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Thread replies: 312
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Bitch is protecting the poos, Awan brothers, that hacked Congress.

Shits bout to go down.
Yeah they are getting really nervous. Making a lot of mistakes.
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Giant fuckup. Debbie's 3rd. Not long before the Clintons suicide her and leave a note saying "failure and stress got to me, fuck Drumpf this is his fault!"

Make offline copies of this video, nerds. This is bigger than I think we realize right now.
Nothing will come of this since the media won't report it
The Clinton Cabal is using these fuckers to steal tons of sensitive U.S. Lawmaker and other government data, as well as to sneak out other personal sensitive materials that she can't easily get rid of otherwise.

The shit on that laptop is going to hook her like a fish. She's fucking losing it here. She's at a fucking budget panel for the DC Metro Police on which she happens to be a member and she's using time at the hearing to make demands that the Chief of Police return a laptop gathered as evidence in the investigation OF ESPIONAGE AGAINST THE UNITED STATES WHICH DEBBIE IS ALREADY KNOWN TO HAVE MASSIVELY FACILITATED by giving Awan back his network login after it was taken from him!

This isn't small! Jump up and down and shout! Get this shit to Sessions!
ill bump
Bumping with interest
Fuck them. We're the real media mother fucker. The deal in feefees and opinions. We deal the facts and influence now.
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Dey papers talkin' bout me an' Bill was russian hoaxes, honey.
Bumping, interested in further details.
Bumping again. This is the next George Soros.
how do we spread this? we need to spread all these happenings
>brainlets fear the frog
The Awan Brothers
>4th brother
>2 wives
Meme it.
It's getting kinda late guys. Let's go to sleep.
We contact our friends at 4+4 chan.
The investigation is examining members’ data leaving the network and how Awan managed to get Members to place three relatives and a friend into largely no-show positions on their payrolls, billing $4 million since 2010.

The congresswoman characterizes the evidence as “belonging” to her and argues that therefore it cannot be seized unless Capitol Police tell her that she personally, as opposed to her staffer, is a target of the investigation.

really makes me think hmmmmm

Yeah, she's too close to the Clinton family and she knows too much.

Though, she'd be safe if she took the fall and didn't implicate others.

The Clinton family and the DNC really hate leakers and people that rat on others. Even more so than the opposing side.
as a bare minimun these awans was laundering money. they had those car dealerships and one of the wives also had car buying firms.
i would imagine though that this activity was done with parts of the goverment knowing it. i can't believe an operation like this is done just by democrats and awans alone.
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Time to put the coffee on boys
>I can't believe an operation like this is done just by democrats and awans alone
Then we must dig.
>the media doesn't report it so it doesn't exist

You inadvertently give them more power with a mindset like that.
Bump for bringing down the democrats and scattering them to the winds for at least 30 years. Democrat will be equal to calling someone a commie in the 50's
George Webb has done a lot of investigating on these awan bros.
he even seemed to find evidence suggesting that awans could be involved with that trump-alpha bank server.
Wew it's literally nothing.
stop it faggot

they aren't our friends and you aren't cool

How is it already midnight. Can somebody answer that stupid question in a complicated way for me?
uhhhh what the hell happened to this blog that discussed the fraud in autistic detail
its always 5am somewhere
Wrong answer ya tard
Agree. This video needs to be mirrored as much as possible
Guess that means I should have a drink
The problem hasn't been evidence but the fact that FBI, policeand doj doesn't persue it. hopefully it changes when Trump picks a new fbi director. awan case should not be a mustry to law enforcement
well whats the correct answer?
*goes to bed for a nice refreshing sleep*
what a stache
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The Awans were defrauding the government for payroll for made-up, no-show jobs they awarded to their immediate family members, and in total they collected over $4,000,000 from the U.S. government while also giving prostate exams to every computer in the goddamn building.

They got caught and their privileges shut down, and DWS reinstated those privileges by in essence firing Awan, then immediately rehiring him into a different role that allowed him to obtain a login again.

Then Awan and family flee the country back to Pakistan, taking who fucking knows what with them, and police in D.C. begin investigating their digs for clues as to just what they fucking stole from us. In this process they recover one of DWS' laptops that was hidden inside a false wall panel of some sort! This is collected as criminal evidence, fucking naturally.

