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Horrific phone calls reveal how Italian Coast Guard let dozens of refugees drown

>Horrific phone calls which reveal how the Italian Coast Guard let dozens of refugees drown in the Mediterranean Sea in 2013, have been obtained by an Italian newspaper.

>In previously unheard audio, Italian authorities tell a caller from the sinking refugee ship to "call Malta," despite an Italian Navy patrol boat being miles away.


Imagine /pol/ is a Coast Guard seeing the refugee drowning, would you:

a. Save the refugee with your White Swimming Privilege
b. Watch Them Drown and this memory will haunt you for the rest of your life!
Or option c
Sink all the boats and call a crusade against the neo-saracens
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Truly horrific.
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (in italiano).
How you doing Francis?

a. Violate the NAP and invade Malta's territorial waters.

b. Do nothing.
look them in the eyes and watch them drown
>"Sorry we just went out to lunch. Please call back in an hour."
the internationals laws says that thse people should go to tunisia first, then malta, then italy but the soros funded ong bring everyone in italy
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ariana is disappoint
wtf I'm converting now
because OP sucks horse cock

Obviously b.
If you help them you have to accept them into your country.
The law makes it so that you cannot help them legally without importing them.
If they made it so the coast guard could drop them back in south africa or wherever, I'm sure they would help more often.
Thank you based Poseidon.
Thank you based Poseidon
> boat was carrying over 260 people, including 60 children,
> Italian Coast Guard let dozens of rapfugees drown
10% could be more desu senpai
mumma merkel will have to punish you naughty italia!


Those coast guard should be awarded the highest military medal italy has
Yes please Francis, you´re cool in my eyes now.
how are people not getting in scuba gear just swimming under these boats and blowing them
For fucks sake

I thought the plan was to now send them straight to Germany?
What happened to that?
Lol this is the most italian phone call ever.
Help does anyone hear us?
Speak Speak
Yes we are 300 syrian...
t-that's not a bad idea
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oh noooo , that suckss.
deus vult
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Comments are pretty woke. Even on a lefty shortages like the independent. Gives some hope.
Astroturfers still asleep? Or shift not yet started.
I can only assume there's some polaks on this
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>yeah pretty busy call Malta, can't do nothing sir
>w-whaaaat can't hear you, are you sinking or something
based pope

That's it?
Fucking Based
Ave Maria, Deus Vult!
That's literally a dramatically edited call with music and bg noise, he just told him to call Malta cause it's closer...
In fact, sink some of them. Consider them as an invasion, like a foreign plane entering into your air space. Clear tell them to revert course, otherwise they will be shot down. If they don't, shoot them down. If they do, escort them to the waters of the country they came from.
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Hope the next pope isn't such a cuck
If you call for a crusade I and many, maaannnnyyy others would instantly join the church again for life and pass Christianity on to our children maybe even work for the church, cmon dude its your choice. lel
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From the last thread
Based Benedict.
How is that a bad thing ?

These bitches think people are emotional ?
No that is illogical. Those refuges drowned self by going in overloaded boat. It is them not coast guards that killed self. THeir boss was probably told that there are not enough money for fuel and all that to save every damn boat, and that they should avoid saving them as much as possible. So they dit.
>Syrian doctor

Oh no, all those engineers, scientists and CEOs too!
coast guards are practising an-cap
this is the most horrible part. So many roaches made it
Well, seems like they didn't have PhD on Malta Distress Calling
deus vult

Crusade it is.
>Syrian doctor
Is that like a Mexican intellectual?
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GOD is that you? Is it your will, is it what the Lord soughts?
letting a horde of rapefugees onto a ship is a massive security risk.

Maybe the pope isn't as much of an idiot as I thought. Deus vult.
I suddenly want to become an italian coast guard
I KNEW the Italians wouldn't take all that BS without resistance.
The phone call that saved Europe.
The Italians were quite restrained for not using their recreational nukes on the invaders who broke the NAP. They should be grateful.
Isn't this some maritime violation? The refugee boat was making a distress call and the coast guard didn't attempt to help?

