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/osg/ - Auto Sticker General

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Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 107

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Auto Sticker General #205

Previous thread: >>16763066












>Instagram (DM PICTURES)


>List of Sticker Websites

>Sticker Collection

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers

>FB Group

>Currently looking for:
>An internet lawyer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, /o/ club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment (Specifically Vinyl Printer Equipment)
Simple question, im a bit spooked that some asshole will key my car if they see these stickers on my car. has anyone had this experience? Im not planning to put anything "offensive" or that can be taken as political, just a few animu stickers.
Nice car in OP
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my car got keyed a lot
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Sorry for living so far away
someone keyed my stock as fuck car before I start modifying or putting stickers on it
do you

> not having a hard wired dashcam to record in park mode and save clips that have motion detection

It's like you don't want to get that sweet YouTube money and Reddit Karma.
If you purchased Tohru and haven't received it, please contact me. You should be seeing a refund.
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I wanted to keep them a surprise but I'm too excited for twingo memes
>tfw no paypal
I'll have to set one up I guess
My eyes are bleeding.
if I don't get my Tohru I'm committing crimes
paypal's the best way to go anyway
If your initials are JA or HH, I have bad news for you.
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I'm all good babycakes

> Not being able to sell to customers who've paid

> Business

>international shipping to iraq and cuba
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Looking forward to receiving it in like 6 months :^)
>tfw no ef hatch
You at the post office yet ?ausbro
>6 months
that's what chargeback is for
Not yet, im heading off in 15 minutes or so
Even if I miss an order chances are ill have time tomorrow
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Good I didn't miss it.
Oh god. That's wonderful. I need it.
Car peeks when
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Hey guys, who was the one that was selling the good luck club flight tags? Been absent for a bit, remember seeing the initial draw up but don't know if it ever became a thing.
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Im not sure wish I could help you anon.
>Cat posting?
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I think Shitboxme.me made the glc keychain, but his store is still closed though, probably will be there when it opens up again.
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What happened to the corner
Piss off, fake hoon.
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No worries man, and always cat posting.

Cool, thanks for the heads up!
At least it's worst bodystyle integra so nothing of value was lost.

I don't see how you think it's cool to put that many obnoxious stickers on your car.
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your opinion 5.gif
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>tfw have about 5 different sticker orders coming in the mail

wew lads I don't even know what I'm gonna do with all these adhesive meme strips
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did this with band stickers i bought when drunk i bought there whole stock looks quite nice i think
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found a better photo
wait a sec r u trying to meme me
looks bad m8
you look bad
>Greg Norman stickers
you and your car are ugly
lets see you and your car
I don't have any pics of me posing with one of my cars like a cuck though.
wow bully much
hmmm i bet you are real good looking arnt you and you must drive a gtr
He started it.

I'm about just as ugly as you but atleast my car isn't
Yo dude look how proud he looks in >>16781735 and tell me it doesn't bring you a small joy
imoutodreams a CUTE!
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>ordered twingo keychains, a sticker, and preordered a WAT keytag from bad decisions in January
>still not here yet
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>not realizing imouto is actually a guy posing as his gf/sister for marketing reasons
>not realizing chad(true imouto) smashes that tight imoutopussy you worship every night

Anon, I...
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>not realizing they're both guys
I think the tag ones are the reason they haven't shipped out.
>Night shift and Honmobile
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everyone that ordered from impurethoughts.us, your stickies were mailed today, ty.
>implying there are female virgins past the age of 18
all are used goods
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Someone make dbt stickers pls
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>he only has five outstanding sticker orders at any one time
do what the rest of us do and put them on the dedicated "sticker pile" of envelopes on the shelf

yea boi thx bby
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I feel your pain anon, I preordered one of the Bad Decisions flight tag/key chain shits from BD around the same time, still nothing.
kinda worried now desu, I won a tag from the group contest and he said they'd ship next day
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"really anon that's it? your car is slow as shit!"
>Wanna buy the Mini Milk shirt
>scared people will know it's associated with breasts
Maybe I can just say its a band name. Anybody feel the same?
no, even normies with no clue about it's reference will make the connection 8/10 times
One of you make this happen.