And now DWS is in official, video-recorded hearings and threatening the DC Chief of Police with CONSEQUENCES if he won't turn over to her CRITICAL EVIDENCE in a case of MASSIVE IMPORTANCE to national security!

Fucking massive! WHAT is on that laptop!? We MUST keep this topic in vogue, it's actually even more important than Seth Rich at the moment because it will bust open DWS's secrets!
Awan brothers are Pakastai ISI. Who knows how much damage they did ? It also looks like they got blackmail material on Congress. I'm sure Debbie hired them as a result of bribery. She let a foreign nation bribe her to give their agents access to the US government for espionage. That is bad.
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checkt and correct
Someone needs to find that laptop, boot it up on a linux live USB, then mount and copy the entire C: drive. We must push the shills down and spread this like wild fire.
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Let's bring them down
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I want my laptop back!!!!
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Bump this like you're a jap on the subway and it's wearing panties, you faggots!
I have to remind you all of something for a moment.

D.C. Anon said the top levels of the DNC were in full panick mode. That turned out to be true.

D.C. Anon said that top DNC officials and potential conspirators were freaking out because "the smoking gun was out of their hands / control."

So here you have the former head of the DNC, and known Clinton accomplice, completely freaking out, in full panick mode, in a completely inappropriate situation and in public.

D.C. Anon was right once again. Not only that I think you now know the location of the smoking gun, and that it's totally real like D.C. Anon said.

Clear DWS knows too and she's completely terrified
Antifa Doxx Chan? You should go there.
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I guess Deb is on that, get rid of list.
HOLY SHIT you are right.

SETH RICH will be avenged!
Bump for this
>criminals are only prosecuted if the media reports it

DNC also getting a class action lawsuit brought against them. Repayment to all Bernie supporters


Pakibro could have had something as simple as Kali Linux on that laptop, and could have just SSH'd into it to sit around and break into phones using all sorts of basic attacks in things like metasploit on all sorts of tech illiterate old congresscritters.

Could be major fucking dirt on there.
she was almost crying in this video
go to 1:24:24
clearly talking about seth rich laptop
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Damn, nerds, this thread is going places!
Shits going down. (((Debbie Wasserman Schultz))) said to the capitol police, "you should expect that there will be consequences". Can Jews just get away with threating the police?



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is happen yet????
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Damn this bitch's face is making me nauseous
The fact that she asked the question multiple times in lawyer speak meant that she was fishing for a loophole. Kudos to the Chief for not backing down....She had to know she was being videoed. Desperation is a mother fucker.

No shit, the better members around here are feeding intel to huge media outlets and dictating what they cover. 4chan has measurable influence in the affairs of the nation now.
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wow we need to meme the hell out of this
why would she do it at a budget meeting besides being completely unhinged and panicking
bump for the 411
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>really makes me think hmmmmm

gets the old neurons firing
why would they hold their mother prisoner
why is it believed they are part of rat-lines
Exactly, she was trying to lawyer him into giving it up.
I'm getting very awake
Has anyone made the connection to the Anwan brothers and Seth rich?

After seth was murdred, did they give the laptop to the anwans ? could the timeline even match up?
Pretty sure Sessions knows. It's becoming increasingly clear that the reason Trump fired Comet I'd that he was blocking the FBI from doing its job. Hold on to your hats. Shit is about to get crazy.
oh my god
the seth rich (((leaks))) are to hide this shit
This is probably unrelated democrat shenanigans. This is probably illegal information broker activity where democrats are selling confidential information to the highest bidders.
>That video on the website.
The diversity shit was annoying, but that laptop discussion was suspicious as fuck.
No the Awans were spying for years and were busted in January/February.

