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Post yfw the diversity hits ya

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Thread replies: 333
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Post yfw the diversity hits ya
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Damn, diversity hits you like a truck!
The artist who created that fictional graphic indeed used a diverse set of paint brushes and markers. Are you going to post Narnia next?

this is messy
stay ignorant, in fact the perpetrators of the attacks do them to reject diversity, they are the other side of your intolerant coin
Wait, what are you implying?
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What was her name?
So fucking cute - what a waste...
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She was cute

Fire up the ovens.
>we should tolerate and accept people who want to kill us
bitch got taste
not an argument
I wonder if it was a Volvo?
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Diversity leads to war and conflict. Dispose of it.

Fuck you olive oil kike and fuck your broke country.

I hope every girl you know gives birth to some shitty half arab mongoloid.

Youre a fucking embarrassment.
You're a rare Greekcuck. Most Greeks I have ever had been acquainted with were based as fuck.
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whats story?
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Sweden truck attack.
Truck of peace v4.0.
right photo looks old
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america is very diverse
jews and indians are amogst their highest earners and CEOs
people of color are becoming presidents and representing them with their strength and stamina in the army and sports
soon you'll be a hispanic country, with a vibrant and colorful culture

and look at what america accompliced, the innovator of the world, the only superpower

truly as a nation that is the embodiment of liberalistic values, diversity is your strength and in accordance to those principles

shame that closeminded people still exist there
Because it's from a shitty phone, it's been confirmed by Swedes on here as legit.

>mfw kaffir think of us as poor brown children
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No shit
Your opinions and voice are irrelevant here.
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Was not expecting that ending.
Everything the US accomplished was back when it was a homogeneous nation. Anything worth mentioning, not inventions like twerking and boipuccis.
not an argument
That ONE bloke can really get around London quickly if he so desires!
>One of the oldest civilizations
>It's a shithole
Greeks, not even once.
Weak troll m8. If you're gonna come here and LARP as a liberal you better get your best pastas ready and get limber to write long replies to b8 us further. Things like 'ur wrong' and 'not an argument' are too weak to spark further discussion. Following this post I will not be replying to you as you are a weak, low energy troll.

>mfw sweden is braindead
He aight nigga
and? i still don't get it. sorry.
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so some info on her then?: was she leftist?
Someone should correct the colors in that 'they will divide us'-picture. The blood looks like clay.
why is the cop on a scooter
She was 11.
No offense m8, but are you stupid? She was just a random kid, I'm sure she had no political views.

>ywn be a nigger in sweden getting balls deep inside of swedish sluts eager to serve you at your every whim

Why even live?
shoots 3 people, drives a car into people, stabs a cop.
all the work of just one man? it doesn't seem right
>Weak troll m8
still not an argument

>following this post I will not be replying to you
you don't give me anything to argue against except non sequiturs
the fact remains that america is a liberalistic country, denoted as such in their constitution
that brought unparalleled wealth, power and diversity.

You don't even try to disprove that, so I accept your surrender

>Things like 'ur wrong' and 'not an argument' are too weak
but when trump writes them on twitter or says them in national tv you are ecstatic
This is perfectly valid to sweeping generalizations and outright falsehoods, especially when accompanied by cherrypicked jpgs
she looked 17 to me.
I wonder what she ate. It must have been noticeable when she was lying as in picture 2.
nice butt
Fuck white people
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If European men do not protect women, I want armed women to annihilate Muslims.
I seriously fucking hate sand niggers. My hatred goes beyond your typical American dunecoon hatred. I want to see the Middle East turned into glass. Syria too. Afghanistan is cool though
We accomplished shit when it was all white and we actually had social cohesion
oy vey! I wonder (((who))) could be behind this attack.
ban assault trucks
Ironic since that looks a lot more like Japan than America.

Every study ever done on the subject of diversity has shown it to be massively detrimental to any community it infects.

No offense but you are a typical dumb braindead American. Guys like you are the reason why the whole world, no just Muslims hates America.

