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Thread replies: 158
Thread images: 73

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As we are all well aware, academia has long been the battleground for the minds of the American youth. As Yuri Bezmenov almost prophetically noted, a culture of a nation is much easier changed by shaping the younger generations to accept methods of thinking previously unacceptable to the older generations. Through this control, and activation, of these feeble-minded, malnourished, drug-addled, revolution-fetished, disenfranchised youths, the ever present Iniquities seek to permanently shift the paradigm of “freedom” and “security”.
All across our great nation, Marxist ideology has taken hold of our education system from top to bottom, indoctrinating our young into the new collectivist religion. Most of these teachers have themselves never experienced real life, building independently for the good of a nation, and fell into powerful positions by effective playing of the beauracracy. Many are tenured, and receive massive government grants with which to conduct their studies on “sociology” and “political theory”. Quite a few see themselves as messengers of the “Right Side Of History”, and justify their affiliation with destructive NGO’s, terrorist cells, and dictatorships as such. These messengers work actively to destroy the fabric of our society, and recruit impressionable youth (sometimes very youthful) into becoming their foot-soldiers of the revolution. Through cult practices, they brainwash idealists into the pursuit of total systemic collapse.
But they are highly visible. By their required nature of plausible deniability, they expose themselves to tracking of their funds, of their supply chains, and their affiliate groups across the country. They expose their hierarchy openly, as well as their meeting places and training grounds. Legally, their position would be indefensible, if not for their lawyers. But even a lawyer can be disappeared, or should I say disbarred…
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Here's the whole enchilada
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The whole enchilada from another point of view
The sustained campaign directed at the most visible advocates of Freedom-based thinking is a direct attack on President Trump’s most direct line to the attitudes of the people. With Sean Hannity set to leave Fox news of the cusp of O’Reilly and Bright’s departures, the transition of Fox into the nu-liberal mouthpiece (Under Murdoch’s son’s) is now complete. In addition, the Google demonetization has dealt a massive blow to the morale of the alt-right, with everyone from Alex Jones to PewDiePie feeling the sting. Alex Jones has suffered deeply as well for his attempts at uncovering pizzagate: sued multiple times, shamed across the media, de-advertised in all senses, and don’t believe for a second his wife’s attempts at full custody were coincidental. Combine this with the retroactive censoring of news article, television shows, and other media forms, as well as the rewriting of algorithms on all major websites, and you will soon be walking through the “internet ghettos” warned of by many.
It is an established fact that right-wing voices dominates the talk-based circuits, while left-wing voices dominates the text-based circuits. Simply put, the right consistently has more entertaining personalities. At this moment, the right needs a reestablishment of alternative media, a fresh generation of young-blooded idealist with nothing to lose, armed with nothing but the truth, their face, and their testicles. A new, tech-savvy wave of idealist mouth-pieces willing to do the work necessary to be taken legitimately in the fast-fracturing news medium.
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From the moment President Donald J Trump stepped into the Oval Office, the powers that be have worked tirelessly to cut off all the members of Trump’s inner circle, while deceiving him into placing enemies within his own mist by manipulating his love of the military, his family, and his country. But Trump is much smarter than they give him credit for. You need only look at his domestic action alone to see his continued fight against the DC Machine; from the immediate repeal of TPP, to his attempts at immigration halts, to his steady dedication to the wall, he is fighting as hard as possible within his lateral powers to accomplish his agenda. Some who appeared as enemies are fast becoming his greatest allies (Ted Cruz, Sean Spicer, Jeff Sessions) and those who seemed his greatest assets have become his most deadly burdens (Jared Kushner, H.R. McMaster, Nikki Haley). As such, Trump has worked aggressively to meet as many foreign heads of state as possible, to circumvent the subvertion in his ranks.
You would do well to remember that the war did not end simply because we elected Donald Trump; in fact, the war is only beginning, and now more than ever your President needs you to stand by him. He needs you to do what he cannot, for fear of retaliation against his family and his Presidency. You must attack your local representatives with the same vigor with which you destroyed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Take a comprehensive look at your state; who are your Governers, your Senators, your Mayors, your Electors, etc. Find out which ones refuse to support President Donald J Trump, and why. Then dig.
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Among those attempting to pull our country apart at the seams are large groups of compromised individuals, as well as corporations and political entities. It should be a well-known fact by now that Israel, Saudi Arabia, and China have a death grip on Hollywood, and everything that spans outward, including movie, music, video game, and television production. China and Russia also have massive holdings within the California technology market, in addition to the Saudi’s holding large swaths of Silicon Valley. In addition, These three countries are extremely active in funding agitator groups all across the country (to your chagrin, Israel is not, as the US is only useful to them as a directable military power.)
If you have been paying attention geopolitically, you know Russia has been buzzing their bombers around Alaska, while China has maintained a constant push outwards on the China Sea. But what you may not suspect is that the sporadic black-outs are in fact a testing of the water; in reality, Chinese state hackers have been flipping switches on a small-scale, so to speak, to test how the US will react diplomatically and militarily. And they are finding out that President Trump is not going to back down, with his deployment of military armor to weak infrastructure points all across the west coast, and his expressed desire to meet with both Rodrigo Duterte and Kim Jung Un. Recognize that the situation is infinitely more tense than anyone on this board is giving it credit for, but remember how destructive the power of information can be, when someone’s game relies entirely on subterfuge.
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All aforementioned groups are working in conjunction to ultimately bring about the Balkanization of the United States. Through the primary battleground of California, the powers that be will attempt to create a sustained civil war between the Constitutional Loyalists and the Marxist agitators. Meanwhile, foreign entities will use their already established clandestine operations and infrastructure to gain a foothold within the American territory, and the Deep State will use this to turn America into a permanent police state.
And why are the doing this? Because it has always been the plan. Since the dawn of thought in the first man, the desire to rule has been made manifest in every political structure every devised by humanity. The esoteric teaching of the star-gazing priests of old, passed down through the ages into the modern Mystery Schools, demands a one-world totalitarian regime united under a single currency and religion, ruled over by the godly race of the initiated. But as with all the plans of mice and men, it takes but a single drop of chaos to tear the plans asunder…
It is with this message I implore you all; CLAN UP. You must meet your fellow “initiates” in person, and devise how you will take your freedom back from the ground up. You must be willing to dedicate all your energy, all your mental faculties towards the fight for freedom, and while these aspects of the WAR I have illustrated may seem massive and insurmountable, their visibility is their weakness, and indeed I have already illustrated methods of attack.

