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Military anons

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I have some questions about joining the military, and I figured you autists would know a thing or two.

I am:
>About to graduate college this June with an international business degree and a minor in French (the language)
>I have student loan debt of 30,000
>I have a GPA of 2.9, but it will probably be a 3.0 by the time I graduate.
>I was a college athlete for 4 years at a division 1 state university (in very good shape)

I want to go into the military, because I heard that they can pay back your student loans. I want to sign the shortest contract possible, but I want to go in as an officer.

Any tips/advice??

Would I even get into OCS?
Unless your looking to join SOF or Aviation you are going to be doing a whole lot of nothing in your time in service.
Yes you would go to OCS.

Two biggest pieces of advice, don't get caught lying on you security clearance and save your money.
Well that's besides the point.

I just want to know about getting in and what I should expect given my circumstances.
Unless you want to actually go through your enlistment phase, and earn your way up to the officer ranks, you're going to have to go through the military academy.


If you are just going to enlist, then congrats, your (I'm assuming) bachelors degree is worth an E-3 paygrade right off the bat. So from there, you have to work your way up.

Yes, the military can pay for college, 3.0 GPA would be pretty good, and being in good shape would definitely be an advantage, especially if you're going into more specialized stuff (Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, etc.)
Can you explain what you mean by don't get caught lying? What do they ask you?
Also forgot to mention they technically own you for 8 years so don't think it's four years and your completely free.
Also read more into that loan payback, I'm almost positive its not real and what actually happens is part of your pay gets put towards repaying it.
Go to /k/, we have a military enlistment general at all times.
Join the Air Force.
>I want to die for Israel
>any advice?
Wait, someone told me that if you have a college degree you can automatically get into Officer training school?

And also, what does an E-3 pay grade equate to salary wise, per year?

>Can you explain what you mean by don't get caught lying? What do they ask you?

"You ever commit a crime?"
"Ever do drugs/alcohol?"
"Problems at school?"

More personal stuff too. Depends on what you're going to be doing and what information/technology you're going to have access to.

And don't get caught lying is basically self explanatory. You lie, you're out. No debates, no discussions.
Why? I heard the army is kinda comfy.

I prob would never join the navy or marines, but the coast guard looks easy as fuck too and hey technically pay the same, right?
Pretty sure they won't pay your loans that was only enabled during the 2006 surge and they needed the bodies. Your gpa isn't that competitive so you'll need to pick ass on the officer test and have outstanding letters of recommendation
This. Go fuck yourself, OP. And that goes for the rest of you milfags as well. We are not under attack. We need no military. You are a welfare queen and a willing agent of Israel. Literally kill yourself or have some shitskin do it
Wrong. Why talk out of your ass on a subject you clearly know nothing about?

There are a variety of commissioning programs that don't involve going to a service academy. Just call an OSO (Officer Selection Officer), not just a normal recruiter, and ask what is available. Unfortunately, most of those big loan repayment bonuses, to the best of my knowledge, are gone, since the military is not hurting for people so no reason to offer tons of money, but you never know until you ask.
>Wait, someone told me that if you have a college degree you can automatically get into Officer training school?

No there's never "automatic" entry. Having a degree before entering OCS helps, but having one doesn't guarantee a spot.

>And also, what does an E-3 pay grade equate to salary wise, per year?

Pay table for 2017 below:

Ok I gotcha.

I have a perfectly clean record besides speeding tickets.

Who interviews you? Like one person or is it a group of people?

& is it high pressure?
SF86 form... goes back 10 years. Possible interview depending on the clearance. They will check your references. Get caught lying and no clearance for you.

That being said you don't need to spill your guts about the time you stole a dollar out of your parents purse. Also make sure your not crazy in debt (student loans notwithstanding)
Contact your local Marine Officer recruiter. Go through OCC and become an officer. You don't have to go through an academy like that one dumbass said. You just need a degree.
>joining the (((military))) to pay off (((debts)))
Our people are truly lost.

Don't enlist for the shekels faggot, you wont get promoted to high enough to make them if that is your reason for enlisting.
So I would go in as an enlistee?

If so, how do you "work your way up"? It seems kinda risky to go in as an enlistee and potentially never make shit
As a very well educated NCO, you are exactly the fucktard we dread. Please go somewhere else or change your attitude or enlist 11B. Basically unfuck yourself or some smoke like me will do it for you.
Why marines?

Can't you do the same thing through army or coast gaurd?
Talk to a recruiter OP.

Amen. One thing I hate about the military is when people go in just to make money or to get the free college (many of which don't get anywhere).

Currently, yes, you would be enlisted. And working your way up just involves doing what you're told, doing it good, and hoping you get a promotion. And again, if you're looking to make money rather than caring about serving the country, you're in the wrong mindset.
They give the most financial support for schooling, also all the jobs are more like professional jobs instead of being a gunner or something. There's more pilots in the marines then there is the airforce.
Why though?

What in my post makes you say that? (Genuinely curious, don't be a fag)
Don't do marines, they don't help with schooling
Most grunts get pissy about officers who didn't have to go through basic training or will never see any combat.
You sound like the type of tard who gets his whole squad killed, sarge.
I'm in the army, and I have some bad news. There is no way in fucking hell you should be, or could be an officer. 2.9GPA? Are you fucking kidding me? Most enlisted NCO's have a fucking college degree, you think your fucking special because you have an international business degree? Dude get fucked.
We are on the verge of WW3 and you may be likely to die in a useless kike war with Syria, Iran, Russia, or Venezuela. Are you new to pol? Because this is a fucking stupid question.
To add to this:
Goes back 10 years or to your 18th birthday.

Also, you'll be required to list 3 references for every job you've had and 3 for every place you've ever lived and these references cannot be the same. I.E. No duplicates anywhere.

One thing we do when doing the checks, is to ask the person we've contacted (someone you listed to give you a favorable ref) if they know anyone else that you know, we'll then cross-reference that with the list you gave us. If that name isn't on there - we'll contact them as well.
It's a fun game we like to play.

Good luck.
Yes you'll get in, now with that being said, are you a piece of shit? Because the people under you are going to hate you and actively work on shitting on your career if you are. My platoon made my LT cry and nearly got him charged once time lol
OK here we go.
We kill people for a living. Killing dose not give a shit about your GPA, Division 1 staus or pedigree. Can you make timely and correct decisions so we can kill as many people as possible and I can bring as many of my guys back as possible.

We kill people... that is what we do. If you cannot commit to that, go somewhere else.

BTW I went to a D1 school with a 3.9 GPA and enlisted anyway. I could give two shits about money. I serve my country.

