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SEIU killed Seth Rich - Connect the dots

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Thread replies: 184
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> see image first


> website shows multiple scandals and obvious dirty work down by SEIU, and the murder of Seth Rich being one of the dirty things done wouldnt be surprising.

>SEIU is the DNC's biggest donor

DNC operatives bragged on video about unions doing the dirty work. (i will post the original image)

this is a matter of finding those small dots of time and place from nearly a year ago to confirm this, its already proven that the SEIU is fishy.
possible smoking gun here.

as much help is needed right now as possible
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second image
Current Leadership

Old archive of leadership in 2005. Might help? http://archive.is/zn3Gb

Old history timeline from 2005

Archive from 2009. Caught my eye because of "Trump" mention http://archive.is/Y1n5x
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GJ OP. It's obviously shill worthy.

Before I lay down for a lllllooooonnnnggggg restful night's slumber, perhaps other anons would like to join me in rooting through old archives?

fuck off Skippy! you're next
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It's ok Skippy! I got you man, I got you! Here you go!
i'll keep working at it. anyone else can help and dump evidence here

we need as many anons as possible, dont even reply to the shills
Jaime Contreras is the VP and heads the DC district along with Baltimore.

See who works under him and find connections

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I'd like to take a minute to give a toast to all the anons who've put so much energy behind this story.

We've clearly launched it into orbit, and now there are multiple investigations, legal actions, etc going on. Most importantly we forced the MSM to talk about it, thus propelling it further toward another household name.

Even though I would like nothing more than for this case to be definitively solved, I still have to accept the possibility that it may never be. Really, the investigation should have had this much energy behind it at the start.

But, we definitely got the ball rolling, and no matter what the proper damage has already been done to the corrupt DNC, which even without this case we already know is corrupt and full of bloated snakes that need to be yanked out by their tails and whacked over the head in the sunlight.

Joint respect not only to Seth Rich, but also Julian Assange, who's words and actions pretty much confirm this for me. Seth was killed by the DNC, and they covered it up. The media is losing all credibility as it very conspicuously diverts us away from a potentially huge, historical turning point in our country.
Bumping this, dig will dig Creamer and SEIU connections online and in wiki later....

Anyone checked Creamer white house history logs around the Seth Rich murder time frame?

Also, it would be useful to know what was the EMT in the ambulance. EMTs are often contracted short-term workers with little medical experience needed. It could be possible that he was poisoned in some way that didn't kick in until later.
WH website removed the logs list, saying it was too large of a file
I'll try to find 3rd party history logs for obama.
Was FBI ANON maybe referring to labor unions when he said "cards"??

Jaime Contreras

Jaime Contreras and Katherine Howell are DC "District Officers"

Found a gateway. Checking out links as we speak. This only confirms the SEIU's corruptness.
Can is this info helpful at all?

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SEIU has all the trappings of a major dnc money funneling operation.

One point of interest is the numerous 'security guard' positions. Would be interesting to know who was working for SEIU as a 'security guard' in the area at the time. Also seems like a good place to find dirty ex cops making healthy side money doing 'favors'.

Pic related also of interest. Of all the political affiliated fields of employment - wtf?
Anybody have Palmieri's tweets from that night? post 'em.
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dots connecting
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You mean like this?

Cypher is real

Also, if the Fat Man is going to be a grade A 'genius' and wait to deliver any actual evidence, then attention on him could potentially drop, which would leave him vulnerable to be heart attacked. We should keep eyes on him.
the pizzagate shit is really out there, the Kim dot com habbenings are dissapointing but reading all these Seth Rich threads... theres a lot of merit to it. The day of the rope will come for you, shill.
Might be unrelated since it was a few months after Seth was killed, but still trying to deflect any hurt from Wikileaks.

No so much related, but here they are three days before Seth rich was murdered decrying brutal police preying on innocent blacks. The incoming irony of this…. http://archive.is/nUlc6
You people are sick pushing this shit..