To those in LA looking for a fight
Culver City Plaza
This Sunday 3-330 pm
Bench in front of the Lion. look for the MAGA hat
This is not the first meeting. You will not be alone.
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Bump. /pol/ has been de-politicized, you have been made to focus on distraction and destruction. YOU MUST REVOLT AGAINST THE MODERN WORLD.
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Interdasting. Will bump while i read, lotsa shit in the catalog atm
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Both very much related. The grid is the catalyst. BAMN is a nu-revolution front of RWL, itself a NAMBLA affiliate. But your politicians know this.
Ife been sayong this for weeks. Everyone who was shitting on people like molymemes and sargon are only dividing our group. The left wins because they stick together. PewDiePie was redpilling millions of children daily.
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Come on people, this is the REAL. This is where your mind needs to be. Everything else is a planned distraction to throw you off course while the Elite march to the endgame.
It's all about controlling the children's minds, and they are losing that power. The younger generations skew more and more conservative, the natural trends alone may be unbeatable for them if capitalized upon.

And don't think they will just attack your money. Only a few month's ago, Micheal Savage was attacked in person; I'm certain people have already died or been permanently harmed by agitators.
Good read OP. This is definitely a progression of the same old plans. But it really does seem like no one is listening, they are busy pushing attention-whore and slide threads to 200+ posts. If you had posted Shia Lebouf, Im sure your thread would be popping off right now.

