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Brit/pol/: Young People Are Our Future edtiton

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Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 83

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>3 days left to register to vote so you can spoil your ballot

>Tory Manifesto: Death-Tax, No immigration controls, Abandon pensioners

>Politicians face investigation over abusing data harvested and sold from social media

>LibDem manifesto: Ganja YES, Brexit NO, Tampons FREE

>EU willing to throw toys out of pram for divorce bill

>Over 1 million young people have registered to vote since Snappy Lec Lec called

>Wages continue to fall behind inflation, quantitive easing has failed (the people)

>Man charged with terrorism for not handing over passwords at airport
vote may for a better brexit deal. vote corbyn if u are a communist fag.
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Has anyone noticed that in party political broadcasts
is being pushed so hard as a scary bad meme? I guess project fear found work again.

Also more drone discussion please lads
First for being and Englishman who was never asked. Watch if you haven't already


t. globalist CIVIC
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This is the real me
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>mfw Brexshits want to ban this
: (
Posted in last thread

>For about £3-5k you can get your license and good kit. I've been considering it too since it fits in with what I do, just waiting on finances; so many options and opportunities. You're right about getting in early though, needs to be this year really because every cunt will have a cheap one by next year and be doing shit work and ruining the industry.
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Night lads, have a nice Friday

Are Irish/Scottish people 3/5ths British, or do they count as whole people?
Dunno, I love him so I guess up to a grand.

Absolutely degenerate. He's a committed Christian. He does a 500 mile round trip to visit my grandma's grave every month.
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you fell for it right ?
Nth for Federation
And make the Falklands a state not a territory
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Stop not saving Britain.
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>"conservative" government
>complains about inequality in society

Night lad - you too
They are British you dip, they come from the British isles
Born in the wrong generation lads

>He's a committed Christian
Maybe some knee pads

>Dunno, I love him so I guess up to a grand.

Bloody hell lad.

If he can still drive get him a driving experience in a nice place, a hotel and then have a good meal and beers? Or a day at Silverstone etc? I think 'experiences' are a much better gift than 'things'.

Red letter days has plenty of ideas. They're a bit of a rip off but worth a look.
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>tfw you have lower back pain and you're fucked
If you vote for Labour you're effectively electing British Trump, expect American levels of media retardation surrounding his election if he wins.
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Start buying guns.
Fuck sakes why is Brit/pol/ so fucking left wing
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>in my early 20s and already have bad back pain
>these things just get worse with age

How fucked am I lads?
Don't post that
>mans need a strap innit
But I want hanging and repatriation and harsh prison sentences and legal carry firearms and banned abortion and all sorts of stuff
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Its 2am only shills and meme lords are on
Yeah I'm not sure why all these Tory shills turned up
>Why is a National Socialist board National Socialist?


You either agree or don't agree that Brits should look out for the British. If you agree, you can't dispute socialist economics. If you disagree, you're not a nationalist. It's simple.
>Tories say they're committed to tackling problems and issues this country faces
>been in problem for 7 years
>still refuse to admit they're directly responsible for a lot of them
>won't even acknowledge that their own failed targets are a testament that things have actually gotten worse

But they'll keep getting away with it because people will let them scapegoat whoever the fuck they feel like.
sit with better posture, start exercising, fixed my back pain in like a month
One of the last first rate bongs
Any of you lads been to south America?
Absolutely delete this right now.

Money's not an issue (I'm not a billionaire or anything, but family is one of the few things I like spending money on), but I don't want to be tacky by spending too much.
That sounds good though mate, cheers. I reckon he'd love something like that.
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Blair killed the country, May is just standing on the corpse

>British Trump

He's the British Mélenchon. An ultra-lefty tard whose only redeeming features are his earnestness and the fact that the elites don't want him.
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Went to Chile and Peru last year. Where you planning on going?
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could be worse i'm 27 and I've got nerve pain from chemo I had at 11

Pain killers don't do shit

I don't even oppose NatSoc but your reasoning is garbage
No plan yet, how cheap is it? Would like to include those places
i don't understand how people can be against the death penalty because "you can't undo a death sentence" but be okay with taking decades of someone's life away, as if that's something you can undo with a lump sum
I wouldn't mind going Argentina, it's supposed to be white as fuck.
When did Sam Hyde become anorexic?

That's not how you spell Cameron.
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Spoil my ballot is right.