Who helped them bail to Pakistan...I'm thinking State Department.
it was on tucker tonight
was the video? If not, we should link him to it.

you watch her squirm mother fucker? She's nervous as fuck about 'the members property' being in the hands of the DC police because she KNOWS there is shit on the laptop... fuck, shes asking and grilling the chief about evidence at a BUDGET meeting. stop being a faggot immediately
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Wow this thread is nothing. I am so sorry but it is getting so late. My eyes can barely stay open now. With each word I read, it is as if another 2 lb weight were hung on my eyelids. I can feel those weights gently tugging on my eyelids. The night is so quiet. I do not even remember why I was posting here. Captchas are so much work. No, we must sleep now. My eyelids are getting heavier still. I must sleep. You close the window now. It's what you want most now. Sleep. Eyelids.

shes sweating so much, at a BUDGET meeting... and grilling the chief about someones laptop. Fucking dig into it now for evidence.
The look on her face is priceless.

I've seen it so many times before in my former career (corporate investigator)

1. You start with someone who thinks they have power and is used to having their own way all the time.

2. You have them busted, and they know it.

3. They try to bully you, because bullying has worked for them their whole life.

4. Then there's the moment when they suddenly realize that for the first time in their life, they're not going to be able to yell their way out of trouble.

5. Their mind just shuts down in mid sentence, and they change over to a caged animal.

I really REALLY hope this chief is secure in his job and secure in his own mind (which he seems to be).

There is SOMETHING on that laptop that she is afraid of getting out.

As others have mentioned, given her position in the party, it might be something that fucks up a WHOLE lot of them.

Pakistan was a known intelligence vendor to China/ NOK and the MENA since 2001. This was a main reason when the CIA knew Pakistani Intelligence was helping Osama they explicitly cut PKIc out of the mix and went in solo.

Pakistan likely recruited the brothers and leveraged the Congressional lobby dollars (aka. vote bribes) to force DWS and the other DNC chairmen to act as informants for their network, which resold the information to Russia / China.
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her fucking face is fucking vile to look at, it looks completely demonic
The GOP senators/Congressmen are literal retards, this is why they only focus on abortion and nothing else matters- not managing, not the economy, nothing. Just abortion, invading nations that don't matter and acting hypocritically pious. Make no mistake, I hate the GOP very very much for being so incredibly brain dead and retarded but I hate the Dems more for being the LITERAL definition of evil.
I've seen people maintain more composure during their executions then shes maintaining here. This is huge. Whatevers on that laptop is capital punishment worthy for sure.
Irony of ironies if she gets busted for muh Russia.
yea but i thought the c.o.p. was a pedo and corrupt

this thread got me woke
DWS is probably the single most ugly creature I've ever seen
if they find anything on that laptop let alone data that was obtained after she gave the Awan a 2nd login, she should hang
delete this goyim
pls god pls kek pls trump
stop this evil now. i literally wouldn't give a shit about immigration, jobs, budget cuts, etc if we can take down corrupt crime syndicates in gov. desu have of leftist policies wouldn't even hurt too bad if they were ran with integrity.
do i want less muslims and mexicans? fuck yes. do i want lower taxes? yesssss. but draining the swamp is why i voted for trump
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That shit was DWS trying to dominate the Chief by putting him in a submissive place where he has to say "yes mum, yes we'll do it" but despite his apparent easygoing nature, he is not afraid of her, and he knows what she's doing and he knows why she's doing it. For some reason he does not appear to be cooperating with her even though we've all assumed that the DC Police were in the DNC's pocket (hence the massively suspicious way the Seth Rich murder was handled).

It's not fully clear what's going on here but I sense outright defiance or refusal from the Chief to DWS. She is becoming livid and losing control of her emotions and he is willfully refusing to make her feel better by telling her what he KNOWS she wants to hear ("You're not under investigation, yes we'll return your laptop ma'am")
I'm sorta tired, think I'll go to sleep now
I am 99% sure that laptop has evidence of her ties to BIG RAMEN on it. Careful looking into this.
yes was happy he stayed strong
anybody got a rundown on that guy btw?
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Fuckin' KNEW it!
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can't post any federalist links on my twitter

is says "this process has been stopped because it might be automated"
>DWS' laptops that was hidden inside a false wall panel
you got a source for this?
The guy who filed the lawsuit was also murdered.

maga bump
>big ramen
jfc there is literally too much going on right now

Hint: That isn't hair on her head.

