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It's time to face reality, hicks.

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>an irish bands music is used to promote single mothers doing shit other than soaking up welfare and continuing to have children out pf wedlock.

Single mothers are the second worst people on the planet, their sons are by a far margin the absolute worst people on the planet.
Wtf where is the father? Did he run away? Why did she choose to breed with such a scummy human being? Is she dumb or something? Who's raising the kids while she's at work??
>Brown single mother getting fired from her FACTORY JOB by a white man manages to afford an IT degree and somehow spend years without a job to get one becomes successful in getting one

A million red flags in that video
I want to have sex with that mom

Why do white men have the biggest persecution complexes?
Men want what they don't have, it's our drive. We've been on top for so long we want to try slavery now. It's an animalistic desire not a logical human one.
>no single mothers have ever had a job
>noone has ever been fired by automation
>noone will ever go into education to get a more secure job
>this wasn't an ad designed to get this audience to buy a course, it was made to say fuck white people
Why are you all so dumb?
>Why did she choose to breed with such a scummy human being? Is she dumb or something?

Women are biologically driven to want to mate with men possessing dark triad personality traits. This whole single mother epidemic was why sex outside marriage was shamed, and why fathers played a big role in who marries his daughters.
The video contains everything I hate:
>single mother
>working mother
>"evil" white men
>women with "education"
>women in IT
>university of phoenix
might as well just get your degree printed on shit paper
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Sure thing bruh bruh
Single mom encounter
>meet qt 3.14
>seems like a great person
>fuck a few times
>agree to stay a week at her place
>where I obviously meet her until now unintroduced kid
>he literally doesnt get off the couch for a week except to shit and piss, just plays minecraft 20 hours a day
>literally cant even microwave his own hot-pockets because he doesnt know how to use a microwave (I called bullshit on it though, Im pretty sure he was just pretending not to know as an excuse not to leave the couch)
>his mom waited on him hand and foot
>he was obese as fuck too, but single mom insisted he couldnt be fat because he likes sports (he bought a sports team poster once so he obviously enjoys sports which is the same as playing them right?)
>he finally goes back to school
>mom has to clean weeks worth of uneaten food and food wrappers out of the couch
>so disgusted, leave her
>immiediate "youre an asshole with no respect for how hard single moms have it, thought you were differet etc etc"

Was literally 100% conformity to the /pol/ single mom meme.
>Loose hair that close to the drill
wew lad
Then everyone clapped
>Implying we're saying that it has never happened and not that all of those things happening at the same time are so unlikely you'd have a better chance of winning the lottery
If getting an IT degree is so easy why did she have to wait until she was a single mother working a low wage factory job?
>muh low wage factory job
>muh high paying IT job

These memes need to die. Skilled machinists in factories get paid very very livable wages with decent benifits.

IT as a gateway to instant success is a leftover meme from the 90's before they outsourced most of it to india.
No mulatto children/10
not progressive enough..
I had a safety spasm, no wonder she got fired
she could've gone further and done the "independent momma short hair"
This bait is so good i'm taking it
1) The fact that it is an advertisement for the course means that they are actually implying this situation is unlikely enough for them to warrant an advertisement, you don't advertise a product to a group of people that already use it, now do you?

2) If you watched it, the reason she got an IT degree was because she was fired from her low wage factory job, we have no reason to believe she would've gotten it otherwise
In the narrative of the ad, clearly they're trying to say "Our online IT course is so easy and flexible, even a single mother can find time for it with some hard work and gumption"

So in conclusion, what have we learned? That the ad is not saying automation is bad, that it is ammoral and only exists to sell shit, and that you all need to be mayocided
I bet she was hired because she is a woman.
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>Trying to make womens' shitty lives marginally better
>Appealing to their vanity

I don't see the problem here.
>Using a wood drill bit on steel

Jesus, its amazing she wasn't fired on day one.
i hat e this artstyl;e its so pretentous
because we see the writing on the wall. sure things are good now but what about 15 years from now? 25 years? 35?

just trying to delay the inevitable. complaining is only the first step.
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She was the last useless one left as well since they had to ensure a "diverse" staff. If you look closely they fired an older white guy who most likely had far more experience before her and he also does more work in the short time we see him.
Deffinetly littered with liberal tropes, but the I can find no fault in the messege. Automation is coming and it's a good thing, might as well prepare some skills that will remain useful(at least for a few decades)
I lived this life. Young single mothers are the worst.

Older ones, they can be ok.
>Get IT degree
>Get outsourced to Pajeet or cut rate cloud service

Your best bet is to get into IT security.

She would have gotten the degree before being let go if she was actually intelligent. The business like University of Phoenix are typically borderline scams that take advantage of people who call 1-800 numbers on the tv.
The idea that blue collar labor is low paying and undesireable is stupid. I'm a carpenter, never went to college, make $20 an hour and set my own hours.

Im taking a vacation in germany right now. In highschool people told me "if you dont go to college you'll end up as a ditch digger!!!?? Is that what you want?"

You know how much a guy operating an excavator digging ditches makes? Up to $35 an hour. You know what 75% of the collegefags I graduated highschool did?

They either dropped out after 2 years or got liberal arts degrees and are making $8.50 an hour at coffee shops as the interest on their student loans piles up every year. Like maybe 25% of them got real degrees with decent jobs.

I ran into one last week who smirked when I said I was a carpenter, until I told him my wage. All I had to do was show up on a job site at 18 the summer after I graduated and offer to push a broom. First I got minimum wage until I learned sheetrocking and painting, then it was 10 an hour. Then I learned how to build walls and do roofing, 15 an hour. After a while I got a reputation amongst all the local contracting groups as a reliable dude and I get paid the same $20 an hour rate, and im actually undercharging with that cuz it makes jobs easier to find.

I always got work, I set my own hours, and I do lots of my own jobs independantly for pretty much whatever wage I want long as I finish the job within the time and budget I quote them at.

