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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 111

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Safety First edition

The Oakland warehouse fire occurred in a radical leftist commune rife with HIV, drugs, and alternative lifestyle degeneracy. These communes are known as "DIY spaces" to the bums, anarchists, and drug addicts who populate them. You might even have one of these rent-free flop houses in your neighborhood or city and not even know it.

The purpose of this thread is to save the lives of those who populate such places. As the incident in Oakland has shown, these dens of ill repute are often decrepit, hazardous, and in violation of city ordinances. As members of this board of peace, we are obligated to report building code infractions and get these death traps shut down.

>Flop House Directories

>Reportable Violations

>Who Needs to Know
City Councils/Public Works
Fire Marshals
Alcoholic Beverage Control Boards

>Flop Houses Already Shut Down
Bell Foundry (Baltimore)
Rhinoceropolis (Denver)
Glass Menage (Nashville)
Kitty Castle (San Jose)
Purple 33 (Los Angeles)
Drkmattr (Nashville)
Werk (Los Angeles)

QuoLab (Savannah)

Our communities need people like us to report violations and keep unwitting leftists from getting themselves killed. Do not visit these places, do not harass squatters, and do not make false reports. City officials are depending on us for correct information so that they can prevent this type of tragedy: [YouTube] The Station Night Club Fire (embed)

Click directory links.
Find a leftist cult near you.
Research it to see if the building is up to code.
Report violations to the authorities.

>Thread theme

>Previous thread




Major offenses:
No sprinkler system
Anything within 18" of a sprinkler head
Unsealed penetrations into walls, floors, ceilings
Holes in ceiling or floors
No emergency exits
No lit exit signs with battery backup
No emergency lighting
Obstructing a path of egress
Exposed wiring
Extension cord used in permanent application
No fireblocking barrier such as drywall
Combustible gases present (propane, acetylene, etc)

Check also in public record for zoning, occupancy permit, building permit if any modifications are present, tax license, liquor license, music venue license, etc

Together, we can save lives and protect our communities. MASA
ABOVE ALL, remember to keep the names and places you are reporting secret and blocked out. We are being monitored by Lefties who want to burn themselves to death for whatever reason. Safety first!


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from the bottom of http://www.wbrc.com/story/33967664/fire-marshal-shuts-down-nashville-music-collective-operating-out-of-barbershop

>Bill Herbert said if anyone has information about potentially-dangerous venues, they should contact Metro Codes or the Fire Marshal’s Office immediately.

so don't worry about false report bullshit or leftyanons saying why bother, the authorities want to know
Electrical engineer here.

I know many of you assholes were against the TPP but the TPP ensured that many of these fire regulations and building standards would've been upheld for the factories that would've been put up in places like Mexico, Vietnam, and Malaysia.

Best part is that many of those factories upholding the safety standards would've bought American made products to keep up to modern building codes. But no, you had to ruin that too.

You guys are fucking hypocrites and are getting people hurt by electing Trump
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safety bump
I have a second degree burn but luckly its a small one the size of a tangerine. Being on fire even just a little is fucking horrible.
I'm in the process of saving them all and will post a pastebin. if you want to help, start working from the top left of the US and post states you archive

someone else start with the eastern seaboard, particularly states around DC

so far I've got

http://archive.is/a0I64 Virginia
http://archive.is/qfcSA Texas
http://archive.is/YfAQA California
http://archive.is/e07S7 Louisiana
http://archive.is/eIoOL New Mexico
http://archive.is/tjEYt Arizona
http://archive.is/5sVv9 Nevada

we must MASA
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>reposting stale pasta

Fires kill everyone equally.

Keep our enemies and our allies and neutrals alike out of the way of fires!
yep. nice triples
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http://archive.is/YfAQA United States
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>stab proof vests made the list
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warehouse dwellers btfo
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Remember to practice LOSER friends! It's the safest way to make our communites safer!
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Be safe, everyone!
Saved, bump.
that's just california. each state is it's own page so it doesn't archive them all
Reminder to focus in on stairs if you're looking for violations, there's so many things about them that need to be code-compliant that they're almost guaranteed to be a violation. No handrails is probably the most obvious giveaway
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Reminder that Ivanka's husband runs this paper. This approving article has the Trump family scent on it. If we keep this going through the inauguration we might see the rise of Presidential RWSS to help purge these blights from our cities.
They would have just skimped out on them and kept railing us in trade. The only sensible thing for us to do is not trade with shitty countries. You are an electrical engineer, you like math, look up game theory and its application to international relations. These people will always betray us.
Remember to look into DIY spaces and venues use to host raves.