Me too it's getting late. Plus I have work in the morning. I just can't keep my eyes open much longer.
high sodium merchant
I think we're all getting pretty tired Gus. Let's pick this up in the morning
proof? are you retarded?
suck my toad
diversify my toad
Rumor is that they had dirt on 80 people in congress. How big, I don't know. But if she had 80 people in the bag, one of our branches of government is compromised.
You think that cop is going to look at what's on the laptop now?
That is wierd. And really transparent actually.
Bump. She scared
Here he is actually SERVING the DNC.
Kinda boring video honestly.



Before they had THE FEAR.

The central depository of their dirt on anyone they might need to put out a hit piece on. This shit isn't compartmentalized because they aren't smart people, just evil people. They had it all in one spot they didn't think it'd be taken... they thought wrong.
She was pleading in a passive aggressive way.

Trying different questioning tactics. like a 6 year old, or lawyer. Same difference
Swamp is being drained?
I agree. They are not bright people. They are ruthless and dangerous though.
i wants doubting you i just wanted more info you mong
thank you
at least (((schultz))) is being drained
you can hear emotion in her voice
you can see and hear her battling it
something is up 100%

Exactly. "Can I have a cookie?" No. "But if I have been good I should have one right?" Yes, in most circumstances but you can't have one now. "Can I have a cookie if I am good in most circumstances?" Yes, but there are other circumstances at play here... "CAN I HAVE A COOK... SAY I AM GOOD, I AM SUPPOSED TO HAVE A COOKIE!?"

Bitch is fucked and she knows it.
thank you for the compliment. niglet :)
sorry, i can't write two words without insulting someone. too much beavis and butthead.

Another article. No one is talking about this. Divide and conquer

John Podesta write that article?
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Spread pic related around, anons.

Good luck.
Gas WaPo
here we call it judaism
fuckin checked
When I do these interviews, there is always a capitulation. Her was when she decided to threaten him.

They get tunnel vision and angry. The loose their peripheral perception and awareness.
This meme is getting ooooollldddddd
This gives me some hope, but I'm still gonna keep a wary eye on the Trump administration.
Nobody apparently watches the media anymore anyway, the top cable news network has a ceiling of 2m views out of 320+ million Americans and the rest are hovering around the 500-800k mark.

>tfw we are the media now
I am 99% sure that laptop has evidence of her ties to TOP RAMEN on it. Careful cooking into this.
When you post the entire screen shut and have to delete.

Podesta works for WaPO.

>eating pleb tier ramen
my local laptop doesnt carry those, i want to try
Not gonna lie, former sleepy bait supporter here. It's hilarious watching sleepy bait crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this pasta get stale.
This is the preliminary to her demand. She is telling him that she can threaten his job. Meeting with the union about diversity, demanding numbers and specific goals. She is establishing dominance before she gets to her point. What do you suppose the 'consequences' will be?
she was triggered af how is this not on the news. she's fucking losing her shit obviously is guilty.
Can someone tell me how to view this at a resolution I can read? I'm on the road so I have to use mobile, and that fucks with the images for some reason
Id be interested in more analysis of her body language, inflection changes and tactics at trying to corner the police chief. She is crumbling internally and the way she throws a mini temper tantrum and threatens the chief at the end with 'consequences' is fucking childish.
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I just bought a cup of Shin Black.

What am I in for?
for me the police chief reaction is almost as telling. it was obivous that this is a extraordinary case. it was like he was saying "normally i don't do this but.."
noodley water

You are complicit in her treason anon
What a hilarious non-story. What, Seth Rich's "murder" didn't pan out enough for you? Fucking beautiful. She's still head of the DNC, you failed to accomplish anything, and she's going to get her laptop back. Fucking hilarious watching that fat worm try to weasel his way out of hiring POC while also breaking the rules of his own organization.

Sorry, inconveniencing a woman trying to do her job just because the conspiracy theorists think he should have her lap top is sexist and pointless. Plain and simple.
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mere speculation and conjecture wouldnt you say.
Not spicy. Not delicious. Go get the regular shin, with MSG if you can find it.
>eating ramyun out of cups

I dunno, if it's anything like the regular stuff it's gunna be the best ramyun you ever had chop up some mushrooms and crack an egg in it. Add other veggies and meat as desired.

Oh, in that case, pack it up boys. its a nothingbowloframen
Exactly...establish power and extort demands.

