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Brit/pol/ Sturgeon NEILED edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 90

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>BA flights cancelled due to IT crash - now flying again

>UK terror threat level reduced to severe

>More than half of voters do not know who Tim Farron is

>Katie Hopkins to leave LBC immediately after "Final Solution" tweet

>Corbyn gets NEILED

>Corbyn Speech: UK foreign policy boosted terrorism and "Austerity has to stop at the A&E ward and at the police station door"

>RAF write "Love from Manchester" on ordinance
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It's time to emigrate.
Post your best haggis stirring memes lads
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>tfw genuinely want to join a local environmentalist movement and make as much of a difference as I can, but if I do that I'll have to surround myself constantly with the worst type of SJW liberals

Why is there no conservative environmentalist movement in the UK?
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kys immediately. mummy posters and haggisfags will hang

Fallon BTFO



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Every time I see her I get a taste of haggis in my mouth.

You've done this to me Brit/pol/.
because environmentalists generally stand in the way of everything because some irrelevant type of newt might have to move to a different habitat or die off
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North Yorkshire is pretty good desu.

Lovely countryside, didn't see any black people, truly an English paradise.
handled it pretty well desu.
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I live near Rusholme and its like living in the fucking Middle East, especially when it gets hot
>they've decided to crowbar a nigger into the delightfully comfy Springwatch, the only thing I enjoy on telly besides This Week

Hahaha fucking kill me lads
>Unionists call them nationalists, and insinutate all the time that they're right-wing nazi particular-white supremacists, even though they're just as EUrophilic and lefty.
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The SNP will still most likely retain a majority as so many people up here will vote for free shit, but they will never again hold as many as 54 seats at Westminster, and anything less can only ever be viewed as a loss and as a failure.
>win win
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Morning, lads.

Rate me out of 10.
>I live near Rusholme
I'm sorry to hear that m8, it's a shithole round there.
Only a matter of time before NI is enriched too.
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*blocks your girlfriends path*
We going to get any new polls tonight?
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>bbc reporter literally saying something like the residents of Moss Side are distressed about the amount of attention it is getting
>just after he said that some wogs, one riding a bike the other sitting on it's handlebars ride past, with the one sitting on the handlebars mimicking shooting a gun at the reporter.

Fucking hell.
got a vid?
No Cummy in Mummy posters allowed.
For me its got to be 1>3>2

who would /pol/ like to make long, slow love to. kezia, nicola or ruth?
how was sturlel? i didnt watch her interview, can someone give me le brief rundown
Just go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcnews and then to just before 18:41
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*blocks your wife's path*
would rather die
What is it about politics that turns women into lesbians?
>Sturgeon bows to Neil
Hang them all from the forth bridge instead...
I genuinely would rather kill myself than have to pump any of those three, and that's coming from someone who has done some seriously ugly trolls...
>55 y/o man dead in norn iron after being shot in sainsburys carpark in bangor, county down
all of them are fucking dykes wtf

It really is. I fucking hate it. The fucking takeaways aren't even good.
kezia and ruth are dykes and should be thrown off arthurs seat
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Our party leaders are 3 women and 2 faggots didn't you know?
Careful now
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Was it just a mentalist or was there another motivation?
If you don't like anything being sold, you don't have to buy.

Votetards need to learn this.
>free pussy?......no thanks

bunch of faggots.

I would merrily AND HEARTILY plough kezia into next week
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*blocks your mums path*
>"do you have a light babe?"
>she blushes

What do you do brit/pol/?
I don't know yet.

I know this feel. Just join a local group that does beach cleaning and stuff and try to ignore their personalities.
Unlikely it would be reported on the news here
Just seen it on Sky News tv channel
It's on Beeb as of 22mins ago
Got some flip-flops today lads, best decision I've made all year

how did Sturgeon do?
If you count up MSPs and their staff, the majority of people in Scottish politics today are gay. Speaks volumes, really.

Then you haven't seen her up close.

