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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 154

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Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump Weekly Address #3 2/10/17
>Pres Trump & FLOTUS @ AF1 - New EO 2/10/17
>Pres Trump & PM Abe promise to make animu real 2/10/17
>Pres Trump & PM Abe Handshake of Love 2/10/17
>VP Pence swears in HHS Sec Price 2/10/17
>Pres Trump responds to 9th CC ruling 2/9/17
>VP Pence @ Westpoint 2/9/17
>Pres Trump/VP swear in AG Sessions 2/9/17

>Marty McFly lands on our timeline
>Alex Jones gets high with Joe Rogan, redpilling ensues
>"Pres Trump told me to investigate whatever I want"
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>112116638
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gabu creep shot.png
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youjo senki.png
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So how many illegals in total have been deported since Sessions took over?
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2MB, 498x410px
>we live in a timeline where milk has become the symbol of white supremacy
>it's literally racist to drink cow secretions
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3rd reich awoooo.jpg
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>Yo DHS, let's kick 'em!
>Alright STOP
>Immigration and listen
>Trump is back with his brand new position
>Someone grabs a hold of them tightly
>Then deportations daily and nightly
>Will it ever stop?
>Yo, I hope no
>Just build the wall and they'll go
>Can't have a Rome if you let in a Vandal
>What is a Reichstag without a candle?
>Never Come Down from the speakers that boom
>They have a new cloud shaped like a mushroom
>Deadly shockwaves the heart of melody
>Anyone less than the best is a felony!
>Love it or leave it if you want to stay
>God help you if Pence knows you are gay
>We had a bad problem and Trump solved it
>Liberalism? /Pol/ will dissolve it
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Drumpf is an illiterate faggot. His grammar is atrocious. He uses ghost writers. He often can't form coherent sentences. His thoughts often run together, run over one another, or never finish. He is a compulsive liar and a narcissist. He can't let slide any perceived slight against him.

He must always surround himself with his family and closest cronies because he is insecure. His personal relationship with his wife is obviously clinically fucked beyond all that has anything to do with love and respect. At best, he is a shallow person and a shallow thinker. At worst it could be an indication of many serious mental disorders.

I really think he has a mental health disorder. His father died of Alzheimer's Disease in his early 80s. I wouldn't be shocked if Trump is in the early stages of dementia. He does not have coherent speech. He cannot frame a compound sentence. His entire speeches are a collection of soundbites, tweets, tantrums and memes
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How do you do, fellow alt right neo nazis?
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useless capybara.webm
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I probably shouldn't be staying up so late
yeah, i wonder which nigger said that
So what is on the agenda for today now that the de-immigration of documentally challenged persons has begun?
How much more winning is there to be had?
First they came for the Pepe posters.
Then they came for the milk drinkers.
Then they came for me.
never reply to the degenerate colgate. the day of the squeeze will come soon enough.
already done
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I am doing well. Don't you guys think that all the alt-right nazis should totally take to the streets? We need to make the antifa guys who hurt our heroes Milo and Spencer pay.

We have the mini version of those in my state.
Go die already you retarded swampnigger.
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What is the next step in his masterplan?
thank you

>thank you
Niggers are accustomed to drinking cow piss/blood, so it was probably an anti-whitey whitey.
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Jim Jefferies is such a docile leftist subhuman good lord

shouldn't have stopped drinking, didnt do him any favors !
That office looks so shitty.
Trump is an intrinsic product of capitalism and the epitome of how it effects humanistic ethics in exchange to perpetuate an otherwise unsustainable society based on materialistic values, which ultimately lead to fascism. I personally idealize the idea of a global community for multiple reasons so it's sad to see separatist attitudes that avoid looking at the bigger picture of any situation. The power is in the people and I hope we see it through so that everything works out. It's important to me to try and stay educated and not fall to either side of the political spetrum to the point of forming dogmatic opinions, in which people on both sides of the spetrum do. I'd rather try and seek what truth and perspective I can find in these situations so I don't blindly follow anything because otherwise you'll just end up recycling hate in your own voice. The divide between us as people is a conditioned illusion and if people are too shitty to realize that, that's pretty stupid but, idk, I have faith we're smart enough to come to a collective conclusion on such a thing and move in a direction that's more beneficial for all of us instead of fabricating fictional divisions, because we're all on the same level and we're only human.
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Filters, third-world-kun.
going full blown Duterte mode
Not enough
That man does not represent our country
>you must NExit to post in this thread
Terug naar Marokko met jou, Markouch.
Reminder not to reply to Aquafresh. filter his ID with /8dk3QsN7/
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Funny how many of you retards get defensive when I invade your pathetic little echochamber
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Ol' Trumpy's getting an L. Ron Hubbard or lesbian aunt look going on too...
Oh, shit I thought the Jap anon was replying to me, almost 4 am here, my brain is fucking with me.
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Rise of the West soon
>"The Mars colony has suffered another attack from the alien invaders, and we will do everything in our power to ensure the safety and security of our solar system's borders-"
>"Mister Trump, is it true you called Elizabeth Warren III 'Space Pocahontas', and doesn't this render you unfit to be Emperor?"
Why do most comedians end up going full SJW?

