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Which one of these flags do you hate the most /pol/? And why?

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Which one of these flags do you hate the most /pol/? And why?
Israeli, all of the other flags wouldn't be an issue without it.
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Is this even a question?
Why did you include the turkish flag twice
dis wun
the leaf
America. they have fucked the world with there greedy jew culture and degenerate corporations forcing everything upon us.
Death star flag.
Jews are filth
I see it 3 times, all on the same row
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In terms of pol, probably the EU flag, since the guy that posts with an EU flag is fucking autistic
If the JIDF werent actually so fucking horribly bad at their job they'd probably be my most hated, but their posts are so easy to spot now and its just a fucking joke

In terms of real people, probably ISIS cause they ruined England.
I used to have 4 wives, but now isis take away my wife and I only have goat for fuck.

canadians arent that bad tbqh, im still convinced its actually australians falseflagging with vpns to bring back moot.
canadians dont even post at canadian hours

> soviet union
because atheist and lefties keep using it to this day
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>no UK flag

Eat shit and die, most hated nation on Earth.
lmao this is what happens when you dont title your webm files.

Israel is our second greatest ally against kebab after Russia

They are not the globalist kikes you hate
Definitely the leaf
>If the JIDF werent actually so fucking horribly bad at their job they'd probably be my most hated, but their posts are so easy to spot now and its just a fucking joke

>Israel is our second greatest ally against kebab after Russia
My flag.

Only reason I need is three letters: S J W
Blue and yellow ones
4 of those flags wouldn't even exist without Israel
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>not South Africa
Fuck you, Siphe
USSR flag.
y ;-;
Why did you include the lbgt Pride flag on the same row as the USSR?
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I wonder if when (((they))) see the antisemitism here, their arseholes clench up and start having feverish day dreams about up waking up in bergen belsen.
amerifat flag, too much going on
>No Third Reich flag
my top 3
1. Israel
2. USA
3. Soviet
All flags are disgusting expect the leaf, Germany and Sweden but our flags will gradually become more disgusting until we are the new top 3.
All of them including uk, usa and france :')
Well duh, this is a thread for the shittiest flags, not the most based.
All but Mexico, USA, and USSR
The EU flag of course. It doesn't stand for any people, any culture or ideal. It only stands for treason.
Came here to post this.
tfw we are not the worst, feels good mang
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stop being antisemitic.

there is nothing wrong with israel. us stands with israel!
I hate the Turkroach the most.
European Union. There is no reason for Europeans to accept their own destruction, no matter what Israel, ISIS, Turkey, or Commie scum say.
Kek. Nice digets btw
Good for you fatso
Why the fuck did you put there 3 Islamic Terror flags into the pile i mean what the fuck?
All flags are evil. We are one people. the earth people.
Shut up you fucking faggot
>Racist Statist Cuck
I see 3 (((american))) flags
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Legitimate hatred for Israel.

Humanity would be in a golden age right now and white nations would be pure and free of niggers/degeneracy.
kike flag obviously
You can start hating other countries when you're able find them on world map
So in order from left to right,top to bottom...

>Turkey, Mexico, Mexico
>Turkey, Turkey, United States
>Turkey, Turkey, Turkey
>China, Russian Federation
Mexico because they always whine about Americans uncucking themselves, and because I always imagine a smelly, swarthy brown midget making the post, which simply disgusts me.
LEAF flag. Justin Bieber.
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look, we have already apologized several times for Justin Bieber. Please stop making this into an issue. We can no longer control him, we can only disown him.
Man americans should uncuck themselves.
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Found it
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Calexit now
turks are white and based
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Britain is the most loved nation on Earth.
I hate you for being right
t. reed
t. mahmoud
1) Tie between Israel and EU
2) Turkey
3) Saudi
5) China
6) Mexico
7) Sweden
8) Germany
9) USA
10) Canada

Israel really is a parasitic worm
I was going to say Isis or one of the other mudslime countries but I have to say Germany instead. You should always kill a traitor before an enemy.

