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we wuz scientists and sheeit

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Thread replies: 200
Thread images: 46

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How does it make you feel that the most popular game of all time has this forced timeline?
The game itself is good but I always laugh at the depictions of Africa and Iraq as paradises.

were getting a brown skin loli?
when did blizzard get based?
>One nigger can do something great
>The rest of them are useless and wait Earth-welfare.
Wtf i hate overwatch now.
you know the game would be fantastic if they didn't try to virtue signal all of their nonsense to you all the time.
Damn Based Doomfist
This 11 year old is voiced by Terry Crews
dobs confirms
TF2 is the only Redpilled teambased fps rpg
Or if they knew how to write characters beyond "cowboy" or "french assassin with boob and ass" or "genius civil rights monkey" or "edgy shotgun shadow man" or "female tf2 medic" or "TF2 demoman except white" or "angry brother with bow and angry brother with ninja stars". Some characters are more original and the gameplay is fun and engaging, granted. Oh yeah, "hard butch (but prolly not gay??) angry feminist".
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don't forget me
I don't know about Africa but Iraq was a paradise one time in history. Try opening up a book sometime and stop watching too much Faux news.
Yes, but it still implies that Muslims could ever be smart enough to lead the world with their technology, even if they did thousands of years ago that's hardly an argument on their behalf. Muslims r fuckin dumb n violent yo
is that the new char???? wtf the only two characters they added after the release were already brown females
>Most popular game

What does it matter if some fantasy game has technologically advanced niggers? Games are by no means obligated to properly represent real peoples or history in any way.
This is practically SJW mentality. Let the game-makers do what they want with their own artwork. If you don't like it, don't buy the game (overwatch is for fags anyway).
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>Actually following the plot of overwatch
Overwatch has a stupid irrelevant plot that only Tumblr faggots care about, so they can justify their gay fanfics.
While playing overwatch I said something on team voice chat that is pretty standard fair for online gaming but would be considered mildly offensive in public. I was immediately told by a female to not say that, and her beta white knight echoed what she said.I was stunned with rage. That was last fall and I haven't played that shit game since.
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lol remember all the rumors about how this game would save the competitive arena genre and take esports to the next level?

easily the worst community of any video game ever
>Overwatch takes place on a near-future Earth, some time in the mid 2070's

wew lad
Poor thing got offended by being talked back in an online game.

How does it feel to be a shitty player?
Tell me about predominantly Islamic countries that are worth living in, Hans.
She was offended, not me. Learn to read chile
You're right, Islam ruins everything.

>Faux News
>Faux News
Muslims were smart. Just not anymore. The problem's culture, not intelligence.
>actually playing overwatch
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>most popular game
come on son, the game sold something like 20 milion, for example gta 5 sells 70 million. the game is shit, i play something like 5-7 hours and is one of the worst fps, but normies like it because shity memes,waifu shit and because blitz.
Did you even understand that post or are you pretending to be retarded?
>nb4 I was just pretending to be retarded
video games are for kids

also fuck blizzard for pushing poltical ideologies to something meant for children

they are no better than mainstream media outlets

whatever happened to the goodold days of Diablo and starcraft? never did any of this shit come out in quality games

overwatch is a great business and ideological vector, seems like a shitty game, wish i could actually uninstall it but they made it work to uninstall.
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that head dress is from the tribe that sticks plates in their lips.
It's not that bad
No the game is shit. Caters to the lowest denominator in both mechanics and story. The characters are all generic tropes. Every character has a "press to kill everyone next to you" button so snowflakes can accomplish something without skill.
most popular game of all time? da faq you talking about? OW is popular but where would you get that from?
I don't care because the lore was already pretty much a parody?
>Indian techno-fascists
>Brazillian rapper with magic rollerblades
>A fucking moon monkey
>Black people inventing things

Overwatch isn't about realism
Muslims were what caused the middle east to begin it's decline. Before they existed, the arabs (or whatever they were called at that point) actually did quite well for themselves.
3 brown females as of now

Gonna draw porn of it.
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ITT: autists who get mad over a fake interview with a fantasy character from a video game.

