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Are you for or against eugenics /pol/? Dolph Lundgren is the

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Are you for or against eugenics /pol/? Dolph Lundgren is the prime argument for eugenics.

>10/10 aesthetics
>160 IQ
>masters in chemical engineering
>skilled martial artist
>versatile enough to be an actor

You just can't let these genetics go to waste. Just imagine a world with more Dolph Lundgrens and less Ahmeds and Pajeets. Truly a utopia.
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didn't he end up with a nigger?
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>10/10 aesthetics
People who argue against it are mostly muh nazi sjw types. My older sister had a prof who was born in some German wartime eugenics programme, and he was a lot like what you describe - blond, blue eyes, six foot three, considered a genius, and at the time he was in his fifties and looked like he was maybe late thirties.

Basically, eugenics works, but people hate the idea that the nazis were onto something, and also hate admitting that better genes do actually lead to better people on average.
If everyone is a Dolph Lundgren, no one is.
No, he just hugged one in a photo shoot, and then stormretards used it as race mixing propaganda, meanwhile all his kids are fully White.
he's quite ugly (not Schwarzenegger level but still) and a pretty shitty actor.
>implying he didnt predict sjw culture blowing up and did it for fame
>tfw ugly version of dolph lundgren
Genetics is russian roulette meaning even your master race will have fuck ups. Genetic engineering is far better.
fuck off france
no, Puerto Rico
Now you must show us a good looking one then, a real ubermensch from the Netherlands.
Yep. He got a job as the bodyguard of some Jamaican singer and fell in love with her.

Swedish to the very end.
ok ahmed
show us how manly and aryan your unibrow is
>Genetic engineering is far better.
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this faggot supposedly is very good looking
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"im not really gay, but yea im sorta admitting im gay"
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Yeah and if you kill your enemies they win.
Dolph is truly a prime specimen of Nordic superiority

Big nose and flat forehead, uhh. Try again
Hitler tried to create that utopia, unfortunately he lost.
can people just stop this literal name-calling? I'm not a fucking nigger and neither are you.
Looks as if a stiff breeze could knock him down.
No everyone would be
it's not my taste either, Jacques. but females seem to disagree
Eugenics are for cucks, you want him to impragnate your wife dont you?
>Dolph Lundgren is the prime argument for eugenics.

I am a strong believer in eugenics. So strong, in fact, that I'll be using another man's sperm when I have kids. I will find someone who is superior to me in every way. Cuckgenics, I call it. I want to improve the human race.

dolph is too tall. 5'8"-6' is the ideal male height.
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Try a White person this time.
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I think he's supposed to be some kind of warrior type though. no idea. don't watch that shit myself.
And yet he wasn't really attractive...
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>160 IQ

nonone who knows anything about metrics would claim such a thing

>Are you for or against eugenics /pol/?

against. it backfires. just look at sweden.
it doesn't have to be that drastic
just strongly encourage healthy naturally gifted people to have children
and dissuade swarthy half-arab mongrels like you from polluting European populations
>truly a utopia
Yeah, but don't forget what it'd take to create it.
Oh quite hostile there m8. Have i hit your cuck nerve?
Sweden was great up until it stopped using it though.
>dolph is too tall. 5'8"-6' is the ideal male height

Manlet detected. You're the reason we need eugenics.
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Eugenics are irrelevant, just deport anyone who can't trace their ancestors at least 800 years back or something like that. Make everyone have their ethnicity on their ID/Passport etc.
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Yeah, okay.
6'3" here and all Force Recon 6' +
Yep, there is nothing that will strike fear in the hearts of your enemies more than a 5'8" man.
but Sweden is pretty much the result of long term disgenics brought by wealth and peace
>pic related > OP pic
I'm selective in who I date, so there's that
These is about Russians and Jews masterrace. We are superior.
>just strongly encourage healthy naturally gifted people to have children
>and dissuade swarthy half-arab mongrels like you from polluting European populations

Im all for this approach but not Thule level agressive eugenics. Argentinian approcah is ok.

>Sweden was great up until it stopped using it though.