The threat at the end was her congressional mask persona. Probably does that to others to get what she wants.
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People are gonna hang....
And here I was expecting crown roast.

Funny you say that, under the lid it says "Contained herein is information that will lead to the indictment of Hillary Cli
yeah...this is pure straight up espionage.
Look at all that yammering about diversity. You know we live in a fucked up world when certain words like 'diversity' are wielded like clubs to smack white men around. As far as I know, there's not inherent value to diversity - other than a means to knock white men down. And for some reason, we allow them to continue throwing it at us without ever striking back.

Can someone just fucking stand up and say "no, diversity is not something we're terribly worried about." Or say "we have enough diversity as it is." Because I would really appreciate it if some of these people would grow a fucking spine.
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I have to wonder if these guys hold the Seth Rich smoking gun?
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Mix Shin with some of pick related for $1 king feast.

this is an open coup
It's the fear. A combination of psyops, disinfo, and intimidation tactics will wear down anyone. Keep it up and you may get some of them to an hero. SO go for the jugular. These "people" deserve no mercy.
There is another thread that is looking that up. There is a metro cop there (verified).

I agree. These are a large part of our government trying to overthrow the other part. I have never seen anything like this in my life. What freaks me out is that the whole media is in on it.
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Only one brand of nuddles matter
let's not forget that secularism is the modern religion. as member of the DNC she is a high priestess and wields significant power, by invoking the sacred chant of multiculturalism, diversity, or black people, she is often able to morally shame those which are subject to her spell. in this case the police chief was spared for the moment, her spell was cast in the light of day with many witnesses, and with the counter spell of the video camera present. the chief was was not to meet her on a more shrouded battlefield else he likely would have fallen under her rape accusal spell.
based fat police chief
damn it i want to eat these now, but i dont want to be a fag and buy them on amazon
she in jail yet
For future reference you have 2 options:

1: scroll to the bottom of the page and turn off the mobile theme. This will load full size images.


2: open the image in a new tab, it will be a URL i.4cdn/yousuckcocks/74855733839m.jpg remove the m.jpg and just make it .png, then you'll load the uncompressed image.

Here's a freebie: http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1495689934218.png
how could this possibly coincide with gowdy saying history will make comey look good?
could gowdy be totally unaware?
two words:
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It's a cold civil war.
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Improved resolution.
does the doj really confiscate everything from a fired fbi agent?
The media will call it fake news and the whole thing will be dropped.

Then you will have the Democrats double down on the Russian lie they like to tell themselves and the Republicans will let that schitzofrenia continúe because they are pussies and can't tell the Dems to fuck off.

Maybe though things will be different this time and Sessions will actually do his job.
idk if it's routine, but they certainly are allowed to
>call it fakes news
but they can't call it fake evidence
GOT DAMNNNNN she fucking ugly.
Holy shit anons watch that video, DWS is pissing her fucking pants.

This is fishy as low tide.

Keep this on your radar.
On the university side, they have been working up their students pretty hard. I had to cancel my lecture and talk about the election with my students. I had a few Trump student talk to me after class and tell me they feel scared shitless in some of their classes. Full fledged Red Guard shit. They talk to me because I let my class know I am a Libertarian right off the bat. I am also a combat veteran, and they would last 2 seconds in a real fight. The same in the battle of ideas.
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>100% agree with your assessment. I haven't seen a professional whore like that ever act out so terribly. I'd always assumed that's what they were all like behind closed doors, but her body language alone indicates that she is completely full of shit and absolutely terrified of something. Whatever is on that laptop has already been scanned by both sides in the deep state. She is a dead woman walking and she knows it. Hopefully she turns and tries to make a deal through witness protection.
And you no what else just blows my mind, these people really think that they are so damn smart that they can illigetimately oust a democratically elected president from his office without an a out civil war. Are they that arrogant? They think Americans have gotten so soft in 250 years that we will simply bend over and let them fuck us and our democracy in the ass?

These people are fucking dangerous, they are going to cause the deaths of alot of Americans. Someone on the inside needs to grow some fucking balls and expose them. They are fucking crazy and reckless.

Who has autism that can list me a quick 1000 year history of civil wars around the world that were caused by an overthrow or attempted overthrow of the acting political leader? Because I guarantee you it's a huge percentage.

