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A declaration of war against /pol/ from The_Donald

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Thread replies: 237
Thread images: 85

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Once I thought we were allies but I've finally figured out you guys are plain and simple just right wing social justice warriors.

Just because stephen colbert offended you doesn't mean you have to get him fired.

A white women not wanting to have sex with you isn't white genocide.

A dictator who killed millions of Jews and ruined Germany isn't someone you look up to and praise.

A countries ethnic purity doesn't make a society great, fundamental beliefs and constitutional principles are what makes a society great.

Stop saying for us to leave /pol/, when you faggots keep raiding our subreddit and spamming us with anti antisemitism and racism.
Reddit spacing is a nice touch. I appreciate your effort.
ehh, 6/10
that's cool, you can go back now.
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gas yourself faggot
Time to go back then lad. thanks for being useful idiot
What is a right wing social justice warrior anyway? If it's about wanting to create a just society then every political ideology does this, based on different morality.
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Wew... I was worried they were declaring War on Latvia.

I would have been worried then.
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>1 post by ID
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Nice try faggot
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I have never gone to your gay ass subreddit, faggot. Glad you finally understand that we don't want you here, though.
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Day Of The Rope. You go to the front of the line Scooter.
stfu shariablue
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fake and gay
OP, you've probably never browsed The_Donald. Weak bait.
>A white women
>A countries ethnic purity doesn't make a society great
What makes a society great is proper grammar you fucking pile of digested shit.
those nice digits prove you're wrong so saging this slide thread faggot.

Praise KEK
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>A white women not wanting to have sex with you isn't white genocide
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1/10 made me reply
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Not just Stephen. All of them go down. Homophobia is not OK. People who defend it are as bad as people who do it, and their lives should be ruined. Remember Matthew Shepard.
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you senseless unoriginal inutile kikes will all get the rope
Most obvious bait in the world even without that
You have to go back
K keep me posted
fuck off reddit shill you are all communist faggots
fags don't see themselves as anything other than conceptual genitals, fuck them. no room in the coming world for cloistered narcissists
good. please leave. leddit is really the worst, unfunny normie place. Go circle jerk with all your upvotes
stop posting here, useful idiots, we don't need you for now.
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The_donald is the cancer of humanity. The fundamental difference between Reddit and /pol/ is that t_d insists on creating and mainting cult of personalities wheras /pol/ shits on EVERYBODY. We don't have holy personalities or nationalities or religions on this board. Everyone has to bear the brunt of the banter. In contrast you literally get banned for dissenting opinion on the_donald. YOU are the right winf SJWs, not /pol/.

>MUH based Milo
>MUH based Lauren Southern
>MUH based Alex Jones
>MUH based Israelis
>MUH based Jews
>MUH based Sikhs

Fuck off with that bullshit you subhumans. Do everyone a favor and gas yourselves.
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Hmm....this reminds me of something
Lol, 1488 faggot! Take your bleeding heart elsewhere. We are stone cold so don't bother.
We created the subreddit number one, number two you're a kike shill so fuck off with your D&C. Furthermore reddit's layout is unbearably counterintuitive so I don't ever spend any modicum of time there, let alone to spend the time to fuckin REGISTER to be able to post. Like nigger seriously? You think I'm going to fucking waste the fucking time and datamine myself to reddit kikes, just to try to piss in the middle of the pissy way? For...what purpose exactly? When everything I say and do here gets reposted everywhere by proxy and mosf importantly by volition. You can fuck off and stop coming to my secret club already. Nice eighty eight precepts postnumber though.
Reported to the FSB.
Please stop trying to turn spacing out your sentences and paragraphs into "Reddit spacing."