automatic? really?
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>leased automatic FR-S

but, why
doesn't know how to use emanuel
no lease
yea cuz i'm a shit
I'm looking for Gundam stuff. I've gotten some Gundam stuff from supereffictive and tanoshii just looking for more
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Why must the weather be shit? All I wanna do is put on my stickies but its been so cold they just pile up
w2c riding with despair prohibited
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If you are here yummy the stickers finally showed up, how do you want to go about this?
question, do these guys restock their inventory? there was a few ones that i missed out on but really want. am i out of luck?

specifically i wanted a few from heartbeat.la
Shit, I sent that out in January and it just barely arrived? Did I send you replacements too?
some stuff gets restocked, some doesn't... i waited for heartbeat to restock the rem peek and it happened and i still missed it.
Forgot how to spell my name/trip

I've been on the case, will have some designs finalized for some final critiquing in /dbt/ in a few days time.

>pic related something I'm playing with.
when will someone make slaps that can fit on the back of phones? need to show my autism full time
yeah, thats what im looking for as well. shit id pay a few extra to get it
>sir do you have any idea how smug you were going?
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When Kawaii reopens dump your cash on him.
Sent me another set after usps lost the first ones.
Gave me a free sticker, and a sparkle one.
Legit br/o/
Cue the guy saying automatic is the same experience as a manual.
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Pre-orders got last priority since I don't even have the tags on hand yet. They will be here soon though, and then everyone will get shipped out. Pic related.
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I'm looking for a JDM oriented decal that translated to "Rain OK" in regards to drifting. It had been linked here and I lost the link. Can an anon be of assistance? GTR because GTR.
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>tfw my Miia sticker got knocked off by snow
But it is
So what would I have to do to get Rem peek? Custom order? because that heartbeat nigger aint restocking

why don't one of /ourguys/ make one and capitalize on the Rem Peek demand? Or would that nigger who purposely takes long time to restock get mad?
Why would he get mad if it's a copyrighted character?
I think Notori had one.
well when one shop makes a peek of a character from what i remember that guy gets dibs on that character and no other store can make a peek of that character with out people making a shitstorm about someone "stealing" that character from him
I meant as a jacket.
Would totally ride with that on.
And it did sure got REKT
How does that even happen?
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>stealing stolen property
Maybe if they used the same vector, but even then they don't hold the copyright of that character.
notori has one
well notori is fucking dead at this point
notori has one but notori
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If you say his name three times, he will appear
so at this point
Notori actually is dead right
and BYT too?
notori notori notori

his discord alt is noman right? i saw that mother fucker playing csgo earlier today


or should i just pre order this figurine instead

figure, you can always get the stickers later
It has to be three separate uninterrupted posts
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I'm going to try this one more fucking time, if you mess me up again I'll give you the Chicago nursery rhyme
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OK sorry, good luck
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>Shelter (Pixel Holo)

For a second there, I thought it was a spice and wolf slap, I was going to buy 5 of them.
Go in ASC and look for guys with collections.
If you're in the OSG discord I can keep an eye out for you at the otaku car meets.
"Really anon, you bought an auto 86?"
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Everything so far has been shipped, looking forward to seeing what you guys do with the stickers
Any new orders will be sent by thursday
i custom ordered mine
from who? can I piggy back on it so I don't have to find a vector for her?
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>he doesn't use amiami
>all that autism
My Integra feels for yours
i just found a png of rem, chopped the bottom off, added a thick border for bleed area, and sent to a printer.
>put sticker on in the cold
>take it off and reposition it
>few weeks later, top starts to peel just a little bit
>cue flash snowfall
>snow falls, immediately melts, compresses, and slides off
>icy bottom collides with top of sticker
>RIP snek

It was just a cavalcade of stupidity on my part, honestly.
always clean properly before application
don't put on or take off vinyl in the cold
be careful with repositioning

I mean c'mon
Lessons learned, anon.
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I need more gabriel dropout stickies
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Daylight-Club mk1.png
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I am working on a sticker based on the old "Southern Pacific" railroad logo.

Any interest or feedback?
Yeah, awful, just awful. You should take a page out of project hoon's book- his slaps are perfect in every way, especially for a first timer. His 'gaijin' slap is incredible, and is in no way stolen work lifted from someone else. If I was you (and everyone else reading this thread) I'd head over to his new site at www.projecthoon.com and order a few. Hurry up, I heard that he's almost out!

i know u from other threads

how r u dawg
tripfags XD!!!
nice but looks soo shooped
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>complaining about tripfagz
>in /osg/

>gets away with doxing customers


Your point is invalid

sadly true, i accept it, but i didn't dox my customers and pretend like it was okay
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I-it was a mistake...