Many of these places are a danger to children, as they're offered drugs and alcohol by the residents who then sexually assault them.

Some of these degenerates have racked up over 700 charges of statutory rape.
What about handicap ramps and shit like that?
But don't forget about FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. The fire chief who gave a news interview about the Bell Foundry specifically mentioned this as one of the reasons they acted immediately and with very little notice.
Where are these parties with drugged 16 year old girls?
Might have to go on a vacation to America one of these days
YOU'RE WELCOME lyricfag here, need some ideas and help for this part

When the nights got cold
Who stole you fire from down below
You're lookin' at him, yo
Oh, also I lassoed the sun
You're welcome!
To stretch the days and bring you fun
Also I harnessed the breeze
You're welcome!
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i think i remember an anon saying lack of handicap ramps is an automatic infraction.
http://archive.is/PsKlc Vermont
Interestingly enough, 28 williams street appears to be an old warehouse that has collapsed before.
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It depends on the use of the space and the age of the building.
So I'm thinking about making Fire Safety themed Christmas cards for our lefty friends. Any suggestions lads?
Apparently San Francisco.
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Looks like we better keep it on a watch list for now until it can be confirmed dangerous.
yes, maybe they can burn them (safely!) to stay warm when they're on the street.
instructions on how to use a smoke alarm. Have a meth lab in the background.
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Let them know that, "We understand you appreciate our efforts to keep you safe this season, You're Welcome."
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Fire extinguishers with a meme badge.
How about a direct delivery by a fire marshal?
Something about stop drop and roll on a dance floor. Or what to do when a fire breaks out while tripping.
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I've always wanted to be in a president's Save Squad.
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>Presidential RWSS
>Presidential SS
>Secret Service
that would be awesome.
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did anyone report the house from the last thread?
someone said so far 5 spaces were saved, how many will we save /pol?
Why are you destroying these people's lives and their culture? Just to save them from a few fires?
From their pictures, they have battery operated exit signs with emergency lighting, modern fire alarms, and a sprinkler system.
Looks like they're doing it right.
Expanding on this. How about "Seasons Greetings" or "From Our Family To Yours" with pic related Pepe with a badge.

I like this idea too.

Maybe a Santa Pepe at a fire place saying this.
>how many will we save /pol?
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Is obviously Safety Squad
*Preserving their lives and culture, by saving both from fire.
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GABoi reporting on status of QuoLab. Page is shut down and the tumblirinist is in hiding due to massive triggering.

She thinks she's escaped. But we're breaking in to save her and others. I have evidence and more of her heresy towards fire safety, along with subtle threats to arm her and the safe space.

We need more reports lads, and help saving these people! This is almost in the bag. Let's MASA.

Address is
604 E. 39th St.
Savannah, GA

Remember, only you lads can save others from fires.
seven places have been shut down, and at least three or four more have been reported

>temporarily damaging their lives to save their lives and the lives of others when their lives burn down
Because we care about the community and want them to be safe. Along with the buildings around the tinder boxes they call "shelter"
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>shut down

such an unsafe way to say "saved"
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>Maybe a Santa Pepe at a fire place saying this.
" Remember when you're out on the street, and you have nowhere to go, look at this card, find a barrel, and burn it (safely!) to stay warm just a few minutes more."
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sorry m8
You should change that to Warehouse Fires but it's pretty good otherwise


Will do, 2 secs
i'm pretty sure dozens have been reported
t. watched these threads for days
A better question is, why do you want to see your "friends" burn to death? How did you become so cold and uncaring to those closest to you?
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Califag here,

I was going to get some bros next week and cruise on down to LA to personally gather evidence which can be passed to LAFD.

