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The "OK" Sign is a NAZI White Power Symbol! You Better

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>tfw you were in the threads when anons thought this shit up
>it actually fucking catches on
lets band together and feign outrage about this thing no one in the main stream cares about mk. 4506734579053479345709345
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Yeah I was there too, but I thought it would be too dumb to catch on.

/pol/ was right once again!
Go for it, virtue signal away on twitter and facebook
4chan never fails to make me laugh.
What about make the peace sign mean "there are only two genders". Are we ever gonna fully shill that?
I can't hold my fingers like that. Does it mean that I am a jew.
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Did you use your strong hand?
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Good Little Goyim
you're most likely an ayy lmao
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This next?
I must be the only one that thinks this is a psyop to have yet another label slapped on us, how is this good in any way? it will just give us negative attention and excuse for anyone that uses it be called a racist by leftist and media kikes, just you wait.
Because it's accelerating the absurdity of the left and has more of them waking up and going "What the fuck that's just a common hand sign."
Mike Cernovich is not alt-right. He is alt-lite.
It is still funny that he got into the white house and pissed off some libshits though
also Mellial is a race traitor
YES, people use that one all the time.

I am sure there are pictures of crazy right wingers doing it.
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Google Hangouts.jpg
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If only google hangouts had caught on
>how is this good in any way?
demonstrating how incredibly retarded people can be is never a bad thing. /pol/ is doing god's work since god doesn't exist

>excuse for anyone that uses it be called a racist by leftist and media kikes, just you wait.
didn't that already happen?

i like it
Because it shows how absurd it is.

The more they expand the definition of racist and white nationalist, the more it becomes toothless as an accusation, it serves our cause well
Guys im a girl and my school the alt right nazis show me this hand symbol. What could they possibly mean by this?
Another hidden white power sign is the "thumbs up" sign in which white people and uncle toms celebrate white privilege. The thumb faces the sky, the white man power rises, while the other fingers are on the bottom, subjugated below a horizontal ceiling
No it means you are crippled
Lefties are trying to double down on it hahaha..


Apparently if enough of us start posting that David is a pedophile then it becomes fact... Who knew!@
This is hilarious
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/pol/ has truly surpassed old /b/.
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Common hate symbol referring to straight sex as the norm. They think you're a fag or something.
i https://youtu.be/PbdDMWognH4
There are actually footage of Hitler doing the thumbs up too.
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I hereby name this sign the 'Unopposable Thumb'. White power.

It's funny because we started it as a joke (it was in connection to Mel Gibson giving the OK gesture at the Oscars and it being common with pepe and trump pics) and then started using it irl, so technically it probably IS a white supremacist signal now.
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this one is real
This shit is fucking retarded. It's an all-is-OK sign for scuba diving. If I go diving with someone and I give the OK, and they start tearing off their regulator screaming underwater about white privilege, I'm quite OK with them drowning. We need to start doing deep dives with these people.
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Funny because in bottom lands it has always meant bumhole and fuck you.
Where did this "two genders" stuff pop up from recently? There really are only two genders, who seriously believes there's a third gender?
>ok sign
It symbolizes asshole.
>its another jew shill tries to trick /pol/ into using the satanic 666 sign thread

Lmfao and you retards are actually falling for it.
antifa butt trembling detected
>Be OK is not OK anymore

this one
this one is gold
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>antifa in bulgaria
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don't forget (pic related)
kys haini
must be a keyboard warrior

They're saying they're gay and like to fuck boys in the butt.
back to plebbit you autistic little faggot shitskin
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that's old old stuff. peace sign has always meant 2 sexes.
what did he mean by this?
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Fuck off. It's funny and that's reason enough. You should be happy that we're actually ding something as a group instead of complaining.
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Ive been here for the creation of every "racist" symbol.

I saved the WP meme from that actual thread.
only niggers are stupid enough to make words with their hands as a signal. white people use much more advanced codes.

take pic related for example. it doesnt mean "ll" for "loot louisiana" or some shit, it has a very intricate and subtle meaning, best explained as "sit on em and spin"
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is he, dare i say, /our goy/?
oh wow trying to pretend to fit in on /pol/, antifa scum? getting desperate I see.
when someone finds out they were lied to, they join their past enemy
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>/pol/ will get negative attention


Fuck off back to plebbit where you care about your image retard.
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>I saved the WP meme from that actual thread.

class. and those numbrs too.
Meme magic is too powerful
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>mfw people believe this
>mfw /pol/ decides breathing is racist and all sjws stop doing it and die
keep barking little kike
come to bulgaria and bark like that face to face to someone, see how fast your little kike head gets stomped
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>>mfw /pol/ decides breathing is racist and all sjws stop doing it and die
I'll be welcomed with open arms when I'm liberating your country from people like you, antifa communist pig.
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why not come up with something like cut for bieber?
surely the normies forgot about that right?
Of course it is.

When has any other race ever experienced enough success to make a hand sign out of it?
Now this is a Jewish trick I'm down with
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Feels good, anon
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What did she mean by this?
more like G for Genius
Holy fuck, anons. You fucking did this?!

