credits, tax companies fairly and actually collect, cool the housing market asap, let people be in charge of their lives.
Scotland is so demoralising, so many people there in motability cars with an ok house but no self respect - from the country with so much innovation and intelligence to self loathing and cheating the system.
They're trying to make the working class think like Jews.
That isn't an argument is it. See the thing is you fucks have no sound logic or reasoning behind your crazy bullshit. Like i see no sound reason to give away any of the few freedoms i have left. Only a cuck would do that. Like does 1984 give you a boner or someshit?
free gym membership for everyone. more parks, more pubs. more social spaces.
actually create work for everyone even if it's planting trees and flowers.
get the people on the dole in the habit of working, and some self respect, give them a carrot instead of just a stick.

once soros is dead at the very least his head will be frozen, in the hope that one day he can be brought back to life.
hundreds of thousands of people have done it and i expect they were all pretty well off.
>Like does 1984 give you a boner or someshit?

no but germany 1933 does

Within the next century serious life extending and age halting/reversing technology will exist.

There are people alive today who genuinely will not die of old age. They almost certainly aren't the Soros type jews though - they wish it was them.

It's believed that the first person to live to be 200 years old has already been born.
The problem with that is who would administer the work? Guardian types. It'd cost a fortune. Build infrastructure, use only British labour.
I like May's extra fees on hiring foreign workers.

>But how the fuck has May even slightly blown the overwhelming lead she had?
may lost her lead because of the triple lock downgrade and dementia tax. simple manifesto policy blunders.
you're the one with no logic.
you have no idea what it would be like you're just assuming it will be grey and shitty.
it's all feels, because you're too attached to your comfy everything else seems scary so you invent reasons why it shouldn't happen.
well more and more people want change, so be prepared for your life to be changed whether you like it or not.

Its quite clear once your dead your dead. Nature has a way of maintaining balance. Idk where you go, it could be reincarnation for all i know. I do know that its impossible to resurrect a zombie soros head. Would be funny to see them try though.
huh? why would it be guardian types? most of this shit can be done by a fucking computer these days.
sometimes i deal with other 'whites' and realise how glad i am to be british. i love you inbred bastards.
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>tfw genuine immortality is impossible because of entropy

>free gym memberships
>Implying people are fat because they can't afford gym memberships and not because they are lazy pieces of shit.

The only way to reduce obesity levels is to enforce some regulations on the fast food industry. Limit the amount of restaurants they are allowed to have within a certain area, stop them from targeting children in any form of advertising etc.

Fast food industry needs to be treated like the tobacco industry. Allow it to exist but give it bare minimum of freedoms in terms of its marketing and distribution.
Who else /genuinely dislikes non-Anglophone people/ ?
See at least your honest i can respect that. No jewing around with what you believe.
Freedom is one of mans greatest virtues, if you want to tear that down you better have good reasoning for it. Which of course you don't, youre just a nasty faggot. Aren't you?
>strong and stable
>i will debate all the eu leaders and make brexit a success

>can't even debate jeremy corbyn on a low budget tv show


You don't "go" anywhere. Asking where you go when you die is a stupid question. You don't exist anymore, you go nowhere.

Your body goes in the ground or a furnace but it isn't you anymore.
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Anglos will rule the world once more.
We have have to believe it guys.
if the problem is laziness why restrict fast food instead of forcing excercise somehow?
lifts and escalator should be for disableds only. as a starter.
Do you know something we don't, retard?
Shut the fuck up pretending you have the answers to a question that literal fucking geniuses have sent themselves mad trying to figure out.

Shut the fuck up you reddit reading pseudo-intellectual fucking nihilistic drone/worm of a man
we need to do something about leaves and americans. they're cryptokike tier. aussies are good, though.
no man is an island. so what about my freedom not to be affected by your kikery?
kek i like this guy

>Forcing exercise

how the fuck would you do that m8?