It's like complaining about someone NOT writing an entire program on one line.
These rules are surprisingly vague.
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>A dictator who killed millions of Jews and ruined Germany
Hey! Back to plebbit.
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Go complain elsewhere you raging jew transvestite faggot. You are weak.
fuck you stephen colbert has the right to be as homophibic as he wants as is granted by god as the right to free speech, exactly how god ordained it to washington directly, like when god ordained islam to mohammed directly
He's right though. Most channers use paragraphs instead of spacing out every point they're trying to make. It's pretty annoying to look at if you've been lurking long enough.
>reddit spacing
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gas yourself
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World's shittiest bait. I'm saddened by you.
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Gas yourselves, kike lovers.
>anti antisenitism
What did he mean by this?
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There's no difference. Paragraphs are an arbitrary means of spacing designed to separate out commentary on different ideas or events. And so it's natural that every new point receives a new paragraph.
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REMINDER that racism towards Christians of different races and ethnicities is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN by the Lord

Doing so will result in condemnation as stated by His words

You cannot consider yourself a real Christian if you're RACIST

You fake """"""cultural"""""" Christians that appropriate and pimp the words of God have it coming at the end of the day
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>1 post by this ID
Really makes you think
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Us real pedes don't talk like that you faggot. also
fuck off you shareblue cunt.
Tower of babel, faggot
There's a huge difference if you've been lurking long enough to learn the culture here. You'd rarely ever see spacing like that 10 years ago

>leddit threats

reddit is an irrelevant circlejerk
I'm adding your pic related to my smug reaction folder.
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>not writing your programs exclusively in one line
let me guess, you use FIOC hahahahahaha computationlet i bet you don't even know how to curry lmfao
let me write you a continuation on my enjoyment of your daftness until i can take the tine out to put together a macro that will take care of making fun of all future instances of your stupidity for me
Thanks for once again pointing out christfaggery is a jew trick
good thing i have never nor will i ever consider myself a dog of (((abrahamism)))
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This has got to be satire bait
>right wing sjw
That sums up t_d, that shithole
>look at muh based fags
>look at muh based niggers
>Look at muh based immigrants
OP, I would do terrible things to you if it was legal. Keep being a beta, we don't want you here
OP is a cock holster
nothing wrong with some antisemitism here and there, there are no extremes there are only shades of grey
omigurd its a l337 haxor!!!
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>>124401288 (You)
nice bait
The cancer of the internet declaring war on the AIDS of the internet.
Leave Kike this isn't a race issue its a Jew issue whites blacks browns must work together to destroy the zog
>Syrians are semites too Donald Trump is an anti-semite for bombing their land as the Jews steal theirs from the Palestinians and Syrians
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>still this obessed with reddit
Reminder to sage plebbit threads.
Go...back...to.....R e d d it
I always have a warm oven for you
3/10, I'm sorry, that's the most I can give
It's just incorrect though. Think about it:

Have you ever read a book.

With sentences split up like this.

Into different paragraphs.

It's retarded and people who do it stop making running sentences.

Because they get obsessed with the spacing.

It makes you sound jolty and stupid.
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>shades of grey
>warm oven
charcoal grey
If they're cancer you should forsake all their culture and memes.

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>babbies forst shitpost

divisive jew tactics will not succeed here, we've seen it all before

fuck off /ribbit/
>just right wing social justice warriors.


and yet, you're here

and I'm here. and a whole lot more people than "just" some strawman, fuck off

/pol/ is the 1st Amendment in action, not just this or that tit for that

>Their culture and memes

T_d was a /pol/ colony initially you retard. Redditors are and always have been incapable of being creative and creating memes
>A declaration of war against /pol/ from The_Donald

fuck off shareblue

fuck off and die
You must be a newfag than nazi boy. In the old days when memes went mainstream we dumped them faster than coal burner. Instead you're clinging to pepe like a stalker ex.

>divisive jew tactics will not succeed here, we've seen it all before

No drumpfkins, it actually works and you'll keep bumping this thread until I get paid for my work.
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>A dictator who killed millions of Jews and ruined Germany isn't someone you look up to and praise.
This is why we need to cut our middle eastern ties once and for all.
>1 post by this ID

what did OP mean by this?

Gee i wonder who could be behind this post?
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You can all fuck yourself for turning this into a discussion you little bitches.
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Like in reality, in where europa is being colonized by it's former colonies, /pol/ is now beign colonized by it's own reddit colony.