Now that I am retired, I am in my final year of my PhD.
20+ year Army vet here.

Sounds like you just need the money. If you really don't care what job you do, go to your local armed forces recruiter. Take the ASVAB. Them tell them EXACTLY what sort of deal you are looking for. Find the most money, biggest bonus, and best job. Be prepared to tell the Army/Air Force/Navy to fuck off and go see what the other guy is offering.

Buy the way, a 4 year degree will get you E4 right off the bat. Don't worry too much about being an officer unless you are sure that is what you really want. I have met plenty of E4s with 4 year degrees who are in the Army instead of working at Starbucks.

Let's be honest, A 3.0 is not that bad.

It might not be super competitive, but there's not that much of a difference between a 3.0 and a 3.3. Especially if I was playing D1 sports and doing most of my homework in airports every season with shitty wifi. (Not saying that's an excuse, but if I present myself we'll enough they can probably overlook a 3.0)

who are you?
I wouldnt sign up.
Very unstable.
Lots of liars and back stabbers.
You'll never be a full Soldier.
Everyone will know why you signed up.
You'll probably get injured in training and fuck up your life.
You dont make that much money.
You should go into Construction management.
You'll love it.

With a degree and OCS in your contract - you would arrive to BCT as an E4, upon graduation you would receive your E5 and off to OCS you go.
AF guy here .

He can go fuck off. Most of my NCOS have 3.8 gpas and better degrees than that jew shit .
Says the civilian
curious lawfag here

What is it like being a lawyer/prosecutor in the mitary?
You speak the truth brother. The grunts I worked with retired with MBA's and could put down that they managed 700 people and 3 -15 million dollars worth or supplies and equipment.
Probably shitty.
Just another anon, anon.
The only reason I mentioned my subpar GPA is because I'm trying to see if I would even be eligible to get in.

The only reason I mentioned college athletics is because I want to attempt to make it clear that I'm not some fat lazy spoiled fuck.

I'm used to waking up at 5AM for workouts/training sessions.

As for serving my country, I didn't mention this but I originally wanted to go in the military to go fuck up sandniggers. I genuinely only wanted to go in to get deployed. Now I realize that's a bit extreme, but I'm still perfectly willing to do the lords work and lower the shitskin population.
You are not competitive for OCS at all. You have a very low GPA, especially for a non-STEM major. It's probably worth a shot going and talking to an officer recruiter but generally speaking you are just not competitive. By the way on /k/ there's a general about joining the military >>>/k/meg/
Really intense!! I have mad respect for JAG's they try really complex stuff straight out of law school. They also play both sides in prosecution and defense.
I'm not an american. But I know a thing or two at least.

There is actually a minimum in the US armed forces, which is 2 years. There's a catch though.. for obvious reasons.
When the 2 years has passed, you still need to be active DUTY member for another 6 years. A.k.a you have to be a reservist.
And to add to this -

They'll know if you committed any crimes, they do a background check.
Don't admit to doing drugs. Alcohol is fine but admitting to doing drugs will have you denied.
Recruiters don't actually care about your school record for getting suspended for calling someone a mean name. They're looking for if you were suspended for smoking meth or for assaulting teachers and shit.

They're going to ask you a bunch of medical stuff, too. They aren't going to check your medical history, HIPAA laws are in effect. So if you have ADHD, don't tell them. They will not check unless you tell them you have something, and sometimes they can give you a waiver, sometimes not. Obvious shit like asthma will get you caught, but mental stuff they can't figure out until you spill the beans. Had a friend with hemophilia get through to boot camp, thinking if he didn't get cut he'd be fine. Got a tiny scratch and bled all over the place, and got separated from the navy for lying. To put that in perspective, they ask your medical details twice, once when you're swearing in, and a second time when you get there. After that, the water is clear.
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"it seems kinda risky" "Potentially never make shit"

That right there is why we don't want you, and probably why you can't find a job. You don't present yourself a gogetter who is willing to work 80+ hours a week for a cause and self improvement. If you think that the military is an easy solution, you're wrong. It's hard as fuck in the military. TA sucks, benefits are healthcare and minimum wage and you 50-70 hours a week for it.

I love the army, I really do, it's like having a second family. People that I can trust and rely on. If you're looking to become an officer, you really need take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself "am I ready to become an LT and have 20-60 people rely on my ability to lead and work day and night?"

I need you to understand that being an officer is not an easy job. You'll take on a massive amount of liability. If you suck at your job, you will make an entire platoon hate their lives. The military isn't about money. It's about improving,values, and how well you aim.
Hooah then join up. If you go Army or Marines, go infantry...or combat arms. You will do well. I'm not trying to discourage you. But as an officer, you are assuming tremendous responsibility.
Some of the CID people are pretty cool... although, they sometimes get treated like glorified MPs, and hated on.
You are young so I can understand why you would think some of these things... I'm going to give you a taste of military culture.
I agree with this guy.
If you came into the Navy with that attitude the people who work for you would think you are a retard, and wouldn't respect you because if you have a 2.9 in international business, you probably aren't going to pick up the intricacies of linux, computer software, or electrical engineering fast enough to work with the Combat Systems. Your liberal arts degree indicates you'ld have trouble learning the mechanical engineering side of things to work in the engineering plant, so you'ld likely get stuck in operations department with the other mouthbreathers. Athleticism doesn't really matter unless you are going Special Warfare and nobody will care you are in shape. All that matters is how smart you are and how fast you learn.

Coming in with an attitude of just wanting to make money and being physically fit is all that matters will ensure you have a rough time. The only time your fitness matters is twice a year when you have your PT test, or if it helps the Command check a box somewhere.

The days where being in shape and a college grad was good enough are over. Modern war is very technical and requires a lot of brainpower.
I wasn't JAG, but as an officer I dealt with them a lot. Most JAG lawyers were dipshits who stayed in the Army because they would never cut it in a civilian law firm.
So are you saying that there's no way I can ever be an officer?

That's an obvious exaggeration because my cousin was an idiot who got his gf pregnant, enlisted, and is now an officer. There's no way it's THAT hard.
i didnt have an interview for interim or secret, had two or three interviews with one person (former secret service) over the course of a month for TS. they interviewed all of my personal references from multiple states, but the interview was just him reading your reactions, to see if youre being truthful

>3 references from each job
this is false
>We need no military
top laff
i agree with the rest of your post though
Our oath is to the constitution. If the American people send us off to kill Hajji's (Sand niggers), then so be it.

We don't decide, we just execute.
Even if I enlisted first?