People get fat primarily because of their shitty fast food diet. The exercise most people get just in their day is enough to burn off a healthy intake of calories.
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I hope you all realize that all this 21st century politics is actually pretty meaningless because in a hundred years this will be a post-scarcity planet (at least most of the west will be), with drones and robots doing all the work and all the humans playing video games, going to bbq's and fetes and festivals.

Thats if we don't fuck up 1) democracy and 2) technological development largely created, organized and made profitable by the smartest inventors and business minds in the world
Probably, but who really knows. I feel as if i lived once before a very long time ago. But thats a feeling and not hard evidence. Logically thinking we really have no idea of knowing what death is or what happens if anything... kinda spooky man.

>You're literally voting because

as opposed to figuratively voting because

learn english, faggot
See, do you see what i actually mean when i say you have no basis for your bullshit. You can't come up with a sold reason why. I mean if this is your level of discourse you clearly are a moron, so why should anyone listen to you?
actually her 9 dimensional chess strategy was to give the british public a taste of what a coalition of chaos would look like. that debate was a fucking shitshow from start to finish.
>all the (((humans))) playing video games, going to bbq's and fetes and festivals.
don't forget bar mitzvahs
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Aussies are our backup nation, the only problem is they're being chinked atm so now we only have our secondary backup, New Zealand.
>how the fuck would you do that m8?
I haven't thought that far, I'm just saying if lack of excercise is the problem then that's wjhat should be tackled.
Sedentary lifestyle. Rebuild industry.
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>having backup nations
No we can't have capitalism or technological development because the jews for some reason. Try to come at me with an argument and I'll accuse you of being a kike.

I like how we've reached the point where not believing in God/the afterlife is the unpopular opinion - genuinely thanks reddit.

What fucking geniuses were these lad? Any of them from the past century or so where we've had a pretty clear understanding of at least the basic laws of the universe and have thus been able to determine God probably doesn't exist?

Because if thinking about whether or not God exists sends you into a pants shitting retard fit in the year 2017 I doubt you're a genius tbqh.

I'll shut up after you slobber my knob you contrarian, believes-in-God-now-because-the-internet-said-it's-cool cock womble.
t-too hot and too many spiders. NZ seems like a genuinely nice place to live
To make sure people showed up or to make excuses for them when they don't.
Like community service. Run by Guardian types.
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>when even the immigrants are tired of all the immigrants
Mate it's half 4 in the morning gtfo if you want a detailed argument as to why a conservative society and a somewhat planned economy would be a good thing. We've discussed this before a million times anyway.
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Lads, what are the chances the Tories will get in?
this guy made me drop my teacup and spit out some tea in shock
>"we have to tackle Islamic extremism"
>*audience boos
>fat sweaty SNP man mumbles "excuse me... joe cox wasn't killed by a muslim!"
>*thunderous applause*
Imagine if those people actually got to run the country through the brexit negotiations
Odds on according to the bookies
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We Brits are forward thinkers.
Tis a shame how South Africa went.

I agree.
Australia is like bait to draw attention away from Hobbitland.
You can already see Sihks and Hindus being increasingly vocal about the problem of political Islam in the UK. We've basically reproduced the ethnoreligious politics of the Raj in the UK.

Absolute banter. "It's just not Britain anymore" said in a foreign accent
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Got a link?
What the fuck are you onabout cunt?
Did I say I believe in god? No. I just said there is no possible fucking way for YOU to know what happens after death, is there genius?

So shut the fuck up speaking with the authority of someone who does know, yeah, how about it, cunt?
Yeah but Sikhs and Hindus actually contribute. They learn to poo in loo too
Yeah well it doesn't have to be. This is a dumb argument.

Pretty sure those groups have had tensions for a long time, rather than it being a new thing.
>I like how we've reached the point where not believing in God/the afterlife is the unpopular opinion
You mean the view that's been held for all of recorded history?

It's almost like atheists destroy nations or something
>I like how we've reached the point where not believing in God/the afterlife is the unpopular opinio
are you fucking deluded or what? your opinion IS the popular opinion anyway
It's not an argument, it's just what's most likely to happen.
>What fucking geniuses were these lad?
Will Einstein do? You're redditor arse might consider him a bit of a simpleton though.

