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Why haven't you reported Kathy Griffen to the FBI yet /pol/?

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Threats against the @POTUS is no joke no matter who it is. /pol/ should do the same

I hope people realize the new precedent Kathy Griffin has set, this is madness. Call CNN advertisers & everyone shes affiliated with ASAP.

Follow the Script: For Example

>@bostonmarket My family and I will not be dining at your business, so long as you advertise with @CNN
Why do you guys not like free speech
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>/pol/ can't take a joke

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what did CNN have to do with Kathy Griffen's photo?
And you guys say that the left are snowflakes... Stop being so butthurt.
Free Speech duh....

She is a regular to CNN and a host of their specials
Because im not a sjw.

And I suspect anyone shilling for that kind of behavior to be a shill.
When you grow up you will learn the difference.
if Kathy had baloney nipples you'd be all over this
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Ignore all leftists faggots in this thread with their attempts to produce infighting

They will say things like
>"Oh I though you guys supported free Speech"
>"Looks like you're a snowflake"

We will fight fire with fire. This is the same thing they did against Sean Hannity for having the balls to run the Seth Rich story.
We will attack them at their revenue source due to their despicable actions in not denouncing Kathy or firing her from the New Years Special.

No advertisers should put up with this inappropriate and disgusting behavior
I like this idea
Operation Adverti Vamoose ?
Launch operation ginger fury
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t. Marcelo Valle Silveira Mello
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Nothing is beyond our reach gentlemen.
>Hollywood leftist
>beheading people that disagree with her ideology
She didn't really think this one through, did she?
>We will fight fire with fire.

This, we have to stab where the belly is soft.
yes yes please contact fbi. Please note anonymous proxies are not accepted.

What's the joke?
Explains why they shill so hard for Islam.
just like colbert
nothing is going to happen
/pol/ eternally BTFO
this is what you get for acting like SJW faggots
No one was allowed to threaten that nigger who used to work at the White House.
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I ain't giving up my shit but everything else I don't even use.
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Did you react that way when Ted Nugent threatened to have Obama killed?
Quit being a pussy, its free speech.
forced footjob
it's not faggot, it's a felony
>tfw /pol/ just sits around and waits for a lefty to do something so they can use the same tactics against them but with "justification"
It happens so often that it isn't even a taste of your own medicine anymore. It's just the standard way of doing things but with a guise so it doesn't conflict with what you say.
Nice job!


it's obvious you are 12 because you have recall of recent history
He didn't hold a decapitated Obama head you mongoloid.
It's not a fucking felony you shithead, it's not a credible threat of death.
/pol/ is a libertarian board now fuck right off.
it's satire
We are the jews now. Get with alinsky or get lost.
because they wont do anything, the fbi are the problem. stop thinking the law will work for you, in wont and never has. it only works for them.

you stupid fucking cuck
You're just butthurt that Trump is going to fuck Germany. Fucking Germanistan flags turned into whiney faggots after the g7.
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fixed it
no, it's literally a felony:
Threatening the President of the United States is a class E felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871.[1][2][3] It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making "any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States."
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Kathy is ISIS
>Why haven't you reported Kathy Griffen to the FBI yet /pol/?
I'm not a hypocrite.
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Plus this bitch is fucking annoying.
Lol those tabs.
Is he saying that it's ok?
Kathy griffin was a fucking qt when she was in that Seinfeld episode
Report to capitol police and secret service
What the hell is that? It looks like a shrunken head.
Shit, I wouldn't mind it as much if people would admit to it. Admitting hypocrisy means nothing when you're anonymous though.
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Douesnt matter all you need to let these advertisers know is that you're unhappy. You dont even have to be their loyal customer they will be too overcome by the public outcry. They will kneel over and shit their pants.

>Call their custmerservice or leave a voice mail
>Formal email discussing your discontent and dissatisfaction of the company behavior for staying with CNN when they employ someones as awful as Kathy Griffen.
>Contact their Facebook pages or Twitter. EX above @Bostonmarket My family and I will not be dining at your business, so long as you advertise with @CNN Copy/paste that for any company thats similar.

Keep fighting guys.
Aphex Twin
yeah i remember. good times. to bad we didnt really hang that nigger and all the leftist scum along with him. FUCK BRITAINSTAN



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Those tabs. Do you have something on your mind?