If any of you gave addresses, above them in a paste bin or something and post it so we can head down and check it out


>Pic related, kinda.
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the memes are merging with reality
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fire pepe will protect us
get the fuck away from my communes

I have a real place but fuck off, brownshirt
Why not just donate to these places so they can implement proper safety procedures rather than just trying to shut them down?
-I was going to get some bros next week and cruise on down to LA to personally gather evidence which can be passed to LAFD
Try it fash and see what happens

first we're called redcaps

second, we're just trying to make amerika safe again
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you have to be safe lad
Don't worry, as long as they're safe, you have nothing to worry about.
Better dead than red, but there's better ways to get dead than fire.
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No need to thank us. You're welcome.
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The best part about these threads is that even if we were just fucking around and not reporting these deathtraps to the proper authorities, all of these retarded "artists" are panicking because they know that they live and work in deathtraps that should be shut down.
we need to get those people saved right now, there's no time for fixing shit, a fire could start at any moment
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Yeah, just that I'm still catching up on the threads, so I'm a bit unsure of what I'm looking for.

Any tips?
You just have to stay fire safe. It isn't that hard senpai.
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Oh boy I hope you don't have any caltrops
I'm sure you can move back in with your parents Anon.
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Stay safe everyone! Remember, un-attended candles and burning cigarettes CAN BE DEADLY!
>Try it fash and see what happens
No fires and lives saved, that's what will happen!
Bump for safety!!
How do you make sure they actually use the money on making the space safe?
Also, not everyone has tons of money to be throwing at these people. It's their space so they should pay for it
It takes time to make improvements Anon.

It's not safe for them to stay there until the improvements are finished.
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Why don't you care about saftey?
look at the list of diy spaces, find one that looks like it might be illegal like a warehouse, 'house venue', 'artist space', 'all ages venue', etc.

once a place catches your eye search it up more, find images or videos which prove breaches of the fire code >>102802447 , once you have enough information report it to the authorities
Breddy gud!
These people are disgusting
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Safety check
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
>The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
>The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
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Hit the DC/Nova/Va ones hard....Inauguration time is coming on Jan 20, 2017 and Antifa and their Ilk plan on disrupting the inauguration!

On Jan 20 and Jan 21 2017 there will be a Million woman march ,which means places to stay in the city are going to be non existent, so these DIY spaces are going to be crucial to them!

If Anon is college student, hit up their College book store, student union, College Library, music department, and other gathering spots on campus!
LOW RISK to any of this, you are already a student and don't need to blend! It's low risk Intel gathering! Fliers are usually plentiful.

Also hit up used music/record shops/Hot Topics/Spencer bulletin boards.... lots of good leads there.

Reminder that if people are squatting in a foreclosed property a call to the bank that owns it will generate immediate action... the police kind and contractors to board it up!
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Based Garrison is base

>Also lucky checked, Shadilay
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I agree. People who don't care about safety are reprehensible.
God that one's great. 5 star rating on Euro NCAP safety tests.
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—Flammable liquids being stored in dwelling spaces (has to be in more than small quantities)
—Unventilated gas heaters (this used to be a BIG one in LA County)
—Stairwells without railings
—Permanent or semi-permanent fixtures installed using extension cords rather than fixed outlets
—Romex wiring instead of conduit (less sure on this one; every county's different)
—Selling food without a food license
—Serving liquor
—Outside doors that swing inwards on places that are open to the public
>support larger goverment
>can't abide by fire codes
this is so deliciously ironic. I can't get enough
Repubulicunts caring about anything other than themselves
What a joke
Go read your bible if can even read at all redneck
Che Cafe - 1000 Scholars Drive La Jolla, CA

CounterPulse - 80 Turk San Francisco, CA 94102

Gilman St. Project - 924 Gilman St. Berkeley, CA 94710
If it's a warehouse, look to see if they have a sprinkler system installed.
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I'm sorry sir, I didn't catch that, can you repeat what you said?
Read a fire code since you love government regulation. And stay fire safe™! :)
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>if can even read
This is a retarded idea. We shouldn't be trying to save the lives of degenerates. If anything, we should be promoting these DIY spaces so that the degenerates are contained and so that more of them die. OP is a faggot.

