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Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 74

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Alright /pol/, we all want a new happening that isn't Shia's game of capture the flag, so here's our opportunity: You know the statue of the bull & that feminazi little girl in NYC? Well, some anon could spray "Kek" or "/pol/" on the girl. Trust me this shit will get into the MSM faster than you can say "OP is a faggot"
>t. antifa ambusher
watcha doin rabbi?
I'm not some Antifa faggot. If I was I would have said some Reddit shit like spray paint a swastika
>kek is not reddit shit
>but a swastika is
Go bikelock somewhere else.
All it takes is an anon with spray paint in NYC man.. then we we're fucking golden
Or...just take the statue. Instead of capture the flag, it's capture the feminist statue.
Holy shit you goys really hate the idea of fucking with the MSM
Didnt someone put a magahat on it allready?
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Alright guys I live nearby I'll. E there in 20.
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Why not #BLM, if we're trying to jew someone.
Yeah, but spray-paint will last
>>123449166 Holy shit that's even better
And you really hate the idea of people not falling for your trap.
Small problem with it probably being solid metal.

Gonna take the whole gang just to pick the damn thing up.
I just want to fuck with the MSM, like what >>123449166 said #BLM would be better
I like the idea of vandalizing the little girl but instead of Kek or something the Normies won't understand, how about Red spraypaint making a period? or something to anger feminists.
OP is a faggot

Either you're antifa attempting an ambush or you're fucking retarded. Either way, a faggot.
Rubber gloves & non descript clothing?
Larping or not?

>oxy acetylene cutter is very portable, any ny anons up for kidnaping?
>>123449589 #BLM sounds great, tricking the MSM into hating the nignog organization
Good luck and godspead Soldier of Kekistan. May God-Emperor Trump grant you fortune in your harrowing task.

OP, try to stop being a fag for like a minute.
Just upgrade it to a true feminist
nobody even gives a shit. It's a hunk of metal that means jackshit.
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I'm screenshotting this for whenever it eventually happens
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>Nobody's vandalizing the statue.

>And...........OP is a faggot
Just masturbate and go to bed guys
You mean make it gain weight, acquire unattractive hair, become retarded, that sorta stuff.
I REALIZED THE IDIOCY OF PUTTING KEK, that's why #BLM would be a fuckton better
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>maga hat...

Anyone got a Hijab to drape over it? Kek
That's fucking disgusting. I actually hope this is some faked 4chan shit instead of actual irl shit.
KEK, on it
A hijab might be lost on them. Half of those leftist cunts think the hijab is a symbol of freedom, if anything we'd risk increasing their virtue signalling
i live pretty close to there actually, ill be there in 20 see you soon /pol/
>>123450289 Please fucking deliver, remember, DO NOT SPRAY KEK OR /pol/, spray #BLM!
>spray "Kek"

That is vandalism, criminal scum. Hanging a placard would be more than enough.
What would we gain from vandalizing a statue of a young girl? How would that help anything?

Shia was fun because it was an honest game.
>>123450289 Please fucking deliver, remember, DO NOT SPRAY KEK OR /pol/, spray #BLM
Why doesn't anyone just put up another bronze statue in front of her humping her face and say "Oh don't worry if it ruins their art, it's just my art!"

Get back at the cunt for ruining the bull statue.
>how about Red spraypaint making a period? or something to anger feminists.

That would be funny. Red paint, that can wash off, running down one leg from the skirt. A placard hung around the neck that says "free bleeding."
Yeah vandalizing some dumb statue with spray paint is shit tier. At least think of something creative
>>123450598 As I've said before, instead of spraying Kek, we should spray #BLM, for it's not what we would gain, but what BLM would loose
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Put an okay symbol on it.
Just get a stencil that says

'Glass ceilings don't exist, you're just stupid'

Walk past hold it down spray over it real fast then get the fuck out of there.
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Hello fellow alt-right anonymous, remember when we memed Shia? That was epic over 9000 lolz. I have a request, someone go now and write something that we /pol/ers would say, something outrageous like the toad joke pepe "kek" or the name of our group.
That will get into the news, or MSM like we call it, right? Anyways, if you do that you can repeat the meme "op is a faggot", yeah, you didn't expect me to name that old meme, that means i'm and old user and you can trust me.
Now go and make sure the graffiti is facing the camera.

