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/gear/ - Gear Thread

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Thread replies: 317
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Last Thread: >>3042868

Anything about lenses, cameras, mounts, systems, buying, pricing, selling, etc. GOES IN HERE!

Do not open new threads for gear-related issues.
No pointless (brand) arguments and dick waving allowed! You have been warned! Just questions, answers, and advice.

And don't forget, be polite.
Reposting from last thread
I've been shooting a super entry level Nikon D40 since 2012. What's the next DSLR I should invest in?
I hope you realize how open ended that is. You haven't mentioned if you've stocked up on Nikon lenses, you haven't mentioned interest in things your current body is struggling to do, etc.

Gotta give a little more for some actual advice. Every camera is super capable these days.
Reposting from last thread.
Pentax 645n lens grinds really hard then mounting it on or off.
Took it into a local shop and no one could work out wtf is wrong with it.

Wiped the mounts and checked everywhere with a little penlight and can't see any debris anywhere.

It just happened. Not gradually. One day it was all smooth the next its almost like screwing it on filled with sand.
Didn't leave the house, didn't drop it. Change lenses inside and it's fucked now.

Please halp /p/.
Nice shot
Sorry, I probably should've thought about that before I posted :^)

I still only have the 18-55 3.5-5.4 kit lens. I shoot with it regularly and try to take it with me whenever I go somewhere interesting.

For a period of time I would go downtown with my Ricoh XR7 and exclusively use film, only using the D40 as a light meter and exposure gauge. The dynamic range on the D40 is straight up garbage and the sensor begins to turn photos into minecraft textures above ISO 800. Film is really my only escape into semi-hdr at the moment.

Aside from shitty metering, I'm really tired of the slow auto focus and burst mode. Being that I take photos of people walking around downtown the D40's auto focus is killing a lot of the camera's potential.
Had a D40 for 10 years.

Got a d5300.

You might want to upgrade to a d7100 tho. See if AF motor is a must for you.
I'd probably recommend going mirrorless. I lugged around a D60 for like 5, switched to an X-Pro1 and then X70/X100s and every time I went smaller I was much happier with the camera and shot way more because of the convenience. Any of the small Fuji's are capable, the digital Ricoh GR's are great, and everyone here suggests Sony A6x00s all the time. I can't extol the virtues of small cameras enough if you're someone who wanders and shoots.

Others will have much better recommendations for DSLR's if you're set on that route, but definitely keep those options above in mind because they're all super reasonable.
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can recent buys posted here?

anyway, bought this 1 month ago for 50 dollars. was thinking about selling it but i changed my mind right after using it.
looking for a cheap dslr. so far just doing still life stuff with my phone anencephaly playing with lighting set ups. i believe ive outgrown the phone capabilities as i wish to make a project on macro shots, specifically species of caterpillars. because they're slow and easy and fun

to the point, d700 and 5d2 are cheap as fuck at the moment and can ikon both have 100 macro lenses available. both are built really well and have more than my required threshold of pickle count.

not keen to get anything else atm, value wise those are the best for me so no suggestions, i just want pros and cons for both and conclusion on which to get

also i don't care for video
Will be on it's last legs

Terrible sensor
Will be moments from death
Outdated as fuck

Sony a7
Best sensor
Best screen for macro/tripod
Every lens ever works on it
Cheap as shit

Also, crop is better for macro.
And off camera flash is a necessity.
I just bought a 3 pack of godox v860ii-s and the master controller for £210 off Amazon, how did I do?
gr II or x70?

Can't decide
Looking for a relatively cheap anamorphic projecting lens under 300€ used. Dual focus isn't going to be avoidable (at my budget at least). What are the best projection lenses for a starter? I will use them on a mft camera with speedbooster and m42 lenses.
Ignore >>3045826 and >>3045829

Get d700, it'll last longer, batteries are legacy though unlike the 5D2 which works for newer canon 5D,7D,xxD cameras. On camera flash can trigger an external speedlite too, 5D got no oncamera flash.

Smaller sensor is a negligible factor, you can do your insect stuff with any sensor size, it's dependant on lens and focus distance. NG, tripfag, best macro guy on this board used 5D (classic or mk2).
>terrible sensor
Maybe in comparison but no one will ever outgrow that camera.
>using on camera flash for macro
Lol, spot the new kid.

3 stops less dynamic range, lower colour depth, it's super unsuitable for macro where you're likely to get harsh lighting and big luminance ranges.
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a7rii w/ SEL90M28G and appropriate lighting setup.

Nothing else comes close. It is one of the sharpest lenses ever made.
D7000/D7100 is the cheapest bestest Nikon upgrade you can go for. Ditch the old 18-55, either grab a current 18-55, the 35 DX, or 16-85 DX.

>switched to an X-Pro1 and then X70/X100s and every time I went smaller I was much happier with the camera and shot way more because of the convenience
He said he was tired of shitty AF performance :^)
Does anyone own the sigma 30mm f1.4 A?

Give me a quick review

Does the XPro and the X100 series have the same viewfinder? I used to have a X100T and now I have a XPro2 and I don't remember the viewfinder in the X100 being this small...
I'm regretting my decision :(
It's a Sigma. Bad build quality and the bokeh is disgusting. Loads of coma and fringing wide open.
If you are on a Canon just go with the EF-S 24/2.8 instead or EF 40/2.8 if FF. If Nikon or anything else just go with the basic 35mm prime first party.
Asked for tripod recommendations on the last thread, and an anon suggested getting a chink one from AliExpress. Looking at those two at the moment:



They seem pretty similar, with the main difference being that the first one is made from aluminum and the second from carbon fiber. There's going to be a sale next week, and they should be about $62 for the first one and $96 for the second. Should I save $30 and go for the aluminum one, or is the extra cost worth it for the carbon fiber? Not doing any video recording, just static mostly macro shots.
used aluminium Manfrotto Befree
I've looked into that already, and the used market locally isn't much cheaper than brand new ones, specially when considering how most of them seem to be selling the head separately.
Why are you living in a third world country?
Thanks for the help.
i just bought a fairly beat up 7D with 85k shutter actuations for a bit less than 300 bux to replace my 40D because i want a bit more resolution and a bit better high iso performance

now the usual question:
did i fuck up?
deep down I don't think i did, even though I don't REALLY need the extra 8MP and the slight improv in ISO performance, but you guys never fail to see bad things in everything so please let me know
Entry level photographer here. Need a high quality camera for my job. Mostly interested in the highest resolution images possible, video not so much, but it would be nice to have.

I'm looking at the Fujifilm X‑T20, since a lot of my friends have hyped it.

Would be it a decent starting point for me, or am I aiming too high/too low?