I know it was that's why I don't care.

When are you restocking shitbox slap? Any thoughts of doing it in different colors?

I've been procrastinating, but I just sent out the order. Give it a week or so.
>i dont care so ill give you shit for it
w2c official shitbox and big fat catback
Open your store you bitch
nah fuck that, the fucking shitboxmeme faggot needs to open first
which site were these from?
I need that put it in me sticker in my life
As soon as I get my stuff in. Stickers are to be deliver by the end of the week. Clothing ships tomorrow (probably).


His site is down right now.
I know this feel
It feels good
Hope some of you senpais enjoy my normiebux
Something I'm working on right now.

Matte stardust is the plan.
Fuck off Hoon
Nah i asked for a refund cause i didnt think they would show up, low and behold i found them in my mail box
>誰 is a different line weight
Also I hope you meant that to be a shite translation
I wouldn't buy it, but I like the design
Oh gotcha. Don't worry about it, I'm not gonna make you pay me back after waiting 2 months for them.
Do you want another one? I have a couple of extras I set aside.
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polishing this up for impurethoughts second run, ppl say fubuki a shit but fubuki is great.
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>picks the worst one
no. :(
I got something you could polish
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Got a nice day finally to wash car and put some stickies on.

>want a certain slap under an open space I have.
>you have all your order except the one you need
>feels bad
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more baiku stickers when
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a few people asked to see an actual pic of the dango's
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fucking rotation, here's a better pic anyhow
I have that slap in almost the same exact spot.

hey imouto, bout how long would you say it takes to ship to canada? ordered a lum digi cut back in jan and i think it got lost in post :|
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put it there for my one friend who bitches about everything when his car is broken.

not sure if this will stay on the flap or not. Thoughts?
I think that's a good spot, aesthetically, but yeah the feasibility of it staying there.

I put it there for all passengers but there's this one coworker I always have to drive, and she's quite the Debbie Downer.
gonna have to wait and see if it stays on. I almost put it on the muffler
Muffler is a no go son.
And is it just me or does your WRX look crooked
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I think its the way the trunk is shaped and that pic
Gotta be the shape of the trunk, still looks crooked to me.
Can you do me a favor and email me with your order number pls
yup sent
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He did a FB giveaway for the /osg/ page last week. Apparently he has them in hand since he messaged me that it was sent off the day after winners were announced. I believe he's getting his stock together before he opens.

Fuck off.


I was going for everyBODY but body looked weird, so I decided on everyONE. I am not sure why the weighting is different, I don't think I changed anything on it, it must be this font. I'll try some things to fix that and then post an update once I have something more interesting for the border and background.
Might I suggest a skyline GT-R for the background?
that looks neat
It should say something else but I like the design
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what happened to notori
he's dead
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Oh look, mail. I love you too, and thanks!
Hell yeah, I'd love to order another one if that's possible. Should I shoot you an email?
That looks really nice anon
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np anon

I already have 1 GTR slap for printing, I won't be doing another until I see how the reception is from the few GTR owners that are getting them in the next week to two weeks. However if they like it I'll do more. Mostly going to be R35's though, since there's a wider audience for it than R34's.

I'm experimenting with Everyone Dies because I want to try out the dual layer design, so I can order a bunch of different types and get an idea of how each laminate/vinyl feels for the future.
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i've got about 5 or so of these left, impurethoughts.us
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Post your GT-R slap
What state are you in? Still waiting
I will buy this.

This is it

It should be here this week, and I'll be shipping out whatever pre orders I have that day.

It's going to be a little different, I want to add somethings to it, so hopefully it is still under consideration for you.

I'll be posting it when it's finished soon.

Do you like Matte Stardust for the effect?
Matte stardust would be baller.
shoo shoo
See, this is good. It's a statement about motorsports and the motoring lifestyle in general with some japanese on it. Not meme shit. Not anime shit. Do you have a website?
No worries they'll come, maybe april :(
same fagging this hard
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I legitimately like this sticker and I don't understand what's going on here.
fucking newfags

Fucking Hoon
I'm sorry I'm not part of your anime pantsu sticker circlejerk. I came here because I want (perhaps slightly japanese) stickers for my car that don't make me look like I have autism.
And it begins
open your fucking store you lazy cocksucking piece of shits
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Opened temporarily while waiting for a restock.
Fuck yeah, lewd slaps

Been waiting for these :)
Any sticker will make you look like you have autism
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2017-03-07 (60) - Copy.png
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I'm not samefagging.
N-nice name to you too.