NATURAL SELECTION. KILL all retards, people with brain fuck ups, drug addicts, people who can't figure out how to use a fucking lighter. GEEEAWD! People spend millions of dollars on saving the lives of retards, and why. I don't buy that shit like "oh hes my son though!" so the fuck what, he ain't normal, kill him, put him out his misery. He is only a waste of time and money, then people say "But he is worth the time, he is human too" no he isn't, if he was then he would swallow a bullet cause he would realize what a fucking waste and burden he was.
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No republicans here, just volunteer firemen!
>if can even read at all
apparently you are projecting.
wow.. powerful stuff.
Why don't these lazy homicidal and parasitic mooches get jobs and pay for what they want? It's not everybody else's responsibility to bankroll their degeneracy. If they can't pay for it, they don't deserve it. That goes a thousand fold when they endanger lives and communities with their childish neglect of codes and laws.

Fuckoff with your begging.

If they can't do it right, for their safety and that of the community, the building must be condemned.
oh yeah no none of us can read, that's why we are on a text based website
Pepe The Safety Frog says - AROUND STAIRS, BE AWARE!

>Are there handrails, are they at a reasonable height, and are they properly affixed?
>Are treads made of durable, solid construction?
>Is the rise unreasonably steep?
>Are they wide enough to allow at least two people to pass side-by-side?

Remember to stay vigilant and stay safe! A notice from the:
>Safety &
>Defense of
I think Che Cafe recently had to renovate before they reopened.

Since it's a part of UCSD, they actually had to keep up to code.
If anything, someone should start going full Varg and torching these DIY spaces.
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This is a bread of peace and safety.
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It sounds like you should be more aware of the fire codes! Go to your local fire department and ask them to inspect your safe space to make it safer.
Commie agitator please go.
/pol/ is a board of safety.
You obey fire safety guidelines, and won't block any fire exits while on break.
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I don't understand. Why are they fighting us anons? Don't they want to be safe?
why the fuck is this maori meme guy our mascot
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I ripped this out of the page source. It's not great work, but it's all of them.

Try it you nazi fucks
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This looks like a good picture to use for that. Needs to be edited with hung up fireman gear and shit though.
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False flaggot. Fuck off.
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Fires spread, idiot.
>Romex wiring instead of conduit (less sure on this one; every county's different)
I'll check the code I'm LA county typically for that one, thanks.
safety squads are alright, but death squads seem inherently more fun

is it ok to shoot people who break fire codes?
Pepe the Fire Safety Frog ...right on!

Taking back the memes of production

Btfo, ADL
Don't be fooled by unsafe speech, friend. We're committed to fire safety for all here.
Sounds unsafe, hold off on it for a bit.
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we won't because /pol/ is a board of safety and not violence
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I don't like you
Che Cafe has the look of a shithole but I'm fairly sure it's up to code since it's on a college campus, same with the student food co-op.

No harm in double checking though.

t. Triton
Also the pics on the wall need to be edited with appropriate stuff. Mug needs feels safe man and book should be a fire code book. Any other suggestions before I start editing this?
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we are a bread of peace
we might leave repeat offenders to burn tho
Please, this is about the safety of the community. We are just doing our civic duty.
This is about ourselves though, silly! We /all/ benefit from living in a safe community!
Yeah, we had to rip out a fixture at my parents' because the cut rate dude they had do it used romex. Inspector saw it and said "Nope." Apparently the next town or county over it would've been fine.
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Pull that trigger prematurely, hit a well-reasoned and concerned citizen? Not very safe.
Fire extinguisher on the shelves.
Then we need to make sure that these places are contained within designated areas. That way the fires will spread and burn more faggots and cucks.
it's maui from the new disney movie. a good way to persuade the normies
You fat fedora fucks would stick out but feel free to show your faces if you dare
Anon is right. Fire does not discriminate, and that's dangerous.
The list just got ten feet taller.
Ohohohoho. Oh boy.
>Just to save them from a few fires?

Isn't that enough? Fire would also destroy these people's lives and their culture.
Checked and keked
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All of you goofballs trying to false-flag us, we can see right through you. We know every trick in the book because we've had professional firms hired by government officials go up against us and -lose-. You have no hope if they couldn't even break us.
But what happens if a law abiding citizen's house is destroyed in the process? That doesn't sound very safe.
but if we pain our hair purple you wouldn't be able to tell us apart
Che Cafe used to have safety issues back in 2014, and they were almost evicted, but they managed to install things like a sprinkler system since then.