I remember Patrice O'Neil talking about how he refused to sell out and his career was severely affected by it so maybe that's part of it but I don't think it's the whole story.
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Anyone have a Bane or CIA awoo?
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thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9vA7L8H4nc

Trump and co. plan:

1) Befriend russia
2) allow israel to encroach further on palestine
3) Use travel ban and other agitation to provoke iran
4) get iran and israel at eachother thoats
5) cite anti-Iraq stance as reason you don't want to intervene for peacekeeping
6) tell Israel "for reals i got your back bro"
7) Start israel/Iran war
8) let putin help iran but don't help israel citing possible nuclear war with russia
9) whole middle east plunges to chaos as jew and kebab slaughter eachother
10) oil goes to $200 a barrel. US and Russia now biggest domestic producers.
11) US and russia get rich as fuck selling more expensive oil
12) chinese economy can't take spike in oil price, government overthrown by starving peasants
13) Kebab in europe starts to Jihad and gets removed before it overtakes whole continent and becomes threat for world war.

Everybody wins except israel, kebab, and chyna.
No need to say it so much
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What did she mean by this?
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capyba is slacking again.webm
2MB, 640x360px
What state?
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Why are whites such betas?

No wonder your women leave you and go for muslims or blacks.
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.t Morrokkaner

Hopefully reinforcing the nations trees to support all of the ropes that are coming
He's a rich-boy who's been surrounded by yes-men his entire life.

He's some little Lord Fauntleroy bitch.
got you. will hide my autism till next thread.
>Also this jew court says you must let all the attacking aliens in.
kek, reported her couple of hours ago.

Plz elec Le Pen
Don't fall for the "massive Russian conspiracy" meme. Globalists just have to discredit nationalist russia.
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This is the ideal world alliance, plus former British territories and South Korea:
She has a porn star type name
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If it's only 100 or even 1000 a day definitely its not enough to remove them all or even half by the end of 2020
It means that she will have to go back
Muz-mex coalition? Wtf?
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Drink it proudly anon
Oregon, they call them Nutria.
So has he done much lately? I know there's all that whining on twitter about the court stuff, but what new government stuff has he done?
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Cancer + Cancer = More Cancer

used to get shit faced then and chase those around while I was at OSU
>#undocumented and #unafraid
>Help me white people! The law is coming! Hide me!
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Trump needs to start a national "report an illegal" ad campaign. Kinda like the say no to drugs one but with much more triggering.
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Stop scripting and avatarfagging you tremendous faggot. I hope you fucking die.
>script scum
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a thread to look into anons
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>the only frogs posted this thread is from the netherlands
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>liberals screaming at milk
>when you realize you can't deny the distinct possibility that liberals will soon be screaming at clouds for being "too white"

This goes beyond even calling them a parody of themselves. Literally a mental illness.
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Its the same scripting cirnofag that spams tons of boards and here especially.
Mccain, lindsey and Rubio did Obamas work in Libya.
script fags are like soros voting machines for gets
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>liberals screaming at milk
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frog alert.gif
1MB, 300x300px

Praise Kek.
wait what happened?
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This. We landed a massive and critical blow to the globalist left electing Trump and they are reeling from it. Putting Le Pen in, who is more radical than even Trump in immigration will be the final nail.

