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Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 118

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Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump Rally @ Harrisburg, PA 4/29/17
>VP Pence @ USS Indiana Christening 4/29/17
>Duterte is feeling nervous 4/29/17
>Pres Trump signs EO establishing Office of Trade and Mfg 4/29/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #14 4/28/17
>Pres Trump - First 100 Days
>Pres Trump interview w/Martha Maccallum 4/28/17
>FLotUS Melania visits sick kids @ Bunny Melon Healen Garden 4/28/17
>Pres Trump @ NRA 4/28/17

>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>123481384
You split without looking in the catalog. Don't link this thread and let it die.
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gas yourselves you Kike puppets
Sorry aussie, you didn't show up fast enough and I wanted to prevent a hostile takeover

use mine first


Recycle yours later
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Why is this becoming real life?
No, we recycle after. Keep it bumped
Who keeps splitfagging? We're also getting raided by someone posting a bunch of Blacked threads.
Accidents happen
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Is this still accurate?
Stay alive little thread
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>mfw the weather is still getting bad
updated pastebin
>Pres Trump on Face The Nation 4/30/17

get it while it's up
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Ths sun is shining.
The birbs are singing.
I'm sitting inside to bump thread.
Feels good man.
Thanks for cheering me up a little, Iowa.
Looks accurate, I'd expect Utah to have the most English ancestry

More than half of all white Americans today are of German or Irish stock
But why Utah?
Because all the Mormons were chased there
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wtf i love globalism now
Early Mormons were a bunch of Anglican spinoff nutjobs who fled to Utah to avoid getting killed for heresy
>posting this in both threads

You're a dedicated slave
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>le shille
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thanks for the bump friend
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gee i wonder where that guy came from
>T-Trump is a globalist!
Which sides explains why he doesn't act like one and why all the globalists are after his head.
Nice divide and conquer, faggot
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why do you read reddit?
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oh yeah supporting NATO and attacking syria are not globalist things at all

next thing he will do is go into ukraine, calling it now. he's so butthurt about the russia bullshit he will do anything to try and clear his name
i searched it up from a picture that was posted here. kill yourself awoofaggot
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The end of Trump's interview on Face the Nation.
>Democrats absolutely destroyed.
>Russian narrative absolutely destroyed.

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>preexisting conditions
Why is the federal government telling a business that they HAVE TO give someone insurance
This country is fucking done for.
6 minutes left...

Even his MSNBC attacks are terrible.
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Slow day. Pretty comfy desu.
Fuck I don't care. just make the obese fucker pay the premium
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>Man who says he wants to keep NATO going with others paying their fair share keeps NATO going when others pay their fair share
>Hits one airfield a month ago and is currently preventing the turkroach advance against the Kurds
Do you have any more relevations for us, Nigel, or have you exhausted your folder of stale images?
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maybe healthcare should be priced by the pound
Wow Florida is higher than what I thought.
>The whiter the state, the smarter its people
Bill Mitchel is embarrassing. He's exactly the kind of sycophant the spammers here bitch about and tops it off by being retarded.
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damn..........made me think...
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I posted several threads ago about uploading a video of Trump reading "The Snake" at the rally in Harrisburg last night.

Here it is, a view from the crowd: http://sendvid.com/06mmvkhf

>best part is when Trump says "the snake" and someone yells CHUUUCK SCHUUMER
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Trump finishing the Interview with very powerful questions.
Why didn't the Democrats allow the FBI access to their servers?
Why didn't the FBI demand access to their servers?
CBS decides to end the interview there.
We need to brain-damage white people to check their privilege.
maybe the government should fuck off and stick to its original purposes as outlined in the constitution
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reminds me of that article that says you can remove prejudice and racism by shutting down certain parts of the brain
But she does have ties to Putin.
Too late for that.
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i cannot image HRC as president because I am not a delusional leftard
You can also do that by removing all of the brain too
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Comfy snek tunes.
literally not an argument
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And belief in God, don't forget that. Liberal atheists are literally brain damaged.
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>wavy hair
Kek you're not white
But she gave him that reset button and sold him 20% of the uranium.
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>Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is president.
Nope, couldn't do it. Too far-fetched.
>"deep ties"
>"chief advisor"
>"draws profits"
>"wrong country"