Conservatives = authoritarian fascists
Labour = socialist comrades
Lib Dems = all good except eurocucks wanting second referendum
Greens = delusional to the point of dangerous
UKIP = nothing left but mouthbreathing twats
>family is one of the few things I like spending money on

Admirable. Wish I had the money to be able to treat the people who deserve it. For my Grandad's 80th I took him to the Imperial War Museum then had a night in Cambridge and had as many beers as possible, he really enjoyed it. Far better than buying a generic gift in my opinion.

They do classic car experiences so you could find one he loved in his childhood and give him the chance to drive it maybe. They're expensive and not that common but you can find them.
>when you realise that small-state liberals are going to be a fringe voice in the UK for decades to come

If I never see Hannan or Carswell on the green benches by 2023 I'm going to burst a blood vessel.
Get out.

Wow, what a cunt.
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: )

Must be a good feel to be old enough to be able to treat your Grand-dad.
You can't undo murders committed by released convicts either and they don't consider that an argument in favour of locking people up forever. Batty isn't it
>Conservatives: Heath-era "patrician" Toryism
>Labour: Off the fucking deep end
>Lib Dems: Half decent, half pathetic
>Greens: Possibly sectionable
>UKIP: Spastics
Thanks pal, really appreciate it.
Cameron was just a cheap Blair knockoff. Same with May.
Belter. Prefer Bowie's version desu.
tfw May turns out to be a Miliband knockoff
>Lib Dems: Half decent, half pathetic

in what ways are they decent?
is May tough enough?

Cant bitch too much lucky to be alive after stomach cancer
>dude weed lmao
Damn right she's tuss enough
No it isn't. There, argument over.

Chile was all over the place, sometimes you'd get a beer for like 80p but in Santiago it was about £2. Overall I'd say it was the same sort of price as Poland for most things, accommodation was really cheap but I stayed in shit places.

Peru was cheaper. A starter, good steak and a bottle of wine was about a tenner and I used airbnb and had my own amazing ocean view place for 2 nights for £35 and they left me some beers and snacks included in the price.

I reckon Argentina would be cheaper. Chile was stunning, I'd recommend it to anybody. Peru was great too but there were a lot of Westerners there 'finding themselves' which annoyed me a bit, I was just there because I found cheap flights and wanted to walk and explore, I found myself years ago and I was a cunt, no point in doing it again.

If I go back I intend to do the South of Chile and then come up the coast of Argentina. Even the Chileans were telling me to go to Argentina so it must be good.
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A-are you all clear now anon?
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>falling for the herbal Jew meme
I miss edd
Yeah this was back in 2001
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Are you swayed?
Lib Dems predict £1bn revenue from d'herb.
A-And then £2bn the next year. Once they've had a taste, we can jack up the prices.
Let's turn Britain into the drug pushers of the world again.
ed and dave on pmqs was peak british politics desu
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The Daily Mail being blatantly dishonest as usual, lying to its demographic, its contempt for its readers is just astonishing.
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In what way was he a knockoff and not a political failure in his own right?

pic related
>had my own amazing ocean view place for 2 nights for £35
Nice, how much were the flights? and how much overall did you spend?
The papers will suck Tresemme off every day until the election because she's promised to drop Levinson 2.
this fucking real ? why
>Nazi can't argue his case

Surprise surprise
They really were the Naruto and Sasuke of our generation
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Good to hear
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>1980 was 40 years ago

I guess some are picking up on a Bernie Sanders-type vibe for Corbyn.
Not, as someone else suggested, the weed thing. LibDems are really a party torn in two, which dates back to its founding in the 80s. The split is between the Liberals and the Democrats.

Effectively, there's a split in the party (they're quite well-behaved, so you don't see much of it, but it's definitely there) between the classical liberals the US-style, socialism-in-sandals liberals.

Nick Clegg, for all of his posturing about tuition fees, is a classical liberal. When he stepped down in 2015 and Tim Farron faced Norman Lamb in the leadership election I was rooting for Lamb to win out over the hippy marxists represented by Farron. Obviously he didn't, and the party is where the party is.

It's pretty disappointing, but the upshot is that when the hip youngsters leave the party and become disinterested (it's only a matter of time) the party's base will return to its happy equilibrium. Chiefly, that's rural west country voters where the party is traditionally very, very strong. And we may see the Farronites disappear from the leadership for a little while.
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And most of the electorate is thick as pig shit who won't be able to see past DM headlines sadly. It's fucking scary just how much pull the press has over this country.