One of the reasons they are out there doing shit is a direct result of you guys fucking up the Middle East as well as cooperating with Saudi Arabia and other Wahhabist Arab regimes in the area, the same ones that commit all the atrocities. Wanting to see Syria nuked works into their hands, dummie. It works into the hands of the Jews that rule your nation via AIPAC too.
there is no news about dead kid tho.
>Afghanistan is cool though
>men raping boys in the ass daily
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>everyone seems to hate it when we mix them together
>let's just force it more
Surely nothing can go wrong. Leftists truly are mentally ill.
the nuclear bomb was invented by jews
the american hollywood cultural dominance is because of jews
these two has been the basis of american worldwide power and security for over half a century
It's Sweden, media censors everything that goes against their narrative. Some Swedes I know didn't even know the attack happened lmao.

>oy vey look at these poor kids Assad gassed personally! we need to bomb syria, no excuses!!
>i-ignore this gore from sweden! it plays into the hands of racist fascist right wing nazis!! open the border pls
All average but cool pic, questionable if the middle is actually a blonde with brown eyebrows
1. before religion and nationalism
2. after religion and nationalism

thx right wing !!
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American "diversity" is a meme. We were 90%+ white from our inception up until 1965. Socioculturally, things have only gotten worse since then. Virtually all of our achievements came from Europeans.
When are you going to handle londonistas mayor?
>mfw on the right side of history

You will never know that feel cuck.
Damn those right wing Christian zealots for waging Jihad! Amirite?
We should accept cultures that don't accept ours. It's only right that we change our life styles to accommodate theirs
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So what you are seeing is that we should "diversify" society by importing people even if they reject diversity. Makes perfect sense, you fucking shithead.
boipucci is best

>Literally the least religious and least nationalistic country in europe

Jesus Christ, you are fucking stupid.
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>>oy vey look at these poor kids Assad gassed
>i-ignore this gore from sweden! it plays into the hands of racist fascist right wing nazis!!

Activated my almonds.

But they're not saying "plays into the hands of the racists", the main narrative is that it plays into the hand of terrorists.

We've arrived at the point our government says terrorism "just happens" and the best we can do is look away and go about our day, because the terrorists just want us to be scared.

No preventative measures, no retaliation, no questioning policy, no holding them accountable for letting in the mongrel hordes, no acknowledging that no muslims means no jihadi attacks, no backing down. You're not allowed to want to "do" anything. Doing something is letting the terrorists win. We just have to take it, because "this is life in Sweden now". Don't ask why or you're a nazi. We were always a mulitkultural muslim nation. Demographic statistics before 1990 are banned.
>American "diversity" is a meme
Liberty and justice for all
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Guy needs to eat a sandwich and get a belt.
>the nuclear bomb was invented by jews
And? America has been the leading superpower since WWI. Jews had literally nothing to do with our success.

>the american hollywood cultural dominance is because of jews
Hollywood is shit and has harmed global opinion of our country, if anything. The fact that you're stretching this hard to find an example of working diversity is a testament to the fact that you're objectively wrong. You still haven't refuted my last post and it sounds like you're just a butthurt jew scared of being rightly gassed.
There was a page in all caps biggest font size about the attack some 5 minutes after it happened on our biggest newspaper's website. I should know since I was at work and browsing it at the time it happened.
a technologically superior people will always replace a technologically inferior one... whats your point.
Swedes killing swedes who cares.
>hollywood and the nuke is stretching
>hollywood and the nuke is irrelevant
yeah right
Jesus fucking Christ. What happened??
I see. How does the average Swede view this? What % of Swedes are totally brain dead when it comes to these current issues?
yeah, they are
(??? arent they)
Neither is plugging your ears and shouting "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOUUUUUU"
Was that really her?
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>Liberty and justice for all white people
I agree
hey bro, i meant the attacker
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she doesn't look white so why should I care?

Literally looks like Zlatans little balkan sister.
the attacker was a right wing religious nationalist, as always
This image, as horrible as it is, needs to be spread far and wide across the internet. As bad as I feel for her family, she shouldn't die in vain.
white is a very vague term, in america it includes everyone north of sudan and west of india for example
>No offense but you are a typical dumb braindead American.
All the offense: You're Muslim. Fuck off.

I agree, that's not the point.
The point is that every indegenous people has the right to defend their borders, be it native americans or europeans.

Indians had the right to defend themselves against white invasion just like whites have the right to defend themselves against muslim invasion. Because yes, it is an invasion.
>ginger whore got Islam'd

and nothing of value lost

you all are being had. it's okay though, i guess.
A little old for BBC but we could probably have made it work
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tfw when you got brown eyes
Japan already surrendered before we used the nuke and the Soviets were only still standing because we funded them in the first place. So yeah, pretending like its invention had a differential effect on world history is obviously a stretch.