Dude was there ALLLLLL THE TIME! Supposedly, Obama recorded everything. Wonder where any Creamer tapes might be….
> Remember to find any and all damning evidence you can find, dump them and take all this and make threads, push this more.
Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com

http://archive.is/xgwQf <- washingtonpost.com article [#1]
I wouldn't be surprised if Hannity got hit with a Cease & Desist - I read the PI Wheeler got one last week after going on Hannity.
so weird. didn't they just request all the information of the police investigation?

You're all out of ammo, shill. His family made a statement saying they were glad the internet was helping them.

They straight up said they want all the details of the investigation.

Fuck. You. Shill. Kill. Yourself.


He was onto something, IT IS OUR JOB TO FINISH IT.
Try http://white-house-logs.insidegov.com/

I don't know if they have been scrubbed or anything, but it might be a start.
Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com

http://archive.is/gacOc <- mediamatters.org article [#1]

I feel for the family, I really do but it's out of anybody's hands at this point. The story has potentially major political implications, and is so closely connected to high government that it begs to be independently investigated.
i can't get past july 15 2016 on palmieri's twiteer
wiped clean, fishy but not worth it honestly, there are so many damnable pieces
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Alright fuckers

Spoke with brad bauman
Fucking recorder only recorded my side of converstation

asked about conflicting statements from him and family video

>>>stated that video of parents thaking individuals for not giving up.

>>>stated that video was for gofundme donators and not for citizen invetigtor. it meant that they did want people to give up hope in the case.

asked about why such a connected person was working for botched robbery murder victims family.

>>>said he is not very important within democratic circles. and stated that he was recommended by "friends of SR" to family and they accepted.

>>> stated that everyone keeps coming with theories but no one is coming forth with evidence.

I acknowleged that there were a lot of theories but we are connecting the dots.

told him
we will not for get him
we wil not forget him
and i promise you they will never see us coming

he laughed

He spoke very calmly and smothly
kind made my skin crawl.
audio file sucks but i will still archive
take a listen for yourself
but it's only my side of convo
CNNMoney putting out "Hannity still spreading Seth Rich story 5 days after being debunked"

By debunked they mean oh we said its false so its debunked.
Not that I don't think everything you wrote is true

but without both sides of the audio it's pretty fucking worthless, anon.

And now that you just posted this, he will be alerted by shareblue and will never take another citizen investigator/anon call again.

Good job.
Depends on how many threads he posted it on, if a shill posted before he posted doesnt mean shit. if a shill posted after he posted we might have that happen.
Kim Dotcom gonna drop the bomb!

Sleep all day / party all night / do what you want / whenever you like!

Good work tonight. Taking it easy and resuming tomorrow. Will be posting previous and recently found info.
Don't know how people keep missing the link between Soros and SEIU.
There has been money from Soros to the union.
It's documented. It's even on the SEIU wiki.
I'm very glad there are anons like you out there keeping strong at heart, and not letting the constant shilling drag you down.
Bump for patriotic pandas
Explain to me white some anon at the FBI hasn't leaked something solid to us yet.

I know there are patriots in the FBI and other agencies who have access to data that would corroborate this. What I don't get is: are they all such dickless pussies?

I've never been so disgusted with our intel community in my life and believe me that's fucking saying something.

FBIAnon if you're out there give us something.

Any 3-letter shills who see this and aren't taking action, you are complicit. If/when the cards come tumbling down we will come for you first.

Shabboz goy are worse than Jews and will get the Longshanks treatment.
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CNN have degenerated into DNC shills. They haven't had an once of credibility since the 1990s.

SEIU is dirty in all kinds of ways but it's also a huge organization. What's the proof it's SEIU except that one /pol/ post?
I love how you all have such distrust in the U.S. Government that none of you can even entertain the idea that Russia might have colluded with Assange to create this story & place doubt in the minds of the American public as they stated they'd do countless times.

I may sound like a shill, but none of you ever think critically regarding your own side of all this. Putin constantly deflects issues Russia has by pointing at the U.S. It's pretty obvious this was brought back up by Trump w/ state-run Fox News this week to distract us from the Russia hearing, especially since no one has evidence yet. That is if the Trump-Russia collusion thing is as real as it seems and Trump isn't a dumb ass playing into it on accident or due to his advisors and their ties or compromises.