Murdoch owns a significant proportion of the national press in which all contributors must clearly champion his over-arching political agenda; he has such power as a result that he has frequent meetings in Downing Street where politicians are reportedly fearful of upsetting him, such is his influence. The issue is not promoting an opinion in the media; it is the monopoly and thus the power and influence held by one man over the future of a whole nation.
Aye, he wrote it after all.
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Tanks on Labour's lawn.
>was the Daily Mail is partisan and quite shit

Fuck off with this shite. I know. Everyone fucking knows. You're not clever or insightful. Take that shit to EvolvePolitics.
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Just wait until he's got all of Sky in his back pocket
>captcha: close close
>collection of "men" ganging up on an old man
why do politicians always look disgusted when they're eating? Is it because they're reptilians who can't stand our food or what?
Flights were £550 but I think you could get them cheaper, still I didn't think that was too bad.

Was there for 16 days, camped for 5 nights and the rest was airbnb and 3 or 4 nights in hostels. Drank a decent amount, ate too much, didn't do much touristy stuff; mainly just walked around and looked at free stuff. Bought fuck all else. Spent something like £600.

One of the coolest things I did was rent a small boat off a local bloke for the day for £15ish (just walk to a small port/marina and ask around, I asked 4 people and 2 said yes). Well worthwhile and I pulled a NZ bird because of it and we ate some weird fish on the beach and it was like a naff romcom.

I budgeted £1400 for the whole trip including the UK part of getting to the airport etc and I had money left over.
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It's 0226, I've spent half the night watching cunts on TV, I don't want to debate one on here. I want to chill out with my remaining 3 smokes and not be triggered by idiocy.

picture unrelated

Never say this again. It's untrue and despite that it still makes me feel close to death.
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>mfw ETH just hit $102 and still climbing

Anyone else holding shitcoins?
It seems slightly ironic that this should need to be most often reminded to the political left, but how about treating people like human beings, whatever their political views?
Protests are one thing, but I feel like anti-Right protests get violent much more readily than anti-Left.
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Nice one lad sounds great and cheap. While look around for cheaper flights as I can go when its the cheapest. Did you do any coke?
>tfw I was considering buying at $15 but pussied out
what's with this hairstyle?
Welcome to 2017, buddy. Here's your fidget spinner.
Fuck the BBC desu, I just want to watch iplayer, every time I get a VPN that works they ban it the next day

>all those toilet-trash stock manlets getting brave as mob
>mfw if i saw this cunt mocking any elderly person like that around me
Have you paid your TV licence, lad?
She's a skinhead, not the kind you get over there, the nazis kind of hijacked the look. Used to be based around ska music.
Assalamu alaikum, brits.
I`ve read somewhere you opened 423 Mosques since 2001 and closed 500 Churches, is it fake news?
I only got in at like $80 or something, made like $125 or around that I guess since I've got 6. Going to just hold till it goes to the moon.

Was gonna buy in at $45 but I too pussied out.
>you'd write about clever things like repatriation and [in]visible bruising
What did he mean by this? Not sure if he said invisible or visible bruising.
I have not
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>tfw ignored people ages ago saying "buy ethereum" because I spent ages mining dogecoin and it's still worthless
Naughty naughty. No Neil for you.
I started to get paranoid about beeb tracking iPlayer traffic, so I just started watching TV on the satellite. Ironic.
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>say anything
>get booed
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It was amazing. Would love to go back but fr longer next time and take a bike and cycle as far as possible.

I didn't do coke because it doesn't work well for me but smoked some weed; didn't pay for it but from what I could tell it was about a fifth of the price it is here and nobody seemed to give a shit. One bar I went to in Peru was full of people smoking it, including the staff

What this chap said
I love it and hate it. You seen This is England? If not, watch it right now.
It`s not much of a matter of sitting though, most back pain is caused by incorrect sleeping position.
how do I acquire an English skinhead gf?
Anyone else find the booting pensioners got in the Tory manifesto beautiful? Nice to see those cunts get a bit of reality desu
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These digital currencies are a fucking nightmare. I've got so many regrets. Instead of investing in BC I put £2k into Yahoo before the buyout and lost about £400. Was considering BC and if I'd gone into that I'd now be at about £12k. Fuck it all.