It's degenerate as fuck over there, but it's probably up to code now.
No one is afraid of street kids and washed up 30-40 year old punks.
You need not worry, this board of peace shall make sure you're safe soon

We are here to save lives, not to watch them be destroyed,
Away with you troll!
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>advocating hipster ghettos
>advocating burning the ghettos

This is decidedly unsafe, and also environmentally unfriendly. This is a green board, as you can see from our fire marshal.
pretty spooked about caltrops tho i hope i don't step on some
How about I come in in my uniform?
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i'm not an "artist" and don't live in a shitty commune

fuck off my communes, you retards can be conned into targeting any population
if can read this

We have to destroy their safe space in order to save it
How do we know they won't spend it on drugs?
Hopefully you are current on your tetanus booster its better to be safe than sorry
Found the Antifa Public Affairs Officer
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We're there now. Look around you.
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>Che Cafe - 1000 Scholars Drive La Jolla, CA
I actually have to be in La Jolla Friday for a Wreaths Across America memorial, I'll be sure to check that out.

I think most of these crustpunks have taken more showers than trips to the gym.
is it a uniform of a firefighter?
>Fuck off my communes
Only if you can prove they're up to code. This is for your own good, after all.
Fire safety is everyone's concern. Even smelly hippies and disillusioned college students need to abide by the building codes.
>He's so stupid that he doesn't even know how to greentext
But we are here to save you!
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Only you can prevent Ghetto fires
sounds like they were dragged kicking and screaming into compliance, they almost certainly do not take their matters of safety seriously... i would bet they have a permanent PA system connected to an extension cord
>Gilman St. Project
I might be able to check it out. I hate the people that go there, though.
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okay had to make sure this was saved since it's a really good synopsis
Part time ;^)

Make sure it's up to code then. You should want it to be up to code.

Sorry, I meant "work"
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perfect! you're a master of your craft
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But we're just fat neckbeards... r-right?
It's easy to fit in. Just go to a thrift store and buy some shitty looking clothes. Make sure you get one of those commie scarves. Then roll around in shit.
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I've been to Che Cafe and the co-op many times dumbass. They're not secret clubs.
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this, we will make find you and we will save you
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that's why we have to save them from themselves anon.
We are here to save you!
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All these falseflaggers ITT that can't even read the OP. What part of /safety/ do they not get?
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it's 608 e 39th
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Progressive improvement in fire safety culture clearly has failed in these places, though. They've been getting money continuously but chosen to spend it on luxuries instead of essentials.

It could be lack of education, or it could simply be a lack of compassion on the part of the landlord or named tenant. Either way, this is what government intervention is for.
You act like this is a big joke
Wasn't it enough your fat retarded fascist got elected?
Now you have to ruin people just because they think differently?
Fuck you all
We'll beat you
It looks like a shithole on Google Earth

Good work anon

You won't do shit, back to go suck on your mom's tit. You lot have been hiding away from the public eye for too long; not anymore. I'll see to it you are super safe though.
Maybe, but the UCs have been taking OSHA regulations pretty seriously ever since they settled that case where a girl died in a lab explosion at UCLA. They've been cracking down on extension cords too.
What if it's a house?

One of the spaces I'm looking at is a house that may or may not be an illegal squat, but... It's not zoned for commercial, it's a house.
HOWEVER it is a total ramshackle house, there's spraypaint EVERYWHERE on EVERY wall on the inside and even on the glass and drywall ripped out everywhere, do you think the cops would investigate if I said "I think kids are sneaking in there and tearing up the place"?
That encourages them to await a handout and continue being a deathtrap.

What we're doing is pressuring them all rather or not they are shut down into providing adequate outward facing exits for crowds, fire extinguishers, proper stairs and all sorts of basic stuff they should already be doing.