the hallucination is deep.
>Brown eyes
>tattoo of "racist" on his forehead
>all those Thor hammers

damn, it must kill him inside to note have pretty eyes.
>Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is not in jail.
not* not Note
but I have blue eyes and freckles
"Dude everything's legal under the Commerce Clause" - FDR
>Imagine this scenario: Croatia is relevant.
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The Donald Redditor is immunised against all dangers: one may call him a newfag, cultist, fool, cancer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Donald Redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Reminder that if your state tax + other itemizations does not exceed your current standard deduction, Trump's elimination of the state tax deduction will not raise your taxes in any way.
so what came first
the meme, or the fake news?
Did SCOTUS ever rule on his bullshit?
>reset button
Oh god that was the most embarrassing moment in us russian relations since the bay of pigs
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i don't even know where your country is on a map
think about that
Ah. Thanks, guys. Now I can buzz off and start studying for my finals.
but they do pay to protect chappaqua
>Imagine this scenario: you will pay for the wall
Theres zero evidence of trump-Russia collusion so this "le flippin le tables" exercise is just dumb.
>tfw green eyes master race
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SCOTUS is shit since the senators are elected by the people and not the states
the whole system is a fucking sham. it relies on senators being state representatives, but faggots changed that
Do some reading. SCOTUS continuously shut down his government expansion until he threatened to double the size of the Court and pack it with his Judges and then like magic they started saying everything he did was okay.
Dude, you are represented by fat twitter-trained orangutan. Think about that.
This. Every living former president gets 24 hr SS protection
Barry did that? Shouldn't be surprised.

He's not nigel, don't call him that. Nigel is based unlike him.
FDR. Follow the conversation.
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>tfw too smart to live in NH
what even happened with it tho?
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Literally who?
Good morning, basic gestalt please?
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He's more capable than literally any other world leader alive
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>female employment surge
This is not a good thing.
It's the democrats' fault us Mississippians are so low. Look up our history.
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hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler
And we should care why?
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Lmfao whoa
>A surge in secretary and waitress employment
what's the problem?
Why can't he just die?
Obamacare set the expectation. Now we can't say "too bad lol" without terrible optics. I'd look for a repeal of that in the back half of the second term when he's immune to election pressure.
lol dwumpf amirite?
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Jobs should be for men. Women should be stay at home mothers for the success and healthiness of their children.
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You amerifats truly have no shame
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It won't get fixed without a complete overthrow of the country. There is not enough time in 1 term to remove all the shitty amendments and laws and restore this country.
It's like a car body without the chassis. You know it's there, but the foundation is gone.
Absolutely nothing other than pushing a button on the world stage
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Literally Trump
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Well, technically they did bring the slaves there...

You post a picture full of bullshit. Go follow your president's call and wear a Burka you fake kraut.
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>i know nothing about america and am mad i was born in a shit country: the posts
All we need is one after 2018, that repeals the 17th and 19th.
>women can't vote
>senators now elected by state legislatures as the founders intended
>cities are now permanently cucked out of political power at the federal level
That gives us time to clean up the rest.
The niggers brought the niggers here. Who do you think sold africans into slavery? White africans? No.
And the brazil monkeys did it too. FUcking shitstaINS
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Trump inviting Duerte is a crime against humanity
Seeing the Earth all the way up there is actually pretty spooky
But minorities are Democrat voters
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Is this Star Trek tentacle porn autistic enough?
rural dictators
Schumer: "Trump is governing from the hard right."