Sadly Im not in LA, so heres another bump, for what its worth.
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Thanks. At least one person read it, even if it meant nothing.

I will post it again tomorrow, maybe a few times throughout the day, see if it gains any traction. Hopefully everyone is just busy enjoying themselves tonight, and haven't been put back to sleep completely. There is much work to be done.
Damn North Korea can make pastries like THAT? What other miracles is this enlightened nation holding back from the world?
North Korea is a bastion of freedom and production, didnt you know?
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Final bump before I leave

Remember that the average age of an Empire is 250 years, which will come at the end of President Donald J Trump's tenure.

Will we be an average nation, or an exceptional one? You make that decision every moment of every day from here forward.
Why do they call it the Sunshine Policy?

Because my boy is ALL SMILES!
have you read cwII?
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How long do you think it will be until we get a civil war? After Trump's presidency when a democrat most likely gets elected?
You should because it's breddy gud
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green text is negro
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Not OP, Im sure he left, but i would say they will attempt to depose Trump and install either Pence (if hes a loyalist) or Paul Ryan (if Pence stands with us).

By how Antifa has escalated, id say they want civil war asap.

>tfw running low on Kimmy pics
Nice read, but I hope no one is going to actually go to that honeypot of an address, we're most effective behind a desk and in our homes, not out there and vulnerable to identification
by the way, in recent BAMN news, there is a new political party at UCLA that just won a seat in the student council elections today.
They're called DAAP (Defend Affirmative Action Party), and are overtly linked to the BAMN that we know and love - can't spend the time right now to read the whole post, but thats what's up in LA from my perspective>>124306109
Despite your repititiins, we are worth almost 0 unless we start to coordinate. Yes, we can do massive damage behind our desks, but its completely uncoordinated.

The point about attacking local government, i dont know if the chan has the wherewithall to maintain that level of organization. Our understanding of memetics would be invaluable if directed.

I would propse a meet myself, but im in such a low population area i know it would be useless.

>tfw out of Kimmy pics so now i have to post Faggy Norks
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>The problem, they keep discovering, is that the working class wants to beat the shit out of them
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
I kinda hope we get a civil war though.
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And you may very well get it. But freedom probably wont survive. The technology is too advanced for liberty to reestablish.
May it come to pass
fugg dude, i'm right around the corner, but in this kind of town a meeting in broad daylight is an invitation for a bruising, and anything clandestine is far too shady.. who can you trust, can I trust you, can you trust me?
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Cut off the dragon's head. Start with Soros smaller henchmen, Yvette and that other Jew-Indian whore BAMN leader.
Considering he said he would be sitting there in a MAGA hat, i would go and scope it out, see what his groupd looks like, then decide to approach or not.

Youll never know if you dont show up.

I hate living in bum fuck nowhere. But then again, you'll be the one getting raped by a pack of disenfranchised urban youths when shtf, so im not too mad.
Too bad Antifa doesn't have the balls to actually start some shit. They just wanna LARP as revolutionaries while not doing anything.
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>Read more

Ironic humor seems to be the best way about this. The bodybuilder in the Spartan helmet beating up 5'4" Antifa at the Berklee riots is something unassailable for the reason milo was unassailable until they tried the pedo card on him... Which backfired immediately when the reaction was a pedo witch Hunt that would have pizzagated most of the left.

Commies have the msm and ivory towers at their backs but irl shitposting, doxxing, and trolling have neutered their tactics. No one can take a socket wrench to a "Nazi" without ending up as a "shit eating cuckold" infograph ending up IM'd to their Facebook friends and family.

A bunch of brodudes and rednecks in American flag clothes laughing while fighting a horde of faceless Antifa stormtroopers is a textbook "good underdog beats the evil empire" trope. The day of the edgy skinnyfat protagonist with the emo haircut is over. The time of the jock has come once more.
Classic mistake, underestimating your enemy. Wars are won and lost on that folly. And its much bigger than "Antifa", its a conjunction of foreign actors and internal traitors trying to create a situation large enough to warrant martial law. A city like Chicago has more murders than Iraq, does that not warrant federal intervention? See how it works?

