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The USA must be destroyed for the world to have peace.

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The USA must be destroyed for the world to have peace.

Prove me wrong.
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leave dprk alone.jpg
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You are correct
Yes, great leader.

The world wasn't at peace before the USA existed.
kill every kike on the earth first, just to make sure
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why are they so happy senpai?
When was the last time you ate food?
Did things get better when it got into the picture?
Especially in the 20th century?
I was literally just thinking of that flag appearing one day
How can you destroy an idea/concept ? U.S.A does not exist, it's is just a place where people live but being an american is just an idea...
>The USA must be destroyed for the world to have peace.Prove me wrong.
>You are correct

Who are our shills?


Russia - Gives military support, condemns the US airstrikes and suspends deal not to clash mid-air

Iran - Close strategic allies with Syria and has provided significant support including $8.69billion

North Korea - UN probe found that North Korea was supplying arms to Syria

Iraq - The Iraqi Government provided financial support and transported supplies

Algeria - Rumours suggest Algerian military aircraft is regularly landing in Syria

Venezuela - The South American country has shipped tens of millions of dollars worth of diesel to Syria

Lebanon - Police arrested family after they protested about the Syrian Government

Belarus - President Alexander Lukashenko supported Moscow's involvement and offered air strike

Lebanese Hezbollah Party - Involvement has been substantial and has deployed troops since 2012

Lose one hedgemon you just get another.
Kill all the people who hold that idea.
Peace is overrated.

Fite me.
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Pro tip I can't!!!!
At this point fuck it. Our government does not represent us. Our votes do not matter. We need liberation.
yes, destroy US pigs
fucking capitalist niggers, rest in hell
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But but oh yeah that actually would work
fuck off kim
They really do have to go. Best Korea it's up to you
So you should kill yourself because you just thought of U.S.A . Check mate.
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Seen any tomahawks today?
Kim is the only fat man in North Korea. Prove me wrong.
Absolutely, that trump is a menace.
I'm too retarded to understand how proxies work but for the north korea flag to show up that requies a server in north korea right?
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Every human on Earth must be destroyed for the world to have peace.
It is estimated that my grandfather's six man .105 team is responsible for over 5000 nork and Chinese casualties.

Imagine that artillery gun sending death for ten hours at a time.
Pretty much the entire planet agrees on that.
How can (you) be on here?
fuck not proxies. vpn's

jesus christ
This scene used to scare the shit out of me as a kid. Now I really really wish it would fucking happen already.
The world has always been shitty. Our country's establishment is just a footnote in history. The Euro-Jewish takeover of America by way of big banks is of more importance.
Aren't we supposed to kill you in a few days?
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The USA must take over the world for there to be peace.
>The USA must be destroyed for the world to have peace.
The USA must be destroyed for everyone to get a magic leprechaun or unicorn.
If one of these options seems more realistic, you have a lot to learn about the dark side of human nature.
>Kill all the people who hold that idea.

Stop sympathising with the USA, you will get yourself killed

Who are our shills?


Russia - Gives military support, condemns the US airstrikes and suspends deal not to clash mid-air

Iran - Close strategic allies with Syria and has provided significant support including $8.69billion

North Korea - UN probe found that North Korea was supplying arms to Syria

Iraq - The Iraqi Government provided financial support and transported supplies

Algeria - Rumours suggest Algerian military aircraft is regularly landing in Syria

Venezuela - The South American country has shipped tens of millions of dollars worth of diesel to Syria

Lebanon - Police arrested family after they protested about the Syrian Government

Belarus - President Alexander Lukashenko supported Moscow's involvement and offered air strike

Lebanese Hezbollah Party - Involvement has been substantial and has deployed troops since 2012

Pointless anti Trump leftwing shill for cash group founded by a pedophile
You need the request to originate from a North Korean IP address, so yes you need a server in North Korea.

A proxy is just what it means in normal English: you are having another server act as your proxy and make requests on your behalf. You ask the proxy in North Korea to make a request on your behalf, so 4chan sees the request as originating from there.
It's most likely a proxy but NK actually has internet and own servers. Internet is just not accessible to the public and only for certain people.
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I like how the left end of the circle is twice as close to North Korea as the right right because most of the Pacific Ocean was removed.
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I unironically agree
>Yeah, well you should kill yourself to prove your point! XDD
Man this is clever. How do plebs keep doing it!?
I see

So this poster must be a high official or some dude that got into the server?
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>So this poster must be a high official or some dude that got into the server?
it's most likely the hacker known as 4chan
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Check em.gif
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Aww that poor news lady. She heard the name of a disease and thought it was a person.
Their creation should have been prevented to begin with for that. It's too late now.
USA, the commies and the jews. do not forget the jews and the commies.
With Trump leading our nation it is time to redeem ourselves fuck U my nigga
of 2 Kims known to the world today, you're my favorite.