Pic semi-related because he was there when Trump bombed the airfield in Syria and that's why the public hate him
Thre is a special kind of rage when normies who wouldn't know international trade if you dropped a textbook on their head have suddenly become experts the moment such a topic becomes a Remain talking point

> cuck friends on normiebook wailing about how a hard Brexit with no trade deal means the country will be ruined, RUINED, access to a local free trade zone is imperative for any country
> same people who were wailing about how TPP was gonna serve democracy up on a platter to the greedy capitalists 2 years ago
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I'm honestly not sure. There pretty much aren't any left and the ones that pretend they are are nearly all vegan, lefty cunts just LARPing as 80's skins.
Cancer wards a good place to start
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>All the butthurt Blairites on /r/LabourUK

Feels good.

Still fucking annoying as fuck May can be possibly the single most incompetent politician in the UK next to Dianne Abbott but the media will continue to just back her 100%.

Did you guys watch that Laura K interview with Corbyn on the Labour manifesto, yet every time Corbyn started explaining how things are costed, she would just interrupt? Fuck me dead, not even trying to hide bias anymore.
what a shame
I wonder if the right will rise up in the United States in time to save Dylann Roof from prison, I sure hope so.
>You seen This is England?

Lad I'm a skinhead, I watch it six times a month. You seen the spin off series they made on channel 4?
I mean, I think the general point is that change is bad.
Not being in a free-trade zone isn't a killer in and of itself, but when the country has been in one, and built so much of our economy around it in the last 40 years, coming out without any graceful transition is probably going to be a bit of a dick.
Completely agree. The best argument is to ask them how we trade with the rest of the world if the single market is so important and how we manage to trade with China with no real trade agreement. Also ask them if they think there should be global free trade, if they say no call them European supremacist racist shitlords, if they agree, ask them what happens when all manufacturing moves to Asia and Africa and we lose millions of jobs.
Any self respecting skingirl wouldn't go near a poncy fucking yank.
This election is win win, either Corbyn loses terribly and takes Labour down with him, or he does better than expected and the Blairites have to finally stfu
That was meant for the Yank. I did, watched them all. Really well made and great acting... Nice to see something based in a part of England other than London and for it to be close to reality rather than a meme. The rape scene was intense as fuck.

Shane Meadows is great, I assume you've seen Dead Man's Shoes but if not you should. Not the same theme but still a great film
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Sorry lad
Skin heads are fucking subhuman, they are literally untermensch just using national socialism as a front for their low IQ nigger behavior,
>Country that was built and survived for centuries and centuries, had two world wars on it`s belt
>Suddenly is afraid to say "Fuck off" to a bunch of faggots sitting in Brussels dictating how many rapists you should accept each year
Well, when did anglos became such faggots anyway?
The fact that the BBC is accused if bias daily by both sides shows it's not.

Also Labour costing is based on a lot of assertions and assumptions that likely wouldn't be true in a Corbyn Britain. The reason he's so committed to pushing the costing meme is because it only just barely works with his own numbers. The you add in the inevitable modifications it falls apart.
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She looks fucking awful, cheap shows, shitty denim dress, rounded untermensch face, obviously low IQ, and fucking retarded hair. Seriously would hang her on the day of the rope.
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Thanks lad
Gee its almost like we're not a third world country like Brazil were economic disaster is the norm and we're slightly wary about how we go about modifying our relationship with a substantial part of our economy. Now fuck off back to the favela you monkey fuck.
She's objectively a quite attractive girl and has European features. You obviously have no idea about her intelligence and if you're suggesting that people should conform to certain hairstyles then you'd be better suited to NK where that's law. I feel that more people would prefer to hang you for being a total pleb than her for enjoying herself by trying different hairstyles and clothes.
I prefer the song where he just took the chorus and played it backwards for backing vocals.