How does no one get this? Its like the channers are LARPING just as hard as ANTIFA, thinking this all happens in a bubble and nothing could ever come of it.
Great reads OP, wish I could do more
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They have shareblue shills attacking everyone on the right. Don't fall for the divide and conquer.
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Is there a pastebin of this?
that's the thing... might have someone else scope it out for me, or might idle nearby
but the hat, the fucking hat out in the middle of Culver fucking City, like come ON that's just asking for unwanted attention
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Fuck the shills don't let them hide this
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Right wing death squads soon? Culture war is going to be one long, drawn out son of a bitch.
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Copy and pasted whole thing. I will not let this be forgotten
this......a lot of the institutions that the left has are totally fucked because of the internet, smartphones, and social media.....
how faggy
larp somewhere else niggers
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Would you prefer bird calls?

You just sound cowardly, all offense meant. I agree with OP, we are in the "nut up of shut up" phase. Either go, or regret not going.

Most likely it will just be a couple fat autists and manlets. What are you actually afraid of?
I have noticed a new push to demonize "negotiate with dictators" in normie anti Trump media

The goddamn fucking irony if trump through a few face to face meeting and good deals ends up with best Korea a constitutional monarchy that simultaneously fixes communism while not nuking South Korea economy through the reunification Samson option of the norks.

Same with the double down on anti assad/russia, not supporting "kurdish freedom fighters", but simply for not destabilizing whole fucking regions in the pursuit of giving inbred nations with an average IQ of 80 Democracy™ like in all those evil "wars for oil"
This was when they were in Syria right? I know there was a thread where an anon followed them to a CA shooting range a few days ago, they were well equipped. Another thread showed Moldylocks recruiting at CalState LA. Something BIG is coming.
They have those though. Thats why i stay in the plains.

What we need is independent propaganda cells within every possible community to combat the narrative on the ground level. That was the main message i got from OP.
Oathkeepers are a start
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What is coming? You know it takes more than a militta to take over a country, or even town?

>20-50 armed Antifa sperg out
>they expect support from left wingers
>nobody signs their life to death
>within days, if not hours, the city they were holding is overtaken by army of "police"
>they're all dead or imprisoned for life

It takes tens of millions of people willing to fight and ACTUALLY DIE for a revolution. These people may play dress up with some sticks and shields but the second it turned into an actual civil war they'd either chicken out, or die.
How much longer do you imagine the United States lasting? It seems we're heading towards a collapse. There's a massive cultural divide and the economy almost refuses to recover. And the powers at be aren't even making a slight effort to hide what they're doing anymore. Might we see the end of the nation in our lifetime?
Do you understand guerilla warfare at all?

There are thousands of active members of just BAMN alone. They have the support of many politicians, to the point of defacto controlling certain areas.

Its not about winning a civil war, its about causing enough violence to provoke martial law. These people are just pawns in the game.
Here is the donate list for the non profit side of BAMN. I plan to make a thread about this with twitter addresses for the public donors over the weekend.
I am a newfag (lurking a while) so any advice on when and how to do this to maximise results will be appreciated
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I did not expect my thread to still be up. I will answer a couple question if anyone has any.

Also to the anon concerned about MAGA in public, the point is to be identifiable. We signal each other, collect, and then move on elsewhere. I hope to see you there, you have a right to be suspicious, but we need angry people now more than ever.
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Many a red pill droppe.
How do we turn the tide
Great red. I was thinking about a twitter campaign against Bamn financial supporters. I'm up in the bay area otherwise I would be there. We need more meetups. Its tough living where everyone is blindly marching toward civil war.
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>Moldylocks recruiting at CalState LA
fuck this, how is she still out & about?
my heart aches for this country
How can you dislike political theory? It's a seriously dignified and established field, its greatest thinkers among the smartest to ever live, conservative and progressive alike.
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Substantial thread, good stuff.