Also, what makes you think Hollywood is some brilliant collective of geniuses? It's not like other countries don't produce movies. Most of the films that have come out of Hollywood of the last half century that you claim to be so great have been utter garbage.
Oh look, another Swedish girl who's ass got destroyed by an immigrant. How surpising.
>evil Murica attacks your sand-covered shithole, but only causes a couple thousand deaths
>you do more of that to yourselves in a month, but now you're mad
>Go to Europe, preferably countries like France, Germany, Sweden, etc, that told the US they wouldn't participate in their petrodollar shenanigans
>truck of peace in countries that had nothing to do with why you're mad

Get out of Serbia, albonigger.
The founding fathers explicitly defined "white" as being from Anglo-Saxon heritage. Nice try, though.

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>starts doing pushups
Having multiple women to fuck is a bad thing how?
fascinating creatures
it isn't the quality that matters, it's that they disseminated american culture with enormous efficiency.
It's the basis of american soft power
>So yeah, pretending like its invention had a differential effect on world history is obviously a stretch.
are you still trying to defend the position that the nuke is irrelevant to the power of the usa?
just so we're clear
>right wing religious nationalist

Just like Poland. How many muslim attacks have you guys had?
Living the dream.
There are no "men" in sewden, hirohito.
got hit by Truck of peace
>What % of Swedes are totally brain dead when it comes to these current issues?

The number is pretty high, but the insanity level of the left is the real reason. They will go out of their way to fuck up your entire life for disagreeing on these questions. As in get you fired, call CPS, make up lies, get you framed for rape, spread rumours that you're a child molestor or that you hit people.. there's really no limit because "muh punching nazis is okay".

That's why you keep it cool. I work with at least 3 snakes that proudly gossip about people that have hinted they're voting SD and how they're "warning" people about them. There's no reasoning with these people.

>How does the average Swede view this?

It is shifting though. About a fifth or more are voting SD, enough to make them a serious contender for largest party next election. They've had a literally exponential growth.

Even at my lefty workplace they've shifted. A lot of the old talking points have mysteriously gone missing. People are upset about cutbacks and inefficiencies. Almost everyone has had shit stolen by diversity. We've had diversity visit us and make knife threats recently too.

It's sad, but the best way to change their minds is for diversity to hit them in the face, literally.

The young women did a U turn too. They were the biggest cheerleaders for compassion, until a year of being abused by our "new swedes" set in. The six degrees of someone who got raped or hit by a migrant is having a toll as well. They learn, but it takes people around them getting hurt to do so.

The saddest thing is that there's never a reckoning for the lies they've spewed over the years. The "immigration skeptics" have been prophesying what will happen years in advance. You can put the news clippings in the face of leftists that deny it and it's like you're showing them a blank paper.
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>right wing
How do you know?
Lmao the guy was posting Jihadist shit on his social media, he was far from an Uzbekistani nationalist trying to take over Sweden for the glory of Uzbekistan.

Get trucked cunt

Totally agreed, please feel free to do so everyone.

>You're muslim
>answering in a muslim bashing thread created by me


Your mom is fake.
Youre retarded. Africans have the most genetic diversity of any race.
do you have a more unbiased source to present than richard spenser
great start for a manga
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hes a kike and a newfag

hes gonna act like this or a while, expect to see more of mhim. they all come here thinking they can change somehing, they end up changing themselves. even jews
>>You're muslim
>>answering in a muslim bashing thread created by me
You're a Jew
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Muslim here, with a message for you Islamophobic people.

The West created this mess.

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who did not reply to this post, allowing your whore of a mother to die in her sleep tonight.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.
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her body looks so fake
Theres always some people, who are happy when something terrible happens.
Heres a kid who is hapoy about what happend in Sweden
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strange i dont recall any diversity cities looking like that. Is that paris?
>Muslim here
Guaranteed way to make nobody read any further than that. Go be a nigger somewhere else
50 shades of shit
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Is it mostly the women who are this retarded?
>brown eyes.