The democrat party is shrinking faster than a shill's erection before a real naked woman.
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>shit country
ugh guys...
Is this supposed to make Duterte look bad? I hope he gives Trump tips on helicopter rides for druggies and Communists.
>lefties actually believe they can subvert /pol/ culture
>university of california

Why am I not surprised? UC Berkeley is trying to block 4chan access via what another anon told me. I guess this is all just part of (((their))) plan.
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are leafs the most butthurt group in /ptg/?
> uber-intellectual cannot convince a bunch of retards to vote according to his clearly superior judgement
I wouldn't let that out in the open: being the mental equivalent of a limp dick, it doesn't matter how big your intellect is if you cannot apply it to things you claim to be of major importance.
>Internet meme sites
>still pissed off about the way the break up of Yugoslavia turned out and would hate the US under any circumstances: the post
>repeal 17th and 19th
>lose control of the government for 150 years because people have been branwashed since the 20th century
Not going to happen. The only permanent solution is a collapse and rebuild. We can only put bandaids. The moment you repeal 17, you get shamed as "anti freedom" and a "fascist", and people would believe it.

>too intellegent to reproduce
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but im with you guys
Kek the crisis was Obama
Their students will be redpilled.
We need that gore poster
having a convo with someone right now about obummer care. did trump get rid of the obummercare penalty fee for not paying for obummercare?
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hey faggot listen to this song

>university of California
>home of BSD and much of computer science
>trying to ban websites because feefees
How the mighty have fallen.
When will posting Reddit become bannable?

1, 2, 7, 10, 11 are all because niggers and don't effect whites.

13 is why you will be replaced with Muslims
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Not even saying this ironically: it really makes you think.
>can't even elect Hofer
He's Russian, he has been angry for all of history
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That fucking rally last night boys, what a fucking show.
I regret ever doubting Trump, all the shills really got to me over the last couple months, and all that changed last night.
The God-Emperor has the highest energy of anyone around, and he displayed it last night.
The real war is on the media, the elites; the REAL enemy of the people.
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>tfw too intelligent to not kill babies
Lead by example lefty polyp
That was like one of the very first things done
Even Buddha gets angry if you keep hitting him.
>can't even elect a president with a three digit IQ
The lefties up top will do everything they can to prevent students from knowing the truth. Berkeley is what you get when leftism becomes communist totalitarianism at the heads of both the university and city alike. Everyone has ties to antifascist or other Soros-funded groups.
So how hard did Trump BTFO the media with this dinner thing?
Too bad mods are anal or we could post gore like the good ol days.
They've got to the point of writing up fanfiction of a Hillary presidency.
>cant even overthrow his government because he can't even own a knife
>it doesn't matter how big your intellect is if you cannot apply it to things you claim to be of major importance.

Actually, that was a central theme of the Obama white house. According to Rasputin, I mean, advisor Valerie Jarret, the reason Syria got out of control in the first place is because Bongo is such a deep and contemplative genius that sometimes he's so smart he can't do anything.
>"dumb" white conservatives get jobs and get married, then have many kids
>this is "bad"
>"smart" white liberals may or may not get jobs, don't get married, and don't have kids
>this is something to be proud of
>genuinely low-IQ minorities don't get jobs, don't get married, and have many many kids
>this is something white liberals won't talk about, but they're happy to have their votes
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We're still white.png
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We're still white you miserable Austrian. I love how you Yuropoors mock us for our faults but ignore your own. Tell me where were the Rothschilds born? Europe. Where was Communism born? Europe. Who failed to kill the Jews and kicked them out instead of killing them all? Europeans. Who failed to wipe Islam from the world? Europeans. You lot send your Jews here instead of killing them all.
>at the front of Islamophobia
How is that a bad thing?
So what they're basically trying to do is a sample sizing to understand how the board works and to subvert.
It will be 5 threads talking about (((Global Warming))) all over again.
Put that over a picture of Hitler
The solution is actual fascism to purge the subversive elements.

The dinner was the media consoling themselves. It was one of the strangest, most somber things I have ever seen. And they had comedians there!
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Let them try. They, like everyone else, will fail.
really rolls my almonds
CNN live-streamed it as Trump called them fake news again and again. It was tasty, I could feel the salt building up across the ocean, causing a salinity imbalance worldwide. My drink became 10% sweeter as a result.
>One of them is a genuinely strong leader

