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Thread replies: 355
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Why don't you want our cars? REEEEEEEEEEE
murican cars are actually pretty decent now. better than they used to be.
Sorry guys :) We're just always a little sensitive when it's about cars
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why do we keep losing guys? drumpf said we would be tired of winning not losing!
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Fine, don't buy our cars then you sour krauts.
I'm driving this Ford
Germans are too busy trying to cheat the environmental testing to make a good car
The one enduring stereotype about German cars is that they are a nightmare of maintenance
Just like

And tanks
Volkswagen diesel emissions
I drive Toyota. USA should make better cars.
How many American car manufacturers make Formula 1 cars / engines ?

All you do is Nascar and Drag.

You need to Git Gud
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What the fuck is that thing? That isn't a Ford
Nonone makes a truck like america
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Detroit rebirth when?
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It's a Ford Ka, a popular eco-shitbox in Europe.
Forgot to mention. It's the worst fucking POS ever. Engine is shit and has zero balls even tho the car weighs nothing (so enjoy getting blown around on the highway). Gearbox is shit and mushy. Rides like ass. Uncomfy.

Even for it's time it was a joke, now it's fucking pathetic.

Germanfag must be poor as fuck.
Muricars are niggercars.
why the fuck did you even build that thing in the first place?


you guys make solid powerplants. Too bad everything else on these cars is dogshit and electronics will break down before you're even done with the test drive.
When ironically supporting shareblue while getting to unironically vent about trump takes form.
I drive a 2015 Audi.

Best car I've owned, but I'm not hooked yet.
>buy German car
>it's over-engineered to hell and back
>have to pay $500 for an oil change at the dealership as a result
>Developed and manufactured by Ford of Europe, independent of Detroit
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>build better cars they said
Can't help being 1/4 retarded, sorry, that's just how us idiot savants work.
My last oil change was exactly $50, and you only change about every year.
Give it another couple years. At least it's an audi... If it was a BMW it would have completely disintegrated by now.. German cars are great when they're new.. But that's about it.
German cars are fine and everything until something goes wrong and the tools alone required to repair it cost more than the car is worth. Reason i like ford is because you can actually perform almost all of the minor maintenance yourself as well as fix the most common problem yourself.

newsflash though kids: Not every european/german drives a sports car they like here are for the more well off. Have any of you guys seen how shit the "average man's" car is in europe? tiny cramped and underpowered

TFW own mercedes
>runs great
>tail lights and blinkers constantly going out
>fix by smacking the light by hand untill it turns on

The base model Audi, BMW, etc are absolutely shit if you go to Germany. Anemic engines, no features, much like baseline Nissan and Hyundai.
Christ, I change my oil every 6000 miles and I still change it 3 times a year. Do you barely drive your vehicle?
American cars > german cars. No question about it.
Yeah., we came a long way from the lowest of lowest in the '80s/90s (Mustang II using a Pinto body made me want to kill myself). Dodge Challenger. I've been so pumped with this great muscle cars that hve returned, look forward to 2020 for the return of the legendary Ford Bronco

I'm sorry your cars are shit. By extension our cars are shit. North America on average produces shit cars really.

Designs have gotten better but materials substantially worse. Also stop putting fucking 5-10k worth of electronic garbage in the car no one needs. And stop making automatics.
Most Audi oil change intervals are recommended at 10,000 miles or 12 months, and the last tech I talked to said 10,000 was even pretty conservative, that they're designed to be fine for close to 15,000 miles before any sort of service.
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>meanwhile Ford Canada gives the world this masterpiece
>By extension our cars are shit
see >>120539224

Only car to really be made in canada and many consider it the best damn car ever made
Also, I put about 12,000 miles per year, because I live pretty close to the office.

I live in Texas, though, so my family is spread out. I put 500+ on it on a family visit weekend, easy.
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my brother makes these
Well shit. That's cool.
Depends on what time of cars. Muscle car have come back nicely and I can say the rest of the world doesn't have shit on the Dodge Challenger Hellcat and its 707 horses under the hood or the Dodge Viper with it's fucking V-10 engine
>The one enduring stereotype about German cars is that they are a nightmare of maintenance

That's only true for their newer engineered shit. Their older ones are simple for maintenance, if you can find the parts.