Cultural appropriation
I already blocked your girlfriend's path. What now? Deus Vult? 99.9995% of you Simons don't even know what what having a girlfriend is even like, never mind surrendering them to the BBC
Why do all comprehensives built in the 50s, 60s and 70s look like my school?
>basically going BUT MY FACTS SAY THE OPPOSITE on education
ozymandias was easily the coolest character from the watchmen universe


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*blocks your sisters path*
>she gets wet

Unironically, what could you do?
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State-sanctioned yoga and morning exercises when?
Surprising, as usually with norn Ireland stuff there is a media blackout. They try make out the troubles are completely over and all is rosey
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Basically the EU lad.
If I was going for bare-foot footwear it probably bear sandals or a very light and airy pair of trainers. Flip-flops never feel right on my feet
>Then you haven't seen her up close

aye I huv...I'm just high-test and alpha
It's off topic spam, report it as such.
Blocks his sisters path. Nice try Simon.
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Have you bought your gun yet, brit/pol/?
Just another day in my wonderful country
Earlier I was toying with the policy that the NHS should provide free yoga sessions on a massive scale, to anyone who wants them. Sounds ridiculous, but I'm convinced that it would be a very cost-effective preventative strategy - if you read some of the scientific literature around yoga, it's linked to a shitload of positive physical and mental health effects.

Guaranteed it's drug gang shit which might be aligned along sectarian lines but it doesn't mean The Troubles are back.
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based nuttall

Aren't the RIRA a glorified drugs gang now?
He said that before there were as many wogs in the country as there are now.
Please remember to archive sites with a reputation for shilling and clickbait.

https://archive.is/6Q0um <- mirror.co.uk article
Its probably drugs or internecine feuding

>implying anyone wants to see hairy manfeet in public

You better only be wearing them by a pool, lad.

Stay on your best behaviour for a bit and we'll see
It only applies to Simons, not non-Simons, faggot.
I wouldn't say the troubles are back, but lots of bombs are cars and killing that don't get reported on the news here
> Mr Nuttall stressed his support for capital punishment was a personal view, not official UKIP policy, but added: "If enough people called for a referendum on this we would be only too happy to give them one."
Meanwhile the headline
Fucking hate the media
fuck off back to /int/

you've already ruined that place with all these shitty generals, stop coming here
Okay, champ.

Today he would probably be considered an arch-fascist by the same window-lickers on the left who love posting his quotes on Facebook and buying copies of 1984 as props.

And it's 99% drug related.

Any actual terrorism would be highlighted immediately because you can basically leverage the public hatred of Islamic terrorism into this shit; even the Irish have no interest in it.

>you always talk, you americans

How new? Brit/pol/ is ancient
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>And it's 99% drug related.
what are you gentlelads having for your dinner this evenings?
Back to r/The_Donald faggot
Roast beef and Yorkshire puddings
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*blocks your daughters path*
>she gets turned on

How can uglys even compete?
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>And it's 99% drug related
I would disagree

That is the worst fucking tattoo I've ever seen
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>that Quick Quid advert where the mum tells her teenage son "you'll just have to smell today" because the boiler packed in
>trying to attract customers by making them think of a teenage lad's BO and spunkcrusted belly

What's Gabe Newell doing on the side of that house?

nice. whose making it?

my birds making me some shit like salmon with chilled mango.

i just want beef or something, is that too much to ask?
The potato famine is one of our greatest achievements
Pizza with spinach and blueberries. Never tried it before, could go either way.

i dont even get what youre driving at, why did you post this?
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My mum, (I'm 18)
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cum in mum
i had fried bacon, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms

The absolute state

do you have teh cancer or something? Childhood leukemia? Or are you pregnant?
Yummy yummy cummy in mummy tummy
>BA going to have to pay 150 million in compensation

Perhaps they should have invested in an uninterruptible power supply.
Just started listening to Andrew Neils autobiography and I got the image of Diane Abbott giving him a tit wank and had to stop.
Christ almighty that sounds shit
>The film tells about a manager of the museum who is responsible for an exhibition space that houses a new installation which provides people with a symbolic space. He hires a PR firm to create buzz around the installation, but the publicity produces a public racket
Been away from Brit/pol/ for a couple of weeks, hope none of you cunts were caught up in the happening on Monday.