PS: How do I quote other posts?
I am in favor of this.
Better if its some shit that can be washed/taken off
> "Kek" or "/pol/"
I wish underage b& and chanology faggots would finally fuck off from 4chan.

What happened to 4chan doing one thing while blaming another one? Just falseflag reddit or something, 4chan doesn't need more attention than it does now.
are you done
Please put an ok and blm on it with a hijab draped over it
Move the statue of the girl on top of the bull to create confusion.
Do it anon
Why doesn't someone just industrial glue a maga hat and t-shirt to it instead?
Stupid idea. We don't vandalize. That's antifa shit.
Why would we want that sort of attention? it would be better to spray paint blm on it to further feed the tension between feminist and dindus.
>>123450993 Mate it's fucking metal
Yea goys stop making us look bad we arent just chaotic internet dwelling kek praising lulz desiring trolls we are actually the moral, respectable good guys.
OP is either enemy provocateur or dumb as rocks
Sigh, you guys have no clue.

All you need to do is leave a turd under the girl. Make it a big one.

That'll send 'em flying over the moon.
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Fuck off. We did it to Labeouf, and we'll do it again.
Spray antifa over it and yell some rebellious edgy shit like "Trump is a fascist"
Are you all fucking retarded? The msm will show this thread and accuse us of, rightfully so, of false flagging.

This will backfire you morons
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>Trust me this shit will get into the MSM faster than you can say "OP is a faggot"
Op is a faggot.

Great idea spook. vandalize an actual piece of art....ummm no.

Tendi 500m. What did it mean?

Don't touch the statue you'll probably get criminally charged and it will ruin your life over some bullshit little prank. Not worth it.
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Haha, I like that idea.
There's porn of that girl and the bull
>>> for it's not

Faggot, what?

Go to sleep bud. Gonna need rest to do well on your homework tomorrow
Agreed this is faggotry
I think the statue is a good opportunity for some keks to be had, but spray painting a word is pretty fucking boring.
Is that you standing behind her? Fucking do something.
go do it yourself. we're all good boys here
What happened to the idea of putting a burka on her? You can even finally use a drone.
Don't be so easy spooked, buncha shills
/pol/ is not one person. You must not remember the New York card stand.
Is there a live stream of the street?
search for earthcam charging bull
>HAHA lets put mustache and period blood on her.
>Oh oh and then HAHA paint LEL on her

But a hijab on the girl and destroy the bull statue in the name of Satan while dressed as antifa. If anyone tries to stop you, start screaming "Go home Nazi! You fucking faggot! Allah will rape you!" and threat them with physical violence. Act like you're about to swing them or pull out a gun on them, but only attack once they turn around and lose interest on you.

Also, you need to be jew to pull this off.
Oh shit, people climbing on the bull.
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Look at earthcams

I haven't seen it posted yet
Here's a webcam to the statue.
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fucking newfag bullshit. who the fuck cares if anyone looks bad, there is no "we", this is an anonymous yugoslavian cheese-grating board. If some anons wanna go cause some ruckus who the fuck cares.

antifa, maga, hillary, reddit, all these shills and bandwagoners think theres a point. this isnt a place to push your agends, dumb niggers.
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Shit, I just noticed the homeless person off to the side.
You're wrong, there is a point. Fucking with Shia is a challenge and impactful, vandalism is faggotry.
I just realized.

We need to trick people into hating niggers as much as possible.
Spray blm everywhere, whatever else to make the average person really hate niggers.
This is now my life goal
This is 100% some kind of bait
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Hold on a second, is that a cop in the back? Is this literally a trap?
>>123452584 Yeah, NYC cops using 4chan for a sting operation to catch vandals, makes a lot of sense
People can go vandalize the shit if they want to. Its just fucking gay and not original
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>You're wrong, there is a point. Fucking with Shia is a challenge and impactful, vandalism is faggotry.


Even normies saw Shia's "art" as a joke of sorts. They even laughed with us.

