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Brit/pol/ - There Wasn't a Thread so I Made One Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 87

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>Britain Elects election centre

>Corbyn to attend election debate:

>Trump pulling out from Paris agreement:

>Surgeon gets 15 years for performing hundreds of unnecesary mastectomies

>Latest contreversial poll shows conservative losses

>Corbyn follows up car crash with a disaster on mumsnet livechat

>Corbyn suffers childcare car crash interview at hands of Women's Hour
I miss nigel
Anime is gay as fuck
I would rather suck a cock than voluntarily watch that shit
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well memd.jpg
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Austerity economics is ajoke, GOd I'm pretty drunk now, but to all those people in the last thread: WE ARE ON THE SAME SIDE. You just don't care (quite rightly) about economics, and so you have slurped up the b8 from the EU/Tory/Fed/Harvard establishment. Stop defending Capitalism with armchair economics.
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Lads, I keep having this sweet daydream that I'm the High Chancellor of the UK and that my turbo-autistic traditionalist party swept parliament.

How do I make this a reality?
you probably do that anyway
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>yfw Jeb! surge and he becomes the new PM
>yfw you would actually be better off with him than May or Corbyn
1. become my bf
2. do lewds
3. slip into a daydream
4. never return
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Based UKIP controlling the entire political climate without needing any MPs
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Nice thread picture desu
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stop posting this buck-toothed dyke (unless it's feet pics, she has 10/10 feet)
jesus christ she looks like a right dyke nowadays
>People on facebook actively thinking Jeremy will win
>This is the PM we've always wanted

How the fuck do you deal with these fucking idiots.
>interacting with lefties on fucking facebook

let them have their hugboxes tbqh, they're welcome to that bullshit.
post Mummy May memes and tell them to prepare for a triple digit seat Conservative majority, then tell them "told you so" when it happens
Not having facebook
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bingbongs are all little shitniggers
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Well that's not very nice.
I had Crumpets today
Americunts are bigfatturbofaggots
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impotent americans have no control of brit/pol/
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Peter Hitchens gun.jpg
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start buying guns and make the laws of Texas look effeminate
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All the world, including this dumpy little general, belongs to the BWAC (Big White American Cock).
why are you posting an American woman then?
I will genuinely get a tattoo of corbyn with the soviet sign if he wins
get it on your ass for good measure
Tattoo "Seize my means of reproduction" on your boypussy.
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How fucked are you guys?

Its not looking good
>call an early election because your opposition is imploding violently in front of the world stage
>members attending literal Communist rallies and admitting they are marxists
>shadow secretary an actual cartoon character in terms of stupidity
>possibility of ensuring Labour disintegration and Torie majority for decades
>release a manifesto that is essentially aids on paper
>intensely unpopular policies nobody asked for, thrown in for reasons nobody can logically explain
>more than ten point lead completely squandered
>lose more seats when you expected to take a majority
How the fuck did May screw this up so bad?
She could have slept the last two weeks away and just rocked up to Downing Street at the end with an easy win, who the fuck is the strategist for the tories?
Fox hunting is a fun activity

>THREAD THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHMxFGqhIs

THREAD THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHMxFGqhIs

>THREAD THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHMxFGqhIs

THREAD THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHMxFGqhIs

>THREAD THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHMxFGqhIs

THREAD THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHMxFGqhIs

>THREAD THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHMxFGqhIs

THREAD THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHMxFGqhIs

>THREAD THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHMxFGqhIs

THREAD THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLHMxFGqhIs
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I want to see the poll after the debate.
Letting Labour handle Brexit and blame them for the inevitable recession was probably the plan.
Labour has openly said they will keep Britain in the single market.
It will be like Brexit never happened, only Brexit will still be blamed for the horrible times Britain is due for.
Trump was also an outsider that was treated horribly by the media, establishment and his own party who also made some hefty promises.

Don't take Corbyn at his word when it comes to EU, and if you do, don't assume it's what will happen. Socialists despise austerity that EU pushes, there will be a massive fall out.
Stay alive, little thread. I love Britannia and its beautiful people.
We're fucked whoever wins, so 100%
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It's half four and I can't sleep, send help
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Oh get fucked leaf, I can't tell if you're a lost labour shill or complete dumbass.
There is the old Orwell Left who at the least realize the absolute shitshow the EU was and has become, and the new cosmopolitan rainbow coalition left that the phrase TOLERANCE AND APATHY ARE THE LAST VESTIGES OF A DYING SOCIETY was coined for, millennia ago. Guess which one Labour has become.