So she wasn't white, what a relief.
You fucks have been like this for generations. Stop blaming people and start not being shit.
I love Snickers too, but this is kinda weird
to je fakat ona???

i think its a bad thing for the girl that has to fuck you
Jeez you got me my name is Morty Abrahamowitz and I'm here calling out Jews and Muslims with a Serbian proxy. Great logic you got there Genghis.
Its not really her
Yes, and water with dog's shit in it is far more diverse than a bottle with purified water. A chunk of ore is far more diverse than a bar of gold. And a nigger is far more diverse than a pure white Übermensch. There's a lot of ways to be inferior, but only one way to be perfect.
That's just your mind trying to protect itself from what it's seeing.
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Or if you prefer real diversity

Mostly. But that shouldn't be news to you. Women are the majority of lefty voters.
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The Swedish prime minister says there are no Swedes. Sweden belongs to refugees.
There also is no Swedish culture
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So we can only oppose diversity if it kills us or harms us physically in some way?

Basically you're saying well behaved niggers have a right to live in Europe and fuck white women.
>Jeez you got me my name is Morty Abrahamowitz and I'm here calling out Jews and Muslims with a Serbian proxy.
I knew it.
is she okay?
jest, bez zezanja. potvrdio nam neki svedjo pre neki konac
That really makes me sad
I dont get why the picture is such terrible quality though? Nowadays phones all fucking have 4k ultra HD Cameras, yet, we get this? Is it all CCTV footage?
Do you guys think loli and doggo are together now?
That hashtag was just people/companies opening their buildings to people that couldn't get home because the trains and buses where shut down. It has nothing to do with open borders or anything.

there is a people who actually save such a pic on their PC , phaha total cucкs
Dont worry she is fine
It's just a flesh wound. It's going to leave a scar, but she managed walked it off.
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your poor bulgarian ass trying to save some disk space? lel
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Why does he have his pants down?

I thought it was gay porn at first
>mfw born 2000 years too early.

just fuck me up f.am
Yes, British peaople do have a certain look, everytime i`m on hoiliday anywhere in the world, i can spot an English person from a mile off, even if they are wearing the same clothes as the locals.
Source pls?
must be a proxy faggot
Paying for that with buttons and pocket fluff isn't going to work.

There aren't enough sheep/cats/people to make into gyros to fund it either before you have any smart ideas.
His Bulgarian ass is right to call you a cuck. Literally, unironically kill yourself. There is no reason for a self respecting white to have anything that degenerate anywhere near them.
what the fuck is this shit why did they hit that elderly woman
He's presented more than youi have.
Feels bad bro. Take good care and don't fall for their baiting. Where are you from? Any advice which places to avoid when visiting? Are your women really sluts that love riding the foreigner cock carousel?

t-theyre in heaven now sven :-(
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just taking a nap.
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That guy has a devastating left punch.
my guess is that it's cropped from a larger picture.
>White Americans are Americans who are considered or reported as White. The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East-North Africa."[2] Like all official U.S. racial categories, "White" has a "not Hispanic or Latino" and a "Hispanic or Latino" component,[3] the latter consisting mostly of White Mexican Americans and White Cuban Americans. The term "Caucasian" is often used interchangeably with "White", although the terms are not synonymous.[4][5][6][7][8][9]
Why do cucks make and post these??
Tell me about it, I can almost sniff off a certain vibe off of people even before they open their mouth. Here we Serbs have a joke that we are able to detect an Albanian roach from a mile, since they have very distinct horse-like faces.

Faux news

fox news m8

methinks too

>Didier Drogba
>Usain Bolt

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Wtf why do those ladies have poopes in their mouths!?
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The problem with that idea is that women are biologically programmed to spread their legs for invaders.

Somebody has to have that WW2 story picture, you guys know the one.

I'm Half Jewish by ancestry, and Catholic by religion, and while I'm not against helping refugees. I am definitely against doing it without background checks and proper vetting procedures.

Here's something you have to understand debt-boy. Globalism isn't some pro-diversity thing, it's a division thing. They want the worst of the worst to come here so that we are in complete and total constant conflict with Islam and we never see peace.

The fact of the matter is, the best people of a country stay in their country to try and improve it and make it better. They do this even in the face of hopelessness. You wouldn't understand that because the Greeks haven't understood that since the Byzantine Empire.

My wife is a latina, she is brown. She came to the United States LEGALLY and that's fine. People who do not respect the fucking laws of the fucking country are playing risks. Those who come here to do harm to this country should not be respected.