Point is Germans suck at making cars now.
don't germans make BMW?
They're literally the biggest pieces of fucking shit plastic to ever hit the road.

you go over 1 bump and the shit falls apart
BMW and Volkswagen are both shit

BMWs especially, there's a mechanic in my town that only services BMWs because they're garbage

t. my family is mildly retarded about cars so they've owned 5 bmws despite the repair costs
*type of car

That's because Formula 1 is for pretentious European faggots. No one in America cares about Formula 1 except for wannabe European liberals.
And INCREDIBLY overpriced, due to their insane socialist style taxes. In Germany, you'll easily pay over 30k for a new Honda civic. A midrange model. You can get a lot more car in the states for that.
thats funny

i always see way more shitty imports broke down on the side of the road than american made vehicles
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Can someone redpill me about the American car industry? Do our cars suck compared to Asian ones and hwy? Everyone I know drives some sort of Japanese car but they arent weeaboos of course. I have a license but I ride public transportation so I havent needed a car yet
Most reliable cars are Japanese desu.
Mustangs are apparently one of the most popular cars in EU/DE, even with the import duty and VAT nearly doubling the cost.
American cars aren't as reliable as Japanese cars generally.
Because those Fucking krauts have buko bucks invested in shirty star bits. Fuck German cars and fuck wrenching on them.
yeah i forgot about the GT however that was designed quite a bit in the states

if i ever got enough money to do it i would buy the rights to the vic from ford and put the damn thing back into production
>30k for a Honda civic
couldnt pay me that much money to drive a honda civic
n/o/rmie here.

The only US car manufacturer that Europoors like at all is Ford, and even then, only their hot hatches like the Fiesta ST or the Focus ST.

US car manufacturers are pretty shitty for the most part, aside from a couple great vehicles. And the US is getting better, but anyone who's ridden in a German car knows that the fit and finish is better, and they last longer. The Japs figured out how to make appealing cars for a better price than German's can, and with fantastic build quality. US isn't there yet.

>Germans/Italians are the only good Euro car countries
20 years ago, yeah. These days. No. Unless it's a Chrysler product. Blame fiat for that. Jeep dodge and the like are shit.. Ford and GM Make some really nice vehicles these days. Cars in general last a hell of a lot longer than they used to. Manufacturing tolerances are just incredible these days. Most of the stuff rolling off assembly lines the last couple years should EASILY with minimal maintenance go 300k miles. People put Chevy engines in airplanes now for fucks sake.
Japanese cars are reliable and usually on the cheaper side. The Toyota Camry has been the most purchased car in America for a while now. America does some car really well. Our muscle cars are fucking sexy, obviously our pickups are unparalleled. Not really a fan of American sedans.
Yeah, $50 in 10 quarts of synthetic oil from auto zone
Jap car>Burger Car>Gook car>Germ car

Lot's of Corvettes, Vipers etc are built for Le Mans and Sebring, and let's not forget the legendary Ford GT40
German cars are maintenance nightmares. Japs make the lowest maintenance and most reliable vehicles.
3d modelling/designing and totally automated manufacturing does a lot
Germany cars suck now. They are great when they are new but once they hit 6-10 years old, hey are either super expensive to keep running or they just break down.
>implying burger cars have anything on german cars
That's just sad. Unless you want to shell the money and get a Shelby GT, there is no reason why you should buy a Stang over a Camaro or Challenger
But they fall apart under 100K miles
>Germany says build better cars
>Can't work on kraut cars yourself unless it was made before 2002
>Parts are incredibly expensive despite costing just as much as any other car company to make
>VW, Mercedes, and BMW have all gone to shit quality and haven't been worth a damn since 2005
If this were the nips I would have to concede but German cars have taken just as much a dive as US cars have(though that's technically not true as pretty much every car company in America now is either owned by the government or jews meaning we don't really have any car companies here)
id still take a ford over a jap car any day. Americas other car companies drag their overall car quality down
Man, old school Volvo were unkillable. I had a 1992 240, that thing was a tank. No car will ever match that standard of reliability.
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yes they are worse. the japanese companies build their cars in america and the american companies build their cars in mexico so you can imagine why
It takes 5 quarts, and the dealer did the change.

Not my problem.

I never own a car for more than 60,000 miles.
Fuck you the first ranger was one of the best trucks ever made
>Inb4 some eurocuck or Strayan tries to say that post 1999 rangers are worth a damn)
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American cars are shit indeed.
>Japs make the lowest maintenance and most reliable vehicles.
I can attest to this.

My first and only car has been a Subaru Imprezza and for the past 5 years I've had very few problems, and those that I have had have been fixed pretty easily.
The engine is just a V6?!?!?!
>>Can't work on kraut cars yourself unless it was made before 2002
not even

hell fucking german soldiers in ww2 couldnt even fix their tanks themselves
Ford sedans are pretty pathetic, my dad's undercover cop car for work is a mid 2000s Focus and it's trash compared to a Camry.
Well neither is that, fucking plastic garbage
Chrysler and Dodge/chevy need to be put out of business for inventing the fat, rounded edgeless car meme
Post more portugese cuties
Germany > Japan > Mexico > USA > Brazil >>>>>>> India >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>China
F1 a shit and is nothing more than eurocucks putting their noses in the air
Indy is the true master race

My minivan had more balls...
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If the 707 horses of the Dodge Challenger Hellcat doesn't make you horny, you don't deserve to live. Not to mention a near complete monopoly on truck (Toyota Trucks are also good, shit like the Honda Ridgeline should have been aborted).
Audi went to hell after 2003
>live in town that depends on auto manufacturing
>buy jap anyways
Fuck you make decent cars
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they need to be put out of business for having consistent shit tier reliability
>twin turbo
>3k curb weight
The age of big, loud, heavy cars is over grandpa. Everyone is switching to forced induction for everything from economy to performance.
i prefer the bigger ford cars anyway. fords smaller cars from around the 2008 crash era were a bit poorly made. If you like smaller cars the new model focuses arent that bad
May be one of the ugliest POS' to ever grace the road but god damn do I love that engine
Wow amazing I can get up to speed on the highway and go 120km/h faster than everyone else!