People really oughtta get rid of this "le underpaid blue collar no college" meme. Theres plenty of well paid jobs at blue collar level, infact theres never enough people to fill them. You just gotta have enough of a work ethic and willingness to learn in order to pick up skills, network, and elevate yourself beyond broom pusher or paint scraper.
thats what you get when a kid does not have a father figure, you should have stayed and raised him into a redpilled man
I didn't pick up on any of the things triggering the rest of this thread.

What triggered me was the insinuation that IT is some quick-fix to society's lack of gainful employment. This meme is stagnating wages in the sector, and encouraging people who are neither passionate nor competent to flood the labor pool.

The majority of these liberal faggot types can't even swing a hammer properly and think sweating will kill them.
>3d model a white woman
>skin hue down one tick
>brown eyes
>call it an ethnic woman

what did they mean by this
A women machinist? Don't make me laugh, been in engineering for years now and never seen a woman other than the 2 back on my uni course. Also if she knew she was getting replaced, why not get an engineering degree before getting kicked out? She could then use her experience and new qualifications to likely get a job. But na poo in loo gonna steal her new job in 2 weeks lol.

The primary problem the vast majority of women have is that they are short sighted and make decisions that only pay off well in the short term while relying on things to maintain themselves for the sake of their own comfort.
fuck this, her female privilege is the only reason she got fired last
>work as a scrub tier machinist
>get fired
>get a college degree in a field that requires relatively high IQ
Agreed. Theres literally never enough help on jobs. I really tried hooking guys I know up with jobs in the past, but it always backfired on me.

They show up utterly unskilled, worse they show up late and completeley unwilling to learn those skills. They just expect to turn up (late) at a job site, not do jack shit, and walk away with the same wages the guys doing finish carpentry or wiring make.

They fag up the place with whining, excuses, and shirking for long enough to get handed a few days worth of minimum wage then leave to tell all their art history and brit-lit degree buddies how horrible and underpaid manual labor is.

If an honest guy willing to learn and ear his pay shows up hes fuckin gold and can expect to be making those skilled wages within a year or two if he sticks at it. I literally cant find young help. Like 80% oc the guys I pick up to do stuff for me are in their 40's or older.
Where is the part where she signs her life away into crippling debt?
People should realize that /pol/ memes actually give guidance and can help people, if you understand the implications.

Single mothers and niggers are generally bad human beings, outside the rare exception encounters with them are unpleasant, associating with them will harm you.

This, it's an advertising, and a good advertisement at that.

Although as for reality:
This is the truth, and just any IT course won't save you. In IT you can succeed with really actually enjoying what you do or being so committed that you are willing to constantly keep up with the latest stuff.

Basically we are at a stage when people are slowly becoming obsolete. At the very first the completely trash slave-mentality people, who were okay with doing the bare required minimum with no creativity. The trained worker, the bio robot. Now people are actually expected to do more or there is no use to them.

You used to be able to get minimum wage and basic family running by just doing what you're told to do, doing the most basic repetitive stuff and other than making no big mistakes or actually hurting others or the company caring about nothing. This won't cut it anymore. And this is the first step as AIs and coordinated robotic movements improve humans as we are now will gradually over time will become completely obsolete. Maybe actually humans will evolve together with technology, but that is sci-fi.

What is reality that there are more and more people, who are completely useless for the rest of society. No need for cotton-pickers anymore.
>Was literally 100% conformity to the /pol/ single mom meme
/pol/ is always right
So where the fuck is the dad?
I'll only have sympathy for her if she's a widow.
To be fair, my brother's kids are exact same, and his wife is a stay a home mom. She's just a piece of shit.
Cloud services don't exactly compete with IT, they would be a tool used by IT. No cloud services are self-maintaining and especially not in a corporate environment.

You're 100% right about IT getting outsourced to pajeet, though
what's wrong with it?
if everything works out she can pay for herself.
Automation is coming for all jobs only an idiot believes it isn't coming for theirs. ALso side note why does she cross out IT for IT, is there some trope women can't into it?
the brown kids should've been a big enough hint on where the dad is
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if you stop watching at 35 seconds this is actually pretty good
AWS-style services do technically eat the more hands-on IT jobs by making the need for deployment and maintenance of physical data centers / machine clusters largely a thing of the past, aside from the few giant businesses that still require that kind of computing infrastructure.

They're also largely automated compared to the older alternative.
>ALso side note why does she cross out IT for IT
She doesn't cross out IT, she crosses out "it". IT =/= "it".
>a capable and competent gender that needs constant reassurance and morale boosting at every turn

really tickles the almonds
>Cuckoldry enabler
I think you may have autism friendo
I know I have autism. Doesn't change the fact that the proper acronym for information technology is IT and not "it".
To be fair, she didn't have to circlejerk with feminists to get ahead, just had her motivational poster as the pull factor and her bastard son as the push factor.
itt: men hating on women for having a job
I have a theory on the "useless people" thing. Adolescence worship. This idea that a "teen" is somebody who ought to enjoy life, find themselves, and spend their time playing and luxuriating in a level of liesure thats literally unheard of in human history.

In virtually every culture your social role is either child or adult, there is no years long period of enjoying the rights and pleasures of adulthood without the responsibilities and no obligation to contribute to societey.

People are waiting until they are 25-30 to even fucking START careers. In times past 16 year olds were expected to be already skilled workers and be eyeing marraige and financial independance.

Kids never stop being kids anymore, instead of life skills or useful trades they are told that college is instant success. So they get useless degrees in fake fields, whats worse they burn up the prime years of their life pursuing them. Whats even worse than that is that they go into debt to do it.

Then the free lunch runs out and they are suddenly adults with zero skills, a huge pile of debt, and nearly 3 decades of conditioning telling them that this is a favorable state to live in. Afterall, who wants to WORK for a living? Thats beneath you, you are a proud gender sciences degree holder, you ought to be making 6 figures just for being so special and unique!

The same people who told them this lie turn the outrage that its not true towards attacking the people who actually are doing well and didnt fuck up to avoid being lynched. "They are only more successful because they are OPRESSING you! Our lies arent lies, our plans just got sabotaged!" (Dont forget to reelect us next fall!)
came here to post that
also it's the "have it all" meme jews are selling to women

you cant have it all you dumb bitches
Shes not even brown you fucking insecure faggot and by far the worst single mom demigraphic is white women so kill yourself you LARP

They used an animation to tell a story instead of real humans.

