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Brit/pol/ - Emergency Edition

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Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 89

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>BBC Question Time at 22:45

>Trump backs out of Paris Accord

>Corbyn and May set out Brexit visions

>Thousands make fake claims they were at Manchester bomb concert to scrounge free tickets

>Milkman gets NEILED

>Latest Peter Hitchens:

>Soros: Dysfunctional EU plunged into existential crisis

>Russel Brand has endorsed Labour and the tories should be worried
>cucked yourself out of your own empire, all that remains are some tiny ass islands only south american shithole countries want, and a chunk of snow at the end of the earth
>let in shitloads of immigrants that have turned your cities into unrecognisable third-world embassies
>your one politician who spoke out against immigration and the EU was sacked and ostracised, meanwhile Americans elected a literal bigot who lost a racism lawsuit (who campaigned on deporting Mexicans) to the presidency
>delude yourselves into thinking that symbolically leaving the European Common Market will give you back your sovereignty instead of just accelerating your decline into irrelevance in the modern globalized world
>your PM is literally saying the reason for Brexit is to make Britain more global

The UK is a fucking joke, Brits should just do like your decent punk musicians did and kill yourselves already
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Couldn't link in time before archive lads. Forgive me!

At least /ourbrexiter/ David Davies is doing well
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Why couldn't Dave Davis be up for PM
How QT tonight?
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Not gonna lie, former Corbyn voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Corbyn crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy unlock the Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority people.
So, next Tory leader:
>Amber Rudd
>David Davis
>Boris Johnson

take your pick, which one will it be?
cos he's a cunt
Genuinely don't know if this Indian guy is being ironic to prove some liberal point or if he's actually shitting on foreigners.
My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.

Why can't Brits just accept that multiculaturalism and globalisation benefits everyone in the entire world, including third world countries?

22 dead Brits is nothing compared to the carnage you guys caused in the Crusades.
best in a long time. High quality panel and good audience questions.
Why does it always take an Indian or a Nigger to say that Immigration is destroying the country and putting the white race at risk.

Why are white people to scared to stand up and say this on TV debates
Susanne Evans is such a fucking cucklet
Because whites get vanned by thought police for being raycis
fucking amazing paki in the audience hahahahahahaha
You are the 400 Paedos dont hide they FOLLOW YOU NOW as *MONSTERS !
that paki melted my brain for a few seconds, once i understood and the more i listened the more i laughed amazing.
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Dominic Peacock for PM
>that paki on qt

Jesus Christ...
I can't get over that audience member kek what a fucking lad. I was expecting him to rage with the direct opposite point.

Dude was based
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>booing the one good paki in the country

Fuck politicians desu
Chairmay Mum out, this pakio in
as an ex-muslim paki theres actually a lot of people like him

we moved to get away from all the pakis and the ones that come here these days are actually from the shitty rude villages which is why he's sick of it
>bazza shouting again

fucking hell
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Someone Youtube that Paki moment.
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>yfw even the pakis hate the pakis in the UK.
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>less than a week to go
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Because we risk literal legal threats and potential jailtime/loss of livelihood by saying it on the telly. If you're brown at least people will initially listen to what you're saying and think for a few seconds before screeching.

Look lad it's nothing personal, but I need a wee out the end of my willy and i've chosen you as my toilet


*massages willy to get the last drops out


It could have been anyone but I chose you

Now dry yourself off, you're soaked with wee
>Robertson sucking off minorities
Aaaand mute
OK ..
I really wish that Angus Robertson would just neck himself tbqh
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I like u willyposter
That redpilled Asian was swearing under his breath!

Any yet the crusaders butchered orders of magnitudes more people than the muslims you are always crying about.
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Boris hasn't been forward-facing enough to win a leadership election imo.
If leadership changes before brexit or if brexit doesn't go well then I'd say Rudd, otherwise Davis has a chance

Kek, foiled again, if it wasn't for you meddling kids i'd have gotten away with it
Audience needs to heckle Gardiner a bit so he spergs out
Barry BTFO
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Leftypol needs to fuck off desu
reddit in turmoil over brown man wanting less brown people
pics pls
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>money doesn't appear out of thin air
no of the meltdown on reddit ofc im watching qt
>English, South Africans, Australians, Americans
Literally all the same civilisation m8.

Amber is pro immigrant and literally sucks cury dick fresh off the indian boats

Boris is a fucking brain dead moron who can`t think before he speaks.