So if it's about their heads, "we" go after them one by one.
Certainly their militance is completely idiotic, so "we" get to stick where they are getting their money and intellectual material from.
The dinner thing was a perfect example of every reason they're losing
Or like that infamous "Clinton campaign may have been too smart to win" headline.
>The solution is actual fascism to purge the subversive elements.
I completely agree. But I would only want fascism for half a generation or so. Nothing more.
>Global Warming
/pol/ is pretty divided on it so they could score big points on this if they can get enough convincing. The obvious ones about multiple genders and muh white supremacy will be properly met with red pills though. Although, it's only a matter of time until this becomes a controlled experiment at the hands of (((them))) of things we simply don't know.
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>we're still white
Fot how long , pablo?
If you have not filed yet, or filed an extension, Form 8965 is the exemption request. Check the box for "not affordable" and the IRS will grant it, under guidance issued by Trump in his first week in office. My refund under the guidance comes this week. No questions asked.
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check m8 drumpfkins
absolutely. the solution is to import arabs and africans to solve this problem!
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N a C L
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>Sarcastic Digits
fuck you
>Pretty divided
>The same Netherlands, 2 american ips and a leaf that shilled for it 3 months, every single day before the election
Have you noticed, they're gone.
If I can toss you guys a book can you get anyone to translate it, it's in fucking french and your whole country will turn their backs against if it's the case, it's flooded with documents and proofs.

Kek wills it, bring on the race war already.
Wait until tomorrow my man. May Day shall put commies in their place once more.

t. Anticom and plan on fighting them tomorrow if they get out of hand.
I just don't know how much we as humans actually cause global warming or if it is just natural. Was the Ice Age humans fault? No. So how do we know if this isn't just what would be happening with or without human? Also, isn't it hypothesized that Mars was once just like Earth? Maybe we're slowly becoming like Mars.
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I'm starting to wonder how it can be that we are so lucky to have them doubling down on every failed messaging strategy for so long. Can they stay stuck for three more years? Adams was more right than I think he believed. Reality has changed.
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best korea
They really need to change that sand/dirt paths into something paved.
I've been there. It is disgraceful that the nation's capital has fucking dirt paths there.
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defend this
Mars lost its magnetic field and solar wind ripped off the atmosphere. Earth is in no danger of that happening.
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So Obama was more like Hitler than Trump?
Really joggin my noggin.
Absolutely. In their mind they truly think they're right and that Trump stole the election. They also think they'll be taking back the Senate and house in 2018 and be able to impeach Trump on absolutely no grounds. They think this is what people want because they listen to a few groups in California and New York.
>Fight them
They're destroying each other.
You just have to protect people's free speech and show who the facists really are, in every other sense they are pretty much doomed.
Considering we're getting a wall, tax cuts, spics are being deported, and a merit based immigration(white) system I have a very good feeling about it, Adolf.
How does Trump have the freedom caucus on board yet still pushes pre-existing conditions?
Better them than us.
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If China manages to into genocide there then they will be honorary white/
>niggers don't do shit with their resources
>Whites colonize Africa to put their resources to good use
>WW1 happens
>Jews subvert western society
>Whites let go of Africa
>Niggers still don't do shit with their resources
>even though they have all the infrastructure whites set up
>Chinese don't let this go to waste
>they economically "colonize" Africa since no one is putting those resources to good use.
That's Africa's problem not ours.
Shows what I know.
The dialogue in that is fantastic.
Rest in peace Rhodesia
Maybe the chinks will bring you back
Liberals got mad the west was using Africa so the east moved in because they don't give a fuck.
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What does it mean?
I know, it's probably fake, but still
The chinese are fucking them to, mind you.
Did they stream the audience chanting "CNN sucks"?
Some Twitter nobody making up things he doesn't understand after spending some time on Wikipedia.
State-by-state exemptions.
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>drumpf: "don't do another missile test based kim, p-p-pls"
>Kim Jong Un Supreme Leader of Awesomeness: "pleb"
>conducts missile test
>drumpf: "i-i-i-i warned you... p-p-pls st-stop"
>Overlord of Everything That Exists and Omni-King Emperor Kim: "or what?"
>drumpf breaks down and cries uncontrollably
defend this
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>“No! No! No!” Minyon Moore screamed into her phone.

>“Yes,” the voice on the other end of the line repeated. “She’s getting ready to call Trump.”