You're making it seem way harder than it seems. My cousin barely finished high school and is now an officer.
Or you could just own up and pay the damn loans back. You can accomplish much more being free than working as a service man.
Military is for fags lol!
That is because you are a squid and don't deal with people IRL.
BTW my GPA was 3.9 not 2.9
>"I wouldn't sign up"
Hmm okay let's what you've got to say
>"You should go into construction management"
> 3 references from each job

For Top Secret it certainly is true.
You want to be an officer?
3 years in the army and a contract for 2 more years.
We need no military, we literally are overseas killing shitskins every day. It's ok, only some people had the balls to go on a crusade to fight the jihadists.
i have a top secret clearance and it is 100% certainly not true

just because you have a clearance does not mean you have access to documents which require your clearance
Can you negotiate with a chieftain so he wont kill your people...Yeah my psych degree does payoff.
Well obviously I'm not just going in for the money. I'm going in for the structure, the opportunity to better myself, and the opportunity to fight for my country (and also the white race)

But money is definitely a factor, so fuck off with all the guilt bullshit.

I finished up Army OCS in February and am at Engineer BOLC now. If you're in good shape, you should be competitive for Army OCS. Air Force will be hard without a STEM degree. Navy never really appealed to me, and I was over the age limits for the Marines. ArmyOCS.org has some good info. Your contract with the Army is 3 years after you commission, so roughly 3.5 years which would include BCT plus OCS. Army OCS is a little different since you go to BCT first and then OCS, whereas with the Marines you go straight to OCS. That being said, Marine OCS is much more "boot campy" since you're not going to their boot camp first, and then you go to The Basic School which is like their finishing program or their version of BOLC, so it ends up probably about the same. A big difference though is that with Marine OCS, you're not joining under contract. Meaning, if you fail out or drop on request, you're free to leave as if it never happened. That's deliberate since they want to weed people out who really want to be there. I kind of wish the Army was like that, since we had some people graduate OCS who I frankly think should not have graduated. But, alas, higher needs to "make numbers." The biggest four causes I've seen for people to not successfully finish Army OCS are 1) the history test. Study for it and you will pass. Plenty of people passed before you so just put in the work. 2) land navigation. Best advice is don't freak out. The instructors are very good at teaching land nav so just shut up and do what they say. 3) Injuries. Take care of yourself, do stretching, foam rolling, whatever. 4) Lack of security clearance. Big one on this is credit problems. Obviously don't be a drug lord or Russian spy either, but I've usually seen bad credit being the big cause.
It's not just truthfulness because they have a CI and full scope poly to really fuck your shit up and figure that out to a tee.
At TS, they want to know if you can be influenced through elicitation.

It kind of goes like this:
Do you have a wife from Russia?
Does she know someone high in the Russian government?
Can they force you to give up secrets to keep your wife?

Through your bad judgements (e.g. gambling habits) or contacts for the past 7 years, can you possibly be forced to spy for another country?
That is a way better way of thinking. I respect that.
How do they expect you to get three references if you worked at McDonald's or some shit one summer? Not saying it's not true, I'm just interested in how that would work out, since I did that shit and can't even remember my manager's name from back then.
This is the only REAL advice in the thread, in 3 years they will pay off your student loans but you won't be eligible for gibill/post 9-11 without extra service.

And to every salty Sgt in here spouting off "go enlisted, won't respect you, your not special" fuck you; they are as stupid here as in the army...

Be physically fit, like 1/2/3/4 level, don't take shit, always be better than everyone else as their job - not hard, men will respect you.
secret - they check to see if you were ever fired from a workplace and for what reasons, and they'll verify how many relatives you have who live in foreign nations. Having parents from a foreign nation is pretty much a no go in most cases.
secret security - they check your computer to see if you research or communicate with people from outside the country. You have nudes from a chick that was from Russia? Too bad no secret security for you
Top Secret - they speak to like 50 people that have known you throughout your life and if even one of them says you shouldn't have that information for any reason you probably won't get the Top Secret clearance
This is what i'm highly suspicious of. The money is all in the private sector and if youre in government and military at that it would only hinder you if your work at your own firm or large private firm.
How do your dudes become officers anyways?
Do you also have to circlejerk on the greatness of your army for 3 years academically?
GPA isn't competitive for OCS but join anyways as enlisted and you can apply for stay 21
I am looking through my DA 201 right now with my SF86 from SEPT 95, and I stand corrected. For each place I lived it was ONE and for each job it was also ONE.
Is it memory or eyesight that is the first to go?
Also this, my story to a tee
Join the navy every other branch treats it's people like shit

For Army OCS, you'd go in as an E-4 with the MOS 09S. Upon graduating Basic Combat Training, you will then go to OCS. I did both BCT and OCS at Ft. Benning, but some do BCT at Jackson and then get flown to Benning for OCS.
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Because you're a would be military anon, I won't tell you:

>>>/b/ kys faggot
I actually agree with you. I tried to tell my son the same thing but he went full retard like his old man.

The only thing I am saying is, if you are going to be an officer, be an officer. We deserve that. I just want officers who aren't shitbags.
If you are naturalized citizen, will you pass SC?
later in the future, im thinking about doing navy ocs for cyber. apparently they are trying to make cyber like JAG or doctors, where you be like O4~6 restricted line. thoughts? i have stem degree, highest honor from nations top engineering college, and working on cs masters
True, but I know some who ended up as both JAG judges and state supreme court judges.

What I loved about the military is that you get out of it what you give in to it.
You from Sud Amerika?
well, they are kinda political position, so to speak. ted lieu was in jag
gook. did gook army enlisted for two years.
I think you should be OK. If you go cyber, you are entering the most important job in defending this nation. If you are up to it, you have my mad respect.
Wait, what was your GPA going in?

Would my circumstances/resume get me into that? I'm 21 now by the way, 22 by then.
I think officers contracts are typically long, but maybe that's including scool. Enlisted the minimum you can do is 3 years and go in as an E4 if you have a bachelor's.

Yes and no. You get paid as E-5 once you class up in OCS, not just on arrival. Meaning, if you graduate Basic on June 1 and you class up with OCS on June 20, you get paid as E-4 from June 1 to June 20. During that limbo time, you will be at OCS's HHC where you will do PT and get some classes to help prepare you for OCS. Back in the day at the height of the surge, there were more candidates than OCS cadre, so a PT test was used to determine who classes up since there were only so many slots. If you didn't meet the cutoff, which could often be 270+, you would be "held over" until the next OCS class, usually a month or so later. Nowadays it's not that extreme. Point being, you could be getting paid as an E-4 for a little while.

