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plz respond Antifags

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Thread replies: 203
Thread images: 78

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Serious question for all the Antifa faggots shitting up the place, why are you guys all so fucking stupid and ineffective? Why are you such well behaved little children when the police stop giving you permission to roleplay as "anarchists" dressed as ISIS?

>The police say "no you don't have our permission any more"
>Instantly do as you're told, don't even show up to Berkeley after being chased out previously
>couple days later
>Every single Nazi and white suppremacist in America is concentrated in one place in Kentucky
>Not a single one gets bashed or even punched
>Instead you guys just walked into the most fucking obvious FBI/DHS data colllection honeypot ever, all unmasked
>All of your mobile phone data was collected on IMSI catchers and will be used against you in court https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stingray_phone_tracker
>Your crowd was riddled with /ourspies/ and obvious feds collecting intel
>Best you could come up with was that weak disinfo agent stream that had to remove the chatbox because everyone watching knew he was full of shit
>Doxed a few nazis
>What are you going to do? Go to their houses and get shot?
>Doxed more of your own green hat spies than anything else
>Still haven't figured out one of /ourguys/ got Eric Clanton's dox from Moldylocks' boyfriend Tony by offering him some free weed, that's how easy it is to get /yourfags/ to snitch
>also how we got her nudes
>Your presence gave the dying National Socialist party more free press and attention than their cause has had in years
>No one on this board actually gives a fuck about the NSP besides stormfags, us being "nazis" is just a prank bro
>Too scared by police to even kick over a fucking bin
>"w-w-we won again guys!"

You're a fucking joke. We have neutered you from a legitimate national security threat to just another group of shitposters on /pol/ in a matter of days and now, now you're here forever, newfriends

I aint reading all that shit nazi
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Of course you're not, it's a detailed explanation of how you could stop fucking up
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Antifaaaaaa come out to playyyayyyy
They won't take the bait on this. After every big defeat they stay quiet for a few weeks and think of new "tactics".
Learn about Antifa:

Kinda ironic that as soon as they're unmasked, none of them do shit.

Good guys don't need to hide.
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Eh, bumping because I know they'll read and get triggered, plus I gave them some actually useful info so if they don't read it they lose either way
Have another. Anything for an ANZAC.
I just learned from an Antifa video that Antifa hates Liberals because Liberals are "peace police" and try to stop violence, but Antifa believes in "Direct Action" where violence is the best form of protest, because peaceful protest accomplishes nothing.
>Good guys don't need to hide.

What about when Harry Potter uses his invisibility cloak? Eh, drumpfkin?

*sips tea*
Lot of us moved to a better place to discuss our current plans for them and other situations. They can blab all they want and say whatever they wish as it won't change a single thing. They are done and have been getting picked off one by one by the feds of late.

All that's left is the gold mine gets and they should happen any day now given what we turned over.
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Neither are effective, violence gives their enemies heaps of free press, non-violence ruins their tough guy "anarchist" image. It's lose lose and they've already lost.
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>muh dems r reel raysists
this is more cringe than antifa
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>The left-wing activists behind the anti-conservative riots at Berkeley have ties to one of the nation’s most prominent pro-pedophilia organizations.

>The Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary — more commonly referred to as By Any Means Necessary or BAMN — is one of the militant leftist groups waging a campaign against conservatives and Trump supporters in Berkeley. The group’s planned aggressive demonstrations against conservative commentator Ann Coulter and the students coming to hear her talk led to the cancellation of Coulter’s speech this week due to safety concerns. (RELATED: ‘INFERNO’ — Milo Speech Cancelled After Rioters Set UC Berkeley Campus Ablaze)

>BAMN’s parent organization worked directly with the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the years just before it founded BAMN, according to NAMBLA documents reviewed by The Daily Caller. In addition, a member of that parent organization said to have founded BAMN is an admitted member of NAMBLA, which she has described as the victim of a “witch-hunt.”

>BAMN, which did not return a phone call and voicemail seeking comment, was founded by the Revolutionary Workers League, a small, Detroit-based Marxist organization. Many of BAMN’s leading members over the years have also been RWL members.
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best thread ever!
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they take advantage of disadvantage youth, brainwashing them into their cult.
Bamn is a violent, child abusing cult

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Hey, antifags, want to ask you something, especially since you're all so happy that "violence worked" by cancelling Coulter's speech. You *have* thought through the consequences of this kind of thinking, right? Violence begats violence?