I am interested in this civil war meme. At first it thought it was a joke, but as times goes on and I put on my tonfoil hat I begin to think some do want to push us to that lvl of unrest.

Also, if you repost this dont use such an ugly picture its too easy to scroll over.
I like the digits.

You have to clan with locals. If balkanization does occur, THEY WILL be your allies, your support network. Reinvigorate your community, it only takes a few active, very angry people.

And accept doing so will make you a target. I am using is method because we are all anon, and like another anon said, if you don't like my look, you can walk away without me knowing you were there.

That is a good method, but Twitter is a ghetto. You only see what they think you want to see. You must fuse IRL advertising with online media for maximal reach. Think paper advertising, QR codes and memes.
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Those who study political theory almost never enter political reality. Instead they recycle into academia, which has created a decades long feedback loop over Marxism.

I will take your advice. I can't help that she's an ugly person and I have to start at antifa.

The plan of world domination is as old as the high priests of Hyperborea. It is only now that the technology has come to fruition.
Fake news
Finally read all these. Thanks for this. Hope to see this again in the history books
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OP should make a YouTube video series so I can listen while I wadge muh sport ball game or at least a pedocast
Stealth bump for FBI honeypot thread.
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Who are the high priests of hyperborea? How are they continuing with an ancient plan? Do they live forever or "remember" the memories of earlier members?
Mmm honey
What did you mean by this? Am I being dragged by the eff bee eye
Mission accepted.
Welcome bump
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Indeed. The initiate knows it is the same old system under a new name; despotism, feudalism, monarchism, socialism, and the new technocracy. All control by the Profound.

That's a lot of work I am not skilled in. But any anon who is should be doing so.

An aside: you guys were too slow on pizzagate. Be quieter and quicker next time.
bump for you lad, you deserve it
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This once great nation is headed downhill, fast.
Will it fall and crumble like many empires before it, or will it be able to withstand and become stronger than before?

I suppose we've had it coming for quite sometime. But despite our faults, I don't see why my country should have to fall in order to fulfill some other entity's agenda.

I truly believe our country can withhold and surpass these tribulations. But it will take great effort on our part.
I suppose the best course of action is to find like-minded individuals, form a group, study up on your history, learn about TRUE freedom, ethics, and democracy, and round yourself to be the best individual you can be if in case OP's theory comes to fruition.
>next time you should do better against a near trillion dollar media and child sex industry !
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>>>124314750 (You)
>Those who study political theory almost never enter political reality.
A vague and unsubstantiated dismissal. I remember there was a Canadian neoliberal professor, who worked at one of the Ivys, who ran for election a couple years back. He lost, why? Because he realized that the current political system forces every candidate to lie to their voters. Political theorists, at least serious ones, don't directly involve themselves in the system because they know the system will thoroughly reject and break any virtue they seek to spread and embody.

Also, if you seriously think that academic literature and the people who actually sit down and think hard about issues, their past, their future, and their meaning are in any way useless or detached from the "political reality", you're not only ignorant, but delusional.

>Instead they recycle into academia, which has created a decades long feedback loop over Marxism.
Blatantly made up to serve your point. The big craze in the 70s through 90s was Rawlsian neoliberalism, it's variants, and its critics. While zizek and Varoufakis were able to bring Marxism back into the public eye, they're far from popular or well accepted in academic political theory.
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We should pretty much do a a Roll Call thread for each of the 50 states. We'd have to appear as sensible citizens if we started organizing, both online and off.

inb4 Nice try FBI, I live in SC and feel completely cut off from my cause, nothing but rednecks and googles around here.
Honey is good for you. Packed with antioxidants.

The Mystery schools descend from a time beyond recorded time. I am not sure anyone possesses the final key, which is why they are obsessed with the displaced capstone.

All esoteric teaching boil down similarly, as such every branch fulfills a necessary function of the whole with plausible deniability.

They can attain knowledge "multidimensionally", so to speak, in the form of pain. One particular method utilizes the ophidian kundalini, for those not in the know, very painful buttsex.