Also, obviously this doesn't apply to NCOs who want to transition from NCO to Officer. We had an E-7 in my class who was paid E-7...they don't drop you down to E-5. I think that should be common sense but you'd be surprised some of the questions I've gotten about OCS lol.
thx. ive been living here for a while, really love this country. unfortunately, not a citizen yet. hopefully i would get naturalized b4 i get too old to commission. i think tech job at sf for few years, serving navy for 4 years as o-6 sounds dope.

If college repayment is OP's concern, look into the National Guard and the Reserves as well. Reserves right now is paying a $10,000 bonus, and National Guard depending on the state can have some bonuses of its own. Tradeoff is you need to find a day job as well.
Be a man join the marines n get shipped with 1/1 earn your student loans
JAG is such a crap shoot. In 21 years I met JAG's that were scary good. I have also met JAG's that acted like they got their law degree from a cracker jack box.
Our engineers make our AUXO cry all the time. Her 3.8 in English didn't help her learn how to understand how a Gas Turbine Generator works. lol

I know the Navy wouldn't overlook a 3.0. The military only cares about black and white paper and ink. We don't have a single officer on my ship that had less than a 3.7 Most of our enlisted people have degrees that they got while working 10-14 hour days and most of them had 3.6+ If you want shitty wifi, try using the internet at sea. haha

The JAG officers we had were top tier and had to deal with crazy complicated stuff, mixed in with a lot of mundane bullshit. I hear it's very competitive to get into JAG.

It's doable, but it's not going to be as easy as you think. Be prepared to have to enlist if they say no.

We used to do that shit. lol Look up gunboat diplomacy.

This post puts you in a much better light. You came off like an entitled college student in your OP.
From what I've read, they don't like anyone with family overseas for TS and above. But it probably depends on how much they want you. I read military journals, and everyone and their mother is jerking off cyber warfare as the new frontier for the military, so I'm guessing you'd have a decent shot and could almost certainly get SC.

True but it used to be. If you Google "OCS advice" you'll still get the horror stories from 2011-2012 when the downsizing started, where you had 3.9 GPA's and 300 APFT scores getting rejected. Today is much, much different than just a few years ago.
Navy cyber
You will work hard but you will be worth millions when you leave Groton or Florida or wherever the fuck your ctn school is
A month? Try 7... score was a 332 to class up. Fuck.that.place.

But thankfully no, that isn't the case anymore.
army ins't comfy at all because the few hoo-ah hard asses that leave infantry to do other shit in the army ruin it for everyone.

Airforce is MUCH more comfy than army
Are you in the military?

But what else do they ask you in the interviews? Like what should I say and what should I avoid saying? Or what image should I try to give off?
Navy is better than all of them.
Hooyah enough to be a real branch but they treat you like a human.
yeap. hard thing is im doing ai stuff at school, and not much time to get that cyber security classes. we'll see. gotta get naturalized first, tho.
That is such a small debt. Seriously. No reason to go into the military unless you are into that for other reasons. Focus on getting into a job with growth opportunities. You will be in a MUCH better place if you busted your ass for X years for a company than if you were developing "real-world skills" in the military. The loan is so small it doesn't factor into this.
thx anon. my friend is at wp, and apparently no one really knows anything about cyber shit in higher ups.
If you wish to learn about brotherhood and what it means to be a man, its great. If you wish to build some character, its great. The education benefits are awesome. But its not an easy life, you will be deployed often, rarely be home. Work long hours and you give up some liberties. It changed my life for the better. It is partial red pill.
I know a lot of people who work cyber. They are the new warriors. I would put 99% of poltards in that category. True patriots. We careerist tend to be fanatical patriots.

Right now I am in my last year of my PhD in Clinical Psych. These people have no clue
They mean stay consistent. Don't change stories. When recruits change stories, its a red flag.

3.0. I also had about 8 years work experience in finance, so they were probably looking at that more than just college.
phd? how long did that take? i thought about doing phd in theoritical eng stuff, but realized im more nomadic than i thought. did you like your time at service?
Brotherhood and being a man are enough. Step up and become a brother. Every single person who has worn a uniform is a brother or sister to me.
What if you are an old 37 year old dog, who wants the extra cash and training?
I already have a job, but I can't go full service...

FYI, for Army Cyber, it's a separate application process once you get to OCS, kind of like aviation. For most jobs, you put in a wish list and depending on how you fall on the Order of Merit List, they will try to place you accordingly. Protip: put a Cyber packet in, and then place your first choice for the OML as Signals. That way if your packet doesn't go through for whatever reason, you got something cyber-ish as a backup, and you can transfer over to Cyber later once you're in the force.
Very much agreed!
I came in with a BS in Psych. I was a grunt for 99% of the time. I left going to night school on my own dime to get my MS in Psych. I was accepted into 3 PhD programs. Used my GI bill to pay for my PhD.

Off to internship putting bad guys in jail for pedo.
i read some article saying that dod is trying to pass legislation to make cyber like law and medicine, where you can just direct commission with restricted line, as anywhere btwn O1~6. so maybe in the future.

They may ask you more questions, but merely just being a naturalized citizen isn't a no go.
brilliant. Godspeed anon.
thx anon.

I've read that also. Not sure how much I agree with that or not. I do however think that the new Cyber units in the National Guard are a great idea, because let's face it, if you're a top programmer, you're going to work for Google, Microsoft, something like that and make way more money. This way, you can do both.
That is what my son is doing. He is a 35P CZ putting in a cyber packet and he is way more intelligent than I will ever be. Me, I just know how to break shit and kill people.

Well now I know how to shrink heads.
So awesome! Bravo man!
Dumb, they bombard my inbox trying to get me to re-branch cyber. The more desperate they get to grow the branch, the lower the quality they will take, making it a "direct" will be awful -docs and jag are worthless "soldiers". And the inevitable rush to promote will create shitty NCO, just like UAS currently.

How do you shrink heads.
Join the Air Force and be a nonner fuck. Join medical for the Pootang. Stay far away from maintainence.
You're full of shit.
Everyone including Navy joke about airmen sipping lattes and eating lobster. Not that the navy has it that hard either.
For all the anons responding, thank you for your service!
Wait till you get invaded.

37 is no go for Active Duty. National Guard might be an option but you'll probably need an age waiver. Can you realistically keep up with the younger guys physically though? Not saying that to be a dick, but something for you to really consider.
We (soon to be) psychologist do not reveal our secrets.
the only pay back the student loans if you enlist vs getting a commission.

Get a commission and pay them off the regular way, enlisted life is not good.
This is true you know and I am Force.
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>psychologists can shrink heads
>I went to a psychologist in the past
>My head might be shrunk

Oh fug I dont want that bad juju on my head.

