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Am i loosing it?

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>have new job
>job is about integrating/helping immigrants
>have to set up a booth at convention along with my boss and co-worker (both female)
>people come over and ask about stuff
> i obviously dont talk much cause im new
>after a while my coworker grabs some cards to write stuff down and sits at table with bunch of afghan guys
>my boss leaves to go sit at table with abunch of africans
>i sit there alone at booth ,dont really know shit about my job yet so cant really answer many questions
>at this point i start getting angry as almost an hour goes by with neither my coworker or boss coming back
>eventually boss comes back
>she looks over at coworker smiling,gigling at table surounded by horny afghans
>she says "it always helps to bring a young girl to atract attention to our events"
> in my head i think "why ,shes fugly" (has a literal pig nose)
> we start packing up and leave to parking lot
>coworker says "those guys all wanted to add me on fb (you were alowed to in order to further contact our company) butt i said if they stalk me/be inapropriate ill block em"
>coworker drives me to bus station
> "i bet you liked all that male attention you got back there"
>"well i dunno"
>" well your prob not used to getting any male attention at all ,not with that face "
> her voice starts cracking up "i i i get some male attention usually...."
>dont even respond
>her eyes start wattering
>she tries making some small talk with me giving just short fast answers
>rest of the drive is awkward sillence
>arive at bus station
>get out and say bye
>she drives away and looks at me with a sad/disbelieved face

TL;DR i hurt a fugly girls feels
New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
You realise that youre driving her into the arms of the shitskins right? She might be butters to you but shes better looking than 99% of the inbred lady goatfuckers that these guys are used to.
add me to ss when this get posted to r/4chan haHAA
Why would this get onto plebbit?
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What does hurting an ugly girls feelings have to do with you losing it?

Who cares anyway? Muhammad gets some ass, fucks goats anyway, and mrs piggy gets her attention, and sometime in the future when mrs piggy is an old and wore out piggy, some beta will step in and get muhammads leftovers.

This does not bother me.
Im not on reddit....
Well it should
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>job is about integrating/helping immigrants

Why would you take such a job?
you have autism
>have new job
>job is about integrating/helping immigrants
That's all I read. you're retarded. KYS
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You sound like a beta faggot.
checked and this, her insecurity might cause her to get herself into trouble because of that. because girls are often dumb.

Maybe she is a nice girl, she didn't seem like a bad person. although you two retards should get a better job than this.

you're both retarded but there's no need to be a cunt like that and causing even more harm. maybe she's a good person.
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>Have crush on boss but hate that she doesn't pay attention to me and instead other men
>Find stupid flaw to justify why she is "shit tier" because she doesn't "give me any attention"
>Tip fedora with the might of 1000 nice guys to insult someone because I can't just be forward with approaching women and instead act like a stupid 14 year old faggot.

OP= H U G E . B E T A . F A G G O T .
You should feel really bad about yourself all around.
wow you're tough as nails and certainly nuts! that was so fucking intense I just can't believe it's real
>Don't know how to do my job
>Call a girl ugly
>Have to be driven around
Are you autistic or?
What about it should bother me?
Shes probably very insecure if being called ugly was enough to make her cry. These Afghans will now simply lure her in when OP couldve been getting some of Mrs piggy's pussy for himself
OCWM? Where do you work?
It should bother you that women are either fucking Afghanis and Arabs and not having children until theyre of forty or, worse still, have shitskins kids and helping decrease the native percentage of the population. Think long term
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It seems you're really insecure op. only a autist with level 9000 autism would act like this.
i'm kinda worried about her honestly. believe me i'm not a whiteknight when some slut deliberately gets herself into trouble but i'm not heartless to get people raped either, still have empathy.
The Belgian dream life everyone, the belgian dream life.
I don;t even know why you have a country. France should incorporate you and germany should incorporate france. You're all muslim shit holes anyway.
you could narrow it down by finding the places with a female boss
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>Talks to migrants for pay
What this is chrischan level autism guys.
You just pushed her even closer to the shitskins.
She may be ugly, but she is still white.
The genetics shouldn't enrich the shit skins, and when she does inevitably mix with them, the result will just be more hybrids that will walk around the "refugees welcome" events with a sign that says "where do I belong"
>racial hate
>making fun of women
>girls getting shitskin attention
Guaranteed hit on /pol/ even though we all know this story is made up.
We're all just too stupid/impatient to wait for a decent thread.
A white who helps shitskins is a shitskins you fucking fag

