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CNN is OUTRAGED that Melania wears veil for pope but not headscarf

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CNN implied the first lady of the United States is a racist for not wearing a headscarf for Muslims.
Melania happens to be a Roman Catholic
>Religion Catholic

they should be happy that Trump wore a yarmulke at the West Wall
She's Catholic
Wait til they scream about hypocrisy and not see the irony. Shouldn't it be a choice?
>Saudi Arabia's opression of women does not extend to foreign dignitaries, because that would be retarded and the kuffars wouldn't sell us guns
>Meeting with the Pontiff has a strict dress code to be followed regardless of faith
>What is a double standard
His name was Seth Rich
>Meeting with the Pontiff has a strict dress code to be followed regardless of faith
The cuck pope changed that
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As it should be.
>By Allie Malloy, Sara Murray and Jeremy Diamond
That's 3 (three) people.
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Oh look, (((((((((((CNN))))))))))) pushing for kike moral standards again.
Islam is fake religion, so she doesn't want to follow fake tradition.
She's Catholic, and I found the ordeal hilarious.
>3 journalists collaborated on this groundbreaking story
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Gee, its almost like she is a faithful Catholic, and there is such a thing if autonomy, and making decisions for yourself.
gee i wonder what here religion is?
ha, it took 3 cunts to write this hit piece
When I watched the broadcast of that meeting in the Vatican I just knew they would spin it that way.

Just wait. (((Ivanka))) did it too and CNN will find out.
Nah, the dress code was no longer mandatory since the 1980s, even for formal visits. Most people always respected it anyway.

Men don't have to wear a headscarf.
What happened to womens choice :^)
Trump implied Michelle Obama doesn't care about America because she didn't wear a headscarf.

Alt right hypocrites are at it again

His name was Seth Rich and his family hates that conspiracy theorist morons like you keep using his tragic death to push your own agenda
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>tfw I started respecting Slovenians because of the american president's whore wife
Ugh isn't she Catholic? God forbid she follow the customs of her religion. Fucking morons.
Guys, check out this based slovenian coal-mining whore!
Michelle Obama is a muslim though
CNN is enraged that a christian women showed more reverence for God than allah? wow, thats such a surprise....

Didn't Fakeed azira or whatever on CNN call for christians to be persecuted? or was it whites in general?
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>mfw CNN is shaming a woman for what she wears (and doesn't wear)

We need to do an operation and put a stranglehold on their ad money. I'm serious. Use Rules for Radicals against them.
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She's standing up to the real enemy, unlike Sweden, who capitulates to enemies and only takes a stand against allies.
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Veils are based.

Headscarfs are disgusting
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Faggots like you
Have made me had to filter the words
Seth Rich

melania looks just as manly as michelle

thank god the left loves trannies, if a dem first first looked like Melania 4chan would be all over calling her a man
I'm very proud of Melania. She is a great woman and americans should be happy to have her as a first lady.
lol go figure, someone does bow down to muslim shit for once and CNN like clockwork throws a fit
>Roman Catholic
>Did practically nude photshoots.
Not a very good one then.
I thought the super secret deep state reason THEY don't want you to know is the Holy See specifically and in writing asks women to dress modestly in the Vatican, but Saudi Arabia doesn't make dress code demands of non-nationals in diplomatic situations.
White sharia best sharia
>tfw no 16 y/o qt christian wife with veil and ankles covered

Roman Catholics are the biggest hypocrites to ever disdain the Earth.
they got an etch a sketch view on religion

sin all you want but ask for forgiveness and give a little to the church and youre cool with the j man
fuck the muslims. they're lucky we're cucked and don't nuke them on a daily basis.
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Wrong, you still have to suffer for your sins, even after absolution
>hey I fucked a hooker, did a bunch of coke, blew a dude, and ate some shellfish
>say 5 hail mary's and leave some cash in the dish

Yeah such a suffer.
In any Christian denomination how many even wear veils?

Many ignore in Islam women are forced to wear burqas.
>Not a very good one then.

I take it you haven't been around many Roman Catholic women after they turn 18.
The Catholics, orthodox, oriental orthodox, and nestorians wear veils(or hats) during the liturgy of the mass.
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>because we would've broken the law
>as representatives of a sovereign nation
>what is diplomatic immunity

My country is run blithering morons who fetishize islam
It's almost as if she is of one faith and not the other! Why are people respecting one faith and the other?
Wtf I like Melania now.
>No mention that she didn't wear her head scarf when she went to Israel
things that make you go hmm
She's an actual Catholic though
>faithful Catholic
>posts pic of the guy responsible for the reformation
No offence intended, but you need to do a 360 and walk away from this topic, then KYS yourself roastie!
If you're going to criticize something why don't you first learn what they actually believe, it's at least better than playing this game where you understand something through hearsay. Catholics believe in purgatorial suffering anon, and the shellfish thing is a Jewish law that Christians never followed (see Peter's vision of a sheet with animals)
Catholics are hedonist pagans.
>forgets that michael obama didn't either
This... Praying to a statue or having nude photos does not make a catholic anything "less" than any other catholic.
Did Muslims even complain about this prior to fucking media outlets reporting on it?
>that jawline

>nosejob nose


all points to tranny, sorry m8
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lol Look at this fucking guy. Just laughing his ass off while everyone else knows their place. This is why the American people voted for him.
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The main difference between catholics and christians is catholics know theyre sinners, sin anyway and then ask for forgiveness afterwards
works every time

t. catholic
Saudis prob more progressive than the Vatican
*critical roll*

+25 respect points!