Sorry for being the stupid question guy.
No, the X100 has a much larger, much brighter, much better finder.
I like my 7d well enough for still photography. It's not full frame obviously but it can produce nice images. Mine fell off the roof of a moving car -doh!- with nothing but cosmetic damage. That magnesium body is heavy but tough! It's shit for video though. Fucking rolling shutter and moire.
I have nothing but good things to say about that lens. I use it as my walk around lens on a 7d (1.6 crop factor) so it's like a 48mm. What can I say, it's a sharp fast prime. The build quality is better than most Sigmas, it's solid. Autofocus is quick and accurate. For the price it's great.
I can't speak to fringing while wide open because I rarely shoot wide open. I also don't shoot stars so maybe I'm just missing comma aberrations.
What would you pay for a k-3 body + SMC limited 35mm macro?

Too low, x-trans sensor is fundamentaly flawed.


Not to mention the XT-20 isn't particularly high resolution.
bout 350

>implying 6000x4000 isn't high resolution

Considering my bff has a camera that goes to 7952 x 5304, No I wouldn't.
Garbage article written by a dum-dum.
keep trolling
The sony a7ii is an excellent choice.
Full frame, so you get much less noise, smoother bokeh and sharper images. It also has ibis, so you can hand hold in low light and sony e mount is the only mount not currently dropping sales hard.

If you NEED extra resolution, the a7rii is technically the best camera on the market, to see the benefit of the r version you would also need to invest in the best lenses, sonys gm range.

I'm not trolling, keep trying to devalue my advice by insinuating it's wrong but offering no further rebuttal. Noob.
FUCKKK. Welp, time to sell and buy an X100,
Stop and ask what the fuck you're doing, it's clear you're not getting what you want from fujis products and it's cost you hundreds.
Shut up sonyfag and reread her post
X100F is pretty much perfect for me right now aside from the price.....

How did you know I'm a girl?

I did.

Going to buy a third Fuji body after being disappointed with the last two.

Sounds like a bad decision to me, even though I am not a sonyfag.
This is true but the X100F has the digital teleconverter which would actually suit me to the ground.
I should just put my balls to the wall and get a Leica...
Pls guys anyone got any idea

Sounds like dirty or damaged threads. Most likely the threading on the camera is bent or something.

Nothing else it can really be.
>I want to buy *over priced point and shoot camera* because it has digital zoom

Fuji users are fucking hilarious

>digital teleconverter

It is shit.

All it does is crop the image and then upscale it.

Absolute trash.

What are you using it for, anyway? Have you looked at m43 or Sony? Both are solid choices. If you want something long m43 is especially worth looking at for its crop factor.
I love opticals viewfinders too much. I did have a PEN F but couldn't stand the lag between turning on the camera and the viewfinder turning on. Also having to turn on the camera at all to test a frame.

I'm aware what a cocksuck I must sound like but this simple thing reduces my workflow and I can still frame with the camera. I just want to be able to go outside and shoot. Money is infinite, time is finite.
Get a hotshoe mounted viewfinder then and use whatever camera you want?
>couldn't stand the lag between turning on the camera and the viewfinder turning on

Not really an issue on a modern camera. My evf is pretty much instant. If I flick it on and then put camera to face it is already booted and ready. Well under a second.
I want to see my shot before I turn it on.

That's no good because the view won't change when I change the lens.
you're berating the 5D2 because it has 11 stop dr and 24 bit colour, that's above everyone's thresholds. cheaper than any a7 and will last longer.

i'll say it again, no one will or has outgrown a 5D2. that's basic shit, if you're still going to debate on 5D2 is not good enough for macro, youll just be displaying your delusional gearfaggotry
This isn't me but but I agree with him. ,

Only fault with the X100F is that it's not WR and hella expensive. I swear the X00T wasn't this pricey when it came out??
>I want to see my shot before I turn it on.


I'd thing a live histogram would be worth flicking a switch.
The the difference between 11 and 14 stops is huge, 14 is 8 times brighter.

And it's not cheaper, they're both trending on ebay at £550, despite the a7 being a couple of years newer.

>above everyones threshold
What on earth do you mean by this, if you're under the impression most scenes have less than 11 stops of dr, then you're clearly brand new to photography and I don't know what to suggest.

I never said it wasn't good enough for macro, it's just that you're trying to use a spoon to spread butter, there's better tools out there.
I have two questions. I'd like to buy a full-sized tripod from B&H (or Best Buy) and was wondering if anyone has recommendations. I purchased an Ultrapod II from B&H already and like it a lot, but I need something bigger for outdoor photos.

I also purchased a Nikon D3300 with a 18-55mm lens a couple months ago as my first DSLR. What are some other essential lens sizes I should have for taking photos?
Get a used Manfrotto 190 or Befree and a ball head you like.
For other lenses I'd say a 35/1.8G prime and a 55-300 VC would be the most practical
>if you're under the impression most scenes have less than 11 stops of dr

uh, most scenes do.
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Am I making a mistake buying an original x100 in 2017 ?
They go for around 300 bucks where I live.
The x100s is 400-450 most of the times.
Used of course.
With the firmware updates Fuji released the only advantage of the x100s is the newer sensor. Is that worth it, or can I get a x100 and never wonder what would've been had I splurged a bit more

give it a few months and see if you can get an x100t for cheap, now that the F is out.
>you're under the impression most scenes have less than 11 stops of dr
trey ratcliffe doesn't need 14 stop dr. alex burke doesn't need 14 stop dr, a.adams photos didn't have 14 stop dr, once again, no one needs that autistically dr and high colour depth, rgb is 24bits anyway, watch youtube videos if you can't afford college education.

bad build, native lenses are expensive, larger lenses make it front heavy, won't last long, even 5d classic will outlive that crap

>spoon to spread butter
no, a better analogy would be using gucci butter knife over a jamie oliver branded one
The S had phase detect. Unless you plan on manual focusing everything, that'd be what you want.

Other than that, there's not much difference.
Is the Tamron 24-75 Canon mount as good as people are hyping it up to be? I'm looking for a decent lens to upgrade from the kit lens on my Sony A6000 that isn't outrageously expensive, and that Tamron lens looks like the best choice when combined with the MC11 adapter.
what's the serial number? you want one beginning 14 or later ideally.

Awesome cam, tho' i'm b(i)ased as fuck.
28-75*. I have Downs syndrome
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What kind of replacement battery do you recommend for a Canon 1d Mark II?

Is this one good?

I don't think anyone is hyping because it's not very good, just very cheap for a constant f/2.8 zoom.

For APS-C it's an awkward focal length.
I'd rather have an APS-C only zoom that can go much wider.

For a new(-ish) full frame, after dropping $2k+ on a body you shouldn't be cheaping out and just go for something like the much better Tamron 24-70.

Only way this lens makes sense is on cheap second hand full frame bodies, or maybe for people who mainly shoot with prime lenses and just want a cheap zoom for convenience.
Listen to

There is no benefit of full frame when you do macro.