I support the Idea of shilling for the state of Israel in order to promote ethno-state nationalism while subverting the globalist Jews who can no longer use any of their Nazi or antisemitism attacks against our efforts. If they try then we just invoke the six gorrilion.
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What flag do you hate the most m80s
Jew lover
how do you actually post with a nazi flag
1. Israel
2. Saudi
Replace China with USSR.
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Even if that were true, I'm still not particularly impressed by them.
Nice proxy, leaf
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>being this jealous
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EU by far
why would you fucking hate uk in <the current year>?
>If it wouldn't exist I wouldn't need to worry about the rest.
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I post at all hours. I'm a sad lonely weeaboo who jacks it to the latest tank dating SIM on steam called panzermadels. Don't question my shitposting
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All of them
Ill be deep in the cold cold ground before i recognize Missouri
The one below your post number
3rd reich literaily wanted to enslave the slave though.
t. Mehmet
Saudi Arabia
European Union
(United Kingdom)
United States
Please just nuke them already
>ISIS and Israeli flag thrice
Redundant much?
nazi flag is a joke, but I think the EU flag is a guy who's either spoofing his IP to appear in the middle of the sea, or actually in like, the EU HQ or some shit, I really dont know.
We don't really hate Mexicans as a nation, do we?
Their main export is complaining about the county that provides the most for them as a means of combating an inferiority complex and being "progressive"

digits confirmed true.
Tell that to Iraq and Afghanistan. We fucked those two countries up and 90% of us couldn't point them out on a map either. Don't make the mistake of thinking we couldn't do it to you.
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I personally like the Saudi flag, not because ISIS but because it means something.
Saudi Arabia is the epitome of everything I hate about Islam, and our dollar (which every other currency is based off on) is based on the fact that the Saudis accept it for petrol.

Mexicans are cool people but they need to help with the Wall of Trump and deal with all their thugs themselves instead of sending them to us. At least their oompa loompas do all the dirty slave work. Better fences make better neighbors.

America was a kike experiment gone awry. It was the first multiculti shithole and it's the biggest enforcer of globalism and is the reason why the world is so fucked up. I am an American but goddamn our country is full of fat bread-and-circus retards who let this happen.

The EU is another kike experiment that copies off the United States but with their own flair of Yuropoor marxism. Their open border bullshit has opened Pandora's box with every shade of shitskin flooding the gates and destroying my ancestral homeland with Islam. It needs to die.

Sweden was once a White Eden, but the Swedes took away the Nordic religion and replaced it with the Lutheran church which brainwashed the people with cuckoldry and made the Swedes go so far up their own assholes with Political Correctness that it has now become a mudslime breeding ground.

Israel is an illegitimate non-country U.S puppet state of illegal parasites who are of the synagogue of Satan. They claim to be our greatest ally though they have done nothing for us and we give them $30 billion dollars a year. They whine about the Holocaust while literally having concentration camps in Palestinian clay. Fuck the kikes.
The problem is not that we are letting in muslims but rather that we are not tending to their cultural needs. If we provided them with a place to pray and worship they will not bomb us.

Build mosques; save lives.
ISIS is funded by the U.S and is just a boogeyman for the U.S to occupy the Middle East.

Turkey needs to kill all the mudslimes and then they would be based. But they are roaches.

Germany is literally Autism: the Country. They don't laugh at jokes, they are very orderly, the language is autistic as fuck and they are complete cucks like Sweden except they are capable of bursting into autistic fits of rage and ruining Europe once again.

I refuse to believe Canada exists. A country much larger than ours with 10x less people who are literally the same as us except for one part that is basically France that has a fucking leaf on their flag and their prime minister is the gay bastard child of Fidel Castro who legalized suicide and dog blowjobs but not weed and went to gay pride parades instead of putting out wildfires engulfing half the fucking country. Nope, there's no way a country this pointless can exist.

The USSR was like the polar opposite of capitalist USA, was also controlled by kikes and our old nemesis. They killed millions and millions of whites in the name of a kike theory that could never work. Sad!
Sweden because it suddenly makes me sad and depressive everytime I come here and see their threads about what happened in their nation.
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Every single one of them. I only like those two German flags. The rest of the flags in the picture are from fags, kikes or roaches.
All of them
Why is there no union jack?
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Swedecuck, roach, and leaf.

Meixcunts can be annoying but most of them are normal.

"Tanned Germans" must be gassed.

EUposter must be gassed.

Great Allyposters are usually bretty gud it seems, despite the treachery of their diaspora brethren.

Nuke all Commies and Islamis.

I only included flags that /pol/ constantly shits on. Britain is not really all that despised here. It seems Israel is the most hated, followed by EU, Canada and Turkey. Not many people hate ISIS which I find hilarious.
truly the greatest and first reply
Aesthetically speaking ISIS is by far the worst. Gay carpet pilots can't even draw a fucking circle
>canadians arent that bad tbqh, im still convinced its actually australians falseflagging with vpns to bring back moot.

t-this we are actually very racist and not liberal at all.
leaf flag

It's the seal of their childfucker though. :^)
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