I really like how the Night Wave ones turned out and that's why I'm going for that combo. I think it will look really good, as it is sort of like asphalt, racing, and dying all together.


Yes, the website is http://www.projecthoon.com

Thank you for the kind words! Much appreciated!


Thank you!
That typeface looks bad
well hurry the fuck up
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Nice try Hoon, but you fucked up.
I was the first poster on that screenshot.

Are you retarded? Go up and read you complete and utter degenerate fool.
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what the fuck is happening
hoon, cant you go to your new /nsg/ safe space
nigger should just leave for r/cars
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what did one lewd girl say to the other

Fix your border, it's not centered and it's triggering me senpai
the border is the artboard silly
Your missing two yous on the bottom
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for you, now what did one lewd girl say to the other?

hehe he's cute

yas i'd bang right now
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You won't need to worry for long.
Also apparently Offset is nearby me.
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WA, it should be there soon, seeing as that order went to Canada.
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Hey guys. I might be doing a small order from a new vendor to test them out. If I were to print one of these early which one would you want it to be?
I'd buy no. 1 in a fucking heartbeat desu
wheres my anti-american propaganda sticker?
Make 1 lighter
1, 2, 4, 6
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Speed master's sticker just came in, cheers mate.
Make more. I want one.
would buy 1,2,6 might consider 4. 7 gave me a chuckle but I dont have a rust box to put that on
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Zone-tan, pretty damn lewd

Thanks loners crew
Auspost doing work, that was like a day

These look awesome. I was going to pull the trigger (?2) days ago but it didn't feel right, but this pic looks much better!

You're in Aus right, so it came quick?
Yep, ordered it yesterday.
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Firework laminate was a perfect choice for the Iowa slap
the text on the top one looks so bad
it's actually not too bad in person
it's going in my collection pile anyway so no harm no foul

Plan to try something different later down the line, maybe a special edition 4th of July one.
all this newfaggotry
can't wait for you to peel them off in a few months once you realize how stupid this all is
Would cop/10
Dude those are rad, please share w2c, I need these in my life.

That's where they all went

Apply this to that orange FRS too
thanks boss
I'll buy that sticker the second you start selling it, it's exactly what I've been looking for for my miat
don't buy from that loser ass nigga who cancels orders for no reason
It's hoon samefagging so he can shill off of newfags, do not reply. He is in his own denial.
Niggers also using a proxy.
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in my own defense, I was the one that suggested zone-tan and posted that picture.

pic related

Alright! Maybe bookmark the shop link while you're at it :P Will probably have it ready in a few days to pre-order, and will take 2-3 weeks to get to you


I don't cancel orders for no reason. I cancelled a feedback arrangement because I felt that the person is someone I would not want to associate with this brand. That person relentlessly attacked the brand he had trouble coughing up $1 to support, and he comes out with a sticker design for trains that he thinks is awe inspiring that took him a few hours to complete. The other order, was cancelled for my bookkeeping purposes, and the reason was given clearly in this cancellation as well. The reason was "(More stickers - few more days)", which alluded my intention to add more stickers for said person to provide feedback for. Said person then proceeded to dox me with malicious intent.

Go and fucking read the picture yourself, fucking dumb ass.


Again, for the 3rd time, I am not samefagging, and I've provided proof, if you're going to continue saying it, then so be it, but the proof is here, again, and it's clear for your retarded self. Fuck off.

and it's clear for you're design retarded yourself. Fuck off shill. At least township can make decent shit.
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you're such a trainwreck, why are you still here
your designs are legitimately awful and don't look complete
and these feedback arrangements are fucking killing me
Buy my slaps and I'll suck your dicks

You guys will fall for bait for anything won't you, lmfao.
>I was pretending to be retarded teehee

Fucking proxy samefag

Prove it, faggot.
My trip is ##Lamborghini. Feel free fags because of my retarded mistake

Yes, totally, because using Tai Lopez memes means I am serious about keeping this trip code, top kek.
I spam Roman reigns on /asp/. I love wrassling
I'm surprised that you didn't use ##Sonata as your trip, faggot.
Please, man, I beg you. Fuck off.
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Quality hoonguy post
U rite, u rite
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order has been placed for twingo peeks
there will be both gloss, and a sparkly variant available

Should I post them up as pre-orders or should I wait until they've arrived like I do with most things?
Would buy 4 and 7, all the slaps are nice though.
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>do it for them
1 and 6 would be cool
Thank you for the positive feedback guys. Gonna get them printed.
I need kanna!!
>forgot to say, pls print thicc one.
was drew as lulzy as hoon?
any rare drews?
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ORDERS 80% slap when?