Fucking retarded shit.

Just give people a free house, money, and internet and they'll find something else to do in their spare time. They can paint, write, or film interesting things.

People don't need to waste years of their life learning to program nonsensical things.

This is like a holocaust that never ends.
>supporting welfare
>her son has negro features

she paid the toll
Who is taking care of the kids all the time she works, especially the baby?

Are libtards really this dumb?
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Any more questions?
This is fucking sociopathic

They're scamming dumb people out of their money, pretending they can actually do things that are impossible for them
Right, but noone said a thing about it being low paying and undesireable, she didn't quit her job because it was either of those things, she was fired because of automation
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>>where I obviously meet her until now unintroduced kid
How often does this happen?
Afirmative action and quota filling ladies and gentlemen.
>Phoenix University

Even after thousands of campuses getting shut down for scamming millions of people they're STILL trying?

Shit, I used to go to Heald and they pulled some shady shit. Glad I bailed out.
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So her solution was to get into greater debt instead of mooching off a man and the government like a proper burger would?
I thought people hated that university?
Or is that another university im thinking of?
No, it's exactly that university. I'm surprised they still exist after the state shut them down.
I thought so. I remember seeing a video by Current Year Man talking about it.
>We can do it
>But we won't because it's a hard job
this is exactly how I lost my IT job: underqualified women
What when the bots replace IT?
>mulato mom
>no dad in sight

As poetry!
Fuck, I don't think I want to fly anymore.
>she was fired because of Chinese slave labor imports
I feel safe working as a mason. I only fear the polish people coming her without a
certificate of apprenticeship to work for almost no money at all... Hope we don't get polish cyborgs
ITT: anti-intellectual blue collar slaves mad that a woman is able to get a degree
>university of phoenix
> makes this
Makes sense
They actually got someone to do it for them. They paid Beacon Street Studios or something like that.
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Yes goy, pay me $500,000 and i'll help you to find a job
degree are wordless, enjoy being a debt and never finding a job
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>Just give people a free house, money, and internet and they'll find something else to do in their spare time. They can paint, write, or film interesting things.
How do you plan on funding that?
Put a 100% tax on everything.
It would unironically work.
I'm onto you, chaim.
That's something that people seem to ignore with automation and I fucking hate it.
>Just get an education!
Most people working these grunt level jobs, won't be able to study their way out of a paper bag.
Some idiot who's been packing meat at the local warehouse for the past 16 years, won't be getting a competitive job that requires an IQ of 120.
They're going to be permanently unemployed, living on universal basic income or something.
>Milling with gloves
>Hair not pulled back
Does she want to die a painful death?
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>topic of marriage to people who have kids comes up with mother
>previous kids shouldn't change whether you want to marry someone or not
>ask dad if he would have married someone with kids (when mom isn't around of course)
>hell no
There are gloves made for this kind of thing you know.
Those she is wearing clearly is not though.
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Did you see the son's hair ? You can revise your list
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I like these because it ruins the life of anyone so brainwashed by disney/pixar that they'd do this

disney is a darwinian iq test like walking in front of a moving bus and anyone who likes it past age 10 should be shot in the head
>by far the worst single mom demographic is white women
You don't even believe this yourself, you muslim faggit.

>easy online school
>shows advertisement to main demographic
>/pol/ triggered

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Soldering a fucking motherboard as well

What the fuck
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>university of phoenix
literally a scam
Because we're surrounded by a bunch of monkies
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Gotta solder that CMOS battery good, GIRL POWER!
Seems pretty good and represents the demographics of Arizona.
>wood drill
>lose hair
>face close to the drill
she deserves to get kicked out for this
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please end your life
Top youtube comment:
>Steven Russell 1 week ago
>ironic: real actors replaced by animation depicting people replaced by automation. Ha
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Wasn't feminism responsible for the fall of Rome?

We're about there again. Thanks ladies. We really need to learn to stop giving you power after we rebuild civilization again. Men just can't ever seem to get that one right.

lol what is this?
>its time to face reality

Okay only 24% of women work in a stem field
Single motherhood is not something that should be celebrated.
Both single mothers and """fathers""" who run away from their responsibilities should be shamed.
>daily reminder
>The "we can do it" girl worked for only two weeks before she quit because she was afraid of breaking a nail and actually getting off her ass and doing something was just too much for her.
Perfect resume of the video aussie.

Also, the video is aimed to women because now there are more women than men in college.
The domination of machine over man is almost complete.

Very redpill bro.
this is the most autistic picture i have ever seen
just live and let live you tards, why do you need to force your ideal 1950's america down everyone's throats?
some people just want to make some money and die and don't care about anyone else
I'm still wondering who is taking care of the babies and kids when she is working.

Do feminists ever think about this?
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>trying to solder something holding the really hot metal bit
>on a motherboard
CNC is stupidly simple. Anyone who can learn C can learn GCode.

>t. CAD/CAM Technician.
>Inviting woman to study IT instead of just complainng there aren't enough women in IT
and the problem with this is...
That the storch doesn't bring the babies and this video makes it look like you can just do both as a woman; work and have four children at the same time.

IT also doesn't make women happy. Otherwise there would be more women doing it.

It's like someone constantly propagating you eating your own shit and hitting yourself with a belt.
Two of the best coworkers I had were women. We were doing PoP fixtures. One was a Gen X with a degree in architecture, the other was a Gen Y who had spent a couple years as a welder before learning CAD. The only other woman in the Engineering department was a total cunt, though. She was only there because of nepotism and thankfully she ended up transferring over to the woodworking department after the Engineering Manager made the department completely toxic to lazy cunts like her.
You realise that with all the time and money they spent on making this animation they could have just handed out some flyers during an open day and told everyone "hey, come join this course for IT and stuff" and spent the money elsewhere, right? Of course none of these feminists want to do that because these IT courses are full of white people who will rape these strong and independent wimyn.