Do you really, truly want to see things end in civil war, with wanton murder in the streets, or do you not think it'll go that far? What's the endgame here?
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Every thing they do is self sabotaging and short sighted.

>The police say "no you don't have our permission any more"
>Instantly do as they're told, don't even show up to Berkeley after being chased out previously
>couple days later
>Every single Nazi and white suppremacist in America is concentrated in one place in Kentucky
>Not a single one gets bashed or even punched

They've lost, they have no end game now besides trying to save face
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yep...processed thru a closed court given the fear of god the ones who are too far gone will probably be jailed on gitmo or similar.
Some anti-communist punk
English rose - rock against communism
anyone else get really tilted that people get fascism and national socialism mixed up?
Nobody cares. It's why you posted this shit.
Blackout- This is my country

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Noise of Hate - Good night left side
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Heads up, anti-Oath Keeper threads are obvious antifa divide and conquer attempts. Antifa are using a 6 second clip out of context to frame OaKe as being "punch a nazi" fags. Oathkeepers stood by in Kentucky to make sure the unmasked Antifa pedoterrorists didn't try any of their gay pseudoanarchist shit during Pikeville's TWP/NatSoc rally yesterday.

Don't fall for the pedoterrorists entry level psyops. Just point and laugh at the pedoterrorists trying to play our games,
>implying Harry Potter was 'Good'
Meant to reply to >>123466508
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Aww poor milo, poor Ann. Why should we let fascists spread their poison? Freedom of speech doesn't mean you will be heard. The right is suddenly in favour of freedom of speech? What a load of shit.

If you losers aren't afraid of antifa, why are you constantly bitching about them?
>If you losers aren't afraid of antifa, why are you constantly bitching about them?
We have autism newfag
Bully Boys - Superstar
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That's right son. Antifa would be less influential if they were ignored. Too bad cunts aren't smart enough to do that.
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good point, I wont make any threads about their constant losing, ties to pedophilia, blatant terrorism or cult behaviour ever again. Thanks for making me see the light
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How does antifa lose? When was a left wing speaker ever shut down by the right? They're just mad they don't have the balls or numbers to do anything resembling direct action. The right wing dropkicks on pol don't even go outside, let alone smash bank windows and punch nazis.
Adolf Schicklgruber was a self hating jew, that's why he popped a cap in his own brain, people who say he did nothing wrong should maybe look at how he fucking handled Russia lol Letting his own troops freeze to death in Stalingrad. Yeah, he did nothing wrong alright. Freeze to death for your stupid dumbass leader, you cult worshiping faggot fascist Trump worshiping faggots, maybe follow your leader Adolf and blow your own damn brains out.
Whens the last time Antifags did anything in Australia. hahahaha they've been neutered here.
How does shutting down right wing speakers benefit Antifa? Every time they do it they give that speaker way more press coverage and attention than if they had just given a little speech to a little audience.

Antifa loses by being the perfect villain to give the right extra public attention and sympathy, every time.
Yeah they're not really active in Aus. There are other left wing organisations though, especially in places like Melbourne. I never meet anyone who is socially right wing here.
I still laugh at them reproducing and shooting up CNN's custom pepe.

That's a good point. However, I'll say that antifa aren't that well known to begin with, and even then the public's opinion of antifa isn't really important to antifa. Antifa and sympathisers would say their actions fear speakers into not turning out, and show that there is real opposition to their speech. The only way to have stopped the rise of Adolf Hitler would have been to smash the early nazi movement with violence, which Hitler himself said.
/pol/ BTFO
>us being nazis is just a prank bro
Ok nu/pol/.
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Wir Marschieren Voran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80zi3AhGczA

HuHa Antifa
>>Every single Nazi and white suppremacist in America is concentrated in one place in Kentucky

What the fucking shit have I missed these past few days?
>would say their actions fear speakers into not turning out, and show that there is real opposition to their speech



Only a oouple hundred people would have heard the speech if she had just given it without any hassle.

>hurr hurr antifa won because Ann herself didn't give the speech
Have they realized that if she gave the speech she wouldn't be able to succesfully sue Berkeley for suppressing her free speech yet?

This is how Antifa always lose, no thinking ahead and no idea of the bigger picture. Just gay posture, rationalization and short term "wins"
>first one "not available in your country"
Feels bad.
We don't do that shit because we're not degenerates.
Try a different one?
Nordfront Wir Marschieren Voran
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Antifa shills give up
something I wondered is what do they even have on assange? Like on what grounds would they imprison him? It can't be treason cause he's not american, it's not espionage or anything cause he doesn't get the data himself he only publishes it. Do they have any legit reason to arrest him?
Antifaggots attack places where people won't fight them back because they are naturally cowards. I'd like to see these faggots start anything in any Eastern European country.
They get bussed around in Germany by the government, then have the balls to be like "we're fighting the system!".

