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>tfw you lost a custody battle with your wife

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>tfw you lost a custody battle with your wife
>Johnny Cash
>tfw need to pay a jewess 40k a month
No more commercial brake skipping
Reminder that Alex Jones' wife is a Jew.
Shouldn't have screwed sluts.
nice date faggot
At least jones doesn't like it up the asshole like you soros.
with _____ you lose!
He didn't lose his kids you fucking shills
I'm sure he just couldn't keep up frame, he wasn't rich and powerful enough, and was just a beta cuck.

A real man would keep his woman in check, she would be too busy worshipping his cock to divorce rape him. That's why only beta losers don't get married.
>sell out to the kikes
>immediately your wife leaves you
some people just have to learn the hard way

$40k for her so she can maintain the life shes accustom to and $25k for the kids she took from him
See Chris Rock sketch on what accustomed to means... When i go to a restaurant i get accustomed to a steak, when i leave the restaurant they dont owe me more steaks
>current year
>still falling for the vaginal jew
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Stop being so salty over the high price of super male vitality and brain force. Even if YOU can't afford it, it's well worth it.
I think he should do a Chris Benoit.
No one wants to win a custody battle. No one wants to raise fucking retarded kids
For years he would just go fucking nuclear if a caller to his show alluded to Jews. He was super defensive of his wife.

He still has joint custody, but it sucks that he lost full custody to (((her)))
I guess he has to start selling more water filters.
Reminder that Alex Jones is a Jew.
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nice strawman

tfw the only way bitches can be happy is as members of a patriarch's harem
>be OP
>be a faggot
>go back to 2012 to pull up an old post to make fun of Alex Jones that has nothing to do with current events
>born to shill
Hey, I love Alex, I just stumbled upon this tweet
>make fun of
It sounded pretty sympathetic to me.
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>Johnny Cash
Any song that old bastard covers basically becomes his song. Unfortunately he's dead
>Tfw kike wife
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my life, and other men's experience

they were that way for thousands of years if not longer, any sexual dimorphic species where the male is bigger has this dynamic

seriously, the happiest and best behaved women I've had was when they had the nagging suspicion that I was sleeping around and some even directly knew I was and pursued me even more.

and it sounds like a cliche on 4chan of all places but im not lying that ive slept and seduced many women and understand them very well
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How do you justify alimony?
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Burn ash, give alimony cash.
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start listening to him:


and reading these:



you'll thank me later
Marine Will Win, Status Quo will remain the same in North America
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You mean he wrote personal jesus too?
he's a fatass
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graham hancock has hidden knowledge we all should know.

include me in the screen shot
That means she gets lots of money, she doesnt care about the kids.
He puts so much emotion into the songs he sings, I love it.

>Quoting 8th grade edgy tier johnny cash cover song.
Should've gone with a classic.
>Alex Jones is an actor
Alex Jones is an actor
>Alex Jones is an actor
Alex Jones is an actor
>Alex Jones is an actor
Alex Jones is an actor
>Alex Jones is an actor
Alex Jones is an actor
What did he expect when he married a jew

It's fucked up he loses custody of his kids tho. why would his wife even want to separate their kids from their father
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the guys a multi-millionaire and banged super models

theres three things for men to have:

charisma(game), status(money), physique(muscles and aesthetics)

If you had to pick only two of the three, charisma would have to be one of them.

another thing women don't fuck men for their dicks. rather they find a worthy man that they ******like******* and fuck him because he wants to and they want to keep him around so they go along with it

it's like when you see other animals fucking and the guy practically berates her into doing it while she sometimes makes it more difficult for him. if he succeeds then he was worthy of fucking her.

that's not to say you can't induce lust or horniness in women, but you do it through their minds

that doesn't mean don't workout, i lift and have a great body and it helps me get laid.

but im telling you that it isn't the reason i get laid, rather it just makes it easier, if i had no game (was a sperg) it wouldn't matter how i looked, most girls would move on when they figure it out.

you have much to learn if that is your first reaction, i recommend you look into the links i put.
Good, I'm glad this fucking racist had his life destoryed
>Racist meme
That's the worst bait you can possibly post

>corporate propaganda
>government opposition

A man survive all these

>cunt ex-wife

He will be JUSTED by the end of the yead and living in a trailer.

Getting married is one thing.

Marrying a Jewess....wew lad.

(I did it. It's hell)

because she's a jew and he's an anti-globalist. the kids will just grow up hating their mother
Are they all like this?
Racist. Lol If someone doesn't want their country flooded with terd world immigrants you Trudeau-ites automatically label them a "racist". It's quite the opposite and they just aren't a cucked piece of shit like you. I hope NK nukes you snow niggers precisely enough that the fallout zone stops at the border. Kek help us.
Same difference
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I just realized the wage gap is a bigger myth than what they claim.