Russia has a whole plan laid out in "The Foundations of Geopolitics" about how they're going to get a seat at the table. Yet all of you are willingly saying give them that while forgetting the BS they tried to pull in the 20th century with the USSR.

Don't listen to me though. Fairly red-pilled on most economic issues, I'm mostly skeptical of Russia because the only reason I'm in the US is because my parents had to flee communism as refugees and I don't fully buy the jew-conspiracy as much as my old ass father or anyone on here.
SEIU's twitter openly supported the riots and protests funded and organized by Soros the last few days.

SEIU is the largest donor to the DNC and has direct connections to it, as well as previously having direct ties to the white house.
No, they were just as bad in the 90s. It's just that you didn't notice it as much, because the typical going-ons in the country weren't nearly as fucked up as they are today. People were more content, and there wasn't a nearly as massive a piecemeal resistance movement boiling under the surface that they had to spend time autistically screeching against.

But they still did. They still spun the Bill Clinton scandal to just be about a blowjob from a fat jewess, rather than about rape. They still spun the stories of Ruby Ridge and Waco massacre. They still squashed all opposition. It's just that there wasn't social media for people to find out the truth and communicate independently.
>1 post by this ID
Hear, hear! Great work all around, gents
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This Is The World We Chose
This. Good call.
I can see where you might get the notion. But here's one thing you can ask yourself about Russian collusion. Now think about all of the Russia Collusion statements that people like Pelosi have put out constantly, now ask yourself, WHERE IS THERE ONE BIT OF SOLID PROOF OR CONNECT THE DOT PROOF THAT THEY FUCKING COLLUDED. There's none. "I said its true so therefore its true". Simple answer is that they're still in denial that Trump won.
Also its not that we dont trust the government as a whole, we just really hate liberals and most democrats.
Let this remind you that we, together do have power. NEVER lose hope, NEVER stop fighting.
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The Cards thing is one flag that made me think FBI anon was a LARP. When pressed for clarification he dodged. Why not be more specific on this point? I've seen people suggest Cards mean everything from expensive artwork to now union membership cards
Suppose he was larping.
Perhaps he was using it to put out the point.
We have found proven connections from SEIU to the DNC and even Soros, and even scandals from SEIU. FFS this was shill worthy even.
I agree there's no solid evidence yet, but I don't think there will be because Trump hasn't been held accountable for withholding anything that might be evidence yet. Trump's tax returns would show financial ties and those won't come out (even though I would think if this was the "liberal Jews" they could technically force the IRS to leak those). All we have is Flynn, which even Obama knew was compromised, the Comey firing which seemed more like a strategic thing on Trumps part because he didn't want it to look bad while he met Russians in the oval office, and the policy proposals that seem to favor Russian foreign policy desires aside from Trumps weird praise of old Vlad.

>That is if the Trump-Russia collusion thing is as real as it seems and Trump isn't a dumb ass playing into it on accident or due to his advisors and their ties or compromises.

My congressman also put out this picrelated.jpg but it doesn't really say much.
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Just because you do it in photoshop instead of on your cellar wall doesn't make it any less insane.
bump and Kek bless. let's take these dirty motherfuckers down! J U S T I C E
T H E M E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDixSUFj7Qw
>this chart

What are Roger Stone's "Russian-Affiliated Interests"? Are they the same as Don Jr.s, they are going to the same bubble.

>Eric Prince
The Blackwater founder guy? He's with Russia?
>muh tax returns

They could easily subpoena those if they were remotely relevant, dipshit. Not to mention that would be the last place the FBI would look for evidence of shenanigans.