Enjoy your cuckmobile
sticking a rod through two sombreros does not count as a car, juan
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I can't afford anything better bru

you two sound like "the american" on grand tour.

wish the american would crash and die
What's his name, your boyfriend.
I totally agree, I drive a 2011 Toyota Tundra (F-150s are better, but I got a deal I couldn't refuse from a family member). I'd probably buy some American muscle if I was looking for a new car.
>Muscle car have come back nicely
They are the ugliest things to hit the road since 70's French cars
Internals mean fuckall when you look like you're driving a plastic vagina down the road
Why post a boat like that when you can post a corvette?

Going around a corner fast is always more fun than just slamming on the gas down a straight line
time to refuel hans
shariablue pls
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i have access to consumer reliability reports from consumerreports.org through my library if anyone wants to see reliability reports for an auto company let me know
Audi and Honda
Le Mans is infinitely better than f1
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Fuck you I love my E38
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Yeah exactly. Spending through empty country roads is as fun as it gets.
Corvettes are for retired old men, or those hitting a midlife crisis
Lol nah you're retarded
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Clearly Germans havn't watched Hilldogs new Youtube channel on cars.
>2015 A5
My favorite is the BMW that you can't change the oil on

Old school Rally Group B or get out.
You know if your card is a Nissan, VW or Mercedes Benz there is like 60% of chance it was manufactured in Mexico.

If it is a Dodge, Ford, GM or Chrysler there is around 30% it was manufactured here.
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Best cars come from the land of rising sun anwyay.
most American cars are ugly and shit tier

the Japanese have you utterly beat in the consumer market
I almost bought a 16 Civic, too.

Dodged a bullet I guess. Makes sense, considering it's a redesign.
Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree. The Mustang II that used the Pinto body is the worst abomination of all time.
Found On Road Dead has always been the worst. Will never buy a Fix Or Repair Daily ever again. All these kinds of names are accurate.

VWs and BMWs are solid. Europe in general makes great cars. Buying American is an idiot tax.
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My 940 turbo bric survived a collision with a '98 f250 dulie and walked away with only a fucked up front left quarter panel and driver window replacement (but steering Columbia was fucked and had to replace the entire damn thing to boot)
Nah, they're actual sports cars. Also if you wanted to post a dodge why didn't you post a viper?

If anything challengers/chargers are for niggers and old men too scared to go more than 30 mph around a corner

That ones for the US market minimum petrol consumption requirements.
Wtf I love Germany now
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Over 20% of my portfolio (that I've put into equity) is in Ford. It's waaaaaay too much and when the stock goes back up I'm gonna sell a lot of it off, but that 5% dividend was too juicy to turn down.

Ford is a solid company and the best of the American car manufacturers.
>A giant viberator makes this Anon horny
Just admit you're gay already
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>Meme cars
I like Corvettes but I just love to feel the neighs of all the horse under the hood of a muscle car. Buddies parents had a souped up '65 Mustang and wehad some great times with her.
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the best brands seem to be lexus>toyota>honda in terms of reliability
This. We bought a 2009 Mercedes and shit was breaking every few months. Drove a Lexus on the other hand for over 6 years without any issues.
Fuck off weebshit
Foxbody us the ugliest car to ever exist without exception(though the new Cameron and Challenger designs sure as hell try and give it a run for it's money
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>germans think that they of all people can talk shit about american-made cars
that engine can take a literal bullet and keep on going. ive never had one leave me on the side of the road i had a transmission screw up once but it still managed to get into the driveway before giving up (turned out to be a minor problem anyway with the transmission front pump not the whole trans)

i actually kind of like the look of them. if you get custom rims and maybe a paintjob if its a plain white one they can look really badass. here in leafland we all have 2 sets of tims one for summer tires one for winter so we can change them back and forth.
Theres also a rare version of the ford explorer from about 04-09 years that comes equipped with a crown vic engine (has a stylized V8 logo on the back plus im guessing if you found a totaled vic wiuth a good engine you could swap that engine into a few of fords other vehicles)
Apparently it's the cheapest model that's popular.
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every American brand other than Tesla is rubbish