I got to disagree. The infantry and combat arms guys in general that I've met are pretty chill. It's the (insert random support MOS) fresh into E-5s and the SHARP/EO bullshit from higher that fucks it all up. I'm hoping Mattis rolls back some of that shit.
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>College grad
>Looking into 35M
>Taking DLAB tomorrow

This good, senpaitachi?

Can you give me examples of some questions?

And also, I think my OP made me seem like a spoiled cunt, but I'm honestly a pretty hard working person. I definitely don't come off as a cunt (if anything I might seem too southern) but I run 10 miles a day now and I'm fine with waking up early.

Also, just wondering, but are any of you racist? If so, what is it like?
Guys, can I have my alt-right haircut in the military?
Government will pay 1500 a year tops to a total of 10k towards your loans.

But yeah...Air Force does have it better. I got mad respect for the Combat Controllers also.
Juju is wat we dudu

What is hilarious is when one of my classmates (never me) uses our power for evil...it is really terrible.

Damn. When was this? Were you guys back at the old campus by the Airborne DFAC?
Prior USAF enlisted here.

Military is a good gig.


Don't walk around with a superiority complex when you sow on O1. Listen to your senior enlisted. Get to know your junior enlisted. Have some balls when speaking to your superiors if you think they are making the wrong call.

If you have a BA, you can get in. However, though it is wrong, my breed (enlisted) WILL think less of you if you are not prior enlisted.

So op, I hope you do it man. But God damn, put your heart into it. And God Bless you for trying to serve our country.

Just remember to give a shit, and devote yourself to the unit and mission. It is a decent life they provide in the military. And though it is not right for us to always do so, us (the enlisted) CAN and may make your life hell if we think you do not care about lives of the troops or the mission.
No such thing as a spoiled cunt. We take everybody from ivy league to trailer trash. You just have to give a shit about your country. We serve the constitution first...I have worked for 5 presidents. I thought ALL of them were total buttholes. But we serve our nation...its what we do.

The ages got jumped up recently but 37 is pushing it. https://www.thebalance.com/us-military-enlistment-standards-3354001 you have to look around and ask around because i've seen these numers jump here and there.

Says coast guard reserves will work for 39.

While I am not in the shape to do reserves right now at 28 the real hindrance is I am still on anti-depressants/anti-anxiety and for some reason you can wanna chop your dick off but you can't be a sad cunt now and then. I suppose it's hyper-paranoia about suicides but I still find it rather irritating. but it's an incentive to slay my shit and sort the dragon in to be able to join. I have to be honest with myself that I wouldn't be able to hack it as a proper grunt but I would like to serve in more of that support/intelligence capacity.
Which one....Ardennes has so many.
This was actually inspiring.

Thanks anon. & thanks for your service.

How should I handle interviews? Do you just make sure to be straight up and respectful?

And also, would I get ripped apart if I say "yes sir" in interviews? Or do you have to call them by technical names?
It's 50% the first year, 50% of the remainder the second, and the last balance the third $0 left at the end.
Also as far as branch is concerned - go USAF, but go JTAC/TACP/ALO

You are welcome.
Just be you, be honest. We don't expect civilians to get it. You will learn
I'm a LT in the Navy. Been on little ships, big ships, specwar, and over seas stuff. Do you have any questions?
If you're a pussy join the national guard
>no dude weed for 6 years
>gotta go sit in a room on your phone every 1 weekend every month and 2 weeks of rolling in the mud playing soldier every year
bellow you get in all branches
>get your shit payed off
>able to get a no interest/very low interest VA home loan
>lots of other support shit.

active Army
>no dude weed for 3 years
>work out the most retarded and possibly injure inducing routines every fucking day
>gotta get yelled at by people all the time
>your room and house will always be shit

>more pride than army
>same bullshit different name
>actually. More bullshit
>best uniforms

>you'll always be assumed as gay
>3 months in the middle of nowhere in a ship
>I hope you like being alone with the same people, good for reading I've heard
Don't take nuke, you'll want a magdump in your head

>you'll be gay
>best living conditions in the military
>lots of computer stuff
t. Army
I don't regret it. They teach you to thrive in shitty moments. If you choose national guard don't choose a POG MOS, take MP or Infantry, otherwise you'll be bored and you'll never do your MOS
Really!! USAF wing nut, zoomie.

I think killing should be personal
throw you on the front lines to kill hundreds via call air strike.
Lots of ptsd but lots of respect
1000% on point

Loved being a grunt...but then again I am retarded
Your recruiter should tell you about this but when they ask you IN RSP if you've ever done drugs always say no, if you've ever gotten a ticket say speeding once or twice, if you've ever been arrested always say no.

It's a thing in the army that you're not supposed to get caught breaking the rules, énfasis in caught.

So, would you say that the main thing holding me back is my 3.0?

I'm only 21 (turning 22)
But I can run a sub 5 minute mile and I'm not a small guy. What else could hold me back?

I had a prescription for vyvanse for ADHD before college. Will they see that? Or can I just not mention it?
No one told me that was a job till after I branched- TACP crush it with the best in the mud, you gotta have eyes on the tgt.
>did you just assume my rank?!
just call him dude, man. especially lieutenants; bars of butter.
Hey, I've heard that 11Bang takes a higer ASBAP score than some other MOS, at least you're not nigge- I mean 42A or cook
Srs breh. If I can't have a swastika tattoo, I want some kind of DL white nationalist symbol
I spent 6 years in the Airborne. TACP's are the shiznick. Great guys to get drunk with but their JMPI's scare the shit out of me.
So based on my resume:

>I'm 21 (almost 22)
>have a 3.0 in international business
>basically fluent in French
>experience living overseas (lived in England for 2 years) I don't know if that matters but I thought I would include it
>played college athletics
>can run a mile under 5 minutes
>can bench over 260 (again don't know if this matters)
>squat over 400

Which branch would I be best suited for?
1. Are there a lot of opportunities to pick up chicks in the military? (I mean other military members).

2. Describe that feel when you wear your uniform in public and someone says "thanks for your service."
Don't join the military, I had a worse GPA and got a job in two months. Made $72k and paid back my student loan in two years. We can make it bro.

Really depends on what you want to do.
Most of us are (or in my case were) just cum filled guys who were criminally insane. You mean I get 3 meals a day and housing to practice or for real kill people.

Seriously these are the greatest men I have ever known in my life.

Total heaven.
Good, go USAF, tell them ALO (Air liaison officer) you go jtac school to control planes but they put you with army armor and infantry battalions - then you crush selection for TACP and go special forces. You get all the high speed air forces classes AND the hooah army schools.