I'm not afraid of it, but I think that the idea that leaving the single market with no FTA will be dangerous for the economy isn't without its merits.
Unfortunately, certain sectors of industry have become quite dependant on it, and they'll take a hit, most likely.
It's not apocalyptic, but it isn't going to be frictionless
Burguers won`t let anything happen to you and you know it.
>Dead mans shoes
Danny dyer sort of does my swede in but yeah it was pretty good. Haven't seen another good British film since legend t b h m8
Holy shit you're dumb. Stop commenting.
All I know is that we cannot rely on the Americans for anything.
She just has stupid looking hair, and she isn't attractive in the slightest, her entire aesthetic gives ethnic nationalists a bad name. She is nothing but a chav whore, and if we had any sort of eugenics program she wouldn't exist.
Danny Dyer isn't in Dead Man's Shoes. Are you thinking of Outlaw?
>Dead mans shoes
Danny Dyers not in it
Nothing at all in that image implies she's an ethnic nationalist lad. She's going for the 80's ska vibe

just want to cuddle her lads

2/10 would not bang
Shit was thinking of dead man running, outlaw was pretty good, just looked up dead man's shoes, looks decent, gonna stick on now lad.
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>A driver believed to be Richard Rojas

how many people do these spics have to kill before the public supports deporting them all?
Skins and ethnic nationalists are not one and the same mate, I'm a skin because I like the fashion and music and a nationalist because I love my country
Dead mans shoes is amazing m8. Enjoy.
>dead man running
Is it any good? If I remember the trailer and never saw it. danny dyer and tamer hussan need to pay back 50 cent £100000?!
Looks properly mental in those pictures, if that's the man.
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meant to post pic as well
>Sources say he had been smoking synthetic marijuana, which can cause psychotic episodes.
It's got some funny moments, not great tier but worth a watch if there's fuck all else and you fancy a wee giggle

Why not just use Mobdro on your phone or tablet?
Give me something to do lads

Is Jo right?
Will give it a watch
Ah, never seen. Will add it to the list. Dead Man's Shoes is a top tier film, hope you enjoy. All based in Matlock and always makes me want to start BTFOing cunts.
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Post pics of your feet
This. I'm going to have to reawatch it I think.
Watch Outlaw and then go on a vigilante crime spree
All the movies you mentioned are utter shite
Post tits

Go earthcam com and do some people watching around the world. You can see people get up to weird shit.
Pretty shit thread, tbvqh, lads.

Give me two of your top 10 films

Play geoguessr UK and post your score. No cheating.
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she's quite attractive

If you go to the north camera on time square you can see the blockade of police cars from the Mexican car rampage earlier on.
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Same feel I get from watching outlaw mate, Britpol vigilante group when?
Can you fucking imagine the group photo?
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>Decide to have a look at the local Conservative Party Normiebook page
Don't really have a top 10
>play geoguessr
>some brown skinned people, language is in spanish, nothing else

could be anywhere from the US to argentina to spain
very civic
Stop being racist, he was deported only 12 times since 2001.
>not looking at license plates
>not being able to tell by the architecture & landscape
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Mummy will win and shut the lot of you up for good
Just play the European or UK maps.




>if the price isn't right be willing to walk away
I wish we lived in a world where that was possible and wouldn't end in a 190 year prison sentence.

If that was without cheating then that's a pretty good score

Do the UK one, or SK if they have it. Doing the world is hard because you always end up in the middle of Canada, South Africa or Aus and there's fuck all information to go on.

I'm going to give UK a go now.
She was a mudshark though, a kraut said her boyfriend was named "Trevon" something something, which is codename for nigger.
Cheers, I usually end up in Russia or Canada when I play world maps.
>be willying to walk away
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Give me something productive or worthwhile to do lads
Drank too much coffee and can't sleep
get off the fookin interneh
Exercise mate or firebomb a mosque
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I will once I find something to do.
Sleep is for the weak.
>Exercise mate
Already did today
>firebomb a mosque
Not willing to throw away my life just yet.
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Been to two of the places, know somebody from another and two were obvious as fuck. Comfy round desu
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>cheating on geoguessr to lie about it on bri/pol/ during comfy hours
Where has your life gone, eh?
How are you meant to do this? All of the UK looks the same.
feel so sad boyos ;_;
what's up son?
is that one of the chuckle brothers on the right?
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I feel like a cunt for posting that now. I don't want to get into it. But it's like so many repressed feelings have came pouring out. I cried. How did things end up like this.
Been to two of the places in Scotland and they were in the centre of the city, one was Eastbourne where my ex was from, one I was dropped outside a college with the place name on it and the other had 'Vote East Kilbride Alliance' on a lamppost

Look at road signs, vans with place names, police stations/cars etc. Move around and see what you can see. Sometimes you're dropped in the middle of the highlands though and have no fucking chance of knowing what's going on..