The normies however apparently have a giant bronze calf and a young woman with a man's face that they worship.....I think messing with that is really bad for everyone. Let them have their false idols.
No, the NYPD wouldn't care too much about some random online trolls. But just think someone could tip off an officer to watch the corner or w/e - then get /pol/ to do it. The next day the media reports that anti-women, racist, /pol/ users sought to desecrate the feminist monument. Just another cheap shot for the MSM to take at (our guys)
Spraypaint blackface and hang a sign that says "why she gotta be a white girl?"
Guys for some reason the general public like the nazi alt-right more than us, for some reason people don't like a group who dress in all black and riot on the streets. But don't worry I got an idea.
Step 1 I'll go on 4chan pretend to be in the alt-right and suggest "we" destroy art. taking screenshots of all positive responses
Step 2 I'll then destroy it and everyone will think it was really the alt-right.
Step 3 I'll send all the screenshots to every news agency.
Epic lols ensue when people think altright get this upset over a little girl, destroying art is what isis do maybe they will labeled domestic terrorists, when they say blacks commit more crime just bring up the time they chimped out over a statue, media get to report on the evil altright for clicks that fit their narrative.
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Stop jew
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>Just another cheap shot for the MSM to take at (our guys)
This was my thoughts exactly. There is nothing good that comes of this.

Want to do some harmless pranks, plan it and do it in secret away from the internets. They watch this site....All of them do, and some others that we don't even know about.

Be safe anons.
Alright since since most of you think i'm Antifa, a good goy jew, working with the NYPD, or working with the MSM, i'll start a new thread on /b/ with the same basis, but with a different cam and not politically motivated. Rip thread & OP
Whoah whoah whooahh what's with the homophobic slur? It's not gay.. it's faggotry
It's a hobo getting sucked off by a dog. Put down the pipe you paranoid mother fucker
KeK is not please with fucking up our own stuff.
You are the MSM. Do it yourself.
Good riddance faggot
faggot tree

Go there and do it yourself then, faggot.
I'm on Arthur Ave. I could be there in an hour. Should I hang a placard with the OK sign?
Someone is there right now...
Guys my feed died. Did the whole stream go down? There was some dude with a dog looking around the statue for a bit and then it stopped.
You should suck a dick and go to sleep
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My thread died as well, I got some poor quality screenshots. Posting now.
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Sorry for potato quality, all I have.
working link http://chargingbull.com/video.html
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Feed is back up, the dog guy left, but he left something behind, will be watching stream closely
ITT cringe.
Anyone catch what the man was doing under the statue? He looked as if he was doing something. Looked like he was spraypainting
someone is in front of the little girl statue wtf is he doing
one of us one of us
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He came, he saw, he did... something? He left the screen.
OP is a fagot
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He kinda just took a nap under the statue for a half hour. Huh, anyone see anything I didn't?
Side project

Can someone buy that guy a pizza? the guy in the back there. Pay online and have the driver deliver it to him.
Look up Incest in Islam on Wikipedia.

TL:DR TWO FUCKING THIRDS of all Muslims experience incest

And 80% of Muslim daughters are raped by their fathers / uncles / imams.

Fucken Muslims make Mexicans look like Mormons
What is he doing?
>Standing around, smelling and being useless?
No hijabs are real.
please keep your bullshit stats to yourself
it pushes people away from the real statistics
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You guys want to bring even more normies here?

What the fuck
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fuck off with this lame-ass idea.
Why did kek sent me here?
What the fuck are normies even doing here?

praise FUHRER
Based Nip. Stealing the get with on topic discussion.
all hail
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gay get
gay thread
What's this guy with the tripod doing

Not fake. Muslims like fucking their kids. They are fucking pedos and need to be ended.
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>get digits
>entire thread derailed
>20+ reaction images
What the fuck happened to this place

How the mighty have fallen
So far just taking pictures. WIll keep updated
kick it up a notch