I dislike them because they're morally bankrupt, intellectually dishonest cowards - less so because of their actual beliefs.
The Swedish "rape" frame job, where the "rape victims" explicitly said "I was not raped and do not want to press charges"
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but why would americans prosecute that? or why would sweden give him to americans if he hasn't done any crimes in america?
Bottom page you can switch your country of origin.
>it's fucking nothing

Thanks all the same. Still not sure what the hell Antifa thought they'd do by going to Kentucky, much less anywhere on the eastern end. Crazy motherfuckers, one and all. Not that the western half is that much better.
>tSill not sure what the hell Antifa thought they'd do by going to Kentucky, much less anywhere on the eastern end.
They made every potetially radicalized unironic racist of /pol/ aware that there is an actual NatSoc party that they can join, which they never would have heard of without Antifa presence at this rally. They're fuelling legitimate racist fascism with their legitimate "antiracist" fascism.
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Actually works, thanks.
Fucking cancer.
The faces of terrorism:

Judge Jeanine Pirro calls out Berkeley Mayor in Opening Statement


KTVU Organizer calls for protest of Ann Coulter at Cal


BAMN chair Shanta Driver condemns neofascist/alt-right bullying of Berkeley leaders


Antifa: LEAVE the bike lock HERO ALONE


Leaked: Boston Antifa Battle Plans (ANTIFA ONLY)


One more


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I smiled at one of the many examples of /pol/ being an intellectual hurt-box. Pic related, save it and post in on shill threads.

People didn't already know about that?

Fuck, you guys know the klan's pretty well-spread in Kentucky at least, right?
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Not really, they don't get any press coverage unless there's a chance of an Antifa chimpout. Press coverage is the only way these groups can grow and Antiags keep gifting it to them free of charge
>thinks he can outbezmenov us

That or they blatantly lie and say they won
Who cares if a couple more hippies join them the public deserves to know and make up its own mind. Antifa are thugs who have to be publicly ridiculed and pretending they didnt exist is what truly furthers their cause because it lets them act with impunity.
I'm saying the NatSoc groups are the ones growing because of Antifa

>Antifa are thugs who have to be publicly ridiculed
Exactly, that's why I made this thread
>being too stupid to understand a Ben Garrison graphic
>Freedom of speech doesn't mean you will be heard.
No, but it means you have a right to speak.

Trying to silence someone's right to speak, because you disagree with their views is retarded and anti-democratic.
Have another bump anon
>How does antifa lose?
>When was a left wing speaker ever shut down by the right?

I hope to god I never see shouting someone down as a victory
Just remember, in the UK we have no right to free speech or free thought.
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look at all these cowards run

and by the look of it, the biggest thing they got is a .22 and some birdshot which is probably .22 ratshot
>If they would ignore """antifags""
>Cunts aren't smart enough to do that.
Found the cunt who isn't smart enough
>Wall of autistic text from someones smart phone
>Expecting anyone to read it
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>Norwegians shoot antifa
>Swedish cops shoot antifa

what is your excuse, rest of the world? hmm?!?
Well most of us have jobs so it's difficult for the majority of the upper brass of antifa. I myself am social worker at a hospital so I can't break any laws without serious repercussion. We do have a remedy for this problem. Our solution is rallying the blacks and hispanics from the inner cities and putting them on the front lines since they have very little to lose. Expect a lot more aggression and fierce display of power from us on the next meeting at Berkeley.
I find your lack of autism disturbing
Antifags are so easily spotted
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Alerta Alerty Fascista Fascista
Its dare i say fascist
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Here have a pic as well
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I genuinely admire the level of autism required to produce that
Antifa isn't influential at all, they're a cringeworthy controlled opposition group who have been busily winning the far-right tons of political capital by rioting like chimps whenever we march.

Single handedly succeeded at making Richard Spencer into a hero. White Supremacists showing up at Republican rallies are suddenly welcomed. What has Antifa accomplished? Zero. They've given our agents free publicity, discredited the Left entirely, and are now contributing to the rapid collapse of the DNC.