>It was 2:30 a.m. Moore had stepped away from the election analysts in Hillary’s midtown Manhattan boiler room for this call, and the other aide was inside the Peninsula Hotel, not far from a candidate who was about to concede the presidency to a reality-TV star.

>“Well, why the hell are you telling me for if she’s getting ready to call?” Moore snapped back. “She shouldn’t do it.”

>If there was anyone who spoke for the heart of Hillaryland, it was Moore. During the darkest days of the primaries, she’d been brought into the campaign—her fourth for the Clintons—because she knew the candidate so well and because she could apply a steady veteran hand to a machine being run by outsiders.

>Now, a bunch of outsiders had determined it was time for Hillary, the first woman ever nominated for the presidency, to give up. She was losing Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The AP had called the race. President Obama had urged her to end it. And the data-wielding millennials on her own team saw no remaining path to victory. But for Moore and a handful of other true Hillary loyalists, many of whom had lived through Al Gore’s too-quick concession in 2000, it wasn’t time to concede. Not yet. The numbers might flip by morning. “It’s too murky,” Moore insisted.

>But Hillary was already midsurrender. “Give me the phone, I’m calling him,” she’d instructed her aides. It took a few minutes—giving Moore time to register her objections—but Huma Abedin finally connected with Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. Huma handed the phone to Hillary, who put it to her cheek and uttered two words she’d never expected to hear in her own voice: “Congratulations, Donald.”
States can pull out
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>proto-human savagery of blacks
>mixed with the autism non-personality traits of chinks

That'll be weird to see what happens
Literally, zero chance that is real. That would be breaking news on every news media.
FARA is Huma Abedin.
RICO will encompass the Clinton Foundation and DNC.
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el oh el wut
>Trump explaining crowdstrike finding
Based, not even Tucker brings this up
>less money
>fewer babies

Wuz ice cream and shieet?
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>Mr. President, I think we're gonna have to end it there
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this is the BEST timeline
Fuck Pmurt!

Kek'd and checked.
>My grandma was a retard
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>“Congratulations, Donald.”
>can't even elect a president who won't destroy his country and hand it over to Muslims
Hope your women enjoy their burqas and hijabs and getting raped.
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The Podesta question was good. But the FBI one was golden.
Why didn't they say anything when was denied.

>tfw too smart to win the election
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Why is it that every kang claim like this can be refuted entirely by a single photo? Here's people eating ice cream in 1876.
Take a ice cream cone, put a scoop on it, and spray paint it black. Pick it up and take a picture of it. Throw it away, and wash your hand in turpentine.
That's how you push a narrative.
It's not a rape, she's a whore if she can't provide 4 male witnesses of the rape. That's bound to be worth at least 20 lashes.
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thank you donald.jpg
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guys listen to this "Drumpf"

You guys are ready for the helicopters?
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Niggers don't know history.

Represented by coalburner stupid cow
Just think about the strong leader we could have had
>She was bikini pic hoaxed by Coco and a bbw porn actress
You can have as many babies as want want you retard , and money isn't that much of a problem if you know how to use it . Austria is a better country to live in than Shartistan , deal with it.
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Combined with the Weimerica shit being pushed in the media and we would have seen the end of the Republic.
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hopefully trump's eye for aesthetics can make it in to something to really be proud of
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>Decide to watch election salt again
It still is glorious
Best goy
wtf I'm a Cruzmissile now?
How would you describe when Tucker puts people into a corner and they can't defend their position? Stating facts?
Congratulations for getting the title of Best Goy, Mexican anon!
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>>they economically "colonize" Africa
that is an interesting way of saying imperialism
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Holy shit this is such a pathetic attempt to steal our memes. Don't shill here with such fucking filth
>He predicted that he would have no problem dispatching any rival during a 2020 re-election campaign, suggesting at one point that Democrats might nominate Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. He referred to her as he did during the campaign, derisively calling her Pocahontas, a reference to claims she once made about being part Native American.

>“It may be Pocahontas, remember that,” he said, prompting laughter in the cavernous room. “She is not big for the N.R.A., that I can tell you.”