On that note, why are Labour soaring now? What the shit guys?
None of those things, blueberries are lovely.
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New attack ad focusing on Fat Abbott.

>salmon with chilled mango
Sounds nice lad
he wants someone to say he looks cool because he has long hair and smokes, both qualities that make him a faggy twat
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You're a pleb m8

It's an optical illusion by some old victorian artist if i remember correctly

enjoy your mums cooking while you can lad




>before some bird with big tits and exotic recipes she saw off the telly gets a hold of you.
>why are Labour soaring now?
They're stealing lib dem and green votes hard because of free shit. It's stopped and rumours going about that they're down in polls coming soon.
Fuck me what a Jew movie.
This is nothing

Once saw BREAKING NEWS on the dot matrix board on the tube where they tell you how long until the next train

I waited a few seconds and the Breaking News was "Luke Shaw signs for Man Utd"
Perhaps they should just stop being such a shit, third world airline.

The Tories are utterly incompetent. They took a wave of temporary support over Brexit and squandered it with an awful manifesto.

Haggis interview for any who missed it
my point is: it doesn't matter as long as you have a good face

also, what's bad about long hair and smoking, you utter faggot? ...as if you don't smoke cock and watch anime in your mums basement
If we had PR here a real right wing party would form and it would end up being a constant battle between Tories + new right wing party vs Lab/LD/Grn/SNP/PC.

Not sure if it would be awful or good.
pretty good attack. She completely deserves all of the abuse she gets.
>I like x artwork
>therefore I'm going to tackily (and permanently) adorn my torso with it

I can't help but feel you proved anon's point to a tee.
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Anyone here ever get to fly on Concord?

I never did, what a shame.

let me guess my lad-

you're a bachelor frog?

>can never go wrong with bacon and eggs in any combo

although mind the heart disease
Fuck off to /r9k/ with this cancer
it's a tattoo, you pleb. i've seen people with worse tattoos than that, and i like it personally.

i don't think it was finished in the picture though
you fit the stereotype of an insecure sissy faggot so much, I bet you have an anime body pillow too don't you you little nonce
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>Tfw had four pieces of cod and chips for din dins

>12% behind "soaring"

The Tories are still in the mid 40's and are going to end up with a 100-120 majority according to most serious predictions.
Nah too young, had a toy one though always thought they looked cool
it's hardly /r9k/, it's simply true

oh yeah? from what? 5 posts on the net, you fucking bellend?

stop pretending you can tell anything about a person from a few posts on here
you're a bitter retard
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>He's spent nearly 40 minutes crying to himself because he got called out for being a faggot
We'd end up with
>Hard left corbynite party
>centre left blairite party
>classical liberal party (what the lib dems should be) like the German FDP
>centre right party
>green nutjobs
>"""far""" right party
they're not. polls = fake news
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yes they are a reputed superfood, as is spinach. that pizza probably could cure cancer.

bonne appetit!
>it's hardly /r9k/, it's simply true
Embarracing, Simon. Can you post a "real" human talking to you, not just one you fapped to to in a dirty place?
>it's a tattoo
Wow really, I'm shocked. In what way was I possibly disputing that?
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yes i am a bachelor frog

bring on the heart disease
there it is, clearly hit a nerve haven't I? Is that why your dad hates you because you're such a disgusting disappointment you anime watching faggot
>40 minutes
you're a retard m8

lol it is though, i don't understand
it's not even r9k
>they're stealing lib dem and green votes hard because of free shit.

yeah, the tory slide is people saying wtf to the tory manifesto. by my reckoning ukip would be on at least 20% if people weren't afraid voting for them would let labour in. perhaps the best answer is a fuck-up parliament. nobody's happy, every goes to shit much faster with weak govt. accellerationism ftw. it's actually a workable theory. fuck these cunts, day of rope soon.
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What does Britpol think of Wales?