Destroy america, when?
>implying Nork nuclear tech can even reach japan

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I'm surprised they still haven't caught him, given his picture is all over the internet
great leader i really hope you got some awesome missile defense. or a stock pile of nukes.
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he's right...
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The federal US government must be dissolved so the jews cannot utilize it's power for evil, and the nation must balkanize into several territories, including a white ethnostate.
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VLC Media Player,

Media > Open Network Stream >

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>/pol/ supporting communist
>100 Bikers
try it fatso
My theory is:
>Assad fell with the help of (((USA))) and his friends (ISIS)
>They put a ultra radical Islam shitskin in the power, the same way they did it in cold war in other countries of the middleeast
>Siria became the capital of muslims, now with all the capital in natural resources that siria have. With their influence convert Turkey definitely in a radical Muslim counntry
>With the help of the "refuges" convert Europe definitely into europistan
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I can't, but you won't be able to beat us. Prove that wrong. TIME 2 TIP THE SCALES.
Yes actually.
keks and north korea
good eye, burgerbro

Easy. Before the United States even existed, there were still wars all over the world. Get fucked n00b.
I think you mean Israel.
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I miss the Great Leader Kim Il-sung
Everyone does.

Burgers have to be so dumb in order for America to work

>248 armed conflicts after WW2; US STARTED 201 (81%), killing approx 30 million so far.

Where in NK do you live?
>Did things get better when it got into the picture?
Very yes.

USA ended the brutal reign of several global megacorps - most notably the British East India Company.

Ah rah, me rikey!!!
On the corner of No Food Street and Labor Camp Boulevard.
Kek trips
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this is a /leftypol/ containment thread.
How small do you think Kim Jong-un's dick is?
Dear Leader,
have you heard the gospel of our Lord and Savior Kek?
He is the ultimate Juche warrior, and has indicated his peace with you by means of the digits on your post, that is, 77.
Kek has chosen you in place of the failure Trump.
We, your humble army, will follow your every request, so long as you remain in Kek's favor.
Shadilay, Dear Leader.
It's a he?
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we that aim I'm going to be struck by a fucking missile ahhhhhhhhh
Holocaust for real when?
Facts about the world will keep getting rediscovered.
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thats retarded logic Kim
t. manlet
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Do other countries know that almost everyone in the USA is armed?
it isn't the citizens here that are the problem, other than that there isn't anything i can say
They hate us cuz they ain't us.
Post me in screencap plox
>The USA must take over the world for there to be peace.

The ultimate red pill
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You need many, many more TV channels, with proper educational documentaries about how the world works. You also, seriously need to take better care of your nation because, frankly, it is appalling. You know these things already though, don't you?
Lurk moar Kim.
Are we the corrupted good guys?

yeah because a group of people (communists) who have no power in a capitalist nation are a problem when our capitalist government is attacking people

you're brilliant
Shouldn't you be eating Mohamed's creampie out of your wife right now instead of posting on a hungarian glassblowing forum
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Burger Pill Best Pill
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we have been at war for all but 17 years of our history
in nature war is a natural state, peace is an accident
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>mfw doesn't hit me
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We supplied your dear leader with all his burgers. Checkmate.
enjoy forced labour camp op for using the internet
100% correct. I hope the commonwealth unites against the USA and ensures they never escape the yoke again.
They are a textbook example of why democracy is destined for failure
leave crazy ditators alone haahhaah
your missiles cant reach me kek
turks are immune btw
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Shut the fuck up and speak when you're spoken to, you rude little swine. You sound like a silly little boy but you knew that already, didn't you?
i wish a nigga would
My old unit, 2VP, held a hill against thousands of you fucks with a handful of men at Kapyong. So whatever Kim, come at us, you'll just get wiped off the face of the earth.
Trump is also the last president you'll push around with your faggy failing missiles.

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>Best Korea launches nuclear strike against US mainland
>Destroys San Francisco and Los Angeles
>California is now a red state
soon america, soon...
>The USA must be destroyed for the world to have peace.

Yes this way we can back to the way things were before 1776 when we had world peace all ti.........
It's okay, take the rage out of Mohammed tearing up your wife's ass on me....it will sooth you. You wouldn't want to make the mistake of trying to stand up to your wife's bull, he'd beat you silly you little cuck bitch
based george knows.
Does north korea also have qt azn traps like all the other countries in asia?
you should try popeye's chicken before you destroy the u.s., dear leader.
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Trump has proven that red and blue are exactly the same.
OR the USA must destroy the world to have peace. It's just semantics
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And Brazil will rule the world
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Go back to bed Kim, you are drunk.
thank you for the (you) :)
go back to boiling crayfish in a volcanic hot spring
Manaia Wiremu Kauri Mikaere Rawiri Ihaia Kai Manaaki

nuke L.A and Seoul supreme leader
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>turks are immune btw

Also, checked
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Can we just start taking over countries already. Let's embrace our role as the darkside.
You realise nobody actually speaks maori here right?
Fucking dumbass
what the fuck
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It's true OP

jews are the inciters and prolongers of war

pray for assad

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>you again
Good one
>>120213877 cat eating Jew....
I didn't notice Kim was posting

I want to live in North Korea.

How can I do this?
That's right.