Something like the Nikon 3200 is excellent for macro: good sensor and cheap (buy second hand).
Spend the money you saved on lenses, macro lights, bellows, etc.
It's compact, very sharp everywhere but the extremes on full frame, fast and cheap, I've had it in pentax and canon and been extremely happy. It's not quite got the build quality of other similar lenses and the bokeh isn't as smooth as say the canon L, but it's a shit ton better than the old sigma 24-70 2.8, which I have in a mount.

Perfect normal lens until you're happy to spend 5 times the price on something to replace it.
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Hey guys

I 3D printed a cold shoe and grip for my mx-1

Works well enough I just have to reflect on-camera flash to the slave sensor on the flash

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Before removing all the support material

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Nope, I picked one up late last year and I'm completely satisfied with it. If I want speed I'll use my DSLR. AF is slow but it's not really an issue at all. Nice sensor and the raws are much easier to deal with than wormy x-trans bullshit. It's definitely a great value right now.
I'm an amateur looking for my first camera. I have a budget of about $600. I just want something that can take some pretty decent pictures to document my travel.

Currently looking at the Sony a6000, Olympus OM-D E-M10 I or II, or Fujifilm XT-10.

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Did you model it?
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Yes, currently redesigning for better fit and I figured I'd make it look a little more like the mx

I'll upload to thingiverse once I'm done

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i was in the same spot some weeks ago. i was nearly buying the a6000 but i couldn't hold it comfortable and the lenses are expensive. i went for the olympus and so far i'm not regretting it.

Well then good job, keep us updated if you would.

I have no use for it, but always enjoy seeing designs.
You can try an entry level DSLR too to see how comfortable it is. The size was never really a problem for me on my travels.
For size issues though, you can try an Oly or a Lumix like the GX85 or one of the earlier ones or a premium compact like the RX-100, LX-100 and G9X.
What software?
Also, put in a slightly curved dimple at the upper third of the grip (around where your middle finger would rest) for a more comfy hold, just like a DSLR grip. It will make a huge difference.
Posting this here because lately many people are looking for a cheap starter camera.
Whats wrong with enjoying the gear side of photography?
I have a Rebel t5i with a kit lens but I wanna upgrade my lenses. I don't want to spend a shit load of lenses and I want a wide angle lens.
Someone recommended I get a vintage lens with an adapter?? Can I get any advice on this??
It is not photography, just gearfaggotry.

EF-S 24/2.8 is a must have and look around the Samyang UWAs if you want a wider prime still.
I am in the same boat, I have a 250$ gift card at a place that I would like to use towards the purchase, but the thing is that they only carry canon, nikon, panasonic and fuji cameras.

I was originally looking at the a6000 and the olympus em10 ii, but since I cant get those it looks like my options are the panasonic g7 or gx85, which are a little more than what I would like to spend but they are the only offerings that have a evf and dials. Are there any other options that I am missing?
The GX85 will do well, excellent video capabilities and good stills and compact as well. I'd still go for the G7 instead because better grip and more comfortable to use than a compact like the GX85.
Smaller body and smaller lenses would be better for travelling light. I have an EM-10 I because I can fit the body , chatger, extra battery, tele zoom, normal zoom, and fast prime in a tiny sling bag with room to spare for tablet, first aid kit, etc. Image and video quality is good enough for me. A lot better than my old superzoom point and shoot.
Im about to buy a Nikon D5600 can any of you guys tell me if there's something more better than that? I dont wanna regret buying it and not liking it
Get a used D7100 instead. The D5600 is a D5500 with snapbridge slapped on that eats 2/3rd of the battery life and the D5500 is a D5300 with a gimped touch screen added. Not a good value.
D7100 is a decent body, weather sealed, good AF and it can use the older cheaper screwdrive lenses, and can also meter with the manual ones. Better grip too. That or a D7200, D5x00 is just a soccer mom cam for mindless consumers.
>yfw some crusty old leica is more expensive than a fuji gfx
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wont eject. hoping getting new elstaics will let it grip and eject. otherwhise may need to completely disassemble

im replacing the rubber bands cause they liquefied. and did not longer worked or griped

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go away wheeler

get a canon or an olympus instead. Pros only use Canons. Nikon fanboys are the worst.
What's a good camera for someone who knows fuck all about photography and just wants to take a nice picture?
between those two i really dont see what difference it would make for me. also i want this as my second, kinda light travel thingy, camera and that means it should stay realisticly cheap.

yes autofocus, sensor and processor are the largest differences between the two. i just trying to wager i the 50% higher price is worth those things.
thanks i will lok for that then, also why is that?

yes the xtrans files look a bit sharper and i heard that about post processing tho im not sure if its still an issue.
the AF is really the oine thing holding me back. i wouldnt have doubts that the older sensor could possibly not be enough for me, but erverywhere i hear that the af is really shitty.
well just start with your phone
The quality is awful.
A book. Start learning about photography first.
Do I need to know much else that operating it if I plan to use it on family vacations and things like that? I'm not aiming to impress anyone, I just want decency
If you don't want to improve from the get go then this hobby is not for you. You have to decide on this first, photography is not about instagram or instant "nice" images. You have to work for it and learn and learn and learn some more and you will only see improvement after at least a year of practice.
If you are not willing to put in the effort then yet again this is not the hobby for you. In this case just get a cheap compact from best buy and call it a day.
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Sup, /p/.
I used to take pretty pictures and video with my Canon G7 back in the days, but sadly it's now broken (it was perfect for me but slow as fuck), and a friend of mine wants to give me $200 to shoot a wedding. Right now I only have an old Hasselblad and an iPhone, so I guess it's time to invest in something fast, reliable, small, easy to use and cheap as fuck, if possible.
Any ideas?

>$200 for a wedding

just fake sick
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Is there anyway of getting rid of this line aside from replacing the prism in my spotmatic?

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D7000 user here, the 7100/7200 is probably the most cost-effective option for Nikon APS-C. All 3 are good cams Ken Rockwell has a decent review on all of them.

D5xxx and D3xxx are gimped soccer mom cameras that can't use real glass. Screw-drive AF-equipped cams allow you to shoot legendary Nikon glass at soccer mom prices, 35/2, 50/1.8 and 85/1.8 Holy Trinity master race reporting.
Uhm hi i have always wanted to learn how to take nice photos and i was wandering whats a good camera that a beginner should use
About to buy Nikon D800e, does it have any famous problem or issue that usually comes up? The Canon 5D1 had a thing where the glue on the mirror could deteriorate over time
>just fake sick
i just want to get drunk and shoot around with some new gizmo
also, how much would you ask a friend for shooting a wedding?
>how much to shoot a friends wedding
$1k will get you minimum wage out of it if you do a proper job. But you're a noob, if I was gonna buy a guitar next week, would I already be asking how much to charge for gigs? Or would I not be worth jack shit?
just get a7i
This is going to be fun

I hope your friend knows about your photography skills?
Left side AF points may not be correctly aligned, resulting in missed focus.
>Deer hunting gear on /P/
For what purpose?

clearly the patrician camera.
>if I was gonna buy a guitar next week, would I already be asking how much to charge for gigs?
this was my first post >>3047203
also, what is punk rock

>This is going to be fun
that's the point
>I hope your friend knows about your photography skills?
of course
I'm not even bad at lighting and composition, but I mostly draw illustrations on my computer and take pictures as reference
so, what about some fairly fast non-shit digital camera which would enable decent printing size on a budget?
Your phone
>being the punk rock of digital photography by doing wedding shoots where you don't know what the fuck you're doing.