If you ever get a wife (which is improbable) I doubt she would ever look that good at 47.
I've only seen a few women do this in my roman catholic church in New England. It's probably much more common in orthodox churches.
this is getting seriously fucking annoying
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ehy are er eye yellow?
good thing i'm not LGBT : ^ )
Jesus, shes 47? fucking womene don't look at good past the age of 27 in Canada. To much breading with the leather faced natives.
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She's Catholic. She had no obligation whatsoever.
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Jesus came to save the jews from themselves, he was a jew and therefore he knew them, that is why he opened christianity to everyone, so we would follow his job and save the jews from themselves.
Honestly it's a little fucked up.

Fuck. That. Bullshit.
After my grandma's creepy Catholic funeral the priest came and got drunk with us. Dude was drinking straight vodka.
She's a christan so it's normal. It would be a betrayal of faith if she wore something like a hijab.
The Rich family hates it so much that they hired a private investigator and sent Hannity thank-you letters.
Well at least CNN who coludes with the DNC isn't trying to hide their agenda anymore.

They want everyone being a Muslim.

>Really makes you think
how can that many kikes be in one company and get along with each other with all different agendas????
Why? Do the muslim officials wear Izods and Yeezy Jeans when they visit us? Wouldn't that be badass tho!

wtf now I love Melania.
Wearing veils for women. In Roman catholic is very old school... few do this now but old women.
Wearing a veil is not mandated by the church. They're not going to dole out a punishment if you choose not to. It is a personal choice some catholic women make to appear modest before their God, or in the case of the Pope, the next best thing.

In Saudi Arabia, wearing a veil is the law, and is used to force women into modesty whether they want to be or not. Any woman who has the option not to wear a veil when entering the country (as by diplomatic immunity) should choose not to, out of protest for the country's draconian laws. Furthermore, the King of Saudi Arabia is not a significant religious figure. He's just a man like any other.
Veils don't hide hair, neck, ears and make the woman feel like a damn prisoner.
Veils, are a sign of respect.
Head scarf has nothing to do with respect or religion. It's a tool to keep control and figuratively slap your lady's face with muslim cock.
She should have gone tits out eating an entire pigs leg in Saudi Arabia just to spite those fucking mud people.
So says the Mr. Perfect faggot.
Their really fucking desperate for any excuse arent they? She is NOT a god damn muslim so why would she wear a headscarf for them? She is catholic so it is in her tradition to wear a veil so she does. The veil is not even for the same reason as the hijab.
Wearing a headscarf is not an exclusively Islamic tradition
Maybe she confessed as was forgiven.
>Head scarf has nothing to do with respect or religion.

Wearing a headscarf used to be an important part of all Abrahamic religions for centuries
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Gas the cucks, white Sharia now!
>what is diplomacy
shut up faggot
Because fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Islam <3
When's the last time a catholic detonated a bomb in a crowd?
this is LITERALLY fake news

vatican issued a dress code but saudi arabia sent no such request
thank god they have their priorities in order. homeless people in jewyork going hungry and probably quietly sent to california... again

california filling up with so many sex offenders it may as well be sweden

the economy wont ever recover despite market volume being at record highs thats not the economy or even a good way for banks to make money. high market volume means little room for real growth even with after market trading. you have to sell shares to make money and the market might collapse when they bleed the QE from the obama administration out in december. easily a entire years worth of "growth" erased from the market if not a 4 year low
> ehy are er eye yellow?
somebody has never met any niggers.

about 60% of the nig population has yellow sclera, like a chimp.
People will stop as soon as the left stop making conspiracy theories for every single fucking black death at the hands of a white person as an act of racism.

Holy kike
Why is it CNN's job to get angry on behalf of Saudi Arabia?
wtf i hate titties now
Good for her! Fuck fucking mooselimbs!
This desu

And also protestants GET OUT I'm not (You)ing any of you casual cucks
Based Melania she knows Trump went full jew thats why she doesnt live in the (((white))) house.
>Dude was drinking straight vodka.
You say that like it was a feat or something. Hearing horrific things people confess to you every day would drive me to drink.
Seeing it in comparison, her neck really is long.
Her face looks almost the same as her father's wife.
This is why she did this, to piss off the media.

I told you anons days ago.
Modern day interpretation is that Muslim men can't keep from sin and lust so the woman must be wrapped in a sheet.

Basically no self control so it's the woman's fault now put the head sock on.

Modern day example...the burkhini bullshit...woman not in mosque, she's at beach, must be covered.

It's all about control these days. And when Hillary was wrapped up in 2009 on her visit to Egypt with Obama, the Muslims loved that, and in return they never respected her.

But that the entire saudi royal family are in love with Melania after visit with no head sock.
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this is how cucked christians are now

You larp as crusaders but you don't realize that real crusaders would've tortured you in the most horrific ways because of your degeneracy
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