dont let us down this time frogs
I cannot believe our journalists are so shitty, that when given a golden opportunity to ask Trump and Abe about ANYTHING They want, they focus on the 9th circuit court ruling and the already dead TPP. These clowns are total garbage. Why not ask about bullet trains or something cool?
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We anime posters now!
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I hope a pack of wild niggers rapes you.
Homophobic. Why are you so angry?
Forgive me /pol/. I'm going to go feed the Hollywood Jew later today.
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You guys remember the shareblue "raid" yesterday?(them bitching about awoos and whatnot)

I bet it was to distract us from those fbi leaks

Remember, fbi are /ourguys/, they are conditioning us for when the big arrests will be made

It's finally happening
How many layers of Marxism are we on?
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Those 3 are the most disloyal bought-and-paid-for neocons.
Trust them not.
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Vault 7.jpg
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What arrests?
+ blacks, gays and trannies, feminists and commies

Truly an elite alliance.
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liberal tears.jpg
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So much envy
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Sailor Moon is still cool though... right?
>uses an image with a small file size so it doesn't throw off the script

What script do you use?
Mine is slow and not really reliable.

Watch, I'll try for >>112122777
let's see if it happens
Is there any hope that France will be able to remove the ones already destroying its cities? I had hoped to visit Paris or even Marseilles someday but every picture/youtube I've seen of what's happening is horrifying.
When their messiah failed they lost all direction, so their cult is fracturing and attacking anything that they can find.
It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
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I'm legitimately curious as to why you think I'm using a script. Is it:

1. My high success at obtaining numbers?
2. The low KB image I post?
3. One of those "I know you don't use a script but I'm going to say you do anyway :^)"

Don't hold back. If you're trolling me, that's fine, but if you're serious about your script claim, I want to hear your reasoning behind your thinking.
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836KB, 149x181px
Avatarfagging is never okay.
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bane belongs to the shadows.jpg
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crashing the left, with no survivors

that wasn't a raid, the awoo poster were 73 post with nothing but a picture and awoo,
people legit spazzed out
it's the hollywood influence
everyone there is so concerned with sucking each other's cocks they can't see past their noses.
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It's only avatarfagging if you actually pretend to be Sailor Moon, mein fuhrer ;^)
Milk became a symbol of white supremacy today.
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20KB, 400x450px

Exactly. I don't use scripts because they're HIGHLY unreliable. I prefer to post manually.
where can you report them?
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There are too many shills on these days. I never see anyone bitching about her who isn't a shill so they must be newfags then
Eat shit scriptfag
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>I don't care if I get deported because I'm a dumbass, I must virtue signal about it!
just reported @tashi_is_love, what'd you do so far /pol/?
how long tell adl puts it on the (list)?
I'm fine with your trolling. I really am. I just hope that you aren't legitimately autistic and think I actually use a script.
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they live.png
811KB, 1247x700px

FBI leak on plebbit today talked all about Syria and illegal arms sales from Clinton State department to various terror organizations (including ISIS) through Qatar. Basically all the worst you can think of about Clinton and the Clinton foundation and how they overthrew Libya and financed ISIS to overthrow Syria for the israeli/saudi is all true.

I think busting Hillary, McCain, Lindsay Graham, Rubio, etc is going to be the season 3 finale.


just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are a shill. toothpaste here is a shill, the other were just autist who may have been new
Some white guys were caught on film drinking milk and liberal sleuths connected the dots
Down with the vegan agenda
Stop scriptfagging, avatarfagging and namefagging!
>muslims+mexicans+blacks+gays+trannies+feminists+commies vs white people
dream fight
Is this how the party of Vitamin D dies?
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515KB, 800x857px
>my grandpa fought the nazis
>I hate my grandpa because he voted for Trump
But that's a /fit/ meme.

Just an observation but it seems to me that slot of the French posters on here seem to have this defeatist attitude about electing Le Pen and getting rid of the migrants orbathey least stopping them. One thing you may have noticed about the Brits and Americans is that even in the face of massive media, Jew and SJW shilling, we never gave up, even through all he fake news and fake polls.

It's really up to to them and how badly they want a country and an culture
neo-cons, everybody
Except you are using a script and have been doing so for a while to shill your shitty tuhoots obsession . You remind me of this autsitic r9k betacuck I know

Clinton and Obama overthrew the Libyan government, sending Libya into chaos.

We lost track of Gadhafi’s weapons, including chemical weapons. It turns out he had more than we knew about.