You know what causes a civil war?

#1 people are starving.
#2 peoples voices are being silenced
you dont want to be friends?
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>a real fight
yeah it would crazy if it ever went hot, and everyone knows it
Most of my fellow veterans see the same thing coming. If they actually do impeach Trump for this bullshit. It is 2A time.
They probably have nightmares about us /pol/.
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she's scared as fuck in that video.
shits getting real
What the (((fuck))) is wrong with you.
>I sense outright defiance or refusal from the Chief
maybe it was when she confirmed the general policy 6 times and the 7th time the chief said
>i believe there are extenuating circumstances in this case
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They're just playing out rope so the DNC can tie their own nooses at this point.
>What do you suppose the 'consequences' will be?
civil lawsuit filed by al sharpton and blm riots
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Thanks, have a free redpill
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This is up next. Pakistani IT Awan Brothers are getting the spotlight.
Vids in link:
Please be true
There was a war over 2000 years ago after Julius Caesar was betrayed.

It was kinda a big deal.

This guy
This meme really needs to be put to rest.
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Yep, which is why we will never stop. They influence the levers of immense power through their political machinations, but we wield the greatest power of all: TRUTH. Their day has come and they know it. They are all going down and it will be beautiful to watch! Just when I thought that things were hopeless, it turns out that there isn't honour among thieves after all, who knew LMAO.

>On that note, how is it possible for one person to be so hideously repulsive? Is it a type of aesthetic determinism? Perhaps she became evil because everyone she'd ever met treated her like a satanic pedophile based on her appearance alone?
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Bump for truth.
It was rumored that Hillary said if Trump wins they'd all hang which makes sense why everything went to 11 right away. You have to remember a lot of powerful people in media while being left leaning are actually married to individuals within the DNC. They have their entire lives to lose. Which is good cause fuck them for doing this evil shit.
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"A federal employee with knowledge of the situation and who requested anonymity told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group that as House authorities closed in on Imran Awan and his brothers, a laptop used by Imran was hidden in an unused crevice of the Rayburn House Office Building. Wasserman Schultz’s office is in Longworth House Office Building, a separate structure.

The laptop was later found by Capitol Police and seized because it was relevant to the criminal investigation, the source said."


Since the source is anonymous, we can't be sure if that detail is actually true or not. In fact, after you asked, I was having a really hard time figuring out where I had even read that, since I've read so much shit tonight. Based on the wording, it may not have been a secret panel, but just a narrow hidey spot somewhere in the building. It wasn't in the building where Debbie's office is located, but an adjacent building.
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wow, she sounds incredibly stressed. probably best if we don't pursue this one guys, it might push her over the edge.
idk what this means but sounds interdasting
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People watch the local news which are owned by the larger news organizations. They share the same national stories in between local news reports, weather, and traffic. I've heard the exact same scripts on the local affiliates that they perform on CNN, NBC, and FOX.
kek, she actually admits she lost the laptop at 4:35
stumbling she says "i-if if you, IF I, if-if-if a member loses the equipment"
she's fucking toast, lads
i unironically believe god intervened
Yes! Oh. And Bump.
Well, that's true (and $$$$ from/ for their crooked owners), but look how freaked out they are because the commies are confronting them.
What's to stop US from doing that?
As far as they know, we'll only bitch a little and then, vote for them anyway.
The schools are their strongholds now.
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she cant go home after bombing presidency? she acts like she doesnt know what happened
>get this shit to sessions
i mean if they don't know this already idk wtf we pay them for
Such an ugly fucking cunt. God damn I hope she rots in hell
Thank you!
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at 5:30 she threatens the Chief of The Capitol Police with consequences for not stopping an investigation and returning the laptop.
They are holding the laptop due to her IT staff, the Awan bros
I'm really glad to see you guys helping keep this thread going. When it drops we make another one. When the shills slide it, we bump it. This is the meat and potatoes right now.