Best stick to the burger flipping majors of Gender Studies, senpai.
I'm glad that Phoenix Uni agrees that single motherhood needs to end.
>needing a degree for fucking IT
what a dumb cunt
dried up vagina detected
my high school friends went and got meme degrees and when I ran into them and told them I make $1200/week as a truck driver they looked like they were going to shit themselves. one of them still works at walmart, because after he finished his degree the jobs he could find didn't actually pay any better than the zone manager job he had.
Isn't that looking too much into the add itself instead of just the message? I mean, ads are unrealistic, and is an animation to boot, and this one just says "IT is the future, you can do it, and you should before you have to deal with children". If antything, this is the right way to go about it, instead of forcing companies to hire more women or forcing colleges to lower standarts/prices for women.

Must be why I am seeing all of those females in my systems and helpdesk departments that I am working in.

Oh wait...
Obviously their role will be in taking care of the children and elderly as that is where the money is flowing now and where money will continue to flow. The scary point will be when there are less children or less old people. Then we will be asking what we do with all of the surplus people in a system with worthless consumer goods.
>being hired just by taking a stupid course or just by having an IT degree
This is so insulting on so many levels.
Increasingly often the farther you get from age 25.
Don't spend resources raising a human without your genes
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where's the r34?
Rule 34 when?
you could just loop this perfectly to her putting some other poor single mother out of work because she got into automation
jesus christ
South Africa, Rhodesia for example
Its about sticking it out. The biggest mistake I see in construction contracting is an expectation to get skilled wages without skills.

Its kinda like how every single kid went through a "I wanna play guitar" phase then abandoned it as soon as it became obvious that you dont just start shreddig dragon force by the end of week 3. It takes years of dedication to get that good at guitar.

Ditto carpentry. You dont just pick up a hammer and install oak trim and mahogany cabinets in a 6 bedroom house. First you push a broom, scrape paint, and load/unload tools and lumber.

Then one day the boss goes "hey larry, teach the new guy how to tack studs" eventually after a year or two you're doing high end finish work and making 4 times what you started at. You network, get in with the guys, the bosses and contracting groups. Eventually work as an independant or start your own crew.

Nope. I HATE bagging on millinials cuz its beating a dead horse, but these fuckin cunts expect to be doing the high end skilled shit for high pay by week 3. Just like guitar, as soon as they find out it doesnt just take a few hours to master they declare it lame and either get intentionally fired or just quit showing up after payday.

You gotta stay with shit to get seniority, get networked, and pick up skills. Same for everything. Millinials are all looking for this magic job where they get paid 6 figures and never gotta work or change anything about themselves to earn that pay. Its an extension of the guidance counselor bullshit thats been getting spouted for 30 years.
>"huurrrf if ya do whut ya luv ya wont evar hab ta werk a day in yer life!"

Bullshit, if its not work its not gonna pay shit. Theres no such thing as free rides. Gotta work yer ass off to succeed.
A "friend" of mine and I use it loosely cause shes only an ok friend. Is a single mom. English posh accent, big tits. All round a solid 6.5 with the busty rocker chick thing going for her. Has 2 kids by the same guy who is out of the picture. Has relationships sometimes that last for about 3 months. Most of the time she puts up angled shots of her tits and hips on her facebook just for male attention. I think most men have a spider sense for these kinds of women. Single mom's should only be used briefly then thrown away as they are the bargain bin of women

Ya you can find one you can settle down with. Ya you can over look the fact you'll be living under the roof of a mistake she made and ya you can even put up with the biological dad when he turns up. But if you have any self respect. Never be with a project woman. Projects are worked on only when your 18-21 outside of that it;s wasted time.
Other women of course. Men should not be anywhere close to kids.
Addendum: biggest professional insult I ever hear from people is "oh gosh, you are soooo lucky!"

Bullshit. Luck is finding a winning lotto ticket under a rock. Its random, it has no reason to it it just happens. I decided 18 months ago to begin stashing 20% of my paychecks so I could take a 30 day vacation in europe.

I worked extra jobs, I spent a bit less on shit. Then I finished the last job (building a dock at a lake house) told my associates and clients I would be outta town for a month.

There was no luck, it was not random. The reason I can do this is because I WORKED and I PLANNED and I SAVED MONEY.

It happened because I made it happen. Luck was not a factor. My success in carpentry didnt just fall outta the sky. I didnt just wake up with a valuable skillset and an entire friggin notebook full of buisiness contacts and clients. I busted my fuckin ass since I graduated highschool 10 years ago.
ESPECIALLY if the kids are older than toddlerhood. Cuz you will never have any real authority to a 12 year old kid (or god forbid a teenager) who has watched mommy suck and fuck her way through 2 or 3 dozen men.

Even if you do marry her and set up a non dysfunctional household you are always gonna really just be "another one of my mom's boyfriends" to the kids in question.

Watching mom behave that way erases kids ability to respect authority or see males as anything but temporary charecters.
I wonder what University of Phoenix's marketing budget is to make this animation.
>Date a single Mom
>Actually get along better with the kid than his father does
>She doesn't have a degree in anything
>She doesn't even have her driver's license
>Be supportive, look at various fields she would be well suited to work in
>Almost a year later, she still hasn't even gotten her driver's license yet
>Breaks up with me over the phone when I'm off helping my bro through some shit (was going to be via text, but I called her when I saw where she was going with it)
>Has someone drop off all my shit the next day (minus 30 bucks of electronics) IN FRONT of my door, where anyone could just grab it
>She calls me back 5 days later
>It turns out that getting the only person in her life, including her own fucking family, who actually gave a shit about her didn't make her life better
>Cut her off, remind her that I said before that if she pushes me away that I'm not coming back
>Go to her place to pick up the aforementioned electronics the next day

And nothing of value was lost.
getting rid of*
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Geraldine hoff doyle, the cunt from the 'We Can Do It!' poster, quit her job after a few weeks so she could play the harp.

What a great role model. I laugh every time I see it used unironically.
inspiring, but I don't even have $20k for tuition that my local CC expects me to pay.