Obama and Clinton gave many of them to ISIS using a Qatari arms trafficking network. The rest were up for grabs.

Obama approved the transfer of 20,000 tons of weapons from Qatar to... Well we're not exactly sure who still. Basically everyone.

Some of Gadhafi’s Sarin gas was taken to Syria.

Since then, The Obama Administration has approved over $9 billion in US arms exports to Qatar.

And that's just a snipit
Dude, I used to be proud of NATO for being the greatest alliance there ever was, but now I don't even know if I'm part of it. What should I feel apart of now>
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It's almost time

The shills are getting nervous

With that said, they aren't actually doing a good job. With the game almost done, I am still shocked by how little opposition they actually gave us
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695KB, 1972x1496px

1776 confirmed, Praise KEK.
>defeatist attitude
Well no shit.
Script users are like alchemists.
It's not an exact science, some luck is involved and we always chase the philosopher stone of a script that works flawlessly (never does)
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28KB, 420x420px
wow you are really butthurt about those repeating integers friendo
>waaah I'm jealous I'm going to call him a betacuck script user because it is literally impossible to get numbers without a script or the will of kek :^)
Those with actual talent are too busy trying to save themselves. It won't work - remember that Al Capone was brought down because of a little tax fuckery.
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It was always going to be a finale anon. This is the end of NERV Republic ending: SEELE is taken down by leaks, rightful government is put back in charge
Oh wow, I wasn't even aiming for that.

inb4 I scripted that
Is it confirmed that libya's weapons were sent to ISIS?
The fight here was back in the elections. Now their front is in getting the normies to hate Trump. Good luck God Emperor played 5th dimensional chess in disabling the MSM during the elections.
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2MB, 1174x1059px
So they did actually have chemical weapons? Well would you look at that
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2MB, 358x200px
>Oh wow, I wasn't even aiming for that.
don't push it faggot
Well good thing the people in charge of taxes are the same people appointed by the criminals now.
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devil pepe.gif
56KB, 225x534px

He's here!
KEK be praised!
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why's she so qt bros

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Very descriptive Igari filename.png
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All aggording to blan
>Wikileaks posts cryptic tweets all week
>finally get to the end of "why/when/where/who/how #Vault7"
>post nothing

Why is Wikileaks always such a tease? If you have something just post it.
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22KB, 584x195px
Just gotta leave this here
>What should I feel apart of now>
International Shitposter Alliance
>the four Chicago niggers that tortured the retarded white kid have pleaded not guilty
>TFW Inside comet pizza during Sessions confirmation.
True, but you're missing the point
My point is that massive criminal empires can be and have been brought down by something relatively innocuous.
Conquering a land is the "right way".

Indians are free to use force to reclaim the nation if they so wish. Good luck with that.
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It's no secret. I'll gladly tell you.


This is what I use to obtain my numbers. Unlike a SCRIPT which POSTS FOR YOU and is HIGHLY INACCURATE, all this does is tell you what post number the board is on.

Do you know how I got >>112122222? I hit "Post" when it said 112122209. It was THAT simple. No scripts, no automated systems, nothing but a greasemonkey code to monitor the board's post rate.
Lol, everyone knew they did, they were set to be a power above Egypt and the hegemonic power of everything north of the Sahara and most of the middle east. That's why they were overthrown and thier weapons allowed to be used by rebels to false flag a government attack.
Might is Right
In fact, conquering is the only correct way to enter someone elses country.
So anything happens with that vault 7 shit?
>>112123377 Read the pastebin and open the thread, give one or two bumps, they are sliding hard. This one of the last bunkers, it's hell out there.
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>be taught art class for at least a year in high school
>this is the best you can do

american education lol
I hope so. Would be nice to get rid of the vermin higher on the totem pole instead of the small fry they always try to feed us.
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When do the busts happen? I imagine there's enough to get them all.. what's the hold up?
>Literally says scripts in the link
Now he's just fishing for (you)s
>warring tribes get destroyed by new tribe
>new tribe establishes laws where there were none
We played by their rules and we won.
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nice akuma.png
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igari bredigjuns.png
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>he dinks id wuz all a meme
>he dinks ablami nerb reblubdick is nod real

Replace Islamic star with cross.
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171KB, 274x402px
>dynacorp hires an afgan boy to do "tribal dances" and the people at the party treat him like a stripper

I smell a pedo bust what about you?
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Check his other filenames. It's kek worthy.