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Looks like Bill Nye was actually more based than we thought.
Thalidomide baby?
this is great.
Like my grandpa said. Don't burn me I'm polish
I wish i had as much imagination as these feminists
>It's been condemned as racist by the Anti-Defamation league
I love how they condemned it like yesterday and these people are already supposed to know that the ok symbol is "racist".
Nye is our guy
Accidentally maybe

He is red pilling people by producing SJW Drek that even liberal leaning centrists can't stand

The fucked thing is that the ADL did not condemn it. The ADL condemned a different sign that you make with two hands. The author literally means PIC RELATED.
Cernovich hasn't killed himself yet!?
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makes u think.
Anyone else use this unironically as a white power sign?
Believe me, it'll happen faster than you think. ADL actually will condemn it by the end of the month.
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>cartoon frogs are racist
>okay hand sign is racist
Really hangs the nigger, doesn't it?
How do you spread this stuff? Sorry, I'm new here.
Make a fake Twitter and facebook account, fake information, fake friends.

Get a non-white Name and photo, obtain followers and friends and then start spreading it and LARPing as a libtard
No wonder she was named Soledad. I guess her parents weren't allowed to go with Estupidez or Locura.
It is easier to do on twitter
Make a twitter and tweet to low IQ leftist journalists
Not voting for a woman is racism
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Two Genders 2.png
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It actually worked! Now let's wait for the Two-Genders sign to catch up.
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fucking nazis
How can these retards fall for this?
I think we should further spread "OK" before moving on,or they might catch on
Because they're retards
You have to give up some pieces to achieve checkmate. Besides, it's funny as hell.
No reason why we can't be doing both. We're not a finite resource being spread between multiple tasks, rather our political energy is generated by fun content such as this and rises to match the task.
Is she getting banged by white dick?
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Racism and sexism go...

...wait for it...

Hand in hand.

We now have our new hate symbol. The handshake. It symbolizes white male solidarity and resistance in plain sight to the dismantling of the racist patriarchy.
The ADL might add it at some point like how they added Pepe; arguing the legitimate gesture got coopted by white supremacists, and is most often used in situations where "OK" would not make sense or would be obviously supportive of white power.
>not being self-admitted racist
Take any hand gesture people use, period. V for virgin girls.
I think another /pol/harbor is coming soon
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Normies are not going to buy what they're selling m8. It's just that simple. They are overboard. Salem witch trial type shit.
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apparently "diving" is memecode for white supremacy meets.

Notice how there are hardly any black swimmers or divers at the Olympics? People used to say black folk were shit at these sports or didn't like bathing but now we know it's systemic racism.

disgusting pic related
Holy fuck, this got traction? That's incredible. i love how gullible these faggots are.

Our local KKK conduct their klan meetings at the bottom of a pond now.

It's perfect because diving is an expensive hobby which means no niggers can access it
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>Repeatedly told /pol/ that this was stupid and that it was too obvious to ever catch on
>Said we needed to be more [subtle]
>It catches on
But it's /pol/ so I still won't admit that I was wrong.
If we can do this we should turn the nazi salute into a symbol of peace and understanding and diversity. Now that would be really funny
Noone will fall for that, neither what you suggested nor the suggestion itself.

> makes you think

Yeah, it makes me think Emma Roller is a fucking twit.
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What's your end game /pol/? Are you trying to bait liberals into attacking the handicapped who use sign language?
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fuck off shill
In France that means zero. And it's used like the L on the forehead for loser.
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It's in the pipeline lad
>anti-trains attack
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I guess the Organization United for Respect is going to be in some hot water

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Fucking absurd its a 666 Jewish supremacy symbol
>implying these people are not in the illuminati and their goal is to come off as someone else to hide the existence of the illuminati https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xee2mU0qw44
Reminder that the ADL was founded to defend Jewish Pedophile and child murderer Frank Leo because he was hung for his crimes after trying to Jew his way out of court.
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Cernovich is literally a fucking Jew. The Jewish medias lies are just fucking unbelievable. This is a Jewish sign.
lol japs always use this
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Googles and Skypes, bad types!
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This too
Holy fuck I've been doing this sign all the time. I've even got people at my college doing it. I actually had an ugly ass girl approach me the other day and say, "DID YOU KNOW THAT'S A WHITE SUPREMACIST SIGN YOU GUYS ARE USING?!?!"

This is fucking hilarious.
>there is an emoji for this white power symbol

Emoji council confirmed to be alt right
Everyone knows you have to participate in a lynching to get scuba certified
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They've caught onto the anti-transgender symbol too.
post link pls. This can't be real. Not yet. How fast are they? How fast are we?
It's not real, the plan is to make fake looking articles and websites and bait sjw's into thinking it's real.

aahh I get it, very clever actually.
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sauce pls
>There are only 2 genders
>Mario and Luigi,mama mia!
That's mamma luigi to you mario.
Handshake was invented in medieval Europe by knights, who were WHITE. Totally racist.
You know what else is a white power symbol? Family values and respect for your fellow man.
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