America is the non-muslim version of muslims.
Holy shit, I've hit the (You) jackpot; keep em coming!
Hi Thailand
look at that fucking terrified emaciated guy hahahaha
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fucking beggars. have some self-respect
>destroy america
>entire world collapses
haha oops
I'm just a capitalist taking advantage of a buyers market, thanks for another (You)
Whatever you say
Kora Amaia Tui Te Aroha Kahurangi Awhina Manawa Kara. I hope ripping tickets at the Shire Experience doesn't take its toll on you too much longer.
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We are simply a vessel for Israel. If you destroy us, Israel will simply find a new country to infect and cause the same problems.

The only way to save the world is to destroy the one taking control of the host.
The world does have peace, and it's because of the US.
Fuck off gook

fuck off fatty. you're the laughing stock of the world and you know it.
We are not amused.
Lol at least America is able to keep their corruption under-wraps for the most part. You really think the world would be more stable with China or Russia telling everybody what to do?
Ah, North Korea Anon, long time no see
Jesus holy Christ north korean flag?
Please nuke Israel
>"The USA must be destroyed"
Try it faggot
Yes it is, Puerto Rico. Yes it is.

yep. either it's a proxy, or one of the ten people not dying of starvation in best korea is actually trying to accomplish something...
>can only fire pocket rockets at the ocean
Great nuclear power, NKIDF fag
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You are right OP

Ayy kim, what's wrong with your left hand?
>the call that stopped masturbating
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He can't keep getting away with it!
Easy, kill the root; jews.
You are deluded gringo. Nobody likes your government besides its puppets and (((them))).
And it has brought not peace but tyranny and economical domination
worldpolicefags are the cringiest...
How dead would I be in Best Korea if I was found with this picture?
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China leases IP ranges from the norks because only 6 gooks have internet. Sometimes a Chinese vpn will have a NK IP.

your bull must be out with your wife tonight. don't worry, you won't be bored for long. you should practice prepping while he's away.
Just use the tunnel under the wall as a shelter.
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>unironically saying 'western civilisation'
>the highest tier
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Can I get a quick rundown?
damn it my network doesn't allow webms.
nice comeback, how's that foreskin doing?
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be glad that it doesn't
how the fuck does a boy manage to look like this
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>no nork tv threads
>I just wanna see some oldschool movies from best korea and thicc host and listen to that hypnotizing music

Nork tv is kinda cool I guess. Can we just get rid of kim and open tourism to north korea? Japan is overrated desu
>And it has brought not peace but tyranny and economical domination

That's the only way you get peace. Silly.
Don't the assholes following Kim around always have notepads??? That pic is shooped.
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the fuck.png
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w-wait THAT WAS A BOY, holy fug was about to fap then I noticed that ballsack... fuck this gay website and fuck trap posters.
The US isnt even 300 years old faggot. The world was a waring shithole before we existed

nice and clean. too bad yours is inaccessible without a key. must itch like hell.
Oh sure. Here we go. Acting like Texas, with its flag, is a country not in America....

That's how they get you, anon.
Nuke America!... Nuclear War!
Do it! Just do it!
Make your dreams come true!
Yeah... no thank you, let us have war then.
I think you mean Israel
>First and foremost, Jews need to go, they're fucking EVERYONE over and will turn the Earth into a desolate wasteland
>US needs to go, nothing but a big zionist puppet full of domesticated goyim
>All Abrahamic religion needs to go
>Everyone needs to go back to their own indigenous lands
>Everyone needs to live a simpler life that isn't so destructive to the environment
>A large portion of the Earth's population needs to be culled, reducing the number of people down to 1 billion

Prove me wrong. They are extreme solutions, but the current state of the world is an extreme problem.
>nice and clean
Guess your rabbi did a good job then
>blah blah I love jews
Nah dude, I'm fine , sensitive and 100% natural, no limp dick here
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God damn, that's the most Communist thing I've ever fucking heard.


umm... synapses. neat.
you are right.
We can agree on this mano
a...a trap?
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>>120213877 >>120227313
Nuclear War! DO IT! ... Just DO IT! ... Make your dreams come true!

If this fag haven't give up this could be glorious.
What are North korean bitches like?
I checked. Ohhhh nnnooo I have a really weird boner. I gave up porn and traps about 3 months ago. Shit..
i can't you faggots closed it
and I don't want to go to the south or east
You dun fucked up.
>I gave up porn and traps until 5 minutes ago

is what you should write now.
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at least its circumsised?
take picture of surroundings
Has the ability to destroy California and doesn't.

North Korea should be nuked.
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oh my god am i having a stroke? RARE ASF
I for once welcome out new overlords!
No Assad?
If they have such great missiles why are they still testing ones that fail and fall into the ocean?
Please keep posting great leader
Referencing a cartoon should be grounds for euthanasia
I'm safe so I don't give a fuck
considering 2 world wars started with us trying to stay neutral both times and only joining in at the last second

I'm pretty sure that it was

then we invented the nuclear bomb and fear of our weapons has kept the world's strongest countries at peace ever since
nukes can't reach us moron

pacific ocean is not that small
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who the fuck is this
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You're North Korea.
Thread posts: 227
Thread images: 62

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