The media want the tax returns so badly so they can spend 3 months doing ZOMG BREAKING NEWS stories about how a $50 deduction he took in 1998 might not have been legit (followed by comparisons to Al Capone and ten more interviews with Maxine Waters demanding impeachment).
You as well

>Kek has been blessed me with 5 trips today
Why would the Russians help Trump? It would have been in Russia's best interest for Hillary to win because she would continue the path of making us weaker. Which is what the Russians want in the end. For America to be gone so they can be the world's super power. You dont get there by supporting other world leaders that will stand against your bullshit and make it hard for you to do take control.
>The Blackwater founder guy? He's with Russia?
Haven't you heard? Literally everyone's with Russia these days.

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I think if you look at the nutjob-chart up there you'll see there's only 3 degrees of separation. Drumpfkins btfo.
This. The fact that they had nothing to gain from Trump winning soils shit all over russian unicorns from the very beginning.
Thanks for posting this twitter
I'd believe that if Russian state-owned media didn't praise Trump directly after his win for like 2 weeks till American press caught on and Putin instructed them to tone it down. Also Trump seems easier to manipulate than Clinton because he's shown little knowledge or care for foreign policy. Authoritarians often support other authoritarian style leaders, which Trump has shown signs of so I'm not sure what your argument is there. America feels weaker now due to how divided the general public is over everything.
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>SEPTEMBER 23, 2017
>nothing to gain

They want NATO disbanded as Trump has similarly proposed, and they're supporting Assad in Syria; both things that Russia could use their connection to U.S. for among other things.

World's super power status doesn't happen over night from the opponent getting "weaker," which I'd love evidence for by the way. They want a seat at the table first so they can be involved in decisions that favor their interests and make it easier for them to eventually take that step.
all you have to do to manipulate Hillary is offer her some money.
Yeah because our enemy would never try to stir up shit to help the divide. It's actually very simple. The world saw how crazy this last election cycle was. They saw how divided we are. Is it crazy to think they played off it by saying good job Trump a few times knowing the democrats would jump on it searching for shit that's not there as a means to further destroy us from the inside while they sit back and laugh occasionally saying leading shit that will really lead no where because nothing happened. Everyone seems to forget the cold war was fought using these kind of tactics. Putin is old school cold war Russian. You really think he forgot all those old tricks?
I agree, I took part in helping 4 movements that I'm proud of. Obama's election, Trump's election, Occupy and the murder of Seth Rich. It's too bad that everyone around us is blind. It's also too bad that the only people in the world who care are a bunch of obsessive autists on an anime tentacle porn board.
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How is that insane, you faggot
Its pretty canonical
That's a good point, but do you think Trump really remembers those? Do you think him being buddy buddy with anyone that praises him doesn't make him likely to be manipulated?

Like I said my parents are from a country that got fucked by Russia. They almost killed my father in a line up shooting but he was last and ended up being friends with someone of importance in the infiltrated military base he worked at that let him go. So there's a reason I'm skeptical.
What kind of doctor do you have to be to have connections to Podesta?
Another name to throw in with Creamer is Aaron Minter aka Aaron Black. Scott Foval after he was featured on the Project Veritas videos back in the fall went on a twitter tirade going after Minter/Black implying he's going down with him after throwing Creamer under the bus.
I do agree that it could make him easy to manipulate but I think the saving factor is he is a business man first and he can recognize a shit deal. Hillary is a politician and will sell out for a few dollars.
Do you guys remember the guys from the Videos that were going to throw acid. Any chance they might be involved. Just asking because they seemed up for anything.

Another political party game related to the SEIU you want to also look at is their Working Families Party. Made up of them and flunkies that broke away from ACORN when ACORN was finally served their due deserts. Working Families Party also played a heavy hand in the manipulation of Occupy.
> 1 post by this ID
Not just cops, but city council members and maybe even mayors too.
Seth Rich was killed by a robber. This is why the Fox story was pulled. Your conspiracy theories are shit.
what if russia planted the idea of russian collusion into your mind
Has any anon ambassador craig murray yet?
Robber as in SEIU
Sonia Palmieri is a nurse practitioner in Washington, District of Columbia. She is affiliated with MedStar Washington Hospital Center.
hopefully a robber will kill you soon
One obvious mayor with shades of SEIU dirt written on them is DC Mayor Murial Bowser since she earned their endorsement in her last election.
the russian narrative makes no sense logically from any angle...trump isnt the kind of leader that russia will prosper from....hillary on the other hand...