Davis..........best of a shitty bunch.
Someone screencap the Based Paki Lad
I don't use Reddit so I can't help you there m8
we can enjoy the fruits of other cultures without being mixed together.

What is international trade?
Rudd may very well lose her seat in the election.
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Make England English again.
>Akala and a TOWIE star on This Week

I don't understand lads.
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>"Get out of my country you paki bastards"

What did he mean by this?
what does that even mean?
Davis would be great but he's too old
I've never actually watched Neils show after QT, Any good?
He's sick of the abuse of student visas for undeducated village idiots from pakistan coming over and then being allowed to stay

which is why he's talking about BOGUS SCHOOLS and TESTS
Labour's going to win boys - and I can't wait, BASED Corbyn is the only person that can save this country from becoming a tory tax haven that shills for the Saudis under a weak, wobbly leader who will be easily beaten by the EU in any coming debates.
>Why are white people to scared to stand up and say this on TV debates
They aren't scared, they are so docile that they don't see the problem.
tripfags need to fuck off desu
Are you the rude village poster?
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Its pretty uncomfy
>"Don't jump England! You've got so much to live for!"
He doesn't want his cheapskate friends coming over
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>on reddit

Fuck outta here cunt
No, he is a xenophobic racist who has been brainwashed by nazi propaganda.
>there's a left wing bias on /pol/

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Why do they plague brit/pol/? don't see anywhere else on /pol/ with them

Half are. The rest can lose their jobs/friends/freedom for expressing their true opinions.
le fourteen eighty e - asian
>Gove shilling for Macron

This is a 'conservative' in modern Britain
is portillo not on tonight?
Akala just needs a wee taste of Chairmay Mum's naughty, then he'll come round
Do you think this guy wrote this script?
They plague generals.
Fuck off pedo sympathiser.
Who is this corbyn shill? Why are we getting political advice from a man with dreadlocks?

Someone tell me when he's off the TV
>Akala - 33 - voting for the first time

I was a Labour Ultra when I turned 18
forced diversity I'm sure
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>there's a left wing bias on /pol/
gb2 leftypol
This atrocious "hip-hop" soundtrack to that segment.
Half of him needs to be sent back
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Bit old now
>tfw convinced a Paki to move back

Feels good man

British media most right? Said on a lefty echo chamber. The BBC needs to go.
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He is deluded.
>Paki wants us to be more like continentals

Why do immigrants get given a vote again?
It's unbelievable how you allow your tax dollars go to this shit.
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>tfw no gf
It was just a big fight outside a shopping centre lad.
Why would you tip off a columnist and not a reporter?
TV in this country is laughably left wing. Left wingers must know that ffs.



It's actually been 10 days you dumb yank.

Nobody who has a touch of a brain pays their tv license
not far left enough for them, needs more gulags and famines
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>this defense of the BBC
>objective and unbiased
Based Owen is the alt-lefts biggest political heavyweight desu
It was a pair of tits fighting each other over a KFC Bucket you mugs.
Nobody who has a touch of a brain watches tv. Mines an ornament.
>IT'S 2017
>IT'S 2017
>IT'S 2017
>IT'S 2017
>IT'S 2017
Owen and Milo. Who's top and bottom?
It's amazing though. Do they honestly think the middle class would do well under a communist regime
me in the middle
Anyone????? It has Curtice and Big Ben.
>clearly not a Marxist manifesto
Not far off it. This guy is a closet Marxist. He can dress it up in hip-hop culture, but that is what he is.
Anyone else notice Cleggys shit eating grin when he said

>Former deputy Prime minister
So what does he want?
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Momentum shills have missed a trick in trying to use this here
>muh supporting oppressive regimes in the current year.
He couldn't even put on a suit for the show
>I'd have voted green
Jesus. Get him off my telly
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If Corbyn leaves, what will he do with the Brexit negotiations?
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>tfw I never had a teen romance
>tfw I will pass 30 unmarried
>tfw I will die alone
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WTF! I'm voting Labour now!

>Shadow shill

Good job there m80
>Gulags and famine

The current left wingers would have hated the actual communist leadership of the USSR or China. For example, Stalin severely restricted abortion, promoted Orthodoxy once he recognised its importance, supported anti-Semitic policies, and actively encouraged discrimination against the LGBT community.