Corbyn is a fuck. May is a fuck. But Corbyn has dodged the question entirely on whether he will even try to negotiate hardball with the EU.
>on whether he will even try to negotiate hardball with the EU.
Why would he try to counter the EU at all, since he is an ideological compatriot in their internationalist socialism? He would be more than happy to remain in it because he would like it.
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What did he mean by this?
He won't, because the EU has been serving his ilk for decades, why would he want to leave? He's like Macron, denying any special qualities of being British beyond being tolerant and free within reason. There is no culture in multiculturalism.

Hence the leaf is a retard for reading his own mistrust of the EU onto a politician who does not share it.
I want to marry Karen
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karen is a spoilt brat
You can read that multiple ways, what a clusterfuck of a statement.
>Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people are talentless without us
>equality and programme in the same sentence of a party recently found flirting with hard left communism
>blaming Conservatives for holding them back, removing any agency from individuals subsumed into their identity groups
>breaking Britain into multiple competing peoples in the first place

What the actual fuck DID he mean by this?
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and a lewd one
Imagine a dozen pakis gangraping her
The foremost thing of issue, I would think, to any white person is the idea that a government should serve foreign peoples as a top priority, let alone dedicate government funds to the development of peoples who were intended to be imported for the utility they supposedly provide inherently.

Second, the idea that equality is the government provided unequally between groups is absurd.

It is beyond baffling.
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>How the fuck did May screw this up so bad?
Because Theresa May is /low energy/.
The Labour Man's Burden
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Fucking hell.
Also why is brit/pol/ so dead right now? Are the poms all asleep?
i just woke up, so yeah
its 5am you dumb abo
It's 5 bong 15 bings there, I believe
I want to protect this belly.

Sleeping is boring desu
everyone is asleep you spazmodius maximus
Wow, correct!
The political landscape of this country is utterly putrid. Both major parties are disgusting as are even the remaining fringe ones.

Absolute dogshit, this island is fucking pathetic.

Even the BNP, the closest thing we've ever had to a decent party, were a bunch of bumbling imbeciles. We can't do anything right. Ever.
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Woops meant this, any of this soon?

not with a willy up your bum it isn't
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no bully pls mum don't deport me again


thread theme?
fuck off cunt. we don't like gay cartoons
t fag
Karen is a slut

Karen is not a slut
mornin' fellow bongs
She takes muslim cock out the back of the kebabby for a free doner and a bottle of vodka.
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day of the rope when
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Who won the debate?
Degenerate anime faggots will go first.
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what about non-degenerate animefags?
>People who don't exist.
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Why do you have to be so mean this early in the morning?
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Morning lads,

Voting is pointless, we're already dead.
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Local election leaflets came through the other day. Conseravtive candidate is a female Muslim from London, UKIP candidate is a male Muslim and the Labour candidate is a "diversity is our strength" good goy.

I'm not voting.
yeah good goy
muslims are bad! keeping women under control is bad! believing in God is bad. dont use your vote.
t. Muhammad
>muslims are bad!
Yes Schlomo, they are bad. I can't leave my house past 8pm anymore. White neighbours on my street are leaving for other pastures. Muslims replace them.
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Kermit Muslims.jpg
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Reminder that Corbyn thinks Venezuela is the ideal nation
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Everything is shit

Corbyn will win

The people get the leader they deserve
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>when you purposely throw the election so you don't get blamed for Brexit not happening
>10 years ago
>I don't really mind
My family has been pretty redpilled on mass immigration for some years. They're very conservative. My great-grandfather was openly against mass immigration and non-whites moving to Britain all them years ago and wanted to move my family to New Zealand to get away from it all before it all kicked off.
morning ya big cunts
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If Corbyn wins are we going to spend the night crying or seeking a positive?
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If Corbyn wins, what does that mean for Brexit?
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well hes a soppy cunt so probably bend over and let EU unload in him.
Brexit canceled
also, does that fine lady have a penis?