The only way it makes sense is if your a libtard who cant think of any reason hillary would have lost other than sexism and russia hacking paper ballots.
I was in DC three decades ago on a school field trip. Cap this. I want to be in the fanfic.
robber as in shooting someone then walking away with nothing
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Seth was alive when they took him to the hospital.
Union of nurses also helps do their dirty work...Odds a nurse gave him a little bit to get him where he was going...?
Seriously faggots. Has anyone established contact with craig murray???

that's literally what this faggot said >>126855585
>played off it by saying good job Trump a few times
>knowing the democrats would jump on it searching for shit that's not there
>cold war tactics.
>Putin is old school cold war Russian.
>"You really think he forgot all those old tricks?"

Do any of you really believe this is some kind of 4d chess though? lmao, I feel like even Putin was surprised at how easy this was for him if that was the case.

see >>126855391
but aside from that have any of you read "The Foundations of Geopolitics"?
Kinda stupid accurate on what Russia is doing

Again, I'm a skeptic on the Russia thing because of my parents story. I don't doubt the Democrats being corrupt or stupid for a second, since their party isn't based on an ideology but rather trying to represent everyone while pushing bs neoliberalism that benefits no one.
Something else to think about anons; there was a post a few threads back by someone who claimed to know that a silencer was probably used. If this is the case, how did the shotspotter system pick that up, but more importantly, why do they suspect a silencer? If shotspot picked up the report of the weapon, they were close to a device, or maybe there were burn marks on Seth's clothing. The word on the street is that Seth had 3 wounds from 2 bullets...one through and through, and the other presumably still in his body. We need the autopsy report, and the caliber and type of bullet.
yea the left acts like russia is sucking trumps dick all the time but if u go to RT its nothing but hit pieces
because the whole point is just to make the citizens disillusioned with the government
it actually wouldn't shock me if these faggot leftist stations were running shit that is leaked directly from russia which would mean they know how stupid their narrative is but go with it anyway
perhaps he was barbelled

126556889 - possibly relevant
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Thanks anon.
Working with another anon
What we did do was take the lead of "John Podesta's habit of taking screenshots of his travel agenda"
Searched Podesta Emails for Screen Shots and come up with screenshots, flight dats, flight locations.
There are all Podesta so at least it gives us his location around those times.
Again these are travel itineraries from the Podesta emails on wikileaks.
---- csv below
,Screenshot Date,Flight Date(s),
,2015 05 13,Fri May 15 7:AM - 8:23 AM ,LGA - DCA
,2015 05 13,Fri May 15 5:50 AM - 6:59 AM,LGA - DCA
,2015 07 27,Wed Aug 5 10:37 am - 11:51am ,RNO - SFO
,2015 07 27,Wed Aug 5 1:26 pm - 2:45pm ,RNO - SFO
,2015 10 12,Tue Oct 20 2:30 pm - 4:03 pm,DCA - BOX
,2015 10 12,Tue Oct 20 2:40 pm - 4:03 pm,DCA - BOX
,2015 09 17,Unknown 8:21pm - 11:30,ORD - LGA
,2015 09 17,Unknown 6:00 pm to 7:52 pm ,LGA - ORD
,,Unknown 7 pm - 8:52 pm ,LGA - ORD
,,Unknown 8:02 pm - 9:46 pm,LGA - ORD
,2015 10 05,Unknown 7:29 pm - 8:47 pm,LGA - IAD
,2015 10 05,Unknown 8:00 pm - 9:26 pm ,LGA - DCA
,,Unknown 9:00pm - 10:19 pm,LGA - DCA
,2015 10 05,7:30 am - 8:45 am,JFK - BWI
,,7:41 am - 8:49 am,JFK - IAD
,2015 10 09,7:45 am - 9:07 am,Unknown (1 22m US airways)
,2015 10 09,9:00 am to 10:30am,Unknown (1 30m US airways)
,,11:00 am to 12:16am,Unknown (1 30m US airways)
,,12:00 pm to 1:17pm,Unknown (1 30m US airways)
,,1:00 pm to 2:30pm,Unknown (1 30m US airways)
,2015 10 09,10:00 am - 11:21 am,Unknwon 1h21m
,,11:59 am - 1:18 pm,
,2015 10 10,11:00 am - 9:29 pm,LAS - LGA
,,12:05 pm to 9:50 pm,LAS - LGA
,2015 10 10,11:10 am - 7:27 pm,LAS - JFK
,2015 10 12,2:30 pm - 3:55 pm ,DCA - BOS
,,2:40 pm - 4:03 pm,DCA - BOS
,2015 10 12,MANY TIMES,Unknown
,2015 12 02,BWI - PDX (1 stop in DEN),
,2015 12 02,Unknown 7:00 am - 11:49 am,DCA - PDX (1 stop in ORD)
,2015 12 05,Unknown 6:05 pm - 7:42 pm,Unknown
,,Unknown 6:40 pm - 8:02 pm,Unknown
,2015 12 02,8:14 am - 1:13 am,BWI - PDX
,2015 12 02,7:00 am - 11:49 am,DCA - PDX
,2015 12 05,6:05 pm - 7:42 pm ,Unknown
----- csv above
This is incredible!
Couldn't we FOIA these?
>"We're Seth Rich's parents"
>t. Brad Bauman
Click link read two sentences see (((Chicago))). Stopped reading, cuz it's always (((Chicago))).