> 93.2 % White
> The 2011 census showed Wales to be less ethnically diverse than any region of England
> I've lived in the Valleys all of my life and I have never seen a nigger or paki with my naked eyes.

Not trying to put my anglo bros down with statistics, just pointing out that Wales is one of the White man's last stands.
>it's not even r9k
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>Attacking Abbot
>The only one who can get us 10,000 more police at £30 a pop
>True bargain hunter


Still a closing gap senpai. As far as Labour is concerned it mas as well be soaring...

Yeah but your accent is disgusting and you're all left wing cunts.
>he thinks swearing means he's hit a nerve
why are you so sensitive faggot?

stop being a bitter virgin and shhh whining
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authoritarian ball drainings in mummies fuck dungeon
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>tfw had a double choc Magnum on chocolate weetabix for brekkie and absolutely nothing since
>all this tedious yank-like 'ooh i bet you do x bro I'm in your head bro you mad?' rubbish

No need eh
>ukip would be on at least 20% if people weren't afraid voting for them would let labour in
Yeah, no.
you've been posting your faggot pictures on here for an hour now crying for attention that you desperately seek from being fatherless. Disgusting cuck
yeah... i'm not saying it's a bad thing at all, you should be posting this to the other anons getting upset and calling him "ugly" etc.

With the britain elects poll average, we'd end up with a tory majority of ~72
I was only 5 mins off
Post 1: 18:48

Post before mine: 19:23
Top yourself, grease-skinned tard
Oh you're just being a faggot then
>Wales is one of the White man's last stands.

Do you known what Gododdin is?
>brit/pol/ not discussing Sturgeon dominating Andrew Neil in the interview

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Dinner for one.jpg
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Stuffed myself silly with a five course Michelin star job yesterday, and I've just not felt hungry at all today.

It's probably not healthy.
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Thanks Google.
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keep projecting you massive beta

you're upset because you're an ugly cunt

mate, you realise you can do other stuff in between posting yeah?

get a life you cartoon watching gay lord
We did whilst it was on. She got fucked roughly
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Eat something anon
>recognising your competitions strengths and weaknesses
pick one pleb cunt
If she weren't capable of holding her own in interviews she wouldn't be where she is now. It's not really of any consequence anyway- if you were going to vote SNP her getting dominated wouldn't stop you, and if you weren't her doing well wouldn't convince you to. SNP voters/non-voters are pretty entrenched groups.
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nice what was in it?
She looked like a right tit, did better than Corbyn but worse than May. I reckon Nuttall will be in the middle between Sturgeon and Corbyn.
jesus christ your forehead is fucking MASSIVE. I'm not sure now if you're keeping your long hair to fit the emo edgy stereotype or to hide your receeding hair line
>Unironically being fat and unable to lose weight

>SNP voters/non-voters are pretty entrenched groups.
Polls are showing the SNP lead sliding though
I've always been told my accent is pretty friendly and jovial, but suit yourself, boyo.

you're half right about the lefties, the MUH MINES generation is dying out. All I see here in the valleys are patriots and xenophobes who mainly voted to Leave the EU.

the poem? aye, what of it?
I was ambivalent until you all bravely voted for Brexit.
I've not cracked a joke about you sheep-fucking weirdos since.
Top lads.
It's not even him, this shit is off of some instagram
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Nothing in besides milk and teabags lad, and shops are all closed now. I won't survive the night.
How would Parliament look if the winner of each seat was the bookies favourite?
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There's a big difference between fact and fiction, Simon.
nuttall will get eviscerated, he has brain the size of a new potato
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>tfw svelte
Find a tesco express or something, they open late
How do you lose weight when the only thing you enjoy in life is tasty food? Asking for a friend...
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there will always be an england1.jpg
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>accent is disgusting and you're all left wing cunts.