>I'm not even bad at x and y
But you don't know the first thing about photography? That much is evident.
Post one of your shots.
as expected, you're useless
keep masturbating
i'm out
Can I get some thoughts on using the Sony 24-70mm f4 lens with a Sony A7R
for portraiture?

It will do in a push, ideally you want something longer or faster or both.

Better sony portrait options are
50 1.8
55 1.8
50 1.4
85 1.8
85 1.4
135 1.8
24-70 2.8
70-200 2.8
70-200 4

I have one, I either use it or my 35mm f2.8 as a carry around lens.

It is a decent enough lens, though the aperture is a little small. If I were you, I'd wait until the new 85mm comes out.

Keep in mind that lens has extremely mixed reviews. I love mine and it is fantastic, but before I updated the firmware it was pretty damn slow.
What's the consensus on older pro D lenses on FF Nikon bodies?

Worth investing in any used ones, or just save my money and go for modern day G lenses?
Some of the old primes are OK, don't even look twice at a zoom.

bare in mind, the different optical formula from back then have quite a different rendering, expect more spherical aberrations and vignetting, in a smaller, more sturdy package.
Is there a significant difference between the Canon 5D mark II and III that justifies the 1000$ difference?

I'd mostly use it for travel/landscape/architecture photography as a second body in addition to my Ricoh GR.
Depends on the lens, something like a 80-200mm AF-D is still fine if you dont need VR.

Thank you, decided to pass on the lens and purchased only the body. Now I've got to pick out lenses. I want to do about half portraits and half travel (landscapes and skylines, mostly). My first lens will be a portrait lens, probably 50mm f/1.8. Recommendations for a good all-purpose lens for A7R for my second?
Get an iPhone 7 plus. Has a 50mm equiv lens which is all you need.
Is buying a second hand lens a good idea or no?
I've been running around with my x70 for the past year. I'm not sure where to go from here at this point.
I really like the compact size, but focusing is a nuisance when it comes to portraits but great for landscapes.

what should i replace/upgrade it with?
I've never bought new lmao

Nothing. You've only had it for a fucking year. Go take photos with it until it wears out.
judging by the 50 1.8 purchase, get yourself an mc-11 next, the Sony pro lenses are still commanding a premium as there's a backlog.

It will then allow you to get
Canon 17-40 L - Bargain UWA zoom - $500
canon 70-200 f4 non is - everyone needs a good 70-200 - $500
Any 24-70 2.8 - it's a necessity - $150 to $1500

The nice thing about buying Canon L glass is that you can keep it for 2 years and probably lose less than 10% on the resale value. Until Sony's FE mount is saturated and supply meets demand, you're gonna see a BIG price premium and you will see your lens price plummet in the first couple of years. There are a few lenses that will have hit their price parity, namely the 55mm and 28mm, even the original kit lens is still coming down in price though!
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Is this good for a walkaround all purpose lens?
ProTip - The more millimetres you have between your focal maximums, the worse the lense.
You know what I really hate? Non-stop bitching and complaining by people about cameras not having massive grips so you could swing your camera around like it's a fucking nunchuck. That's just fucking dumb. Are you shooting one-handed? You're supposed to hold the weight of your camera with your left hand from the bottom of the lens mount and have your right hand free to manipulate the controls you stupid fucks.
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I am currently diving into the ocean of photography. Mostly going to do street, portrait and some landscape during traveling and work.

I have had the Canon 5D but sold it with all its lenses as it is far to chunky and impractical to me.

I am looking for something which will help me get fast and practical results by the means of colors, dynamic range and contrast straight out of the camera. Currently looking at the Fujilfilm XT-2..

Any good suggestions for a traveling camera which will be optimized for eyecandy and smooth workflow?
opinions on gorillapods? Thinking of something like the SLR (the 50 dollar one). The focus looks cooler and is bigger but it's way more expensive and I doubt i can fit it in my uni bag. Also I don't think I need the size, my camera setup is ~600 grams.

open to non joby options, if any are good
street you want small. the xt20 is 95% an xt2. Same sensor, same image processor. The differences are customisable af modes and the xt20 doesn't get waterproofing.
whos shirt is dude wearing?
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thinking about getting a 24mm 2.8 AF-D for my Nikon 7100 as a travel walk around lens.

What do you guys think about this lens? Is it worth the $$ or is the kit lens with its 3.5-5.6 aperture enough?
that is just amazing. thanks for the input

I've seen this on other grips and thought about doing it, ok I'll give it a go
Holy shit I can't believe people actually meme Pentax. What kind of hot garbage are they making that can't even keep up with good ol' PDAF? Let alone their nascent tracking algorithms.

MF 35/2, AF 35/2.4, MF 28/2.8, or AF 28/2.8? Already have a 50/1.8, 18-55/3.5-5.6, and 70-200/2.8.
I need a new hobby and I'm thinking of getting a used T3I from eBay. I've done a good amount of research and I think a T3I with the basic 18-55mm lens would be perfect for a complete noob like me.

The only problem I have is trusting eBay with a large purchase like this. I don't want to receive a shitty lens, or a beat up camera with hundreds of thousands of shots taken. Anyone have experience with eBay? What price is too much for a T3I?
Well do you want sooc jpegs or a smooth workflow?

Jpegs - fuji
Workflow - sony

Why? Because fuji raw files are only compatible with silkypix, which is shite. There's also the matter of fake colour with fuji, which can very quickly turn your images from punchy and vibrant to flat and muddy.

It may also be worth noting that fuji have already started making e mount lenses, because their range is a sinking ship.
>There's also the matter of fake colour with fuji, which can very quickly turn your images from punchy and vibrant to flat and muddy.
Said a colorblind guy whose photos are routinely mocked for poor white balance.

Only the literally visually illiterate attempt to shit on Fuji colors.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but fujis problems with colour are widely documented, just google fuji false colour and take a look yourself.

There's a board member that uses funny signs for their trip who is a fuji user that suffers from the false colour problems quite badly, leading to flat colours with dodgy hues.

