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Ideal society thread Pick three of the following blue society

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Ideal society thread

Pick three of the following blue society models ("Ethos" in the game I took the image from, Stellaris) to define your ideal Government/State

Orange ones are the same, but "fanatical": you can pick a fanatical ideal (where your ideal government puts more effort), but you can then pick only one other blue ideal.

>inb4 ideal societies and not gameplay convenience
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Here mine
those are fucking gay

you know what is a natural bonus for everything? Ethno everything.

Spiritualist? Why not ethno spiritualist. Pacifist? Why not ethno pacifist. Materialist? Why not ethno materialist.

Basically exclude shitskins from everything.
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Latin peoples that actually speech Latin language like Italian and not pagan English ..
Militarist, collectivist and spiritualist. FOR THE EMPRAH.
> download Stellaris
> check the default human faction
> UN controls the world
> society's traits are fanatic individualist and xenophile
> black woman as a leader
>Literally a living fucking leaf
You mean for Zionist right ?!
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Collectivist, Xenophile, Militarist
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this is correct alignment
stellaris is trash btw
>Fanatic Individualist

"I love you aliens, but don't you tell me what to do or I'll gut your entire family to prove that I can."
I still didn't buy it, is it that trash?
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That should be the correct alignment in history but too bad they chose the dark side ..like usual ..
Have fun with your flaunting empire.
I haven't played it since the month it came out, it might have improved but I remember it being really boring and having the depth of a kiddie pool
you shouldn't buy paradox games to begin with though, just pirate them
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holy crap fanatic pacifist, your people just hug their enemies when set on fire
What >>107651230 said, shit's just so god damn slow and even the small maps are fucking huge.
Fanatic Xenophile, Pacifist.

>fanatic individualist
>only one orange and one blue or three blue
I like it and play a bit, but its full of bugs that break the game, especially in the AI, and the user interface lacks some fucking essential bits. The diplomacy options are also shit when plaing with AIs since you get no say in the demands and the AI just seems to randomly decide when to declare war/peace.
What game is this?


Fanatic xenophobe

Deus vult mode. Any other choice is wrong.
As OP said, Stellaris
>Not letting your society get interstellar BLACKED
are you playing on normal speed instead of fast-fast-forward?
Fanatic individualist, normal materialist
The developers are letting their left wing leanings shine through.
The individualism and collectivism ethos are being replaced by authoritarian and egalitarian respectively in the next update..
come back to /gif/
>Fanatic Militarist

You're absolutely right
That should be a very strong combination

>Stellaris ethos

Fanatic materialist+individualist

All rest is either sheer cancer or simply deluded.
Paradox games hit the sweet spot at about 2 years after release when they've released enough DLC to implement features that should have been in the game to start with. After that they start breaking shit just for the sake of "updating" the game. (CK2 Council DLC anyone?)
*collapses within a generation*
Fanatic pacifist, xenophobe

We just want to be left alone
I am talking gamewise you nigger
Militarist, Xenophobe Materialist is best.

Everything else and your faction turns into commie arachnids or space sludge who are incapable of waging war and expanding their borders.

Sorry dude, but it is a Swedish game after all
>egalitarian will be able to pull out purges and forcibly relocate populations
>authoritarian will be able to do none

Xenophile collectivist pacifist

>What could possibly go wrong
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I always go orange militarist and green spiritualist.
A state that can't defend itself doesn't have a right to exist. Deus Vult!

Gamewise you always need either xenophobe, collectivist or individualist to rule several species.

The rest is not necessary (save perhaps militarist). This is only gamewise though, Im not seeing /pol/ supporting either a plutocratic oligarchy or a scientific directorate anytime soon.
relax my nonwhite friend I was just memeing
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>> black woman as a leader
I believe leaders are randomly generated
I havent modded out the races, it gets hilarious

>elections coming up
>black woman running with welfare agenda
>arab man running with PRO-slavery agenda

>scientists cabinet
>all asians
>one is on substance abuse
That's why you play as the Commonwealth of Man, take back Earth from the degenerates.
Leader of most powerful country in the world for last 8 years was black man, so what's your point? That setting is not far fetched at all.
>not fashioning your own ideal earth under a science directorate

Please tell me that you fight your wars with billions of corvettes bumrushing the enemy and nothing else
Do you also forget how shit he was? Didnt have any of those traits
Does this strat still work?
>implying there's a point of building anything else except maybe a couple of battleships for auras
Or did they fix the broken evade on corvettes? I quickly got bored of the game.

No idea, haven't played this game for a while. Just thought it would be fitting to do so if you play as Soviet in space
I didn't say he wasn't shit mate, I just say that it's not far fetched. If anything, it's exactly the way things are going.
Last time I played they had fixed the range of fighters/bombers making carriers viable
Did they fix anything about the combat in that game?

It was beyond fucking easy, never played a strategy game (I know it's not seen as a full 4X/gsg game) and I managed to conquer the entire galaxy on my first playthrough.

GOt about 85% of the galaxy done, with only minor blobs left, and couldn't be bothered to continue, because the fleets would refuse to fly towards each other, they'd take maybe 30 minutes to cross the tiny solar systems in order to get within range, and I couldn't be bothered to wait that long every single time so I tapped out.