Where are you even from, Albania?
The only winning move is not to play, basically?
Is that pic fucking real
This. Idk what it is, but I just feel it. You just KNOW. Even on the internet I get it. Before people speak I can just pick them out.
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That's not the point Kraut. The point is your women love black dick. And we are trolling you.
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text says that a girl with brown hair, blue jacket,blue backpack and with purple pants is missing from the attack
It would make me so incredibly happy if these pathetic excuses for women were publicly lynched. This is so beyond disgusting that there are no words for it. They have betrayed not only their countries but 100 000 years of selective evolution. These traitors are not worth the air they breathe.
Even putting your Jewishness aside, I find it to be no coincidence that every single white guy who was loudly against Trump is dating to or married to a non white woman.
fuck.. just sad
>Free speech getting banned
>Foreigners havng higher fertility rates
>Politicians bowing their heads to them
>You get robbed and raped now more than ever
>You also get TRUCKED and shot at
>And now your white children get fucking RIPPED APART
lol "greatest civilization"
Why do cucks bleed orange when they get ran over?
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This. Women are always the same.
Is that the same girl in both pics?
In 18 years, if the baby didn't die, they'll wonder why Tryonique is so slow and probably blame it on poor funding for inner city schools.
it is, indeed. you can see its a screen photo.

FAUX NEWS my friend
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this makes me diamonds. God I wish my girlfriend had a black bull.
Not the picture I was thinking of, it was the one with the story about how soldiers were warning the women that the Russians were coming and the women went all "lol, we'll just spread our legs then!"
She was enriched!
Why are finposters so much better than literally the rest of europe? It isn't even a competition at this point.

See British flag....


yes, read before you post next time.
that's what you get for being a sassy bitch
>Where are you from?

Up north. Less diversity, but more leftists. Go figure, right?

>Any advice which places to avoid when visiting?

Malmö is our Chicago. It's lost and was shit to begin with.

Stockholm is highly enriched like most Euro capitals, but still has a few glimmers of old as long as you stay in the old town region, check out the museums, maybe attend a changing of the guard at the royal palace.

South is a lot worse than north, but north doesn't have much unless you're an outdoorsy person in which case it's the best outdoors in Europe, because you're actually allowed to go almost anywhere and make camp, start (contained) fires, you can fish in most lakes (technically need a license but nobody checks), climb a mountain, go skiing. All kinds of fun. Bonus is that there's no diversity anywhere near those activities unless it's berry picking season when we get swarmed by east asians.

Avoid all suburbs. Check out Gotland, it's a hidden gem in summer.

>Are your women really sluts that love riding the foreigner cock carousel?

There's a certain type of woman who is. But that type is everywhere else and if you know anything about them you know why pursuing them is a bad idea.
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It's not a coincidence anon. Let's keep in mind that my Jewishness means I am not white. So there is nothing wrong with me "spoiling" any white genes.

Also, it's very rare that latinos are based in this country. Why? Because the based latinos DONT FUCKING COME TO THE USA. They stay in their own fucking country. That being said, my wife is a bit different because I met her while I was visiting Mexico, and we fell in love. She came to live with me(legally) because the woman is supposed to come and live with the Man, and not the other way around.
It doesn't say anything about whether the girl in picture one is the same as the girl in picture two. How the hell am I supposed to know?
>The West created this mess.
and? The only solution now is to kill all of you. Sorry we fucked you guys up. Ah well.
Jews also did the 1965 immigration law. And hollywood.. are you fucking serious?
> I am definitely against doing it without background checks and proper vetting procedures.
that's ok, I wasn't arguing against that though.

I'm not indebted, and typically greeks do not get into much debt if they can help it afaik, I could check statistics if you like.
Also completely beside the point

>Globalism isn't some pro-diversity thing, it's a division thing.
Diversity does not mean globalism. Globalism essentially means capital having no border restrains, it's espoused by true capitalists and true libertarians. Are you anti capitalist and anti libertarian?

>the best people of a country stay in their country to try and improve it and make it better.
But you're jewish and your wife is latina
apparently you either have low self respect or you don't follow what you preach

>Where are you even from, Albania?
I don't speak albanian and none of my known ancestors did so no. Why are you posting this again
That's how they survive, they can't be blamed.

Women prior to modernity just went along with whatever their captors wanted, if the village gets burned and you get enslaved by foreign hordes, that's just life, they live under the new rulers without even an ounce of resistance, because resistance would mean death. Men were killed regardless and had to fight for even a chance of survival, so they are not as prone to submission, submission often meant certain death.

