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Fishing & Tackle Thread

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Thread replies: 319
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#132-"Green Spotted Bowfin" Edition

Previous Thread:

Still looking for good stuff for the Pastebin and Imgur. Maybe we can get a list of Youtube vids and put them in the Pastebin or keep a couple important ones in the OP.

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

Talk about fishin
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daily reminder that all non-shimano users are reel niggers
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What you really mean is quantum and okuma users are nigs and people who use Shimano, Abu, and Daiwa are not retarded lol.
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Fight mi fggt
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>Abu not shit

Every one I ever owned was a piece of shit compared to any Shimano i've bought.

Every shimano reel i've bought is still being used today, while the Abu's are long gone and in the trash.
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Hell yeah nigs, got my custom surf rod.
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What's up y'all? I've been out for months because it's pissing rain for weeks on end in cali. Just got back from a trip to Hawaii. Got some fishing in, caught myself a nice 1-2lb Papio (bluefin trevally) from the shore and god damn was that insane. It hit like a god damn truck and took a ton of drag, I thought it would be a huge fish from the fight. West coast truly is the shit coast because now I feel like I know what I'm missiing with amberjacks etc

Pic not mine but related
Probably because you bought a black max or silver max lol. But yeah their low end orras and maxxs are garbage honestly. The revo line is good and the rocket is dank.

you actualy throw away perfectly usable reels?

daiwa master race reporting in.
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Yeah boi trips beats dubs.

Dem funny shaped bowfin. Reminds me of this guy
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Forgot pic like a retard
Looks dank. How long? And how many pices are those long ass surf rods?
Pretty gay honestly senpai.

Looks like what a pot head would think is cool.

That's a blue finned oceanic bowfin. Idk what trevally is but that's not one.
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Ripped the reel seat off of my one rod that it was junked. Next thing is to order a new one
Also noticed a small crack in the blank where the 2 pieces connect
Can I just eppoxy the shit out of it and make a one piece rod?( Picture coming

1 peice 9 foot, pain in the ass to store and transport but I like the feel 1 peices have on peirs

Revos are absolute trash, terrible tolerances and the drag systems are garbage

The Curado, an entry level Shimano baitcaster, is LIGHTYEARS ahead of Revo

The Stradic completely BTFO's the shitty Revo spinning reels they make
>terrible tolerances
>drag system is trash
Again? Wut? How is 20lbs of max drag bad?
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Male end of the rods when they go together
It's split slightly and probably not too structurally sound
Worth trying to save or should I strip the eylets and junk he blank
Rod is pretty dang cheap so I don't feel bad about this
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>doesnt understand tolerance

>Thinks max drag = good, smooth drag system


Sometimes i forget im posting in Walmart/Cabelas-fag threads
Curado and citica have no where near as smooth of a reeling action in the crank to my feel. Idk if it's that they have less bearings or what.

I have both and like both but to call the revo line trash is pretty funny.

Diwali the tatula type r is good too. Can't wait to see how you trash that as well.

Let me guess? You wasted money on a stella and have to justify it daily?
That 20lbs of drag is VERY useful to have maxed out on fish in heavy cover and grass or pads when you use 60lb braid.

You're a retard obviously. I have never had a bass break like peeling drag nor do I think their drag isn't smooth? I don't understand lol.

Their inshore reels have never had fish break off for me on shifty or sticky drag. Only on cover.

I personally do not own a Curado, and haven't in many years.

I went on to better things, Chronarch and upwards.

I haven't bought a Stella...yet. I'm In the Market for one and I am debating wither or not I should go with a Stella + a 7'6-7'9 Mebaru or a Twin Power XD and a heavier action rod.

I'll admit though, Diawa's aren't all that bad, as long as you buy over a certain price point.
You're honestly retarded if you buy a Stella so I'm just going to go forward understanding you are a massive fanboy who can't be reasoned with.

You sound like those idiots who talk about Honda being the end all be all in fishing.

Drag means fuck all if you are fishing heavy cover + heavy braid anyways

You aren't even using the drag system at that point

Fish Abu's ultralight, and then Fish Shimano Ultralight. You'll know exactly what I'm talking about then.
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>on ebay
>see reel i want really cheap
>look at bids this morning

its like the other person just stopped bidding,
saved $170 on a tranx which I've never seen go for cheap.

is there a furrel in there?

Have you ever fished a Stella?

If not, then how could you ever know what they feel like?

In fishing gear, and technology in general, there are levels.

Stella's are without a doubt the best spinning reel ever made, and that is not "fanboy" speaking.

I've fished Everything from Pfleuger, Penn, Abu and Diawa. Shimano hands down makes the best stuff, and you will never have to worry about parts ever drying up.

When you buy High end shimano, You buy for a lifetime and an heirloom.
Enjoy your made of glass Stella and all the time it will spend being serviced or how much you're going to cry when it gets boat rash or bounces off a rock.
what exactly do you mean by a ferrel
theres a small plastic cap in the end but i didnt feel like pulling it out
Look at the fishing these guys do in the link below


Seems obvious choice to me. They jump in and out of the water. Climb rocks. Boat fish. Wade fish. Etc.
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>that bass
curious if anyon has abused the st croix waruntee system ,
i found an old beat to shit st croix on the side of the river
i could in theory pay $55 and send it to st croix ( after snapping it in half) and get a brand new one
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Spoken like a true gear-nigger

You should always treat your rods and reels how you'd read your firearms.

You have cheap shit you have no problem throwing around. Perhaps you buy cheap Stevens shotguns as well.