Thats really, really low.
overwatch has ~25 million individual purchases in about a year, minecraft has had 8 years to reach 107 million.

total players it doesn't beat quite a few but popularity is basically higher than any other.
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'Muslims' aren't even 2000 years old m8
His own
W/E It's a Sci-Fi game. I'll still play it more than I should.
We need more. My dick needs more!
Completely indifferent. Its an arcadey shooter that a lot of people like. Not gospel from on high.
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The game as a whole is extremely fun and rewarding to play, aside from the shitty tank meta right now but yeah the lore is complete jewish bullshit globalism multiculturalism is good shit. Fuck the shit story, I stopped caring after the whole tracer is gay thing. Shes my main, I wait 3 months for a buff but instead my christmas gift is a cringy comic
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>Most popular
I would argue this title goes to the Elder Scrolls series, most recently Skyrim, and it was a redpill buffet

Overwatch is trash and so is your thread
Ever get that feeling of Dejá Vú?
That's how you know the game is fiction anon
>the most popular game of all time

The most popular game of all time is chess, you weeb retard.
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I see nothing wrong.
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>brown children

Nigger are you trying to say that the culture, created by said "intelligence" has nothing to with with the people who live there? Are you fucking retarded or something? Its their culture that they created, that has continued to fuck them up since its inception. Why doesn't that culture exist in europe? Why doesn't that culture exist in africa? Hell africa is infested with muslims and they still don't have that culture. Use your fucking head man, culture is a part of us, its literally created by the brains we evolved and molded us further as we created an external pressure via societies.
But I thought the only thing Canada cares about is hockey and curling eh
You're like an sjw threatening to kill themselves after hearing something bad about the negroes.

>literally shaking
who gives a shit about video game lore
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Stop being right /pol/.

Muslims weren't smart, the remnant peoples who had converted were, and over time the plagues, Khans, and fundamentalists took care of that.

The peoples who converted rather than be exterminated were the peoples worth having in that Muslim world.
According to the Wiki page Numbani is in Africa. Africa is full of what? And it's a video game, senpai.

The only thing being forced here is your outrage, simpleton.

I want to fuck tracer while her gf watches.

nah but seriously hand over the new character and nobody gets hurt
Wew you couldn't be any more wrong about their ultimates. I guess if youre bronze and stand in the open lmfao. Get gud scrubby
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>most popular game of all time
that ain't Myst!
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They are gonna raffle 10 free visits to Johannesburg with the new character release who is hyped.
>caring about video games in 2017
Tracer is very stereotypically lesbian pixie. How can you even be mad that she's actually gay? Also she doesn't need a buff to anything but the range of the pulse bomb's explosion.
Blizzard can't write at all. Everything they do is stolen from somewhere else. Usually it's Games Workshop but more recently Valve
That man is not an accurate representation of us all.
You were offended by them being offended, not because she was offended first, means that you aren't a whiny bitch.
are you factoring every minecraft sold in that number? every console and mobile version too?
>Everything they do is stolen from somewhere else
Welcome to story telling in the 21st century. Every story has been told a million times before; the only shit that changes is the details.
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How disappointing. I thought they were actually going to have something about a timetravelling black super scientist from we wuz era. Not some stereotypical super genius loli that happens to be black.

How disappointing you are op.
>Click button
>everyone next to you dies
>"Pro" play is positioning yourself to be not next to enemies

Pong is more competitive than overwatch. You're playing a game for snowflake downies. Rational people understand that Overwatch is the most watered down "shooter" there is.
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>Some underaged nigger

I guess vore would be fine?
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>Stereotypically lesbian pixie
Sorry I like that look, only since now has a girl had to look like that in order to be lesbian, and thats the buff I meant, he ults pretty trash most situations
>Wood League problems

It's fine if you don't like the game man, you can just leave it at that. Nobody cares, though.

They were until our diseased riddled ancestors raped and murdered their way to victory and made into the White Mans paradise.