I like ours better.
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my grandpa was a fire chief. He saw some fucked up shit in his life and really drove home how important it was. He even dressed up as Smokey. He would be proud to see people promoting fire safety to a new generation.

c-can't post still losing my shit over Pepe the fire safety frog hahahahahahaahahahaaha omg TOP KEKS!
So which one of you madmen did this?

/pol/ is a board of peace anon.

We just want to keep people safe!
How many leftists degenerates buildings have been saved yet?
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I can drop you from 50000000000 yards feget what you gonna do?

cops and fire should investigate, quolabs is a house too and we reported the shit out of it

We don't visit /fit/ or go to the gym at all.
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How many artfags that sit and judge /pol/
Have walked the streets of Bakersfield?

Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=holBS44V5gU

D[i]Y: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5P6zdlPJ34
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Ruin? We're saving you guys. You're welcome.
>implying that there are enough jobs to go around
>We'll beat you

Says the manlet antifa cuck for the 100000000th time this year
this is the pastebin of all the locations on the slingshot list. some are legitimate spaces it looks like, a lot have already been shut down over the years (my state seems to be particularly adept at safety enforcement, feels comfy) but some of these places are very unsafe.

we need to do research and find the ones endangering their communities and patrons and make them safe again firefighters

This cultural ignorance is why you lost the election.
B-but they have clubs and caltrops
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Hipster carcass in warehouse this morning, sandal tread on burst stomach. These hippies are afraid of me. I have seen their true face. The venues are extended gutters and the gutters are full of ash and when the walls finally flash over, all the hippies will burn. The accumulated filth of all their sex and drugs will burn up about their waists and all the artists and musicians will look up and shout "DON'T save us!"... and I'll whisper "no."
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why do you want people to burn to death anon?
most of these kiddos are rich and can move back in with parents
>implying you can even reach high enough
We need to convince some jewish groups to do fire safety stuff, so that when the lefties attack them, they become antisemites in the eyes of the populace
>We'll beat you

You do realize that you'll probably just beat up an innocent bystander with that kind of mentality, right?



Let's get back to saving lives lads
these are the places where a lot of the protests over the last couple months have recruited from, originated from, and that have housed people from out of town to participate in. it is anticipated that on inauguration day there will be protests, these will be the places sowing drug fueled chaos. this must be quelled. to that end here is a list of addresses of DC "spaces" they need to be sorted through and the shitholes discovered. DO NOT REPORT ON RESPONSIBLE BUSINESSES, research the list. report shitholes. MASA.


this is an "armed" communist antifa group that plans on creating riots nation wide but focused on DC on inauguration day.
Oh look, another warehouse dweller that needs saving!

>Warehouse dweller- noun. Persons who care not for for their own personal safety, bathing nor heat. have the potential to end up as crispy critters due to non compliance with safety and fire codes
May or may not have clean running water or a toilet. Has moderate jumping abilities to avoid Communal Condom that the last person forgot to rinse out, Cloven hoofs (maybe unclipped toenails which give it this appearnce) help in this endeavor.
Has the tendencies to howl and screech, this to them is called "music". Randomly throws together whatever items that might be lying about , fashions it into a hot mess, and calls it "art"
>It's not zoned for commercial, it's a house.

Using a residence as a venue for concert for $$$ is a zoning violation. Some municipalities have
limits on how many unrelated peopled can live in a house
can't use a home as a commercial space. obviously you can have a party but as a regular occurance
it's illegal unless you have proper permits and meet commercial fire safety regs.

I reported a house for the same thing, you definitely can. It's against the law.

You can do it, anon, I believe in you!
>that was 8 days ago
man, time flies when you're meming
>You fat fedora fucks

That's bodyshaming, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Why do you assume we all wear fedoras? We all look like your average members of the community.
It is a shithole.
Many communities have ordinances against "abandoned houses."

There's also typically an ordinance against something called a "disorderly house," though these may be unconstitutionally vague.

Also, report graffiti to the city.
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Sounds like exactly what you try to do. You made your unsafe bed. Now you and your friends get to lay in it. Best part is, this is just enforcing the law. It is legitmatley the most bulletproof way to fuck with you. Either you go bankrupt getting your shitholes up to code or get evicted.

Getting a job doesn't sound like such a bad idea now huh?