Look at the asphalt road and dirt path here in pic related, we should be seeing greys and sandy dirt colours, instead we have pink, a fuck ton of pink, this is a sooc jpeg.
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Need pic

Not the fujifanatic you are talking too, but isn't that one of the fundamental flaws of x-trans?

Can't you just get one of the fujis with a real sensor and not have that issue?
>one of the fujis with a real sensor
The gfx? Sure, it's junk next to an a7rii but yeah, it doesn't have the same issues. Fuji don't make a bayer filter x mount body.

The problem is, if they drop their gimmick, they're just "me too" outdated sony nex bodies with no lenses or support.
>fuji have already started making e mount lenses blah blah

This is some grade A stupidity. Fuji made 2 highly specialized semi pro level cine lenses, because e mount system is seriously lacking, and they saw a business opportunity there. Hardly a sign of giving up x mount, which is already mature. They are also in a process of making a pro level body for x mount, in the same price range as canikon flagships. What does that tell you?
>because e mount is lacking

Lol, no, it's the most supported mount in cine behind pls, and e mount cine bodies outsell everything else. Fuji aren't going to support their main competition because they feel they need a hand, they do it because a tiny slice of success pie is better than none at all.

>flagship price, crop sensor, no supertele
It tells me they're building a product no one wants.

And do you have anything to back up this rumour? Or is this just kneejerk to the imminent new sony bodies.
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Holy keks, the gfx is junk, can't wait to see how shit that gets when the sensors degrade at different rates.
Shut the fuck up about Fuji

Tell me about gorrilapods
They're cheap tripods with no real way of setting up level and true and they're only for lightweight stuff.
>it's the most supported mount in cine
Sure, but yet it lacked the types of lenses fuji made.

>Fuji aren't going to support their main competition
Lol fuji doesn't compete in small time cine at all. And mounting those new fuji e lenses anything else than a cine system would be retarded. If they made, say a small fast af semiwide for stills photography, that would be different.

>they do it because a tiny slice of success pie is better than none at all
That's essentially what i said.

>flagship price, crop sensor, no supertele
>It tells me they're building a product no one wants
I'm fairly certain they actually know the market better than you.

>And do you have anything to back up this rumour? Or is this just kneejerk to the (rumored)imminent (rumored)new (rumored)sony (rumored)bodies.
Oh, the irony.
That's what you get buing sony's shit.
AF 28/2.8
I have a 35/2.4 on APS-C and I find it limiting quite a lot of times where I can't really step back a few.
Umm... you don't buy digital MF to use it other than ISO 100. Just saying. None of those noise differences show up at ISO 100 with a remotely close (EV -5) exposure setting.

So perfect for a mirrorless camera with a level inside the evf?
All have e mount alternatives to the 2 fuji lenses.

>they know the market better
Then why are they dropping sales still?

Sony has trusted rumour leak channels, the new sony bodies came from him, he's the same guy that leaked the 100mm, both 85mm and the pro zooms.

Lol, high iso is the only thing the gfx has going for it against the a7rii.
Only sigma has something similar in the same price range.

>Then why are they dropping sales still?
It's a trend in the whole market. Fuji is a niche brand, yet their top models sell ok. Camera business is only a small part of their corporation, more of a passion project than anything else.

>Sony has trusted rumour leak channels
Just like fuji and every other manufacturer on the planet.
Oh, so fuji aren't filling a gap, gotcha ;)

>cameras are a niche passion project for fuji

No, they're the core of fujis business.

>fuji has trusted leaks
Cool, I asked to see that leak, I've not seen shit on fujirumors. Whereas the new sony has been fairly well fleshed out.
>No, they're the core of fujis business.
You're fucking retarded. Fuji is predominantly known as a cosmetics company, and the majority of their (small) photo industry sector income is from the Instax line of films and cameras. The vast, vast majority of it.

The Fuji X line was spawned from a former CEO's desire for a compact Leica-lookalike digital camera (the original X100), which became a cult hit, and lead to calls for an interchangeable lens mount version (the Xpro1) which snowballed further into a fully fleshed out line of cameras and lenses.

Literally a passion project.
So I was wondering...

I want to buy my first DSLR and the Nikon 5300 + sigma 17--50 f2.8 (constant aperture) seems like an awesome combo. But I see that a lot of people are dumping their canon 5D mk2 for just a bit more than a brand new 5300 body costs. (might swap the sigma with 35 mm f1.8, not sure yet)

is it worth it to go for the older body or just go for the newer 5300
Not really, but I would go for a recent APS-C DSLR for the same price. Better perfomance and good selection of lenses. Put on a Samyang fisheye for UWA and correct in LR and you have everything you need from the initial budget.
Get a used D7100 instead. D5x00 is for soccer moms and other kit lens only plebs.
Oo you a dum dum?

Look harder.
I got curious and couldn't find anything either bro.
Wait, you think astalift brings in more revenue than all the digital cameras, film, lenses, instax film, instax cameras, medium format film cameras, cine lenses, etc...

You underestimate the consumerist power of women. Are you a virgin or gay that you've never seen girls and their vast selection of makeups and makeup accessories?
D3300 user here, just got some new glass and I love my camera. However solid colors (especially darks) become noisy after iso 800. What's the most cost effective upgrade for a new body. I was thinking a refurbed d7100
you're a fucking retard moopco. Every. Single. Camera. Company. Has. It. As. A. Minor. Revenue. Stream.

Except Nikon, which is why they are so fucked
5dii isnt that good anymore. other than it's full frame sensor theres nothing that it does better than a decent modern apsc cam(think AF and Picture quality here)
do as >>3048072 said and get a 7100 or 7200 theyre great cams and will last you a long time.
the 35 1.8 is my favorite lens and i recently also got the sigma you are talking about. both great lenses. i think you arent doing much wrong by buying one over the other.

How do you guys avoid dust getting into your sensor? I'm almost afraid of switching lenses because I don't want dust getting into the sensor
I do the lens change as fast as possible while covering the mount on the camera with my hand. A bit of a gap also helps to avoid condensation buildup from my hands and having a mirror box helps a lot too.
And I set the auto dust clean feature on at startup and power down.
money is not really the issue, I was just wondering if the extra 1000$ is worth it. I shot APS-C across different systems for the past three years and would like to upgrade to FF in the near future, that's why I asked

going to look into the 7x00, not that much of a fan of buying second hand cameras but it might be an option.

what makes it a soccermom camera?
Get a K-1, best value FF body
It is an extremely gimped entry body. More so than the D3x00 since it is a barebones entry level and the D5x00 should be an upgrade, which it is not really so but with a few useless extras added. The more prominent setback are still present as in the D3x00.
The D7100/7200 is an actual upgrade with a pro level UI and workflow. AF is properly aligned where in the D5x00 it is not as accurate and the tracking is useless. Viewfinder is pentaprism vs dust magnet pentamirror in the D3x00 and D5x00. Has dual wheel controls vs the single one in the D3x00/D5x00 forcing you to menu dive every other times. Top LCD showing the most useful exposure information.
D7x00 can meter with old manual lenses and can drive the screwdrive AF. Better and much more lens options. The list goes on...
the flipable touch screen of the 5300 can be an advantage over the fixed one of the 7x00 but thats about it
Hate to be that guy that seeks advice and then doesn't follow it, but...