The problem is now these women are given rights and a vote and are allowed to impress this suicidal mentality upon the whole of society. Even if men want to fight and defend their lands like they have always done, they will be denied because the women will vote against it, embracing the invaders with open arms while the men die or leave for greener pastures.

The solution is to not let them vote or hold positions of power anymore, it's very simple, but even suggesting this will get you lynched.
At least 3 guys asked this already, check the replies m8


what did they mean by this?
Which is why it's stupid trying to hold out for or "redpill" women. Women are followers and they'll fuck the winner, regardless if its Jamal Aidsdick or a fascist totalitarian government building funcamps for Jews.
is he ok?

wtf did he died?!?!
Have any victims been identified yet? The girl, Ebba Äkerlund, is it her on the right picture who has been killed?
>the nuclear bomb was invented by jews

So was the Russian hydrogen bomb based upon the layer cake design.


About the only Jew free bomb was the Chinese.
>they can't be blamed

If they want all the privileges, they have to pull the same fucking load. My point however was that getting women to fight off invaders just does not fucking work.

She probably died daydreaming about a big strong black man, regretting the tiny white penis of the cuck who would soon be paying her half his wages.
what's the story there
I can't keep repeating my arguments
hollywood is the basis of american soft power and a big industry.
Do you need an explanation on what soft power is
Fake there are no flying pyramids
Better keep banning spoons and letting barbaric murderers in the country
>they have to pull the same fucking load
They won't, it's biology. It's like complaining when a cat won't serve you dinner, it's just not in their genetic repertoire. The only solution is to take any responsibilities away from them that might allow them to fuck society up, you can't "fix" women.
Dude, just forget it. Women have no such things as pride, sense of duty, nationalism and notions of what self-sacrifice for the greater good means. They just want to get with whoever is winning.
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France getting an Islamic lesson
good to know
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So why isn´t KOSHER TRUMP bombing Sweden, as this is worse than what happened in Syria? Fuck KOSHER TRUMP!

//EX-trump supporter
Yeah that was kind of my entire fucking point.
Doesn't look white
>boipucci is best

Which reminds me of the classic Pashtun (ethnic part of tribal Afghanistan / Pakistan) poetry.

Across the river there is a boy with an ass like a peach, but alas, I cannot swim.

Go Faggotry.
Thanks a lot for your effort writing all this. I will save this post if I ever visit your country lol.
not confirmed, and yes thats her
Giving women the right to vote was the biggest mistake ever. You are putting the destiny of your country in the hands of people without any regard for it and just are interested in their own benefit.

It is rare as hell to find a woman that can think of the consequences of more than 10 years forward. Most of them just think one month ahead. I got tired of fighting my ex-gf for such matters and then having to deal with the results of ther poor life choices.
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As soon as the africans learn how to farm they'll get us there in a heartbeat. Just you wait! Any year now! Keep sending them money goys they need your help and right after you help them we will get to mars!
amazing how peace can do that
>If they want all the privileges, they have to pull the same fucking load.
But they won't. They won't and you know they won't. They want all the privileges and none of the responsibilities. This is why it's ridiculous to give them either. Women view life through the lens of the path of least resistance. They'll do whatever it takes to maximize their pleasure and profit while assuming zero risk. They just push the risk onto you.

The end-stage of being redpilled is realizing men need to act without women and just take over their governments with force before it's too late.
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It was Jews who did all those things. Jews control our media our governments our banks and our armies.

Whites get shut down and locked up if the speak bad of the Jews. We are poisoned at school with Holocaust and other propaganda cos Jews control the schools too.

We get called conspiricy theorists if we try exposing Jewish tricks there is nothing we can do.

Whites don't care what Muslims do in there shit hole countries but the Jews want the oil so they trick us and use us as tools. (African dictators kill way more innocent children than Islamic ones do but the Jews don't want Africa)

If the islamists target the Jews/media/governments etc then they would be attacking the real culprits.
Jews don't care if you kill innocent whites, in fact they want you to kill us so they can use it as propaganda to justify war

oh, it's more than that

When you have white people cheering black athletes in basketball, football
When they all listen to rap music and buy Beyonce music
When BLM actually matters to anyone other than blacks
Whites are being brainwashed on all fronts

> ID
> Oz gAY
>Australians confirmed gay
These whores are genetically eliminating themselves. They will spawn braindead niglets that will die in a firefight. I see nothing wrong with this. Natural selection
I think that's also a Turk first name. Özgaÿ or something.
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>Having multiple women to fuck is a bad thing how?