Its all over and we need to kill ourselves.
What the fukk. Is Labour taking votes from UKIP?
it means FUCK YOU for electing a commie, a brutal end to a bad EU membership
we are NOT electing a commie, its not gonna happen!!
im flying my ass to UK to stab antifa and other leftist scum if you elect Corbyn
>Crusade London 2018

>also, does that fine lady have a penis?
Probably not.
They're all commies.
Kek, daily reminder that after brexit eastern Europeans are considered a vulnerable minority so you can cry hate crime every time somebody tries to stop goy from removing kebab
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i was looking for this.jpg
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Are you?
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>said the increasingly nervous tory shill for the 100th time this week

fuuuuuuuu fuggin gommie. get a job.
A tory definition of a job? No thanks, I will wait until zero hour contracts are abolished and the minimum wage raised to an acceptable level.
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Can we get that hillary shitting her pants meme but with mayhem instead
there wont be any jobs for toilet scrubbers like yo'self once the miminum wage goes up.
Why hasn't anyone made one of those "my feet hurt/this music is too loud" memes for Theresa May?
lads, the skynews anchors are looking more quintessentially british each time I tune in

I mean, two black women? you even break with the traditional man-woman duo just to put two black people on?
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Reminder: Hitler was a good guy
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Quote from a Tory candidate
If you don't want to do zero hours, don't apply for zero hours jobs. For people who aren't pathetic cucks who's labour has demand and they have other priorities, such as study, then zero hours is perfect.

I aim for 15 shifts a month and I always get it and I'm often turning down shifts by the end of the month. But should I decide I don't want to work, assignments due or just can't be arsed, then I won't. Because I'm actually good at my job I can negotiate the sale of my labour, if you're a shit cunt you can't and have to live off scraps.
May will be equally bad, just less obvious about it.
stopped reading right there ;)
Literally all May had to do was bang on about hard working families for the last 2 weeks leading up to the election like Cameron did leading up to the last one. How has she fucked this up? Is she genuinely throwing it?
>Nobody wants to buy his labour
>has no arguments

Sorry nobody wants you anonymong.
Call Me Dave had the sense to turn up to 1 out of 2 leaders debates. Miliband refused to rule out coalitions too. "Labour in the SNPs pocket" doesn't work this time around.
I believe you, Momentum man.
>Is she genuinely throwing it?
The Conservatives were so confident of a victory they never even bothered coming up with policies. Their manifesto is a shambles, the campaign is in complete disarray with even a member of the cabinet contradicting her on social care. And for a manifesto with so few policies, it's shocking how she didn't promise anything that would benefit anyone. Every single demographic group will be badly affected by one of May's policies.

Parents will see their children's lunch taken away. Old people will have their homes taken away. Young people will still be stuck in shit jobs and having to pay for uni, not even small business owners and the self-employed who are usually the tories core voters outside pensioners were given a tax cut, fuck not even a tax freeze.
What are the demographics for the Britain Elects polling? How many are from London for example.
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>Late to the thread, Late to everything.
dumb kraut commie spastic
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>huffington post
I don't understand why people automatically dismiss huffpost on 4chan. Yes they may be left-leaning but they aren't a tabloid like the mirror. They're more similar to the Guardian, which is fair enough if you disagree with their opinion column but doesn't mean they fabricate news.
The only thing you can fault him on is long term economic plan,
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Just look at the front page.

It's toilet paper tabloid
Yes they do, they fabricate news in most of their political stories
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Not gonna lie, former Corbyn voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Jezza crash and burn. But in all seriousness there's no point giving this man the nuclear codes.
If he was a good guy he'd have gone on the defensive and sorted Germany's shit out within, instead of going balls-deep against Russia straight away and jizzing everywhere within the first 30 seconds.

Absolute failure of a human.
got up not long ago and see on the news that may didnt even turn up for the debate

what the fuck happened
She was too scared to debate
Autism happened to her.
she was never planning to
A message from her to (You)

Brexit cancelled :(
Just turned on LBC and Nick Ferrari mentioned Boris will be on within the next hour, in case anyone is interested
May gets autistic in front of crowds, she's clever but lacks charisma.

Sadly, modern "debates" are nothing of the sort. Debates are meant to help two people find the best representation of the truth, but todays shitty debates just measure who can sling more shit at the other, and who has more charisma.

On which party has the best policies for the country:
LAB: 33%
CON: 32%
LDEM: 6%
UKIP: 4%
[DK]: 25%

Who is Donkey Kong likely to support in a hung parliament?
Boris is on LBC now

Retarded electorate, the Tories are standing on a mandate of securing our borders and leaving the EU. Even if they have a poor history with those things, they're getting elected based on the fact that they're embracing those policies, and are the only party with any chance of going through with them

She probably knew in advance that the BBC would stuff the audience full of Momentum cucks.
long sleep, lad?
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Mein fucking sides
>they aren't a tabloid like the mirror.
Oh dear.
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Lads, Corbyn can't actually win, can he?
>Even if they have a poor history with those things, obviously it will all be different this time around, for no reason what so ever, guys!
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Say hello to the supreme leader
without scotland? no.