I have enough respect and appreciation for my gear, that I will not throw it on a boat or set it on the ground.
About how much weight can I put into a UL rod before snapping it?
casting or pulling?
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>mfw I unironically agree with the Shimano shill
Lol. What? A firearm? What kind of fag hunting do you do that your gun doesn't get beat aroud? I buy vortex optics for a reason. Because I actually use my gun and hike with it and shits gonna hit and bump it and the scope around and vortex will replace broken shit.

You're a fag. I bet you sit in a tree a stand or truck and road hunt because you're 350 pounds.

gear nigger? Fishing and hunting equipment are tools you dumb fuck. If you honestly think that the Stella isn't going to get bumped around you're a retard.

Do your guns sit in the safe being wiped daily with oil and never fired because the slide or bolt will get wear marks? Good lord you're a homo.

>clearly bought a used OLD Stella, probably from Japan from the infamous Broke reel sellers on Ebay

here is something neat to know.

1. Shimano sells referb and/or for repair reels to some individuals in Japan.

2. These Japanese businesses (ebay) straight up sells you the broken reel, or the attempted fix

3. You cannot send it back with tracking, so in the event you obtain a broken reel, buyer will ask for you to send it back

4. Reel loses tracking after it leaves a US facility

5. Buyer claims you did not return item

6. No tracking proving delivery

7. Ebay sides with Seller, you are out a reel and your cash

This has been going on for a while now, and Ebay being the kikes they are allow this to happen.

These dumbasses should have bought new.
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You're unironically a fag

Except that....you know....they had the reel fixed multiple times and broke multiple times
shieet, im seriously considering buying 2 or 3 cheap rods, stripping the rods to the blank ad rebuilding with nicer handle, nicer reel seat, and nicer eyelets/wrapping

i found some pretty cheap ( $30) rods that i like the feel and action of but everything on it is shit
>providing absolutely no argument and using your emotions to dictate your reasoning

what are you a female?

>Has a 17 year old Stella, of which most parts arent even available anymore

>repair shops are forced to improvise with non-model parts

>whao guys still cant fix this reel must suck

Have you ever had an old Shimano serviced? you'd know its hit or miss because parts are scarce.
Dude what? I gave obvious reasons. Guns and reels are tools. I said I buy vortex for their scope warranty because I live in Arizona and have to hike for my deer and rifles get dropped. My Tikka is stainless because I know it's gonna get wet.

I'm not going to buy a 4000 dollar custom rifle and get butt mad when it falls down some Arizona rock because I'm not a retard

That 350 pound comment got you mad huh?

Hit or miss? Again. It was fixed multiple times.

Great....a line of reels that's expensive as duck and has no aftermarket or part support after a year or two. What a deal.

I have an 80s Porsche to sell you as well.
if you pull the cap you can glue a furrel inside the rod blank. (its a 3" solid carbon rod with the edges rounded)
kek, im not the Shimano shill.

So you're complaining about my argument points and yours is that I'm mad I don't like "superior" products? Lol what? I admitted to owning shimano product and liking it. I like my curado.

I have Daiwa stuff too. I'm still not going to buy a Stella or saltiga because I'm not a retard and I know I'm going to actually use it and not just talk about it on the Internet and post pictures of it to try and make people jealous online. It's a waste of money. A good rod is more important than a reel. Any reel over 500 bucks is ridiculous for most fishing unless you're getting monster conventional reels or vertical jigging on wrecks and need stupid drag power
Always good to see some bait in the fishin threads
>I'm losing this argument better call them fat.
>$1500 for a spinning reel
Hahaha holy fuck some people have more money than sense
Well I can't see any other reason he would have to leave his guns at home in a velvet lined glass case and justify not actually using then can you?

Are you also fat?
>Fishing thread
>starts off with baiting and trolling

Fucking Inception level shit right here. It's needs more bowfin though.
He's very obviously a retard. Even a 3000 size one is like 800 bucks. Imagine using an 800 dollar reel to catch bass or speckled trout and not looking like a tool

The only reel that could possibly handle catching a bowfin is a Shimano stella. Even it would likely fail under the immense pressure given by a bowfin, the God of all fish.
It is the Aussie fag and the Arizona fag fagging it up as usual. I think they have like 2 days a week to get online or something. I just got here, kid.

Also here is a pic I found from around '85 of me fishing (my dad's in the background)
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>mfw anons in this thread can bait and hook other anons better than they can with actual fish

fucking kek
Sorry I don't like listening to obvious retardation. It's hot in AZ so I get testy and I don't fag it up that much. Only a little bit.
You're lucky a bowfin didn't just grab you from the shore and take you to a watery grave.
Danm dirty Atlantic croaking bowfins
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Do I really need to mess with the drag settings much if I'm just fishing black bass, panfish, and dink channel cats?

>pic related
It's going to vary by rod and what it's made of. An glass mix rod like an ugly stick would be hard to break honestly without shutting it in a door or something.
>Recommending me an ugly stick
All credibility denied.
that as a different anon, il do some casting tests tomorrow for you
ivehad bass up to 4 lbs on my ultralight
nothing too huge though
I'm not recommending it but I'm saying they are actually hard to break just bending or pull them dude lol. YouTube it if you don't believe me. Glass mix rods are harder to break than graphite or other types of rod blank mixes.

I don't even know why you're worried about breaking it. You would never spool line strong enough to possibly snap a rod high sticking on a fish. You're not vertical jigging 60 pound amberjacks on an ultralight.
Depends what you are trying to do. Sometimes it's fun to let bass run a little bit and tire them our before you get em close to shore and they throw the hook. Other times you want to crank them in fast before they can dive into the lilly pad bed nearby.

Ehh, you can catch common bowfin on anything. But if you are targeting the mythical "Southern Asian Striped Bowfin", nothing less than a Japanese made Shimano is up to the task.