Good job I didn't pay for it.
And in the cuckdox game pacifist is the ultimate ethos you can pick.
Everything else pales in comparison to being pacifist.
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Ideal future for humanity
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Cyka Blyat
Who /basedshroomofmigrantdoom/ here?

this is before Stefan went full nationalist
Well humanity is a materialism driven military collectivism

But a good game could be, and individual spiritual military.
> and get real USA highly specializes in military, with subconscious psy ops to maintain the materialistic collecting of citizens
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Ideally neither Xenophobe nor Xenophile
Leave it blank and use ayylmaos to occupy planets you cant live on
They cant live on your enviroment either
So you make a huge empire with nice race traits all around thats fully segregated
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>Ethno spiritualist

There's nothing wrong with sharing a religion with someone else.
I believe when we move into the final frontier irl we should become isolationists and build a tall empire instead of wide. A Sol Empire with almost all celestial bodies terraformed would be ideal.
you can't pick two traits on opposite sides and you only have 3 points to spend green = 1 orange = 2
Just play as the militarist dictatorship human faction lead by a white woman instead then.
Then make my orange blue.

And these are gay because the opposing attributes each have their place in different spheres of life.
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I mostly pick these.
>tfw playing humans and enslaving all blacks
How can you be collectivist and individualist? Also A FUCKING XENOPHOBIC LEAF

Oh sorry, I play with a mod that allows me to get an extra trait, my bad.
>the Warhammer 40K memebuild
How original
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I like the way you think
pretty much this
What are you talking about?
The spiritualist I remember has been incredibly buffed, collectivist is good for killing undeveloped aliens before they populate the entire planet and the extra ship damage is nice.

Blue spiritualist, orange militarist and orange individualist.
OP here, you're right, I've forgot to mention it

enjoy having your population import insect people who will outbreed you in a single generation.
Yeah that update made me stop playing the game until the black death update where you can disable the retared new "features"
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Anything else is wrong, pic related
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Paired with Military Republic
>40k memebuild without xenophobe

Doing it wrong.
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This is the same ideology I use for my civilization. You did good, damn good.
Play as xenophobe militarist spiritual despotic empire.

Wait a new patch to improve my game expireince with 'mind over matter'.
What do you need Xenophobe for when you have Collectivism?
And how are you going to purge the mutant without collectivism?
Collectivism instead of xenophobe is the 40k build done right.
And now your population deviates from your ethos and you cant purge them
Well done
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I want to plug my brain right into the firing computer
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God dammit. Didn't pick the thing.
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warrior monks are always invincible
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Collectivism has no problem with purging.
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>Collectivism has no problem with purging.
I misread
Buy it in 1year, as one does with all paradox games.

Ck2 and Eu4 were shit on release, now they are my most played games.
this is the correct choice

military science

i think modelling humans as they typically are, we'd say we're fanatic militarists, and not much else
>no one picking spiritualist, fanatic militarist
Same here
>stellaris thread on /pol/

Why does /pol/ have better Vidya discussion then the boards that are dedicated to Vidya?
That's because we all like the same types of videogames
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>purge species
>some of them found refuge in other empires
>due to different ethos they become even more unhappy, don't produce anything and join factions destabilizing empires
ha ha YES
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Militarist, Xenophobe, Collectivist
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The fuck are you talking about mate? Atm individualism, xenophilia and general species-mixing is rubbish. Collectivism and cleansings is the winner's choice.
Militarist, Xenophobe, Individualist.
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>2 armor shitters
>collectivise national resources
>still have individual freedoms
>hate xenos

I could see it.
Almost everyone in this thread mentions materialistic

Yet I think this is wrong
Materialistic society means that values like honor, willpower, residence and respect for another human being are pushed back in favor of pursue of some material things
Materialism in current society leads to decadence, so fuck it

Let it be Fanatic Collectivism and xenophobe
Now all should sing kumbaya together and hate strangers
The corpse emperor!
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Fanatic militarist, materialist.
Purge the and enslave.
The galaxy will bow before me.

Really though, Stellaris was one of those games which stopped just short of being really great in virtually every single one of its features. Never quite deep enough, but always hinting at some really great potential.
Militarist, materialist, collectivist
>Materialistic society means that values like honor, willpower, residence and respect for another human being are pushed back in favor of pursue of some material things
No, it just means galactic lebensraum.
reminder that the devs of this game ban mods that remove nigger and chink portraits for humans
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Literally a race of ubermensch who understand both the importance of the material worlds, the resources within it and the importance of the higher concepts and existances springing forth from it, namely intelligent life. Poeting engineers. As invidualists they are free to pursue their own agendas regarding whether to live a quiet peaceful life or engage in warfare. The lack of conformity leads to an internally and externally weak society. Xenophobe and Xenophile mean little, the material and spiritual aspects of the Xeno races are important when considering how to approach them. Likely to be crushed by a militaristic society early.
Good job America 2
Hey morons you cant pick opposing ethos , no materialist/spiritualist combinations
Don't let (((them))) indoctrinate you into thinking that you can't hold both important.
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I love role playing... if only it could be.... *sigh*

Spiritualist, collectivist, and xenophobe.
Fanatical materialist
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Lol is it Thursday already
the true übermensch ethos
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All hail our glorious leader of Nekokind! Purge the galaxy of all Xenos!

(Modded version with more ethics options, just pretend Fanatic Militarist is regular Militarist to make it fit into 3 points)
Muh xeno waifus though
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What if the waifus don't want you?
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My sides
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I'm going to pick the 40k set and ignore the rules

- fanatic spiritualist
- fanatic militarist
- fanatic xenophobe
Some things are naturally better done collectively. The military, roads, healthcare.

( Also I am a burger,but forgot to shut off my vpn proxy )
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Maybe by dividing the world into an infinite number of collectives, each of which only contain a single individual.
Collectivist Militarist Materialist

Turbo luxury space Strasserism
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