behead her and leave isis flag
Tfw no ww3 :(
So any of you fags actually go? Or is it just random fucks?
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Sorry CIA, not your personal army.
Nice plates. Don't do anything criminal as you've basically dox'd yourself.
>spraying /pol/ on the bull
>wanting more normalfags
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There are cameras and supposedly cops drive by pretty often, at least per the last time this thread came up.
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This tbqhf
Listen you invalid child fuck, this is not a game. We are not here for your amusement. What we do has purpose, and the lessons learned here at /pol are the following
>Destructive behaviour and anti-social thoughts are from the (((Frankfurt))) school
>Destruction or molestation of property must have golden intent
>Drawing the attention of the plebs to our cause is fine, but the cause must be pure
>Drawing the ire of the plebs is counter productive and will weaken us
Kys shill they fuck toddlers
make a stencil so its a in and out situation. Also wear a antifa shirt.
Then go do it faggot! Not your personal army.
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Tripod man keeps moving in and out of frame.
this really isn't a good idea. If your gonna vandalise something at least make it funny.
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>antifa trying to get us to do their hoodrat shit for them
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>stand atop local building
>take magnifying glass
>aim laser on statue face
>melts into a mush
>no one will suspect its you
>Frog Mask
>Spray Adhesive
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>FBI can't find who used a bike lock on a civilian
>they'll find out who did this with billions of tax dollars
Shit! I live 10 mins from there and I can't sleep. I'll be there in 20. Look for the guy in the yellow coat.
I'm waiting, make a big scene!
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Oh, now dats funny
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Fucker is taking pictures up the statues skirt. Wow
What is that guy doing, he's been doing something to the girl for 10m and now taking pictures
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fuck off
Paint a giant ok symbol on her
Is that a police car?
This was a setup all along
I think it is
If no one does this then everyone is going to die in there sleep tonight
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Can confirm the car is a police vehicle, Yellow Coat guy be careful!
More upskirt pictures for the pervy old guy
Just for reference, what is the statue made of and is it solid or hollow
give her a MAGA hat
What the haps is happening?
Bronze, Hollow.
>buy an induction welder
>create custom element cut with your chosen brand
>2-3 man team drives up in a panel van, pre-heating the element
>jump out, push super-heated element into the statue
>permanently mark the statue or base
don't do it it's a honeypot you clown.
Some (oldish looking) guy seemed to be doing something to the statue for some time, then he hung around and took pictures. Cops came and take special interest in the girl but don't seem to talk to the guy there. All of them are still present.
glue it on
Fuck fearless girl.

But we can't destroy it otherwise they'll keep it there forever to make a "point"
What I don't understand is how did the guy install the statue overnight on private property?
Cops taking off now
Cops are leaving, yellow raincoat guy could get a chance soon!
Doesn't this guy have enough photos already?
Probs getting comparison photos for before the vandalization.
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alright guys I live like 5 minutes away going now
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The fuck's he doing? Upskirts?
wtf is this guy doing
this guy is really likes seeing this girl from behind and down low
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Really gettin in there

He's been around for over 30m now
I wonder if this guy is getting creeper vibes with all of us watching him in a very loosely coordinated fashion. Especially now that he's getting the lewd shots.
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Say you're from r/anarchism when you get arrested, this is an obvious low energy Antifa trap
pizzagate confirmed

don't worry guys I live like 20 minutes from there, I'll knock down that fucking card stand just you wait
report him lmao
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When the cops were there he just stood at the corner like he wasn't doing anything.
Somethings's up, no doubt he some kind of pervert.
>when antifa tries to bait /pol/ into doing something illegal and we all end up watching a pedo do wierd shit on a livestream
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>not supergluing a burqa on the statue
Did /ourguy/ just arrive?
I miss old /b/ now /b/ is just gay newfag shit

bro no way im 20 minutes from the card stand leaving now
Ruined his shot, kek
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Some other guys showed up and he backed off
>not supergluing a burqa on the statue

I fucking like it. I wish I wasn't on the other side of the country or I'd do it.
Dude just wanted to get some little girl upskirt shots.
The police try to honeypot us into vandalism. A few posters, whether they're serious or not, says they're gonna go and the police who were probably just around the corner runs into this dude instead.

What a fucking show.


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he left
>spray /pol/
Are you trying to flood this place with newfags?
quit touching that girl
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Thought he was gone, still meandering (top left)
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I'm 15 minutes away guys, going there just now

be there in 20 minutes
yeah in britain
When it's BLM, MSM wouldn't hate them for making the paint, MSM would shower them with praise for taking a huge risk to make a strong statement
NYCfag here.

There is a guard sitting in his car all hours of the day watching so no one fucks with the statue.

My past time is getting niggers arrested,
Not myself.
Okay son, answer whichever one applies:
>1.How much is Soros paying you?
>2.So when did you start watching Sargon and how long have you been a member of the Kekistani armi xDDDDDDD
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guys this is boring lets go to bed
Just because they took off doesn't mean they might not still be watching the thread or lurking out of shot.

Check yo self 'fost you wreck yourself.

Without a doubt.