Poetic don't you think?
You see, Sven, the issue is that /pol/ and the alt-lite were united by a hate of SJWs
However, the reason is what splits us apart.
alt-lite and (((civic nationalist))) cucks hate SJWs because of the warrior part.
/pol/ and associated fashy goys hate SJWs because of the social justice part.
Alt liters basically agree with SJWs, they love nig nogs and faghags and limp wrists and spics and christ killers, they just don't like how SJWs turn it up to 11.
Whereas we object to SJWs on an ideological basis, we hate fags and niggers and juden (all the things SJWs fight for)
>nazi boy
Are you 'raiding' from tumblr or something?
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If T_D is the tard, does that make us the wrangler?
/pol/ stands with Shit_Reddit_Says.
your making us look like fat faggot hackers
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it was inevitable that this would happen, but MUH EBIN /POL/ONY XDDDD
the_donald was a mistake
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Trying something new I see... Well it didn't work faggot. Now go back to the Marxist shit hole you came from.
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Donald Trump will be from now on known as Putin's Cock Holster
that's he's a shill trying to use divide and conquer to troll the board
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Shill thread guise!!!
>users of /pol/ rely on each other for social assurance


if anybody does that stop.
Would you prefer kraut? The point still stands about /pol/ being intellectually bankrupt because they're no better than reddit, they people they claim to loath.
>Just because stephen colbert offended you doesn't mean you have to get him fired.

he didn't offend me because I don't watch him. if he got fired it's because the people who support him (advertisers, producers, etc.) got him fired, because enough people who watch him stopped watching him or pressured his advertisers to withdraw support. ie. that's a problem he created for himself

but in any case, again, nothing to do with me

>A white women not wanting to have sex with you isn't white genocide.

a solution without a problem. another strawman. most people here aren't stormtarded, or just trying to fuck anything that moves

>A dictator who killed millions of Jews and ruined Germany isn't someone you look up to and praise.

how new are you? only a small fraction of this site is stormtarded. we've done many polls on it. don't just believe every little thing you read in the press. most of them are as new and naive as you are.

it's just shocking to hear things you've never heard before, since you've never encountered their speech outside the bubbles you usually inhabit

>Obama on Political Correctness: ‘A Recipe for Dogmatism’


>A countries ethnic purity doesn't make a society great

no, but it makes it coherent.


too much inter-mingling tends towards violence inevitably. go to a grade school cafeteria; people self-segregate

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My sides, that image describes my exact views on trump and is the reason I bearly venture into nu/pol/ at large nowerdays.


you god damned kike
>/pol/ is one person
what did you mean by this?
are you saying that i am the singular person who has sociologically programmed the /pol/ hivemind?
because you wouldn't be wrong
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Stephen Colbert didn't offend us, you soft faggot. We're the ones that do the offending around here, bitch tits. We thought (in our infinite, /pol/ is ALWAYS right mind) that giving the faggots who like Colbert a taste of their little social justice bullshit routine and laugh at them when they complained that bullshit actually tastes like bullshit. It's been a resounding success. Go join Antifa, you little faggot. Our next game is going to be "punch the commies" and we don't want you to miss out.
What's your end game?
Under civil war it says Kushner is Trumps nephew.....kek
No, because we have not allowed them to overrun this board and any attempts to leave their /ptg/ hugbox actually will result in them coming just like us. There's no amount of mental gymnastics you can do when presented with study after study all reaching the same conclusion.
Could you try and be are more obvious T_Dfag? Ok no, then fuck off.
Quote Shareblue
There is one ideological point on which the both of us agree and that is that neither of us like these cunts shutting down dissenting though. But otherwise, that's a good assessment, never quite thought of it that way

LULZ kys you cringey faggot
The only thing more embarrassing than this pathetic LARP shit is the fact that faggots in this threat actually believe this.
>Also saged
Dude you're so fucking gay I watch gay porno twink orgies and I think you're gayer than me
>Stop saying for us to leave /pol/, when you faggots keep raiding our subreddit and spamming us with anti antisemitism and racism.

ah good times.
Satan get away from me!

>fundamental beliefs and constitutional principles are what makes a society great.

the fundamental beliefs of the founding fathers,
- the men who embodied/wrote the constitutional principles - are far more conservative than anything you see today. The Founding Fathers held the death penalty for sodomy. abortion was generally illegal. divorce required fault (ie. a good reason). makes sense, since divorce itself is a fault, admittedly, especially if there are children involved. over 40% of single mothers and their children live in poverty; higher crime; etc.