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>Generic anime/VN/game character #23,183,211
People shouldn't question miracles given to us by Lord Kek.

No script is perfect, all Gets are Gets allowed by the Lord.
le evongelion guy
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224KB, 585x548px
It have to be someone from Chicago
You guys seen any illegal Mexicans?
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charlie silvia conspiracy.gif
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>Would be nice to get rid of the vermin higher on the totem pole

Tbh clinton, mccain, etc ARE still vermin to the Rothschild etc. (((They))) got lazy and reckless. That's why (((they))) have no idea what to do right now: They thought they had monolithic control of both political parties and the media and that was it. They've totally forgotten how to share political power. That's why the 2010-today Obama ruled by executive fiat and 2013-today congress used 'nuclear' option to do everything. (((they))) never planned to lose the presidency to someone outside their control! Especially someone like Trump and co. who are legitimately 10 steps ahead of (((them))) already and it's only 3 weeks in.

They are frantically trying to blame russia and menace russia like was their plan with Hillary in charge because Putin has dared fuck up (((their))) plans in Syria. But Trump is in charge now and he knows that Russia will be our best potential ally against (((them))) and their agents: The EU and Chicoms.

alls I can picture is spurdo ikarii now
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Closest thing i have
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i am liberal, btfo me

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>so desperate for (you)s they resort to scripting
Those poor , poor people . I actually feel kinda bad for them
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You absolute fool.

By posting this, you've artificially modified the posting rate. Even 2 people using it simultaneously will nullify its predictive capability, since it can't account for the surge of other people using this method. More than 5 people using it will make it even more inaccurate than a script.

KEK frowns upon your pathetic attempts at controlling randomness. Chaos always finds a way.
I am uhm, really makes thinking to me
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>illegals are literally getting deported by the hundreds in raids
>in order to combst literally hitler, they make a cartoon mocking him, because that worked during the election, it must work now

I bet they will still make those stupid cartoons 8 years from now, right after they claim he was never really the president
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So many on twitter.
wow so deep and profound, really made me cringe
>implying what he said inst true
>implying the liberals are not completely just tiered
if anything, screen capping his posts only goes to show he was right
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>Pres Trump & PM Abe promise to make animu real 2/10/17

the voice they chose for abe. What the actual fuck. It really is anime. He really is a high school student.
Skip to 4:00
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>potterhead immigrant
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le smug standing igari.png
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We r in de bedts bossible dimeline

We r in gondrol now

NERB Reblubick es real
He is going to go further then making america unstoppable just to spite this isnt he?
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Bernie hired illegal press secretary and feminist.
This is shill damage control.
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Maybe we are the ones full of hate
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>go through the archives occasionally
>have to look at my awfully embarrassing old posts
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deportation bounties. It would be a whole new industry.

Feds by nature don't move and don't let you know they are on to you until the case is AIRTIGHT. When the FBI takes your door and raids your office -- you can be sure they already have you admitting wrongdoing on tape and every last tiny factoid and lead chased to the very end. The feds don't lose in court, EVER.

These government higher-ups are going to have top-quality legal jews. They are going to have the backing of media and (((them))) behind them. The feds aren't going to move until they have a 100% guaranteed AIRTIGHT case.
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Ain't that a robot ?
>le president bannon meme
I thought it was President Putin.
These people are the worst liars - can't even keep their story consistent. Many such cases!
(seriously, though, I can't wait for these idiots to unironically claim that the Bogdanoffs are behind it)
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let him "btfo" me, he's just mad about my common core posts because he knows I'm right

>be uneducated and ignorant when compared to most of the world
>someone points that out online
>make a bunch of ms paint pictures in response

american banter lol
He's like Nostradamus and shit.
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Ass berdikded in da Ded Ze Zgrols
Be sure to report them at
That makes sense. Thanks anon
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They are all real people and are so nice as to mark themselves on their social media for LEOs to pic up on. It is like a voluntary gold star.

Please no more of the flash games at least.
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We all know that, it's just newfags who seem to be confused by this

Here is a border awoo, haven't seen it posted here much
so why not send sf and spetsnaz to end them and freeze/steal their assets.
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No no. You have to randomly reply to someone with no text. Even if it doesn't fit.