^ Meme makes a good point
yeah this is eye for an eye.
these niggas tried to get rid of Hannity last week because he dared to mention the name Seth Rich.
>muh free speech
>unless it offends me
i dont care about an irrelevant comedian
ISIS didn't invent beheading, nigger
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Letting bodies hit the floor....
this..this could go somewhere
>nu-/pol/ getting triggered

What happened to the hardy white man?
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>no wonder why they love muslims so much!!!! (related)
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>Gifford's paternal grandfather was Russian Jewish from Saint Petersburg and her paternal grandmother was of Native American ancestry.
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lol i am. my weaponized autism multi tasking skills are shit tho. Doing my best. But I need you guys to contact advertisers and report her to the FBI.
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>school shooting tips
>nearest kindergarten
>She told interviewer Larry King, "I was raised with many Jewish traditions and raised to be very grateful for my Jewish heritage."[6]
its not about triggering or that shit
>if Kathy did this to obama her career would be BTFO, she would be hated, lose respect
>but she does it for le drumpf and everyone cheers
Whoever took the photo and whoever published it are just as guilty as Griffith

she apologized, fuck this cunt: https://twitter.com/kathygriffin/status/869703678550171648
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and wasnt Ted NUgent questioned by the FBI for his remarks?
well good thing we dont forget, say goodbye to those sponsers (DN)CNN
I'm not saying she get let off the hook, but it's REALLY nice seeing leftist doing the apologizing these days.
kike, pls
this gay, SJW letter writing campaign is going nowhere
like she didn't consult the same 27 kike lawyers just like trump does before releasing this pic
lol at tabs. yall thought i was fucked in the head
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The objective has been put into place.

Ultimately this will achieve the goal of dealing a big blow to leftist moral high ground.
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ISIS learned how to behead from their creator, John Mccain. Pic related
I know it has probably already been said, but just imagine if someone did what she did to Saint Obongo. The media would never let it go.
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What the hell is that?

It's one of a million mutations of the BADDEST hikki-genius Electronic musician/sound-designers ever to grace existence.

Here is a classic tune where our White hero cucks a hood nigger and his spic sidekick, stealing all their ho's while being creepy as something that crawled directly out of the 3rd circle of Hell... directed by Chris Cunningham and set to an insane tune.


Considering this came out in 1995... Richard D. James was/is a fucking true visionary.
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Fuck off alinsky
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Dont stop now /pol/. Let every CNN advertiser you're unhappy and will stop doing buisness with them.

The way things are headed now is that she will get her fired from the Times Square New Years special and CNN will cut ties/ denounce her completely.
People need to keep pushing, it's clearly working.
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t. retard

What she did can be grounds for treason. Joke or not, you don't post the decapitated head of your head of state, no matter what. That can be taken as a threat. Actions have consequences, and her little "mockery" that she and everyone else do are starting to go on too long and too far. You don't have to like Trump, but there are lines that should never be crossed, and this is one of them.
Wasn't people saying it was art? You just can't start locking people up because of art.
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In western society, this isn't art. It might be to cartels and ISIS, but to non-psychotic people (even some lefties) this is not ok.
To be fair all those people mocking Trump WANT something to happen to them so they can play the victim card and make up shit about how they were brutally tortured and fisted while imprisoned. They are desperate. Even if they get shot and almost die they will gladly take it if it means having something to throw at Trump.
>I hope people realize the new precedent Kathy Griffin has set, this is madness.

No, it's wonderful. The US needs political violence from the Left as soon as possible and the more the merrier. It would be a beautiful gift to the Right!

There are a lot more armed Whites than anyone else. Private citizens own far more firearms than the military and police, and there are very few police and military compared to armed civilian Whites.

Please, start shooting so we can finish it. The South during Reconstruction is a fine example of nigger hunting with no bag limit, and we weren't shy about killing foreigners either.
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Even though you are right nothing will come of it from the fbi abgle because other celbs and politicians have said or done as bad and nothin yet to them. Better to hit them in the wallet and knock them down a few notches like they do to evryone else. The left started with these tactics so its fair game
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I want this guy in the trenches with me



>Call 5302748384 ex 14 to protest Kathy Griffin's June 16 appearance at Ca Center for the Arts.
-If canceled will be a big blow to leftist moral highground because they think they can shut down our events like its nothing.

do we have a list of CEO/CFO/Marketing emails for them?
also, check out which ones are publicly listed stocks, or have a publicly listed parent co

write to their investor address and tell them you will be removing your investment, or not making an investment you were considering

no need to make any wild claims.

>I was considering investing in your company, but due to your placement of ads on CNN I am reconsidering
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reminder this bitch works for (((them)))
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One down
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The Secret Service tweeted this in response.
>Giving this leech what she wants
She is a female Andy Dick. Not only will this fail, but it is highly recommended to not give her any attention.
Sunnis are the #1 beheaders. Its their specialty.
agreed, would buy mountain jew and tendees for
>like any of you neet autists can afford a merc
t. Sean Hanity
I would post the following on social media but I am a professional. I hope she gets sent to prison, but there is a mix up and she is sent to an overfilled male cell block. I also hope then she is raped so badly that her anus is deemed irreparable and has to use an ostomy bag for the rest of her hopefully long life in prison
>No advertisers should put up with this inappropriate and disgusting behavior
ok m8 ok m8, have some fun and all that yeah but take the stick out of your arse while you go about your shit - this is 4chan for fucks sake, don't even pretend anyone here is offended by that picture - leave the fake outrage
no it literally isn't a felony because that literally is not a death threat you fucking moron
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Don't report this to the FBI. For one, it's already been done. And two, the Secret Service already knows and tweeted about it.
How the fuck can that be considered treason? Do you actually have an extra chromosome?
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Maybe you're the one with an extra chromosome. I said it can be grounds for treason. That shit can be interpreted as a threat on the president's life. No matter how you look at it, the kind of statement that kind of post makes gives an impression of wanting to take out the head of state. And that alone matches the definition of treason
can you not read you dirty limey?
>take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the President of the United States