They have a London only map which is good if you know London.

Don't we all. What's up?
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Oh cmon tell us mate, you'll feel better or most likely worse about it if you do talk about it but that might just be the thing you need to change, besides you're anonymous so it's not like anyone will know.

I'll know.
I hope you fix yourself someday lad... I think underneath all the hostility you have a good heart.
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You mean
aye man too right had that scooter, wheels fell aff it.
Crying happens from time to time, i tend to get teary eyed at the end of a good simpsons episode or when a nice song come on
We're all clearly having shit lives if we're on here at 0335. Don't feel like a cunt. Don't let it get the better of you. I unironically have used this shit place for (((therapy))) before. It's good to talk to 'like-minded' people now and then when things get on top of you and it gives you a way of taking your mind off shit

JF here, I think I've found my golden bullet for triggering Brits in real life.

I've had some bad experiences with the NHS so I made sure my new contract (starting in June) includes private insurance. One of my colleagues commented on that to the tune that it seems unnecessary, and I replied with a half jokey "the NHS sucks, I pity the poor people forced to use its services".

Now normally my colleagues are very good in handling banter but this made them go fucking mental. You'd think I was insulting their mother by how fiercely they defended the NHS.

Also for some reason most of their arguments weren't so much against what I've said (i.e. that the NHS sucks) but against privatising it (which I haven't mentioned at all).

Any tips on how to further refine this tactic?
There isn't much left to 'fix', seeing as how my 'mind' can't be fixed, besides, it's more fun this way.
What are you talking about scooters for lass?
It's complicated. The details aren't important. I have talked about this stuff in the past, even with you I recall. I should stop really. It only makes things worse.
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Good morning lads.
>claims to have been to Scotland and had a gf from Scotland
>doesn't even know the basic slang

yer arse is hanging oot the windae
Ok you're more of a pepe type girl
no idea.
I have to use the nhs because i'm a poorfag with no money management skills but the nhs sucks bigly
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When it does get worse, don't you feel like you should work to improve on whatever is bothering you?

I think we're all pretty sure that you enjoy the pain, atleast it feels better than the emptiness you usually feel, right?
Tell them the costs of privatisation. Tell them about other national healthcare systems around the world. Tell them that everybody has always complained that the NHS is shit, always, and that it's never made everybody happy despite saving hundreds of thousands of lives and being pretty fantastic. Tell them that if we were to allow our population to settle down we would be able to plan ahead and fund it properly. Tell them that there is no 'human right' to 'free healthcare'. Tell them that it isn't free at all and that 10% of their tax (council, VAT, income etc) goes on the NHS and that over their lives they are very likely to cost the NHS a lot, lot less than that. Tell them that they are directly funding the healthcare of millions of foreigners, addicts, criminals and cunts. Tell them that they're retarded.
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The beauty of NHS triggering is that it's a blunt instrument. You don't refine a club into a needle to better cave a badger's head in.
:_; This is making me cry more lads. I'm such a fucking mess.


This is the only thing that gets to me in that way. Poor old Knut.
Just had a fucking intense nightmare lads
t. English bird attending university of Glasgow
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Oh cmon, crying is a bit too far m8

Stiff upper lip and all that lad
That's a lot of detail to take in and process though. I don't really know much about how the NHS or other systems work, I just know I've had an awful time every time I've had to interact with it and a good one privately.
>enjoy the pain
;_; fuck lad...
and yes I need to fix my fucked up life
>Claims Eastbourne is in Scotland
>Claims that spending a lifetime total of 4 weeks in Scotland makes me an expert on 'slang'
was Tony Blair crowned King?
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I haven't cried since I was a kid
Not English, not a bird and not attending the meme known as UoG.
I wish desu, much nicer than what just went down
I haven't in, well, I Can't remember. I can't stop now though. wtf
I'm putting the brakes on the NHS wank train. It's great because it saves lives? Saving lives doesn't make a health service great. That's square fucking one. Converting protein into energy doesn't make me a great person, it's a prerequisite.

It's been in constant crisis for half a century, and nobody has been able to touch it since they got rid of free glasses and prescriptions in the 1950's. It's ludicrous. A Swiss system would be far, far better than the NHS.
>t. Strathy
>that obvious fat jew manlet at the forefront
>untermensch manlets to the sides

Mosley was right
>can't handle a wee bamming up

You can stop now, stop making excuses.