You sound jealous that dirty afghan boys get all the white pussy, while you get none. kek
>> "i bet you liked all that male attention you got back there"
>>"well i dunno"
>>" well your prob not used to getting any male attention at all ,not with that face "

Fucking savage anon, quit and get a new job faggit
what the fuck op
never leave the house again
Nothing I can do about that. I'm not it a position of power, so can't stop them from going there, and I'm not even in the same country so it's not like I can court her or talk some beta bro into courting her before the muzzies do.

So yeah, not going to lose sleep over something I can't control. Besides it's probably best that the piggies keep em happy so they aren't as likely to rape someone who isn't interested in them.
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>job is about integrating/helping immigrants

Im a snake in their grass
Yes probs
Sound like it ,thats it
I dont care about my boss shes old, i think you need to rereed my op
I dont feel much
K perkeleeeeee
Nah mayne thers another girl at my work whos way cuter and more shy around me ,so ill try going for her
Nee. Geheimpje ;)
I think belgians just have the ability to become very autistic very fast.

At my old job I had a discussion with an HR lady about some inane thing she kept bringing up at all the meetings and in front of every I told her to put a garbage can in front of her face because all she was spewing rubbish anyway

didn't have the job after. Still have contact with my boss though
Nice blog post you fucking faggot.
yeah you lost it man
Savage, mijn beste!!
So op is a shitskin
Not saying lose sleep over it, just that its detrimental to our people overall
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OP if this is real you are top tier autist.

>New job
> helping refus
> afraid to talk to people
> Sits by himself for an hour
> Has to be driven around
> Not capable of conversation and so uncommon with smalltalk you insult your coworker
> Makes a post about it on a political board

Bro... i dont even, its prolly better if you lurked at other places
Don't ask yourself too much... French are heavily autistic, and belgians are lesser frenchies... You're braindead to us.
No im hwhite ich hab blauwe augen,mein negger
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top autism tbqh
trust me man, i don't wanna be a whiteknight, but i was like you once, and one day you might realize that you shouldn't have hurt people and you might beat yourself up over it.

take my advice or not, but you should fix what you did. bad karma is not fun.
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>braindead to us
they wont go after her, pork is haram
>>" well your prob not used to getting any male attention at all ,not with that face "

What the fuck is wrong with you?

What kind of an autist thinks that's an acceptable thing to say to someone.

You're either some sociopath or some faggot pretending to be one. Either way, do society a favor and KYS.
But with less horny muslim men around
>I dont feel much
But you should.
Hahahaha top spek
I'd say pretty savage but why take the job anyways?
To laugh

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“Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

>our people
I've already had a child with a white woman and wish I didn't. Most are pretty much worthless at this point due to the western culture propagated by (((them))).