To be honest, I have a hard time hating Stalin. Yes, he was a complete monster, but socially he was pretty based, and economically he achieved incredible feats. Albeit at a huge human cost,

based corbs
QT 3.14
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It's a damn shame that Akala is the most intelligent rapper they could find because he still not refined enough for TV.

But at least it wasn't JME, Stormzy or Low Key.
>If Corbyn leaves

Why? Where's he going?
He only hates israel because he buys into the idea of jews being white.
Big Narsty was better than this, if only for the memery
Shut up. Nigger.
Not a surprise, Corbyn supports the Palestinians.

He's not an anti-Semite, though. He just won't talk to pro-Israeli publications most likely.
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You saved....

Your money
Your Freedom
Your Pride

In my 40's fuckem and forget them. Im a ve,t will die with other vets and rest with my friends..

Life is good!

Keep jerking off

excuse my autism, I meant "wins" not leaves
Full stormfronter paki
If corbyn wins he will go on all fours with his pants around his enkels backwards into the brexit negotiation all lubbed up.
Oh. Honestly have no idea what his Brexit position is. IIRC he also wants to leave the single market, but for autistic commie reasons. He doesn't care about immigration.
The best way to purge unironic communists is a communist uprising.
What can a reporter do if their paper won't pick up the story?

The best whoever leaked it can hope for is that it gets enough exposure for local papers to investigate.
fuck off lefty/pol/
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Can someone explain to me why we seem to think that this is as bad
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as this?
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When the fuck did Miliband become such a bantsmaster?

Was it just focus groups and advisors that turned him into a complete autist by trying to impose message discipline? ("repeat strong and stable as often as possible so people remember it...")
>3 scots on one show

BBC going for diversity
>david davis "tens of thousands" immigration target

>he means 100 tens of thousands
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He fell for the neocon labour sect and Len McCucksys shitty vision for a labour leader. Should have had his brother.
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Post yfw Labour+Lib Dem+SNP+Green coalition.
Probably, but it's also easier to talk shit on twitter than in a televised interview.
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Was going to meet up with a girl today but the weather was shit for the first time in ages so we had to call it off. Cockblocked by God
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Moreso socially than economically.

They push TINA just as hard as everyone else. (Except Corbyn, but he's a temporary blip in the reality distortion field and will probably kick himself to death on his morning jog sooner or later. Or, y'know, get BTFO because >listening to polls.)
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m8, your 20's are for having fun, your 30's are for settling down with someone and maybe having a kid, your 40's are for raising a family, your 50's are for having fun again once your kids fuck off to uni but you can afford to have more enjoyable fun, your 60's are for finalising your legacy at work before fucking off and enjoying your life, your 70's are for enjoying your life, your 80's are for coming to terms with the fact you'll die soon.
The west could do with a bit of Ceaușescu desu, get those birth rates up.
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This guy would have been the first to the forced labour camps tbqh
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another boring election campaign within a year or two, fucking hell i'd have to kill myself.

blair's biggest crime was sucking all the theatre out of politics. (actually 2015 was pretty fun, but whatever, blair's fault.)
The future is female... In that, it's quite literally fucked.
The future is in sort of a limbo state of eternally and spiritually fucked like most women exist throughout the entire duration of their miserable fucking lives.

Imagine being a women. Just imagine it. You literally get fucked.
Your entire purpose of existence is to literally lay on your back, spread eagle, and get fucked good enough by the fuck-er that you produce offspring. And then once you've done that, you still continue to get fucked because you liked it the first time.
I would rather be dead than be born a woman. There is absolutely nothing they can hope for in life other than getting fucked, and most of them only ever "dare to dream" to get fucked by a guy with the most money, best physical appearance, car, house, humour, etc. They literally exist to get fucked, and all they can spiritually accomplish is just that, "getting fucked"... Sad!

t. Professional misogynist and proud inequality spokesperson
Women in their 30s are past their prime childbearing years tho
>m8, your 20's are for having fun, your 30's are for settling down with someone and maybe having a kid
Good goyim! Yes indeed, do it all "another day" right? Yessss
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There isn't as much as a single house built only by women.
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actually there's an idea, i hope corbyn wins and we get a coup. that'd be fun.

i remember drunkenly reading some lefty-thing that made the point that capitalism has always loved women. their small hands work between the machine parts easier, their illusory caring nature finds it easier to smile at you behind the till and not mean it, their facade of co-operativeness over overt competition helps to smooth over complete societal chaos. so now we have equality movements - finally capital can overcome society and say "ah, no, my favourite child can now be a CEO as well."

surprisingly the angle on it wasn't "men are getting what they deserve"

wish i could find it, but i tend to purge drunk browsing histories so that i never look back and cringe (or get fucking weird suggestions when typing URLs.)
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Sorry, I'm going to have to side with my ancestors here.