My uncle's father in law's second cousin claimes he landed one on a Swedish made Ambassadeur but I think it's just another tall fishing tale.

Gary Yamamoto makes lures specifically for the Southern Asian Striped Bowfin.
wow you are so mad
I hope you don't mind if I ask a stupid question:
My dad apparently wants a bream rod for his bday. Could someone here give me a run down on what is special about a bream rod, and /or give me some good brands/models to look at?
I'm gonna assume you're Australian so your dad will be fishing for black or yellowfin bream.

Bream rods are rated between 1-4 kg and range from 6 to 7 foot in length. I can't really tell you more without knowing how your dad plans to use it.
ok, thanks. that's a correct assumption
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$35 at my local sportsman show. id day i made out okay
I'm excited as fuck to get to the salt. Next weekend pls hurry.

Dude didn't you read the thread? It's scintifically proven that if you don't spend AT LEAST $1k on a Shimano you're reel is garbage. I bet you don't even actually fish.
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How are rebel lures? Just bought 4 for $1.50 each.
>It's scintifically proven that if you don't spend AT LEAST $1k on a Shimano you're reel is garbage.

You can get that same mix of false self worth and autistic rage by snort $950 worth of coke and writing Shimano on the side of your Penn reel.
Also if you snort $950 worth of coke ANY reel will last you the rest of your life.
They're fine old school lures. Not the most fancy meme baits but they get the job done.

Only because you gettin dat border yay

>tfw just spent 2hrs textin wit dat coffee grill
Now I can give up on fishing and become a boring normie for a bit
The shit around here is so stepped on it's not even funny.

Yeah now post some bowfins.
Oh I have another pic of my fishing buddy with a long nose bowfin.
Can you catch me a little one ( less than 6 inches) and send it to me for my aquarium?
Usually I hold the line and pull on it, and set the drag to release when the rod is bent to what I consider a "reasonable amount". If you want to pull fish away from rocks or weeds quickly, just crank the drag up all the way and hope you don't get a monster.
The floating minnow in the top left of your picture is a great lure. It isn't the most realistic compared to what's out now, but it has god-tier action. If you do a steady retrieve, you can slow your reeling down to a creeping slow pace and the lure will keep its swimming action. Got a nice trout on this when they were ignoring everything else. I also use a small gold one with trout spots (same size as the two little ones you have) and it gets me a lot of spotted bass and trout in the river.
What telescopic fishing pole should I get?

Need it because motorcycle. Tried to strap my 6.5ft pole but would get a ticket/unable to steer no matter how i did it.

Figure I'll just make a PVC rig to slip it in or take in a backpack, but have no idea what a quality rod would be.

Lake/river/pier fishing, for deep sea I would go with buddies who have deep sea rods.
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how far south do you guys have lakers in usa?
anyone know how the basspro trade in shit works?

wouldnt mind trading my lews for a curado... i imagine they will give me like 30 bux credit
It's shitty and not even worth it. They give you like 20% or some other low number of the value towards a new rod so if you bring in a used rod that was $100 new, they will give you $20 off the new rod you buy. Not sure if they take abused and broken shit but that's the only way I would do it.
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>how far south do you guys have lakers in usa?

Not sure, but fingerlakes (esp Seneca, Cayuga, Keuka) in upstate NY is as far as I know. Probably southernmost is in Nevada/Utah/Colorado area. Lakers need 50-60 degree water year-round or at least access to it.

Man, you are such a scrub. Please stop posting in these threads. You make them cancerous.
We got them in NJ in two reservoirs, I heard they go more southern but idk
Abu Garcia(s) are the best
>living in new jersey

Get a two piece. It'll be 100 times better than a telescopic.
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Some of them are really good

Their cheap stuff is utter shit though, literally ugly stick tier
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Everybody must be actually fishing today
I wish. I'd give anything to be out setting jug lines and bringing home some catfish today. Instead I'm locked inside, making 200 God damn flash cards to study for the HESI.
Just fired up the grow lights. Trying to save money on electric by not being on the PC.

Great day for fishing if there wasn't 5-mph winds right now. I actually saw a guy's boat lift out of the back of his truck today due to wind.
I'm horribly sick
Just picked up one of those vortex rods. I'll slap a real on it and try it out this evening.

This has to be a typo
>We got them in NJ in two reservoirs, I heard they go more southern but idk

Not bad, how deep? And what kind of size you get from them?
>setting jug lines

pick one. i bet you are a trot-line fag too
>Everybody must be actually fishing today

a novel fucking idea, thank God for the stop in shit-gear-posting. gear whores are the worst.
Shut up ugly stik fag
That gentle breeze will wreck your shit.
Bowfins don't fall for such tricks
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>throw away perfectly usable reels?

I throw out my Penns at least once or twice a season. I've never had one fail by doing this.

>saved $170
You probably bought a shinamo trank, the other guy noticed which is why he stopped bidding.

>shinamo trank
I hear good things. Check out dat carbon fiber.


Worked like a madman trying to go home today. Gonna go out south/west for somethin tonight so I'll probably throw the rods in the car but chances are I will be too beat to attempt to cast at night.
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Forgot pic of course

I'm still convinced the $50+ reels probably work well for a month or two before they fall apart. Kastking is another cheap Chink brand but lots of people use them.
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Lizard confirmed for best. 4lbs 15oz
best is actually small bass but nice catsh
>This has to be a typo

- is right next to 0. "50mph" It was flipping big deep freezers off redneck's porches all day long. I've never seen so many toaster waffles, tater tots, and pizza rolls strung all over. No joke.