>"Neighborhoods with larger percentages of youth (those aged 12 to 20) and areas with higher percentages of single-parent households also have higher rates of violent crime." They add: "The relationship is so strong that controlling for family configuration erases the relationship between race and crime and between low income and crime. This conclusion
shows up time and time again in the literature; poverty is far from the sole determinant of crime."

-Daniel Patrick Moynihan, DEMOCRAT senator from NY, back when Democrats still made sense. Also see FDR's "old and precious moral values"



we need to be a moral society if we are going to be a stable, healthy society

Stephen Colbert is a Catholic homophobe.
That's a fact.
you forgot

>muh based stickman XD
>mu based spencer XDD
>muh based that guy who wanted to grill fags
>muh based black man XDDDDDDDDDD

support this post

reddits are cancer, go back to your shit board
We were never allies, we've always hated you, you're fucking stupid dipshits who thought electing Trump was an end in itself and have no coherent ideology of your own. Do humanity a favor and kys.
PS Trump has deserved to be tossed in the trash on Day 1 when he didn't repeal DACA as he promised.
>t_d insists on creating and mainting cult of personalities wheras /pol/ shits on EVERYBODY
Except Hitler?
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Hitler is /ourguy/ for a reason pal
>shitting on führer
nice try schlomo
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>he did nothing wrong
>underrated President
There are a number of people that /pol/ generally doesn't shit on: Black Pigeon Speaks, Murdoch Murdoch, Molymeme (except for those that take the defoo shit seriously), Viktor Orban, Nigel Farage and a few others.

And on the other hand, there are a few (myself included) that think that some of the above and even Hitler himself are controlled opposition
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I want this to be real so bad, but I know it's just a larper

>when you faggots keep raiding our subreddit and spamming us with anti antisemitism and racism.

again, another strawman. never been on reddit.

I had a reddit account for like 2 hours once, when 4chan was down. I was looking on the 4chan subreddit to see what the fuck was going on. that was the calloway thread that brought down the entire website for > 3 hours. crazy morning

otherwise I don't fuck with ribbit, because I believe free speech is worthwhile. 4chan is a democratic forum; you see opinions relatively equally. reddit is le upboat groupthink

but listen, we tell you to leave because we can, and because some of you pussies will. we don't want pussies here.

>The course proves a tough challenge, since all enrolled officers are subjected to severe physical and psychological treatment and trained under extreme pressure. Nascimento explains that this is "in order to eliminate the weak and, mainly, punish the corrupt", leaving only the honest and tough officers.

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r/The_cuckold wants colbert off the air even more than anyone on pol you retard. At least when a censor colbert thread pops up on pol anons actively oppose it without getting their comments deleted
you have to go back
With the exception of Orban and Farage all of those people/groups are shat upon here on occasion.
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Enough with this "Rules for Radicals" tactics OP.

Also new KB:

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Back to le Reddit OP you beta cuck
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>right wing social justice warriors
>says the literal rdditfag, the internet's biggest self-censoring, hectoring, circlejerk
Colbert is just getting trolled by his own standards faget. Go get upboats in your circlejerk posting samethink
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Fuck off, shill. You are not from the_donald.
You blumfkins seem very triggered
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I'm honestly convinced that there isn't a single person on here opposed to pol and these threads and posts are just baity shitposts
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Is that officer doofy?
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>ironic phone poster
Thats some next level shit
So we cant look up to hitler because his policies killed millions of people? well then we better stop looking up to Trump since his healthcare plan will kill millions of people.
Never forget the 14 Gorillian goy
Should have been 20 gorillian. such wasted potential.
this desu
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you have to go back.jpg
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Fuck off, we never wanted you anyways like your dad never wanted you
Are those cinnamon rolls next to the cake? Jesus no wonder hes a fat lard.
This is word for word what we see in this slide thread
Now it makes sense. This thread is shills
If they think we trade in the same social capital they do, then we are much further ahead of them than they realize.
Eat shit and die, ledditor. All of you, and take orange neocon you put in power to hell.
The 48 Gorillion must be remembered!
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1.Criticize people for reddit spacing
2.Criticize people for walltexting

fuck off retard you are not even people
fpbp mr russian haxor
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Go fuck yourself. That sub is no better than the rest of the censor loving site.
Made me reply
>social justice warriors
Says the site that bans anyone for even having a slightly different opinion
The Donald is the Huffpost of the right, or as you faggots love "Alt-right". Proves what fucking retards you are.
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You have to go back.
Fuck off slav
>mu based spencer