Can someone explain to me why the Conservatives don't have costings for their manifesto? Seems weird.
We're still going to win. Relax.
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>tfw no evidence found.
>modern britain

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You better take that back.
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They want a mandate to do whatever the fuck they want

Plus they didn't take Labour seriously so why bother?
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>Exshitter in Devon voting Tory
It'd be a fucking miracle.
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LowKey is actually more erudite now, check his Corbyn video.

>BASED Devilman.
If by "we" you mean (((we))), then yes

"Nah Paj, that's just your cousin who died 3 months ago. Watch out for his spinal column will you"
David Davis just got BTFO by a whale! THE STATE OF HIM HAHA
>clegg losing sheffield hallam

I fucking hope so
Seriously though, what is the prospect of direct rule increasing tensions between republicans and loyalists in NI?

Is there any prospect of some form of an upsurge in conflict? What about if a hard border between the Republic and the North is established?
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Nah his brother was a Blair clone and Ed was so nice he felt so guilty that he overcompensated by having bliar scum sneak back in.
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>IRA faggots

How does it feel to lose

>implying Brighton and Hove will be Conservative

Are you retarded?
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>Enoch Poowell
>How does it feel to lose

Last time I checked we still have 26 counties, and IRA leaders unironically sat down for dinner with the Queen. Talk about cucked.

Anyway, NI will be reunited with the republic within a decade. Mark my words.
So Peter, your blind date with Mary Beard didn't have an effect?
>BASED Stringfellow.

IIRC there are two seats for Brighton, one currently Green the other currently Tory
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>tfw my indian coworker called most indians uncultured animals

>tfw he said he likes england because civilization exists here

>he voted for Brexit

>he's voting for UKIP

>he hates the lazy polish guys in work

Maybe it's just the upper castes who are based?
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>Why are the right vexed?
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>Last time I checked we still have 26 counties
Because we let you have them potatofag
>yfw Tories fail to win a majority and we get a Tory-Labour coalition for Brexit
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>BASED Aryan Indian Upper Caste civilised.
You'd swap him for a traveller in a heartbeat.
Northern Indians are literally Aryan
Hove will, Pavillion will stay green for the memes
>Tory-Labour coalition

Is this the first election you've paid attention to?
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As a Corbyn supporter I would love that.
>Let the Tories do Brexit.
>Let us do the infrastructure and going after the Tax Islands.
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Yeah but what about the £350bn to the NHS that was promised each week?
The arrogance?
>Labour muh moderates wing not there boohoo

Direct rule would be bad for everyone except the leadership of Sinn Fein, particularly with a Tory government, politics in Northern Ireland are based almost entirely around the Orange and Green divide and the lack of a devolved government would hurt both sides aims, but would be good for Sinn Fein in the long run as it would further inflame nationalist discomfort with the state by making them feel that they've lost any sort of real representation

This could lead to an upsurge in violence but it would be small compared to the one that would happen if a hard border came back
The soft border with the republic is one of the biggest factors in the normalization of NI society, its extremely important for trade, not only for import and export of goods but because many businesses operate across the border as if it doesn't exist and many people on both sides work on the opposite side. The lack of any real border has also helped nationalists feel more comfortable with being a part of the UK because there is essentially no day to day differences on either side of the border, although NI and the ROI are two separate countries the lack of a hard border makes it more or less seamless and allows people to ignore the issue most of the time, even being able to use Euros and pounds interchangeably in the border areas, a return to a hard border would mean the division would become highly visible again

The other problem with a hard border is that you have to have people manning the border, which are vulnerable to attack, which means that you have security at the border, which further upsets people and gives paramilitaries an easy target
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>Claims he's 'skint'
>Literally earns 100's of thousands of pounds a year


>http://mirror co uk/news/politics/nigel-farage-said-skint-weve-10534925
--> https://archive.is/gH7qs
My local sikh corner shop owner is just openly racist against the local pakistanis but no one calls him out on it because he's brown.
He has two big alsatians to protect his shop purely because he knows muslims aren't fans of dogs.
>if this was a racist white guy they would have fucking rinsed him for his mistake

you know is true
No, because we fought you for them and you ran away with your tails tucked between your legs.
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Stop not being a Nazi.