>god damn braid!!!
What the fuck is a toaster waffle?
the fake waffles that go in the toaster

Haha yeah I had to look it up I forgot that pic related was a thing.
>tfw when you own a waffle iron and don't use it because it is teflon coated shit xmas gift

I really need to get a fucking pie iron.
Why? It'll grow fast
Then you're fucked

I did.

I also gearfagged it up a bit. I accidentally a shimano curado I 200HG.

haven't tried the shitshamo but i'm sending my kastking stealth back in hopes of a replacement. i think it's got a bad spool bearing or something, it's just not as smooth as it should be. the drag and overall performance is not bad, a step above the silver max for sure. their customer service is actually pretty good. still no speed demon in stock.

i just want to see kastking prove itself to be able to compete in the sub-$75 reel market.

anyway what scale is the go to for fish weighing? i don't need something that goes to 25 or 50 lbs, something in the 15 lb range would be great. preferrably cheap and on amazon/ebay.
then i release it into the river here an fuck everything up
or throw it into my pond that isnt conneced to any other waterways s
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Caught this one on the new Gander Mountain Vortex rod. It's pretty sesitive this little dude barely bumped the senko, but it has a pretty slow action. It'll be a good little jerkbait bait and panfish rod though.

True but illegal here.

That's what I figured
They are in Lake Tahoe and probably some lakes further south than that.
Think it would be good for finesse presentations with a meme faster and #15 braid on a budget?
I appreciate it anon
>Mfw I'm going to Cleveland tomorrow
Any fishing up there? Going for work tomorrow
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Thanks, added it to my amazon list.

Some gearfagging pics incoming.

The white ice trick worms asked about earlier:
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My go to white trick worms when limetreuse and merthiolate isn't working.
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The chinese "Lews" speed sticks are back at walmart, finally. This is the best rod $40 can get you and imo the best rod walmart carries. I saw a guy going for a lightning and talked him out of it once he held this instead.
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at 114 grams, it's lighter than my field and stream tec spec which is the dicks house brand at the $70 price point.
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The tech spec is a bit heavier but still light. It also has a few more guides. the Lews is 6'10" medium fast and the tech spec is 7' medium fast.
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Made of pure grade A Chinesium, the Kastking Stealth weighs in at just over 6 ounces and sports centrifugal and magnetic braking.
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Daiwa Tatula CT 100HS and the Curado I 200HG are virtually the same weight loaded.

I fished with my SilverMax today and it's amazing how much of an improvement these reels are in comparison.
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Side by side:
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Last pic.
Thought about getting a memecaster, spinning reels legitimately are superior. Glad I never got one

The Vortex is the one on sale for $15, right? Did you get a spinning one or casting one and what reel did you get?

I'm still like 80% convinced those Vortex rods are the Abu 24 ton blanks they use for the Cardinal SX rods.
Always makes me smile when other people carry my torch and tell that worthless low life nigger Pepsi to fuck off

Not him but this is what i'm seeing on their website:


I'd assume they have more than just 6'6" MH in stores. Sounds like a good buy for $20.
So wut did you pay for that? And I love how thick that crank handle is with the dank carbon fiber look.

The Silver Max reels still cast decent and stuff but you can't compare em to the more expensive stuff with better materials. I just love the small and light body of the Revos because they feel so balanced and nice to palm.

Memecasters are still good for that 10% of time you want to cast a 1/2oz crankbait.
Well this is a spinning rod, but if they have the same action I don't think it'd be a horrible option.

Those are pretty as fuck

Nah ur wrong

Yeah for $20. I got a spinning and just put my Orra S on it for now. It's definitely worth the money.

Meme caster are good for all times get gud
Hey bby ;^)

They have had em at the Gander Mtn by me for $19.99 and they have/had 5'6" UL, 6'6" M, and 6'6" MH. They are probably still there and I really wanted to buy one or two but I don't need another 6'6" M.

The sign always says "$60 Value!" and idk if they are worth that much but it's probably a $40 rod. Def worth the $19. The M is just like the Abu Cardinal SX combo rods or whatever other "24 Ton" rods. The action isn't super fast but they are pretty sensitive and light enough.
As much as I want you to die in the fiery pits of hell with that cunt bag Plont and doucheboy LizFaggot. You are the only person in this world I interract with. I love you Pepsi. Marry me. Let me such your bowfin bbgirl. I'll buy you hormones so you can become mine
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$35 on amazon a couple weeks ago on lightning sale. I actually had it in my shopping list when it was $40.

My 100 pack of #7 swivels came in from amazon today as well. No more buying overpriced 12 packs.

I think I might be addicted to amazon prime and may never be able to go back to slow 'free' shipping.
Big difference for me is:

fun to cast, oddly satisfying

If this deal comes with a $1000 a month tackle allowance he might take you up.
Sounds good, but only if I can cuck you with Plont

Amazon Prime prices on shit are so screwy sometimes tho. Like looking at those Sebiles, they are $7-$8 in stores but you can get "PRIME FREE 2-DAY SHIPPING!!!" and pay $12ea for the lures instead.
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Yo the Gander mountain by me has those scatter raps on sale for $5 you might wanna see if the one near you does.

>gander mtn is 100 miles away
>basspro 50 miles away
>dicks 50 miles away
>academy 125 miles away
>cabelas 100 miles away

Dude I would kill myself. I go to those places when I'm bored.
Bass pro and dicks isn't to bad of a drive for him. It's not that different from working in the city but living in the outskirts.
>use braid on a spinning reel
>get knots in your line
Yeah there are definitely advantages to both.
Man I want a light meme caster combo
"Time and place for everything" is a phrase that comes to mind for me during a lot of arguments for me
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What is wrong with that bowfin?
This is bigger bait than the Abu Garcia trash talk.