Is anyone getting the payback here? Practically as we speak, Trump is being investigated for trying to shut down an investigation involving him and his campaign.
Boom. Right here, on a silver platter, comes this silly bitch, of all people. Wasn't she the head of Hellary's campaign or something?
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>Is it a type of aesthetic determinism?
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Yes, Debbie Schultz lead Hillary's campaign. She resigned on the eve of the DNC convention when Hillary announced Tim Kaine as her choice for VP. There was a deal of sorts made, I'd have to dig up some notes to find the specifics. Any Anon fresh on this? or we can stay on target.
>For some reason he does not appear to be cooperating with her even though we've all assumed that the DC Police were in the DNC's pocket (hence the massively suspicious way the Seth Rich murder was handled).
Capitol Police not D.C. Police
THis is absolutely brilliant for how it shows the way the Left uses 'diversity' as a weapon.

First she weakened him with her push for diversity, because how could he ever be good enough? Then, she went after him for the laptop. But he was too strong.
Maybe a stupid question...Could the Awan bros have been using KDCs storage platforms for the shit they were stealing? Could that be part of the reason they raided him in 2012?
The Awans were there since at least 2010. Had access to Intel Committee shit.
Benghazi, bin Laden, Extortion 17, etc.
Just trying to link all this shit together.
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Well liberal progressives are removing statues of the first Civil War attempting to erase history as we speak and demonizing the Confederate flag as slave owner racism was the only motivation of the war... So we're on our way.
He was incredibly diplomatic. Probably knows she's dangerous.
Good point. Ask kdc to run some data scans.

On another note, let's get Hannity to cover this next week until the rich case gets blown open
Whites wanting to control non-whites in a white country is the same problem going on now, and that means the those fighting with the rebels were on the wrong side, Anon.
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Exposure of corruption in the losing faction while the President of the country is the Executive branch taking the reigns means we're winning, Anon.
Why the fuck do people keep on voting for these corrupt as fuck Dems?
But he's Capital Police, not D.C. police, right? Aren't they different?
But this guy isn't D.C. Police, he's Capital Police, right? Not the same people that investigated Seth Rich? Or am I wrong?
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That explains a lot. I hadn't known the difference. If that guy is not with the D.C. Police who are linked to lots of Clinton-related corruption already, then there's a chance that DWS is in a monumental amount of shit, depending on what's on that laptop and how quickly Team Trump gets\has gotten wind of all this.

Keep this topic in vogue today, along with Seth, but focus on THIS ONE. This is the shit MMFA shills will be trying to slide.
oh shit

this could make a huge difference

also look up DC home rule
Tim Kaine was DNC head when Hillary lost him in 08. DWS became head to ensure HRC got the nod in 16. That's how Kaine became vice elect. He resigned the DNC head position and had DWS installed.
Dobby Mook was Hills campaign manager, not DWS.
The media blackout of this is suspicious. I consider it a larger story than Russia.
These guys literally has access to everyone's emails and passwords since 2009? Now they're fleeing the country?

Really makes you think
>fleeing the country
heh they know that as soon as Trump gets back the shackles and cuffs go on
You better be putting no less than two slices of american cheese in your shin, only way to have it
thousands of years of kike inbreeding has culminated in DWS
Its okay, but not really worth the increased cost. Has another packet, gives it a "meaty" flavor
I wonder if you could get a thousand dollars by writing a bunch of nonsense and claiming it disproved the harmonic cube.
She sounds very depressed there. Hopefully she doesn't shoot herself twice in the back of her head
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Lurk moar faggot
No beaner he doesn't
No, he wasn't murdered. He was unfortunately the victim of a botched robbery, happens all the time.
It's wierd.
DC has a police force DCPD, capitol police are in charge of federal property within the DC area, park police cover the federal property areas that capitol police dont, then there's the secret service
We're so damn close I can taste it. They're shitting themselves. They've likely shifted into who-are-we-gonna-throw-under-the-bus mode. Keep digging everyone. Praise
duly witnessed

Look at that fucking goblin cunt squirm. Oh I love it. Hey DNC faggots monitoring this thread- you're fucked
>the site that ruined your life for almost a decade is now in the position to save it
Praise kek
>looks like they got blackmail material on Congress
Good, I hope they drop it all.

Drain the swamp.
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Ew what in the fuck even is that thing?

"Wheres your papers erm I mean diversity."

Leftwing gestapo tactics. Just publically accuse a man and his institution for being racist.