Now you understand why Jehovah expressly forbade anal penetration.
My Grandfather was a WW2 vet, he died in the late 90's but I remember him talking about how this country is lost and that he believes us not following Patton's advice and murdering him is part of some high level conspiracy still being played out to this day. Sure he was an old man, but American history for the past 100 years doesn't make it seem too far fetched. It's obvious that the left has been controlling the path of our country for decades.
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If this were truly planned and coordinated, it's clearly not working, it's backfiring on them. Was turning more people pro free speech part of their plan?
>tfw the Tunnels of Typhon are real
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I am talking purely about American institutions. If you don't see how our society is entirely shifted into the neo-liberal paradigm, with our science and economics both playing outside the rules, I cannot help you.

You have to think grand scale, the destruction of academia works in many facets, with the actual professors only being one aspect. It doesn't matter if you are right if you aren't the most vocal.

Pick a place, city center with high foot traffic (this is to serve anon, not you)

Meet on an off day and have a half hour window for people to show. Then move to a new location.

Throw it out here now, hopefully you'll get a bite.
CA here, at the heart of it.
Feeling kind of fucked atm.
how do you reason with people who believe the state should give them anything they want, for 'free,' and who are actively against the basic *concept* of free speech, and generally in favor of mob if not state violence?

The Far Left are intellectual jihadists, pretending to be humanists when they are mainly Authoritarian Idealists. To disagree with them is not merely to be wrong but to be a goblin.
I recommend you go through the list of US Presidents and see who comes after the assassinated one's, and which future Presidents they knew.

You are correct. But they control the systems, that is why they are tightening their grip.

That is why you must become as loud as possible, in conjunction. If anyone had actual capital with which to start up, under Trump's tax plan may be your time..

It doesn't have to be painful if you relax and work up to finding the base of the spine. Helps to be cleaned out. My niner aids in inner chakra
Yvette felarca gives "happy endings"
Is it true Al Gore had a briefcase of adrenochrome at an airport in the 90's? I haven't been able to locate any sources on it. That's that young and frightened child's blood sourced through terror of the poor young souls
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You can't reason with everyone. That is why it is important to have public support, and to do your best to dismantle them before confrontation.

Despite your reprobation, it must be painful for it to work as they intend. They must harm and shame themselves to receive any blessing.
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>I am talking purely about American institutions. If you don't see how our society is entirely shifted into the neo-liberal paradigm, with our science and economics both playing outside the rules, I cannot help you.
I see you've completely dropped your "argument" against political science, and have moved the goalpost to "society". Did you realize that you don't have an argument at all?
If you actually went to a college of any merit, you'd realize pretty quickly that a serious political science professor, and the field as a whole, is incredibly critical of neoliberalism in its current form.

>You have to think grand scale, the destruction of academia works in many facets, with the actual professors only being one aspect. It doesn't matter if you are right if you aren't the most vocal.
I thought you were "talking purely about American institutions"? It does, in fact, matter if you're right in academia. It matters an awful lot if your work is coherent, well sourced, impersonal, and presents a good argument or analysis. You cannot shout nonsense and become well respected, perhaps well known, but never respected. It's also not a foolproof environment, but there isn't one out there that is.
"the destruction of academia", as you're putting it, sounds more like the destruction of critical thinking and actual discourse. That's a bigger threat to western society than Academia has ever been to anything.
If Antifa descends upon the South and starts pulling California bullshit, you'll have your civil war 2.0. Just this weekend in New Orleans, they are planning to take down Robert E. Lee. Well, antifaggots are going to get fed their asses on Sunday.
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Responses are backwards FYI

I will be starting another thread about 5 pm Pacific time Saturday, same title but I'll use a prettier picture. If anyone would like to chat, and start trying to clan up, be there.
Where in Missouri?
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This has all happened before

Alternative facts
Got it
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The battle of NEW ORLEANS.
Yes Sir! The time has come again
Bashing neoliberalism is like the central tenant of neoliberalism.