With the MC-11 and other adaptors, does quality not suffer? Is AF not slower, or even completely non-existent?

Anyway, if I only used the 55m and 28mm Sony lenses, and had nothing else would I be so fucked for some modeling and travel photography?
I'll see if I can get my hands on one. How is the lens selection compared to Canon though? (primarily landscape, travel, architecture)
Only in ground level and over the head shooting, most of the times you won't use it.
Samyang has a T/S lens, the new D-FA lens the 15-30, 24-70 (Tamron license) are very nice and Samyang has some wider alternatives. And the older FA, F and the manual A and K series lenses can be used with no limitations.
Lens roadmap says an UWA is coming soon, dunno if zoom or prime.
A FF system is huge though, the 15-30 is massive and the 24-70 is not much smaller. Review says the kit lens is nice too, smaller and lighter also.
FA 31 Limited is the nicest prime on the system, small, light and extremely sharp. The other limiteds are very nice too but some have collectors tax like the 43mm and the 85mm Limiteds.

but feel free to browse:

There is no effect on image quality while using the MC-11.

Autofocus speed is the same as native e-mount lenses for every adapted lens.

The 35mm is a great all around, but not all that great for dedicated portraits. It can do in a pinch, but expect to have to crop.

The 55mm would work, but is rather on the wide side.

Look at the new 85mm, dirt cheap and a pretty awesome lens.
>shit battery life, shit z-tracking
>literally the two things slrs are good at
How does pentax fuck that up so badly
What's a good <$1000 lens for MFT for landscape and snapshit?
Sony a6000
I just purchased a Gitzo Series 5 because I am bored. How fucked am I?
Nikon copyright on predictive tracking algorithm. Same shit Sony does with its sensor technology, quasi-monopoly.
Pentax is still good at tracking with the subject going a steady curve on the older bodies, since the K-1 the z-tracking improved considerably.
The KP is a stylistic entry alternative, the next iteration of the K-3 line will get the new tracking. Or the K-3/II bodies get it in the next firmware update.
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It finally arrived! Now I just have to get off my sorry ass to actually take pictures with the thing.

It's my first film rangefinder, so I'm very excited.
something around 12-24mm focal range.
I hate carrying around a camera that needs a bag or won't fit in my pocket, but I still want quality(technical) photos.

Convince me not to drop 800+ on the galaxy S8 and to use the money for an actual camera compact camera instead
Get an x100 or a GR instead
I'm not even talking about the subject tracking (automatic focus point movement). I'm talking about the one where the guy's heading straight for the camera, the one thing any SLR going back to the EOS 1 is good at.
>Ditch the old 18-55, either grab a current 18-55, the 35 DX, or 16-85 DX.

whats the problem with the old 18-55 and whats the point on getting a 16-85?

wouldn't an 18-105 be a better deal?
Phone cameras are only good in perfect light.
And even then you have abysmal controls.

Sony RX100 or Ricoh GR - those are your only serious options.
The old 18-55 was good for the cameras it was sold with, such as the 10 MP D40. Then the 18-55 VR was good for the 14 MP D3100. Now the current two (VR II and AF-P) are good for the 24 MP cameras. That's how kit lenses work. They're only good enough.

The 18-105 is similar in that it's a kit lens. It's been superceded by the 18-140. The 16-85 is still sharper, while going down to 24mm equiv (quite a difference) and still usefully long on the long end.
>guy's heading straight for the camera, the one thing any SLR going back to the EOS 1 is good at.

That's actually quite difficult.

An SLR can only track a subject with the mirror down.
When you press the shutter it raises the mirror and is essentially blind.
So it has to predict where the subject will be about 1/10th of a second later during the exposure.

It requires incredible precision to detect the exact speed, direction and rate of acceleration necessary to make such a prediction.
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>The 18-105 is similar in that it's a kit lens. It's been superceded by the 18-140.

You think a 18-105 with a d100 would be a good fit?

I already have a bunch of primes, but I want a zoom to take with me on trips.
Why? get a D300s at least. Or a D7000.
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I meant a D7100.

To be perfectly clear: I already have a D7100 and a lot of primes; I want to know if a 18-105mm would be a good travel lens.

I didn't even know D100 existed
Oh, okay then, carry on. And check yo' typing!
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She's 95% fixed. Still won't respond to pressing "eject"

So I have to do it manually

Plays fine. May need to tighten the "back" spool

Now I need fresh tapes

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I've been looking at the Tamron 24-70 2.8 VC.

Anyone know if this is a worthy investment for someone who can't afford the Nikon equivalent? Or should I just go for a different mid-range zoom? Maybe 24-85 or 24-120
Yes, absolutely. Or the 15-30 for that matter if you like the wider half of the 24-70.
Thank you

I'm putting off purchasing an UWA until I really need it. I want one, but I have more need for a mid-range zoom at the moment.

Do you have personal experience with the Tamron? If so, what do you like/dislike about it?
I have personal experience with a first gen AF 70-200/2.8 but it shows Tamron can design excellent lenses. Reviews say the 24-70 is excellent from wide open, something you can trust a business on.
I would go for it.
And yet Pentax can't even manage to do that, when Canikon have been doing it since at least 2000, maybe more if you stick a modern lens on a F5/EOS 1. It's not like the algorithms or precision production capability hasn't been there for a long time either. And the K3 and K1 suffer the same flaw.

Even Sony's SLTs are better.
Samsung Galaxy S7
Google Pixel

There are others, but these phone cameras are surprisingly capable in low-light.
Are all these cameras worth $150?

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>The SEL85F18 is $250 more than Canon's comparative 85mm
They're worth about 350 total, you should get them man.
Canon's 85 is ancient. Still $130 more than Nikon's 85 1.8G. Sonyfags will defend this.
Thanks for the info man. I am a poor college student so if I was to resell them do you think I could get around $350?
I mean if you sell each for $30, I guess.
Keep in mind that certain ones like the top right camera will be only worth a couple bucks.
About 350 for people in the know, probably more for plebs.
I walked into a furniture store once on the north side of Chicago that had BROKEN Yashica Electros for like $125 as decorations, so yeah you just need to know who to rip off.

Sony lenses sell ay MSRP for like 6 months then drop.

Just look at the SEL50F18F, it is down to half price. The SEL35F28Z is down to $600 too.
Hello /p/, thoughts on a second hand D7000 as first camera? Seller is asking for $400, 1.2k shutter actuation, overall in mint condition.