Fucking tip over already!
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Abbos are truly the densest motherfuckers

If you guys really want something to stir up- paint the founder of peaceful religion.

CNN says: they are hurting sentiments. Normies think, it's just a nice painting, what's there to hurt. Realize that it's forbidden to paint that founder and the punishment is beheading. Normies redpilled?
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don't make me get my fucken boomerang cueant
Watch this first. I don't think it's worth making a thread over, but it was just posted.

nah abbbos are good, dindu nuffin for 40k years
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Let me clear it with my buddy, I'll be there in 20 minutes


Fucking spray this NOW
Fuck off, you're obviously an antifa/cia shill
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This guy gets it, can you get some school girl panties on the way!

Straya pls, we all know only the KANGarooZ have access to military grade boomerangs
That's smart too lol
be there in 10 hours
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I'm on my way. You're not alone anon
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maybe glue a dildo to the crotch and place a placard around the neck that reads "TRANSITIONING."
get there, i'm bored and I've stayed up all night

If we wan media attention and to cause normies to ??? we gotta combine what we like with what they adore.

Force them to hit that cognitive dissonance barrier.
Bros I'm in. Let's do this.
We have lost the cover of nightfall, retreat until tonight
Here's what you knuckleheads need to write

Clothe her in a burqa
newfag pls go
whats that pink piece of paper?
Put a pepe statue infront of her
>this is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO boring
>8 posts by this ID

You lack discipline.
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fite me
Wait until it has been there 20 weeks and then paint "Pelosi doesn't think I'm human" on it
Dude just ran up to the bull, pointed, then ran off in the direction he came from.
whats in the bag
cut it in half with thermite?????
yeah cus this is rainbow six seige right?
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>do some criminal damage for no reason

Fuck off you stupid fucking retard.
I'll be there in 5 minutes
and whom are you talking to
i'll be there in less than 1 minutes
I'm already there. Where can I buy used underwear?

Fucking replying to yourself faggot
what would be the point of that?
Just take yours off
XD nah senpai
dude you are fucking hilarious
butthurt burger
what are you on about cunt
could you teach me how to be that funny?
>Media "celebs" and writers for soem of the most dog shit papers or websites call out /pol/ recently and within weeks of each other
>claim they are the prime example of Trump supporters but most normies either don't care or don't really see why it's such a bad thing and for the most part harmless
>"Hey goys let's meme magic! Kek! Let's spray paint /po/ on the feminist statue for no reason!"

This has to be one of the biggest examples of "Watcha doin' rabbi"
fuckin ebin pots lad
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fuck up, kangaroo nigger

Don't spray paint it.
Go to your local home store plumbing department and find the biggest container of "flux" you can find, go to the paint department and find the widest brush that fits that "flux" container, go to the statue and paint on whatever symbol you want on the statue and leave it.
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I'll be there in 2 seconds but I move at the speed of light so you won't see me
>use trigonometry, Astrology, and meteorology to find a flag in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere.
>"LETS DO SOMETHING ELSE /POL/!!!!!" demands from some random faggot
>tries to get us to fall so low as to spray painting random statues like common little niggers.
bruh i have already spray painted it

Hahahaha, epic win r/T_D ! You should totally spray a pepe on there, that'll show 'em XD
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Be there in 30 minutes.

Do some psyop level shit
this is like watching paint dry
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Somebody just needs to JB Weld a penis to her. Then they'd know /pol did it. She will forever be known as penis girl.
He said "used" not "soiled".
>Hey goyim wouldn't it be epic if one of you guys did some property damage and act like those Antifa terrorists so I don't even need to falseflag as one of your and do it myself because Im just a leftist faggot who just wants fodder for the media to slander you even more! Would be epic wouldn't it be fellow goyim!?

Im not sure about the U.S. but explicitely enciting people to commit a crime is a crime itself in pretty much every other Western country
is that varg?

(just went through 5 captchas just to write this)
You muzzies are so damn uptight. Loosen up a little.
stfu antifa
weld a big brass penis onto it
She's not wearing a burka so it's only a matter of time before she's hit by a hijacked truck driven by a muzzie.
you guys are pussies, all you got to do is spray can the girl, are you serious
THIS, People can't critize it because that would be transphobic.

Are you brain damaged?
ill be there in 5 keep your eyes peeled
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