Have Bill or Hill ever called themselves a neoliberal?
Long Island bro here
I have read this all too, this vision can work but I'm in MI.
I support this action of using the 1st amendment. If people really want to change America for the better we need to act.
But the succession of this action might burn again.
That would be unfortunate for the people of America who believe be let down again.
>I recommend you go through the list of US Presidents and see who comes after the assassinated one's, and which future Presidents they knew.
Johnson; Bush 41.
>Alternative facts
That's some lazy ass disinformation. JFC do they pay you for that crap?
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Extra bump

So here's a question, can anyone just start posting right wing commentary on Youtube?

Like just borrow my brothers iphone and record my rants against the left?
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dude ...


There is a long interstate between St. Louis and Kansas City. It runs through the state. Nothing but fields on either side. That interstate is a huge bottleneck that'd shut down resources coming to St. Louis and across the Mississippi if it were taken down. You're talking lots of food. There are other routes that could be used but it's one road with nothing on either side for miles except things like corn fields that are perfect to hide in. that is an important infrastructure point that'll bottleneck a lot of movement from the heartland to the Mississippi crossing if it's restricted
Lack of coordination is the strength in memetic shitposting.
There's no benefit to meeting in person; it will inevitably establish some kind of hierarchy and there's no point to doing something irl when you can shitpost and meet online.
oh hi, abc.
I'm gonna do it on vid.me because f*ck Google
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Late night bump
its the WUO all over again
jesus christ we never learn, do we.
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So are we to see Cali. faggots sit on their hands once again and let these fucks destroy their state completely like they did with the 2nd amendment? Because they did nothing to combat the push of bans while money and heads from other states had to try to rally to pay for everything. All the while Cali. gun rights sites all tried to absorb as much money as they could and push their own lawyer and dismiss the NRA.

I almost want to say I fucking hate all Californians at this point - the left for being complete pieces of shit destroying the country, and the right that are letting them.
I think the problem is that Cali is pretty big and, unlike Texas, there's no real state culture

So the citycucks are passing all these gay laws and meanwhile the dude in NorCal, the Central Valley and the High Desert says "Meh" and goes ahead and builds his uncucked AR out of an 80% lower

At this point its best if we split California up, seriously, travel throughout California and you'll feel like your in a different state at some point
That they went to Syria alone is more then enough to raise suspicion. I know for a fact there is plenty of evidence there of them colluding with known terrorist groups there.
Its retarded to split states up even if it has been done before. faggots will then just move their section 8 people between different states to bolster democratic votes and just keep splitting states up until we have 100 states, then 200 micro-states.

What the right needs to do is just completely organize. door knock, talk. community discussion, creation of a few websites to coordinate. that way the people can push to get insane, mentally ill fuckheads out of the school system, out of politics. everyone fucking loses when democrats take over any sort of fucking position.

as for the 2nd amendment, GOA and NRA had huge pushes and rallies to help fight against the bullshit gun laws in California, but Calguns fucking ruined it for everyone because THEY wanted the millions GOA and NRA were creating, and ended up getting a few grand together to get a lawyer to file against the state, then begged for money to keep it going. This completely cock-blocked the GOA and NRA. We know what the fuck happened after that. Its because Californians are just pieces of shit who are selfish and only care for themselves no matter what political position.
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Look up the current operating concept for the US army, 2016-2025 I think. They predict a small civil uprising in the first world in general. In the US they were expecting it to be 'tea party' types though, trump winning threw a curveball.
>In the US they were expecting it to be 'tea party' types though
Sounds more like wishful thinking than anything. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to memory hole the antifas hard and blame the civil war on Trump supporters.
>Its because Californians are just pieces of shit who are selfish and only care for themselves no matter what political position.
fucking this.
California needs to be wiped off the face of the earth as much as Israel and Sweden by this point.
>theres no point in meeting like-minded people and multiplying your output

Can we point at this guy and laugh how he believes his keyboarding is doing more damage than actual agitators and politicians?
Can you read? There's no point in meeting in person to "multiply your output" for shitposting online.
Can you? Obviously OP wants to do more that fiddlefuck online.
Activism is silly. What anon wants another EFG shitshow? Certainly didn't turn out well the last time.
You're silly. You're a silly little bitch, and your ancestors would be ashamed.