What? They don't like spencer
Soo.. shills now think if they "brake" up /pol/ and nu-pol this autistic mong machine will brake down?
The reason it's called Reddit spacing it because

Redditfags use it to make their posts

bigger and get more attention from people

who would normally miss it just by casually



I thought you were supporting Trump?
You fucked up.

Was /pol/ ever really that united anyway?

Not everyone here is a Trump supporting faggot
>fake and gay
Very fake n gay. Sounds like shariablue/CNN trying to be relevant
Thanks for bumping the thread you dense prick
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shill thread

>you better believe I saged this shit
Isnt their a story about this, the young will eat the old of you let them?
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Nice b8 m8
>implying pol doesn't know about divide and conquer

nice try reddit-tard, we smell your Old Spice cologne and foul body odor from a mile away.
People still think Donald will save the west?

You guys are dumber than abos.
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Oh look a LARP thread

*puts cowboy hat on* STOP RIGHT THERE KIDDIO
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We already know shills flooded the board

nice try trying to divide and conquer though


>all these newfags answering to cheap bait
All of you,
wow you're a faggot off yourself faggot ass bitch
>Once I thought we were allies

Begins post with admittance of his own stupidity.
Go back to r/politics. You are not from the donald nor pol. You stupid shill.

you almost triggered me
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>tfw /pol/ realizes 4chan is as gay as reddit

top meh lul
4chan's only allegiance is too the lulz..it has always been for the lulz
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And Adolf Hitler.
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Not sure if it's just low energy shitposting or if you're actually retarded and don't know about IDs

Either way, the fact that so many people are bumping this thread, and the fact that this thread still exists really exemplifies the state of /pol/
and pools full of AIDs

/pol/ is not a circlejerk. There are people here with differing opinions. Not everything is a bait/shareblue/jidf post.
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It doesn't matter what he is and is not entitled to. It's about making them live up to their own standards. They've cost hundreds of right-wing figures their jobs/livelihood.

You seem to think that being honorable is going to win this culture war, but it won't. If we cede ground due to honor, we will lose, because the left has no honor and doesn't care about it whatsoever. They'll use every tactic they have to win, and you're telling us that we shouldn't?

You're a shill, fuck off.
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LOL help me Anakin... the Jedi are taking over!
>fundamental beliefs and constitutional principles are what makes a society great.

>constitutional principles
we've not had due process in this country for over 10 years. illegal immigrants have been granted rights such as attending public schools. a Hawaiian judge recently ruled that the first amendment applies to people who are not in this country. unfortunately, the constitution can mean anything at anytime due to the infestation of:

"American legal realists (henceforth: realists) believe that there is more to adjudication than the mechanical application of known legal principles to uncontroversial fact-finding as legal formalism believes. Some realists believe that one can never be sure that the facts and law identified in the judge's reasons were the actual reasons for the judgment, whereas other realists accept that a judge's reasons can often be relied upon, but not all of the time. Realists believe that the legal principles that legal formalism treat as uncontroversial actually hide contentious political and moral choices."

>fundamental beliefs
what are the fundamental beliefs of America? are they based on European universal morality, or secular judiasm? because i'd say our culture currently reflects the latter, but I believe in the first, and society is bad and getting worse according to my moral compass.

so unless you have another way to make society great, i'd say we start looking at
>ethnic purity
>It doesn't matter what he is and is not entitled to. It's about making them live up to their own standards. They've cost hundreds of right-wing figures their jobs/livelihood.

Ever think maybe they brought it on themselves? If this is in any way a reference to Bill O'Reilly, then he didn't get kicked out because of what he said on air, it's how he acted behind the scenes. When they catch Stephen Colbert sexually harassing his staff, then you'll have something, but not for cracking a crude joke. Worst he might get is a fine, but I'm sure Stephen Colbert will be like "worth it!"