RIP Notorious FAG
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Drew was too egotistical and stole some anon's idea, shutdown because he had no ideas to steal other than GLC. hoon was just too much of a shill.
I'd say Hoon's behavior was the most autistic
Notori made the mistake of not discontinuing and limiting some of his stock. He did held up long though. He'd be good as a sticker producer for shops since he has a machine and could just limit the stickers he wants to sell.
I hope he gets through that hell he's currently stuck in.
who's kansai?
They call him the one who doesn't care about customer privacy as he tried to defending posting his buyers address
How did Hoon shill? I thought people just didn't like him asking questions
That looks fantastic. If I had a twinge o would slap that on ot
constant samefagging
Don't have any concepts drawn up yet, but what would you guys think of an azumanga daioh Bonklers slap? I've been spitballing some ideas for some azumanga slaps for a while now, and I feel like we'd at least for the bill as bonklers.
They're all equally shit. Go watch a good anime.
that too but he kept posting links even in his name. replying to his own "anon" posts, hence the samefag call out.
hoon did ask for advice from the discord but took any poor criticism as very offensive though you can't improve if you take it, listen to what others think you can improve on and try giving some effort in your work, try again. Dude just went on full on defensive mode like an ass and developed an ego kinda like Drew
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Meanwhile in #4chan IRC
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the newest of new fags.
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about fucking time
ive been emailing staff for ages about this

Hoon gets shit done, he got his shit printed, and he didn't waiver.

Hoon is a real hero.

I am Hoon and you're welcome for this.
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>happy to see someone trying to get /osg/ removed
>following /osg/ to begin with though?

Jesus christ hoon quit being a fucking child.
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>He puts stickers on his car
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>waaah I wanted to fit in
>they don't like me so I must shut them down

Dude, there's other places than this shithole, no one is asking him or anyone to stay here. If you don't like it, leave.
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...t-technically my mechanic puts it on

>yfw you're not hoon
>not changing your own oil
trolly got perm banned for selling stickers people actually wanted (wat stickers)
he didnt make a thread every single day that advertised a dozen different web stores. he would just get asked in random threads by anon if he had any stickers available, then give out his email, and sell stickers for cost of DELIVERY ONLY. not twelve fucking dollars.

this thread is pure fucking cancer full of newfags in literal shitboxes with cringe stickers all over their back window
no one selling stickers cares about board culture. they are pushing anime girls just to compliment their neetbux

all of you fuck off and stay fucked off
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>being poor
lmao even on IRC people hate him and they don't even know who he is. How can one person be such a failure?
I hate what /osg/ has become.
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Woah there, we're just here trying to enjoy our stupid anime car meme stickers. This sperg is the one that has a problem with us to try to get us shut down because he can't accept that people don't like his products and *we're* supposed to GTFO?
all thanks to hoon and the FBfags
natural progression for a general thread circle jerk that has nothing to do with cars and everything to do with autistic weeb shit
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>being hopelessly unskilled
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>driving a shitbox
>not having a renowned tuning garage do your maintenance
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new thread >>16792917
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>illegal street racing

>autistic weeb shit
>a website made for autistic weeb shit

I think you're in the wrong place, fb is more for you.
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>not enjoying working on your car
>Not knowing exactly what oil and filter go in your car
>not knowing the job the was done correctly
This. /osg/ shenanigans are tame by 4chan standards, so if this shit triggers you, idk man.
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theres a difference between good weeb shit and autistic weeb shit
moeshit 'peeks' and cringe tier wanna be midnight club groups fall under the autistic category
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>I only work on my car so I can post it on social media so my 3 friends know I'm a car guy

who said you have to work on your car to enjoy cars? if it's /o/ that's pathetic
You just posted the autistic category, kys
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That not even close to what I said.
>WE elected trump
That's fucking rich coming from a god damn LEAF. It's Make America Great Again not Make Alberta Gay Again.
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