>b-b-but labour have never needed scotland

That was before Labour started to gain support only in seats where they already had it
He can and will. Choose a country to emigrate to, preferably one with lots of food because we're going to need it.
Dianne Abbot I guess since she's most likely to have the bananas.
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do you think mummy is getting told off by her handlers for being autistic
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Haven't checked the polls in a while. Are you guys serious?
>implying she isn't behaving exactly as (((they))) want her to
She never wanted to leave the EU, Anon. This is all part of the plan to fuck it up.
The real winner of last nights debate was Tim Farron

she's no Natalia
It's not for no reason. I literally explained the reason. It's the centre of their policy, and if they betrayed it they'd be completely undetectable for decades.
Polls mean jack thanks to 'shy tories'.
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Imagine being that poor child.
Shame half the country doesn't know who he is.

Oh wait that's good.

Tories still have a comfortable 10% lead.
Keep telling yourself that. Rock back and forth repeating it to yourself when you're in the gulag
>Portland, Oregon
I might have known.
>Tories still have a comfortable 10% lead.

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 42% (-1)
LAB: 39% (+3)
LDEM: 7% (-2)
UKIP: 4% (-)

(via @YouGov / 30 - 31 May)

Can't wait for the sea of
on election night
>Picking one poll
Are these figures reliable?
>The outlier when every other poll is 10-15%

Can't wait to get all my free shit from the Labour government without actually working there to pay for it.
Lads how should we react to smug lefties if Corbyn wins next week?

i mean... when have our (((polls))) been right?


Try harder pal, even Labour are laughing at the state of yougov.
Proof please
Sit back and watch the shitshow of the Corbyn government, and bide your time until he loses
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With memes.
He won't.
Britain Elects @britainelects 17h17 hours ago

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 43% (+1)
LAB: 33% (-1)
LDEM: 11% (+2)
UKIP: 4% (-)
GRN: 3% (-1)

(via @TNS_UK / 25 - 30 May)

Britain Elects @britainelects May 30

Westminster voting intention

CON: 45% (-1)
LAB: 33% (+1)
LD: 8% (-)
UKIP: 5% (-)
GRN: 3% (+1)

(via @ICMResearch / 26-29 May)
Chgs w/ 26May

Most people in this country have a shorter memory than decades and politicians know/depend on this.
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Is it worth watching QT tonight? I know big double D's is on which makes it worth it usually but the BBC have gone absolutely mad with their audience selection as we saw last night.
reminds me of this scene.
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Anyone worried about the possibility of labour crushing the economy?
>tfw you want Jezza to get elected just to watch the colossal shitstorm that will ensue.

It's all gonna burn eventually anyway, may as well get it over and done with quicker.
Seriously guys I like visiting the UK if it because communist I'm going to be pretty displeased.
Nah the QT audiences are usually a bit better. Plus, even in bad audiences we usually get a based audience member.
>Anyone worried about the possibility of labour crushing the economy?
If they win that's pretty much guaranteed.

Right now it's still not looking likely that they'll do that though.
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communist angry at food.jpg
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I'll be pretty displeased too.
>if corbyn wins i make some dough on a bet

>if corbyn loses the economy wont collapse and be invaded by migrants

win win lads

It's fucked already m8.
This. I'm tempted to do a cheeky bet on Corbyn
>the tories wont bring in shitloads of brown cunts

Why do plebs fall for this shit?

>the (((economy)))

reminder the country is in massive debt and Cons can't change that anyway. Debt is inevitable in the modern central banking slave system. It's rigged.

>They're more similar to the Guardian

Well that really helped your case
Corbyn was the only one out of two that wanted to import the Calais migrants without restrictions.
less than corbyn you dumb commie
>Implying they want to change it
(((Tories))) are in it for themselves, their (((friends))) benefit from Britain having lots of debt
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This is what happens when you do online polling yougov.
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>we've been here before

He's even less relevant now than he was in 2010, do young people even watch him anymore?
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>dude just borrow money who gives a shit gotta fund ARE EN HAITCH ESS lmao
Might place a cheeky bet on Lib dems to win under 11.5 Seats y/n?
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m8 he is the voice of the yoof

Along with Suez man

Despite both being over 35 years old
Wow I think this calls for a
Oh right so a few thousand less brown cunts makes the tories ok

Kill yourselves, docile cunts like you are everything that's wrong with this country.
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Jacobs boy bringing the banter on kikebook...
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Even The Queen's voting Labour.
So who are you voting for?
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The biggest mistake the tories have made is going after Jeremy rather than his nonsense economics.