It's fine if you're Chad or some preppy trust fund faggot, but if you're some beta faggot then it's like rape or something.

>Diversity does not mean globalism. Globalism essentially means capital having no border restrains, it's espoused by true capitalists and true libertarians.

Are you a capitalist or a libertarian? Why do you think you can tell me what true capitalists or libertarians conform to Globalism.

No, you don't understand what I mean by Globalism. What I am talking about has to do with the elitest kikes who are running things behind the scenes. People like Soros, Rothschilds, Rockefellers. The IMF and the people who funded the South in the United States Civil War and fought against Andrew Jackson over the international banks.
One day, God will return and bring his Kingdom.
But until then, there shall be no "global government" that is not run by the hands of Lucifer himself, and until you can understand that, you insufferable faggot, you will never understand what is going on.

>But you're jewish and your wife is latina

I'm half jewish and I was born here in the United States, I wasn't born in Israel you fucking idiot.

Also, I'm not Jewish by religion, which is basically required to go to Israel. So they do not want me. Nor do I want to go live with them. I am an American, and Americans are not exclusively white.

>I don't speak albanian

You dense motherfucker, what did I just say about speaking English and not Albanian
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Shove it up your ass, Mohammad......

The middle east WAS a shithole. IS a shithole and crazed muslims cause more shit and cost whites more money than the Jews ever did

We've been buying their oil making them billionaires, fighting wars to help Saudi princes and dealing with crazed 7th century shitskin baboons for decades
If you want to end islamic extremism, you will to have to take their kids and raise them with western values
Roberta Paulson
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If the literal majority weren't inbreed retards you would figure out when to stop fighting each other because some sand bandit did not praise your shitty god the right way
>there is nothing we can do.
Sure there is

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>You can put the news clippings in the face of leftists that deny it and it's like you're showing them a blank paper.

Denial...not just a river in Egypt.
you seem to be arguing not in good faith so I'll just stop responding until you stop peppering me with insults and conspiracy theories
why bother taking inbred subhumans in?

their violent behavior and degenerate ways are genetic, they are inherent feat in all nonwhites, regardless of which culture they are brought up in. shitskins will no matter how they are raised, the circumstances under which they are brought up, always be primitive, hot headed animals that you cannot trust.

if you want to rid the world of them, don't take them in, just genocide the entire bunch

That's because you are a bigoted Nazi eugenecist.

You can't have a debate here in /pol/ or in 4chan if you can't stand being called a kike.

Do you think I'd be here if I, as a half-jew, got offended at being called a kike every day.

Kill yourself, you stupid albanian nigger.
thanks for offering your opinion though, I can see what troubles you people
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Pay debnts and then hang yourself you twat
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Give me that post, anon
humanity is too shit to ever reach this. and pay debts turk whore
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I don't think you can since you spent all of your time on reddit where unpopular opinions get downvoted.

Notice how your opinion, which is not popular here, became the center of attention? That is how discussion thrives, when free speech is permitted. Something your globalist EU wants to prevent.

Sure, the holocaust happened. But why the fuck shouldn't we have an argument about whether it did. It may have happened but there was certainly some fishy stuff going on, almost as if some of the jews wanted their own people to get slaughtered so that they could generate enough sympathy for a Jewish state.

Also, have you considered that your type of diversity is actually cancer? Look at France for Gods sake. Look at Germany, look what happened in Sweden just yesterday.

You strike me as a communist faggot who is used to getting mad at people who call other people faggots.

Pic related is you.
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RIP doggo
Just ignore him hes a faggot. Unless you like arguing with fools.
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What would you know Tyrone?

That was all the elite Jewish aristocracy, it wasn't Dave williams or Steve smith.

It was also Jewish merchants who were slave trading your great great nigger granddaddy, but whites get the blame for that too
4 u
We can't let them divide us like this
>TFW rome got conquered by barbarians.
Once their periods sync you would understand.
What is the West? Is it a big country? Does it have a capital? Did Sweden ever invade the middle east?
im that guy who doesn't give a fuck if a million swedes died, but knowing a dog got killed in the process makes me wanna cry
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They make it borderline safe enough that the blue pilled normies are okay with a few islamists if they get to eat their favourite things and watch their favourite shows.