Neither of which is remotely true. The Englishman has no better neighbour, friend and ally than the Welshman. The Welsh are also much funnier than the Irish (are supposed to be). When I was a leftist I found my Welsh mates annoying in their conservatism, and let's be honest Thatcher was a cunt to them so they had a right to go a bit che guevara.
Find tasty food that's lower in calories?
Jesus Christ, the guy in the picture isn't me and he's literally featured on "hottest guy ever" lists and is a model... but yeah, some greasy fat fuck anime watcher is better looking... right?

Lol, you fucking idiot

Never claimed it was bellend
None round here m8

t. ruralfag
Thanks, I eat loads of these so-called superfoods desu. Currently drinking a green tea (my 4th of the day), and have in my fridge/cupboard blueberries, spinach, broccoli, kale, avocados, linseed, and baobab. If I don't live til past 100 and I'll be VERY annoyed desu.
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Pic related.
Burn more calories than you consume. It's not fucking rocket science.
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Do you just buy food from the paki shop?
>double choc Magnum
>chocolate weetabix
I will pray for you anon
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Would Tories be even more popular if Mummy had the same hair as from four years ago?
Surely you can drive to one? Not even a shitty petrol station budgens about?
>receding hairline
you wot m8? guy has one of the strongest hairlines i've ever seen
are you a human being or a labrador?

it is within your ability to just not eat, so maybe you should try that
you are a faggot then you must like saving "hottest guy ever" pictures to your computer do you? Unreal, you sad virgin

Idk what it's like in the UK but most hunting based 'clubs' are very pro-environment.
>not going over to the neighbours and being invited to stay for a meal
Pork roast dinner cooked by dear ol' mum.
That is true, plus I've just remembered about the Hillsbrough bollocks aswell. He will do worse than Corbyn. But Corbyns' answer on how he will borrow the £250bil from issuing government bonds made me want to gouge my fucking eyes out.

Ratings out of 10
May - 2.5
Corbyn - 1
Sturgeon - 1.5
Nuttall - 0.5 (prediction)
Exercise and eat less
Stop deflecting from the fact that you (a probable fat greasy virgin) just called a supermodel and clearly good looking guy ugly because you're that bitter

laughable m8
cheers son, we're the Rohan to your Gondor.
Once the EU fucks right off, we can finally share our most succulent sheep with you, and bless you with 72 lambs in the afterlife.
Uh, the battle described therein was the last stand of the bryhtonic whyte men of this island, before the onslaught of the heathen angles.

>battle of Catraeth
Started with a trio of canapés, squid ink macaron, tapioca cracker and a cheese and pastry bite that looked like a custard cream but was savoury.

Then had a french onion soup, which came with little balls of gruyere cheese, and beautifully caramelised onion, followed with sirloin steak, watercress, triple cooked chips and a bearnaise foam.

Then a lemon and raspberry sorbet with a white chocolate cone, followed with strawberry, clotted cream fudge and sorrel ice cream, with strawberry wafer.
Angles aren't white?
The more Scots become politically aware the more support they lose, most of their voters don't even know their policies they just vote for the name, my idiot dad included.
just eat are shit lads pakis fucked up my kebab order fuming
Not going to lie, I had lamb two times a day for an entire week when I visited Caernarvonshire and I don't regret a moment.
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I was always curious about that... is there a strong nationalist scene in Wales or something? Never expected you lot to vote leave with us...
>eating pakishit
you deserve it

Enjoy eating human meat
I'm here for you sweetie xxx
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>when people unironically claim that she is now the 'leader of the free world'

Careful, now. Don't go destroying a multi-million pound Emperor's New Clothes industry.