Kill yourself.
>fisherman catches fish on fake minnow
>"heh dumb fish, didnt you know bait when you see it?"
>fisherman goes on line to post picture
>reads "abu garcia a shit" "memecasters are worthless everywhere" "if u disagree ur an homosex"
>fisherman: "now wait just a minute!"
Its funny
Ur mum is a homosex
>was in the high 60s for like a week
>it's snowing today

So glad I'm not in the Midwest or north anymore. Shit gets so old. Illinois was always like that. Beautiful spring weather raped by winter holdover.
where are you at now anon
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I'm the Arizona anon that guy was saying shots up threads.

>Pic related is horseshoe dam
i don't even remember seeing that then again i don't really come to these threads or out

i just come here occasionally because i think about doing something /out/ but then I get too scared
Scared about what?
I'm not sure, weird stuff.

Like every once in a while I walk down this paved bike trail near my house that goes through sort of woodsy area and once I get past he first curve and can't see the little opening that's a trailhead I get freaked out and think I'm being watched/followed by people / supernatural beings/entities .

I know it's not rational but it still spooks me.
Dude are you schizophrenic or just autistic? If long trails spook you just go out on a lake.

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Just look up round valley reservoir- it's responsible for a few of the state record fish
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A more recent catch
Get out there until it doesn't spook you.
70s here then 20s now and snowing. Literally one week it is up to 80F then the next there's ice and snow, repeat cycle. Craziest winter I've ever lived through in the past 55 years.

When I was a child, I stopped being afraid of the dark when I realized that once I stepped into the shadows, I was the one watching everything else. I was the one who was giving other people that spooky feeling.
why are there so many old people on /out/
Older generations had less technology to tie them indoors than more modern generations. That's not to say that older people don't fucking love smartphones and tweeting (though those people tend to be pretty inane).
Be careful not to cut yourself on that edge and introspective autism

WOW. Couple pigs. I am heading out tomorrow on Lake George in NY. Any tips on cold open-water fishing for lakers?
During the coming zombie apocalypse, your type will be the type that we prey upon.
Jesus Christ that's some hard core cringe. If you wouldn't say that shit to a group of people don't say it online.

You're probably 300 pounds and unironically own a flecktarn parka. All you prey on is oreos and soda
The only thing about a light memecaster is you're gonna have to buy a quality reel. To get any kind of distance with a cheaper one is hard to do without backlashing.

It's a New Jersey bowfin

Just keep doing it until it doesn't spook you or go out with a friend. Start car camping. If you just want to fish stick to public places.

I grew up in the woods, and I'll still get spooped out sometimes if I hear something in the dark every once in awhile. You could also consider carrying a gun, but pls don't shoot at someone because you thought they were following you.

Flecktarn is dope tho.

That dude is still pretty cringy.
I do carry a gun and I'm not crazy enough to shoot at random people because I think they're following me but most of the time I'm worried about stuff a gun can't stop (IE paranormal/supernatural thing)

Also gun can't help you if you don't get a chance to use it, IE I'm taken by surprise or trapped or something.

Maybe I just have anxiety issues
topographic map or depth finder
Yeah man I think you just need to stop reading the spoo/k/ threads and get out and do stuff. You're way more likely to die driving to wherever you're going than from a wendigo in the middle of nowhere.

Honestly just grab a friend and go out one day. Go to a small state park and don't venture too far from camp at first. If you have to just stay for the day and leave before it gets dark. Or you could just jump right into it and for a 3 day hike or something. You'll get more comfortable the more time you spend out. Life's too short to not enjoy the outdoors.

Also, it wouldn't hurt to talk to a doctor, but I get why you wouldn't want to.
> I'm worried about stuff a gun can't stop (IE paranormal/supernatural thing)

>Maybe I just have anxiety issues

I think it might be worse then you think bud
/x/ will rot your brain.
You're a fucking retard. Ghosts and skin walkers are not real you retard. Are you a drunk native?

Bears, venomous snakes, and cougars are scary. Unless you're an 8 year old girl you need to stop being such a dumb ass.
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>can't handle bantz
>can't recognize bantz

Sometimes people type so legitimately that I can't tell if they are being serious or not.

>It's a New Jersey bowfin

2 keks have been deposited in your account.

> I'm worried about stuff a gun can't stop (IE paranormal/supernatural thing)

>Maybe I just have anxiety issues

Slendermen, drop bears, and skinwalkers are no joke. Do you keep a hexed fingerbox with you at all times?
>Do you keep a hexed fingerbox with you at all times?

Those are not real you guys. Seriously they are a scam. 10/10 would not buy.
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funny at first thats what i thought and read the item description a couple of times.. confirmed tranx, it'll be here next week
What the fuck is a shimano trank? Isn't tranx the reel?
>gets called out for being a fag and cringe inducing
>it was only bantz guys I swear

You're a fag. Literally "I was only pretending" the post. Never come back here.
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yeah, assume other anon was attempting to make a funny haha but comes off sounding like he roller blades.
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I just bought a jerk bait rod and a meme caster (left hand wind of course).
What have I let myself in for?
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chicks will like you more because you look cool now and can hang with the older boys.

what brand did buy into?
>bad hairline

A cheapo bait caster (HTO Ventura) and a Greys Prowla Jerkbait II.
Also got some 40Kg Power Pro braid and will get some single strand wire to make some traces.
dont get too upset when that thing wears out after a few months. I learned my lesson with my first bait caster. I got a cheap Diawa and that thing was utter shit after 3 months of heavy pond fishing
Is that a fat bald tranny? Hope you are not bragging about fishing with that beast.
If I like using it I'll get something better like an Okuma or abu.
if it aint Shimano, dont even bother
Do we have to start this argument again?
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>>bad hairline

enough about yourself, what is your favorite lure to fish?