We've won utterly. Antifa is our best ally.
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4chan has achieved a hive-mind like sentience it lives in everyone of it's users, it has no head to be cut
i believe you overestimate your scare capability, it only works for other kids and highschoolers etc your recruits, basically

>created a group to scare themselves

pathetic cunts get BTFO all the time by simple speech-goers

sniff my fart leftist retard
>Our solution is rallying the blacks and hispanics from the inner cities

lmao, theyll never rally behind u fags for commie bs. They're not gonna follow white leftist commie cunts behind your flag and fight your fight. What a dumbass idea. That's not their style. They're not sheep like ya'll are. They stick to their own vices.
The right doesn't need to shut down left-wing speakers, because our ideas stand up to scrutiny. Did you watch the stream in Kentucky yesterday? The antifa bunch were literally chanting "shut the fuck up". They have no arguments.
i love this guy watch his vids few times a month
>what, me? no, I'm too important to do any work for muh revolution
>I know, lets get some of those brown people we care so much about to do all the dirty work for us, they're expendable, right?

You people are something else, I tell you.
Antifa loses as soon as they congregate. Antifa loses because they get out their dicks to show the world just how small they really are. And, after they get through RIOTING IN INNOCENT STREETS, they go home bruised, battered, and worse off than when they came. You're turning every swing voter against you, just as the election proved.
Is there a full version of that stream out there?

Was such a funny attempt at disinfo

>Closed the chat because the shitty host's lies kept getting called out
>He seemed to panic when he saw Homeland Security was there, went off camera and sounded like he vomitted out of fear, definitely guilty of something
>Made several allusions to Antifa's domestic terrorism activity, admitting they use violence for political ends
>Staged the same interview with a "local girl" (in a pizza outfit intended to trigger us) twice when their crowd was bigger
>Nazis didn't even care about him blatantly filming license plates because they know Antifa isn't a threat, found it amusing
Fantastic idea

Mein Kampf was written by Jews, not by Hitler.
I was watching a different stream, I think. It was from some guy who was going between the two sides and just filming them.

This other stream sound pretty funny, only just heard about it today though.
Missed out, they were trying to emulate the Berkeley streams, I'm guesing a lot of /theirfags/ ended up watching streams like Tim Pool's and getting redpilled (or at least realizing there wasn't any actual nazis there) so they tried to flip it on us

Their tactics are so fucking backwards and transparents
>Nazis didn't even care about him blatantly filming license plates because they know Antifa isn't a threat, found it amusing
What are they going to do, show up at some Kentucky Nazi's house and fuck with him? That's how you end up buried in the woods.
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>Im an upper class white guy, Ill have homeless niggers fight my battles for me because I have a job. Praise marx!
I sure am fighting the evil white oppressors!


You've already converted
Social work isnt even a real job, you literally just talk to niggers.
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>No one on this board actually gives a fuck about the NSP besides stormfags, us being "nazis" is just a prank bro
Thats where you're wrong kiddo.
Who keeps saying there are no serious Nazis? Its like every fucking thread.
It this sharia blue fucking with me?
shills shilling shills trying to shill shills
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So how many of us are actually unironically ''stormfags'' you think faggot?
I don't keep a tally dickweed, just be happy you guys got a win in Pikeville instead of getting butthurt over a line in a greentext that is antagonizing your natural enemy
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We dont give a fuck about Pikeville. We care about our birthlands in Europe.
Sieg heil larping faggot.
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Auscops don't fuck around when it comes to terrorism

autism speaks
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>Be antifa
>Act like fascists

Seems legit
Nobody cared for my supplements and water purifiers before I put on the mask.
I think we're upsetting them

I do like a bit of RAC good sir.



2 https://youtu.be/PfdqQvuVWb0
This has to be Satir!
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post more
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>us being "nazis" is just a prank bro
Lol reddit get out
There is a very specific reason as to why pol is the way it is. If you are not willing to understand why or how without dismissing everything as just 'stormfags' or etc, then there's very little between you are the SJW's we despise for the same reason.

Last of all, you do not represent pol.
You do not represent anyone here, except yourself. Your stupid fucking ideals do not represent anyone here, except your own.
Nobody on here is any one thing, because pol is not one person.

If you present something stupid as fact, then you should expect to be shot down.

Antifa will either get redpilled over time here, or simply leave at being so ineffectual - they are merely just another party of people trying to shill on pol. just like you too, apparently.
Wait antifa has speeches?
Never knew..
Guess that must mean you're winning huh.