Are they taking into account all the divorced women who get 50% of a mans income?
Alex Jones doesn't even know nine inch nails...
Just like Stefan Molyneux and his jew mom then.
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>falling for the cuck vitality syrup meme
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generally speaking yes

most will say they are the exception to the rule but thats just another cliche

women respond very well through intimidation, the presence of tension and pressure, the physicality of the man being bigger and stronger so much that they know you could crush them with one hand

they live for those moments and are totally under your control when you are seducing them effectively, the seduction however starts long before those other factors come into play

read the links i posted and branch out from there and eventually, if you persist, you will do things with women and make them do things for you that you previously didn't believe was possible

now, there are women who are not like that, ~5% or so, but those are usually the butch ones that are practically like men, or deformed or mentally damaged and abused women

im not talking about those. im talking about the ones you would want to bang and even commit to. they are all like what i have written in this thread and what the people in the links i posted talk about, seriously check it out.
he didn't lose you dumbfucks in fact nothing has changed
the ingredients are legit. if you have low test you'll probably get a measurable increase in test. there are other test boosters on the market with similar ingredients and they're more or less legit just don't expect to get too much out of them.
What am I looking at here
Who cares!?

We all need to follow papa Trump in supporting Israel!
>getting married
>getting married without a prenup
water filter scammer
he still has his kids. he has been arguing for shared custody with his legit mentally ill ex-wife for ages but she keeps arguing full custody while he gets supervised visits. the jury and social workers see that alex jones is a good dad despite what his job entitles and wants him to have his kids. Alex Jones actually believes the children should have their mother's presence in their lives.

Big surprise. The MSM LIED again.
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cupid, the kids obviously not human and is actually the one in control

look at how the women adore him and want him to prick them with his arrow

that is the spirit you need to embody, a boyish guile and mischief, but also be a man capable of aggression, tension, power, destruction, force of will, etc.

with that combination they are literally like putty in your hands and they can't process how one man can encapsulate all of these things, they literally will look at you as a god in that moment

i find these pictures coupled with the ideas really help to solidify concepts and internalize them

look at this one and see the burden the man carries, you need to find your purpose in life and carry that burden proudly and successfully

it will inspire you to achieve things you never imagined and women will come begging to be part of your life

never forget that they are not the purpose but rather a symptom of the success
i'd love to get fucked by that
he has more free time to fight the globalist now

also courts in the us are biased as fuck towards men

Shouldn't have cheated on his Jew wife with that fat titted coal burner reporter
Why is divorce in America shit?
Why does he have to pay so much ? With that money you can survive for 5-7 years.
the balls on this man
that segway at 16:43
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it triggered me too
That is what higher courts are for Alex.
Kys plz
Hopefully this will break him and he will go full redpill on the Jews and their lies on Infowars
Punished Alex
>inverting reality you say?

My own parents divorce was evenly matched. They both accused each other of mental instability.
I've married a mute jewess from Las Vegas for papers.
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>marry a female
>marry a fucking jewish female
>marrry a fucking jewish female with no prenup
Jewish lawyers and legislators and non-profits and lobbyists.

He's already lost a lot of sponsors. Maybe they were the weak ones and the ones that remained are more willing to tolerate jew-related redpills. Especially if he's smart and subtle about it.
>Alex, for the last time, you can't pay your alimony with fucking penis pills.
that nine inch nails faggot can't even sing half decently
>it's an anon LARPs as a pickup artist episode
Maybe Alex will take on the jews at long last.
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Alex Jones pays $43,000 every month in alimony
no wonder he's shilling fucking water filters and super male vitality.

it's the best version tho
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Tap this.gif
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A dropper of that stuff has a similar effect on me to a shot of jagermeister. They must share some ingredients
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Why do you think Alex is so redpilled?
He's suffered the jewening first hand
>that nine inch nails faggot can't even sing half decently

i didn't realize they had media in lithuania. do you guys know about other bands too?
I guess the space vampires got him in the end.

Pay up!
he does, what all "red pilled" e-celebs do. Browse /pol/ or /x/, take the newest content and give it to the normies. Whatever sticks to the wall, gets repeated until the viewer count drops.
He is a snake-oil salesman, acting as a normal angry white man.

Aley Jones married a female merchant, because he is a merchant born in the wrong body.
You guys know he didn't actually lose his kids right?
>$40k for her so she can maintain the life shes accustom to
how is that even a thing?
Donald please go.
The Fates are not feminist witches.
feels https://youtu.be/PbdDMWognH4
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smug anime jew.jpg
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stop being sexist goyim

I'm imagining bursting through their front door with a tinfoil hat on, red in the face and sweating whilst he tears his shirt off and yells gibberish kek
>sticking your dick in crazy

There's some truth to this. A woman who thinks your ass is about to hit the road will do damn near anything to keep you. Women fear abandonment, and once they're in a long term relationship, they fear being alone.

Its why so many women who get dumped after long relationships pick up right where they left off and marry so quickly; their brains do not reset.

Not crazy, anon. Jewish.
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>i willingly and voluntarily change my entire life because i dont want thing
>oh hey wait a minute, i still want thing provide it for me, unwillingly
>people unironically believe he should've kept his kids

Prove it.
alex is a natural born speaker

it's truly amazing how he can just go off at the drop of a hat and be completely spontaneous and compelling
His music always got better as he aged.
He fucked over the person who stuck with him from the very beginning, when he was poor, nutty joke, and she pushed out his three kids to boot? And then he bought into his own hype and left her for a young, yoga hooker? The fuck outta here, he deserves whatever he gets for his disloyalty.
ex-wife actually now
Inter-dimensional technocratic psycic vampire pedophiles
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