If I had it to do over again.
Special Forces...totally
2.9, quit being a lying little nigger.

You'd be best suited for whatever the fuck you want. If you want to simply pay off your loan (most recommended because you won't be doing any international business in the service) just take whatever seems to fit you best, if you're a pussy just take the guard. No shame in it, it's easy. 2-3 days out of the month and 2 weeks out of the year. No one can fire you for going to drill. I recommend MP, then you'll do some cool stuff and if civil unrest breaks out you'll be the first to deploy in the city.

If you wanna do cool shit and are really, really dedicated join the Army and take a Ranger contract, if you are able to pass it you'll do all kinds of classified fun shit.

If you wanna do cool shit but don't know if you have what it takes to be a Ranger (if you already think so you lost, Ranger school is all in the head, 90% leave in the first 3 days) go in the Marines as infantry.
Know any SF fags?
>Which branch would I be best suited for?

Ethnic cleansing of America
100% agree ranger airborne or SF. Why on earth would you want to be a leg.
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If you answer-
NO = New Opportunities
YES = Your Enlistment Stops
That's what my recruiter told me back in the day.
1. There are lots of opportunities to pick up STDs and a couple rape allegations. Don't go in because you want pussy

2. Y-you too
Well I have a long term girlfriend and we're pretty serious. So I wouldn't want to be away all the time. I'm fine with getting deployed for a set period of time, but if I wasn't deployed I would want to be able to see my girlfriend (maybe getting married by then)
When did you serve? The army is total fucking filth ridden garbage now. I got a fucking tranny briefing last weekend.
I had three of my NCOs go, all made it - kinda guys who could down a fifth on a Wed and run 5 mi the next morn still drunk in 30 min. Badasses
I do, but I am not who you talk to.

And if you call them a fag...well good luck with that.
Everyone is going to be heavily biased toward (or heavily against) their own branch. Navy is pretty easy if you can stand being stuck on a boat for 6+ months. There's also some rates (jobs) that are more heavily shore based, yes people will make fun of you for it but that's going to happen regardless of which one you pick. You're also far more likely to actually get the job you pick.

DO. NOT. GO. NUKE. They'll fucking bait you with dollar signs, motherfucker I promise you, please god do not fucking do it.
He's not saying don't lie (everybody does). He's saying make sure if you do, they have no way of finding out.
Retired in 2011
My son says it is shitsville now.

I was in a wartime army or in the airborne.
Also this, don't shit where you sleep. Do what everyone else does and roll in foreign pussy (wear a fucking condom), fuck civillians, or jerk off four times a day because there's nothing better to do between sweeping p-ways and napping in sonar spaces.
the fuck? is it mandated by congress, or just (((Ashton carter))) shit, that mattis is trying to undo?
If you need to ask...just don't
One of my instructors was an NVG repair guy, he got attached to a Ranger platoon. Did all kinds of helicopter insertions, air assault kind of things and killed some people. Shit fucks your joints tho, idk, probably because he only does PT and doesn't lift.

Bro, every branch is going to let you see your woman. Best you get married before you join though.
Talked to an ex-SF friend, he suggested going NG for SF, going through the training then transferring to active duty with the Army. I think his idea was that if I fuck it up then I won't be shipped off wherever the Army needs me. Know anyone who took that path?
What's nuke??
nuclear sub.

Oh please. It's not like they're going to beat your ass for calling them a fag. I did a couple deployments with team 3 and 5.
My God, I really hope the army goes into war or at least a war like mindset. We really need to shed the peace time pussies ruining the army. The moment they start drafting the nigger cooks and other pencil pushers into infantry half the people who are dragging down the place will either retire or be retired. The army isn't your fucking safe space, our job is killing. Period. Killing and supporting those who kill. All you should need is chaplains and some psychological aid, no EO or SHARP garbage.
Too funny. Pol has nothing on masturbation when compared to the military.

I wish more military or vets could find Pol. We are just as fucked up as ya'll.
Mandated by someone high up. I could see the rage seeping in the eyes of my captain as he had to answer "what if a tranny walks into the female bathroom..." questions
At this point it's a ritual for me to just jerk off before watch.

Program where you work with reactors. School is disgustingly long and difficult, you'll be surrounded by people considered weird by fucking Navy standards, and you'll likely wash out after more than a year of busting your ass and then getting sent undesignated or getting re-rated to some other shit-tier rate like any engineering gig.

Don't forget about the massive suicide rate, and practically mandating you fall on the autism spectrum!
Then you talk to him. Me I am just a common ass paratrooper. I have some friends who are SF. Amazing people.
I'd call them a fag, probably have a nice bro-tier fight and then crack open some beers.
What happens in ranger school? My brother in law is a ranger and he said it was intense.
You are blown up first if a nuclear war breaks out
>nobody check'd yet because place is full of plebbit faggots
OMG the most disgusting place I jerked off was at Camp Buhring in Kuwait. 1000 men and like 20 shitters to both shit, piss and jerk off in. Threw up and jizzed at the same time.
>international business degree

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Kek. I'm not airborne yet, I got my mountain goat though.
D-do I need to be an alpha male to be in the military? I am naturally a quiet, passive person.

Maybe it's just the seal teams, but we are informal as fuck. As a JO I was calling group one CO by his first name.
geez. everywhere. I did 21 years
Best places: 82nd, Iraq, Germany and Japan
Dude. I legit no joke found 1 in Basic and one somewhere else in my Battalion. The one in basic was 1488, went into intelligence.
You'll be alright. You'll adapt and call everyone a faggot eventually.
No, we paratroopers give new meaning to the word retarded.
ever been to korea? also i though there were only muhreens navy af in japan
1000% agree we kill...its what we do
What would a bachelors for chemical engineering with a 3.6/3.7 gpa do for me in the military? I'm definitely considering it since my grandfather was an engineer in the navy and has said good things about it.
I hope so, anon. I am 30 and no college degree and no job. I want to do InfoSec in USAF and free college.
No, I wish
I was in Japan for 3 years in a really cake assignment
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>t. Enlisted man looking to enter the Chaplaincy
Join the Army's infantry, pussy. Everyone else in here is a fucking pogue, but I imagine that is exactly what you want to do fatty.

It's a foot in the door. They may require you (or send you) to get a masters.

For enlisted you can get a taxable 10k toward paying back your loans
I'm putting together a packet for Army OCS right now anon. Give me tips to help you boys out.
how do they usually treat sk posting? they seemed pretty comfy, but still get paid extra due to being near norks
No. Actually it's kind of the opposite.

Some of my international biz professors are so redpilled compared to average business professors.