Who says I don't have the authority to state whether or not God is real?

I am God prove me wrong, I was testing to see if you're a faggot.

and guess what.
Listening to some ultra-cheesy German nationalist music from the 1800s:

There's no reason why it should though.
You can make the selection criteria ex military or whatever so you get the right people.
You're just being deliberately thick for no reason now.
>and guess what.
You browse R eddit and suck cock? You are a bender with a below average IQ? What?
Nigel Farage on Tucker right now
>jo cox
amazing how they leap immediately to that. these people blatantly don't care about anybody who isn't part of their cabal, and the public lap it up gratefully. that audience must have been paid.

>Atheists destroy nations

what did he mean with this statement.

Atheists haven't existed in significant numbers at any point in history besides the present day.

There's some evidence to support the idea that most ancient Greeks didn't literally believe in the pantheon but that's it.
a while ago i read about muslim gangs grooming sikhs and hindus in britain as early as the 70s and 80s.
actually i'll add that what does matter in the 21st century is that the west isn't taken over by islam because that would prevent both 1 and 2.
regarding jews, they are a problem in the sense of causing islamic migration to the west.
M8 its scary how dumb this country has gotten. Like is it me or are people more stupid now than ever?
The thing is that ALWAYS backfires. Corbyn was doing well because he was the underdog getting shit from the media.
Now that it looks like they're helping him he will lose. Wouldn't surprise me if they know this and it's sabotage.

>Einstein went mad trying to conceive of whether or not God existed

when did this happen?
>current day white countries
>greece when it was falling

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honestly, this growing "Alt Right, Dark Enlightenment, neoreactionary, /pol/, redpill, ironpill" movement is really fascinating to me

for as long a historical period as I can remember, far-right movements have attracted the less intelligent. Chavs, thugs, skinheads white trash, etc. Idiots and scum who just want to cause violence.

This is the first time since maybe the 1920s, or maybe even the 1880s that a far-right movement is attracting the young intellectuals, the intelligent and creative people. It's really something new. A few decades ago, this crowd may have been drawn to classical liberal, libertarian, Marxist, Utopian, nihilistic ideologies. But now they're being drawn to the radical right-wing.
These people believe in something, are forming a community, starting to work on self-improvement, reading deeper, expanding their ideology.

We live in interesting times.
that's because we used to genocide fedoras
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>he fell for the "alt right" meme

It's mostly fucking virgins and neckbeards who aren't even smart, just fucking neckbeardy

You don't know what you're talking about
>That's irrelevant, you don't need to be an economist to know socialism doesn't work. Look at Venezuela for fucks sake. Also pretty much every economist thinks cutting spending and taxes is good for an economy. So i don't know wtf your point was.

Yes because right-wing deficit spending works.

Definitely not just you. Have you noticed more and more people seem to not be able to speak properly? Like they mix metaphors and generally fuck up their pronunciations? Even professional speakers like news people etc.

No, it's that you're a faggot.

Could you honestly not figure that one out? You're not all that smart after all are you.

I was honestly just messing with you but wow, you're actually a fucking retard, sorry man I didn't know =^).
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Atheists don't destroy nations.
Common folk becoming atheists does.
Kill yourself retard, no one gives a fuck what you think
Atheists believe in nothing.
Whats wrong with cutting spending to get the deficit down? What do you propose that is soo much better?
You probably spend too much time in /britpol/. It's pure retardation on /pol/ outside of these hallowed walls.
This. I'm always profoundly shocked at how shallow, poorly argued and intellectually lazy defenses of the status quo tend to be (such as those seen in the pages of the Economist).
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Just watched "A Silent Voice" and now I want a deaf gf.
>Whats wrong with cutting spending to get the deficit down?
Ask Greece.

Correlation = causation?

and no, it would have been Greece at its height. But it's probably not true anyway.

I admit that religion is a good way to tie a society together - but that doesn't mean it's true.
they're not dumb, they're just cowards. they're lying to themselves because the truth frightens them. betraying yourself like that is even worse than being stupid, i think.