Honda is my favourite for consumer vehicles (not luxury)
all the yes...(Blazers were the last good chevy who agrees?)
pleb taste
>and the best of the American car manufacturers.
That isn't saying much
Fuck off Elon and take your money laundering scheme elsewhere
Never buy a Merc newer than '02
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Are we still funding that countrys defense? That needs to end RIGHT NOW.
Funny thing is, we are.
Shit, I forget about the Foxbody. I try to block that horror from memory.
>I never own a car for more than 60K mi

You mean lease?
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>US builds obnoxious nigger cars
>pls bui
I'd rather buy a 90's Skoda.
american cars are fuckin top tier

>muh turns at a 90 degree angle going 70 MPH
>muh reliability but 30% more expensive gas
>muh car parts cost as much as a used car

non american cars are overrated

holy sheet that car speedometer goes to 220!
>If it is a Dodge, Ford, GM or Chrysler there is around 30% it was manufactured here.

Soon to be 0% with industrial automation in the US.

You're going to get cucked for the wall costs in return for clinging onto some of the jobs we gave you guys, and then lose them all in the end when the companies move closer to the markets to save on shipping. MEXICO BTFO AGAIN
I never said it was the best car, it's just way better than the challenger and you can actually drive it like a sports car and not a boat
Pretty sure Nascar is more successful than formula 1 from an economic stand point.
Even if I pretended to hate the rest of their cars, F-150s say otherwise for Ford
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>mfw I got yelled at by a raging nu-male in a ford KA for cutting ahead of him in the mcdonalds drive thru queue yesterday
Ford is the best at everything but Muscle. Dodge is great for muscle, but shit-tier for literally anything else
only fags drive F-150s
always covered in chrome and spotless driving their kids to school
its the new SUV for soccer mums

would much rather get a Toyota Tundra
I bought a VW and it was always broken down got rid of it now I have a Chevy and it's never broken down ever.

Fuck German cars.
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American cars are literally garbage.
>shit quality
>break down often
>no parts in europe
>shit performance
>can't corner
>shit mileage

There is zero, I repeat zero reason why anybody outside of the US would by that junk.
He's literally retarded. The world doesn't work like that. He's insufferable. The sooner he's gone the better. The country is going to need years to fix his fuck ups. And I pray he doesn't get us into another war.
No chance.
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Interestingly enough Toyota is the most American car you can buy. Other "American" brands are assembled almost entirely in Canada or Mexico. Toyota's US vehicles are assembled almost entirely inside the US.

So if you want to support US labor then buy Toyota. It doesn't hurt they their vehicles also happen to be one of the most reliable and have good resale value.
If these were never used as cop cars I think they would be one of my favorites.
Wait, the Shelby GT is the cheapest model or regular Mustang?
I like the new Camaro. I'd take it over a Mustang at least
UK buys ford like crazy

also, i can tell youve never driven an american car but get your opinions on the internet. american cars used to break down in the 70s lol. shit performance? ok go back to sleep..ugly? gtfo my board
They're shit
>implying we don't know that too :^)
Why do you think you see over 50% of people here driving foreign cars.
i still maintain that the cars that "normal people" can afford here are fucking luxury compared to in europe. id probably rather daily a lada or moskvitch than some tiny yuropoor shitbox
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>hating Tesla
confirmed shit taste

not only do they look slick as fuck they are the most powerful non-sports cars on the market and can go 0-100 in like 2.3 seconds

I support the electric car market expanding away from horribly underpowered glorified lawnmowers for urban vaginas that can't even climb a hill without dying.

the fact that we can build powerful cars without the need for a bulky combustion engine opens up loads of new possibilities for car design.
120544535>> #
Had a BMW that would stall occasionally at stoplights and check engine light kept going on. After 2 years of struggling with it, and thousands in "repairs" the problem was still there and no one had a clue how to even fix it.
>if you found a totaled vic wiuth a good engine you could swap that engine into a few of fords other vehicles
I've wanted to put one into my 96 Ranger for literally a decade
They don't look half bad in darker colors either but I can't get the whole old person vibe out of my head.
Nah, blazer trailed off at the end if the 80's but the wagoneer lasted all the way to 91
Look at that beautiful son of a bitch
the difference is here people buy cars on finance
Does Bongland not have Wendy's?
this is a real problem yes because the roads here are almost always perfectly flat and nobody drives over obstacles then the cars no longer satisfy harder requirements
>shitting on american cars
>while posting an M3
the M-series has been shit for a while now. put 5k into a 335i and you already have a better car. You can't drive either one for long though.
>american cars used to break down in the 70s
American cars in the 70's started breaking down 6 years ago and now, replacement parts are a mix of epoxy and cardboard and they break down all the fucking time.
You use to make ugly fat pieces of pig iron with wheels but they were almost unbreakable.
Now you sell oversized retarded bling shit for white trash and niggers and they are worth crap.
You mean this one?


>You need to open both doors
>You need to pull some shit from both doors
>You need 2 people to pull and rise the hood carefully at the same time from both sides
>There is no mechanical way to hold it, so someone need to hold it manually or to put 2 screwdrivers in a designated spot.