I hate Illinois commies...
See, this is the trail that I'm trying to pay attention to. This is something to do, for sure.
Trump DNC collusion! Lol
I'll bet, yup
Bumpin'. Good work.
That image makes it look like he got killed twice

>Jennifer Palmieri had Seth murdered, but - ... - all decided it was best to silence him.

Wut? Wasn't he murdered by that Jennifer person? Why would they silence him if he was murdered?
Looks like the Portland flight was for a "cooking" event, for which info is extremely vague, and not easy to find more about...
jennifer was the one who executed the plan, but hillary and others were in on the plan to kill seth (according to the image)
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Here's a clue.
i read it again and it's a bit confusing exactly what anon meant
Hospitals are completely overrun with jewish doctors and democrat ((goyim)) dumbasses wearing rasta armbands that love to smoke 3 packs a day and not take care of themselves

Completely plausible
That's not what the image says tho

It says she killed Seth, some fags found out she did, and they silenced him again? That's literally what the post is saying.
Fucking leaf you cant even spell.
>inb4 shill
nah just pointing out why this seth rich shit will never be taken serious
Learn American. That's not what it says.
in the next paragraph it starts with "once the deed was done" implying it wasn't done in the previous paragraph
>That's what it says but not really though haha we fucked up

>the next fucking paragraph

You realize most people who read this will get confused and start questioning your whole theory right?
Officially FOIA'd
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it's sketchy until it has been corroborated by other sources but not because of this slight wording mistake
Very poignant. Thank you. Take heart anons, Keep up the great work.
Justice for Seth Rich = Justice for America
silenced guns still tend to make a significant amount of noise
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almonds activating
that twitter rant was fake account. don't muddy the waters. lurk moar.
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You have a link for that video?
The battle has only just begun on this, let alone the way that's to come.
If you don't believe this is our second civil war, then... I don't know what to tell you, because that's what this is.
Seth Rich isn't the first fight, either. It's just the first we're seeing it for what it is, and can no longer deny it.
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everywhere there is statues of bulls