One time some kid said that FDI was a good/necessary thing to develop foreign nation's industries and my professor lost it on him and ranted for ten minutes about how he couldn't give a damn about FDI. He said he only cared about conquering foreign markets not building them up. Pretty alpha to conquer foreign markets desu (especially when the towelheads are having to rip coke labels off of the bottles because they have pictures of Santa Claus at Christmas time)
Oh hey, is Paul growing a beard? Looks good.
If you won they would respect that, if you lost well...maybe...just don't quit..ever
for foreign countries perspective, its more gibs, so depending on perspective, fdi would be good, imo
>going back into academia
That is the last thing I ever plan to do with my life.
1. How often will I have to bathe with other men in the military?

2. What is shitting like in basic training? What if I have to shit while marching?
Fucking A

Shit is highly technical, and you will have competition with those with higher degrees.
implying that MPs arent pogs. kek

19D all the way fag
For chemical engineering there isn't as much emphasis put on MS over BS. A lot of schools would require you to get a phd if you wanted to go further, with an optional MS on the way.
>I'm just a retarded meatshield
>lol stupid pogs
honestly, for stem, bachelors doesn't mean shit, and masaters will get you started. i feel like american stem needs to be like uks, where 3+1 for bsms (their k-12 is 13 years, so no bs liberal arts crap)
Put your head down, ruck-up and go. You will have permanent scares on your body. You will get fucked up.

We are not a fucking country club. We put 100 lbs.of shit and go... we get there and we kill.

This is what we do
I think your college Minor in surrendering is not very useful outside European military.

Only go in as an officer and make sure your contract has your student loan repayment.

Do your 4ish years and get out. But you're probably better off using that buisness degree to get a lucrative civilian job and snort coke off expensive escorts at industry parties.
>international business degree
>minor french
>College Athlete
>Student Loan Debt

Lol. KYS already. You have a useless degree and no useful skills. You might as well go into boot camp as a grunt on the front lines if you're too scared to KYS.
Oh like cav scouts are infantry..please
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Just one point of order, when I was in the Guard, I was a 31B, I never did my MOS. This problem could have been avoided had I taken the steps to go to a line unit but I was in a Brigade HHC instead. It sucked ass. I was around a bunch of 42A pencil-pushers. Only plus side was that most of them were decent looking broads. Not to mention the E-4 Mafia ran that place.
Hes a knuckle dragging gun monkey who wants to kill and get killed for the Jews wishes he was intelligent to do something else with his life Officer is the way to go
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I'm too intelligent to fight, anon. I am going to be a applications programmer in AF or some IT job.
look at SF, Psyops or Civil Affairs

If wanted to be an officer, which I didn't, I would have went that route.
There's a form. You list everywhere you lived in the last 5 or 10 years with references and answer some questions.

Then an investigator talks to your references and ask if you're a communist.
Must be tough being so alpha. I respect infantry though, we need retards to throw at the enemy once all the POGs figure out where they are, what they're doing, what they're GOING to be doing, where to hit them, and basically solving all of the actual problems so you can go in there and waste thousands of dollars in ammunition trying to suppress deranged peasants with soviet-era weaponry and whatever else they could salvage from the last group of knuckle-draggers we tossed at them.
It's hardly ever a good thing.

You're spending your own money, hiring foreign workers, and investing/building in a foreign country. How does it benefit Americans? It doesn't (at least not directly)

However, conquering foreign market shares IS in americas best interest. When businesses sell to foreign consumers, they export American products and pieces of American culture. Plus, conquering foreign markets creates growth in American businesses and allows them to hire more Americans.
Lot to be said about killing Hajji's

I finished with a Bachelors in BA, a minor in Econ, and a concentration in finance. I was one of teh founders of my uni's business club. I started a stock market game for the club and trained/taught students how to make kickass portfolio's and was generating 26% returns within 2 months.
I got offered a shitty sales job 10 minutes away from my house. My cumulative was a 3.1 but my last 3 semesters GPA was 3.6, 3.7, 3.6, 3.8. I just did horrible my first two years because of personal family issues so cum got fucked.

Nonetheless it's not that easy dude.
No one is doing what they wanted to do in civie life.
I'm another anon putting together a packet for Army OCS and was thinking of either MI or 11A. Regardless, civie life is pretty shit right now unless you already come from money.
A lot of middle eastern/African countries speak French. But yeah it was a pretty dumb language to pick, I just hate spics.
how do they usually treat sk posting? they seemed pretty comfy, but still get paid extra due to being near norks
Also what the fuck is up with my spelling. I need to go to bed soon.
Welcome to the club Anon

Me, I am retired, so I am on the other side. It is like a drug. I miss it everyday. I just look forward to my new job helping children and maybe putting pedos in jail.
Damn. So will my living in England hurt me? (I played semi-professional soccer)
STA-21 is probably harder to do than just going in first and most people who join up intending to Mustang are not able to do it
Sweet gig dude. One of my buddies works in "sanitation". As he so loves to put it.
He was telling me go Marine OCS, go reserve, get TSC and then work for one of the Alphabet agencies putting scum away.

Thing is I really want to experience the Army, do it as an officer and then get out, and travel, maybe do humanitarian work or something.

But we'll see down the road. Maybe I'll love the military and spend the rest of my life there.
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Another anon thinking of joining up but I'm kinda out of shape after being outta high school for four years

went to community college for three semesters but it just wasn't for me what can I do to get into shape before getting into the army?

we're already five months into 2017 should I wait until the new year or could you join up at any time
What are the alphabet agencies?
As an enlistee? You could ship out next week if you really want to anon.

As an officer, well you can't do that anyways because no degree.

For being an enlistee though, they will whip you up into shape.
Government, like FBI, NSA etc. etc. etc.
Start running. Download C25K and run 3x per week at first.

How over weight standards are you? If you aren't, it's not hard to train for the run/pushup/situp
Are there any other officers in here? I'm thinking about doing atache duty, anyone have tips?
IIRC there's a list of places that you would have to tell them about which MIGHT bar you from getting in.

It's mainly Niggerlands and Chinkvilles.

Britain might be okay. You'd have to talk to a recruiter. And make sure that you clearly state that you want to go through OCS.
It's Army Special Forces anon. You can go to Ranger school and get the Tab, but that doesn't make you a Ranger.