Not to mention you need to wait between 2-5 minutes to open the fuel door to open because the pressurized system.
go ten seconds in germany without seeing a cheap econ ford I dare you lol
Fuck you Skoda had some nice hatchbacks in the 90's
With the right mods and work they can look fucking awesome
Nascar is absolutely huge in the south. Probably third most popular sport after football and baseball, at least professional in that region
The f150 is literally the best selling car in history
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Aussies, Bongs, Italians, Nips and Swedes all make better cars.
No they don't
Please pray to the burger gods for them
lol in germany/europe the testers are bought off so they don't have to expend any resources on it
But way more awesomer.
>Implying robots can work for $4 a day
Robots will hurt American industry, but Mexican industry will survive because our wage is still $4 per day. Robot maintenance and programming cost way more than that.
because of flashy tits who don't use a truck
I think it's great that Tesla is leading the way on electric vehicles and all that but right now it's just not worth getting one.

First off, Tesla's reliability is complete shit. They break down constantly and are plagued with problems. Second, rapid charging stations still aren't common in most states yet.

I'd rather let other idiots beta test Tesla's until about a decade from now when electric vehicles are standard and all the issues are ironed out. You can always get a hybrid in the meantime if you want to save money on gas, or drive a motorcycle.
Are you high? Teslas are ugly as fuck.

They look like a mix of a Mitsubishi Eclipse and one of those Porsche wagon abominations.

Holy fuck you have bad taste and no eye for design
subaru is where it's at. Here in Colorado there's terrain of every kind to drive through

>Top Speed
Nascar: 200 mph (322 km/h)
Formula 1: 233 mph (375 km/h)

>0-60 mph (0-100 km/h)
Nascar: 2.8 sec
Formula1: 2.1 secs

>0-100 mph (0-160 km/h)
Nascar (Sprint Cup): 6 secs
Formula 1: 4 secs

And this while Nascar just goes in fucking circles. Formula 1 cars have exceptional handling and the race courses are complex with most having hairpin corners and tight chicanes.
I can't name a single swede or aussie brand that beats modern ford

form over function yet again.
Gas prices too. Gas is at $1.95/gal were I live (That's .51 cents a liter for Europeans)
Nope, not since they sold out to Ford in '92
No, fuck no
Bong cars are absolute garbage
Also, fuck you how can you say that when Straya literally gets the best Ford cars ever made?
Living in here in New Orleans, you literally need a tank to drive over these fucking potholes everywhere

I'm sad those digits have gone unchecked for so long.
>German bantz
What the hell is up with this timeline?
>50+% markup
>ujoints on a blinker stalk
>a single wiper that moves downwards when it's at a 90* angle to the roof
>more than one timing chain
>timing chains on the /back/ of an engine
>audis unintended acceleration habbening
>electronic dipsticks
Is it a gas issue?
Our Ford branch is dead and Holden will be too because GM IS SHIT
quite happy with my '16 toyota corolla premium. it has enough of the poor mans luxury stuff (reverse cam, bluetooth, touchscreen, heated seats, etc) without trying to be a driving livingroom

mileage is pretty good too
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Have you ever been questioned if the colour of your car had a deeper meaning (aka racist)?
I would take a ford over a shitbox beamer anyday.

Fuck the faggots that drive that garbage too
Only a good to own here due to a wealth of cheap parts and cheap maintenance, also good with heat and a cheap source of V8. Also the barra is fuckin siq.
Not mechanically sound, never have been.
All around shit unless you buy the absolute best and can afford to maintain it.
Built like tanks, but their electrics are shit and will cost a fucking fortune to fix.

The only American brand I'd never own is Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge. And I'll also agree than German cars are far worse than any of the above.
American cars had a tough run in the 70's - 90's but ever since the late 2000's they've been excellent. Modern BMW's are pseudo-luxury cars that are made of plastic and VW's are downgraded Audi's with Audi maintenance costs. I can't speak for Mercedes. Porsche is definitely my favorite German car brand and I definitely want to own a 911 some day, but I don't think it will ever replace the soft spot in my heart for American muscle.
>and the race courses are complex with most having hairpin corners and tight chicanes.
Bullshit, they have someone whispering in their ear the entire time on when and how to turn
Not to mention they drive the course multiple times before ever even starting a race
Rallying and dirt is literally the only respectable racing there is
Bunch of hoity toity eltist cunts
fuck my car is black guess i really do like bbc (big black cars)
German cars aren't even that good, extremely overrated
German cars are over-engineered, over-priced and a source of constant mechanical issues. Ask any mechanic what cars are the most difficult to work on, and they will tell you Germans.

t. Audi owner.
>electronic dipsticks
There is no god
That's sad desu
How did it happen?
Because here nobody gives a shit if you're racist(unless you're on the internet)
60s cars were beauties. Nothing will ever compare to the '69 Camaro SS
220 km is not much
Le Mans> rally> f1>nascar> everything else
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Hey, fuck off
will u just go on the intenret and make shit up liek htat?
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this seems true from the reliability reports
"over-engineered"-a proud German tradition going back to their tanks under the Nazis. The Tiger and Panther might have looked sexy, but they took forever to build and were a bitch to keep running
Says the Waffle nigger. What have Belgians contributed, if at all to automobiles?
>German cars are over-engineered, over-priced and a source of constant mechanical issues.
Nigga what?
German cars are literally unbreakable.
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Also another note on German cars.