God hates those stuff and you play god by a serious eugenics program, swedes did it and bred a generation of aryans with cuckold genes.

they had an eugenics program.
(((they))) are choosing who the prettiest people are
Dolph Lundgren is Russian
>chemical engineer
Nope, scum

seriously bro, that seems too tall, maybe good for MP but its not good for mobility. ideal is 6 or 6'1". I dont know why would anyone wish to be taller than that.
No he actually dated that ugly short haired sheboon from a James Bond movie.
wow you look like that american actor Colin Farrell
farrel is nothing compared to dolf
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>5'8-6' is the ideal male height.
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Einstein would have been gassed for autism and low school scores.
Eugenics were discredited bc the Nazis took it further than anyone was prepared for. Most people simply sterilized untermenschen rather than exterminate them. Before muh 6 gorillion hype caught on, nearly every major university had a eugenics department. They were prestigious additions to any academic institution and the mentally ill or crime ridden were routinely sterilized or families did their best to prevent their children from breeding with them. Plenty of eugenics clubs worldwide too. In fact, Margaret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood set it up as a eugenics society with the goal of killing off black offspring and reducing their numbers.
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you mean gayslave enough to be a good sucker of jewish hollywood producer dick

>low school scores.

That's a myth you faggot.
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I think he's saying it wouldn't be "special" anymore and these fags would just find something else to argue about.

I think.
And the world would've been better off.
He's a nu-male jew, (((their))) wet dream
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>with the goal of killing off black offspring and reducing their numbers

It's still successful
Sweden and Norway used to have eugenics programs, and we need to bring them back.
For it, obviously.

The only people against it are afraid they aren't healthy of strong enough.
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>tfw when part of the germanic masterrace
life is a blessing
>normie a e s t h e t i c
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America please go away, this is not for you.
>Anglo Saxon
He's russian only in Hollywood movie.
i tried so hard
That's an obvious jew, smug nose cunt
This is why I'm pro-choice despite the fact that abortion is a disgusting, morally abhorrent practice. Murdering niglets is A-OK by me though, as it prevents the growth of the black population and all of the concomitant crime, social depravity, degeneration, et cetera.

Face it anons, if you're pro-life, you're a fuckin' cuck.
>portraying the literal whore Margaret Sanger in positive light
Maybe if you faggots would stop tip-toeing about the nigger problem and actually solve it, you would have no need to rationalize your desire for abortions.
You're definitely a nigger
>pure anglo saxons
>not celtic germanic mongrel
>descended from danes and frisians
>eternally cucked native britons
>not white
They certainly will never be Swedes
Yup. It just isn't their primary aim anymore afaik.
You're one to talk, Sweden. Instead of just abandoning eugenics, you embrace the full opposite and welcome subhuman refugees to your nation. Then, when they commit terrorist attacks, you contort yourselves to justify his actions or why you should continue immigration.
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Murder is still murder man. Furthest I'd be willing to tolerate is sterilization. I won't presume to undo that which God has made.

Fuck Americans
I didn't portray her in a positive light buckaroo. All I did was speak the truth. I'm completely opposed to abortion m8. Doesn't change the fact that the literal whore Margaret Sanger hated black people.
That beard is shit tier
I'm pro eugenics but I think it should be done by propaganda and not laws or force.

I would be in favor of genetic testing of couples being available to see if their genes are compatible and what type of issues a child might be likely to have.

Also, we probably won't want to get rid of certain kinds of "defects" because some of them can be useful to society if we stop trying to force everyone to do everything. There's some evidence to suggest that some of the mental disorders that have a genetic component also produce more intelligent offspring who can be talented in certain fields if they are given the right learning opportunities.

I guess I'm in favor of a caste system for education based on early childhood testing- Something that focuses on creating people with more specialized skills based on their inborn talents, and ways to control their limitations more.
You could be great. You could be the best. A shining beacon for civilization. Just drop the idiotic policies.
>Medical if a pregnancy could seriously put a woman suffering from chronic illness or permanently weakened constitution at risk of life and health.
>Eugenic indication meant sterilisation could be done if a person's offspring would receive undesired genes for insanity, severe illness or physical handicap of other kind.
>Social indication allowed sterilisation for someone evidently unsuitable to foster a child due to mental illness, being feebleminded or other distortion of the psyche, or having an asocial lifestyle.

People were euthanized under the guise of very retarded reasons.
The science about genes, DNA and the like is still very young, and you can see the effects when humans try to apply it on their own. There is a reason why a large part of the human population have bad genes, not because they are not pure, but they are here for reason.