Exert your own meaning, anon!
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Atheists believe in many things, just not deities.
Yeah that was my point.
Atheists believe in nothing.

I get that you're a teenager on the internet and you're a little bit mad because I'm getting your butt a little bruised but you shouldn't say things like that anon.

I accept the apology I know exists within you deep down.
Yes i have, it also seems like more and more people are talking in that chavvy fake Jamaican London way of talking. Even poshos.if that's the way people are going to communicate from now on I'm learning sign language.
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You want to increase spending to reinvigorate the economy and let natural inflation deal with your long term debts, like the US did in the 30s.
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>He thinks I didn't mean it
>Whats wrong with cutting spending to get the deficit down? What do you propose that is soo much better?

That's not what deficit-spending means, moron.

Christ. Deficit spending is when a government cuts taxes to increase economic development/production which means they have less income so they have to borrow more money to maintain public services.
Indeed. All I get from the Americans is irrational optimism, and from everyone else it literally is like dealing with 14-year old edgy 9gag posters. Except for Aussies and Kiwis and Leafs, that is
used to be libertarian 10 years ago, ron paul etc, then went far left due to falling for "climate change" and "all corporations are evil memes", then reverted back to libertarianism. see the only threats to a post-scarcity planet as being islamic immigration + high taxes (reversing democracy and technological development), so support trump and populism because it deals with these issues directly. alt-right is a step in the right direction to a post-scarcity libertarian planet.
That was forced on them by the EU. They should have defaulted on their debt and gone back to their own currency. Even then austerity would have been nessasey, the Greeks has crazy economic policy before the eu though.
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I know you didn't man, you're a good person really.

I get it, it's cool. I forgive you for it.
that's a result of declining standards rather than declining intelligence. not long ago, standard english was universally promoted, and everybody from the working class to the elite was expected to speak properly. now there is no formal, universal set of standards at all. it comes from the undermining of hierarchy, i think.
Are you a Nick Land/Moldbug fan?
yes it was imposed on them by foreigners, and it was shit.
but it won't get better if we impose it on ourselves will it?
Right and if they cut spending at the same time there is no problem. Checkmate commie.
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Yes they do.
As an example, the entire banking system is based on belief.
buy land.
install a caravan and run services in.
buy a few shipping containers and rent them out for storage space.
farm chickens as well just becayse theyre fucking cheap, make eggs and become food in like 2 months.
Wait 10 years or so.
Get planning permission to build on your land as it has been industrial use for 10 years.
Either build a rude house or sell your land for a massive profit.
Chill with your chickens
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Why do we care so much about politics? We'll all be dead relatively soon so all the worrying about politics is pointless.

Starting to think nihilism is the true red pill.
Wait so you think we should increase spending? And thats going to solve oureconomic woes, how?
>look guise i don't know how economigs work
>chegg made gommies xD


The thing that honestly pisses me off the most is people speaking in fucking ebonics through text.

Like those shitty normie Facebook memes that have text saying something like:

"When you used to all go grandma house to eat dinner but she stop you bringing that one friend."

It's utterly fucking retarded and I hate it so fucking much.
Fuck, we truly are devolving.
nope never heard of them. am checking out nick land now. molburg who?
You won't die THAT soon, and political matters will affect your quality of life
M8 your not smart enough for this. Imo a surplus should be used to reduce the debt. But let that anon make his argument for himself cause you certainly can't do any better than that sap.
>He thinks telling someone to kill themselves means that you must be a bad person
If my words can convince you to commit, then you were weak all along

>Become Nihilist
>Care about nothing
>Get bored
>Have to care about things to avoid boredom

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>Right and if they cut spending at the same time there is no problem. Checkmate commie.
>Believing Conservative propaganda

Moron, I am not a commie. I study Economics unlike your brainlet self.
Dunno, statistically some of us here will die pretty soon.
They're the sort of intellectual leaders of Neo-reaction: sort of like Hoppean anarcho-capitalism (private government and voluntary covenants) will a healthy dose of transhumanism and anti-egalitarianism.