Have changing a wheel because you have to hold it there and bolt it to the hub, rather than there being studs. Because Germans just want to be special snowflakes.
My dad has a 1967 GMC pickup with 300k+ miles on the original motor. We have a 2013 Ford Edge with 108k on it, no problems whatsoever. My dad used to drive a Geo Metro and it lasted forever. The only thing Ford does wrong is put smaller engines in their pickups and Mustangs. Chevy and Dodge have them beat in horsepower and torque in both of those platforms. I'm also not sold on the aluminum F150, but historically the F150 has been a great platform that you could drive for hundreds of thousands of miles. Sucks you had a bad experience with these cars.
Confirmed for liking dick up his ass and wearing an ascot
Fucking leftists shitheel
Dodge Ram 3500 is the best truck on the market. Better than F350, Tundra, or Silverado.
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>Nothing will ever compare to the '69 Camaro SS

Too bad it looks like dog shit next to a 69 Mustang Fastback.
>electronic dipsticks
Lol, I have a 2011 Tundra, big fan. My cousin got a brand new F150, I'm a little jealous.
> not getting the RS hidden headlights
>Nobody knows how to fix them
>Parts and computer fixes will be astronomically priced
>Charging stations are limited unless you live in NY or LA
>You have to fucking recharge it, unlike a car that takes 5 seconds to refill and you move on
>Way out of the average person's price range
No thanks
yeah now try owning one and being able to properly charge it outside a big city or when you have to regularily drive long distances

>gas car
>near empty fuel
>stop at gas station for 5 minutes and refuel

>tesla batteries empty
>have to sit and wait while charging

battery tech needs to improve more and right now it deems stagnant as all fuck
Every mustang that isn't the boos looks like ass
Also Ford made much better looking muscle cars than mustang regularly
Also mustangs are for women
I like diesel Rams, but they still are just great engines stuck in a shit ass body
>Bullshit, they have someone whispering in their ear the entire time on when and how to turn
Kek, what does co-driver (navigator) do in a rally?
Rally cars rarely exceed 100 mph (160km/h) even on straights.
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Bong cars are trash, and aussie probably suck too
Volvo does that shit to and it's maddening.
>German cars are literally unbreakable.

Someone must have forgotten to tell that to my cowoker's Audi A4. A couple years old and he already experienced a steering gear failure, multiple headlamp replacements and major problems with the infotainment system.

I used to want an Audi before someone showed me all the problems they had with theirs.

In b4 'Audi A4 isn't a real German car'.
K... Keep me posted in the front seat
>Gas is 1.95 a gallon
Why the fuck would I need electric?
pick one
There is more than one type of rally driving and it's nowhere near the same. You fuck up on a turn in f1 and the most you're gunna do is spin out or go a little off the track
You do that in a rally and you're wrapped around a fucking tree
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The cts v will fucking smoke the doors off anything BMW can build in it's price range and class... And if you wanna really go fast, they make kits that will put the dam. Thing over 1200hp

Build better cars.. German cars are fucking junk
I got a tow the other day and the driver said that for newer cars, Land Rover and anything German tend to be towed the most....but most cars that need towing are about 15 years old. Considering the sophistication, cars are more reliable now than they have been at any time.
>1.95 a gallon
Where are you Wyoming?
We just got jewed to 2.39
Straya makes some nice cars senpai shitposting aside (but they're starting to buy into the plastic meme)
>nigger made cars

This guy gets it.
American cars are the best. I wish the smaller cars had the gear up near the wheel like they used to.

Shifting that kind of gear stick while holding the wheel with your left hand is true fucking americana
Nigga are you retarded, BMW makes good cars, get that "BUY AMERICAN" meme out of your head. We fail to produce any good RWD sedans, hence why we need the germans.
Why is this on /pol/? We we'vebeen moving away from Trump 24/7 a few months ago and now he's everywhere again. Fuck Sharia blue
Wrong, '69 Firebird beats it

>audi number 1

Well that list went right into the trash immediately
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Slower around the memering than every ICE vehicle in existence, because it can't finish a lap without running out of power.
Volvo used to be unbeatable in reliablility but I'm not real a fan of their modern day stuff
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Buy one thats fits - cut the head of - win, win!
We killed millions of blacks to make tires.
Occasionally, we build 1 Tony Gillet every 6 years.
>the fact that we can build powerful cars without the need for a bulky combustion engine opens up loads of new possibilities for car design.
But somehow the electric cars still look identical to non-electric cars. (I suppose the "frunk" is different, but that's neither new nor exciting.)