They could have called Malta for them?

Sounds like the Italians were prejudicial about this. Which is fine according to pol memes. How would you all feel if the titanic's distress calls were ignored?

Smh desu
Wtf i love Italy now.
All these CEO's and doctors can't even make a boat.

must be some swiss guard hidden deep in the armory
you know what to do with francis dude
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Italy, please take my energy and break away from the EU!
The titanic didn't contain third world niggers trying to invade Europe, it was tourists

Not the same thing. The migrants intentionally sink their boats off the coast of Italy because they trust in the cuckery of Europeans to rescue them and give a free ferry to the mainland. Why the hell should we give free transportation to the people actively replacing us?
As sad as it is, I can understand why that happned. Italy is getting fucking INVADED by savages. I have nothing against immigration, but if you let a bunch of people inside your country without any kind of background check, and give them nothing, what do you think they'll do? Unless they're lucky and get some shit job, they'll turn to crime.

Fucking dumb as shit politicians porco dio
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>Dozens of dead nignogs

What a fucking travesty. The Italians should be doing better, and letting thousands die.
Italians doing something good for once
Thank you, Italy!
>attempt to illegally enter foreign borders
>violate national sovereignty
Fuck them. They got what they deserved.
>The titanic didn't contain third world niggers trying to invade Europe, it was tourists
And you believe without a doubt the passengers on that boat were causing problems? My take on the refugees is a small percentage cause problems. Even with a school of all white people, a small percentage of those will cause problems as well.

>The migrants intentionally sink their boats off the coast of Italy because they trust in the cuckery of Europeans to rescue them and give a free ferry to the mainland. Why the hell should we give free transportation to the people actively replacing us?
Is there proof this is really a thing? Also a good alternative is to not attempt to rescue them and opt for their death? Sounds pretty cold desu
Dozens of blacks on a boat are just dozens of blacks on a boat.
They are not refugees, that is an assumption.
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It's not just about muh civic nationalism assimilation. It's about race. The homeland of Europeans deserves to stay predominantly European.

>Is there proof of this?

Yes, there are entire graveyards of boats. It's the regular tactic of traffickers and is widely publicized as such

>Sounds pretty cold

While a sick fantasy is to just open fire on them, realistically they can just pick them up and drop them off where they came from. Once they realize they won't be let in to Europe, and will be brought back, the boats will stop coming

Oh boy here we go. Now they're going to legally force every vessel to make an attempt to save any refugee boat that's sinking, then the Italian navy is going to be taken over by sandnigs.
Any classic refugee drowning videos?
>Yes, there are entire graveyards of boats. It's the regular tactic of traffickers and is widely publicized as such
>widely publicized
I'd like to see an article about this.

If they already have a boat why not sail it a mile out of the coast and then create the artificial problem? This boat was 60 miles from the Italian coast?
ALL refugees must have papers or photo ID
if they don't have these items they are not a refugee, as they will identify where they come from and; if they are really escaping war or etc.

No tickee no shirtee
>Haunt you for the rest of your life?

who the fuck do you think we are? We would celebrate and tell the story to our grand children
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I'm trying to cram for a final I have this morning so I can't do a wide search, but I've seen it, partially from some sourced videos on YT. I know that sounds lame but I'm sorry.

I also don't understand your second question. Why don't the migrants sink their boat a mile off the coast of Libya? It's too far, they need to reach "Italian/European" waters, then it's EU law to rescue anyone who's drowning and bring them back to Europe. Any documented neglect of this rule results in punitive fines
It's funny bc moussilinini
I feel the most important rule as a naval captain sailing near African coasts would be to never let a boat full of niggers anywhere near your vessel.

save them and then send them back if they dont have the right papers

I mean really, drowning would be a mercy compared to sending them back to their shithole
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>The migrants intentionally sink their boats off the coast of Italy
Our coast isn't 10km from Libya, they sink their boats 5 minutes after sailing because they know it's full of NGO boats from all over europe
I would convert from Buddhism to Catholicism in order to fulfil my duty if the call to arms came.
I didn't know that Italians speak Arabic