No, it's a speck

check out ardent reels.
Do you mean crappie? What shithole are you from that you call crappies specks and you have fat women with male pattern baldness?
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I am from america. hence the fat and balding.
Is that the walking path along the bay in Sausalito? I have got a lot of jacksmelt from there.
Damn all those fry. I always heard the bowfin fry are red but have never seen them IRL around here.

>tfw at least I still have my hair
One of my best friends has been balding really bad since like high school and another friend is really self concious and has been using Rogaine and shit since he was like 16. As soon as mine starts to go, I'm becoming a skinhead.
That's the lesser snake bowfin. True bowfin have fry that are gilded and diamond encrusted.
>shimano tranx
>shinamo trank
>attempting to make a funny
>ebay chinese shit
The point was shit gets sold with similar names all the time. You think you're getting a great deal until plastic garbage arrives. If anon really got a tranx for $170 off, more power to him.

see >>961620
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Is this guy a professional Shimano shill? Or does he do it for free?
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Going fishing in about an hour, taking a mates boat out instead of mine because the outboard needs servicing. He has a 15hp Yamaha, how else can we slow the boat down enough to troll lures besides going upstream with a bucket hanging off the side? Even in idle it goes way too fast for luring.
change the prop.
Yeah seems like an easy thing to do at 5am on a sunday where nothings open.
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Thats good!
Glad I could help
Paddle or pole
I think your only option is to hang a bucket off each side.
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sometimes you can slow id down by putting it in reverse. My uncle and I did that the whole time we were in Canada last to slowly move our way around the shores while we casted
100% free of charge my friend
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nah its at the rockwall
shoulder to shoulder gook fishing.
spawn has been going off for a week now in the bay. freezer is loaded with ling baits for the rockfish opener. lots of worms in this bunch

it's a new tranx with the warranty.
being shipped from japan. seems like a reputable dealer with a paypal return policy. dont foresee any problems with the deal. He has a few ocea jigger's I've been eyeing as well just not sure on the size I want yet.
going to be spending some time near a pond where theres a decent population of carp,
water temps are still cold but im hoping if there are some sunny days theyll get moving
corn tends to get eaten by bluegills etc
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drag a drift chute off each corner..
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too cheap to buy boilies,
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Lel little bullseye bowfin.

Suprising the black and white spots along the side are so bright because they don't tend to show up much on the real small ones. I'm sure aquarium lighting and food changes it a bit.

I always did best with white bread. Get a treble hook, take a slice of Wonder Bread, break off a chunk with no crust, and mold it in a ball around the treble.
>treble hook
don't let the UK carp guys hear you say that! They'll throw a shit fit

Carp fishermen are fucking cancer.
Treble hooks are fun with carp sometimes because their mouths are so small. Every once in a while when I would go for them back in the day, I would set the hook when they have the whole thing in their mouths and two prongs would come out the top lip and one in the bottom and they were almost impossible to get out. You just had to try and grab the shank with pliers and force it back in. They are trash fish in the US tho so might as well throw them back with the hook holding their mouth closed and they will just starve.
If you scuff your spool and the line starts catching on it a Dremel buffing wheel and yellow or red compound smooths it right out
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For some reason they are considered good sport in over here.
I regularly see guys in full fatigues, sat in a bivvy (basically a shit tent), with three matching rods, with three matching reels, sat on a stainless steel "rod pod" with three matching "bite indicators" that have radio emitters (so you can get the bite alarm relayed to a walkie talkie when you're sat on your shit tent). Plus a forth "spod rod" and maybe a fith "marker rod".
And worst of all for some inexplicable reason they all seem to have branded fishing "distance sticks" (which as far as I'm aware are no different to any other kind of stick) which you put in the ground at a known distance so when you loop your line around them you can measure out an exact distance then clip the line up to ensure you always hit the same spot.
It all sounds very boring to me,
>pic related
It's a uk carp fishinermen being autistic about how long his line is.....
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>want to travel to gulf state fishing pier this summer
>look up rules and regulations
>Conventional reels prohibited
>own nothing but expensive conventional reels and surf rods

What the fuck? What a load of horse shit
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make your own.

damn bruh that a nice one. are they all over florida fresh? they probably eat all the juvi fish in a pond.
>make your own.
Fuck that! sweetcorn and slim jims is all you need.
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They are still confined to a smaller area in SE Florida but yeah they are bad for the waterways. I have said it before on here, if you see how they hit baits compared to native predators, it's easy to understand how they can fuck up ecosystems. Most other large predators in the US are much more oportunistic feeders so smaller fish have a chance if they are smart. Snakeheads ambush smaller fish in the same places they would normally hide from bass and will chase the prey a lot more.
That doesn't make sense dude. Why?

They don't want people shark fishing which is bull shit because i've seen massive black tip sharks pulled up on spinning gear.
Just tell them you're not shark fishing lol

That's so retarded. BlacktipH on YouTube uses spinning gear all the time to catch sharks.
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>walmart is 1000 miles away
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tfw south houston

>Fishing tackle unlimited 5 miles away
>cabelas 15 miles
>academy 3 miles away
>Dicks 10 miles
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anon said the gills gobble the corn.
I gotten quite a few on powerbait and worms myself.

scoops of cornflakes
pack of koolaid (not grape)
dollar store fish food pellets
scoops of pancake mix
scoops of flour
can of corn partially drained
8 slices of bread cut into small cubes
food processor

ghetto boillies

ghetto boilies
>When I was a child, I stopped being afraid of the dark when I realized that once I stepped into the shadows, I was the one watching everything else. I was the one who was giving other people that spooky feeling.