Or should i save a bit more for D7100/7200?
For your first camera, that's good, go get it. You'd be looking at $600/900 for 7100/7200, and you'd see little difference at your level.
I love my D7000, though I can't agree with the Ken Rockwell recommendation, anyone who encourages their user base to shoot primarily in JPEG should not be trusted.
getting a used d810, will it explode the moment I pay?
>brand new, not yet on shelves
>massively out performs the canon
>sony lenses don't sell at rrp unless they have GM on them
>it's the same optical formula as the zeiss batis, a lens that makes canon look like a scrub.

Already out here in Japan.

Only $535.
I'm always hesistant about second hand electronics but over here I see people buying second hand shit all the time. I'm always afraid to buy it for what is still quite some money and that it'll break quickly, or is it not so much of a problem with DLSRs and lenses?

$520 on Amazon.
>Look at the new 85mm, dirt cheap and a pretty awesome lens.

Which are you talking about? This rumoured one that hasn't come out yet? https://petapixel.com/2017/01/11/sony-will-release-budget-85mm-f1-8-fe-lens-2017-report/

The Batis is ~$1200 and the f/1.4 is $1,800 so nothing is dirt cheap at 85mm that is presently available, that I know of.

Fuck you're blind nigger.


It has been announced officially and released already.


Order today and it arrives Saturday.
What is the best Fuji lens I can use to scan 35mm and 120mm film? I'm also happy to buy a manual legacy lens.
>best Fuji lense
Sorry bb, apsc transgendered rangefinders with focusbywire and deficient-lense-compensation baked into their raws aren't really ideal tools for film scanning.
Buy a Canon.


All x-mount lenses rely heavily on lens corrections.

Your best bet would be picking up an old manual focus lens.
I don't know why I bothered asking you guys, /p/ isn't the /p/ it was a few years ago.
Fujis trademark is sharp in the centre, soft at the edges, because they're selling an underperforming product at top shelf prices.

Bellows and an ok enlarger lens will get perfect sharpness across the frame, minimal vignette and will need almost zero correction in post.

No Fuji lens is suitable for film scanning. They are just not good enough, their corners are a joke.

Your best budget choice would be an old Minolta MD 50mm f 3.5 macro with an extensiom tube so it becomes 1:1. You need the appropriate adapter too.

Step it down a bit, make sure it is in focus to the corners and shoot away.
i would say IQ wise it doesnt change that much, but the AF is much better on the III, but for what you are going to use it is not important i guess


You guys are completely out of your minds. Any fuji prime and most of the zooms will outperform anything photographed on film 100-0 in terms of resolution. Unless it's 120 film shot on best possible lenses ever. And since op is asking here, I doubt it. That said, bellows+ wideish macro would be more practical setup.

>mfw the new 35, 50 & 90 breaking resolution records
>mfw I have no face
Any way to get this in Europe/Russia for anywhere close to $520?

Looks like they wont ship out of Japan.

Could check kakaku and see if any store there will.
Any ideas on a new bag? Mine is just not tall enough. I normally take a film body, 50mm, 20mm, 80-200, and a full frame with battery grip.
Outside of US and Japan will have 2x price and only go down to 1.5x price after a year or so. Like with everything else consumer electronics
Lowepro Flipside 400 AW or bigger
pleas respond
Get it. I have a 35mm on APS-C and I find it too narrow and limiting too many times.
For travel there is nothing better than a prime.
what are your experiences with chinese led panels, anons?
I'm considering buying pic related, a Yongnuo YN300 air
hopefully the DC connector is a standard 5.5mm barrel jack,
so you can connect a $3 9V power supply instead of their overpriced 8V special one
>>it's the same optical formula as the zeiss batis, a lens that makes canon look like a scrub.
While I agree with the rest, that Zeiss stuff is just marking bullshit.
They could say "Uses glass elements just like the Zeiss!" and people would cream themselves over it.
Maybe a Transit 350?

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I like the Flipside better, no chance of forgetting the zippers a bit low and when packing up the whole thing with body and lenses falling out on the ground.
Had similar experience with a traditional backpack, fortunately, the ground was soft and nothing broke. Instant heart attack and still hyperventilating hours after.
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r8 my setup

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Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)52 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Created2017:03:30 18:12:49
Exposure Time1/5 sec
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ISO Speed Rating100
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Exposure Bias0.7 EV
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Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash
Focal Length35.00 mm
CommentVille was here
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The fuck is that shit on the leg? Otherwise, nice, you managed to put a camera on a 410 head and hook up an intervalometer/remote.
Not many people on /p/ can manage this hard task.
the wire goes to the battery slot in the camera and is connected to the battery on the floor. I really can't guess what it could be?
there's a knob on it

what are you doing that you need something other than the cheap remote?
Got it, it is the control box for the heating thing on the lense
Probably a night or cold environment timelapse rig. Not much of a rig, just camera on tripod with intervalometer and a heater and big batteries underneath.
He probably has no integrated timelapse intervalometer function, even an entry Pentax has them.
there is integrated intervalometer, but it doesn't do bulb. hence the timer.

it is a cheap remote, youpro yp-880

oh i see. carry on and post photos
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here's some 4 hours of hot rotation action

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Camera ModelNIKON D800
Camera SoftwareRawTherapee 5.0-r1-gtk3
Maximum Lens Aperturef/2.4
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)15 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution300 dpi
Vertical Resolution300 dpi
Image Created2017:03:12 16:56:10
Exposure Time124 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
ISO Speed Rating200
Lens Aperturef/4.0
Exposure Bias0 EV
Metering ModePattern
Light SourceUnknown
FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length15.00 mm
Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Gain ControlNone
Subject Distance RangeUnknown
https://www.linio.com.mx/sp/technology-price-index-2016 seems to suggest that several other countries (e.g., Poland) should have comparable prices to US and Japan. Don't know how accurate it is.
I've been experimenting with a 55m lens on full frame and it seems ideal for modeling shoots. Portraiture it's usually recommended to go 85mm or even more, but I want to capture the model and her figure, some only waist up, some her entire body. Is 85mm+ only recommended when doing close crop portraits where the head takes up at least half the frame?
Thinking of picking up this guy soon. Anyone here have comments on it using it on full frame?
Thanks for a real answer :)
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I need some help picking out a tripod. I just want something basic that has a decent head for video. Only looking to spend ~$50 so not really expecting much
>decent head for
>~$50 so not really expecting much

go find a hobo
Yeah yeah, I get it. I'm not gonna find much for $50. I was gonna get a Dolica gx600b200 but figured I'd ask here about one with a 3 way head instead of a ball head before I bought it since that's what I'm really looking for

Looks like a good tripod for what it costs. I'd say go for it.