>a decade from now when electric vehicles are standard
It's going to take a lot longer than that. Tesla will still be shipping today's orders 10 years from now.
People are missing the point with the corvette. For the price and the performance you can't beat it. It's great for what it is.
I'm not a Tesla fanboy or anything but Teslas are powerful simply because they're electric. Electric cars can send all their power to the wheels instantly instead of having to ramp up in power over time. That's why electric vehicles have insane acceleration.

However their top speed isn't as good a traditional combustion engine. But you can put a Tesla up against pretty much anything on the road (outside of insanely expensive super cars) and the Tesla will win in a drag race.

Here's one smoking a Lambo:

ITT: /o/
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Sprint car racing is the patrician's sport
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>German Cars
Nope, I'll stick to American and Japanese cars, Cheap to fix, relatively reliable, and overall just a more economical ride. Therefore I can invest my leftover money or buy more dakimakuras.
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Trump isn't perfect but he's nowhere near as stupid as brainwashed libtard faggots think. You have to be pretty deluded to think an accomplished businessman is some kind of retard. Even if someone was given a billion dollars you need to actually know what you're doing otherwise you're going to fucking lose it all in seconds. I'm more worried about him pulling some clever scummy shit like Eisenhower or Bill Clinton did, I don't distrust his intelligence but I do distrust his intentions. Anyone can do good things to make themselves look less suspect, and if he's good at it we'll only know about it after it's happened. If he's REALLY good at playing the game we'll never ever know it happened.

Right now we're doing great, our economy is already getting a much needed boost and our debt is dropping pretty well but I'm too use to life handing a bill for anything good and baby, the price is always bullshit and non-negotiable.

German cars are shit too, learn how electronics work you fucking sauerkraut-cavemen.
People bought foreign cars that were cheaper, taxes made cars more expensive to produce. Ultimately leading to the head guys in the states pulling the plug.
New Orleans baby. One thing Louisiana doesn't fuck up
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They're still nice and reliable mechanically, but they've always had shit electrics, even turbobricks.
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I'm not going to buy one but I like that an American company is making inroads in an industry otherwise dominated by shitty micro cars with no power.
what the hell is that thing? we don't even sell those over here
>bulky combustion engine
>he doesn't know about bulky electric batteries

teslas are ok except for the massive ipad in the middle and the whole "autopilot" bullshit
Oh man your post just made my day! You get an A+ for that!
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the oil crisis utterly killed American car design
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Beep beep, get the fuck out of my way
That's because they got bought by Ford
You are not wrong sir(though wingless sprints btfo the 410's)
t. sports photographer
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>But somehow the electric cars still look identical to non-electric cars
because dramatic design shifts scare people

its the reason concept cars always look crazy as fuck but never see daylight
I honestly hate those boxy looking oldschool cars. Something like the Ford Taurus, or some form of round hatchback is the Ideal style. Boxy and blocky cars are shit
This makes me very sad
Goddamn Shreveport
I had one of those in deep green
That turbo kick was fuckin balls
its the contacts take the light out and bend them for better contact or stick something in between to make them touch more firmly i used duck-tape on my e320

only thing that compares to that is fucking cadillac. the cadillacs ive ever had to help people fix always seem to have the most proprietary nonstandard autistic ways of doing even simple shit as if it was designed to be hard to work on on purpose so people would have to pay to be fixed by official Cadillac mechanics which is great until you start looking at ones over 20 years old that nobody really knows how to fix anymore. the worst goddamn thing ive ever had to figure out in all my years of maintaining both computers and cars was how to adjust the idle speed on a cadillac seville. instead of a nice adjust screw like other cars from the 70s it had to be a whack ass chain that you had to fuck with in a really cramped space and no that wasnt a timing chain that was on the opposite side of the engine. cramped and an absolute rats nest of cables for the early EFI system
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>Boxy and blocky cars are shit
>Ford Ka

Literally Mc Fucking kill yourself.

>Ka, Multipla and Pt Cruiser, holy trinity of pants on head car design.
"""""classic""""" cars are pieces of shit by every measurable metric