Damn, are you me? I got lost in the woods at night one time(on drugs) and I was scared shitless of psycho killers until I realized that I WAS the scary guy lurking around in the woods. I AM the psycho killer. Gave me the boost of confidence I needed to find camp.
Did you grow your first fedora right out of your scalp that night as well along with the ability to teleport behind people while simultaneously producing a katana from your sleeve?
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I don't see where you keep getting these edgy fedora fantasies from. Its just a fun silly thought to come to the realization that you're the scariest thing in the woods.
Where am I getting them from?

Probably from those fedora tier posts mate.
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I don't really get it but okay.
I wish I had Academy or Cabela's. Lots of Dick's, Sports Authority is gone but they stopped selling fishing stuff years ago, Gander Mtn in like 45min north, Bass Pro #1 is only 15min away if it's not rush hour and Bass Pro #2 is more like an hour but sometimes I will be fishing closer to it and stop by.

Most of the Dick's have a real similar mediocre selection. Bass Pro #1 and #2 have some slightly different stuff and I think Gander Mtn might actually be a little better for bass tackle.
there are scarier things in the water.
you ever swim in the ocean in the dark?
you ever swim out to the middle of a lake in the dark?
Freshwater lakes in the northern US are great to swim in. Worst that will happen is you find a leech but I've never had one on me.

And the Atlantic around me is like a heated pool because of the Gulfstream. So nice if you don't mind the jellyfish and sharks.
I would be more afraid of drowning then whats in the water.
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What is best way to carry 10billion soft plastics ?
I have four tubs in my car of various plastics like craws in one box, worms, ect. Then the plastics I use most often/want for that lake are in my bag I carry with me.
Tackle boxes or a binder zipper. They make plastic specific binders and boxes.
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That's basically what I'm trying to do is set up a backpack with one 3600 box of hard lures
A few smaller boxes of musclanous shit. Then one small bag of soft plastics
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Those binders look cool but I still think they're best suited for tossing like 5 of each bait into the pages.

I have a 3700 box with all of my Gulp and PowerBait shit that can leak, another 3700 box with jigheads, loose plastics, panfish plastics, etc and then I use this little soft sided lunch bag for the rest of them.
>buy 50lb powerpro 300 yards for $20 at walmart yesterday
>realize i had enough sufix 832 to roll on the new curado
>take it back to walmart
>wait in line for 15 minutes reading 4chan
>hamplanet negress looks at the spool of powerpro for 20 seconds no lie
> "dis been used?"
>explain to jupiter that it's dyed moss green
>get my $20 back
>go to fishing aisle, still no #2 jig spinners
>ask milf employee if they will get any jig spinners soon
>she swears i said nig spinners
>i probably did
these a best soft plastic containers

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>>i probably did
You honestly need maybe 2 tackle boxes of soft plastics but everyone carries like 30 fucking pounds of then around. If you store them in a boat fine I guess but to carry? Fuck that
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Consolidated to what I need
Bottom box is my saltwater stuff
Ext up is hard lures and jigs
Next up is my prerigged favorites to always have quick swaps
Above that all my crappie/perch/smaller lures
More small soft plastics. Then my most used hooks up top
And favorite soft plastics on the right
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Idk I mean most of the time I park close to where I fish so I either leave the main bag in the car or set it down on the shoreline and walk around.
This is the back of my car. I have a couple Plano boxes with hard baits.
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Forgot pic like a dumb ass
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Then I keep my soft plastics in these

I normally keep 15-20 bags of various soft plastics, a box of hooks and weights, and a box of hard baits in the bag I carry around. If I get to the water and realize a different lure/color would be better I just go back to the car real quick before i start walking around.
So I got my.new fishing license
Maybe things will warm up enough to use soon
I was thinking a lews and underspoolling it so that the spool has less inertia to get moving. Vut I dont want to go over $160
Can confirm
Also don't do acid if youre already paranoid about the supernatural or prone to psychosis. It will fuck you hard
I think I like that reel
Backlashes fish and good times
Smaller prop, go in reverse, add buckets
Any combo individual thing will slow you down
Staple the packaging in to your skin
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>Staple the packaging in to your skin
How light are you wanting to toss?
Lightest would probably be a weightless senko or fluke so probably 3/16 oz minimum, closer to 1/4
>I was thinking a lews and underspoolling it so that the spool has less inertia to get moving.

Lower the spool tension.
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The lizard strikes again. She was barely hooked I'm amazed she didn't come off. She fought really hard though I thought it was a much bigger fish.

Dude I throw that on a MH with 15lb flouro. I thought you were talking a 3inch grub on a 1/16th oz jig head or something.

The lews should be fine for that.
time to buy fishing stuff
>200 surf rod
>170 surf reel
>$30 line
>parts for rods
> 2 new cheap reels
( since i just fucked one of my old ones up
I mean I would probably try

Ill be set then I think
Spool tension is a start but you still have to start the weight of that spool that has to be started spinning
But eh

There's this amazing thing called the trolling motor. Even walmart has them. Try and get one that's above 50 lbs of thrust. Get the biggest deep cycle battery they make.

Just got a 15 hp 2 smoke on the boat today, goodbye 6 hp 2 smoke.

Maybe one day I'll get a 25-40 hp 4 stroke, until then I'm gonna buy another deep cycle battery and a minn kota 55 lb thrust to replace the aging 55 lb prowler since evidently the new bps prowlers are junk.
Line does not wieght that much you are talking about shaving of maybe 2-4 grams. It would be better to use the tools as they are intended.