You have to be a special kind of stupid. Can't you see we're trying to save your lives?
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Keep our citizens safe bros!
If you think communes are shitty, why are you so worried about them?
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Yep, Report it!

The cops will either get the owner out to board it up, or the city inspector can and have the city seize the property a,d do it themselves... or if its in bad enough shape, tear it down.
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you guys are simply the best
Do you want your friends to die? That's so very, very anti-social, friendo.
I think he's an arsonist, trying to get more victims.

FIGHT THE RED (and orange) MENACE!
Sounds like some people are living in unsafe conditions and throwing parties there. Better report it.
If you think Fascism is shitty, why worry about it?
because the money would be spent on drugs very unsafe!
Safety first then teamwork
Gilman St. Project (Alternative Music Foundation)
924 Gilman St. Berkeley, CA 94710

Well Safety Squad, how safe does this look?


For some reason my computer isn't letting me upload the pic, can another anon publish it on this thread so that everyone can see without having to press the link, thanks.
>Now you have to ruin people just because they think differently?

You mean like how you all tried to ruin right-wingers lives for thinking differently?
>No sprinklers
>Extension cords being used as permanent wiring

Extremely unsafe.
Your look at this from the wrong point of view. Im going to ask you to do some research on fire safty. Take it seriously, the red tape of city codes and regulations and what pol is trying to do is irrelivent.
As you do your research look back in history at notible incedents of great fires. london in 1666 for example I would also recomend reading about the fire in Dresden, David Irving does a very good historical account.

Dangling wires, paper all over the walls, no fireproofing on any walls or beams, no sprinklers, and a packed crowd.
Alert the authorities, there's lives to be saved!

here's a bunch more pics

i created a pasta of safety data

Safety Violations
>Flammable liquids being stored in dwelling spaces (has to be in more than small quantities)
>Combustible gases present (propane, acetylene, etc)
>Unventilated gas heaters (this used to be a BIG one in LA County)
>No sprinkler system
>Anything within 18" of a sprinkler head
>Unsealed penetrations into walls, floors, ceilings
>Holes in ceiling or floors
>No fireblocking barrier such as drywall
>No emergency lighting

Food and Beverage Safety
>Selling food without a food license
>Serving liquor

Exit and Entry Safety
>No emergency exits
>No lit exit signs with battery backup
>Obstructing a path of egress
>Outside doors that swing inwards on places that are open to the public

Stairwell Safety
>>Are there handrails, are they at a reasonable height, and are they properly affixed?
>>Are treads made of durable, solid construction?
>>Is the rise unreasonably steep?
>>Are they wide enough to allow at least two people to pass side-by-side?

Electrical Safety
>>Exposed electrical wiring, and exposed splices in wiring
>>Permanent or semi-permanent fixtures installed using extension cords rather than fixed outlets
>>Romex wiring instead of conduit (less sure on this one; every county's different)

If Anon is college student, hit up their College book store, student union, College Library, music department, and other gathering spots on campus!
LOW RISK to any of this, you are already a student and don't need to blend! It's low risk Intel gathering! Fliers are usually plentiful.

Also hit up used music/record shops/Hot Topics/Spencer bulletin boards.... lots of good leads there.

Reminder that if people are squatting in a foreclosed property a call to the bank that owns it will generate immediate action... the police kind and contractors to board it up!
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Is this some kind of poetry?

I think I may need to reevaluate poetry as being solely faggy and old-fashioned.
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jesus christ how horrifying. very unsafe anons

it's from watchmen, kek
Can we dump them via airplane like they did in some WWII stories?
That's a Station Nightclub waiting to happen.
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We must save as many as we can, no need to see any more burn to death!
at least they don't stagedive, I guess.
be sure to report drug use
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Well, then it's our duty to report it to the local Fire Marshall to ensure their safety comes first!
Cali anons please report.
We are a board of Peace and Love, we are here to save them!
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>>102807933 checked
Stay safe /b/rothers.


You can shoot them only if they're about to commit arson.

>>102805777 checked
Needs a city edited in the background desu. Good otherwise.