I kind of stopped getting mad over the push to get women into IT and shit. Netflix made a decently produced show for that exact reason. Pic related.
funny thing is I can do IT no problem probably better than someone with a degree because I learned everything from the syntax pages. Yet I probably could not get a nice cushy IT job like the one she got because no degree.
>>"huurrrf if ya do whut ya luv ya wont evar hab ta werk a day in yer life!"

i'm triggered
>Globalist propoganda

wouldn't men lose their jobs to literal machines, that's path into communist paradise
Damn, advertisers are really banking on this wave of feminism. There are so many commercials now that just flaunt "you can be a strong woman" as the theme to try and sell women shit.
It's going to happen whether people are ready for it or not.
Spoiler: They're not ready.
What percentage of the jobs in your country are based around driving a car/truck/bus/forklift around, Anon? Remember: The Unemployment rate during the great depression didn't even crack 25%.
I'm sure most desk jobs could easily be automated as well. How do we defeat the robot menace?
If you read newspapers, either in print or on the Internet, you've probably already read a number of articles written by AI's.

No job is safe.
i really enjoy your pic
>20 dollars an hour

That's poverty tier

McDonald's workers make 15 dollars here in California
Yeah i dont know why this meme exists. I have friends that never went to college and work in factory jobs that didnt need much training. They actually make a decent wage. If they actually saved any money they could be living really well.
Most of the world doesn't have your retarded cost of living, faggot.
i fucking hate communism and automatisation, it's going to domesticate human race and make them into fat lazy cunts who can't do shit
>muh technological improvement

don't know the percentage , but every city has public transportation , truck drivers exist

but that shit will go down since automatisation of cars also happening
luddites hang on a pole and burn from acid
We're likely to see a drastic reduction in private car ownership, too, as self-driving cars become standard.
how do you force that into hard sciences?
It is somewhat applicable into things like Industrial Design, but we both know that isn't where they're going with it.
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driving cars will be entertainment in future not getting from place to place thing

shit , human race is devolving
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what do you think will happen 35 years from now on? whites will stop existing? we'll all become coal black even though you call it race "mixing"?
how dumb are you people?
Yup. Mostly closed-circuit and off-roading.
do you also hate cars and blankets? We need to remove these things they make us soft. Pinch at least 4 car's tyres today.
>Absolute nothing wrong with the video
>/pol/ triggered like fucking tumblr again
>for fucking nothing
what the heck
>Why did she choose to breed with such a scummy human being?

One day, people will ask the same of your wife.
If you bothered to read the thread, you'd see very reasonable flaws in the video itself (not following standard safety protocols, for instance) and things being espoused by the video.
blankets are alright, cars too if you want to go from place to place faster
future isn't bright
What an inspiring message! You subhuman garbage. You don't think a society of selfish nihilists would be worse than a society of men looking to build wealth for their family?
well I get your point, if you let some jews control everything and are fed like a cattle that's BAD.

but automation can work for you like a car can work for you. It all depends on context.
who are you kidding. yes, some anons are reasonable, but this thread and pol in general is far from it.
So you're going to ignore all reasonable discussion because some people are unreasonable? Because that mindset will only lead to depression regardless of where you choose to read/discuss anything.
i like driving myself , automatization would cause police state

>drive with automatic car
>say something bad
>jews hear it
>turn your car left and crash it into tree
>i like driving myself

I do too, that's not what I meant,

when you start the engine, a mechanism is started and several small combustions keep providing energy, that part is "automated", but you still control it overall.

We need to stay in control. Otherwise we lose.
Thats what I was thinking construction used to pay well in California before it became a Mexican meme job. My friends from Washington who work construction make $35 hr and want to move to CA to make more money. I laugh at them and tell them they would be lucky to get $15. Then they want the same unemployment over the winter like they got back home. Sorry construction is a 12 month deal here in Cali no time off allowed if you want to keep your job.
>We need to stay in control. Otherwise we lose.

yes , jews mustn't win
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There are multiple levels of automation, Hans.

In the wild lions eat the male cubs when he takes over.
"some"? i would say the majority is.
tell me, why would you even attempt to discuss anything when the majority is so extremely misguided? do you just ignore them?

but of course, we're playing for a team here, so let's just tolerate these dumbasses. until your mind gets used to it, and you become just like them.
Even if 99.999% of the comments were stupid, I don't dismiss the ones that aren't because of where they were posted.

I value /pol/ because it allows for anonymous discussion of topics with far less censorship than most other places on the internet. It has nothing to do with "playing for a team". That's little more than tribalism and it's intellectually dishonest. I tolerated a lot of dumbasses throughout my life, both in person and on the internet, and yet I didn't become like them. I have thoroughly questioned every belief I've ever held and changed those beliefs when they no longer held up to scrutiny. Can you say the same?
>t. dumbass who knows nothing about machining

Just stay a home and eat your hot pockets son
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Feminism and voting rights aside, isn't University of Phoenix a known scam that just shits out worthless degrees that no serioues business would consider?
The only woman that can do IT are Indian and Chinese no way this White/Latina looking cunt could do it.
>watches jobs getting lost to automation
>(((white))) robots
>does nothing to prepare
>suddenly an issue
>supposedly skilled machinist, has to get degree because reasons
>a fucking wood bit on steel, ffs Phoenix get your shit straight
>getting an IT degree with no job and no husband while taking care of two kids
>suddenly the future is ok now that you're saddled in debt
>IT is a good idea for a quick fix to job loss
And that's just the premise of the video
>woman is last to be let go
>muh diversities
>appeal to emotion
>complete lack of common sense
This is literally a commercial showing a single (((diverse))) mom being let go because of automation and then being saddled in debt by a degree that will not benefit her at all because wages for IT have plummeted thanks to Pajeet. Instead she could have taken her skilled machinist skills to countless other employers and still gotten her same more than livable wage.







threads already gone dipshit. let me guess it was the trigger word video.
Its there, just not linking
This too. People dont save anything! I have friends who are always broke, but they always gotta have that $8 a cup starbucks every morning.