The sheer disbelief amongst the SNP kool-aid drinkers is going to be insane after the election. Their echo chamber insulates them from how far their support amongst normies has plunged.
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I wish I could find some mate. I despise nothing more than Mediterranean couscous-salad type shitfood. I like exotic fruit, but it's expensive as shit and never in. It's difficult to find anything healthy and filling too.
I just finished at uni for the year so my cupboards are a fucking state :(
I guess I could, but maybe skipping one meal is for the best
I know lads but it's fucking hard... exercise I can get back into over the summer, but I don't see a way I'll stop enjoying food anytime soon
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Everything except the cheese stuff sounds nice
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That reminds me, I haven't shilled for munchy boxes yet today.
>supporting pakis financially

stay mad ugly
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>sweetie xxx

...Mum? When did you discover /pol/?
Literal kebab shop floor sweepings.
They're probably the same over here, but you can only get them in proper rural areas, and they're pretty elitist. It's a weekend club for posh tits to go shooting pheasants, and if you're not equally posh and dim you'll probably not get on with them, so for the average /pol/ shitposter it's a non-starter.
>I despise nothing more than Mediterranean couscous-salad type shitfood.
I just do my own curries, bolognese etc. Snacking replaced by natural yogurt and fruit only.
>there it is, clearly hit a nerve haven't I?
Interesting… a creature that thinks it won't be roped on the day of the rope. Another Mummy May Simon guaranteed.
jealous of his hair desu

can't be arsed going through the horrible looking middle stage to get it that long though




>cooked by mum!!

sounds double crispy my lad- you be sure and wash the dishes for your dear old mum now!
>>127473445 >>127473581 meant for >>127473431
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reminder to not vote tory, thank you
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Enjoy the future my dear brits
okay more like 15-18% but still.

here's why i think so in case you give a fuck:

the people who would call themselves ukip voters in the past, who would do so again if they smelt danger, is easily about 12-15%, and could be higher going by brexit figures (the last national poll); while there is about half as much again in ukip 'flirters' who may have voted for them in the past and/or would consider voting for them in the future if the reasons they were considering doing so re-emerged.

at present many are caught between being afraid to let labour in and lose brexit altogether, and the fact that the tory manifesto is a fucking nightmare. I've spoken to tons and it's the same theme. it's anecdotal but it's quite consistent and fairly wide ranging geographically.
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REEEEE the united kebab association are shilling munchy boxes again
That beta can either wash himself over the sink or have a cold shower. What a faggot.
Opinions change as people get older
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But delicious.

Here's one laid out photogenically.
Simon…. It's not real.
fuck off

what to order next time

you know you want one
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Labour's core vote is pleased since Monday
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>okay more like 15-18% but still.
Nuttal has ruined them and half their voters were just eurosceptics who've immediately gone back to the tories.
This has always been the case, as people get older their views flip
Makes me physically sick just looking at it, sort your life out m8.

Aiite lads explain this one, genuinely curious. Why are we supporting somebody who'd probably put /pol/ on a block list?
Also I bet that young share is actually lower but the shy tory effect is enormous amongst under 25s
Explaining this to foreigners is always interesting.
The look of sheer horror and morbid curiosity...

This has been done to death for centuries.
False assumption that opinions don't change with age.
I'd question how you could fall for it, and then saw your flag.
Proper Sunday roast for me
"If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain"
I know but look at todays youth and tell me in all seriousness that 65% of them will vote Conservative in 40 years

Current cuckoldery has reached levels that are far beyond the boomer socialism
because being left wing on 4chan in the current year+2 is blasphemy

enjoy not being able to browse /pol/ in a few months retards, because I know I sure won't
i agree.

shame about nuttall. maybe i need to take over the party and conduct a purge.
Because promises of unlimited gibs forever and fear of a small portion of the population not having as much gibs as their poorer counterparts.
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Ok thanks for the suggestions mate. How do you ration cooking etc, do you do one-man portions or save some for another meal?
I'm fucking starving desu, but that pile of paki muck's not nudging my food pecker one bit
I was a marxist labour supporter at 18, now a Tory at 24. The change is slower for others...
Because Votetards are morons who get hard when someone shout their favourite buzzwords.
better option than corbyn who is willing to scrap trident, let more mudslimes and immigrants in and cannot run the country
Those same boomers were chanting THATCHER OUT and supporting the miners.
This. Talking to under-25s as an under-25, it's just taken as a given that you want the Tories out.
Tories may restrict internet, mainly aimed at terrorists. Labour will ban white people.
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Some Chinese places now do a Chinese version.