People who are voting for Corbyn have no sense of national pride and don't give a shit that he backed Argentina or the IRA, they believe he is a pacifist and the believe he will give them loads of free stuff. Half of them are too young to remember the Falklands or the IRA anyway.

The Tories have implied that he's not going to bankrupt the country and tried to appeal to a sense of patriotic conservatism they themselves have destroyed.
I genuinely think UKIP might win Hartlepoole

>Women in politics
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Nuttall got BTFO
Go back to bed, Leanne.
So am I better off moving to America, Australia or New Zealand? Britain is a lost cause
Australia for all the qt waifu's
america is 50%

australia has a housing bubble and everything is so expensive youll kys

NZ is 68% white
If they got even like 3 seats it would change the house of commons forever, as wish Nige was standing.
Australia is fucked, feminists rule our government, media, schools, universities, etc, and Australia is very quickly becoming a Sweden 2.0
Right now you can see if you would qualify to move to Australia or New Zealand by using their points-system calculator. America is a different story because you have to get employer sponsorship and it's difficult as fuck to stay here.

USA is working out pretty well for me though and I left the UK a long time ago.
cant we convince some autistic billionaire to buy some islands and just declare it a white ethnostate?
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>blowing a 20 point lead
how many seats will milkman win bias aside
>can some sugar daddy help me be white

kys cuck
Someone tried that and got invaded by Tonga, A third world nigger nation, gonna need a lot more than billions
6 - 10 is my guess
Probably not many.
>autistic billionaire

Just got to hope that Barron Trump discovers 4chan in a few years and makes this happen
fuck off we're full
I have a qt friend I met online who lives in Aus

It's a hard choice. I really agree with the fundamental principles on which America was founded, the constitution and Bill of rights etc. But I can see that they're in decline just like us

I'm sorry to hear that, is it reaching the irreversible levels of the UK?

I'll give that I check, I'd be working in the tech industry so I guess most American employers would rather flood their offices with pajheets instead
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Do you think Corbyn will stay on as leader I mean it looks like he's going to do quite well in the election.
There are unclaimed islands?

We could have one made like the Chinese are doing in the SC sea.
>I guess most American employers would rather flood their offices with pajheets instead
They would but the Trump Admin just suspended the Premium H-1B processing which means it takes 6 months to get new people over here.

As for the 60% white stat, that's true country wide but you have to realize that the USA is HUGE. There are many states over 90% white still because the blacks, for example, are all clustered in the South. It's a lot easier to escape non-whites here if you want to.
Vote for Mummy, lads
YouGov "polls" are actually scary
>not wanting to live within a hegmonic society
KYS cuck.
Wait what? for real? brb jewgling
>seat with conservative majority of 25k

jesus fuck, these YouGov polls worry me but this type of shit makes me think I'm getting worked up over nothing
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>tfw in England you're never less than 1 hours drive from a mosque
Yeah, I totally understand that, ideally I'd like to live somewhere rural. States like montana and Idaho have high appeal
Republic Of Minerva
Why do the polls worry you?

Either immigration is going continue with blue ties or its going to continue with red ties, a poll on the colour of the tie should be inconsequential.
how have you not had a single thing better to do than peddle this unfunny shit in literal fucking WEEKS, you sadact
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Good morning lids
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My advice is to just apply to as many American companies as you can and see what happens. They can only say no, m8. You won't be any worse off than you are now.
Sounds like a plan, cheers for the advice lad
Not much of a breakdown of the "debates" today. Nothing new said? Same old shite?
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Don't even have UKIP on my ballot
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remember this time two years ago when all the mainstream pundits and pollsters where discussing the implications of the inevitable snp/labour coalition and then big dave wiped everyone out?
>there are better things to do than laugh at pathetic Votetards

This is my favourite hobby.
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>drinking cheap aldi beer before noon and scheduling a kebab pizza to arrive by dinner
Not sure if this is living the good-life or not tbqh.
I love how these Yougov number crunchers can look at these outcomes with the trends and the data they have and think they're somehow plausible.
spoil it by writing U K I P in the boxes
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Why, YouGov? Why?
>What did he mean by this?