>scottish labour would literally prefer help to the conservatives win the election than contemplate ignoring the SNP
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b-but i'm already a blackshirt
Knew a girl who cried because he housemates wouldn't pay for one, ended up buying it herself and resenting everybody forever. Lived with another moron who cut the wire leading from the wall to the tele because we didn't pay for one.
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>Mr. Singh?
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Lads, what if they attack the benefit gig as well?
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>we fought you for them
You took over a post office you delusional cunts lmao
And we utterly crushed you.

We left because repeatedly kicking your shit in was making us look really bad on the world stage.
Peep Show is basically brit/pol heavy
>Why couldn't Dave Davis be up for PM

Any truth to this le dave davis is competent conservative meme?
Walsall is full of retards and degenerates.

It's no wonder they voted Leave so strongly.
just rub a Sikhs cheekbone with your thumbtip and and the Aryan whiteness will reveal itself.
grow the Sikh warrior clan & the war will be easy road
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He was brought up on a council estate y'know?
>He never mentions this.
Really? David Mitchell has come across as a huge cuck in everything I've seen him in
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benefit gig for the victims of the benefit gig
so find a woman in her 20's.

you don't have to do it in that timeframe, do what you want, i don't give a fuck
tbf they have started going around in vans actively checking to see if people have TVs.
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No the characters.
His character on peep show would shitpost on brit/pol for sure and then go back IRL and be cuck.
tbf there was one episode with Daryl the neo-nazi and he got freaked out and cut him off
So maybe not
>My dog is German.
Scottish deer hound
>My coffee is Colombian.
Spring water
My IT is Indian.
What? What kind of idiot calls up IT?
>My car is English.
Ride a horse
>My food is Italian.
Porridge & oat cakes
>My TV is Japanese
Classical radio is better.
>My diamonds are South African
You can keep your nigger blood diamonds.
>My licorice is Australian.
>My computer is Chinese.
Using a phone made in a former british colony
>My wine is French.
Fags and Catholics drink wine

God save the queen.
No, we bled you dry and forced you out.

Typical Brits, trying to rationalise their failure.

Fact it, the ROI has never lost a war.
>trw you meet a brit/pol Anon at work?

Point is there are diff. people on here and he fits the profile of some of them for sure.

>BASED Super-Hans (literally)
So are we pretty much agreed that leaving the EU was the wrong decision?
What's funny is Mark still came out of the situation looking like the bigger asshole
Fuck no baitman. I voted remain and, knowing what I know now, I'd have voted leave.
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Leaving was the best thing that happened in a while.
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This fuckin guy
Do you even know how home rule happened
You realise it was a vote we allowed right
You didn't force shit
they've just replayed the tim farron v neil interview

what a fucking mong
Nope, which party are you voting for out of curiosity?
I haven't watched that yet
on a scale of 1-10 how badly NEILED did he get?
Nice proxy, hans.
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Britbongistani detected. Go back to Pakistan Mohammed.

Hove will be Labour.
does he not know what Saxons are or something
If you're here:

I don't see the point in arguing over FB about this stuff. You and I are playing a completely different game: their game is who can virtue signal the most effectively, facts and arguments don't matter and you'll only ostacise yourself from your friends if you play a different (more logical and therefore more autistic) game
>replying to old and stale bait
Why do Americlaps even post in these threads
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>All I'm saying is, England for the English!
What's this based on, again?
I only caught the end of it there but from what I read in the threads he got NEILED big time.
Victim much
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>qt pajeet
Is homosexuality and racemixing really this rooted in the anglo genes?
Literally an uninterrupted 30 seconds to one minute of Neil telling Tim to shut up.
Yeah he also fantasised about having his black boss as a boyfriend so maybe not a brit/pol/ poster.
QT = Question Time. Of course you already know this, tripcunt.
It was pretty brutal.
>your 40's are for raising a family
Raising your downie kids because you had to settle for a mid thirties Stacey is what you mean.
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Whatever you say you big bender.
>Brazil only lost 7-1 because they let Germany score.
Nice argument
I imagine most brit/pol/ posters would take what they can get ;^^^)
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Dogposting >>> frogposting.
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>the bad thing

Keep telling yourself that, buddy.