Eugenics is nothing more than chaos and a longing for an unachievable utopia, like (((NatSoc Germany))), under the guise of "fighting for Nature", not realizing Nature balances itself after some time

I understand.
Dude, I'm 5'8" and I'm not even the tallest girl I know.

The manlet meme is kind of a meme, but unless you end up with a heart condition like Andre the giant, I don't see a problem with men getting taller.
>it should be done by propaganda and not laws or force
This. Force is the fastest way to generate opposition.
Except the mother part, that one is reasonable but that case is very rare.
We don't care. Tits or Gtfo.
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>you can see the effects when humans try to apply it on their own
It tended to work insanely well once we got passed the "have sex with your sister" phase.
>tfw when I'm 5'8

Honestly height does matter, it's not everything, but matters nonetheless.
I'm all in, most of the women here who have fair are being impregnated by old brown skin fat dudes, I'm not kidding. They produce shittier skin and physical attributes than their fathers.

Lucky for me I'm half spanish and half japanese. But for the best of bad luck I wasn't born nor live in either countries and stuck in here.

I'm mixed but I'm against it.
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do you have long legs?
Show proof.
Every single woman is pro-eugenics, whether they admit it or not. They want alphas with the best genes for their children. Inferior beta cucks must be culled.
Spot on anon. Some seemingly maladaptive conditions can actually aid in the prevention or recovery of certain diseases. Sickle cells are one example of this.
Like a woman, no wonder swedes love shitskin, BBC and meds
Sounds like a typical ENTP. We should just start gassing INTPs.
>retarded reasons
how is any of that retarded? Here in America, we have absolutely brain dead, obese, trailer trash that will definitely never raise healthy, good children. They may not be medically retarded, but you are probably more than well aware of what animals they are. We're the butt-end of the joke for their behavior.

Now that we understand evolution so much better, we are better equipped to make happen faster. The normal course of action is for nations to rise and fall as small, stupid mistakes are made, but now we have the ability and understanding to correct them before societal collapse.
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P-pls no gas anon
He was with the blackest nigger, Grace Jones. He should be gassed.
if he dies, he dies
>no wonder swedes love shitskin, BBC and meds
they don't

Stop being racist, Slav.
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>The normal course of action is for nations to rise and fall as small, stupid mistakes are made, but now we have the ability and understanding to correct them before societal collapse.
You can not prevent societal collapse, as eugenics cannot fix the AIDS that has infested the West, no matter how hard you try. Humans really never learn from history, it seems.

>Now that we understand evolution so much better, we are better equipped to make happen faster.
Again, this constant optimism will make the world a way shittier place.
We still do not understand evolution very fully, there are still many holes to fill out.

>how is any of that retarded? Here in America, we have absolutely brain dead, obese, trailer trash that will definitely never raise healthy, good children. They may not be medically retarded, but you are probably more than well aware of what animals they are. We're the butt-end of the joke for their behavior.
First, why do you allow welfare and then complain about its effects on society? For society to thrive you need a strong hierarchy and a moral order for people to adhere to, and welfare is a good indicator that something is wrong with society. You need people to contribute, not leech off. Try giving them incentives (family, tax cuts, a call for community, etc) instead complaining about them like you complain about niggers, yet do nothing about them
the spiritual AIDS*
Pro-Eugenics - we deserve a better tomorrow and a bright future for our children
eugenics is as legit as astrology
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>Tfw good at running but not so good at thinking

Hitler was ever full of compassion for the less able races
Your recent history from 0% to 30% foreign born says otherwise

Greeks are fucking subhuman for real lol
...hes literally no one.
What do you do about high IQ, weak, ugly people and low IQ, athletic, good looking people?

Sweden is like a little baby compared to the United Kukdom
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He's the fucking Punisher asshole
Poor you cant handle facts. Enjoy being Somalia.

UK is 50% foreign born. Look at London
That's me except I'm 35 and look early 20s. And I'm Irish/Polish, so 100% nigger
Dopey ears, weak jawline, Jewy nose, patchy beard, average stature. 6/10 only because he's not fat.