they should be vandalized
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Rundown on Robby Mook plix?Googled him, says he was Hillary's Campaign manager. I though that was Podesta, it says Pedo was the campaign 'chair', so what's the difference and why is Mook involved in the hit?
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>Ben Garrison
>Hillary lost her shoe again
Post a screencap
How about 2016?
Creamer is yet another name I'm not savvy to, but there are three of the name on the log. What's the first? How's he involved?
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>Assange standing back in the shadow like the fucking smoking man from x-files
>Astroturfing, Hires and trains paid protesters. convicted Fraudster.
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Excellent, thank you. He was at Eisenhower office June 7 6pm with 111 others hosted by Miko Zeldesroth
One of 306 visits since 2009.
Who was the guy from the Veritas video that flipped? He might know something important.
Useful idiot campaign guy for when podesta has "cooking event"
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Pulled this from glassdoor. lots of reviews similar to this. 32bj local seems to be pretty sketchy.
>Management is abysmal, venal and incompetent, from top to bottom. If you are not in favored clique, you have no career path. If you are a self-starter who might see things remotely differently than your superiors, you are toast. The ideal employee is a 23 year-old idealist who is willing to forego a life outside the cult that is 32BJ.
Don't know much about Mook other than he's at the top with Podesta and Palmieri - always see his name popping up with them.

If you want to focus on him, here are some email handles of his in the Podesta Leaks:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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So, was Podesta's tweet ever looked at as a connection to Seth?

He did die early sunday, which means it was saturday night.
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Justice for Seth Rich = Justice For America
reviews sound like they have a serious turnover problem.
Holy shit. That's evil.
Found this as well. apparently the head of that local is always an insider.
> Union reformer Dominick Bentivegna – who helped topple boss Gus Bevona in 1999 – filed the lawsuit last month after he was fired from his job as a district supervisor of local 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union.

Bentivegna was shown the door after he told the local’s president, Michael Fishman, he planned to run for Bevona’s job.

The federal lawsuit charges that Bentivegna’s firing, in early April, was illegal, and also says the union retaliated against other staffers. Grace Powell, a business agent for the local, was told she was being transferred to an organizing job in Ohio after she spoke out for Bentivegna, the suit charges.
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>4chan posts as evidence and leads of something
and on their wiki micheal fishman ran the place from 2000-2012. gonna keep digging into them to see what kind of mob ties they might have.
unions are practically synonymous with mafia. this is pretty rich tho lol

>Current Employee - Anonymous Employee in New York, NY
>Advice to Management

>As a labor union, should definitely think about how to make a fair workplace. Should not take 20 people at a staff meeting to ask questions about sexual harassment for organization to recognize that they need to address culture of harassment.
Hector Figueroa is the president of SEIU local 32BJ. Linked is his bio with some other important folks in that org.

As a local leader, Figueroa shows up in just one email:

Instead, it's usually the national people appearing, like Mary Kay Henry (also referred to as MKH, [email protected]). There are a few mentions of 32BJ though if you plug it in the search.

I have Fishman showing up here
Might be more, haven't looked. More interested in the "which SEIU members were in DC in July angle"
yea i'm trying to back door the thing and see what criminals they have been involved with or maybe union members they have helped out bigly. then try and track down where they might have been. I'm pretty sure if it was this Union its gonna be that they used someone that they helped out in a huge lawsuit and now have leverage over
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Why would someone kill a man, who'd already leaked out of a plane?
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Weird, huh?
that and find disgruntled union people or anyone that's gone up against these guys and see if they have been robbed or killed. might give a clue if they have a history of people getting roughed up after a dispute
the coverup is so fucking blatant.
>An attorney representing the family of Rich, who was 27 when he was killed last July, sent a cease and desist letter Friday to Rod Wheeler, a Fox News contributor and former Washington, D.C., homicide detective who was employed by the family

>Wheeler's contract with the Rich family prohibited him from speaking to the press without prior approval from the family, a clause he apparently violated when he spoke to Fox 5 D.C. Monday for a story that quickly went viral on the right.
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John Podesta says you guys are pathetic
OK so i was digging around the 32BJ thing. I ran across an article that Figuroa the current head is heavily involved in Puerto Rico and their current Debt crisis. He was down there in May 2016 for a teach in. a local activist named Roberto Pagan attended as well. plugged him into wikileaks and found him in a HBGary e-mail attachment.
If I was a betting man i would bet that the hit was carried out by a puerto rican national.
here's a big list of SEIU names and facebook links. happy hunting
Learn to read, faggot.
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