Fucking retard.
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>/pol/ is the hurt-box
this really unplugs the bananas from my ears
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Antifa actually think they will achieve something pissing in our sea of piss


this is why no one takes antifa seriously
>The right is suddenly in favour of freedom of speech?
it's literally the only reason why anything the left does has been tolerated
also hard at work exposing them. They leave all their data out in the open, easy to find. didnt even try to hide it at all.

>The only way to have stopped the rise of Adolf Hitler would have been to smash the early nazi movement with violence
state violence dumbass

antifa tried to smash hitler with violence all the time, street brawls didn't work and just gave hitler publicity

if the state had sent in the army and locked up hitler for a decent period of time then the nazi movement would have died
>that pic though
The funny thing is that I really didn't even know we were being 'attacked'. There was some thoughts of it but didn't feel much of it
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Have you seen this - have you heard about this?

Anybody got a link?
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obligatory shoop of my anti-fu
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good meme friend
kek has the earth always been flat on that emblem
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what did google mean by this?
I'd love to let it go, but it's too late -I'm locked in.
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>Why are you such well behaved little children when the police
Antifa are freemasons and Soros funded losers.


Sorry mate, dealing with a potential gas leak.

Here is a banger - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs4v82Moq9Y

Look at how scared they get when they're arrested, how many seconds do you think he sat in the interrogation room before snitching?

This one is so cringey, they really are spoilt, whiney aspergers kids
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Leave comrade bare-tits alone REEEEEE
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There's no way these faggots aren't completely demoralized. During the inauguration they were so fucking sure their revolution was coming to. o i am laffin
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>Haha you're not as pathetic as us
>That means we win
>Dems are da real raycissts and shiiiiit
ffs conservatives need to be gassed
>wants to hide identity in youtube video
>shows face

For what reason?
>Lets utilise Niggers as Cannon Fodder because we are too precious to fight
>Oh boy we're so progressive

Im sorry, what even is this Thread?
Both forms of protest have shown to do nothing, actually the latter has shown to be even worse for their movement.
It's like asking what is ISIS' best strategy for winning over the American public everyone but fringe extremists will hate them either way forever
>remember: You're here forever
>operation get behind the darkies

I know this is just /pol/ trolling, but antifaggots are more than likely trying to fill their ranks with minorities to make it look bad when they get their shit pushed in at rallies.
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They aren't ever going to have violent rallys again, police/FBI/DHS presence at the past 2 events shows theyre finally being taken seriously as domestic terrorists.

It's pretty much over for them, they're going to be raided and arrested one by one. All they have now is shitposting on /pol/ trying to spin their compounding failures into successes.

It's interesting to watch, they're like a bizzaro world /pol/ where the autism flares up in all the wrong directions
>2 people at work bring up communism
>school both of them
>one tells me he will convert me
>laugh in his face, tell him it will never happen, and proceed to shit on Marx whom he brought up
>other doesn't even know basic economics as I sit there and explain what risk is
>says Russia "wasn't even communism man"

I think what really annoyed me was the fact that after the first guy had our talk about 10 minutes later the other guy approached me and ended up bringing up communism. Raised my eyebrow definitely. These people are idiots though.

I blame the school system. I always thought it was weird we always talked about the holocaust but never went in real death about how horrible communism was. I remember asking in highschool "if Stalin and mao killed so much more, why do we never talk about how that happened and always talk about the holocaust"
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>flares up in all the wrong directions

you mean like literall cancer?
>Still haven't figured out one of /ourguys/ got Eric Clanton's dox from Moldylocks' boyfriend Tony by offering him some free weed, that's how easy it is to get /yourfags/ to snitch
This is believable.
The whole facial recognition bullshit is much easier if you already know who it is before you start.
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I kek'd
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>be antifa
>literally fight for the interests of Jewish bankers
>then claim smashing bank windows as victory
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yes, yes I do
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I've spent my time well here.
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Exactly what is going to happen, it was our infiltrators suggesting they try and "raid" here
You should learn to read.
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Don't worry I've got many more where that came from.
Can still see the red line on the button swastika.
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gr8 shop
and yvette felarca is a middle school teacher
You're right. the only blacks and hispanics that will are the angry at the world mad dogs, and the 2deep4u i read a book once and it maids me smert types.

the ones that will gleefully bite the hand that feeds, and chimp out for no reason because they are fucking unstable as fuck with MASSIVE inferiority complexes and limited intelligence. AKA the Dunning–Kruger effect types.

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don't let this thread slide, bump because it triggers Antifaggots

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