Then we need to ensure their safety.
I want a version of this like
>remember, a severe fire can cause burns or death!
In case they forgot
Subhumans don't deserve to be safe.
Absolutely, Officers of the Law need to know these things, Those Dirty needles are SO unsafe! we also don;t need any needless overdose deaths in these places!

more gilman, I remember some of these being posted yesterday or day before so it may have been reported already but more reports never hurt
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save them
What's up with the shopped in dude?
wait, whose the dude shittily shopped in?
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stay safe anon
just noticed

new idea from the commies to delegitimize photos of violations? make it look like things are being shopped and exaggerated?
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I am just a mere man trying to keep everybody safe... Regardless of political beliefs.

I'll let God decide their fate.

It's a really really bad attempt to shop OUT the dude. Whoever took the pic used flash, and that dude was probably brighter than the sun. So someone tried to minimize the glare.

Very badly. Definitely not safe either.


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In luck! The city it's in has a special page for reporting graffiti.

Oh, and by the way, THIS is how bad it is on the inside. Every pic is like this, graffiti, chunks taken out, like 500 pics of places where people probably punched the wall... Thanks /pol/ for posting that directory recently so I could find this place. I live nearby and that town is enough of a shithole.
all you have to do is build your spaces up to a measure of safety. that's it. that's literally it.
you'd rather risk 30+ more lives because of muh sanctity than make a few changes
>Other /pol/tards are sperging out over pizza and LARPing over Tuvalu and we're trying to save lives

Are we the best part of /pol/?
This is incredible.
Safety first, faggots
Reminder for anons on the college campus, keep an eye out for fliers for the up coming inauguration.... A dorm that is over occupancy from those who are using it as a flop house is unsafe and a possible fire trap!
>We'll beat you
sounds unsafe anon
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>shitty little extension cords powering huge stage lamps

those lamps get VERY hot holy fuck what are these people thinking
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>Needs a city edited in the background desu
quite possibly
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Oh shit, that is VERY unsafe.

that right there is a fire barrier violation, easy peasy
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>Exposed electrical wiring

Extremely unsafe.

That place is definitely going to be condemned.
>Thanks /pol/ for posting that directory recently
you're welcome anon, it took some time to put it together but I think we can all agree that the safety is worth it.
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who else /safety/ here?
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new Bread needed
these are the places where a lot of the protests over the last couple months have recruited from, originated from, and that have housed people from out of town to participate in. it is anticipated that on inauguration day there will be protests, these will be the places sowing drug fueled chaos. this must be quelled. to that end here is a list of addresses of DC "spaces" they need to be sorted through and the shitholes discovered. DO NOT REPORT ON RESPONSIBLE BUSINESSES, research the list. report shitholes. MASA.


this is an "armed" communist antifa group that plans on creating riots nation wide but focused on DC on inauguration day. The nation is tired of these violent riots, lets keep the nation safe firefighters.

this is the pastebin of all the locations on the slingshot list. some are legitimate spaces it looks like, a lot have already been shut down over the years (my state seems to be particularly adept at safety enforcement, feels comfy) but some of these places are very unsafe.

we need to do research and find the ones endangering their communities and patrons and make them safe again firefighters

>exposed wires
>holes in the wall
>graffiti everywhere
Not safe!!
BIGLY not safe!!
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save them
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Remember kids: Only a prevented fire is good fire
nice shill thread

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Anons, are there any safety violations in this photograph? Would hate for these upstanding musicians to burn to death.
have we stopped the fire?
Yes, the fire quenches
the fire does not rise as long as proper fire suppression technology is present and functioning. stay safe!
don't let the furries see this
Some of the local artists have actually been paying attention to the storage rules, for things like paint cleaner, turpentine, and shit, and doing basic shit, like keeping the smoking area away from where the oily rags are, and being more dilligent about throwing away their trash, instead of leaving it around as a hazzard.

Hell, I even saw one carrrying a fucking fire extinguisher home.
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>You act like this is a big joke
36 people died in Oakland. Those people died in what is likely to be among the most agonizing way possible. Not funny, not one little bit.
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Once they start minding the rules of fire safety, it's not hard to imagine other positive behaviors increasing.
An awareness born of little disciplines, if you will.
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Looking good gents. We are getting lots of angry reddit plebs coming here to call us fedora wearing anime nazis. Mean we are saving lives.
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