Thats $225 bucks a month right there freed up for savings. Now toss out weed and ciggarettes: easily $500 to $700 per month extra money theyre just throwing away on luxury items. (Assuming a pack a day at $7 a pack and a light weed habit. If in an area with more expensive smokes and a heavy weed habit it could EASILY be $1000 a month).

So when somebody who smokes a pack a day and a bag of weed a week stands there telling me they can bareley make rent Im not sorry for them. Not my fault they prioritize their luxuries over their necessities.
There were two on my first (co-op) job. Both were butch as fuck and one would proudly proclaim herself to be the only female electroplating engineer in the country
i didn't dismiss them though. i just called them the minority, which you seem to agree with.

now in context to the OP (>>127867876) and your reply to it. it is you that is telling him to ignore the majority.
Back home theres a lady-machinist I know. Shes the kinda gal folks call "bertha," definiteley not a looker. But she does good work and isnt a faggot about it being "a mans job."

What I have noticed is that women tend to complain that theres not enough women in male fields but also tend to ignore the idea that maybe women could work high paying blue collar fields.

Again, because "blue collar" is somehow culturally tied to this stupid concept of underpaid menial sevitude. If you apprentice as a machinist and are frugal with your money you can end up buyibg your own equipment piecemeal until you found a shop and essentially write your own paycheck. But lets be honest, maybe 1 in 100 women posess the mental faculties to successfully live like that.
That's a flat out lie and you know it.
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Why doesn't she go for CNC qualifications? She already is a machinist and there is demand for CNC workers
Lesson: Be The Boss
ooohhh yea hot animation chick look at them dick suckers brrrraaaaaaaaaaaaap
I dont get it? Is women being successful supposed to upset me? Im not a muslim. Its time to face reality big city scum. Youre a projector. Youre the ones who want sharia law.
>Pixar art style

hi r3ddit

women belong in the house
What good is your fancy job and your bank account full of money when those hick farmers refuse to stock the shelves of your grocery store?
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this is perhaps the best commercial in the last two decades. this 60 second clip had more emotion tham most 2 hour movies.
This is the hardest BTFO I've seen in a while. Can you imagine being as cringey, whiney and sniveling as >>127842685 and then getting BTFO as hard as this?
"Hick farmers" dont feed the nation anymore bruv. Corporate agricultural conglomerates and illegal mexicans the white collar lot managers hire do.

I mean pissed off hicks could maybe disrupt shipments or harvests, but theyre kinda as reliant on them as everyone else nowdays.

>inb4 backyard garden

Need 1 acre per individual to sustain a family for a year, most hicks dont, and dont posess the stock to plant it anyways. Without modern fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides you quickly deplete the soil and gotta move. You will lose 1/3rd to 1/2 of the crop to pests on a good year. Bad year you just starve.

>inb4 "live off uh da land!"

That was possible when there was less than 1 person per 5 square miles and the nation had more buffalo than humans. Its not 1840 anymore, woods would be depleted of edibles within a month.

T. Montanafag redneck who grew up in a hick town.
What makes all of this worse is that she was German.
porn when?
So kids shouldn't even be raised by their parents anymore? This is the actual solution feminism has in mind?
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>For-profit colleges

I enjoy listening to and watching footage of for-profit colleges. They're so dreadful, I question how anyone could pay to go there any expect a job.

Da white robot done take job from the hard working single mother with two childs. De fathers both in jail because of the racist no stealing laws.
Mama use her deepthroat technique and become IT professional.
I am so proud of dat Ho
I am conflicted by this sentiment because I'm one of these sons. The best decision my mother made by far was to go back home so we were raised by her and her parents, but grandmothers are worse than single moms. My sisters and I really lack discipline in our lives, and our grandmother got a kick of getting a rise out of us. My grandfather was really too out of touch to be much help, he wasn't prepared to raise ANOTHER generation of kids, but he pitched in. My Father is an engineering autist who likes himself too much to contribute now.

But you're right, for the most part single mother sons have a terrible sense of direction and fortitude. I just wish to remedy this mistake, it's my problem now.
No, merican. Im a burger im just in germany right now.
Women can't code.

Story time about the American blue-collar worker:

>be worker
>19th century
>work your ass off, get money
>single greatest leap forward in the history of humanity for the average working person
>people from all over the world who want to work their asses off and get money flock to the USA
fast forward to 20th century
>bunch of faggot Marxists tell everyone that creating monopolistic unions will stop muh alienation and muh congealed labor value
>drive costs of consumer goods up
>bunch of people get laid off
>gibs me dis, gibs me dat
>union jobs are still great because you chimp out if anyone tries to take away your corporate gibs
>Reagan BTFO's unions
>standard of living begins to rise again
>bunch of faggots raise the minimum wage, again raising the cost of production and consumer goods
>advances in shipping mean companies can GTFO to China or some shit where people are still willing to work hard for money without massive taxes and gibsmedats
>waaaaaah muh automation, more gibsmedats please
fucking faggots
I don't see automation being this big ever.
Hmm this is depressing
Looks like Roaming Millenial
>no father
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Wrong. A lot of women aren't competent but the few who competent ones are usually pretty damn good programmers.
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>>standard of living begins to rise again
You have any evidence of that?
Most of Europe does fine with unions. And it's not gibs if you work for them.
I assume you're going to use Detroit as evidence of unions being bad because there's no other reason that city went to shit.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you had upper middle class parents who gave you plenty of gibs?
>Most of Europe does fine with unions.
All of Europe has a smaller economy than the United States, even though they had a far longer time to develop.
>it's not gibs if you work for them.
It is if you use a monopolistic union to squeeze your employer. Why should workers be allowed to create monopolistic organizations? It makes no sense.
>I assume you're going to use Detroit as evidence of unions being bad because there's no other reason that city went to shit.
I tend to use logic to argue why monopolistic unions are shitty. I'm not against all unions, but unions without some sort of right to work are anti-labor and drive up unemployment by reducing competition.
>I'm going to go out on a limb and say you had upper middle class parents who gave you plenty of gibs?
Dad works at a steel mill, mom is in university administration. Try again.
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I laughed so hard at this commercial the first time I saw it because I had literally just finished reading an article about disappearing tech jobs.
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W*men can do every non-physical job that men can do
But they don't effort when they can live better life only with licking dick of some beta

these mixed race animations sicken me
>Shitty leech citizen enabler

There are things more important than your ego, anon.
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>that code on the right
>Those comments
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Wouldn't mind drilling this...
This idea that theres a bunch of woodsy country-folk in flyover-america sharpening pitchforks and busting out ye olde ox-pulled plow in preparation for the happening is outdated.