Set the tension so that the spool stops when the lure hits the ground then work down from there.

3700 boxes are the shit and they're under $4 at most walmarts. I've been buying one every time I go to wally world lately.
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Merry Open-Water Season everyone.
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I have a PiranhaMax 197c sonar and Navionics on a cellphone. I'm trolling crankbaits and spoons, but I also have a ton of salted minnows left from ice season. What should I do with them?
I know how to memecaster, and a few grams is worth it to me.
if im going with a salt setup for surf casting ,
should i stick with the clasic spinfisher
or try something new like the Shimano® Socorro
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Don't be a weanie, get a meme caster
>no level wind.

How do you manage that with a big fish on?
Not really that hard, after a while you just level it on with your thumb without looking.
im going to be surf casting lures all day, spinning reels a best

ooo. I've had a Socorro and liked it, pretty cheap too.
Not really sure, maybe try tipping the spoons trebles with a minnow or two but only if it doesn't fuck up the action. Other then that idrk besides using them for pan fish or just tossing them out
its 130 ish vs 160-170 for the spinfisher,
but the spinfisher is the go to everyone uses

what's the point of not having a level wind anyway, is it just some purist shit?
casting distance is improved slightly

Further cast distance, less shit that can break and when a shark does a blistering run sometimes the levelwind can't keep up causing the line to rub and snap.
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What's the best way to rig one of these? I think they are supposed to stay on top.
4/0 or 5/0 EWG
It just seems like it'd be hard (and painful) to do with a shark on, but I guess once you get some muscle memory it wouldn't be too bad.
screw lock ewg
ive found they hold better
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Indian Larry gave me a lake trout fillet

That's a big fucking trout
theres also those frog fang hooks arent there?
He claims 10lbs
Those are what come pre installed in hollow body frogs.

For a soft plastic one like >>962286
You need a EWG hook. Best bet is the ones with the screw locks like the other anon said. I like the weighted EWGs because they make the bait land the right way up and don't twist as much keeping the hook facing up and reducing snags
You can use those frog hooks on the soft plastics tho. One of the pros does that. Seems like a pain in the ass to me though I'd just use a EWG
What is the simplest and fastest line to line knot? I like the FG knot that was highly recommended by you tripfags but I want other options, will look on youtube in the meantime.

not sure if you're the one who couldn't figure out how to get it to work but it's a good braid to mono/flouro knot once you get it down
I'd say 7.
Makes sense because I'm p sure he uses 6lb test

No I'm not that guy, i've got FG on all my fluoro leaders.
That's pretty cool. Has anyone done any testing comparing it to the FG Knot?
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Got 2 Golden Perch, 10 Carp and a new record for smallest ever fish caught on a lure, fuck me dead, how?

Also fuck auto focus.
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This what they look like when not photographed from a Galaxy S5, tiny ass fish you rarely find in shrimp nets but not on a hook.
On iPhones, if you tap the little fish or lure on the phone screen it will focus better on wherever you tap.
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Wish my phone had that feature. Amazing how I've lived here for 24 years and never fished this spot 20 minutes away, limestone cliffs go on for about 30 kilometers straight and the water is 17+ metres deep, perfect place to troll large lures and this place is beautiful to look at to look at. Probably the deepest stretch of water in the entire Murray River too.
Dodd knot is a great knot, if you want to lose your leader and lure.
No but I probably could late next week when I stock up on this seasons supply of line. I'll tie several of each not and attach it to my scale to see which holds the most or if both just snap before the knot.

Found the guy who couldn't figure it out.
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>go out fishin yesterday afternoon
>and little pond down the street
>land 3 largemouth and this PB Mayan within 15min
>old friend from Chicago is down here workin and hits me up
>he's building house on Intercoastal and sending me pics of saltwater fish dude he works with has been getting
>leave pond where shit is biting, go start fishing saltwater
>soak bait for 3hrs and get absolutely nothing
Oh it works, it just doesn't hold very well with slippery braid.
Just YouTube knot wars. It's been done. And done so much more accurately than what you're describing
>Knot Wars
Shitty A&E series when?
You should do it at home too. I found that there's a massive different from knot to knot for the same exact knot using the same exact line. You can't just tie 1 and test it. You have to tie a couple dozen and test it. That gives you a proper range.

My main problem is never the knot, its the line. The knots I tie don't pull out and rarely ever break. It is the line that fails above the knots. Knots that pull out, I don't use simply because they pull out.

You also shouldn't, for the most part, fanboy one knot about another since most knots are meant for a specific function used in a specific way. Knowing which know is best used with the type of tackle and hook is key. Some knots are not good for thick 4x or 6x strength hooks, but work great for the normal thin wire hooks.
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Its really not that hard, after 5 minutes of using a conventional reel I could level wind pretty well
Double uni
Blood knot/improved blood knot depending on line diameter difference
>only soaking a bait
>nothing else
>for 3 hours
Thats not how you do that
>Trying to get dad to go fishing with me
>Doesn't want to go to most places since they mostly stock rainbow trout and he hates them
I own one of these for my Black Max. I guarantee I break it doing some really stupid shit but it's worked for the few hours I've used it. glad to know it's not completely shit
they're fun to learn and they're like a crazy hand held rocket launcher for your lure it's hilarious to fuck around with them. spinners started boring me even though I'm shit tier fisherman
Christ. I thought I had it bad with only Wal-Mart and dicks around.
Academy, cabelas BPS all that shit is over an hour away at the least but damnit man where are you stuck?

Brook trout caught through the ice

Deli shrimp on a small pink casting spoon
Wal-Marts near me had scatter raps on sale for 5$ as well. I believe in you anon.
go back to /x/ foul ghost
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