50% foreign born in the entire country or just londonistan?
Whole country.
You can't realistically implement eugenics without massively oppressing the people, and technology has already made human evolution obsolete either way. and will only continue to improve us at a much faster rate than generational breeding ever could.

That's not to say that in the meantime you as an individual shouldn't strive to be the best version of yourself possible to attract the best mate possible and improve your own financial, social and genetic lineage. But that's a lot of hard work, right? You'd rather shitpost on a Algerian knickers-darning board.
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Sweden ubermensch reactions to terrorist attack
" stop being racist "
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Look he doesn't understand what he's reading! Monkey Ooh OOoh
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Kek, Britain is going to be an "asian" majority country within my lifetime.What a world.

who is this jizm prism?
>Dolph Lundgren
Agreed , and it's still a green side of science, there isn't that much done on that field because it's "inhuman". But it's for the best if it is implemented, unless you want to become a negrofied country like morocco after the arab sultan used his negro army to <fertilize> the people.
It's the same thing that's happening in the US, and some parts of europe. Eugenics could solve this problem if properly studied and implemented.
Dolph Lundgren is

1. not the "aryan beauty", his jaw region is utterly fucked and makes him look extremely dumb

2. He probably had his degree handed to him because the teachers like having good looking students as opposed to the really fugly nerds (sad truth) and a masters is not really much

3. Being able to act exactly 1 role , that of the retarded dumb giant (which is also what he coincidentally looks like) is not really flattering. The ability to act well would actually mean he could play different roles, even such that don't go well with his appearance.
>mass produce attractive women/men
>top of the gene pool so nobody can compete
>no genetic diversity as all other competitors will die off
>attractive women/men get together who will have children who will eventually fuck other men/women with the same genes
>inbreeding commences
>entire gene pool is fucked


i imagine the directors telling him "just be yourself" over and over again while acting xD

literally paid to be a retard
yes, Rocky IV
I have inlaws who are over 6'8" there is no practical benefit to it and its not aesthetically pleasing they would need to be 400 lb to not look like holocaust survivors. Moreover every inch past 6' significantly reduces your overall lifespan. 6' is the most a human is meant to be.
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Oh my god, you turbovirgin
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that's rich.
also kind of ironic that the moment someone complements a swede, you call them a cuck.

now that's what i call liberal brainwashing!
very few people can be extremely tall and keep their porportions, above 190cm almost everybody looks like they have fucking acromegaly
Actually taller girls have more risk for breast cancer. Lower = better in everything except physical activity and sexual attraction. Both primitive things not needed anymore. Future humans will become shorter as we rely more on tech
how the fuck is that guy not white?
swede posters are the fucking worst, i swear
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He's a cuck because he hates himself and wants to become a Swede.
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>swedefag thinks virgin is an insult
It is more of a compliment if you look at todays society.
Your ÜBERMENSCHEN genes won't fix the decay.
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>have near perfect genetics
>waste life making shitty action movies (except rocky iv)
What is it about Swedes and completely fucking up your immense potential?

He looks like Sonic the hedgehog
>You can not prevent societal collapse
Correct, I meant society doesn't have to collapse for simple mistakes like voluntary mass immigration.

>We still do not understand evolution very fully, there are still many holes to fill out.
True to some extent, but we know much more than you might think. Turns out, evolution is very politically incorrect and so people are only told about the pozzed version along with liberal talking points. The concept that humans can evolve leads to the conclusion that not everyone has evolved the same, which looks really bad for places like Africa. If you're interested, here's a really good book on the topic: https://archive.is/RdTQt

Yeah welfare is not good since it usually helps people who shouldn't have help.

>For society to thrive you need a strong hierarchy and a moral order for people to adhere to
Absolutely. What I'm getting at is that this concept is fairly advanced, and more primitive societies do not understand it.

>Try giving them incentives (family, tax cuts, a call for community, etc)
For all the bad things the Nazis did, this was one of the unspoken good things they pushed. I'm not against this, it all comes together to make a healthier society.
Well how about genetic engineering, it should be something commercial, privatized and have people involved in it compete, people will have to buy the genetic attributes they want, then we'll have somewhat a individualist society.
We can easily pay afroniggers some pennies to let people test this shit on them.
>He's russian only in Hollywood movie.
But convincing, like that russian ballet dancer in Die Hard

You can't implement eugenics without getting rid of the globalists.