I bought a $40 Velbon tripod that has lasted me years.
Nikon D750 - Still worth it?
Get the Pentax K-1 instead
I'm coming from Pentax (K3) and I don't like the lens economy or the AF system.
Oh true, well yeah the D750 is definitely still relevant
I'm also considering the fuji xt2 meme.

I wish there was a full frame canon at this price point. I love canon lenses.

canon 6d?
Worse autofocus than a k1.

I'm really leaning toward a D750 at this point. Think the price will drop in the next month or so?
>considering the fuji xt2 over the K-1
you just went full autismo m8
Still a better, and faster, lens selection than Pentax.

If you didn't like the AF on the K3, you will hate the xt2.
If these are your options and you really cant get to buying a k-1 i think the d750 might be the option for you.
I want to shoot Pentax. I loved my K3. Maybe I just had the wrong lenses, but I was never blown away by anything it gave me other than shots with the really old primes I had.

The new D FA lenses look great, but so did the HD Pentax-DA's I had. Nine times out of ten I never used them and stuck with lugging around my bag of old primes.

I don't want to do that again. The camera seems absolutely perfect otherwise.
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>he thinks fuji lenses are better than pentax limited series
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>he uses crop-sensor lenses on his full frame
If I use my crop lens on a full frame body, I'm only using a small circular area for my photos and therefore I get better sharpness and resolution because the megapixles are all being pushed to that circle.

Checkmate crop babbys.
Unless you are talking about the old film-era limiteds, in which case you're just being silly.

Yes. They are great glass, but they are dated. Just like everything else on Pentax.
I'm talking about the FA limited lenses nignog

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakePENTAX Corporation
Camera ModelPENTAX K10D
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop CS2 Windows
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Color Filter Array Pattern636
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)150 mm
Image-Specific Properties:
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
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Image Created2007:08:21 13:17:02
Exposure Time0.6 sec
Exposure ProgramManual
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FlashNo Flash, Compulsory
Focal Length100.00 mm
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Exposure ModeManual
White BalanceAuto
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Subject Distance RangeClose View
That just goes back to my original problem with my K3ii - too much kit to lug around.

Using crop lenses on a FF body are the same as using them on a crop body. The whole sensor just isn't covered.

Though in most cases FF bodies are a few years older than a comparable crop, so it kinda makes a difference.

Just buy a FF body and 24-70mm f 2.8ish zoom.

Depending on what you buy, you can get kinda compact.
Okay so I'm in doubt between buying a used body and have a higher end albeit used body or to buy a brand new one

I generally don't like second hand stuff unless it is a car and even then I don't like it but I can see why you would do it. Is a used camera body like buying a second hand car or is it like buying a second hand television that will die in no time
Lol, spot the guy that's never done film scanning.

It's no secret that fuji lenses don't have flat field sharpness, they're not designed as technical macro lenses, a £50 enlarger lens will easily out perform anything fuji make. Just look at an mtf graph for fuji, that shows how much softer at the edges they are than the centre, oh and vuescan/adobe can't fix the distortion from a fuji raw, and you have to use a raw to do the invert process.

I've done a lot of dslr film scanning and I've put in enough research to release a commercial product, here's a list of lenses I've tried that all failed to come close to the performance of a cheap enlarger lens. They had worse sharpness, distortion, aberrations & colour reproduction.

Pentax 50mm 3.5 macro
Cosina 90mm 3.5 macro
Sigma dgm ex 50mm 2.8 macro
Sony fe 55mm 1.8 & extension tubes
Canon fd 50mm macro
Nikon 50mm 1.4 & extension tubes

>outperform anything photographed on film in terms of resolution.

Oh sweetie, no, possibly if you mapped one grain to one pixel, but even my rig sees benefits doing 4:1 reproduction on 135 (stitch of 6 photos to one frame of 135)

And a longer lens works better than a wide one as it helps obfuscate any texture behind or in front of the film plane.

Lol, samefag.
Have K-3.

Lenses that blew me away:
Helios 44M
Pentacon 135/2.8
DA 35/2.4
Tamron 70-200/2.8
Tamron AF SP 90/2.8 Macro

Lenses that just blow:
DA 50-200 kit bundle lens
Pentacon 29/2.8
Noname old M42 manual zoom 70-210/4

In limbo (usually do an excellent job but in some cases, they produce truly bad images):
DA 16-45/4 Mostly great but the wide end is meh in the corners
DA 50-200 Sometimes the CA isn't too bad and WR is good to have

I'm still debating on replacing my DA 16-45 to an HD DA 16-85 or a 20-40 Limited
Would be nice to have a 21mm Limited as well.
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Make a bit bigger dent with a slight curve.
Looking for recommendations for how to carry my a7r and 55mm around when I'm walking around the city scouting cool shots. Don't want to disassemble after every shot before walking to the next location.
>For travel there is nothing better than a prime.

please elaborate.

wouldn't it be better to have a Zoom?
On a strap around your neck.
Never take off the lens if you don't have to change to another lens.
A good 24-70 will get much more use than any prime unless you're some kind of fag.
thats exactly what I thought
>implying my eos m + 22mm pancake is not versatile.
enjoy lugging your zoom.
you're already lugging a dslr.

not really much difference is there?
walked around for two weeks with a 50mm for vacation (borrowed DLSR and lens). even though it got me hooked on photography I would recommend a (good) zoom lens because sometimes the 50mm just wasn't wide enough. the big advantage was the compactness of this setup

a good zoomlens such as the sigma 17-50 f2.8 (constant) is more functional.
Why not?

Strap is kind of a pain, it bounces around. Better if I can have it in a backpack or something, but then it needs a little soft bag to protect it inside the backpack.
as you reccomend the 17-50 i guess it was a 50 on an apsc?
New Thread

should have said that, yes it was a d5200
well no wonder the 50 was too tight.
the 17-50 you mentioned is a great option for crop bodies, however its only my second favorite after my 35. overall i would consider a 40ish prime the best suited lens for the kind of photography i do when traveling.
You pretty much made an A7, but that's pretty neato. Not having a shoe or any ergonomics whatsoever was one of the reasons I never bought a MX-1 when I was getting into digital.
Wut, compact != versatile.
And I cant think of anything worse than being stuck with a slow 35 on a gimped crop sensor. Can only zoom where feet will allow, awful in low light, no options for framing and perspective. Enjoy your boring snaps that look like they were taken on a cheap p&s.

Because the 2 most delicate areas are the insides of your ccamera and back element of the lens. You want to avoid exposing these at all costs unless you want to spend 40 bucks a month on sensor cleaning.

Cameras aren't delicate or precious, they're tools, no your body doesn't need to go in a soft bag inside a bag, and good luck getting getting a fleeting moment captured.

There's plenty of strap options if you don't just want a neck dangler, a speed strap is a good option. If you must put it in a bag, a small messenger bag offers good convenience.

But please, leave the lens on, you've probably already covered your sensor in crud.
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