Re: America.
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Every time. Every single fucking time.
Yeah I like that look too. But I just accepted a long time ago that every woman I'm attracted to will be gay. That's just how things are. And yeah her ult is fucking trash. It boggles my fucking mind.
this is actually cute.
Overwatch, tf2 et al are literally just wolfenstein et reimagined for autists.
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>giving a shit about backstory or timelines in a pissant class-based shooter
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>FPS shooters are similar because they're all first person shooters
You can jerk off to Wolfenstein if you like but there's no comparison. I'd rather play Infinite Warfare than play Wolfenstein.
Good for its time =/= Good now
>playing a game designed for kids

Where is bastion?
you realize there are newer wolfenstein's, yeah?
OR the thousand years of inbreeding promoted by islam has reduced their intelligence (conversely, catholicism in europe had strict rules against cousin marriages and you needed a papal dispensation to break them).
Shut your face. Zarya is ourgal. Her pink her is only sjw bait
The new one was pretty meh
Predictable story but the gameplay and visuals were solid.

>I've wiped your comatose ass for years and just saw you kill like 30 dudes
>Fuck me please
>women in games
Similar things happen to me because I call people faggots.
I like how in the cinematic with widow, she throws the bomb all crazy like a disc and shit but in the game she just lobs it out 3 ft in front of her like a fuckin bowling ball
>I was stunned with rage
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Whatchu know bout me, Whatchu Whatchu know bout me? (Boom Boom)
Oh no stop the presses, a video game has a black character!

This thread is retarded.
Know what? I've always wondered how niggers actually communicate with one another. Best I can tell is it's who can scream over the other the loudest and most monkey like. For that matter, for all the babbling, ook, ekk crap they do they never actually communicate much info that's valid or helpful. Methinks they just like to hear themselves talk.....like a teenage girl or an attention whore.
Found the autist.
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More like

>vegetative state for 20 years
>still absolutely hench somehow
I think the point hes trying to make is in the games lore places like Africa and the middle east are bastions of technology in the future but if you look at those places today its like wut
That too

Basically the same over the top shit as the new DOOM but it took itself too seriously with all its whiny backstory
Numbani and Oasis are just two cities, brother. They don't represent the fate of the entire region.
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>easily the worst community of any video game ever
You should have immediately doubled down. Ask her if she needs a fresh tampon. Offer some midol and a deep dicking. Never surrender to these cunts.
Make a good point, just seems to me they are trying to hard to push the whole "diverse" thing, rightfully so, like all media these days
I want this
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I mean, Riot Games has you running around killing a little 6 year old girl; so why not kill black kids too . Wouldn't want to discriminate when it comes to the crime of child murder and acclimating people to doing so.
>u wuz offended because she was offended xDDD
>Grasping this hard at straws
That's not what offended means you mouth breathing libshit. Since you clearly don't understand English let me slow it down for you. A social justice warrior bitch got triggered and told me to not say a bad word common place on the internet. I was taken aback by this since it has never happened before in all my years of online gaming. If you disagree with this you can fuck off back to your safe space because you don't belong here brocacho.

>mexican reading comprehension
You have to go back
Yeah im not even starting this game anymore because of all the poz.

Cant there be anything without cultural marxism? I guess it's just a (((coincidence))).
Implying a women who fucked and then killed nazis, and aborted nazi fetuses in her for double points isnt going to like that
Is that supposed to be Winston's daughter? Totally looks like him.
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It's one thing when the diversity is forced à la The Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix. The changes in the established characters detracts from the source material.

It's a whole other thing when they just make a character they invented black because they felt like it.
>Her liberalism offended my delicate gaming sensibilities.

You sound like that, plus 400 pounds.
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>actually defending this shit
>admitting you're a degenerate that plays a female character

Video games are degenerate. Especially over-watch.

Please consider gassing yourself.
>taken aback
These mean the same things, retard.
Hell, you're more triggered than she was; you quit a game over fucking words. Pathetic.