95% of the people with knowledge to do so are currently in their 80's. Modern hicks work at the gas station for minimum wage, are reliant on foodstamps and welfare, and tend to not actually own land.

And like I said, the idea that theyd all just eat deer n shit is fallacious. First problem is that wild game is actually toxic unless the diet is supplemented with grains cuz wild game is so low in fats and carbs. (called rabbit starvation, eating only wild-critters with no source of carbs or fats causes protein buildup in the blood and liver failure). Old folks ate buffalo and beaver, to get carbs and fats both of which the praries used to be literally teeming with. Nowdays not so much.

Moot point anyhow, in my home county theres approx 10,000 deer, 5,000 elk. Lets assume 1 elk per family per month, or 2 deer per 2 weeks. Theres 3,500 people, so that buys you maybe a month. Probably less since that kind of mass predation tends to force game to migrate, and as you kill more theres less so hunting gets harder with each meal you put on the table.

Eventually you are expending more calories than you are gaining to achieve a kill. Game populations are a tiny fraction of what they were when our anscestors were pulling that davy crockett shit. On top of that those guys all died at an average of 40 for a reason.

Todays hicks are useless fucks compared to the pioneers too. Most would probably flee to the cities to get aid handouts if a real famine hit.
>All of Europe has a smaller economy than the United States
That's just totally untrue. Even if you're only referring to the EU.
Most unions involve hard workers, just because a few are trash doesn't discredit the institution.
Without unions a company has no threat so they can treat their employees like dogshit, unions form either a support or a threat for the weaker party.
Because right now most workers are paid a lot less than they're worth.

If the unions choke the company so bad then the company can be taken over by it's competitors. Or they can just fire the unionists.
The only unions that should never exist are government unions because there is no proper check on them.

>Dad works at a steel mill, mom is in university administration
Sounds like pretty decent earnings.
Shes never worked a day in her life. Garuntee it. Shes just borrowing the blue collar rosie the riveter aestetic for a photoshoot. Good looking women dont end up in industrial jobs.
Those aren't appropriate clothes for a machinist. 2/10
Right? Its like she wants to get steel shavings in her no-no places!
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>Artfags still trying to meme their way into STEM
>That's just totally untrue. Even if you're only referring to the EU.
Yeah, I was wrong about that. However, our GDP per capita is larger, which is what I was trying to be non-retarded and say.
>Most unions involve hard workers, just because a few are trash doesn't discredit the institution.
Not the point. The point is that a union creates a monopoly or oligopoly on the labor market.
>Without unions a company has no threat so they can treat their employees like dogshit, unions form either a support or a threat for the weaker party.
Workers are protected by the availability of alternative jobs. Nobody is forced, or should be forced, to work for anyone. If a company treats its workers badly, they should be able to find another job as easily as possible, without government intervention designed to protects workers but actually making this more difficult.
>Because right now most workers are paid a lot less than they're worth.
citation needed. Workers are paid precisely the market value of their labor.
>If the unions choke the company so bad then the company can be taken over by it's competitors.
Provided their competitors can hire non-union workers, yes. What if, in order to find a job in a certain industry, you have to join the union? Then, even if you're fine with receiving less than what the union has mandated to be fair, you can't, because the union controls the supply of labor.
>Or they can just fire the unionists.
Provided they weren't forced into a union contract.
>The only unions that should never exist are government unions because there is no proper check on them.
I certainly agree that there's no check on government unions and that they should be done away with, but where are the checks on non-government unions?
>Sounds like pretty decent earnings.
It's hardly upper middle class, though, which is what you were >implying was the cause and only reason I think the way I do.
"Smart is the new cool!"

Lemme fix that fer ya:
>psuedo-intellectualism is the new cool!

There we go, that oughtta do er.
>online universities

lol. As if regular universities weren't a big enough waste of money.

I'm an aircraft engineer and all female I have ever worked with needed constant help just to do their job.

They never get better at solving problems they haven't faced before

Worked in engineering 20 years.
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Hand over your flesh, and a new world awaits you.
It's not exactly their fault though. People don't realize how fucking necessary a father actually is. Without one discipline is lacked during a kids teenage years and it fucks them up for the rest of their life.
I mostly agree and thanks for the perspective. I disagree with anyone needing carbs and with those people dying at 40. Hunter gatherers had long healthy lives other than issues surrounding child birth and early life.
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Actually I thought it was kind of heartwarming how the boss waited to fire the female single mother last, even though she certainly was one of the less productive employees in that factory.
i wanna fuck the bunny!!!!
Only girl on the factory floor from what I could see. Yet she was the last one to be fired? Hmm...
>Workers are protected by the availability of alternative jobs
Except that you have to get an alternative job and those companies can also treat you badly because there is no check against them except "alternative jobs".
If you get fired then you're desperate to find another job before your savings dry up, whereas they can usually wait, or just get another employee to cover your hours with overtime until they can replace you.
>Workers are paid precisely the market value of their labor.
They're paid what the management can get away with paying.
>even if you're fine with receiving less than what the union has mandated to be fair, you can't, because the union controls the supply of labor
But why would you? Someone starving on the streets will take barely enough to survive. So companies can just pay the bare minimum.
>but where are the checks on non-government unions
The management wants profits and the fact that if the union goes too far the company will fail and the union goes under.
Remember when Hostess went bankrupt because their employees wanted more than what the company was earning?
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>Why are you all so dumb?