Normal people with white American-level IQs or above will happily support eugenics, when properly explained to them that

>most shitskins have outlived their usefulness as cheap manual labour and should be strongly discouraged from breeding
>Hitler's systematic murder of high-IQ European Jews was not a eugenic policy

It's the globalists who don't want competition from bright white working-class children for the top jobs normally reserved for the globalists' own brats. They want Ahmed and Pajeet around to clean the toilets. They would gas every white man on the planet tomorrow morning if they could.
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>19 posts by this ID

maybe your people should be browned out of existence.
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You know the Rockefellers (fucking globalists!) advocated for Eugenics, right?
Has /pol/ really become a fucking joke?
Well that's the idea, if we can isolate the smart jews, remove their physical and external attributes and replace them with something more desirable, and nurse them on hating jews, you got yourself a nice batch of smart new nazis.
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Oh yeah I'm sure you can change that by posting on 4chan
Also eugenics is socialist. Eugenics is thinking your best people are stupid cattle that needs to be bred by the state.
Dolph is not 6'6", not even close. Closer to 5'10".

Around the time Rocky 4 came out, I was with my dad at LAX and we saw Dolph coming down the terminal towards us. My dad is 6'0" exactly and Dolph was clearly shorter than him as he walked past. We were shocked at how short he was in person, having just seen him as this towering giant in the movie. That was my first dose of realizing how fake movies/Hollywood are (I was 8 at the time).

Everything else you listed may be true, but that nigga is manlet.
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He's 196 cm
Like your bulls big brown dick in mm
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He's higher than Arnold and Arnold is 6'2''.
Le Einstein is the Ubermensch meme.

34" inseam I can reach to eight feet.
Yep, clearing walls and obstacles I would not be shorter, however it's not mobility that the issue, it's that manufactured spaces. Designers have my size as the upper limit. Car seats, handles, countertops, benches, tables, toilet seats and all manner of harnesses fit, but feel s little low or out of proportion. Having long legs and a long torso also make clothing fit a challenge.
Still, the view is nice, a 75lb pack is less than a third of my weight, and I can carry a 175lb person pretty easily.
There are people who believe we should have a Pygmy sized Uber race, because the calories and building materials needed to sustain life would be far less, more brains for the buck.
Actually, I was in the Marine Corps. Fought in Fallujah, both battles, I can tell you there is no height requirement to join any special forces unit of any service. In fact, many Seals, Force Recon, Rangers and Beret I served with were mostly manlets. In fact, I know a 5'5" Mexican I served with who could put you on your ass. 5'9" here btw. Combat shooting is a lot more important than height. You'd know that if you were actually Force Recon.

wtf I'm gay now

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Do I really have to put you in your place again, medpack?
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>tfw I tried for four years to get a degree in chemical engineering and couldn't finish the last two courses

Curse my mut genes, nobody should have to suffer as I have. The meme of multiculturalism must die.
Trust me, it won't get that far. Europe is a powder keg just waiting for a spark.
I never was.
But, live next to Pendleton and 29 Palms due to Step dad being a Navy Air Traffic controller for Spec ops and Amphibious units. Had many Force Recon and Seals in the neighborhood and over for dinner. Never met you mythic 5'5" Mexican super trooper, but we're white so maybe they all were in Oceanside. I met a Chief that was just taller than 6th grade me: 5'10". But, from 6th grade until high school, I never met a Navy man or Marine shorter than I was.
I have now, and I have met many pilots that are tiny. Force Recon, no. Seals, no. Pilots, gunners, mechanics and all manner of other Marines yes.

eurocucks want to be substituted, their time is done
norwegians, finns and poles mainly you dumb crypto-turk
My mistake. I thought you were saying you have been in Force Recon 6 years and still serving. The whole manlet thing is just a chan thing. In fact, I see more aspie tall fags than manlets irl. As for height in regards to the military, look at the Japanese. They defeated the Russians and killed an ass of taller Europeans and Americans in WWII. Look up Roy Benavidez, he's a Vietnam war hero, I think he was only 5'6" or so, not sure. Chesty Puller was only 5"7", Erwin Rommel was only 5'6", Napoleon was only 5'7" and Hitler was 5'8". I can go on and on naming manlets that frightened many men.