>i have a gigantic v8 engine but i get raped by a modern 4-cylinder stock model
>this car is so stylish *has the aerodynamics of a brick*
into the trash they go
Actually they got bought by a chinese company Geely now.
>2017 Corvette Z06 MSRP: $79,450
>2017 GTR Mismo MSRP: $174,990
Wow, just shocking!
you can get an s-class with 4 cylinder over there here its 8 12 or twin turbo 12
No liberals did
At the end of 1968 the left decided that the American people shouldn't be allowed to own fast cars and started extremely limiting what could be produced and what cars were allowed to achieve
Couple that with baby tier new safety measures and our designs became more egalitarian and pussy
Chevy was really the last vanguard of our older more rugged designs
I hope they are solid most of them either have less than 150 hp or are diesels. Here in North america you cant get a new German car without a turbo.
Although GM cars with NA ecotec are super reliable and Germans were involve in the engineering.
why the fuck did nobody mentions russian cars?? soviet-made lada can take you millions of miles
I've got such a boner for Chargers.
They guzzle though.
I have one. Have fun never getting to do the speed limit because every other person on the road thinks you're a cop.
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if u want reliability go for an 80's mercedes turbodiesel. these things fucking never break and can last 500k+ miles
Russian cars are a lot like Russian guns : absolutely ugly but could survive in the sun
I just got cancer from this statement
This. Why would anyone drive one of those boxy hunk of junks when you can have this?
What are you doing in that Ford Ka? That's meant for our shitty latin american market, like a VW Gol
anout $70 for me, once every year or 12k miles. Feels pretty good.

Do you take them in the car and ride the carpool lane?
You're kidding?(though I honestly wouldn't mind if the chinks started deciding on the looks of cars, they make make them like garbage but they look far better than the trash that's pushed by most companies now)

Holy shit that's just embarrassing.

>German "engineering"
>Been to Austria 6-7 times
>Mostly VW's, Audi's (60-70%)

t. used to work at Greentube's foreign branch and they used to invite us 2 times a year to head office.
>I can't get the whole old person vibe out of my head.

Interceptors with the black grille and in a dark colour dont give that off at all. Grand Marquis is really the old mans car anyways.
also if you get one actually take care of it if theres rust etc touch that up because ypu look like trash if its a beat up looking interceptor.
just please never butcher a good vic for the engine. I never condone ruining cars that are no longer in production
>most reliable and have good resale value.
1st Gen tacomas (95.5-04) are appreciating in value, especially 00-04 TRD models, I sold my 03 TRD V6 for 15% over what I paid for it 2 years prior even though I went from 180k to 210k...
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I've driven a normal GT-R and the new vette and the vette is hands down way more fun and immeasureably better looking.

It may actually be the best lookkng car ever produced.
It's time to change your tampon takashi
I mean obviously they are outdated as hell, but they are a pleasure to work on compared to newer cars and sheet metal>plastic bodies any day all day
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is there any American "consumer" sports car that is good?
all I know is the Corvette in that price range
Doge Viper is a beauty but obviously in the luxury range
I hate that there are no good American sports cars anymore
Wtf do you think happens when you hit a wall at 200mph (320km/h)?
The fact is nothing beats F1 cars engineering wise.
A shitload of technologies that make their way into modern road cars come from F1
>and sheet metal>plastic bodies any day all day

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Yeah, probably because you are so old you actually like boxy car designs. I bet you drive a Kia Soul or Nissan Cube, or Ford's ugliest vehicle in its current lineup the flex.
in a few years they wont even really be associated with cops except in a historical sense. lots of cars beloved now that were cop cars in their day
I can't even find a repair manual for my 99 e320 Benz.

Volvo lead designer is german, former VW Company lead designer.

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>Implying I am not actually a Ford guy as well
I buy from the Ford/Mazda/Lincoln dealer by my house. I personally drive a Ford Fiesta but I admit the Mazda 2 drives better, but has less features
Currently being produced or within the last 2 decades?
just have to make it not look like a cop or at very least paint it something other than white. I have a stripe down mine so its obvious its not a cop car and looks pretty decent too.
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God-bless all of the nearly 300 General Lees they used in "Dukes of Hazzard"
They're made for cucks
That explains the unfriendly boring design
Kek, there are a couple Merc mechanics in New York that might have one
I never said a thing about engine design Anon. It's no question the engineering side of the sport is beautiful, but the rest of the thing is a joke as far as I'm concerned
Nah, Toyota Tundra
currently I mean, I know of older ones
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Why are we ignoring that the British actually have the nicest cars in the world? Aston and Jag may not be reliable, but they're just so comfy and alive
No it doesn't. BMW cars are fucking garbage in every category
wew lads
>t. "What's wrong with modern building design?"

Snuff yourself faggot.
I bet you think challengers look good
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This. I would take a car that is slower, but more reliable and easier to fix, over a wallet drain like a German car.
Modern day Jaguars are just Fords being marketed as luxury based on name value.
Range Rovers are nice, but will spend more time in the shop than the street
you can always tell a car is from the 80's..why is 80s style so distinct?
Anyone else stoked for the Ford Bronco and Ranger coming back in 2020?
Because its existant makes you want to cry, if it American
What is this plastic meme? Modern cars are made of composites because it makes them lighter. Do you want to drive a metal death trap?
>Fiesta SE
>even expecting that shit to be good
Who made this pic? The Fiesta is widely know to be a soccer mom car, with the ST version being the exception.
If newer i would say clean the vanos solenoids.
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lol k
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