are you retarded enough to think that a threat can only come in verbal or written form?
Why do you care about him? He's not relevant. Trump is.

Your feelings aren't hurt, are they anon? Does some literally who holding up a fake dismembered head of some washed up reality show star make you uncomfortable? You don't think she's ACTUALLY going to decapitate the cartoon millionaire, do you? what le fuck xD
"Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open Court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason."

Go on. Just because you say something is treason doesn't make it so.
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>why haven't you wasted a federal agency's time, and therefore tax money, on some dumb bullshit yet, /pol/?
I swear, you fags are as bad as a Kos kid throwing a tantrum over a rebel flag.
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yfw this is more criminal than any made up story the left has tried conjure up for MUH RUSSIA
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Contact and Boycott USAA.

Making her apologize is nothing.Get her fired from CNN + her comedy gigs, like the left would do (+ prison for incitement), thats something.

Hold her to the same standards that the left would hold the right. Don't let up, don't self congratulation. Winning is what matters.

We got them on the run boys
I didn't day it was treason, retard. I said it CAN be. While that is correct what you're saying, but ehat she did is still criminal. It's one thing to openly defy Trump, but to post a pic of you holding a decapitated fake head of him is insinuating plans to kill him, which is covered in the actual definition of treason
No it can't. Treason is very specifically defined in the constitution. I'll post it again and break it down because you obviously aren't reading or comprehending it.

"Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open Court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason." - Section 110 of Article III

> Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
>...shall consist only in levying war against them or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

First thing, she isn't at war with the US, nor is she saying that she is. That knocks treason out pretty quickly. Second it requires giving aid to our enemy. Who is the enemy, and what aid is she giving to them?

Your definition of treason is not the same as what is defined in the constitution.
>444 get
Angels are watching over us.
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Treason isn't just something only in the constitution. Maybe the constitution defines what should be considered treason, but in the end treason is still threatening a ruler's life, in any way. But sure. Let's go by what the constitution describes treason as. Even if it's not the constitutional definition of treason, it doesn't change the fact that she threatened the life of the president. I any other country, first world or otherwise, that would be considered treason. Joke or not, she went too far, and some form of punishment is in order. By your logic, it wasn't anything serious and it was just a harmless prank. But no. Like I said, there are lines that aren't meant o be crosses, and this is one of them. She deserves to be tried for treason, especially on the basis of her statement being a homage to ISIS, and enemy of the United States. But no, according to you, it doesn't count, and all she should get is a slap on the hand
It's not a threat. Kathy can do this as many times as she wants

fuck you im not giving up my bomb ass bank
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didnt you libshit demcuck retard faggots start a big riot when milo yiannopoulos went to Berkeley to give a speech where you destroyed property, started fires, injured bystanders, all because you didnt like what he was going to say?

eat a dick you monkey faggot cocksucking libshit mongoloid, you guys are the most hypocritical stupid cunts i swear to god
Nice deflection. We aren't talking about milo faggotopolous
>Treason against the United States, shall consist only
What part of only are you ignoring you troll-ass nigger?
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It would be the aussie to go full retard
milo says something liberals dont like
>massive riot, physical violence
kathy griffen says something conservatives dont like and they want her punished for it
>dont you guys like free speech?

if you cant understand you're beyond saving ya fucken cunt
How about you actually look up the real definition instead of going by a gray area?
And Madonna threatened to blow up the whitehouse, not to mention the flood of SJW saying he needed to be assassinated on Twitter without a damn thing done about it, your fuckin' point?
The Constitution is not a grey area as regards what is ALLOWED to be tried as what under US law. Rhetoric is rhetoric, and your little daddy complex does not make you a better person, quite to the contrary.
Only a cringey le_donald poster would try to mix rhetoric and legal English.
Always love the tabs
She only apologized because of the backlash and she is afraid of getting arrested. Fucking bitch needs to be held responsible for her actions. Sick of the left weaseling out of all their blatant law breaking bullshit.
nice projecting. I didn't say the constitution was a gray area, I said it was full of them. Only an underage redditfag would be that bad at reading comprehension
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