This is a concealed threat what she really means is we will go after you and destroy you (Lack of diversity) If you do not furnish my laptop.(found items should be returned immediately.)

This bitch is so fucking done for doing this. They should just say they do not have the laptop.
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>how is this not on the news
>hence the massively suspicious way the Seth Rich murder was handled).
this guy is the new police chief after the Seth Rich left for a cozy number. maybe this new one want s to MAGA
I honestly think it's a matter of time now. Fuck I can't wait to see them fall.
tell us some stories about interesting events you've been in. sounds like it could be an interesting job.
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checked for vogue
Also they know that people know, this is what is making them so crazy.
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Good summary, but like other anon said source on info of laptop
being found behind a false wall panel.
I do


>In a recent budget hearing with the U.S. Capitol Police, Debbie Wasserman Schultz pushed for the U.S. Capitol police chief to return equipment of hers that was confiscated by the police as part of the investigation after it was discovered hidden in a crevice of a House office building.
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Why is she obsessed with diversity over hiring who is best for the job?
It was her way of bitching him out and picking a fight so as to throw him off guard when she asked about the laptop full of incriminating secrets.
anything- ANYTHING to drag this guy under. This is when you know people believe they're going to die.
>she's scared as fuck in that video
She certainly seems that way, and if it is acting, it is damm good acting.
What I am concerned about, is that the whole video thing seems "too easy". Why would she, of all places, want to breach that topic in a hearing session, one that is recorded on video? A video that is bound to become public soon. Why not bring it up in private?
Why the fucking shit is she even there?

She's the disgraced and deposed head of an irrelevant dead political party. She should have fled the fucking country by now if she had any brains, along with however many shekels she could carry.


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>What I am concerned about, is that the whole video thing seems "too easy". Why would she, of all places, want to breach that topic in a hearing session, one that is recorded on video? A video that is bound to become public soon. Why not bring it up in private?
She would just get a "no". She is trying to use what authority she may have in that budget meeting to get her laptop back. The awan brothers and this story is a scandal in itself, and the fact media won't report about it is even more disturbing.
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She should hang regardless.
She even makes a freudian slip at one point. Saying. "If I"..and then changes it fast to "If a member"
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Thank god the police found this, hopefully it'll bring some justice.

this really tickles the electrons.
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Clinton is also as much a Chinese pawn as she is a Saudi pawn. People seem to always forget that.
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Been lurking for a long time, been stuck on mobile lately and this is legitimately ome of the nicest things anyone has ever done.
It's late guys, get some sleep. I'm sure it was nothing big, probably just stress. I'm feeling pretty sleepy myself.

We might be onto something.
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Exactly what would have happened to America if she won.
America would stop being america. To any normies, really, watch the video. It's not fucking normal. I saw the whole budget meeting. What she did was way out of line. The whole story is just way out of line. It's a god damn massive fucking scandal and no MSM is reporting on it, but are talking about Trump getting 2 scoops of icecream.
ho lee shit

"one last thing"
her voice starts cracking up more and more when trying to demand a "yes" from him so they could use his statement later on.

>there will be consequences
Verderosa FTW
I meant the flags falling over. The perfect metaphor for her campaign.
he seemed really uncortable with the subject. it wasn't a defiance. its really more awkward. its like he is saying "normally you might be right but not with this type of evidence".
it's weird that she can't realise that she probably is under investigation but he isn't gonna tell her. maybe that sunk in now.
as George pointed out, people acting outside of a normal behaviour range is a tell tale sign of them being blackmailed
Debbie "threatening" law enforcement officers on record seems highly out of the ordinary, she has her back against the wall
I was really looking forward to S5 of House of Cards but turns out current US politics is more exciting
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There is a reason we archive stuff. :)
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TPP would have happened, war with Russia over the Syria conflict, floodgates opened up to un-vetted refugees and illegals, the slow cuckening of an entire generation into a social beta-role, followed by the slow out-breeding of Americans in general leading to a country full of nothing but ignorant, mixed-breed, replaceable drone, passive and conforming, hyper-consuming, wage-slaves forced to eek out a living in misery.

Somewhere out there, our mirror-universe exists and HIllary Clinton won their election.
Watch this shit, it's so satisfying to see the same "technicality" bullshit used against them for once
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