It's just hardcore, badass, door busting, shit.
But with brains. That's something lots of people don't understand, SOF isn't just grunts. These guys are nerds, but nerds who kill.
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>spending trillions of dollars and wasting thousands of American lives all in the name of some grand scheme to ruin a region for a country of some zionist LARP fags whose sole mission is to establish biblical borders and bring about the apocolypse is ok because some brown kids die
nu/pol/ sucks, what kind of redpills are they giving you all these days
For me, I didn't think I would go career. But I loved being a grunt. I worked with really smart folks who made you better. If you want to go three letter agency, go MI or cyber. This is what my son does.
You could technically ship out directly to OCS if your GT scores are high enough. At least, from my memory.
Weight standards are so fucked up though.

>im 5'11 without shoes
>can run a mile under 5 minutes
>bench 260ish
>squat over 400

And I'm still "overweight" on my BMI when I visit the doctor.

I weigh 190 but I have a borderline six pack. I just have thick ass legs for some reason but they're defined as fuck.
>forgetting about the fact that everyone everywhere LARPS.

You would be overrun by other Larpers if it wasn't for these so called Zionist larpers and military anons.

The world is a massive board game and we are all it's players.

Even if you innawoods you are still playing.
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do it, goy faggot
we work IRL and not in a basement faggot
they will give him a gun and let him fire at a target a few times and make him hike 1 time . since he is a male he will be required to do some pull ups as well

there is no chance of him starting as a officer any more. the government hasnt been talking about the revisions as much since they want people to think they will avoid mine sweeping and shit like that but you will only be cannon fodder

for the next few years at least it will continue to be like this. there is simply no room for promotion

They'll just tape you and you'll be fine.
How long ago was that?

I have to get some medical records, I have to meet with two board over the course of the next few months, I have to get recommendations, which will be especially hard since I want two of my recommendations to be prof. and schools out.

On the mini practice ASVAB they gave me I got an 85. This was after nearly 6 years of not doing basic math or English. I've been studying and I'm positive I can score over a 90 np.
You're perfectly fine. Somewhere around 5 pounds overweight, but they'll tape you and you'll be good. I knew tons of people who were over their weight but jacked as fuck and would blow their PT test out, but get fucked because the tape test measures waist to neck ratio. It's outdated and shitty.
Isreal LARPS on a whole different level. They literally came from Europe, changed their European names to ancient hebrew ones, revived some old ass dead language and are on a conquest for a mission that dates back to the biblical times. Also if you think muslims are worse than Isreal stop posting and lurk for a few more months. Isreal is a whole different species of scum.
>In military
>Officer in military
>English degree
u.s army everyone
I've been on this shithole since 2007 anon. I've been lurking /pol/ for years. Sorry that I don't by into the "JUUUEZ" conspiracy's like you.
You said you bout to graduate so: u will prolly get butterbars straight out the gate (2ndLT)
DON'T go in acting like u know more than the NCO's who have been in the shit for years. Be respectful, listen, and learn
Don't contribute to the already piss-poor perception of officers
Ur still a nigger tho haha
What's butterbars? And what is 2ndLT?

But yeah I'm generally not a cocky prick and always reasonable/polite.
Do it. The military is all mental strength. If you believe you can do it you'll do it. Literally meme magic. Fake it till you make it
So that number is just an average based on everyone else who took the test. If you look at other scores (there are something like 6 I think) they're the ones that really show you where you would excel. The biggest indicator would be your GT (general technical) score. When I joined in 2011, the minimum score to be put in for OCS was 110. You could also get a waiver if your score wasn't above that minimum, but if you scored in the 85 percentile, you should be fine. I scored like 71, GT was 112.
So, how do you guys deal with working around niggers? Are they allowed to nig or are they kept in line?

I'm going to be real honest, I did not feel that camaraderie in OCS or now in BOLC. Granted I'm still in TRADOC retardation so hopefully it gets better once I get to the force, but sometimes it's like fucking middle school here
Its more of a zionist thing desu
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Here's some advice anon, because you are basically where I was at 6 months ago.

Start researching. Start browsing military forums. Start going to /k/. Start trying to figure out what you really want out of the military and life in general.
Because if you go in with this total lack of knowledge about anything they will fuck you over. Guaranteed.

I went to Navy OCS before I knew enough about it and this dude had me thinking I would be a fucking fighter pilot.
I can still technically do it, but it's not for me, and it's crazy hard anyways.

Also second LT is second lieutenant. Butterbar is a term they use for 2ndLT's. Especially fresh out of the Academy or OCS.

Figure out what you want, study, research and then go talk to recruiters.
Butterbars is what we called 2nd lieutenant rank. It is the bottom of the totem pole for commissioned officers. Officers are kind of seen as entitled know-it-alls to enlisted men, but you can change that in your unit pretty quick if you're good to your platoon and little humble
They would respect a real battle. Even a total pencil pusher who will not take defeat for an answer. If he get utterly btfo until the point of collpase. They'll respect that as well

They can be lazy when you don't put them to task. It's more of an initiative thing. Mind you, that's just for the dumb jobs. In specwar, black guys work just as hard otherwise they wouldn't be there.
Depends on where you go/what your MOS is. You might be cucked if you're signal/CBRN.

I know soooooo many people who had a love/hate relationship with their active unit. All about your perception.
I agree, it really is how mentally tough u are, in the RIP before ranger school, everything is a trick to make them quit I heard
God where is Vinning now.....

On a side note, I went to my local Masons chapter to look into joining. The Master Mason of the lodge was this dude with glasses, a long as ponytail and taught part time history classes at my local uni.

I told him about my plans with the Army and he told me not too because he spent 20 + years in SOF. It only further reinforced my belief that these dudes are all legit nerds with balls of steel.
Essentially the same thing as Basic Training except with more teamwork, and you could actually fail out of it. All officers who have the fortune of being in a combat role HAVE to go through RASP.
Just infantry, or like, FA, cav, every combat arms officer?
AFAIK every officer related to combat MOS (CBRN, INF, CAV, ETC.)

When I went through CBRN school in 2012 my CO had his skill indicator for Ranger on his ASU.

Now, you can only wear the specific berets if you're attached to the unit (I.E. only wearing the tan beret while in ranger battalion, or wearing maroon beret while in an airborne unit.)
I read the Army is making a 5th Ranger Battalion? Is that shit about to get swamped with dudes trying to go SOF? Or does it mean more wiggle room?
Armor and infantry are basically mandatory and next door so it is easy, but don't believe the lie that you can't get PL without a tab, that bullshit.
FA is out of OK, so you gotta "compete" to get back to Benning, but it isn't hard if you want it.
To be honest, I haven't been reading up much on the stuff in recent years. I'm currently in transition period of getting out.

My guess would be because the whole gender neutrality thing, they need to put women in for muh diversity, which is shit.

It's just fact that women can't do shit compared to men, but the Army is just a big social experiment. Ruining it desu. Destroys moral.
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