The IRA waged war against the Brits, and you caved. Fucking face it you coward; the IRA inflicted immense casualties on the British and after you realised the Irish were prepared to take the war to mainland England all of a sudden they were willing to negotiate.
>well reasoned post with substance
Not on my brit/pol/
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Got absolutely waxed on the re-running of the referendum. Farron kept trying to give meandering stories about his home life nobody gives a shit about. Neil wasn't having any of it. He got proper NEIL'D.
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Sure, if Brazil stood back and let Germany score a pre-decided number of goals, with full capability of stopping them.
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>darkies on my brit/pol/
Not been here in a while, does that Scottish psycho still post? The one who fucked 13 year olds and thought the queen was a Jewess?
Not seen him around here as often as he used to be.
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>and thought the queen was a Jewess?
Thought you were talking about me until you mentioned the this part tbqh


GCHQ pls leave
>bunch of taigs setting off a few bombs and shooting some random people
>waging war

Trust me paddy, if we'd wanted to we could have shown you what a real fucking war and subjugation looks like. But because we are civilised we chose not to inflict another 1653 on you.
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Because he is being set up for a fall. He is one of May's sacrifices that she plans to throw under the bus and blame her failings on, like Jeremy Hunt, Andrea Leadsom and Amber Rudd.

When Brexit ends up being shit:
>"Oh Davis! This is all your fault. I must sack you now, this hurts me more than it hurts you. I must be strong and stable in the national interest."

When the NHS collapses:
>"Oh Hunt! This is all your fault. I must sack you now, this hurts me more than it hurts you. I must be strong and stable in the national interest."

When the fox hunting relegalisation bill isn't passed:
>"Oh Leadsom! This is all your fault. I must sack you now, this hurts me more than it hurts you. I must be strong and stable in the national interest."

When immigration goes up rather than falls to the 10s or whatever unachievable target there is:
>"Oh Rudd! This is all your fault. I must sack you now, this hurts me more than it hurts you. I must be strong and stable in the national interest."

May has a whole cabinet of people given the job not because they're good at it but because they can hold a poisoned chalice without realising it.

(pic unrelated)

Why are you such a dystopian shithole dad
Nah I remember you, you're the Slav psycho who's obsessed with watches and thinks he's Prussian royalty
Robert Mitchell is a far bigger cuck.
The Irish are objectively superior to the British.

How else did a band of IRA men defeat a superpower built on oppressing the darkies?
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>tfw American visiting Glasgow for the first time

Wish me luck, lads. I love this place! What should I check out first?
Literally this.

Davis is going in on Brexit pretty hard and will end up either getting no deal (which I'd be happy with) or the EU will do as much as they possibly can to cuck us.

May can then get rid of him saying it's for the sake of the country and backslide on Brexit and give us some bullshit version.
Robert Webb I mean.

Any video link?

no, Boris is clever you female-mined faggot, he writes books and shit. He pretends to be retarded a throw off people like you who are exceptionally easily fooled (most people)

he is a cunt of the highest order tho, like blair/cameron, full sellouts who want to fuck you all over.

he is an odious character
I predict a hung parliament.
May is the one they'll be hanging
Museum of Transport is pretty comfy, loads of old trains and cars and things. Could go up to Loch Lomond for the day as well if you like nature

Should really leave Glasgow and go to Edinburgh though tbqhwy
the back alleys for the heroin junkies
t. angry Corbynite
@ 26:40 ish

new links




Haha. The Brits were too frightened of the might of the IRA. Do you really think a bunch of British pansies stood a chance against well-disciplined IRA men with a heart of steel? It would've been embarrassing for the Brits, and they knew it.

The British couldn't handle the incredibly effective Guerilla tactics employed by the IRA, so resorted to attacking women and children.

Try to spin it how you like. The British were forced to retreat from the South by the superior Republicans.

>b-b-but we could've won

Sure you could've.
Agreed, he is all the above but he is not an idiot.
You don't go through oxford and fall in with the highest faggots among them by just being a retard.
Better luck next time
They're not though, but you have something to be proud of atleast, how many people, especially from Europe can say that they're inferior to the beady anglo? Exactly.
My place, first bag ae smacks free pal
square go

Where was it this week that the audience were that cucked?

pls be real
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