in the sense that they are not indigenous Britons, no.

so from that perspective the welsh and the southern scots, are the real whites of brton, you get me blud? before such concepts as Wales and Scotland had been invented, there was Gododdin.
>How do you ration cooking etc, do you do one-man portions or save some for another meal?
Cook enough for 3-5 meals up and freeze it. Just cook fresh rice/pasta when you need to and microwave the food.
Stirfrys are also great, some noodles with lots of veg to bulk it out.

The kebab one looks better desu
You'd have to purge the whole party because it's populated by incompetents and backstabbers.
Younger people always loved labour
They just grow up when they turn 30
Also look at the gender breakdown
Near all young women vote labour or libs
While men are 50/50

no it doesn't
Tories should change their campaign slogan to "not Labour" desu.
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>Mfw Dianne abbot could get us 300,000 more refugees at £1.50 a piece with a side of chips.

And you are all saying she'd be a bad negotiator. Tories BTFO
Both the Tories and Labour are absolute shit. I would advocate everyone just either vote UKIP or just abstain, but then I don't trust Labour voters. It's all fucked basically.
That one looks better than the kebab one
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hes got my vote.gif
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>scrap trident
Out-dated system, Britain is too declined a power to have need of it. We need to accept that and just retire peacefully.

>let more mudslimes and immigrants in
Of the noteworthy parties, the only one which doesn't want that is UKIP.

> and cannot run the country
None of them can.
Take the black-pill, my dude.

Looks tasty, here's hoping my local starts doing it
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Right cheers for the tips. I guess it's time to man up and get some self-discipline with my diet.
making a new one
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as it was before, so it will be again (pic related)
got a source for that quote? sounds like bullshit plastered onto an image to me
oh aye id vote ukip but theres no point in my local area, so it's gunna have to be the torys just so labour dont win
>muh internet

Just be careful posting on social media and mainstream sites (y'know, like you already have to do since they're sanitizing and policing themselves without the UK government leaning on them) and use your proxies and you'll be fine. The capability and willingness of both the government and the industry itself to police and control the internet is not very large. They're not going to go all Great Firewall of China on everything.
Your knowledge of politics is fantastic. Can you tell me about any MP who actually set an idea into law, or even worse an act? I'll wait.
>new thread 300 posts in
what are you doing lad
>You'd have to purge the whole party because it's populated by incompetents and backstabbers.

I agree, so far as those who have risen in the ranks goes. The membership is a different matter. Salt of the earth. In truth though I think UKIP is finished without some stellar brains taking over shit, and problem with that is political nous usually equals devoid of morals and easily bought.
Bump limit is 300
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I would consider supporting the end of Trident if the money saved was ring-fenced to the defence budget. Our conventional forces are in an absolutely shocking state just now, and the cost of Trident goes part of the way towards explaining at least some of that.

We all know the potential Trident savings would just be squandered on the NHS sacred cow/financial black hole.

Right in the face


Nothing you can do about it
>We all know the potential Trident savings would just be squandered on the NHS sacred cow/financial black hole.

All those new citizens need healthcare and benefits if they're going to pay for our pensions in return for taking over the country, what's wrong with you?
Don't pretend like brit/pol/ wouldn't love it if we had a full-on Norsefire-style government.
>Not enjoying shawarma from a quality Christian Lebanese shop instead

Also, the media realised that plastering their headlines with Labour's "Dementia Tax!" line rather than "equitable social care reform" sells more papers and the masses don't actually read even manifesto summaries.
quintessentially british
>>127475464 New Thread
>Those same boomers were chanting THATCHER OUT and supporting the miners

People forget that many of the 1930 1940 and after babyboomers were very lefty , even communists .My granddad was basically a communist and he died a conservative voter
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