you know that this is /pol/ right
the average pol user has an IQ of 90
>go back to school after being in the bottom 50% of your class
>complete 2 years at community college with honors
>Can't transfer to a decent college, have to go to a shitty 4 year school.
>Finish shitty 4 year school, can't get a decent job, have to get a shitty job.
>Job outsourced/automated.
>Repeat step 1.
That is still 20 points above the average IQ of Sub Saharan Negroid
And then the Indians take all the jobs from outsourcing
>that first comment
ironic: real actors replaced by animation depicting people replaced by automation. Ha!
>90 IQ
That's still more intelligent than the Syrian "refugees" Mama Merkel brought into Germany. Enjoy that, krautfag.
>>fuck a few times
How could you NOT notice all the stretchmarks
I call bullshit
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jeh and 15 below an normal dude who grew up in a first world country

pol and specialy americans here are the dumbest posters of all of the weeb boards here
dude she can use a drill press how strong and independent
a fucking drill press
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Pic related
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>"I'm one of these sons"
>see flag
>pic related
merican citizens visiting the eu
>Except that you have to get an alternative job and those companies can also treat you badly because there is no check against them except "alternative jobs".
Except that companies that wish to attract those with valuable skills will bid up the price of labor, including the provision of better working conditions. This, note, also requires that employers' cartels be broken up for precisely the same reason that unions are broken up.
>If you get fired then you're desperate to find another job before your savings dry up, whereas they can usually wait, or just get another employee to cover your hours with overtime until they can replace you.
Companies that are able to sit idle and not continue making any money? Where are you finding these, exactly? If your demands are greater than what somebody else is willing to work for, why should you get that job instead of them?
>They're paid what the management can get away with paying.
Exactly. This depends on the market value of their labor, and not the whim of the management. If someone can get a valuable worker, then they'll offer better wages up to the market value.
>But why would you? Someone starving on the streets will take barely enough to survive. So companies can just pay the bare minimum.
So people should starve on the street because you think your wages are unfair? This is about as anti-labor as you can get. But it's also not an entirely fair assumption, given that most jobs require technical skills, and the more technical skills you have, the more valuable a worker you tend to be. Someone starving on the street would b happy to work for food, so why not let them?
>The management wants profits and the fact that if the union goes too far the company will fail and the union goes under.
Except that unions almost always act under the assumption that management's profits are exploitative, instead of acting as the fundamental incentive to create conditions for profitable labor.
Why does everyone want to live with white men, when we have the biggest victim complexes, when we're the most violent group of people and when everything we do, say, don't do and don't say is somehow wrong? Why can't everyone just fuck off? Stop complaining about us and FUCK OFF
Naw, its science. Those tribes had access to fats and carbs. Like innuits who eat a measured portion of blubber per amount of seal meat. Your body can break down excess protein into calories, but it needs carbs and fats to do so. Beavers, buffalo, and bear worked, so did farming but those species are scarce now and farming is a TON more difficult that "toss seeds, wait for supper to grow."

Deer, elk, rabbits etc etc dont have enough of the right kinds of fats. Excess protein builds up in the blood and kills you eventually if you cant get it.

Prospectors and pioneers suffered it pretty often. Called rabbit starvation. Natives fought it using bear and beaver grease mixed with oats and jerky called pemmican.

To be fair, in my programming class we're required to leave comments and the beginning and end of the code detailing things like author, date, IDE, etc.
>those comments

Pulling numbers out of your ass doesn't make you look any smarter, Anon.
thats architecture which i believe falls under engineering.
Industrial design covers a hell of a lot more than just architecture.
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2 fell for it anon :^)

one was even american, that proves my point even more tho
>Who's raising the kids while she's at work??
local gangbanger





i;m thinking bout thos beans
>I am conflicted by this sentiment because I'm one of these sons.
idiot was raised by grandparents.
too stupid to understand concept of single mom.
rake this leaf off my board
>People don't realize how fucking necessary a father actually is
WHAT? When did it become confusing?
wew lad, she was drilling into nothing, no chips, no oil, on top of that, the diameter of that drill is much smaller than the diameter of that hole.

what the fuck is she even doing.
Reminder that Ă…land is based poster and that he's pure.
>Why are you all so dumb?
Why do you wan to promote degeneracy you fucking Atheist WHORE.
Yes you NEED fats and proteins but not carbs.
>women in IT
As a programmer having to work with dumbass indian bitch.
> Why do white men have the biggest persecution complexes?
You misspelled "women". It's okay - covfefe happens.
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get the fuck out of here
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How to reverse their ability to vote?
Can't put the toothpaste back in the tube!!!
Yeah this is why its an unrealistic add
A mom becoming good at IT while dad brings money, or something like that would be realistic, but a single mom who never fucking worked with codes would need at least 2-3 years of learning, and its not something you can just do next to cooking and taking care of children

I mean fuck after I sit all night debugging and debugging I can barely function as a person.
Software Engineer.
Worked in Silicon Valley.
Its all fucking brown, and I'm not talking about spics.

Worked for kikes in Hollywood. Forced to work with niggers.


That's why I'm here.
Some smarts anons here.
>Be unmarried woman
>Lose job
>Have no source of income
>Use what little money I do have to get an education
>At a for profit school
>With a 17.5% graduation rate
The real ending is that she drops out and loses her house.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
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Not to mention crazy deadlines. My brother got into coding for a while. He'd do these crazy fuckin 36 hour coding sessions just pounding energy drinks and coffee. Guy is pretty good lookin and sociable but once he got into programming he almost never went out, looked like a meth head after a year, became incredibly irritale and withdrawn.

Finally jumped into a new career and stabilized. No fuckin way a single mlm could do that and still keep her kid and her sanity. Kicker is thanks to coding sweatshops in china that work for next to nothing work like that doesnt even pay good anymore.

Atleast from what he told me as a freelance coder you always gotta bid low enough to beat the code kiddies in beijing or shanghai and also give shorter deadline promises to get work. So you end up agreeing to $800 for a job and promise completion in 4 days, sleep for 6 hours total during it to get it done. Then maybe you dont win a bid for a few weeks, or are too totalled out to bid at all.

The idea that knowing C++ and HTML equates to essentially printing your own milllion dollar a year salary hasnt been true since the dotcom bubble popped in the 90's.
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