Tesla had blue eyes.
Did he? I know people commonly assume Hitler had brown eyes even though the people who were around him often commenting on his piercing blue eyes in their memoirs.
everyone looks like sonic when you are autistic anon
No, I do not think eugenics should be a thing. Who dictactes the qualifiers? Everyone brings their own skills and abilities to the world. Elmiminating people like that through eugenics will just end badly. Let people choose their partners and have kids the normal way.
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culled? but then who will raise the children?
>Dolph Lundgren
he is also a Pizzagate fan
A strict eugenics & ethics based Nordic Aryan colony would be ideal. An "SS" program based on strict geometric/genetic science.

A cell of trained scientists & engineers to take the master gene into infinite.

It would have to be a clandestine ghost colony.
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he looks like a hot girl. same to some degree for Dolph (aside from his body).

they don't have the threatening masculine looks that make women wet.

you guys think they are good looking because you are looking at them with heterosexual goggles. they have feminine features so YOU want to fuck them, not women. learn the difference.
Holy shit that guy is literally bordering the pinnacle of human evolution
>Miss Helsinki

You have to be shitting me. Tell me that is fake.
Wish it was.
Wish it was.
They are so POZ
Dolph is 6'5

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More like bleached
>Lucky for me I'm half spanish and half japanese
Filipinos are niggergooks, but that's not how it works
>nigger Wesley Sneijder
My bad. Now that I re-read my post it the grammar is really loose. I was not able to serve due to a hernia.
I don't doubt it.
My best friends grandfather fought across Burma with the Gurkhas. He was 110 lbs and 5'9". Earl Butts and the Nixon increase the calories so
Sorry for unintentialllynbeing miss leading. Anecdotes aren't facts, we should both look into it.
If you kill your enemies, they die.
What a cuck you are.
How do you know that, dipshit? How do you know anything about him?
I am 1/4 jewish, 1/4 gypsy, 1/4 anglosaxon, 1/4 slav. I have Scoliosis
>Brainlet ( 80confirmed mensa IQ not even joking)

Go figure why I'm against eugenics
Incels need a shot at life reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Fuck your Chad utopia
We can sell those people on the fact that Tesla also supported eugenics.
He got BLACKED. In typical Swede fashion. When will you learn?
Now that's a View to a Kill!

Sorry, forgot link.
Most white women and shitskins women want a blonde Prince Charming like this. Not some hairy big nose rapey sandnigger.
When I was little always wanted to look like the guy from The Disney Channel movie Brink. Then my mom said my hair is too straight to comb it how he does, and dying my hair blonde would make me look darker than I already am ):

White people are so aesthetically pleasing. Dutch, Flemings, and all the Scandinavian countries have the best features
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>I am 1/4 jewish, 1/4 gypsy, 1/4 anglosaxon, 1/4 slav. I have Scoliosis
I bet you're a real dreamboat.
societies could have advanced quite a bit if those measures were still in place?

>An anctor

So basically a sociopath
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From the cradle of our race we had conquered our way through two continents and passing a great sea had penetrated a third, there to be born to war and dominion as a heritage.

fought against naked savages and followed the flag of our country into the capital of a slow witted jungle race to the far South.

We are made to rule and to make this world into a launching pad to the stars and enslave the skinny green/grey creatures we find there!
Even better, since our understanding of genetics has advanced tremendously since the '30s we could actually be looking at genetically modifying fetuses to be smarter, stronger and healthier in a few decades. Mere selective breeding is no longer a limiting factor if we embrace genetic modification and it could, in fact, lead to the birth of people who are superior to ANY that have lived throughout human history. And these supermen could theoretically come from any parents, given enough genetic modifications, meaning even the inferior could sire viable offspring.
And being a filthy kike
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if you think this niga is good looking, there's something wrong with you

pic related is a good looking male
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He looks like a Jojo character
No I don't, but neither is that small headed Slav-faced pedo-looking turd.
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small headed? what head do you want?
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Lundgren wasn't born from a eugenics program. He was very small as a child and had allergies. More like Teddy Roosevelt than a Nietszchean ubermensch.

/pol/fags like eugenics because it's an easy way out. "Oh I can't be as strong as I could possibly be because I was born to fucking normies who liked each other and had sex like all mammals do. Since I wasn't made in a lab, there's no reason for me to better myself. It's pointless to even try."