She may, just a bit stupid that they'd introduce her and within 5 minutes of game you're fucking her and you're required by the story to take the relationship seriously as a main point of the story.
Like the black nazi snipers in the new battlefield
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>Jak 2
>in a meme
"diverse thing"? The game's about an INTERNATIONAL peacekeeping force. There's no reason why they shouldn't have blacks and hispanics and asians in a global organization.
>one thread with 2 shown replies
>all of /pol/
May you suffer your own idiocy for eternity.
>most popular game of all time
that's not Skyrim, you dumb fuck

Memetic nuke dropping, GET IN HERR
>under rated post.
>african tribes are considered dumb and as technologically sophisticated as a retarded hermit crab
>we'll show them!
>Go all the way to the other end of the spectrum and make her a genius, robotics engineer and AI source-erist

Isn't this just racism along the lines of Blacks are too dumb to carry an ID card to vote?
t. Reddit
Wolfenstein et you fucking mongoloid retard
It is, but racists don't actually care what black people feel or think, it's literally there to circlejerk over in their pristine offices about how progressive they are.
STOP. Does this mean blizzard will let us shoot a 11 year old nigger? If so its just brilliant.
If not I really cant see her being a hero?
Though I'd say it's less a big deal in Battlefield 1 because the premise is "shoot those guys because they're bad" and I generally don't note the skin color of a baddy before I blow his face off.

I'm trying to think of specific examples but I'm at a loss; been playing way too much ESO recently. ESO is a victim of the forced diversity bullshit; they expect me to believe a society that doesn't get along based on race would be completely fine with gay werewolves and shit but once again, not a big deal because it's an MMO and people just spam through quest dialogue anyway.
No. She is just a lore character that makes a robot who is the actual playable character.
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>He plays video games
Then why they not add the robot instead. Well you are most likely right and she will be the annoying of a nigbot , Jeww Kaplan outdid himself with this one.
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>getting mad over a video game
>he post's ancient, overused to shit memes
You know someone's asshurt when this is all they have to reply.
>this forced timeline?

there's nothing forced about it no need to be upset

Reminds me a lot of:

"A girl in Sudan could be the next Einstein, miracles ain't nothing but lies"

Done with Blizzard. Except for maybe SC 3 if it ever comes.
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>He complains about overused memes on 4chan
well neither of the egyptian heroes are muslim, maybe muslim gets BTFO in the overwatch timeline, which makes sense.
I'm just glad this jewish kike piece of shit Kaplan has no control over games like WoW and Diablo, otherwise they'd be getting his corrosive touch as well.
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>implying we don't enjoy bitching about stupid shit
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the part where you fucked up was caring.

Literally all you need to do to trigger people in Overwatch is say "trump 2020" or "I don't like black people". Guaranteed replies
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Reminder that Kaplan is a jewish surname.
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> How does it make you feel
My problem is overwatch destroys Holy Russian Temple, the beautiful symbol of Russia and does not apologizes for this choice of narrative.

I cant care less for educated negress. We educate a lot of them in our military colleges, so they would be able to protect their land against authors of overwatch.
Damn, they just keep getting younger, don't they?

But hey, African loli, I ain't complaining.
Yeah, got to admit, that is a load of bullshit, ruskibro.

>Russia's sacred icon gets destroyed
>nigger countries become "paradises"

Liberal bullshit writing at it's finest.
Winston is an ape! You can tell from his lack of tail, that and they mention he's a gorilla like a gorillion times.

Don't shit on my auto-aim crutch.
no need to be pissed off

you need to come back to reality and get out of meme mode.
That's a nice pic!

So much character
>citing a screencap of a post barely a month old as evidence of what /pol/ should be and do
Could you be a bigger newfag?

>we need to get anime off of our anime image board

welcome to 4chan newfriend
>disgusting nigger-ape

Try again you try-hard.
Never even heard of it.
I was in 4th grade in 2003 and Wolfenstein: ET was hardly the first of its kind.
Fucking leaf, WoW was actually decent game when he was part of the team.
>wish i could actually uninstall it but they made it work to uninstall.
Just find the files and manually delete them. They're probably in program files 86
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There are zero Islamic references anywhere in Overwatch.
The two Egyptian characters have Eye of Horus tattoos on their faces, which would result in them being killed at worst and heavily ostracized at best in an Islamic society.

The simple conclusion is that Overwatch takes place in a universe where Islam just does not exist.
Why are they pushing the brown/black wizkid trope so hard these days?
Completely missed the point. Lurk more
Shut the fuck up, snow nigger. Don't spread cancerous lies, that retard is nothing but a liberal-dogma chucking jew, and deserves the gas.