Read that article yesterday. http://archive.is/WPrYb

Fantastic read. Thanks.
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Here's a bump. Good read, valuable information.

My question is this: when are people going to start siding with the enemy as spies and saboteurs? We see this shit every day on pol with shills and whatnot but why haven't any righties attended and bombed an antifa meeting or 5?

>Something BIG is coming.

My guess is this is why Milo is back from the dead. I always found the lefts reaction to him way over the top.
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ive done this for 10 years but the faggots on the east coast are not being funded, and its just the cycle of kids who think the government is bad and the cause of all bad stuff and there is a single entity who is evil that they need to fight. then they wake the fuck up when they realize they are retarded when someone starts bringing it up at how there is no proof, and they become nationalists in their late 20's. ive spent those 10 years turning people back to being somewhat normal. Ive started to help out at the local boys and girls club and started to slowly sway kids into actually using their heads, thinking things through from a neutral standpoint. I know that I have changed the opinion and actually normalized over 100 people in that time frame. I just couldn't keep using the retard democrat label for the election and had to change it so i could vote for trump 100%, and it eventually outed me
more info please

what got you into this
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It started in my 20's. I realized how retarded it was that my friends and I would sit around and start blaming some imaginary politicians for our problems. For example - one evening we were all whining as to why it was unfair that certain people got bankrolled for their businesses, and that it seemed it was always blacks who suffered and that there must be a reason. After trying to find a reason, I figured it must be the fault of the person's lack of commitment to better themselves, and lack of drive to find investors that other businesses fail when the product isn't garbage. When I brought this up, the group, like 15 people started to just fling racism at me, that I was an asshole and should be ashamed. After that I decided that I would do what I can to make them look at topics from a neutral standpoint instead of just easily dismissing it as some faceless evil entity causing someones downfall.

We would be drinking or cooking and talking about why prices are going up and instead of slapping the fuckfaces with a spiked redpill, I would start saying shit like "man, it must suck being a farmer having to try to pay for everything at a set cost while the cost of living keeps going up" which I would get questions about, and would start an actual dialog that prices going up on food is not some evil scheme, that it needs to be taken into consideration that it is the supermarkets that are at fault and one needs to actually shop around for lower prices. Just anything to get a dialog started, even if I was stone-cold wrong. Instead of dismissing a potential conversation and chalking it up to an evil empire, they were started to talk about it and even looking into the topics themselves and figuring it out.

Once these people started to recondition themselves and actually use their brains, I then started to talk about other topics like violence, crime and start to open dialog up there and dismissing political correctness.
Here's a BUMP.
Good quality post.
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Finally a thread about politics.
Everything else is just a show, a psyOP, a smokescreen that hides the pedophile elite.

They have enslaved all humans and are using eugenics to eradicate all competetion. Anyone with K gene or high IQ isn't a desirable debtslave.
Bump. Great write up OP.
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>A bunch of brodudes and rednecks in American flag clothes laughing while fighting a horde of faceless Antifa stormtroopers is a textbook "good underdog beats the evil empire" trope. The day of the edgy skinnyfat protagonist with the emo haircut is over. The time of the jock has come once more.
Holy fuck yes
Hawaii here... very unsure about what Civil War season 2 would be like for us.
A civilization that goes too long with war will stagnate and die. There have been no wars inside of the western world for almost 100 years and you can see how we are stagnating as a people.
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Pig roasts, surfboards and Luaus.

Hawaii is a safe zone.
I hope. ..but we're run by socialists. ..and the gun laws are cucked.

Still.. I guess we should be more worried about a Pacific Rim conflict.
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Affirmative. Rest assured, outside of canned sunshine, Hawaii will be safe.
Me too.
I'll probably go and look.
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