There's also the dilemma that G K Chesterton outlines in his "Eugenics and Other Evils.' Any "ubermensch" that lets a central government decide who they get to breed with isn't actually an ubermensch.

Now, there's certainly nothing wrong with having eugenic principles when selecting a mate. Indeed, that's only natural. (It's the reason we like symmetrical faces, men like breasts, women like tall men.) Again, though, that relies on YOU sorting yourself out, taking initiative, bettering yourself. But as a government system, it's fucking retarded. It's the fantasy of incel beta males who imagine they'll be the one somehow selected to breed with 10/10 women for a living. It's no different than socialists who want a revolution, thinking they'll be high-level party officials and not just another dude standing in the bread lines.
What the hell is a "med"?
I dont like the idea of hard eugenics with ethnic cleansing and the government dictating who you can breed with but i love softer eugenics. Eg. Lower taxes for smart couples with children and higher taxes for dumb couples with children. Low quality humans breed too much and its getting out of hand.
you know, the people who live around the mediterranean sea (italy, spain are prominent examples)
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People from Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt etc.
Those are Semites.
>lets a central government decide
There should never be a "central government" that decides.

It should be a social attitude that people learn through good education.
Healthy people beget healthy people.
Nobody needs to "oversee" anything, that's the beauty of the truth.
And also Meds
>tfw no 6'+ gf to have übermensch children with
and what has he achieved? Any old nigger can star in a few low budget action flicks, he hasn't advanced humanity at all. eugenics is a meme, anglos are inbred backward fucks and we created the modern world and virtually all relevant technology.
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t. Alberto Ruiz Rodriguez Gallegos al-Californiano
>Swiss poster
Eternal kraut strikes again
>you guys think they are good looking because you are looking at them with heterosexual goggles. they have feminine features so YOU want to fuck them, not women. learn the difference
Explain boybands then.
Yeah , i guess you're right.
Proof of IQ? Thanks
How's that even possible shit
I think in 50 years or so anglos will be dissapeared
Being 6"6 is not ideal
You will not live as long
6"2 is master race
Every inch since 5'3 takes 1.5 years of your average lifespan.
Heh, I own the shirt that Chad is wearing
I'm 6'4" no you're my favorite height. Anything taller and you're not petite enough. Also I don't want my kid to be taller than me because even being this tall is a pure annoyance. Everything is slightly uncomfortable because you're so far out of the normal range. Clothes don't fit. It's also super hard to get big when you lift because of the square cube law, literally takes an extra two or three years
I believe in eugenics. Won't be breeding, because who am I kidding.

They're beautiful but dumb as rocks. Name one thing nord niggers did that was good, ever.
The lethal Nazi eugenics program was shut down after like a year due to protest. Eugenics went on in the western countries for much longer.

Modern Eugenics would just be taken over by the kikes to breed more goyim. It's already happening actually. The K-12 system is a form of eugenics that selects for physically fit, obedient, and gullible people. It's now flooded with multicultural and kike propaganda.
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Artificial selection reduces genetic diversity
No 6'6" dude has arms and wrists that thick. Dolph has normal guy proportions. With his size he would weigh about 270 at 6'6"
So does natural selection. Certain traits are favored over others. That's evolution.
not all elements were equally important/challenging to discover
Evolution only gets rid of genes that hinder reproduction.
Eugenics would remove things based on arbitrary personal values.
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Arnold is 5'10. He used to get made fun of by other bodybuilders during his early days for lying about his height
This. The one finland discovered ended up being perhaps the most important of them all
That's an old one, we have discovered more since then.
In both cases the result is decreased genetic diversity.
Where did I say they were you fucking retards? the point is that Sweden has contributed massively to science despite their miniature population size.
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Marcus Aurelius made some observation that people of similar quality tend to cluster together. I think eugenics was a shortsighted plan to keep control of people. It would be better if the government just fucked off from people's lives. My teachers and authority figures have been power tripping, monster tards. I do not want them dictating who gets to breed. Nowadays it would probably be some kind of forced race mixing program.