Also shill an obscure Japanese video game on a specific device and act like it's some hidden occult knowledge found in the Vatican archives.
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Really stimulates my almonds
I never took art in high school poland. Last time I took it was elementary school.
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If anyone really wanted to help Trump but could not as a foreigner, this is a surefire way to help.
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le smug igari.png
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How gan blebs even gombete wid mai bredigjuns
>Man, if the Clintonites moved any further left they'd be centrists.
Yeah, in the Soviet Union.
Compared to what their "constituents" on twitter want? That's actually a fair statement.
>lost a shoe

Was Ben Garrison the guest artist for this scene?
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bane awooooo.png
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after seeing all the Harry Potter movies a couple years ago, I can't see how anyone can think they are great besides kids
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While I hate to constrain memes in such a way, those digits cannot be refuted
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all i got
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See >>112124653

The US isn't a dictatorship and our country has legal prosedures and we have to dot all i's and cross all t's to get people with the kind of money and influence of Hillary, John McCain, George Soros, etc. This isn't a dictatorship where every normie is feared into compliance. They need to put all these people through the full rigamarole and have iron-clad court case to prove to every normie (even libtards) that Trump isn't just sending enemies to the gulag. Look how much uproar it caused when trump 'threatened' to jail hillary: The TV said "OMG Trump threatens to JAIL political opponents? LITERALLY HITLER!" Ignoring the fact that Hillary is so obviously guilty of serious crimes. The TV will desperately try to spin EVERY aspect of the purge against Trump admin. So they'll have to make it 100% iron-clad legal.
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>ICE starts having raids on illegals, because they can finally do their job
>aannounce that you are here illegally on social media

mexican intellectuals lol
>act all cocky
>if ICE ever actually showed up for them they'd immediately break down and cry
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You're killing me!
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I love seeing Trump General threads are still going strong. Especially now that its President Trump General. MAGA!
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>Democrats go further left

Not really constraining. Just gotta keep the core outline there. Like Tedposting. It's evolved but the same thing is there.
Are these people genuinely retarded? I don't agree with the NFA or 86 machine gun ban but you don't see me going on Twitter bragging about illegal full auto SBR's and suppressors
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Palmieri breaking into tears at the Harvard roundtable was pretty great
>posted before the news about "raids" started

wonder how unafraid they are now

the most criminal ones will be targeted first but its only a matter of time
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Good Morning /ptg/ I hope everyone is feeling Great.
Have I missed anything of importance in the last 10 hours? I see some talk about FBI in this thread and I send all my good thought to them and hope they will have a fun and brutal takedown of the Clintons.
Where the fuck have you been?
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Its funny, they clearly aren't taking it seriously and think it is somehow a game.
The gravity of their situation wont come down upon them until the ICE agents are throwing the cuffs on them
Then it will be terrifying reality.
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Kek. Time to go back, dummies.
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New to /pol/? Old but never bothered to save images?

These are the most basic /pol/ images. You're welcome...

>how do you do, fellow revolutionaries
Just the usual deportations and autistic screeching from the left. Nothing else has happened tonight. Law and order is back in style.
NORWAAAY my man.
>Then it will be terrifying reality
god just look at his face, i bet i could get him to eat shit just by mean mugging him
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MAGA /x/Patriot
Following the Trump Presidency is filled with joy and leftist tears. It is a great time.
>Offer a 100$ rewards for reporting these people

Might even become a popular TV show on FOX
>Cash or Treason ?
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How progressive.
Ever wonder if pizzagate was just a misdirection to get people to not look into something else? The lack of victims is striking. In every other case that I've heard of there were victims that came forward.
By the wikileaks themselves she's guilty of dozens of crimes that are air tight yet she walks free.
Saying the US doesn't fear people into compliance is naive.
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It's funny because like I thought ICE was just like normal cops but they worked for Federal government.
Nope, they are all former USSOCOM ex-military and shit. It legitimately is like the Gestapo.
The amount of evidence there is too large to ignore.
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At this point I am sure they are fucking stupid.