Unlocking someone's talent is basically a euphemism for defloration.

If it weren't for the labour party going around taking the virginity of ethenics they'd be all really devout and nunlike/wearing burkas, thanks to labour you get slutty exotic women instead.

Jeremy Corbyn even did the country the service of fucking Diane Abbot so you don't have to. He deserves your vote for this selfless act alone.
>Address in the Cities of London and Westminster

This is why Conservatives will lose. Has that wanker knocked on a single door during this campaign? Fuck has he even visited the constituency he wants to represent?
Bit of Oblivion & Skyrim and youre sorted lad
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Not sure if any of you are going to read this since it's late into the thread but what are some essential Brit/pol/ literature?

I'd prefer anything about the death of Britain or criticism of Islam

>don't have UKIP
>don't have Lib Dems

It's like they want to go back to a 2 party system.
Depends if it's your day off from a well paying job (comfy), a student (acceptable but still slightly pathetic) or on benefits (absolutely kill yourself)
>Jeremy Corbyn even did the country the service of fucking Diane Abbot
he dishonored himself and his nation,
I just checked YouGov's election centre and it actually *does* say Windsor is a safe Tory seat. No idea what that guy had screenshotted.
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Do you live near Britain's most dangerous immigrants?
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>tfw you shouldn't have been celebrating about the polls all those weeks ago
They're tory shills, desperate to discredit anything portraying their "mummy" in a bad light.
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Essential is pic related but your request leads more to Peter Hitchen's books (The Abolition of Britain, etc).
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>tfw I do similar things on my days off sometimes.

Not today though. Spending my one day off this week with the old man indulging in our hobbies.
Does the queen actually vote?

No but it's her government technically.
I thought we established that polls were a waste of time

Why are they getting more attention than ever

Do they really change our behaviour? Did Tories win in 2015 because of the polls? Did the polls help us leave the EU? Did Trump win because the polls said he wouldn't?

Is this all a Tory conspiracy to get us to vote for them out of fear of Corbyn as PM?
Because if so, it's working on me.
If May gets this landslide majority won't she just use it to ignore the hard brexiteers and do a shity deal with the EU? She did want to remain after all.

You could say it is the upside down version of what happened with Trump, the leftists are ignoring 90% of polls and choosing to shout and scream about the ones that have failed methodology just because it gives them the outcome they want.
>fear of Corbyn as PM
Most people think his policies are the best though, even nationalization of railways and utilities is hugely popular.

He did it so you wouldn't have to fuck her. Would you like to be raped at gunpoint by a virgin cock crazed Diane Abbot? No, Corbyn saved every single British male from this, he DESERVES your respect.
No because that would fuck the Tories' chances in the future of ever being trusted with anything. Their trustworthiness is low as it is.
yep, Right next to that infestation in the heart of Lancashire.
>Why are they getting more attention than ever

24hr mass media needs something to talk about desu

And that YouGov "poll" wasn't really a poll as such

Him fucking up Brexit, no will to control immigration, council taxes going up 300% edge out those popular things though.
>Did Tories win in 2015 because of the polls?
They may have gotten the boost from the Labour/SNP coalition scare.
Im too much of a white male.
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Blink, Corbyn Wins

Blink, May Wins

Blink, The Future of Britain is gone
I think the same thing will happen

Corbyn just isn't popular enough to warrant a majority of votes in anywhere near 50% of areas

He has the stupid and the youth vote and that's about it

>Did the polls help us leave the EU? Did Trump win because the polls said he wouldn't?

I think they helped with both of those


What do you think Corbyn is?

She hounded Corbyn's second wife out of his life after just one hump, she likes the white cock that much. You would be near the top of her rape list.
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>voting for this to have power

He may be white on the outside, but deep down he is Red through and through.
He has some nice policies but so do all the parties
Fact is he can't afford them all and is just promising the naive everything

Add to that his awful cabinet, record of being anti-everything British (IRA, Falklands, national anthem, monarchy etc), pro-immigration, lack of leadership, it doesn't matter of an old man says "trains are too expensive", doesn't mean he should automatically lead the country
>Fact is he can't afford them all

Untrue, the labour manifesto is fully costed. No magic money tree for them, unlike the tories with their uncosted mayhem manifesto.
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