NY Times.

I'm glad they're not defending that bitch's lie.
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hard to do imperialism without an empire
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>big league

Which is it, really?
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The bureaucracy is so vast that they can't even fathom the appeal of someone who actually gets shit done
Well, given what's happening in Angola right now only a country without any concern for the wellbeing of the natives can prosper there. I wish it was us again but right now it's the Chinese.

> move in
> extract the wealth
> pay up the warlords they call government
> move out
The relationship between the Philippines and the US has its own reasons, historical and $24 billion of trade related, but this is also a clever angle back to China and Nork. The president has been advised that the best and most certain way to piss in China's cheerios is to present the appearance of meddling in their internal affairs. Threats to sovereignty are China's worst trigger warning. He saw that during the Taiwan phone call dust up. Hosting Dutu and keeping it all diplo-biz etiquette and protocol, with no mention whatever of internal Philippine events, will underline to the Chinese that they can trust Trump and take steps against Nork.

Remember that when the chuckleheads spout off about, "muh dictator in the white house."
Can I get a link?
No one defends it. There's some things even liberal rags like WaPo and NYT will expose as truth. It's like how even Democrats are condemning what Berkley is doing.
Writing a paper and want to describe his Tucking,
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My question is why we have to enforce Democracy everywhere? If a people don't have any experience with democracy, isn't it madness to expect them to have a functioning Democracy?
America had salutary neglect which is why we were so successful as a Republic, and even then there were close calls.
Tax cuts are instant. Growth takes time.
Take a hit in the deficit to restart the economy, makes sense.
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Also heli rides. Trump seems to look up to Duterte on drug strategy
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>He says as he posts the same shit every day
We shouldn't. Military dictatorships are objectively superior to democratically elected islamists, for example.
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>What is reading comprehension?
They aren't sending us their best folks!
Is big league, should be bigly.
Q2 GDP is expected at 4.1% though.
"The realization of a liberal operative that he suffers from cognitive disonance after exposure to Tucker Carlson and his questions, fades shortly after the inverview is over"
They got it from the MAT subreddit, so not smart.
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Big league https://youtu.be/-PCsZ_x9Z6s

Go to 14:50 mark. Interviewer holds up a flash card with both and asks Trump to pick which one. Kek.
Where are the words that mean "look up to?"
If you cut taxes on the biggest payers with the idea that they'll then invest the money they are left with in the economy, then it logically follows that you'll have to wait a few years to see the benefits materialize. Meaning more people having better, higher paying jobs, spending more money, all of which you tax.

At 0% tax you make no money, right?

At 100% tax how much do you make? Well, nothing after a short time because nobody is going to pay 100% of what they earn to you.

So somewhere in the middle is the maximum you can tax and not send the biggest payers running for other countries.
Exactly, Democracies in Islam countries will inevitably elect fundamentalists who will then try to kill their Christians remainents
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OP is gone. Should I make a thread or did you wish to again, Portubro?
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>name your board March Against Trump
>it's almost May
English is hard. I mean "complimented them on the drug war fight"

Also aussie is sleeping, I bake next
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Great. Thanks for baking.

learn how to link the actual time in a youtube video retard, works for 4chanX patricians
March as in walking in a protest.
I bake the very next, you take over from there.
>100 days pass
>Trump is still president.
We still got our 6 month evaluation in July, so there's something (((they))) can work with.
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I don't really want to. Lets throw them to the wolves.
Damegami has a point.
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it all crashing down
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>page 4
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joe promise.jpg
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disavow now, until its not too late
I'm on iPad. You can't unless you go to desktop site. Takes too long.

Besides, I'm doing a favor for him. Not going to bend over backwards

Nobody else here would have found that clip. Trust me.
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page 352
here's you reading comprehension drumpfkin
too late fucker we moved on
This is actually true. As much propaganda as we get vanilla is actually black.

However, the remaining ingredients of say a vanilla cake is flour, sugar, milk, etc.
And the ingredients in vanilla ice cream is milk, sugar etc
And the amount of vanilla you add to these things is in the teaspoon amounts.
Thread posts: 320
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