A band of brothers would be small and with new lack of internet privacy laws the rebels would be shut down real quick. Even quicker than the Islamic terrorists no doubt.
I was impressed he held on to the cap for as long as he did. I was floored over the fucking push ups. Fascinating indeed.
>the nuclear bomb was invented by jews
nice censorship there fag
kys nigger
Fuck man. Just fuck.
How can swedes just sit there???
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>when you hold your poo in too long and it comes out of your mouth
You will kill each other without intervention. You will kill each other with intervention.

Fuck Mohammed.
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>53% and shrinking
>How can Swedes just sit there? Fucking cucks!

Do you have a more reliable source than wikipedia?
>A band of brothers would be small and with new lack of internet privacy laws the rebels would be shut down real quick. Even quicker than the Islamic terrorists no doubt.
Doubt it.

You know how we catch nearly all terrorist suspects? Internet and cell phone communications.
You know how terrorists evaded us so well in Iraq? It wasn't because they "blended in" as the meme goes, but because they did their meetings face to face and used dead drops.

Brit tourists getting btfoed in Thailand for no reason.
Typical Zionist British fucking bastard. At a time when Europeans should be uniting the fucking Anglo is already stabbing everyone in the fucking back .Fuck you and your country yo ubastards
>Its other people's fault!!11

Fuck you, fix your mess like a big boy Ahmed.
>the nuclear bomb was invented by jews

Nope. It's pretty fucking accurate actually. The scientists on the Manhattan Project were disproportionately Jewish.


J. Robert Oppenheimer
Richard P. Feynman
Robert Serber
Stanley P. Frankel
Isadore Perlman
Alvin M. Weinberg
David Bohm
Phillip Morrison
Frank Oppenheimer
aron Novick
Arnold Kramish
Arthur Levy
Paul Olum
Edward Teller
John von Neumann
Eugene P. Wigner
Leo Szilard
Stanislaw M. Ulam
Isidor I. Rabi
Emilio G. Segrè
James Franck
Felix Bloch
Rudolf E. Peierls
Otto R. Frisch
Samuel A. Goudsmit
Victor F. Weisskopf

to name but a few...
It's because they were wearing socks with sandals, again
wikipedia is not a source, it provides sources (unlike the richard spencer site)
In this example it's the united states census bureau definition from their official site
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It's over for them sadly. All they can do now is pack up their shit and leave for a safer country.
How does a society get that fucked.
>It's because they were wearing socks with sandals, again

Fucking Scum deserved to die for such fashion crimes...
i never saw the real version, but thanks that you showed me.
Which was not around at the time of what the anon posted, now pay your denbts and sit down like a good little EU kike drone.
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>Muslim here
At least write that you're a Muslimfag if you want us to care about what you have to say
>Jesus fucking Christ. What happened??

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_

Fuck you lying defeatist Anglo fucking bastard
fuck you and fuck everything yo uhaev ever done you fucking bastards
Negroids are amazing

no...that can't be right
Jews never invented anything
All great inventions came from Muslims
at least that's what I keep reading......
Typical kraut lmao
what are you even talking about
sounds like you're just butting in without following the argument
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Media and high school brainwashing into making liberal tolerant politically correct people who have no defense mechanism against aggressive behaviour.

Kinda like the native Americans were wiped out by European diseases cos they had no immunity
Fuck me Americans are deluded . you are mainly responsible for this shit happening
You are using a definition that did not exist at the times of the founding fathers so you've provided zero (0) evidence.
you are the biggest fucking criminals on the planet you are the original zionist country you poisoned the fucking world in two world wars you acted with hate and aggression for brothers in europe and dragged the world into chaos you are a pack of fucking snot nosed hooked nosed kike worshipping faggots fuck you and i will never forgive you dirty rotten anglo fucking zionist bastards for your crimes
enjoy not being white
Fucking KEK
whatever helps you sleep at night with your "banter" you fucking spineless rats biggest snakes in fucking europe
Muhammad is a false prophet.
Christ warned about false prophets.
Quran claims Christ was not God because God would've become man.
Islam puts limitations on God and denounces His Son.
Christ warns that one day His followers will one day sell robes to buy swords.
Muslims keep fucking.
Get ready...
I'm sure the UK is responsible for continually arming both sides in both World Wars, instigating proxy wars across the globe and generally obeying the Israel desires.
Ok m8 calm down lad .
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