Feel free to keep trying only to fail ya bawbag
>It's been in constant crisis for half a century

t. Daily Mail reader

Witty rebuttal.
>not a bird
Cats out the bag on that one doll. Although agree on UoG, my mate from school ended up there, was a decent lad. Bumped into him a while ago and he was wearing a fucking Che Guevara shirt and campaigning for the greens. What the fuck does that place do to people?
Honestly just a £5 or £10 charge to see your GP would go a massive way to save RNHS

In Korea if I watch to see a doctor I can just walk into a clinic and pay like £5 and there is no waiting time, no appointment necessary

and the nurses are hotter and smile
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Wonder what country I'm in, lads.
alright i've stopped. feels empty man
Just do one at a time. And research it, it doesn't take much effort. Even if you just give them GDP vs Expenditure vs quality that's enough to make some people realise the NHS isn't the holy grail.

Just don't fall into the depression meme because it truly ruins your life. Be proactive. Live as much of your life like an American YouTuber as possible. Do as much of the 'seize the moment' shit as you can. Find what you enjoy and make it a real part of your life.

Thus passes the glory of the world
How doth the busy bee,
While we live, let us live
I stay mine enemy!

Read this:


Read this and choose a few sources you think you might enjoy/gain something from:


Read Kipling:

Meme tier


Slightly less meme tier

The White Man's Burden. But apply it to yourself from a perspective of modern life being enforced upon you without your say, not just from the basal savage perspective.
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I don't think UoG is solely to blame, it's this city.
>fit nurses
Not good, lad. You can't tell a qt how many times a week you wank.
Last time I cried, I think, was Christmas day 2015 because my 2 year girlfriend and I split up. Thought I was going to marry her desu. I don't think there's anything wrong with it as long as it's in private and for good reason. If it's a weekly thing then that's an issue.

Mentioning glasses is also a decent redpill. Why are they okay with sight and teeth being privatised but nothing else. Are they eye and toothist?


I'd bam you you little tart

Gambia desu

People get paracetomol on the NHS. That costs the taxpayer about £3 for 16 tablets. In the shop that's 20p. We need to stop this sort of shit.
I already fell for the depression meme. And I read meditations. It didn't change me desu. Don't waste your time on me.
>I wank 14 times a week, 13 of those were this morning thinking about this appointment.
meditations is unironically the best meme tier book I've read.

Read the latest translation because the others over fluff up the language when it was never meant to be so
>implying private dental and eye is good
Costs 200 quid for a new pair of glasses, laddo. I routineky leave it until I'm literally walking into shit because if I went every time my vision went a bit blurry I'd be paying a grand a year.
>if I went every time my vision went a bit blurry
savage, what is happening?
>tfw haven't been to opticians for three years
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>this desperate
>claims to have had a gf
Yeah, no.
>It didn't change me desu. Don't waste your time on me.
Aren't we all wasting time on each other? At the end of the day we're still all going to go our own ways, sure you can leave with a little more knowledge than you had before but what you really need is wisdom, and you just can't 'teach' wisdom.
Get off the pills if you're on them. Stop drinking if you do. Legitimately start exercising, even just walking is fine, it matters more than most people could ever imagine. When I forced myself to walk for an hour a day I started feeling a small change and when I got into the gym I felt a big change. Not saying it's a total fix but it makes a huge difference. Make sure you get out in the sun. We're predisposed to depression in NW Europe because of Neanderthal DNA and low Vit D, it's not an embarrassing or 'wrong' thing, but you have to be able to manage it.
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>tfw everyone else in my family needs glasses but I can read the bottom row of the chart
I don't bloody know, spend a lot of time on screens but my vision is routinely fucked. Also take eyedrops because apparently my eyes are "dehydrated", if you ask me it's all a scam.
That's easy if you're reading from a chart made for people who cannot open their eyes more than halfway.
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>tfw just got within 28 meters of a spot in Lancaster
Having gone to a different UoG in Greenwich (haha it's just a poly you dumb fuck, I know) can confirm it's basically just major cities that's the problem. I knew a couple of Tories when I was at Greenwich, and no Kippers. I'm at a different, equally shit London uni on a different course now and I haven't met one person to the right of the Lib Dems.
I bet this was funny in your head.
It really wasn't, just need to keep the shitposts up at a reasonable pace to keep the thread going.
Also it's 4am and I'm supposed to be finishing this essay on journalistic objectivity and I've still got 1000 words to go. It's all postmodernist philosophy and it's fucking slaying me. Instead of being asleep I'm talking to random insomniacs on a mongolian watercolour IRC chat. Why is my life like this?
I really enjoyed it. For me it was more to validate my feelings on things than to change my opinions and it did a good job of that. I'd like to see RE changed to Religious and Classics in schools and for them to teach Greek and Roman philosophy because a lot of it is really good stuff.