That was pretty edgy m8
Yo dass sum fine af hoe yo, she all thicc n shitt man ima fitten 2 hit dah u herd? Damm st8 iam.
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Plato and Socrates said similar
You're a low IQ turbo plebeian though, you wouldn't know
yes. nothing worse than a white person using niggerspeak.
Being a nihilist just means you think life doesn't have any meaning, which if we're being honest with ourselves, it clearly doesn't.

It doesn't mean you can't enjoy life and do things you enjoy to pass the time until you inevitably die.
>You can make the selection criteria ex military
No you can't. Grow up. You know any ex squaddies who want to do that kind of work? Also how many applicants do you think you'd have given how tiny our forces are?
You ain't even making a point, you can't even build a straw man. I think we should cut spending and taxes in a sensible way that works. If the deficit can be reduced into a surplus it should be used to eliminate the debt. So no more borrowing.

Now wtf is wrong with that?
>Tom Cruise reaction image when discussing suicide

Fuck lefty/pol/, I would never collude with such degenerate faggotry.
>Wait so you think we should increase spending?
>And thats going to solve oureconomic woes, how?
because if it's done right (i.e not given to people who hoard it), it creates growth and the debt to gdp ratio comes down. which is far more important than the nominal debt.

nice opinion kiddo but it really doesn't change the fact that sectoral balances must sum to zero.
so with the government taking out of the money supply how do you maintain the amount of money to create growth and avoid deflation?
btw where did you study economics?
>You ain't even making a point, you can't even build a straw man. I think we should cut spending and taxes in a sensible way that works. If the deficit can be reduced into a surplus it should be used to eliminate the debt. So no more borrowing.
>Now wtf is wrong with that?


The point is that the Conservative party has continued high deficits under the guise of being economically literate. Their latest slash is still higher than many Labour government years. You have literally fallen for propaganda but don't mind me or the ONS data. Vote for the Conservatives, goy! I'm sure they'll run a surplus by 2020 ;).

What exactly did they say anon? I've never heard of the story where Plato told someone to kill themselves on the internet lol.
>tfw if liberalism dies we will be left with the political divide of the Spanish Civil War

Buckle up, Buckaroos
You can't have a caravan unless you need to be on site to look after animals. It's been thought of before. If it was that easy to make farmland into residential land everyone would do it.
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well said
Brahh, it's someone's choice. Like if they do it it's their fault not anyone else's. Sure the world SHOULD be a nicer place. But i don't see that happening any time soon.
checking them.
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Labour destroyed a surplus and then bailed when the recession hit, leaving it for the Tories to fix.
To be fair, the borrowing has only decreased since the end of the recession.
That's an unnerving picture
>Labour destroyed a surplus and then bailed when the recession hit, leaving it for the Tories to fix.

Literally not an argument.

Please refer to my chart, thanks. Labour "blowing a surplus" is not an argument when compared to the debt the Conservatives have added.
In principle high taxes are unethical are fucking retarded on almost every policy under the fucking sun. If you vote for labour you need your head checked.
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Well she is a Tory.
my post was actually just a reference to the film 'Jerry Maguire' haha
>Labour destroyed a surplus
a surplus that came from 3G licence sales. you don't get them every five minutes. britain has spent most of it's history running a deficit.
>and then bailed when the recession hit
what did you expect them to do, not leave after getting voted out?
>recession fucks up economy
>hurr durr tories increased borrowing
You mean borrowing which is now lower than it was under Labour in 03/04?
Hahaha so you had and have no point just a strawman to address kek. But I'm the moron somehow. I never shilled for the cons i don't know where you got that shit from. I'm just advocating for sensible economics and you can't find any sold point against what I'm saying.

Bitch why are you even trying you got nothing. Your being retarded, i think we should have sensible economic policy and your like "noo we shouldn't cause your a kike lol!!!!"

Pls anon..
Look it up, faggot. They said something along the lines of: "If they were weak enough to take their own life because of my words, then..."