Besides I bet anything that Stephen Colbert only comes out of this stronger. Anyone notice that his recent episodes when he says "I'm your host Stephen Colbert" there's a huge cheer now because of all this #FireColbert shit
>If this is in any way a reference to Bill O'Reilly, then he didn't get kicked out because of what he said on air, it's how he acted behind the scenes
you actually believe that. lol
>A dictator who killed millions of Jews

dropped like it was hot nigger
It's people like you that ruined Ontario.
>you actually believe that. lol

Soooo why did he last 20 years on the network saying other stuff that pissed of libs? It was only when women started coming forward that advertisers started pulling out. Until you get something like that on Stephen Colbert, you're never going to stop him by going after something he said as part of a joke.
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Well NO SHIT THEY ARE JUST RIGHT-WING SJW'S XD (or NPW's as I would call them, Nationalist Patriotic Warriors, but I've also heard them being called SIW's, Social Injustice Warriors)

The fact it took you guys this long to figure it out is amazing in how shortsighted and clueless you guys are :P

He goes into detail and uses anecdotes in the book. e.g the "A good tactic is one your people enjoy", he uses the example of some negro community he was working with, he got them to all eat a load of baked beans earlier in the day then got them all to go to the opera and start letting loose."Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules", he uses the example of attacking Christians for not following everything in the Bible
>The fact it took you guys this long to figure it out is amazing in how shortsighted and clueless you guys are :P

FYI, I'm referring to the people on The_Donald as the right-wing SJW's~
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See my name.
Reddit is under the control of our enemy, remember that. Shills will turn into nazis once they've seen the truth.
>It's people like you that ruined Ontario.

You're just salty cuz we're winning in Canada and no Trump to save you lol.

FWA... Faggots With Attitude ... representin'

make 2 alt kek boards fight amongst each other, great plan sharia blue!

you just start working on that yesterday bud?
>See my name.
>Reddit is under the control of our enemy, remember that. Shills will turn into nazis once they've seen the truth.

Then there's those of us who represent the breed of anti-PC liberal who likes it here because people say what's on their minds and it's uncensored. Doesn't mean I'm turning Nazi though because I remember a time we called people Nazi's because they attacked free speech. Funny how things turn around, now it's the Nazi's who are acting like minorities who cry because they're rights are being suppressed. So they come here where it's one of the few places left on the net that still allows free speech to make themselves feel better.
>we don't have holy personalities
Take your Marxist drivel elsewhere, you filthy kraut.

Canadians are the holy personalities of /pol/.
Fake and gay. Sage this shit. Also, nobody gives a damn about some stupid reddit forum.
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That's it! It's the natural cycle of societies and culture. Most of the "people" you identify are part of an Internet sub-culture which has been doing this for a long time. It's odd how sub-cultures are becoming more and more renowned in the MSM.
Prove you're a common poster from T_D. Until then this is a designated ShareBlue shill thread.
It's almost like being a minority is shit, and white guilt race traitors who use affirmative action to make us a minority in our own countries are the bad guys. Who'd have think it?

Nice divide and conquer attempt.


daily psa that sage goes in the options field
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Wait, r/the_donald isn't right-wing SJWS, too?

I thought that's why /pol/ got so shit in the last three years is because you activist faggots with your GamerGate v3.0 bullshit.

Well, now I'm just confused.
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>not sure if people are ironically responding to people trolling with "reddit spacing" is happening right now
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I'm on my phone right now
Shit posting on the go is revolutionary
>day of the oven will return.
>your wrong kike...look at America today and try to admit that your country is a disaster politically.. economically and socially..a few kikes got rich from marxism but look at the cost.
This ^
I got banned for questioning why Jews had been kicked out of over 100 countries.
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These shills are so cute.

Nobody mentions Reddit here except shills though, and this is their entire game (mentioning Reddit) so it makes them laughably transparent.

In my estimation a fucking woman came up with this plan.

Is this some kind of reverse shilling?


Okay, I'll listen.
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>being this new
You have to go back
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Digits speak the truth.
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