Some snownigger who can't defeat a country which lost more men to you but still won doesn't have any rights to claim stupid bullshit.
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Fantasy games are fantasy. If pigs can fly, why can't blacks be portrayed as civilized?
They were. Back then there were three cults (or something like that), the one who held science for everything, the one who held Qur'an for everything, and the one who held liberal for everything.
The liberal one was destroyed because they were revolting the government. The science one was destroyed by the qur'an one because they touched something that they shouldn't (I forgot the exact reason, but the science one was indeed destroyed). So now the only cult that exists is just the qur'an one.
And it's exactly at the same time when the science development in middle-eastern is dropped hard.
its called sci fi for a reason
The same reason they pushed the white wizkid trope in the 90's
More people of that demographic are getting access to television and other forms of media. If their audience identifies with a character they're more likely to continue watching and as a result, net them more cash.
>of all time
People still play it? LaughingOutLoud
>but my parents are taking me on a trip to celebrate!
yay, good job little one!
Time to visit our homeland and cut your clit off! :3 ^-^
Are you saying brown nerds are the purchasing majority now?
Not the majority; and the majority of games released still don't feature forced diversity. Just more brown kids are buying so more games that pander to them are being made.
I just plane dont like black people
Iraq was a paradise if you were a Babylonian or Sunni Muslim
>most popular game of all time
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Because for the last decade fantasy has been removed from fantasy games.

Focus groups dont like it
Jeez I don't like anime that much either but you are a total fucking faggot. 4Chan is rooted in anime dont go sperging out about how it should be you fucking faggot
>mfw new character has a voiceline praising allah

it will happen, digits confirm
>Because as 'clever' as the west is its still embracing islamification.
Its radical Islam that fucked up the middle east. You forget all that algebra and science shit stolen from the middle east hat's attested to have brought Europe out of the dark ages

Muslims are just omnics.

>all look exactly the same
>history of killing massive amounts of humans for no real reason
>some have a "spiritual awakening" which really just means even more murder
>all the blonde and slav characters despise them
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>implying I didn't just post this to trigger as many NEETs as possible. I was being serious about the vidya being degenerate though.
>actually falling for the bait.
>I look like a retard
>Hur dur jk just trolling
I'd find the image but you're not worth more than a couple sentences.


Shit community, shit company, shit balance, shit character skill ceilings, and shit competitive

when I play it with friends (because they love it) every time I see a pharah, a demo-rat, or a weeb-scout I wish I was playing tf2
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Here's your (you)
Here's one of the images
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>fell for the bait
>calls me the retard.

Sure thing, pal.
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This is what you sound like
I hope you find more productive uses of your time in the future, bud
>falling for the bait this hard
You are so fucking mad right now.
Lmao'ing at your life
She looks adorable
Okay enough. Let the sad (((man))) think he's won. We all know he's a newfag and thus, should not be replied to.
>most popular game of all time
Except for any MOBA or WoW or GTA or a bunch of other games I guess
You remind me of the niggers I went to elementary school with
They had this super secret joke where you would ask someone to do something for you and if they did it they were in "check" and all the little niglets would hoop and holler at the white kid who sharpened a pencil for a classmate.
Pretty much the same thing except it's just you who finds this amusing.

I don't mind replying; it bumps the thread and people with (possibly) something to add to the conversation get an opportunity.
I thought Babylon was owned by Jews
>filthy casual always got checked in school
You will forever be that little bitch in check mode. Thanks for all the sharpened pencils. Bet you always lost pencil break too. Now be a good boy and give daddy another (You)
Here you go random faggot
Last (you) you are getting. Is this how you spend your time? Instead of constructively building a thread you just make absolute abhorrent shitposts and do some ebin trolling? Why? Is it for the (you)s so you can validate your own worth?
>inb4 you replied so ur just as sad as me lel
>all sciences stolen from the middle east
You have that backwards.
what is there to be surprised of? blizzard is ran by kikes
stay mad
>a specific slang term is the same as a general term
Wrong. The difference is triggered has a connotation of being an alarmists cunt's virtue signal response. Don't pretend you didn't know that. But thanks anyways for your half baked opinion you liberal feminist sympathizing sack of shit
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