I am currently happily married to a woman "our people" would consider a shitskin.
brother please, fix what you have done, hurting someone who hasn't done anything bad to you is not good.
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>was me 19
>Hated migration
>fucking go to school with 75 % refugees/eastern European migrants
>25 % natives of those are only 7% German.
>the Eastern European migrants go to our class
>while the refugees get special needs class.
>literally special ed, half of them seem inbreed
>The Migrants out of East Eu are fucking hot slav qts
>they are telling us they could only migrate to us because they slipped through the cracks
>to much work for the migration offices
>i am polish German and i can speak polish and Russian and German
>i was a loner but with them my fucking alpha comes out
>naturally i just hang with them
>cracks dads jokes
>these QTs love dad jokes
>half a year passes
>have lost my virginity with one of them in a club toilet
>always hang out with 5 QT's
>go hiking
>sleep at their single person apartment provided by the government
>but still drop redpilles on em
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>he loved his people more then he did other people
>doesn't means he hates them
>the polish and Ukraine girls get it, Russians not so much
>Since then i got attention from old female classmates and girls from work
>Work 17 year old QT "you only go out with them because they are easy"
>"i would've gone out with if you would've ignored me"
>sleep around with her for a bit(legal here fuck off burgers)
>now 21
>had a threesome, public bowjobs, anal, humiliation, my stuff thrown out of windows
>fucked polish bus driver looking bitches
>be chad because of merkel
>fuck you and thank you i guess.

if they are trying to destroy the white race, they are doing the wrong moves, they got me out of my basement.
White nationalism when? Kick the kebabs out but leave them here pls.

the gang pic related.
I honestly thought you were going to say they raped her or something.
4/10 story and you're an idiot
Its probably my bi-polarism
Im mostly the "smug class clown" in a group who opens up after a while of getting to know me
I just get cold/angry inside for little to no reason
I also get sad sometimes after have these anger fueled thoughts. These feels are annoying tbqh senpai niggers
The nose on the bottom left knows
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i know how you feel, i've been at that same place, work on yourself, be more forgiving towards people and towards yourself. don't hold grudges, even when you get those moodswings try to calm them down.

Man, try living healthy, meditating, shit like that, it'll help you with those moodswings.

Letting it out on others will just make it worse, no matter how bad it gets. try not to let it out on others. it will only backfire if you do. try to solve them instead of building up the anger.

I just want the best for you too bro, trust me.

i hope you fix the hurt feelings you have caused. she has feelings just like you, no matter what she looks like.
>"smug class clown"
LOL, that boys, is what's called an oxymoron. You know what that 'smug class clown' translates to for everybody but you? 'That weird, socially awkward kid with no friends who thinks he's cool so we all laugh at him'

You're that autistic faggot at the party who stands around alone holding a cup looking like a creep while everybody is socializing and having fun.

>who opens up after a while of getting to know me
the thing is, nobody wants to get to know a "cold/angry" person.

Here's some truth bombs for ya: you probably keep people at a distance because deep inside you hate yourself and think very poorly of yourself, so you get "cold/angry" and mean as a tool to screen people, as anyone willing to put up with your shit is probably has pathetically low self-esteem as you, if not more.

Get some help faggot, you obviously know you have a problem and nobody truly likes you.

i'm just saying she drove you, how did you pay her back? you hurt her feelings. she was fucking nice to you all the time and you just hurt her.

I'm just saying this is not honorable and if you don't make right what you did then at one point in your life you're going to look back at this and wish that you would have been nicer.
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Should i try and smash bruh ?
Or the other qt at work i havent insulted yet?
Or both?
Ill just insult the other bitch,shes way more shy and vulnerable ,she might try cutting herself if i do it right..
None of it sounded like a real job.
Get out faggot.
i think you should stop hurting people who have been nice to you and who have done nothing to you.

but i guess if you really want to go down that way and if you don't want to learn from my mistakes, you'll learn from your own.


fuuuuuuuuuck these nu/pol/ newfags.. what the hell, what are you 13?
I'm 23, but get startled easily.
I said :
"Look behind you!"
>>have new job
>>job is about integrating/helping immigrants
lost already
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brother do the right thing, be a good person
you said you get cold and angry inside for no reason. maybe being good to people around you will help you with those anger fueled thoughts. Maybe you will be happy when you make others happy
korean russian.

her father is russian the mother kroean with obvs plastic surgery.
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>anon hurts those around him because he hates himself

These episodes are boring.
You're a fucking sperg.

No wonder your women are fucking sandniggers.
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