Raids are going off even in my city with all the sanctuary organizations and areas. I have reported tons but I definitely need help. There are so fucking many.
Is anyone still unironically doing that safety pin shit?
Read it like it was part of dailyshoah
>muh victims, where are muh victims
you need to watch conspiracy of silence
victims are dealt with
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redpill me on Paul Soros
He even got the right name to support the US version of the "fuck boatpeople" policy kek
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He looks the young turk guy
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>that pin
DS is really hit or miss in episodes. Sometimes it's great and others its just mind numbingly boring.
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Fucked off back to /x/ and /out/ for a while. It had been a whole year that I ignored them to be here. Missed you guys though.
Is she in anyway "American" if she isn't a citizen? What does it mean to be American to her? North American?
yeah that meme didnt catch on
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Can the tripfags (besides norway), namefags, avatarfags, scriptfags, etc. please fucking go?
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t. lefties
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Hope we won't have to wait too long before we see her in jail (or preferably sent to Guantánamo as a terrorist sympathiser).

I simply Love this timeline.

AMERICA Check and salutations to you.

Hopefully the Law will strike down the hammer of justice hard on those who are aiding and abetting illegals helping them hide from the law.
Funfact: Many spics are converting to Islam, they have some of the highest convert numbers in the US. The guy who helped the San Bernardino shooter was a spic convert.
reported 50 unafraid illegals so far
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the ride is starting.jpg
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(((they))) are shills doing it just to try and irrate people for (you)s

Hillary clinton is worth over $200 Million. She has massive connections in the federal government and to (((them))) via Soros etc. That kind of person doesn't just go to jail without a fight. You have to be prepared to beat the best of the best jews in court with 100% AIRTIGHT case. Same goes for McCain, Linsay Graham, Soros himself etc.

You need their voice on tape admitting wrongdoing, a smoking gun, an obvious paper trail, underlings that testify against the boss and practically a confession.

The (((media))) will do all it can to influence public opinion and poison the jury pool but the one good thing the government has going for it is that lots and lots of normies want to see some elites held accountable so it might be easier than usual to convince a jury that a rich white person is guilty.
it's uhh bullshit
Was on /x/ last night discussing some of the CIA Mars files. With the RV. Hard to believe that's declassified.
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>don't know the definition of the word "citizen"

mom i posted it again
Brother of George Soros

sounds like an okay-ish guy

Didn't look like a Halloween costume like his brother does
No fucking way
Election memes are coming to life and I love it.
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nep kek.jpg
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I was eating my dinner when I saw that
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It's better with names it's more like reddit
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We have missed you too and glad to see you are back ;_;
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Only if people report them to ICE will justice happen.
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we wuz keks.jpg
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>15 Jun 2015
>One day before Trump announced his presidential run

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If I could choose between curing real cancer and online cancer I would chose the latter.
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sup friends
whats new
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>page 2
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NORWAYBRO!! Fuck it, I'm officially back now. Missed you all too much and we still have a lot of work to do to uncuck this world. Count on me to once again do my part.

Where's the real thread?
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Oh fucking lord, now the cirnofag is making shitty threads.
ok champ


Illegals are stupid enough to announce they are undocumented so /ptg/ has been filling out the proper forms
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Too big to jail isn't a valid excuse anymore.
The people will see justice one way or another.
mars files?
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Didnt read that one. Been busy with work.
Geez guys, what are we doing? We should show some solidarity with these poor people! We should all go with them down to Mexico. We'll burn our IDs and Social Security cards, we don't need their fascist system. Let's see what these Drumpf supporters think when all of us artistic, liberal-minded, compassionate people are suddenly all out of the country! I bet they won't be so happy then!

Reports said a few hundred. A drop in the ocean. Gotta step it up

I agree 100% but Trump has to do it all LEGALLY or he'll face backlash via the media. He can't appear to be just arbitrarily sending his enemies to the gulag via kangaroo court. That's what (((the media))) will make it sound like regardless. Facts must be on Trump's side 100% or it will be politically ugly and trigger more lefty riots.
i'm still very disappointed that once again nobody actually followed up on their threats to leave the country
possibly because they found out some country actually have immigration laws
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Yeah. It's fucked. There's a declassified transcript of an RV session dealing with Mars 1 million BC.
I missed you all too and won't forget all your support. When its time for your elections or anything else, I'll support.
Hey bro, do you know for sure that ICE has been deporting people with no criminal records too? That would be fantastic!
Fuck, ill have to check that out.
Tl;dr the RV'er said there was a civilization and pyramids there. "They" had to hide in large structures because of something threatening to the planet and they couldn't find a way off.

It's a real mindfuck.
suck my dick toothpaste :D
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