Yes, but voting for a government in bed with the billionaire elite and other wrong-uns is ethical?
They're all as bad as each other, I'm just saying retards on here have been "memed" into voting for a party that will do absolutely nothing for them personally, or the country and its future.

Unless you are
a) rich b) own your own home c) about to inherit a lot... then you're literally fucking yourself under the guise of "controlling immigration"

/cpd/ is nice, Canada generals actually have surprisingly decent discussion when they occasionally pop up
>You mean borrowing which is now lower than it was under Labour in 03/04?

I notice you point to 03/04 (when you actually meant 04/05) but completely ignore the years 97/98, 98/99, 99/00, 00/01, 01/02, 02/03, 03/04, 05/06, 06/07.

Fucking moron, let me guess, you're a Conservative voter?

Christ, can't even talk Economics with any non-brainlet here without them being partisan.
My cousin is voting Labour so that I could also immigrate to the UK in the future. I have scored 7.9 in the IELTS test.
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were you responsible for this?
Well good news for you, immigration will stay high regardless of which party wins
Is that right or has there been some fiddling? Net debt rose by ~£120bn last year
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M80 you need to learn into economics a bit. Spending too much has caused some of our problems. Like you want to spend more that won't help. People run the economy not the government, if deflation is a problem print more. Like holy shit you want the government to be in control of everything without realising theu caused half the country's problems in the first place.

>government causes problems
>I know let's have more government that will solve everything.

Just stop dude.
I have a Western style toilet.
stop using caveats and vague langauge to hide that you're actually clueless.
i have an economics degree and need to know this shit for my job.
you are so wide of the mark it's hilarious.
Oh cool. I have a BMW i8.

Are you a Mohammedan?
lazy new thread
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Well it seems brit/pol/ as dumb as ever. And the fact that some of you are voting Labour just makes me kek. After going on about the left for all these years your gonna vote for them. Fuck hah this is just ridiculous.
debt and the deficit are 2 different things, the debt is all total debt which is accumulated for the nation which almost invariably goes up over time.
Deficit is whether your current inflow is greater than your outflow or not as whether you need to borrow money.
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I find that I sort of get Peter's views and overall outlook on an ethereal level. It's like he finishes my sentences (n-no homo...!)
We aren't, they're shills
I am a Brahman
I'm just surprised at the difference between the deficit and the CHANGE in net debt.
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how dense. listen carefully. the national debt went up so dramatically because of the bail out of the banks something to the tune of £550 billion under a labour government in 2008 and 2009, and then interest of the borrowing for bailing out the banks under a conservative government in the following 7 years causing about £300 bn more in debt. and labour not only gave the tories the above £800bn in debt, but also were at the time of the financial crisis of 2008 running a huge yearly budget deficit e.g. £34billion in 2007 , which the tories have been reducing year by year (they could hardly just completely cut the deficit in one single year).

so this whole debt has gone up under the tories meme is just complete bullshit. it was fucking labour!
Why do (You) want to come to the UK? India seems to be improving rapidly, the same can't be said for Britain
never change, anon
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Slight mistake with the years, whatevs.
The fact is they flipped a surplus, which is why I ignore the first few years, because they were just gobbling up the Tories hard work.
Considering there wasn't even a recession, their borrowing is far worse than what the Tories did.

I only vote independent mate.
Your attempts at dismissing me as a Tory are pathetic.
I wouldn't dare vote for the gayboi who's standing for Tory MP in my area.
I knew him in Primary School, he was one of those kids who got relentlessly bullied for being queer.
I don't get it you can't explain whats wrong with cutting taxes and spending. Like i don't get it how's can can you think your right when you can't debunk my ideas. I mean do you think we should stay in debt forever. I know government debt doesn't really matter too much but, you really think we should keep borrowing rather than moving to a more real economy?
so what did you expect them to do, not bail out the banks?
in hindsight i'd be tempted but i wouldn't want to be the finance minister who started ww3
High population density and air pollution in New Delhi. You can't even see for more than 100 metres because of the bad smoke-filled air.
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