Those migrants are using giant one-time-use 100-passenger rubber rafts specially made in China. Paid for by Soros. He wants to destabilize Europe and the Western world, so his precious globalism can take over. Pity that millions, probably billions, would have to die first....
wtf I hate Italy now?
And here I was, thinking Catholicism was incapable of saving the west
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>telling them to call malta

the hospitallers do not give a fuck about the paynim
it is settled then.
>"There's another boat load of illegal refugees trying to invade our country and pay no taxes but demand welfare about to flip over."
>"Let them deal with their own self created problems."
>Every cuckwork on the planet runs the story
For the first time in history , Italy did something well. Good for you pastaNiggers
>invaders died

Deus Vult.
quite sad this. Don't know if i could just watch people drown
Oh are we calling them people now?
> implying i would give a shit if a boat full of niggers was sinking
> implying a european nation has some responsibility for the shitty seamanship of a boat full of invaders
> implying the Italian coast guard has the responsibility to guard the coast of Malta, a foreign nation, or the lives of raprefugees from the shittiest part of the planet
> implying even one of these italians wants more niggers in europe

maybe emile macron should have sent his yacht to rescue these precious niggers, since they will end up in paris anyhow, and he seems to think that is a good thing
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> implying south africa refugees are niggers
if it was a boat from south africa, it would be full of whites fleeing the niggertry. so their rescue would have been a benefit to whatever nation offers them refugee status.

you seem to forget, it's NIGGERS
they are not a scarce or valuable resource
>rag owned by pro putin russian pushing for mass immigration into europe

what did they mean by this?
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We've waited for this day your holiness

Deus Vult
>"call Malta"
why is it horrific? I wish MSM would not charge news with hyperbole & innuendo so much.....

The African semen were cumming to enrich Italy butt their boat sinked and some of them drownded and the Italian coastguard dindu nuffin.
Now do you live with that shit eating anti-Christ of a pope?
This is hilarious. Good job Italy
Emperer pope...I-is it you?
Looks like Benedict found out about 4chan
I wonder if this stunning reveleation has anything to do with the imprompu visit of Soros,a private citizen, to the Italian PM.

Sardine packed fools in a plastic boat who pay to be towed and released knowing that eurocuck patrols will pick them up and throw money at them.

Get fucked.

Italy needs to ignore them more, and keep ignoring them, until they stop coming.
An entire country made of doctors can you imagine Syria is a shining example for are NHS
All our coast guard duties should be privatized to american private security organizations and social workers.
Free market akbar.
Post raphi you cunt
>implying that's anywhere near horrific

Boo hoo people die :(

Go buy a new shirt weaved by indochinese slave kids instead of showing off how moral you are on the internet.

inb4 rare
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im owned by empathy. i would probably save them and take them back to libya. maybe shoot a few in the foot or something to send the message.
We turn back refugees too though. Like those vietnamese that time.
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>Call Malta
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I love this perverted angel

>Only miles away...

60miles ffs
'Watch Them Drown and this memory will haunt you for the rest of your life!'

I'll happily watch them drown. I lack empathy, so yeah, they can drown.
deus vult!(we must replace this pope)
they sink the boats themselves
also they're Malta's problem
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we will make the crusades and reconqista look like childs play
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Act of God.
no, really, we haven't done anything
that wasn't even our problem
>putting away mandolino
>swallowing spaghetti
>yelling at mamma
>stopping mafia movie
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c. watch shitskins drown and have a popcorn
what else are they?
There's nothing to rejoice here. They're using this years old story to push for more effort in saving "refugees", because the Soros-owned NGOs that were saving them are now under investigation.
They're trying to guilt-trip the government, or more likely go give a plausible excuse for the government to accept even more refugees.
wtf I love italians now
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I think the NGO workers and any dindus who step off the boats should have an "accident". A very painful and tragic accident.

Call crusade now.
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Molto benis!
Not even Christian and I would ride.
Hey Benedict, if Francis dies, will you be Pope again and call for a crusade or will they ignore your existence and elect another cuck?
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