This, the whole process is artificial. You're giving the power of god to brainwashed government drones. The first zealot in the power structure will kill off all non-believers offspring. An eternity of obedient, genetically selected serfs awaits them.
Sweden believes Eugenics have been discredited.
I don't think I can really support eugenics in the form you describe. Sure literal retards and stuff shouldn't have kids (and i'm sure they almost always don't), but messing with human genetics when we know so little about it could be bad and alter us forever (and not just a positive high iq, blonde, good looking way). Discuss
pics of his kids?
Natural selection is the death of non viable life forms
Their variation of genes could not sustain life.
So they would never be part of the genetic variety anyway

Artificial selection will remove variation that can sustain life
So we lose genetic variety that is able to produce viable life forms.
Difference is that one is entirely based on ability to survive while the other is arbitrary.
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Not the ones without Ottoman blood.
One case is adaptive/dynamic (evolution)
One case is static/unadaptive (eugenics)
Guess what fares better?

Look through the thread or google.
Maybe that's why Sweden is in the condition they're in now. They sterilized people up til 1975. Smarter people will rationalize, go around in circles to convince themselves that they're right in the face of all evidence, while idiots will just say "fuck muslims!" But, you need people who will say "Fuck muslims!" in the face of condemnation from all sides.
And yet, in a few short years, he'll be nothing but a heap of moldy dust.
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This is photoshopped

Sure does.
He was still there though.

>I'm not a nigger and neither are you.

That's exactly what a melanin enriched gentleman would say.
This. Gigantism is a disease that needs to be bred out via negative eugenics.
It's short for medication, typically medication relating to psychiatric conditions, often used as an insult, such as, 'are you off your meds or something ?', implying the individual is mentally unstable & has to take anti psychotics or such like.
Losing genetic variation is certainly a factor, and for a great amount of our DNA, it's still unclear what it codes for. I agree that people highly susceptible to genetic disease, retardation, and so forth should not breed. I don't agree with the Nazi german model, especially in that mental illness can arbitrary and not necessarily harmful to creative genius. The Eugenics model I do support is not mongrelizing with other than races.
Tall women are inferior
He was treated with respect as well, but that's not really the point. The middle is a forged inaccurate photograph.
So what? That doesn't mean they had a photo together.
Fuck yeah! Roy is a hero here. He's truly an inspiration to all Manlets where I'm from.
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i bet he takes it up the ass real good
Dude I really don't care, go be a nigger somewhere else.
>believing in God
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shiiiiet so gay
In that case we, sterilize the inbred royal lines of Europe. Oh wait, they consider their sadism and narcissism to be positive traits.
True. The radioactive ones are much more difficult to create and/or study. In a different time, Sweden was once very influential in Chemistry and Physics for a nation of its size.
Oh definitely, by not necessarily supporting eugenics, I by no means am promoting race mixing. I'm just concerned by programs that treat us more like cattle. A good example to demonstrate my concern is an wxperiment done by the soviets on foxes- they tested how many generations it would take for them to become domesticated. They bred the less aggressive and more friendly animals and their lineage quickly became domesticated. However, their coat color unexpectedly changed as well. My worry is that in a human program like this, the "fur color" change may not be something so simple, and could actually be disarerous.
Dolph doesn't look like the prince charming women dream about
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writing this on an Anglo computer ^^

Anglos shall rule the universe for a thousand years.
So manlets were the master race all along?
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Are you shitting me? Male models chosen for their appeal to women look just about like Dolph. Women older than 16 don't desire some effeminate cuck boy.
He's a big guy.
Nice quads.

Always citing the Anglo, never the Saxon.

What are you, fucking gay m8?
That dude looks good. Dolph isn't ugly but he definitely isn't prince charming, all the male models I know look better than him.
I'd say that I'm for passive positive eugenics, that being when a beneficial trait is found society is encouraged to breed for it, however individuals cannot be coerced to do so, instead incentives will be provided for those who do.
You gotta be shitting me. Fabio(guy I posted) is way uglier than Dolph(who has pretty much perfect facial features). Who the fuck could you possibly know who looks BETTER than Dolph? Or do you just have shit taste in facial aesthetics since you think Fabio > Dolph?
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say´s a norwegian that has hundreds of thousands of arabs in their country. rotfl contrariwise we've expelled them by sword, learn the difference between glory and a cuck
Yep. 6'4" and my wrists are from a 5'9" guy. Thank god my dick matches my height
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