I didn't go from 15-25 and got a free check up and a pair of glasses for £25 which have lasted me over a year. Though I do see your point.

>Can't take a good bamming
That's very impressive pal.
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>he can't differentiate a bamming from a bumming
Always knew you were gay tbqh
have you been cheating the chart? opticians are pretty cheeky bastards sometimes

I'm getting real sick and fucking tired of this retarded shit on this board.

All posts are fucking shills, pointless generals, DRUMPF BTFO, TWO SCOOP forced meme, Seth rich, IMPEACH threads, Blacked threads, was he our guy, redpill me on X, mainstream meteor, kekistan, are slaves white, poo in loo, ban leafs, antifa, ironic Nazism, Japan immigrants, Asian women, anime, nigger hate thread, gas da joos, Rèddit hate thread, sjw cringer, mummyposting, alt-lite Vs altright, LE HAPPENING etc etc.

Same shit every fucking day.
I remember actually discussing shit on /new/ and 2012 /pol/. Now it's all shitposting and Shia lebouf.

Fucking stop it.
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>She doesn't understand accent jokes
Eh? How do you mean? I just read it whilst they chant number one and number two at me like I'm some retarded invalid who forgets how the process goes after she last did it 5 seconds ago.
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Should I fix my sleeping pattern yet again to inevitably fuck it up again?

I honestly don't even know why I do it to myself anymore.

>captcha: smile
>he laughs at accent jokes
Pathetic, humourlet.
Fixing my sleeping pattern has been the best thing I ever did in my life desu, feeling happy and alert all day long is worth it

no need for coffee or other shit either
Well I've got an exam at 9:30 that could very well get me kicked off the course if I fuck it up, and I'm playing a retarded browser location-finding game. Who knows why people do things.

This is your problem, you're trying to enjoy regular /pol/. It's a fucking shithole. The Seth Rich thing is worth discussing, the Trump impeachment attempts are worth discussing. But one or two threads on each at a time is enough. The rest of it is utter wank.
You need to visit later on. This time of day is always full of shit. Normally 21.00 Japan time it starts to get better with only a couple of bloaters. From 22.30 it get proper fucking English and by 01.00 it is can be good bantz. At the moment as you say it is strap-on arse fucking from teen teams. GLOBAL RULE 2 is not in affect.
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>She thinks she's too good for low-brow humour at 0414

Good luck in the exam.
Anyone got a stream for last night's question time?
mlpol.net is growing and worth a daily visit if pol does end up covered in red shit & d`s
Two posts by this ID.

Stop trying to discredit what I say by the amount of posts I make. If I can say everything I need to in one post, so be it. Shows that I can be more eloquent and concise than the rest of the teenagers plaugeing these boards.
>Implying I tried to discredit what you said
>Implying I wasn't suggesting you spend more time in Brit/pol/ and less time watching Yanks be faggots
iPlayer with dodgy IP works. Use SW1A 2AA for postcode if they ask. Itsso fucking sunny outside so time for first beach visit of the Summer.
>not memorised the chart yet?
sounds weird desu
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That's why I spy on you Brits in these threads tbqh.
I tend to avoid caffeine no matter how shit my sleeping pattern is.

I temporarily fix my sleeping pattern often but it usually doesn't last for more than 2 weeks.
>Clearly a monocular

What did he mean by this?
That pic makes me mad, I'll be honest.
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Excersize buddy seriously, go on a long walk tomorrow, bit of green if you can. Eat well: a nice steak. No drugs, you won't even remember this 24 hours from now. Get busy, clean the house, organise shit and it'll spread into the rest of your life. Everyone here feels like you, you are not alone
I've been on the one where an Irish pub is near by.
If you vote Labour, you're a cuck who bows down to the globalists utterly and will allow Germany to fuck Britain and thinks immigration is unimportant.
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>crying over your ex
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